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murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer.<br />

11 Now all these things happened to them for examples:<br />

and they are written as our warning, 5894 upon whom the<br />

end of the olam hazeh has come.<br />

12 Therefore let him that thinks he stands take careful<br />

watch, lest he fall.<br />

13 There has no trial come upon you but such as is<br />

common to all men: but vuvh is faithful, who will not<br />

allow you to be tempted above that which you are able to<br />

bear; but will with the trial also make a way of escape,<br />

that you may be able to bear it.<br />

14 Therefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. 5895<br />

15 I speak as to wise men; you are the judge of what I<br />

say.<br />

16 The kiddish cup of bracha which we bless, is it not the<br />

sharing of the dahm of the Moshiach? The matzah which<br />

we break, is it not the sharing of the body of the<br />

Moshiach?<br />

17 For we being many are one lechem, and one body: for<br />

we are all partakers of that lechem echad. 5896<br />

18 Behold Yisrael whose observance is after the flesh:<br />

5897 are not those who eat of the sacrifices partakers of the<br />

altar?<br />

19 What then do I say? That the idol is anything, or that<br />

which is offered in sacrifice to idols is anything?<br />

20 But I say, that the things that the gentiles sacrifice, 5898<br />

they sacrifice to shadim, and not to tvkt: and I would<br />

not that you should have chavurah with shadim.<br />


5899 5900<br />

21 You cannot drink the kiddish cup of vuvh, and the cup<br />

of shadim: you cannot be partakers of vuvh’s shulchan,<br />

and the shulchan of shadim.<br />

22 Do we provoke vuvh to jealousy? Are we stronger than<br />

He is?<br />

23 All things are permitted for me, but all things are not<br />

profitable: all things are permitted for me, but all things<br />

do not build up my emunah.<br />

24 Let no man seek his own interests only, but every man<br />

another’s well-being and welfare.<br />

25 Whatever is sold in the meat market, that eat, asking<br />

no questions for conscience sake: 5901<br />

26 For the earth is the Master vuvh’s, and the fullness of<br />

it.<br />

27 If any of them that believes not invites you to a feast,<br />

and you desire to go; whatever is set before you, eat,<br />

asking no questions for conscience sake. 5902<br />

28 But if any man says to you, This is offered in sacrifice<br />

to idols, do not eat it for his sake that showed it, and for<br />

conscience sake: for the earth is the Master vuvh’s, and<br />

the fullness thereof:<br />

29 The conscience, of which I speak is not yours, but<br />

others: for why is my liberty judged by another man’s<br />

conscience?<br />

30 For if I by unmerited favor be a partaker, why should<br />

evil be spoken against me for that thing for which I give<br />

hodu?<br />

31 Therefore whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you<br />

do, do all to the tifereth of vuvh.<br />

32 Give no offense, neither to the Yahudim, 5903 nor to<br />

the nations, 5904 nor to the Yisraelite congregation 5905 of<br />

vuvh:<br />

33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my<br />

own advantage, but the advantage of many, that they may<br />

- 733 -<br />

be saved.<br />

11<br />

Be imitators of me, even as I also am of Moshiach.<br />

2 Now I praise you, Yisraelite brothers, that you<br />

remember me in all things, and keep the chukim and<br />

mishpatim, 5906 as I delivered them to you.<br />

3 But I would have you to know, that the head of every<br />

man is Moshiach; and the head of the woman is the man;<br />

and the head of Moshiach is vuvh. 5907<br />

4 Every man making tefillot, or prophesying, having his<br />

head veiled and hanging down, dishonors his head. 5908<br />

5 But every woman that makes tefillot, or prophesies with<br />

her head uncovered dishonors her head: for that is the<br />

same as if she were shaven. 5909<br />

6 For if the woman does not have a head covering, let her<br />

also be shorn: but if it is a shame for a woman to be<br />

shorn, or shaven, let her be covered.<br />

7 For a man indeed ought not to veil his head, 5910<br />

because he is the image and tifereth of vuvh: but the<br />

woman is the tifereth of the man.<br />

8 For the man is not from the woman; but the woman<br />

from the man.<br />

9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the<br />

woman for the man.<br />

10 For this cause ought the woman to have a symbol of<br />

authority on her head because of the unclean fallen<br />

shadim. 5911<br />

11 Nevertheless neither is the man independent of the<br />

woman, neither the woman independent of the man, in<br />

vuvh.<br />

12 For as the woman is from the man, even so is the man<br />

also through the woman; but all things are from vuvh.<br />

13 Shophet for yourselves: is it proper that a woman<br />

prays to vuvh uncovered?<br />

14 Does not nature itself teach you, that, if a man has long<br />

hair, 5912 it is a shame to him?<br />

15 But if a woman has long hair, it is a tifereth for her: for<br />

her hair is given to her as a covering. 5913<br />

16 But if any man seems to be contentious, we have no<br />

such custom of contention, neither the congregations of<br />

vuvh. 5914<br />

17 Now in declaring this to you I do not commend you,<br />

since when you come together you have not made<br />

progress but have become worse. 5915<br />

18 For first of all, when you come together in the<br />

Yisraelite congregation, I hear that there are divisions<br />

among you; and I partly believe it.<br />

19 For there must be controversies and also heresies<br />

among you, that those who are approved may be made<br />

manifest among you. 5916<br />

20 When you come together therefore into one place as<br />

Yisrael, do not eat and drink inappropriately on the day of<br />

Shabbat, the day of our Master. 5917<br />

21 For in eating every one takes his own meal first: and<br />

one is hungry, and another is drunk.<br />

22 What’s going on? Don’t you have houses to eat and to<br />

drink in? Or, do you despise the Yisraelite congregation<br />

of vuvh, and shame those that have nothing? What shall I<br />

say to you? Shall I give tehilla to you for this? I will not<br />

give you tehilla.<br />

23 For I have received from vuvh that which also I<br />

delivered to you, that the Master gauvh the same night in<br />

which He was betrayed took lechem:

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