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23 I with them, and You with Me, that they may be<br />

perfected into echad; and that the olam hazeh may know<br />

that You have sent Me, and have loved them, as You have<br />

loved Me.<br />

24 Abba, I will that they also, whom You have given Me,<br />

be with Me where I am; that they may see My tifereth,<br />

which You have given Me: for You loved Me before the<br />

foundation of the olam hazeh.<br />

25 O My Tzadik-Abba, the olam hazeh has not known<br />

You: but I have known You, and these have known that<br />

You have sent Me.<br />

26 And I have declared to them Your Name, and will yet<br />

declare it: so that the ahava with which You have loved<br />

Me may be in them, and I in them. 5184<br />

18<br />

After gauvh had spoken these words, He went forth<br />

with His talmidim over the brook Qidron, where there<br />

was a garden, into which He entered, with His talmidim.<br />

2 And Yahudah also, who betrayed Him, knew the place:<br />

for gauvh often would stay there with His talmidim.<br />

3 Yahudah then, having received a band of men and<br />

officers from the chief Kohanim and Prushim, came there<br />

with lanterns and torches and weapons.<br />

4 gauvh therefore, knowing all things that should come<br />

upon Him, went forward, and said to them, Whom do you<br />

seek?<br />

5 They answered Him, gauvh of Natzeret. gauvh said to<br />

them, I am. And Yahudah also, who betrayed Him, stood<br />

with them.<br />

6 As soon as He had said to them, I am, they went<br />

backwards, and fell to the ground.<br />

7 Then He asked them again, Whom do you seek? And<br />

they said, gauvh of Natzeret.<br />

8 gauvh answered, I have told you that I am: if therefore<br />

you seek Me, let these go their way:<br />

9 That the saying might be fulfilled, that He spoke, Of<br />

those whom You gave Me have I lost none.<br />

10 Then Shimon Kepha having a sword drew it, and<br />

smote the Kohen HaGadol’s eved, and cut off his right<br />

ear. The eved’s name was Melech.<br />

11 Then said gauvh to Kepha, Put your sword into the<br />

sheath: the cup, which My Abba has given Me, shall I not<br />

drink it?<br />

12 Then the company of soldiers and the captain and<br />

officers of the Yahudim took gauvh, and bound Him,<br />

13 And led Him away to Chanan first; for he was abba-inlaw<br />

of Qayapha, who was the Kohen HaGadol that same<br />

year.<br />

14 Now Qayapha was he, who gave counsel to the<br />

Yahudim, that it was better that one Man should die for<br />

the people. 5185<br />

15 And Shimon Kepha followed gauvh, and so did<br />

another talmid: that talmid was known to the Kohen<br />

HaGadol, and went in with gauvh into the palace of the<br />

Kohen HaGadol.<br />

16 But Kepha stood at the door outside. Then went out<br />

that other talmid, 5186 who was known to the Kohen<br />

HaGadol, and spoke to her that guarded the door, and<br />

brought in Kepha.<br />

17 Then said the girl that guarded the door to Kepha, Are<br />

not you also one of this Man’s talmidim? He said, I am<br />

not.<br />

18 And the avadim and officers stood there, who had<br />


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made a fire of coals; for it was cold: and they warmed<br />

themselves: and Kepha stood with them, and warmed<br />

himself.<br />

19 The Kohen HaGadol then asked gauvh about His<br />

talmidim, and about His doctrine.<br />

20 gauvh answered him, I spoke openly to the olam<br />

hazeh; I always taught in the synagogue, and in the Beit<br />

HaMikdash, where the Yahudim always assemble; and in<br />

secret have I said nothing.<br />

21 Why do you ask Me? Ask those who heard Me, what I<br />

have said to them: see, they know what I said.<br />

22 And when He had spoken this, one of the officers who<br />

stood by struck gauvh with the palm of his hand, saying,<br />

Is that the way You answer the Kohen HaGadol?<br />

23 gauvh answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear<br />

witness of the evil: but if well, why did you strike Me?<br />

24 Now Chanan had sent Him bound to Qayapha the<br />

Kohen HaGadol.<br />

25 And Shimon Kepha stood and warmed himself. They<br />

said therefore to him, Are not you also one of His<br />

talmidim? He denied it, and said, I am not.<br />

26 One of the avadim of the Kohen HaGadol, being a<br />

relative of the one whose ear Kepha cut off, said, Did I<br />

not see you in the garden with Him?<br />

27 Kepha then denied again: and immediately the cock<br />

crowed.<br />

28 Then they led gauvh from Qayapha to the hall of<br />

mishpat: and it was early; but they themselves went not<br />

into the Mishpat Hall, lest they should be defiled; so that<br />

they might eat the Pesach.<br />

29 Pilate then went out to them, and said, What<br />

accusation do you bring against this Man?<br />

30 They answered and said to him, If He were not an<br />

evildoer, 5187 we would not have brought Him up to you.<br />

31 Then said Pilate to them; You take Him, and judge<br />

Him according to your Torah. The Yahudim therefore<br />

said to him, It is not lawful for us to put any man<br />

to death: 5188<br />

32 That the word of gauvh might be fulfilled, that He<br />

spoke, signifying what kind of death He should die.<br />

33 Then Pilate entered into the Mishpat Hall again, and<br />

called gauvh, and said to Him, Are You the Melech of<br />

the Yahudim?<br />

34 gauvh answered him, Are you asking this on your<br />

own, or did others tell you this about Me?<br />

35 Pilate answered, Am I a Yahudi? Your own nation and<br />

the chief Kohanim have brought You to me: what have<br />

You done?<br />

36 gauvh answered, My malchut is not of this olam<br />

hazeh: if My malchut were of this olam hazeh, then would<br />

My avadim fight, that I should not be delivered to the<br />

Yahudim: but now is My malchut not from here.<br />

37 Pilate therefore said to Him, Are You a melech<br />

then? gauvh answered, You are right in saying that I<br />

am a Melech. For this very reason was I born, and for<br />

this cause I came into the olam hazeh, that I should bear<br />

witness to the Emet. Everyone that is of the Emet hears<br />

My voice.<br />

38 Pilate said to Him, What is emet? And when he had<br />

said this, he went out again to the Yahudim, and said to<br />

them, I find in Him no fault at all.<br />

39 But you have a custom that I should release to you one<br />

prisoner on the Pesach: will you therefore that I release to

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