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What shall we say then about Avraham our abba, 5766<br />

who lived in the flesh, before tvkt called him?<br />

2 For if Avraham were justified by mitzvoth alone, he has<br />

something to boast about; but not before vuvh.<br />

3 For what says the Katuv? Avraham believed vuvh, and<br />

it was counted to him for tzedakah. 5767<br />

4 Now to him that performs mitzvoth alone is the reward<br />

not given as unmerited favor, but as a debt.<br />

5 But to him that works not, but believes on Him that<br />

makes tzadik the unrighteous, his emunah is counted as<br />

tzedakah.<br />

6 Even as Dawid also described the blessed status of the<br />

man, to whom vuvh imputes tzedakah without mitzvoth,<br />

7 Saying, Blessed are they whose Torah-less-ness is<br />

forgiven, and whose sins are covered.<br />

8 Blessed is the man to whom vuvh will not impute sin.<br />

9 Does this blessed status come upon the brit-milah only,<br />

or also upon the akrobustia also? For we say that emunah<br />

was imputed to Avraham as tzedakah.<br />

10 How was it then imputed? When he was in brit-milah,<br />

or in akrobustia? Not in brit-milah, but in akrobustia. 5768<br />

11 And he received the sign of brit-milah, as a seal of the<br />

tzedakah of his emunah while he was yet akrobustia: that<br />

he might be the abba of all them that believe, though they<br />

may not be circumcised; that tzedakah might be imputed<br />

to them also:<br />

12 And the abba of brit-milah to them who are not of the<br />

brit-milah only, but who also have their halacha in the<br />

steps of the emunah of our abba Avraham, which he had<br />

being yet akrobustia. 5769<br />

13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the olam<br />

hazeh, was not to Avraham, or to his zera, through the<br />

Torah, but through the tzedakah of his emunah.<br />

14 For if those who are of the Torah alone are the heirs,<br />

emunah is made void, and the promise made of none<br />

effect:<br />

15 Because the Torah works wrath: for where no Torah<br />

is, there is no transgression.<br />

16 Therefore it is by emunah, that it might be by<br />

unmerited favor; to the end that the promise might be<br />

made certain to all the zera; not to that only which is of<br />

the Torah, 5770 but to those also who are of the emunah of<br />

Avraham; who is the abba of us all, 5771<br />

17 As it is written, I have made you an abba of many<br />

nations, before Him whom he believed, even vuvh, who<br />

makes alive the dead, and calls those things which are not<br />

as though they were.<br />

18 Who against tikvah believed in tikvah, that he might<br />

become the abba of many nations; according to that<br />

which was spoken, so shall your zera be. 5772<br />

19 And being not weak in emunah, he considered not his<br />

own body almost dead, when he was about one hundred<br />

years old, neither the deadness of Sarah’s womb:<br />

20 He did not doubt the promise of vuvh through any<br />

unbelief; but was strong in emunah, giving tifereth to<br />

vuvh;<br />

21 And being fully persuaded that, what He had<br />

promised, He was able also to perform. 5773<br />

22 And therefore it was imputed to him for tzedakah.<br />

23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was<br />

imputed to him alone;<br />

24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we<br />


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believe on Him that raised up gauvh our Savior from the<br />

dead;<br />

25 Who was delivered for our willful transgressions, and<br />

was raised again for our justification.<br />

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Therefore being justified by emunah, we have shalom<br />

with vuvh through our Savior gauvh ha Moshiach:<br />

2 By whom also we have access by this emunah into this<br />

unmerited favor in which we stand, and rejoice in the<br />

tikvah of the tifereth of vuvh.<br />

3 And not only so, but we tifereth in tribulations also:<br />

knowing that tribulation works patience;<br />

4 And patience, experience; and experience, tikvah:<br />

5 And tikvah makes us bold; because the ahava of vuvh is<br />

shed abroad in our levim by the Ruach Hakodesh that is<br />

given to us.<br />

6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time<br />

Moshiach died for the unrighteous.<br />

7 Hardly for a wicked 5774 man will one die: yet maybe<br />

for a tov man some would even dare to die.<br />

8 But vuvh manifested His ahava towards us, in that,<br />

while we were yet sinners, Moshiach died for us. 5775<br />

9 Much more then, being made tzadik by His dahm, we<br />

shall be saved from wrath through Him.<br />

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were restored to<br />

vuvh 5776 by the death of His Son, much more, being<br />

restored, shall we be saved by His chayim. 5777<br />

11 And not only this, but we also simcha in vuvh through<br />

our Savior gauvh ha Moshiach, by whom we have now<br />

received the keporah.<br />

12 Therefore, as by one man sin entered into the olam<br />

hazeh, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all<br />

men, for all have sinned:<br />

13 For before the Torah sin was in the olam hazeh: but sin<br />

is not imputed when there is no Torah.<br />

14 Nevertheless, death reigned from Ahdahm to Moshe,<br />

even over all those that had not sinned after the sin of<br />

Ahdahm’s transgression, who is the type of Him that was<br />

to come.<br />

15 But the gift is not like the fall of man. For if through<br />

the fall of one man many died, how much more through<br />

the unmerited favor of vuvh, and His gift of unmerited<br />

favor, which also came by one Man, gauvh ha Moshiach,<br />

is increased for many more.<br />

16 And the fall of man is not as great as is the gift: for the<br />

mishpat of one led to the condemnation of many, but the<br />

free gift of forgiveness from many offences, resulted in<br />

the justification of many more.<br />

17 For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one;<br />

much more they who receive overflowing unmerited<br />

favor and the gift of tzedakah shall reign in chayim by<br />

One, gauvh ha Moshiach.<br />

18 Therefore as by the offense of one mishpat came upon<br />

all men to condemnation; even so by the tzedakah of One,<br />

the free gift came upon all men for justification and<br />

victory to chayim.<br />

19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made<br />

sinners, so by the obedience of One shall many be made<br />

tzadik.<br />

20 Moreover the Torah entered, so that trespasses would<br />

officially increase. But where sin increased, unmerited<br />

favor did much more abundantly increase:

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