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1<br />

Shaul, a sholiach of gauvh ha Moshiach by the<br />

commandment of vuvh our Savior, and Master gauvh ha<br />

Moshiach our tikvah;<br />

2 To Timtheous, my own ben emunah: Unmerited favor,<br />

rachamim, and shalom, from vuvh our Abba and gauvh<br />

ha Moshiach our Master.<br />

3 As I asked you to stay at Ephsiyah, when I went into<br />

Makedonia, 6279 that you might command some that they<br />

teach no other teaching,<br />

4 Neither give heed to bubbe mysehs and endless<br />

genealogies, which cause disputes, rather than building up<br />

your emunah. 6280<br />

5 Now the goal of the above commandment is ahava out<br />

of a clean lev, a tov conscience, and sincere emunah:<br />

6 From which some having turned aside to foolish words;<br />

7 Desiring to be teachers of the Torah; understanding<br />

neither what they say, nor what they affirm. 6281<br />

8 But we know that the Torah is tov, if a man uses it<br />

lawfully;<br />

9 Knowing this, that the Torah is not made for a tzadik,<br />

but for the Torah-less and disobedient, for the wicked and<br />

for sinners, for Shabbat-breakers, 6282 for wrong-doers, for<br />

profane, for murderers of ahvot and murderers of eemot,<br />

for killers,<br />

10 For those who whore, for sodomites and lesbians, for<br />

kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there be any<br />

other thing that is contrary to sound Torah-keeping;<br />

11 According to the beautiful Besorah of the blessed<br />

tvkt, that was committed to my trust. 6283<br />

12 And I give hodu to Moshiach gauvh our Master, who<br />

has empowered me, in that He counted me faithful,<br />

putting me into His service;<br />

13 Even though before I was a blasphemer, and a<br />

persecutor, and insulter of believers: I obtained<br />

rachamim, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.<br />

14 And the unmerited favor of our Master was<br />

exceedingly abundant to me with the emunah and ahava<br />

that is in Moshiach gauvh.<br />

15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptance:<br />

That Moshiach gauvh came into the olam hazeh to save<br />

sinners; of whom I am the worst.<br />

16 But for this cause I obtained rachamim, that in me first<br />

gauvh ha Moshiach might show forth all patience, as a<br />

pattern to those who will believe on Him to everlasting<br />

chayim after me.<br />

17 Now to the Melech, Eternal, Immortal, 6284 Invisible,<br />

the only wise tvkt, be honor and tifereth le-olam-va-ed.<br />

18 This charge I commit to you, my son Timtheous,<br />

according to the prophecies which went before upon you,<br />

that you by them might wage a tov campaign;<br />

19 Holding your emunah, in a tov conscience; because<br />

those who have rejected this charge have had their<br />

emunah shipwrecked:<br />

20 Among those are Humenaios and Alexander; whom I<br />

have delivered to s.a.tan that they may learn not to<br />

blaspheme. 6285<br />

2<br />

I urge that, first of all, supplications, tefillot,<br />

Timtheous Alef – t xut,nhy<br />

First Timothy<br />

To A Shepherd of Yisrael<br />

- 764 -<br />

intercessions, and hodu, be made for all men;<br />

2 For melechim, and for all that are in authority; that we<br />

may lead a quiet and shalom-filled chayim in all Shabbatguarding<br />

piety and seriousness.<br />

3 For this is tov and acceptable in the sight of vuvh our<br />

Savior;<br />

4 Who will have all men to be saved, and come to the<br />

da’at of the emet.<br />

5 For there is tvkt-Echad, and One Mediator between<br />

tvkt and men, the Man gauvh ha Moshiach; 6286<br />

6 Who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be proclaimed in<br />

due time.<br />

7 Of which I am ordained as a proclaimer, and a sholiach<br />

– I speak the emet in Moshiach, and do not lie – a teacher<br />

of the nations 6287 in the emunah and emet.<br />

8 I desire therefore that men make tefillot everywhere,<br />

lifting up kadosh hands, without wrath, or doubting.<br />

9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in<br />

modest apparel, with decency and sensitive chochmah;<br />

not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly<br />

outfits; 6288<br />

10 But that which becomes a woman professing Shabbatguarding<br />

piety with tov mitzvoth.<br />

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 6289<br />

12 But I do not allow a woman to teach, or to usurp<br />

authority over the man, but to be in silence. 6290<br />

13 For Ahdahm was first formed, then Chavah.<br />

14 And Ahdahm was not deceived, but the woman being<br />

deceived was in the transgression. 6291<br />

15 But she shall give brachot and chayim by the children<br />

she bears, if of course they continue in emunah, ahava<br />

and set-apartness with sensible behavior.<br />

This is a true saying, if a man desires the office of a<br />

teaching-overseer, or shamesh, he desires a tov work.<br />

2 A teaching overseeing shamesh then must be blameless,<br />

the husband of one wife, 6292 3<br />

vigilant, sober, of tov<br />

behavior, given to hospitality, able to teach;<br />

3 Not given to excessive wine, not a short-tempered<br />

brawler, not a lover of unjust gains; but patient and<br />

gentle;<br />

4 One that oversees his own bayit well, having his<br />

children in subjection living in all purity;<br />

5 For if a man knows not how to oversee his own bayit,<br />

how shall he take care of the congregation of vuvh ?<br />

6 Not a new believer, lest being lifted up with pride he<br />

fall into the condemnation of s.a.tan.<br />

7 Moreover he must have a tov report of those who<br />

remain outside Yisrael; lest he fall into the reproach and<br />

the snare of s.a.tan.<br />

8 Likewise must the shamashim also be pure, not doubletongued,<br />

not given to much wine, not greedy for unjust<br />

gain;<br />

9 Holding the divine mystery of the emunah in a<br />

clean conscience.<br />

10 And let these shamashim also first be tested and<br />

examined; then let them use the office of a shamesh, after<br />

having been found blameless.

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