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Moshiach; that every one may receive the things done<br />

with his body, according to what he has done, whether it<br />

be tov, or bad.<br />

11 Knowing therefore the fear of vuvh, we persuade and<br />

win men; so that we are understood by vuvh; and I trust<br />

also by you in your consciences.<br />

12 For we commend not ourselves again to you, but we<br />

give you an occasion to boast about us, that you may have<br />

something to answer them who take pride in appearance,<br />

and not in lev.<br />

13 For if we are wrong, we answer to tvkt: or if we are<br />

tzadikim, it is for your sake.<br />

14 For the ahava of Moshiach compels us; because we<br />

have judged this to be emet, that if One died for all, then<br />

all were dead:<br />

15 And that He died for all, that those who live should not<br />

from now on live for themselves, but for Him who died<br />

for them, and rose again.<br />

16 And from now on we know no man after the body:<br />

yes, though we have known Moshiach after the body, yet<br />

now we don’t know Him any longer in this way.<br />

17 Therefore if any man is in Moshiach, he is a renewed<br />

creation: old things have passed away; behold, all things<br />

have become renewed.<br />

18 And all things are of vuvh, who has restored us to<br />

Himself by gauvh ha Moshiach, and has given to us the<br />

service of restoration; 5964<br />

19 Definitely then vuvh was in Moshiach, 5965 restoring the<br />

olam to Himself, not counting their trespasses against<br />

them; and has committed to us the word of<br />

restoration. 5966<br />

20 Now then we are ambassadors for the Moshiach, as<br />

though tvkt is asking you through us: we beg you on<br />

Moshiach’s behalf, be restored to vuvh.<br />

21 For He has made Him to be the sin sacrifice for us,<br />

who knew no sin; that we might be made the tzedakah of<br />

vuvh in Him.<br />

6 We then, as workers together with Him, appeal to you<br />

also that you receive not the unmerited favor of vuvh in<br />

vain.<br />

2 For He said, I have heard you in an accepted time, and<br />

in the day of salvation have I helped you: behold, now is<br />

the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.<br />

3 Giving no offense in anything that the service of<br />

restoration is not blamed:<br />

4 But in all things showing ourselves to be the avadim of<br />

tvkt, in much patience, in afflictions, in hardships, in<br />

distresses,<br />

5 In scourgings, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors,<br />

in vigils, in fastings;<br />

6 In clean Torah living, in da’at, in longsuffering, in<br />

chesed, in the Ruach Hakodesh, in sincere ahava,<br />

7 In the word of emet, in the power of tvkt, in the<br />

armor of tzedakah on the right hand and on the left,<br />

8 In honor and dishonor, in evil report and tov report: as<br />

deceivers, and yet being emet;<br />

9 In unknown, and yet well known; in dying, and, behold,<br />

we live; in chastening, and yet not killed;<br />

10 As sad, yet always in gilah; in poverty, yet making<br />

many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all<br />

things.<br />

11 Oy Qorintyahim, we have told you everything, our lev<br />


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is exposed.<br />

12 You are not constrained by us, but you are restrained<br />

by your own levim.<br />

13 Now repay me the same way; I speak to my children;<br />

also become increased in your ahava for me.<br />

14 Do not unite together in marriage with unbelievers: for<br />

what fellowship has tzedakah with Torah-less-ness? And<br />

what mingling has Light with darkness?<br />

15 And what accord, or brit has Moshiach with s.a.tan?<br />

Or, what portion has he that believes with an unbeliever?<br />

16 And what union has the Beit HaMikdash of vuvh with<br />

idols? For you are the Beit HaMikdash of the living<br />

tvkt; as vuvh has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in<br />

them; and I will be their tvkt, and they shall be My<br />

Ami-people. 5967<br />

17 Therefore come out from among them, and be kadosh,<br />

says the Master vuvh, and touch not the unclean things;<br />

and I will receive you, 5968<br />

18 And will be an Abba to you, and you shall be My sons<br />

and daughters, says the Master vuvh the Almighty.<br />

7<br />

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let<br />

us cleanse ourselves 5969 from all filthiness of the flesh<br />

and ruach, perfecting our set-apartness in the fear of vuvh.<br />

2 Receive us; we have wronged no man, we have<br />

corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man.<br />

3 I speak this not to condemn you: for I have said before,<br />

that you are in our levim to die and live with you.<br />

4 Great is my boldness of speech towards you, great is my<br />

boasting about you: I am filled with comfort, I am<br />

exceedingly in simcha in all our tribulation.<br />

5 For, when we were come into Makedonia, our flesh had<br />

no rest, but we were troubled on every side; around us<br />

fighting and disputes, within were fears and pressure.<br />

6 Nevertheless tvkt, that comforts those that are cast<br />

down, comforted us by the coming of Teitus;<br />

7 And not by his coming only, but by the comfort with<br />

which he was comforted by you, when he told us of your<br />

longing desire, your mourning, your zeal towards me; so<br />

that I had even more simcha.<br />

8 For though I made you sorry with a letter, I do not<br />

regret it, though I did regret it before: for I perceive that<br />

the same letter has made you sad, though it was only for a<br />

little while. 5970<br />

9 Now I have gilah, not that you were made sorry, but<br />

that you sorrowed leading you to full teshuvah: for you<br />

were made sorry according to the things of vuvh, that you<br />

might not be damaged by us in any way.<br />

10 For sorrow according to the things of vuvh leads to<br />

teshuvah and to salvation that never needs to be repented<br />

of: but the sorrow of the olam hazeh works death.<br />

11 For look; the very thing that was distressing you, that<br />

you sorrowed over according to the things of vuvh, that<br />

has resulted from your great effort, yes in your apology,<br />

yes in your anger over your sin, yes in your fear of tvkt,<br />

yes in your ahava, desire, zeal, and righting of all wrongs!<br />

In all things you have proven yourselves to be clear in<br />

this matter.<br />

12 So, although I wrote to you, I did not write for the<br />

cause of him who had done the wrong, nor for the cause<br />

of the one that suffered the wrong, but that our care for<br />

you in the sight of tvkt might appear to be evident to<br />


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