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of vuvh, who lives le-olam-va-ed.<br />

8 And the Mishkan was filled with smoke from the<br />

tifereth of vuvh, and from His power; and no man was<br />

able to enter into the Mishkan, until the seven plagues of<br />

the seven heavenly malachim were fulfilled.<br />

16<br />

And I heard a great voice out of the Mishkan saying<br />

to the seven heavenly malachim, Go your ways, and pour<br />

out the bowls of the wrath of vuvh upon the olam.<br />

2 And the first went, and poured out his bowl upon the<br />

olam; and there fell severe and malignant sores 6463 upon<br />

the men who had the mark of the beast, and upon them<br />

who worshipped his image.<br />

3 And the second heavenly malach poured out his bowl<br />

upon the sea; and it became as the dahm of a dead man:<br />

and every living being died in the sea.<br />

4 And the third heavenly malach poured out his bowl<br />

upon the rivers and fountains of mayim; and they became<br />

dahm. 6464<br />

5 And I heard the heavenly malach of the mayim say,<br />

You are tzadik, O vuvh, who is and was and who shall be,<br />

because You have judged well.<br />

6 For they have shed the dahm of the Yisraelite kidushim<br />

and neviim, and You have given them dahm to drink; for<br />

they are worthy.<br />

7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so,<br />

Master vuvh El-Shaddai, emet and tzadik are Your<br />

mishpatim.<br />

8 And the fourth heavenly malach poured out his bowl<br />

upon the sun; and power was given to him to scorch men<br />

with fire.<br />

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and<br />

blasphemed the Name of vuvh, who has power over these<br />

plagues: and they did not make teshuvah to give Him<br />

tifereth.<br />

10 And the fifth heavenly malach poured out his bowl<br />

upon the kesay of the beast; 6465 and his malchut was full<br />

of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,<br />

11 And blasphemed the tvkt of the shamayim because<br />

of their pains and their sores, and did not make teshuvah<br />

from their deeds.<br />

12 And the sixth heavenly malach poured out his bowl<br />

upon the great River Euphrates; 6466 and the mayim of it<br />

was dried up, so that the way of the melechim of the east<br />

might be prepared. 6467<br />

13 And I saw three unclean shadim like frogs come out of<br />

the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast<br />

and out of the mouth of the false prophet.<br />

14 For they are the ruachim of shadim, working nisim,<br />

who go forth to the melechim of the olam and to the<br />

entire olam, to gather them to the battle of that great Yom<br />

vuvh the Almighty.<br />

15 See, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches, and<br />

keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his<br />

shame.<br />

16 And He gathered them together into a place called in<br />

Ivrit, Har Meggido.<br />

17 And the seventh heavenly malach poured out his bowl<br />

into the air; and there came a great voice out of the<br />

Mishkan of the shamayim, from the kesay, saying, It is<br />

done.<br />

18 And there were voices and thunders and lightning and<br />

there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men<br />


- 778 -<br />

were upon the olam, so mighty an earthquake, and so<br />

great.<br />

19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the<br />

cities of the nations fell: and great Bavel came to<br />

remembrance before vuvh, to give to her the cup of the<br />

wine of the fierceness of His wrath.<br />

20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were<br />

not found. 6468<br />

21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of the<br />

shamayim, every stone about the weight of a talent: and<br />

men blasphemed vuvh because of the plague of the hail;<br />

for the plague of it was exceedingly great.<br />

17<br />

And there came one of the seven heavenly malachim<br />

who had the seven bowls, and talked with me, saying to<br />

me, Come here; I will show to you the mishpat of the<br />

great whore that sits upon many mayim: 6469<br />

2 With whom the melechim of the olam have committed<br />

fornication, and the inhabitants of the olam have been<br />

made drunk with the wine of her fornication. 6470<br />

3 So he carried me away in the Ruach into the wilderness:<br />

6471 and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast,<br />

full of names of blasphemy, 6472 having seven heads and<br />

ten horns.<br />

4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color<br />

and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls,<br />

having a golden cup in her hand full of the abominations<br />

and filthiness of her fornication: 6473<br />

5 And upon her forehead was a name written,<br />



OLAM. 6476<br />

6 And I saw the woman drunk with the dahm of the<br />

Yisraelite kidushim, and with the dahm of the martyrs of<br />

gauvh : and when I saw her, I wondered greatly. 6477<br />

7 And the heavenly malach said to me, Why did you<br />

marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of<br />

the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads 6478<br />

and ten horns. 6479<br />

8 The beast that you saw was and is not; and shall ascend<br />

out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they<br />

that dwell in the olam shall wonder, whose names were<br />

not written in the Scroll of Chayim from the foundation of<br />

the olam, when they see the beast that was and is not and<br />

yet is. 6480<br />

9 And here is the mind that has chochmah. The seven<br />

heads are the seven mountains, on which the woman<br />

sits. 6481<br />

10 And there are seven melechim: five are fallen 6482 and<br />

one is 6483 and the other has not yet come; 6484 6485 and<br />

when he comes, he must continue a short space. 6486<br />

11 And the beast that was and is not, even he is the eighth<br />

and is of the seven and goes into destruction. 6487<br />

12 And the ten horns that you saw are ten melechim, who<br />

have received no malchut as yet; but receive power as<br />

melechim in just one hour with the beast. 6488<br />

13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and<br />

strength to the beast. 6489<br />

14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb<br />

shall overcome them: for He is Master of masters and<br />

Melech of melechim: and they that are with Him are<br />

called, the chosen and faithful people of Yisrael. 6490<br />

15 And he said to me, The mayim that you saw, where the

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