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25 So Dawid, and the zechanim of Yisrael, and the<br />

commanders over thousands, went to bring up the Ark of<br />

the Testimony of vuvh out of the bayit of Oved-Edom<br />

with simcha.<br />

26 And it came to pass, when Elohim helped the Lewiym<br />

that bore the Ark of the Testimony of vuvh, that they<br />

offered seven bullocks and seven rams.<br />

27 And Dawid was clothed with a robe of fine linen, and<br />

all the Lewiym that bore the Ark, and the singers, and<br />

Chenanyah the master of the shir with the singers: Dawid<br />

also had upon himself a shoulder garment of linen.<br />

28 So kol Yisrael brought up the Ark of the Testimony of<br />

vuvh with shouting, and with sound of the horn, and with<br />

shofars, and with cymbals, making a noise with harps and<br />

lyres.<br />

29 And it came to pass, as the Ark of the Testimony of<br />

vuvh came to the city of Dawid, that Michal the daughter<br />

of Shaul looking out from a window saw melech Dawid<br />

dancing and playing: and she despised him in her lev.<br />

16<br />


So they brought the Ark of Elohim, and set it in the<br />

midst of the tent that Dawid had camped for it: and they<br />

offered burnt sacrifices and shalom offerings before<br />

Elohim.<br />

2 And when Dawid had made an end of offering the burnt<br />

offerings and the shalom offerings, he blessed the people<br />

in the Name of vuvh. 4220<br />

3 And he dealt to every one of Yisrael, both man and<br />

woman, to every one a loaf of lechem, and a tov piece of<br />

meat, and a container of wine.<br />

4 And he appointed certain of the Lewiym to attend<br />

before the Ark of vuvh, and to bring to remembrance, and<br />

to offer hodu and give tehilla to vuvh Elohim of Yisrael:<br />

5 Asaph the chief, and next to him Zecharyah, Yei-El,<br />

and Shemiramoth, and Yehi-El, and Mattityahu, and<br />

Eliav, and Benyahu, and Oved-Edom: and Yei-El with<br />

harps and with lyres; but Asaph made a sound with<br />

cymbals;<br />

6 Benyahu also and Yahazi-El the Kohanim with shofars<br />

continually before the Ark of the Testimony of Elohim.<br />

7 Then on that day Dawid first delivered this psalm of<br />

hodu to vuvh into the hand of Asaph and his brothers.<br />

8 Give hodu to vuvh, call upon His Name 4221 make known<br />

His deeds among the nations.<br />

9 Sing to Him, sing melechim to Him, talk of all His<br />

wondrous works.<br />

10 Tifereth in His kadosh Name; let the levim of those<br />

that seek vuvh rejoice.<br />

11 Seek vuvh and His strength, seek His face continually.<br />

12 Remember His marvelous works that He has done, His<br />

wonders, and the mishpatim of His mouth;<br />

13 O you zera of Yisrael His eved: you children of<br />

Yaakov, His chosen ones. 4222<br />

14 He is vuvh our Elohim; His mishpatim are in all the<br />

earth.<br />

15 Be you mindful always of His brit; the word that He<br />

commanded to a thousand generations;<br />

16 Even of the brit that He made with Avraham, and of<br />

His oath to Yitzchak;<br />

17 And has confirmed the same to Yaakov for a Torah,<br />

and to Yisrael for an everlasting brit, 4223<br />

18 Saying, To you will I give the land of Kanaan, the lot<br />

of your inheritance;<br />

- 553 -<br />

19 When you were but few, even a few, and gerim in it.<br />

20 And when they went from nation to nation, and from<br />

one malchut to another;<br />

21 He allowed no man to do them wrong: yes, He<br />

reproved melechim for their sakes,<br />

22 Saying, Touch not My anointed, 4224 and do My<br />

neviim no harm.<br />

23 Sing to vuvh, all the earth; show forth from day to day<br />

His Yahshua.<br />

24 Declare His tifereth among the nations; His marvelous<br />

works among all nations.<br />

25 For great is vuvh, and greatly to be praised: He also is<br />

to be feared above all elohim.<br />

26 For all the elohim of the nations are idols: but vuvh<br />

made the shamayim.<br />

27 Tifereth and honor are in His presence; strength and<br />

simcha are in His place.<br />

28 Ascribe to vuvh, you families of the nations, give to<br />

vuvh tifereth and strength.<br />

29 Ascribe to vuvh the tifereth due to His Name: 4225<br />

bring an offering, and come before Him: worship vuvh in<br />

the tifereth of set-apartness.<br />

30 Fear before Him, all the earth: the olam also shall be<br />

established, that it is not moved.<br />

31 Let the shamayim be in simcha, and let the earth<br />

rejoice: and let men say among the nations, vuvh<br />

reigns. 4226<br />

32 Let the sea roar, and the fullness of it: let the fields<br />

gilah, and all that is in it.<br />

33 Then shall the eytzim of the forest sing out at the<br />

presence of vuvh, because He comes to judge the earth.<br />

34 O hodu le vuvh; ke tov; for His chesed endures<br />

le-olam-va-ed.<br />

35 And say, Save us, O Elohim of our Yahshua, and<br />

gather us together, 4227 and deliver us from the nations,<br />

that we may give hodu to Your kadosh Name, 4228 and<br />

boast in Your tehilla.<br />

36 Blessed be vuvh Elohim of Yisrael le-olam-va-ed. And<br />

all the people said, Amein, and gave tehilla to vuvh.<br />

37 So he left there Asaph and his brothers; before the Ark<br />

of the Testimony of vuvh, to attend before the Ark<br />

continually, as each day’s work required:<br />

38 And Oved-Edom with their brothers, sixty-eight;<br />

Oved-Edom also the son of Yeduthun and Hosah to be<br />

gatekeepers:<br />

39 And Tzadok the kohen, and his brothers the Kohanim,<br />

before the Tabernacle of vuvh in the high place that was<br />

at Giveon,<br />

40 To offer burnt offerings to vuvh upon the altar of the<br />

burnt offering continually for shacrit and maariv, and to<br />

do according to all that is written in the Torah of vuvh,<br />

which He commanded Yisrael;<br />

41 And with them, Heman and Yeduthun, and the rest<br />

that were chosen, who were designated by name, to give<br />

hodu to vuvh, because His rachamim endures<br />

le-olam-va-ed;<br />

42 And with them Heman and Yeduthun with shofars and<br />

cymbals for those that should sound aloud, and with<br />

musical instruments for the songs of Elohim. And the<br />

sons of Yeduthun were gatekeepers.<br />

43 And all the people departed every man to his bayit:<br />

and Dawid returned to bless his bayit.

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