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And Shlomo the son of Dawid was strengthened in<br />

his malchut, and vuvh his Elohim was with him, and<br />

made him exceedingly great.<br />

2 Then Shlomo spoke to kol Yisrael, to the captains of<br />

thousands and of hundreds, and to the shophtim, and to<br />

every leader in kol Yisrael, the heads of the ahvot.<br />

3 So Shlomo, and the entire congregation with him,<br />

went to the high place that was at Giveon; for there was<br />

the Tabernacle of the congregation of Elohim, which<br />

Moshe the eved of vuvh had made in the wilderness.<br />

4 But the Ark of Elohim had Dawid brought up from<br />

Kiryath-Yearim to the place that Dawid had prepared<br />

for it: for he had camped a tent for it at Yahrushalayim.<br />

5 Moreover the bronze altar, that Betzal-El the son of<br />

Uri, the son of Hur, had made, he put before the<br />

Tabernacle of vuvh: and Shlomo and the congregation<br />

sought it.<br />

6 And Shlomo went up there to the bronze altar before<br />

vuvh, which was at the Tabernacle of the congregation,<br />

and offered a thousand burnt offerings upon it.<br />

7 In that night did Elohim appear to Shlomo, and said to<br />

him, Ask what I shall give you.<br />

8 And Shlomo said to Elohim, You have showed great<br />

rachamim to Dawid my abba, and have made me to<br />

reign in his place.<br />

9 Now, O vuvh Elohim let Your promise to Dawid my<br />

abba be established: for You have made me melech over<br />

a people like the dust of the earth in multitude. 4247<br />

1<br />

10 Give me now chochmah and da’at, so that I may go<br />

out and come in before this people: for who can judge<br />

this Your people, that is so great?<br />

11 And Elohim said to Shlomo, Because this was in<br />

your lev, and you have not asked riches, wealth, or<br />

honor, nor the chayim of your enemies, neither yet have<br />

you asked for long chayim for yourself; but have asked<br />

chochmah and da’at for yourself, that you may judge<br />

My people, over whom I have made you melech:<br />

12 Chochmah and da’at is granted to you; and I will<br />

give you riches, and wealth and honor, such as none of<br />

the melechim have had that have been before you;<br />

neither shall any have after you.<br />

13 Then Shlomo came from his journey to the high<br />

place that was at Giveon to Yahrushalayim, from before<br />

the Tabernacle of the congregation, and reigned over<br />

Yisrael.<br />

14 And Shlomo gathered mirkavot and horsemen: and<br />

he had a thousand and four hundred mirkavot, and<br />

twelve thousand horsemen, which he placed in the<br />

mirkavah cities, and with the melech at Yahrushalayim.<br />

15 And the melech made silver and gold at<br />

Yahrushalayim as plenty as stones, and cedar eytzim<br />

and sycamore eytzim that are in the plains for<br />

abundance.<br />

16 And Shlomo had horses brought out of Mitzrayim<br />

and Keve: the melech’s merchants bought them from<br />

the men of Keve at a price.<br />

17 And they brought forth from Mitzrayim a mirkavah<br />

for six hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for a<br />

Divre HaYamim Bet – c ohnhv ohnhv hrcs<br />

hrcs<br />

Second Chronicles<br />

To Our Forefathers Yisrael<br />

- 563 -<br />

hundred fifty: and so they brought out horses for all the<br />

melechim of the Hittites, and for the melechim of Aram,<br />

by their own means.<br />

And Shlomo determined to build a Bayit for the<br />

Name of vuvh, and a bayit for his malchut.<br />

2 And Shlomo enrolled seventy thousand men to bear<br />

burdens, and eighty thousand to cut stone in the<br />

mountains, and three thousand six hundred to oversee<br />

them.<br />

3 And Shlomo sent to Chiram the melech of Tsor,<br />

saying, As you did deal with Dawid my abba, and did<br />

send him cedars to build him a bayit to dwell in, even so<br />

deal with me.<br />

4 See, I build a Bayit to the Name of vuvh my Elohim,<br />

to dedicate it to Him, and to burn before Him sweet<br />

incense, and for the continual Lechem ha Panayim, and<br />

for the burnt offerings for shachrit and maariv, and on<br />

the Shabbats, and on the Rosh Chodashim, and on the<br />

solemn moadim of vuvh our Elohim. This is an<br />

ordinance le-olam-va-ed to Yisrael.<br />

5 And the Bayit that I build is great: for great is our<br />

Elohim above all elohim.<br />

6 But who is able to build Him a Bayit, seeing the<br />

shamayim and the shamayim of shamayim cannot<br />

contain Him? Who am I then, that I should build Him a<br />

Bayit, except only to burn sacrifice before Him?<br />

7 Send me now a man skilled to work in gold, and in<br />

silver, and in bronze, and in iron, and in purple, and<br />

crimson, and blue, and that can engrave with the skilled<br />

men that are with me in Yahudah and in Yahrushalayim,<br />

whom Dawid my abba did provide.<br />

8 Send me also cedar eytzim, cypress eytzim, and algum<br />

eytzim, out of Levanon: for I know that your avadim<br />

know how to cut timber in Levanon; and, see, my<br />

avadim shall be with your avadim,<br />

9 Even to prepare for me timber in abundance: for the<br />

Bayit that I am about to build shall be wonderful and<br />

great.<br />

10 And, see, I will give to your avadim, the cutters that<br />

cut timber, twenty thousand measures of ground wheat,<br />

and twenty thousand measures of barley, and twenty<br />

thousand baths of wine, and twenty thousand baths of<br />

oil.<br />

11 Then Chiram the melech of Tsor answered in<br />

writing, which he sent to Shlomo saying, Because vuvh<br />

has loved His people, He has made you melech over<br />

them.<br />

12 Chiram said moreover, Barchu-et-vuvh Elohim of<br />

Yisrael, that made the shamayim and earth, who has<br />

given to Dawid the melech a wise son, endued with<br />

chochmah and binah, that he might build a Bayit for<br />

vuvh, and a bayit for his malchut.<br />

13 And now I have sent a skilled man, having binah, of<br />

Chiram-Avi,<br />

14 The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his<br />

abba was a man of Tsor, 4248 2<br />

skillful in working with<br />

gold, with silver, with bronze, with iron, with stone,

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