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the right hand of the kesay of the Majesty in the<br />

shamayim;<br />

2 An attendant of the Kadosh-Place, and of the emet Tent<br />

of Meeting, which vuvh pitched, and not man.<br />

3 For every Kohen HaGadol is appointed to offer gifts<br />

and sacrifices: So it was also necessary that this Man have<br />

something to offer.<br />

4 For if He were on earth, He would not be a kohen,<br />

seeing that there are Kohanim that offer gifts according to<br />

the Torah:<br />

5 Who serve as the example and shadow of heavenly<br />

things, as Moshe was admonished by tvkt when he was<br />

about to make the Tent of Meeting: for, See, He said, that<br />

you make all things according to the pattern shown to you<br />

on the mountain.<br />

6 But now gauvh ha Moshiach has obtained a greater<br />

service, by which He also is the Mediator of a more<br />

advantageous 5535 brit, which was given as Torah 5536<br />

based upon more advantageous promises.<br />

7 For if that first brit people had been faultless, then<br />

should no place have been sought for the second.<br />

8 For finding fault with them, 5537 He says, Behold, the<br />

days come, says the Master vuvh, when I will make a<br />

Brit Chadasha with Beit Yisrael and with Beit<br />

5538 5539<br />

Yahudah:<br />

9 Not according to the brit that I made with their ahvot in<br />

the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of<br />

the land of Mitzrayim; because they continued not in My<br />

brit, and I regarded them not, 5540 says the Master vuvh.<br />

10 For this is the brit that I will make with Beit Yisrael<br />

5541 after those days, says the Master vuvh; I will put My<br />

Torah into their mind, and write it on their levim: and I<br />

will be their tvkt, and they shall be My People-Ami:<br />

11 And they shall not teach every man his fellow<br />

Yisraelite citizen, 5542 and every man his Yisraelite<br />

brother, saying, Know the Master vuvh for kol Yisrael<br />

shall know Me, from the least to the greatest of them.<br />

12 For I will forgive their unrighteousness, and their sins<br />

and their Torah-less-ness will I remember no more.<br />

13 In that He says, a new priesthood, 5543 He has made the<br />

first old. Now that which decays and becomes old is near<br />

disappearing. 5544<br />

Then truly the first priesthood 5545 also had regulations<br />

of worship, and an earthly Kadosh-Place.<br />

2 For there was a Tent of Meeting made; the first area,<br />

where the menorah, and the shulchan, and the lechem of<br />

the shechinah was; which is called the Makom Kadosh.<br />

3 And after the second veil, the area of the Tent of<br />

Meeting which is called the Kadosh HaKedoshim;<br />

4 Which had the golden censer, 5546 9<br />

and the Ark of the<br />

Testimony covered on all sides with gold, in which was<br />

the golden pot that had manna, and Aharon’s rod that<br />

budded, and the tablets of the testimony;<br />

5 And over it the cheruvim of tifereth shadowing the<br />

mercy seat; of which we won’t now speak in detail.<br />

6 Now when these things were prepared, the Kohanim<br />

went always into the Makom Kadosh of the Tent of<br />

Meeting, performing the services.<br />

7 But into the Kadosh HaKedoshim went the Kohen<br />

HaGadol alone once every year, with dahm, which he<br />

offered for himself, and for the sins of the people:<br />


- 703 -<br />

8 The Ruach Hakodesh therefore signifying, that the way<br />

into the Makom Kadosh was not yet made manifest for<br />

believers, while the first Tent of Meeting was still<br />

standing: 5547<br />

9 Which was a parable 5548 for the time then present, in<br />

which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could<br />

not make the one that did the service perfect, regarding<br />

his conscience;<br />

10 Which stood only in food offerings and drink<br />

offerings, and different washings, and flesh-related<br />

regulations, imposed on the Kohanim until the time of<br />

reformation 5549 and restoration. 5550<br />

11 But Moshiach has now become a Kohen HaGadol of<br />

tov things to come, by a greater and more perfect Tent of<br />

Meeting, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this<br />

creation;<br />

12 Neither by the dahm of goats and calves, but by His<br />

own dahm He entered in once into the Kadosh<br />

HaKedoshim, having obtained eternal geulah for us.<br />

13 For if the dahm of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of<br />

a red heifer sprinkling the defiled, sets-apart the flesh:<br />

14 How much more shall the dahm of Moshiach, who<br />

through the eternal Ruach offered Himself without<br />

blemish to tvkt, purify your conscience from dead<br />

works to serve the living tvkt?<br />

15 And for this cause He is the Mediator of the Brit<br />

Chadasha, by means of His death, for the geulah of the<br />

sins that were done in the first brit, so that those who are<br />

called, might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.<br />

16 For where a will is presented it shows the death of its<br />

maker.<br />

17 For a will is in force only after men are dead:<br />

otherwise it is useless while its maker lives.<br />

18 For this reason not even the first will was dedicated<br />

without dahm.<br />

19 For when Moshe had spoken every precept to all the<br />

people according to the Torah, he took the dahm of<br />

calves, with mayim, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and<br />

sprinkled both the scroll, and all the people,<br />

20 Saying, This is the dahm of the will 5551 which vuvh<br />

has commanded for you.<br />

21 In like manner later, he sprinkled with dahm both the<br />

Tent of Meeting, and all the vessels of the service.<br />

22 And almost all things are by the Torah purged with<br />

dahm; and without the shedding of dahm there is no<br />

forgiveness.<br />

23 It was therefore necessary that the images of the<br />

heavenly things should be purified with these; although<br />

the heavenly objects are from a better sacrifice than<br />

these. 5552<br />

24 For the Moshiach is not entered into the Kadosh-Place<br />

made with hands, which is an image of the true one; but<br />

into the shamayim itself, now to appear in the presence of<br />

vuvh for us: 5553<br />

25 For He does not need to offer Himself often, as the<br />

Kohen HaGadol who enters into the Kadosh HaKedoshim<br />

every year with dahm that is not His own;<br />

26 For then He would have to suffer often from the<br />

foundation of the olam: but now once at the end of the<br />

olam hazeh, He has appeared to abolish sin by the<br />

sacrifice of Himself.<br />

27 And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this<br />

the mishpat: 5554

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