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1<br />

Shaul, and Sila, and Timtheous, to the Yisraelite<br />

congregation of Tesloniqyah 6231 which is in Abba<br />

vuvh and in the Master gauvh ha Moshiach: unmerited<br />

favor be to you, and shalom, from vuvh our Abba, and the<br />

Master gauvh ha Moshiach.<br />

2 We give hodu to vuvh always for you all, making<br />

mention of you in our tefillot;<br />

3 Remembering without ceasing your mitzvoth in the<br />

emunah, and labor of ahava, and patience of tikvah in our<br />

Master gauvh ha Moshiach, in the sight of vuvh our<br />

Abba;<br />

4 Knowing, beloved Yisraelite brothers, your choosing by<br />

vuvh.<br />

5 For our Besorah came not to you in word only, but also<br />

in power, and in the Ruach Hakodesh, 6232 and in much<br />

assurance; as you know what manner of men we were<br />

among you for your sake.<br />

6 And you became followers of us, and of the Master,<br />

having received the word in much tribulation, with the<br />

simcha of the Ruach Hakodesh:<br />

7 So that you were examples to all that believe in<br />

Makedonia and Achayah. 6233<br />

8 For from you sounded forth the word of the Master not<br />

only in Makedonia and Achayah, but also in every place,<br />

so that your emunah towards vuvh is spread abroad; so<br />

that we do not need to speak anything more about you.<br />

9 For they themselves relate to us what manner of entry<br />

we first had with you, and how you made teshuvah<br />

towards vuvh from idols to serve the living and emet<br />

tvkt;<br />

10 And to wait for His Son from the shamayim, who He<br />

raised from the dead, even gauvh, who delivers us from<br />

the wrath to come. 6234<br />

2 For you yourselves, Yisraelite brothers, know our<br />

entrance in and among you, that it was not a waste of<br />

time:<br />

2 But even after we had suffered and were shamefully<br />

treated before, as you know, at Philippi, we were bold in<br />

our tvkt to speak to you the Besorah of vuvh in much<br />

struggle.<br />

3 For our appeal was not by deceit, nor by uncleanness,<br />

6235<br />

nor by guile:<br />

4 But as we were allowed by vuvh to be put in trust with<br />

the Besorah, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but<br />

vuvh, who tries our levim.<br />

5 For neither at any time did we use flattering words to<br />

make you believe, as you know, nor under a secret desire<br />

based upon greed; vuvh is my witness:<br />

6 We sought not support, either from you, or from others,<br />

when we could have been burdensome to you, as the<br />

shlichim of Moshiach.<br />

7 But we were gentle among you, even as a nursing eema<br />

nurses her children:<br />

8 So having this affectionate desire towards you, we were<br />

willing to have imparted to you, not the Besorah of vuvh<br />

only, but also our own beings, because you were dear to<br />

us.<br />

Tesloniqyah Alef – t thehbukx, thehbukx,<br />

thehbukx,<br />

First Thessalonians<br />

To The Believing Remnant Of Yisrael<br />

- 759 -<br />

9 For you remember, Yisraelite brothers, our labor and<br />

toil: for laboring night and day when with you, because<br />

we would not be burdensome to any of you, we<br />

proclaimed to you the Besorah of tvkt.<br />

10 You are witnesses, along with vuvh also, how kadosh<br />

and justly and without blame we behaved ourselves<br />

among you that believe:<br />

11 As you know how we exhorted and comforted and<br />

oversaw each one of you, as an abba does with his<br />

children,<br />

12 That you would have your halacha worthy of vuvh,<br />

who has called you to His malchut and tifereth.<br />

13 For this cause also we give hodu to vuvh without<br />

ceasing, because, when you received the word of vuvh<br />

which you heard from us, you received it not as the word<br />

of men, but as it is in emet, the word of vuvh, that also<br />

works in you that believe.<br />

14 For you, Yisraelite brothers, became followers of the<br />

congregations of vuvh which in Yahudah are in Moshiach<br />

gauvh: For you also have suffered similar things from<br />

your own countrymen, even as they have from the<br />

unbelieving Yahudim in the land of Yahudah: 6236<br />

15 Who both killed the Master gauvh, 6237 and their own<br />

neviim, and have persecuted us; and they please not<br />

tvkt, and are against all men:<br />

16 Forbidding us to speak to the nations 6238 so that they<br />

might be saved, to fill up their sins all the way: for His<br />

6239 6240<br />

wrath has come upon them to the uttermost.<br />

17 But we, Yisraelite brothers, being taken from you for a<br />

short time in presence, not in lev, tried even more<br />

earnestly to see your face with great desire.<br />

18 Therefore we would have come to you, even I Shaul,<br />

again; but s.a.tan hindered us.<br />

19 For what is our tikvah, or simcha, or keter of gilah?<br />

All of you are; now and even then in the presence of our<br />

Master gauvh ha Moshiach at His coming?<br />

20 For you are our tifereth and simcha.<br />

So when we could no longer stand it, we thought it tov<br />

to be left alone at Athens;<br />

2 And sent Timtheous, our Yisraelite brother, and eved of<br />

vuvh, and our fellow-laborer in the Besorah of Moshiach,<br />

to establish you, and to encourage you concerning your<br />

emunah:<br />

3 That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for<br />

you yourselves know that we are appointed to this. 6241<br />

3<br />

4 For truly, when we were with you, we told you before<br />

that we would suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass,<br />

as you know.<br />

5 For this cause, when I could no longer stand it, I sent to<br />

know about your emunah, lest by some means the tempter<br />

had tempted you, and our labor among you be in vain.<br />

6 But now when Timtheous came from you back to us,<br />

and brought us the tov update of your emunah and ahava,<br />

and that you have tov memories of us all the time,<br />

desiring greatly to see us again, as we also to see you<br />

again:<br />

7 Therefore, Yisraelite brothers, we were comforted over

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