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13 But in the first year of Koresh the melech of Bavel the<br />

same melech Koresh made a decree to rebuild this Bayit<br />

of Elohim.<br />

14 And the vessels also of gold and silver of the Bayit of<br />

Elohim, which Nevuchadnetzar took out of the Hekal that<br />

was in Yahrushalayim, and brought them into the hekal of<br />

Bavel, those did Koresh the melech take out of the hekal<br />

of Bavel, and they were delivered to one, whose name<br />

was Sheshbatstsar, whom he had made governor;<br />

15 And said to him, Take these vessels, go, carry them<br />

into the Hekal that is in Yahrushalayim, and let the Bayit<br />

of Elohim be rebuilt in its place.<br />

16 Then came the same Sheshbatstsar, and laid the<br />

foundation of the Bayit of Elohim that is in<br />

Yahrushalayim: and since that time, even until now it is<br />

being rebuilt, and yet it is not finished.<br />

17 Now therefore, if it seems tov to the melech, let there<br />

be a search made in the melech’s treasure bayit, which is<br />

there at Bavel, whether it is true, that a decree was made<br />

by Koresh the melech to rebuild this Bayit of Elohim at<br />

Yahrushalayim, and let the melech send his decision to us<br />

concerning this matter.<br />

6 Then Daryawesh the melech made a decree, and a<br />

search was made in the bayit of the records, where the<br />

treasures of Bavel were kept.<br />

2 And there was found at Achmetha, in the palace that is<br />

in the province of the Medes, a scroll, and in it was a<br />

record with this written:<br />

3 In the first year of Koresh the melech the same Koresh<br />

the melech made a decree concerning the Bayit of Elohim<br />

at Yahrushalayim, Let the Bayit be rebuilt, the place<br />

where they offered sacrifices, and let the foundations of it<br />

be strongly laid; the height of it sixty cubits, and the<br />

width of it sixty cubits;<br />

4 With three rows of great stones, and a row of new<br />

timber: and let the expenses be given out of the melech’s<br />

bayit:<br />

5 And also let the golden and silver vessels of the Bayit of<br />

tvkt, which Nevuchadnetzar took out of the Hekal<br />

which is at Yahrushalayim, and brought to Bavel, be<br />

restored, and brought again to the Hekal which is at<br />

Yahrushalayim, every piece to its place, and place them<br />

in the Bayit of Elohim.<br />

6 Now therefore, Tatnai, governor beyond the river,<br />

Shethar-Boznai, and your companions the officials, who<br />

are beyond the river, stay away from the city and the Beit<br />

HaMikdash:<br />

7 Leave the work of this Bayit of Elohim alone; let the<br />

governor of the Yahudim and the zechanim of the<br />

Yahudim rebuild this Bayit of Elohim in its place.<br />

8 Moreover I make a decree what you shall do for the<br />

zechanim of these Yahudim for the building of this Bayit<br />

of Elohim: that from the melech’s goods, even from the<br />

expenses beyond the river, that immediately all expenses<br />

be paid to these men, that they be not hindered.<br />

9 And that which they have need of, both young bullocks,<br />

and rams, and lambs, for the burnt offerings of the Elohim<br />

of the shamayim, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to<br />

the orders of the Kohanim which are at Yahrushalayim,<br />

let it be given to them daily without fail:<br />

10 That they may offer sacrifices of sweet savors to the<br />

Elohim of the shamayim, and make tefillah for the<br />

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chayim of the melech, and of his sons.<br />

11 Also I have made a decree, that whoever shall alter<br />

this word, let timber be pulled down from his bayit, then<br />

reset, and let him be hanged on it; and let his bayit be<br />

made into a dunghill for this.<br />

12 And the Elohim that has caused His Name to dwell<br />

there will destroy all of the melechim and peoples that<br />

shall put their hand to alter and to destroy this Bayit of<br />

Elohim which is at Yahrushalayim. I Daryawesh have<br />

made a decree; let it be done quickly.<br />

13 Then Tatnai, governor on this side of the river,<br />

Shethar-Boznai, and their companions, according to all<br />

that Daryawesh the melech had sent, so they did and<br />

obeyed immediately.<br />

14 And the zechanim of the Yahudim rebuilt, and they<br />

prospered through the prophesying of Chaggai the navi<br />

and Zacharyah the son of Iddo. And they rebuilt, and<br />

finished it, according to the commandment of the Elohim<br />

of Yisrael, and according to the commandment of Koresh,<br />

and Daryawesh, and Artahshashta melech of Persia. 4162<br />

15 And this Bayit was finished on the third day of the<br />

month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of<br />

Daryawesh the melech.<br />

16 And the children of Yisrael, the Kohanim, and the<br />

Lewiym, and the rest of the children of the exile, kept the<br />

dedication of the Bayit of Elohim with simcha,<br />

17 And offered at the dedication of the Bayit of Elohim a<br />

hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs;<br />

and for a sin offering for kol Yisrael, twelve male goats,<br />

according to the number of the tribes of Yisrael. 4163<br />

18 And they set the Kohanim in their divisions, and the<br />

Lewiym in their divisions, for the service of Elohim,<br />

which is at Yahrushalayim; as it is written in the scroll of<br />

Moshe.<br />

19 And the children of the exile kept the Pesach upon the<br />

fourteenth day of the first month.<br />

20 For the Kohanim and the Lewiym were cleansed<br />

together, all of them were clean, and killed the Pesach for<br />

all the children of the exile, and for their brothers the<br />

Kohanim, and for themselves.<br />

21 And the children of Yisrael, who had come again out<br />

of the exile, 4164 and all such as had separated themselves<br />

to join them from the filthiness of the heathen of the land,<br />

to seek vuvh Elohim of Yisrael, did eat,<br />

22 And kept the moed of Chag Matzoth seven days with<br />

simcha: for vuvh had made them full of simcha, and<br />

turned the lev of the melech of Ashshur to them, to<br />

strengthen their hands in the work of the Bayit of Elohim,<br />

the Elohim of Yisrael.<br />

7<br />

Now after these things, in the reign of Artahshashta<br />

melech of Persia, Ezra the son of Seraiyah, the son of<br />

Azaryah, the son of Hilkiyahu,<br />

2 The son of Shallum, the son of Tzadok, the son of<br />

Achituv,<br />

3 The son of Amaryah, the son of Azaryah, the son of<br />

Meraioth,<br />

4 The son of Zerahyah, the son of Uzzi, the son of Buchi,<br />

5 The son of Avishua, the son of Pinchus, the son of El-<br />

Azar, the son of Aharon the Kohen HaGadol:<br />

6 This Ezra went up from Bavel; and he was a skilled<br />

Sopher in the Torah of Moshe, which vuvh Elohim of<br />

Yisrael had given: and the melech granted him all his

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