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Maaseh Shlichim – ohfhka ohfhka vagn<br />

vagn<br />

Acts Of The Apostles<br />

To All Nations<br />

When attending “<strong>Bible</strong> College,” or<br />

seminary, or other such religious-based<br />

classes, often the teacher or instructor will<br />

make a startling statement that seems<br />

logical, but is the cause for great<br />

misunderstandings of the true faith of the<br />

disciples. Usually the remark will sound<br />

something like this: “The Book of Acts is a<br />

historical book used to record the<br />

transition between the Jewish dispensation<br />

and the ‘New Yisrael’ church. Therefore<br />

this book should not and cannot be used<br />

for doctrine, or to establish church<br />

theological positions as the rest of<br />

Scripture, which can, and should be used<br />

for doctrine.” Now years later,<br />

understanding the Two-House truth, we<br />

can understand why this was taught to<br />

many. These statements were designed to<br />

keep believers away from Torah and a<br />

first-century Yisraelite lifestyle. As you will<br />

shortly see, the Book of Acts is a most<br />

Hebraic resource, showing vividly the<br />

practice of Torah in the life of all believers<br />

in Moshiach. In this book, we see the<br />

apostles wrestling with how to incorporate<br />

the returning non-Jews into a Torah-based<br />

lifestyle. As such, these issues are all<br />

doctrinal issues ranging from ecclesiology<br />

(the study of just who is the one true elect<br />

bride of YHWH), to soteriology (the study<br />

of salvation itself). Therefore the Book of<br />

Acts must be viewed and studied not<br />

merely as a historical, or transitional<br />

document as some claim, but as a worthy<br />

book from which we can derive practical<br />

instruction, as well as settle ongoing<br />

doctrinal issues, as we receive clarity from<br />

its pages. Second Timothy 3:16 reminds<br />

us of this truth, by stating that all scripture<br />

is profitable for any and every use,<br />

including doctrine. Let those who have<br />

been discouraged from doing so in the<br />

past, begin to look to this book again, not<br />

merely as a record of early Nazarene<br />

history, but as a guidebook in our cultural<br />

return back into the Commonwealth of<br />

Yisrael.<br />

The first scroll have I made, O Theophilos, 5215 1<br />

of all<br />

that gauvh began both to do and teach,<br />

2 Until the day in which He was taken up, after He<br />

through the Ruach Hakodesh had given His Torah to the<br />

shlichim whom He had chosen:<br />

3 To whom also He showed Himself alive after His<br />

passion by many infallible proofs, being seen by them<br />

forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the<br />

malchut of vuvh.<br />

- 671 -<br />

4 And, as He ate lechem together with them, 5216 He<br />

commanded them that they should not depart from<br />

Yahrushalayim, but wait for the Promise of Abba, which,<br />

He said, you have heard from Me.<br />

5 For Yochanan ha Matbeel truly immersed with mayim;<br />

but you shall be immersed with the Ruach Hakodesh not<br />

many days from now.<br />

6 When they therefore had come together, they asked<br />

Him, saying, Master, will You at this time restore again<br />

the malchut to Yisrael? 5217<br />

7 And He said to them, It is not for you to know the times,<br />

or the moadim, which Abba has put under His own<br />

authority. 5218<br />

8 But you shall receive power, after the Ruach Hakodesh<br />

has come upon you: and you shall be witnesses to Me<br />

both in Yahrushalayim, and in all Yahudah, and in<br />

Shomron, and to the four corners of the olam. 5219<br />

9 And when He had spoken these things, while they<br />

looked, He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of<br />

their sight.<br />

10 And while they looked steadfastly toward the<br />

shamayim as He went up, see, two men stood by them in<br />

white apparel; 5220<br />

11 Who also said, You men of Galil, why do you stand<br />

gazing up into the shamayim? This same gauvh, who is<br />

taken up from you into the shamayim, shall so come in<br />

like manner as you have seen Him go into the<br />

shamayim. 5221<br />

12 Then they returned to Yahrushalayim from the har<br />

called Olivet, which is from Yahrushalayim a Shabbat<br />

day’s journey. 5222<br />

13 And when they came back, they went up into an upper<br />

room, where there were staying Kepha, and Yaakov, and<br />

Yochanan, and Andri, Philip, and Toma, Bartholomi, and<br />

Mattityahu, Yaakov the son of Alphai, and Shimon the<br />

Zealot, and Yahudah the brother of Yaakov.<br />

14 These all continued with one accord in the tefillot and<br />

supplication, 5223 with the women, and Miryam the eema<br />

of gauvh, and with His brothers.<br />

15 And in those days Kepha stood up in the midst of the<br />

talmidim – the number of names together were about a<br />

hundred twenty – and said,<br />

16 Men and Yisraelite brothers, this Katuv had to have<br />

been fulfilled, which the Ruach Hakodesh by the mouth<br />

of Dawid spoke before concerning Yahudah, who was a<br />

guide to them that took gauvh.<br />

17 For he was numbered with us, and had obtained part of<br />

this service.<br />

18 Now this man purchased a field with the reward of<br />

iniquity; and falling head first, he burst open in the<br />

middle, and all his intestines gushed out.<br />

19 And it was known to all the dwellers at<br />

Yahrushalayim; so that field is called in their own<br />

language, Akel-Dahma, that is to say, The Field of Dahm.<br />

20 For it is written in the Scroll of Tehillim, Let his<br />

dwelling be desolate, and let no man dwell in it: and let<br />

his office of service be given to another.<br />

21 It is therefore necessary that one of these men who<br />

have been with us all the time that the Savior gauvh went<br />

in and out among us,<br />

22 Beginning from the mikvah of Yochanan ha Matbeel,<br />

to the same day that He was taken up from us, one must<br />

be ordained to be a witness with us of His resurrection.

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