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these two signs, neither listen to your voice, that you shall<br />

take from the mayim of the river, and pour it upon the dry<br />

land: and the mayim which you take out of the river shall<br />

become dahm upon the dry land.<br />

10 And Moshe said to vuvh, O vuvh, I am not eloquent,<br />

neither before, nor since You have spoken to Your eved:<br />

but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.<br />

11 And vuvh said to him, Who has made man's mouth?<br />

Or, who makes the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the<br />

blind? Have not I vuvh?<br />

12 Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth, and<br />

teach you what you shall say.<br />

13 And he said, O vuvh, I beg You; by the hand of<br />

someone else please send deliverance.<br />

14 And the anger of vuvh burned against Moshe, and He<br />

said, Is not Aharon the Lewi your brother? I know that he<br />

can speak well. And also, see, he comes forth to meet you:<br />

and when he sees you, he will have simcha in his lev.<br />

15 And you shall speak to him, and put words in his<br />

mouth: and I will be with your mouth, and with his mouth,<br />

and will teach you what you shall do.<br />

16 And he shall be your spokesman to the people: and he<br />

shall be to you like a mouth, and you shall be to him in<br />

Elohim’s place.<br />

17 And you shall take this rod in your hand, with which<br />

you shall do the signs.<br />

18 And Moshe went and returned to Yithro 223 his abbain-law,<br />

and said to him, Let me go, please, and return to<br />

my brothers who are in Mitzrayim, and see whether they<br />

still are alive. And Yithro said to Moshe, Go in shalom.<br />

19 And vuvh said to Moshe in Midyan, Go, return into<br />

Mitzrayim: for all the men are dead who sought your<br />

chayim.<br />

20 And Moshe took his wife and his sons, and put them<br />

upon a donkey, and he returned to the land of Mitzrayim:<br />

and Moshe took the rod of Elohim in his hand.<br />

21 And vuvh said to Moshe, When you go to return to<br />

Mitzrayim, see that you do all those wonders before<br />

Pharaoh, which I have put in your hand: but I will harden<br />

his lev, that he shall not let the people go.<br />

22 And you shall say to Pharaoh, This said vuvh, Yisrael<br />

is My son, even My bachor: 224<br />

23 And I say to you, Let My son go, that he may serve Me:<br />

and if you refuse to let him go, see, I will slay your son,<br />

even your bachor.<br />

24 And it came to pass in the derech at the lodging place<br />

that vuvh met Moshe, and sought to kill him.<br />

25 Then Tzipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the<br />

foreskin of her son, 225 and cast it at his feet, and said,<br />

Surely a bloody husband are you to me.<br />

26 So vuvh let Moshe go: then she said, A bloody<br />

husband you are, because of the brit-milah. 226<br />

27 And vuvh said to Aharon, Go into the wilderness to<br />

meet Moshe. And he went, and met him on the mount of<br />

Elohim, and kissed him.<br />

28 And Moshe told Aharon all the words of vuvh who had<br />

sent him, and all the signs, which He had commanded<br />

him.<br />

29 And Moshe and Aharon went and gathered together all<br />

the zechanim of the children of Yisrael:<br />

30 And Aharon spoke all the words that vuvh had spoken<br />

to Moshe, and did the signs in the sight of the people.<br />

31 And the people believed: and when they heard that<br />


- 45 -<br />

vuvh had visited the children of Yisrael, and that He had<br />

looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads<br />

and worshipped.<br />

5<br />

And afterward Moshe and Aharon went in, and told<br />

Pharaoh, This says vuvh Elohim of Yisrael, Let My people<br />

go, that they may hold a moed to Me in the wilderness. 227<br />

2 And Pharaoh said, Who is this vuvh that I should obey<br />

His voice to let Yisrael go? I know not vuvh, neither will I<br />

let Yisrael go.<br />

3 And they said, The Elohim of the Ivrim has met with us:<br />

let us go for a three day journey into the desert, and<br />

sacrifice to vuvh our Elohim; lest He fall upon us with<br />

pestilence, or with the sword.<br />

4 And the melech of Mitzrayim said to them, Why do<br />

you, Moshe and Aharon, take the people away from their<br />

work? Get back to your burdens.<br />

5 And Pharaoh said, See, the people of the land now are<br />

many, 228 and you make them rest from their burdens.<br />

6 And Pharaoh commanded the same day the taskmasters<br />

of the people, and their officers, saying,<br />

7 You shall no more give the people straw to make bricks,<br />

as before: let them go and gather straw for themselves.<br />

8 And the same amount of bricks, which they did make<br />

before, you shall require it of them; you shall not diminish<br />

any of it: for they are idle; therefore they cry, saying, Let<br />

us go and sacrifice to our Elohim.<br />

9 Let even more work be laid upon the men, that they<br />

may labor in it; and let them not regard vain words.<br />

10 And the taskmasters of the people went out, and their<br />

officers, and they spoke to the people, saying, This said<br />

Pharaoh, I will not give you straw.<br />

11 Go get your straw wherever you can find it: yet none<br />

of your work shall be diminished.<br />

12 So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the<br />

land of Mitzrayim to gather stubble instead of straw.<br />

13 And the taskmasters hurried them, saying, Fulfill your<br />

work, your daily tasks just like when there was straw.<br />

14 And the foremen of the children of Yisrael, which<br />

Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and<br />

asked, Why have you not fulfilled your task in making<br />

bricks both yesterday and today, as before?<br />

15 Then the foremen of the children of Yisrael came and<br />

cried to Pharaoh, saying, Why do you treat your avadim<br />

this way?<br />

16 There is no straw given to your avadim, and they say<br />

to us, Make bricks: and, see, your avadim are beaten; but<br />

the fault is with your own people.<br />

17 But he said, You are idle; therefore you say, Let us go<br />

and do sacrifice to vuvh.<br />

18 Go therefore now, and work; for there shall no straw<br />

be given to you, yet shall you deliver the same amount of<br />

bricks.<br />

19 And the foremen of the children of Yisrael did see that<br />

they were in trouble, after it was said, You shall not<br />

diminish any from the bricks of your daily task.<br />

20 And they met Moshe and Aharon, who stood in the<br />

derech, as they came forth from Pharaoh:<br />

21 And they said to them, vuvh look upon you, and judge;<br />

because you have made us to be abhorred in the eyes of<br />

Pharaoh, and in the eyes of his avadim, to put a sword in<br />

their hand to slay us.<br />

22 And Moshe returned to vuvh, and said, vuvh, why have

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