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you the Melech of the Yahudim?<br />

40 Then they all cried again, saying: Not this man, but<br />

Bar-Rabba. Now Bar-Rabba was a robber.<br />

19<br />

Then Pilate therefore took gauvh, and<br />

scourged Him.<br />

2 And the soldiers wove a keter of thorns, and put it on<br />

His head, and they put on Him a purple robe, 5189<br />

3 And said, Hail, Melech of the Yahudim! And they<br />

smote Him with their hands.<br />

4 Pilate therefore went forth again, and said to them,<br />

Behold, I bring Him forth to you, that you may know that<br />

I find no fault in Him.<br />

5 Then came gauvh forth, wearing the keter of thorns,<br />

and the purple robe. And Pilate said to them, Behold the<br />

Man!<br />

6 When the chief Kohanim therefore and officers saw<br />

Him, they cried out, saying, Impale Him! Impale Him!<br />

Pilate said to them, You take Him, and impale Him: for I<br />

find no fault in Him.<br />

7 The Yahudim answered him; We have a Torah, and by<br />

our Torah He has to die, because He made Himself the<br />

Son of tvkt. 5190<br />

8 When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was even<br />

more afraid;<br />

9 And went again into the Mishpat Hall, and said to<br />

gauvh, Where are You from? But gauvh gave him no<br />

answer.<br />

10 Then said Pilate to Him, You speak not to me? Don’t<br />

you know that I have power to impale You, and have<br />

power to release You?<br />

11 gauvh answered, You would have no power at all<br />

against Me, unless it was given to you from above:<br />

therefore he that delivered Me to you has the greater sin.<br />

12 And from that time on Pilate sought to release Him:<br />

but the Yahudim cried out, saying, If you let this Man go,<br />

you are not Kaiser’s chaver: whoever makes Himself a<br />

Melech speaks against Kaiser.<br />

13 When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought<br />

gauvh forth, and sat down in the mishpat seat in a place<br />

that is called Pavement, but in Ivrit, Gavatha.<br />

14 And it was during the preparation for the Pesach, at<br />

about noon he said to the Yahudim, Behold your Melech!<br />

15 But they cried out, Away with Him, away with Him,<br />

Impale Him! Pilate said to them, Shall I impale your<br />

Melech? The Kohen HaGadol answered; We have no<br />

melech but Kaiser.<br />

16 Then Pilate delivered Him to them to be impaled. And<br />

they took gauvh, and led Him away.<br />

17 And He bearing His stake went forth into a place<br />

called the Place of The Skull, which is called in Ivrit;<br />

Golgotha:<br />

18 Where they impaled Him, and two others with Him, on<br />

either side one, and gauvh in the midst. 5191<br />

19 And Pilate wrote on a stone sign, and put it on the<br />

stake. And the writing was, Yahshua HaNotsri<br />

WeMelech HaYahudim – YHWH.<br />

20 This sign then read many of the Yahudim: for the<br />

place where gauvh was impaled was near to the city: and<br />

it was written in Ivrit, and Greek, and Latin.<br />

21 Then said the chief Kohanim of the Yahudim to Pilate,<br />

Write not, The Melech of the Yahudim; but that He said, I<br />

am Melech of the Yahudim.<br />


- 668 -<br />

22 Pilate answered, What I have written, I have written.<br />

23 Then the soldiers, when they had impaled gauvh, took<br />

His garments, and made four parts, 5192 to every soldier a<br />

part; and also His coat: now the coat was without seam,<br />

woven from the top throughout.<br />

24 They said therefore among themselves, Let us not tear<br />

it, but cast lots for it, to see whose it should be: that the<br />

Katuv might be fulfilled, which said, They parted My<br />

clothes among them, and for My robe they did cast lots.<br />

These things therefore the soldiers did.<br />

25 Now there stood by the stake of gauvh His eema, and<br />

His eema’s sister, Miryam the wife of Qlophah, and<br />

Miryam from Magdala.<br />

26 When gauvh therefore saw His eema, and the talmid<br />

standing by, whom He loved, He said to His eema,<br />

Woman, see your son!<br />

27 Then He said to the talmid, See your eema! And from<br />

that hour that talmid took her to his own home.<br />

28 After this, gauvh knowing that all things were now<br />

accomplished, that the Katuv might be fulfilled, said, I<br />

thirst.<br />

29 Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they<br />

filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and<br />

lifted it to His mouth.<br />

30 When gauvh therefore had received the vinegar, He<br />

said, KALA: 5193 and He bowed His head, and dismissed<br />

His ruach.<br />

31 The Yahudim therefore, because it was the Preparation<br />

Day, that the bodies should not remain upon the stake on<br />

the Shabbat, - for that Shabbat day was a high day - 5194<br />

besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that<br />

they might be taken away. 5195<br />

32 Then came the soldiers, and broke the legs of the first,<br />

and of the other who were impaled with Him.<br />

33 But when they came to gauvh, and saw that He was<br />

dead already, they broke not His legs:<br />

34 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side,<br />

and instantly came out dahm and mayim.<br />

35 And he that saw it bore witness, and his witness is<br />

emet: and he knows that what he said is emet, that you<br />

might believe.<br />

36 For these things were done, that the Katuv should be<br />

fulfilled, A bone of His shall not be broken.<br />

37 And again another Katuv said, They shall look on Him<br />

whom they pierced.<br />

38 And after this Yoseph of Ramathayim, being a talmid<br />

of gauvh, but secretly for fear of the Yahudim, asked<br />

Pilate if he could take away the body of gauvh: and Pilate<br />

gave him permission. He came therefore, and took the<br />

body of gauvh.<br />

39 And there came also Nakdimon, who in the beginning<br />

came to gauvh by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh<br />

and aloes, about a hundred-pint weight.<br />

40 Then they took the body of gauvh, and wound it in<br />

linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the<br />

Yahudim is to bury.<br />

41 Now in the place where He was impaled there was a<br />

garden; and in the garden a new tomb, where no man was<br />

ever laid.<br />

42 There they laid gauvh because of the Yahudim’s<br />

Preparation Day; for the tomb was nearby.<br />

20<br />

5196<br />

And on one of the weekly Shabbats came

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