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each out for Him, and find Him, though He be not far<br />

from any one of us:<br />

28 For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as<br />

certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also<br />

His offspring.<br />

29 Now then since we are the offspring of vuvh, we<br />

should not think that El-Elyon is anything like gold, or<br />

silver, or stone, created by man’s mind, or devices.<br />

30 For the past times of ignorance vuvh overlooked; but<br />

now commands all men every where to make teshuvah:<br />

31 Because He has appointed a Yom Din, in which He<br />

will judge the olam in tzedakah by that Man whom He<br />

has ordained; by which He has given proof to all men, in<br />

that He has raised Him from the dead.<br />

32 And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead,<br />

some mocked: and others said, We will listen to you<br />

again on this matter.<br />

33 So Shaul departed from among them.<br />

34 But certain men joined him, and believed: among<br />

whom was Dionusios the Areopagite, and a woman<br />

named Damaris, and others with them.<br />

18<br />

After these things Shaul departed from Athens, and<br />

came to Corinth;<br />

2 And found a certain Yahudi named Aquila, born in<br />

Pontus, who had recently come from Italy, with his wife<br />

Priscilla; because Claudius had commanded all Yahudim<br />

to depart from Romiyah and they came to them.<br />

3 And because he was of the same trade, he stayed with<br />

them, and they worked together: for by their occupation<br />

they were tallit makers. 5350<br />

4 And he reasoned in the synagogue every Shabbat, and<br />

persuaded the Yahudim and the Greeks. 5351<br />

5 And when Sila and Timtheous were come from<br />

Makedonia, Shaul was pressed in the Ruach, because the<br />

Yahudim opposed and blasphemed as he testified that<br />

gauvh was the Moshiach.<br />

6 And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed,<br />

he shook off his garment, and said to them, Your dahm be<br />

upon your own heads; I am clean: from now on I will go<br />

to the nations.<br />

7 And he departed there, and entered into a certain man’s<br />

bayit, named Justus, one that worshipped vuvh, whose<br />

bayit was next to the synagogue.<br />

8 And Crispus, the rabbi of the synagogue, believed on<br />

gauvh with all his bayit; and many of the Corinthians<br />

hearing believed, and were immersed.<br />

9 Then spoke the Master vuvh to Shaul in the night by a<br />

vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent:<br />

10 For I am with you, and no man shall attack you to hurt<br />

you: for I have many people in this city. 5352<br />

11 And he stayed there a year and six months, teaching<br />

the word of vuvh among them.<br />

12 And when Gallion was the proconsul of Achayah, the<br />

unbelieving Yahudim made insurrection with one accord<br />

against Shaul, and brought him to the mishpat bema,<br />

13 Saying, This fellow persuades men to worship tvkt<br />

contrary to the Torah.<br />

14 And when Shaul was now about to open his mouth,<br />

Gallion said to the Yahudim, If it were a matter of<br />

criminal wrong, or wicked lewdness, O you Yahudim,<br />

there would be a reason that I should listen to you:<br />

15 But if it is a question of words and names, 5353 and of<br />


- 686 -<br />

your Torah, you can settle it; for I do not wish to be a<br />

judge of such matters.<br />

16 And he removed all of them from the mishpat bema.<br />

17 Then all the pagans 5354 took Sosthenes, the rabbi of<br />

the synagogue, and beat him before the mishpat seat. And<br />

Gallion cared for none of those things.<br />

18 And Shaul after this stayed there yet a tov while, and<br />

then took his leave from the Yisraelite brothers, and<br />

sailed from there into Aram, and with him Priscilla and<br />

Aquila; having shaved his head in Cenchrea: for he was<br />

under a Nazarite vow.<br />

19 And he came to Ephsiyah, and left them there: but he<br />

himself entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the<br />

Yahudim.<br />

20 When they desired him to stay longer with them, he<br />

declined;<br />

21 But bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means<br />

keep this moed 5355 that comes in Yahrushalayim: but I<br />

will return again to you, if vuvh wills. And he sailed from<br />

Ephsiyah.<br />

22 And when he had landed at Caesarea, and went up,<br />

and greeted the congregation of Yisrael, then he went<br />

down to Antioch.<br />

23 And after he had spent some time there, he departed,<br />

and went over all the country of Galutyah and Phrygia,<br />

strengthening all the talmidim.<br />

24 And a certain Yahudi named Apollos, born at<br />

Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the Keetvay<br />

HaKadosh, came to Ephsiyah.<br />

25 This man was instructed in the Torah and halacha of<br />

the Master vuvh; and being fervent in the Ruach, he spoke<br />

and taught diligently the things of vuvh, knowing only the<br />

mikvah of Yochanan ha Matbeel.<br />

26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: and<br />

when Aquila and Priscilla had heard him, they took him<br />

to them, and expounded to him the Derech of vuvh more<br />

fully.<br />

27 And when he was disposed to pass into Achayah, the<br />

Yisraelite brothers wrote, exhorting the talmidim to<br />

receive him, and when he arrived, helped them much who<br />

had believed through favor:<br />

28 For he mightily refuted the Yahudim, publicly,<br />

showing by the Keetvay HaKadosh that gauvh was in<br />

fact the Moshiach.<br />

19<br />

And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at<br />

Corinth, Shaul having passed through the upper borders<br />

came to Ephsiyah: and finding certain talmidim,<br />

2 He said to them, Have you received the Ruach<br />

Hakodesh when you believed? And they said to him, We<br />

have not even heard whether there is any Ruach<br />

Hakodesh.<br />

3 And he said to them, Into what then were you<br />

immersed? And they said, Into Yochanan ha Matbeel’s<br />

mikvah.<br />

4 Then said Shaul, Yochanan ha Matbeel truly immersed<br />

with the mikvah of teshuvah, saying to the people, that<br />

they should believe on Him who should come after him,<br />

that is, on Moshiach gauvh.<br />

5 When they heard this, they were immersed in the Name<br />

of the Master gauvh.<br />

6 And when Shaul had laid his hands upon them, the<br />

Ruach Hakodesh came on them; and they spoke with

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