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24 A lazy man hides his hand in his bosom, and will not<br />

so much as bring it to his mouth again.<br />

25 Beat a scorner, and the simple will be wary: and<br />

reprove one that has binah, and he will understand da’at.<br />

26 He that plunders his abba, and chases away his eema,<br />

is a son that causes shame, and brings reproach.<br />

27 Cease, my son Yisrael, to hear the discipline that<br />

causes you to go astray from the words of da’at.<br />

28 A worthless witness despises mishpat: and the mouth<br />

of the wicked devours iniquity.<br />

29 Judgments are in store for scorners, and stripes for the<br />

back of fools.<br />


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25 It is a trap to the man who devours that which is<br />

kadosh, and afterwards vows to make inquiry.<br />

26 A wise melech scatters the wicked, and turns the<br />

wheel over them.<br />

27 The ruach of man is the lamp of vuvh, searching all the<br />

inward parts of the belly.<br />

28 Chesed and emet preserve the melech: and his kesay is<br />

upheld by rachamim.<br />

29 The tifereth of young men is their strength: and the<br />

tifereth of old men is their gray head.<br />

30 The wounds of a blow clean away evil: so do stripes to<br />

the inward parts of the lev.<br />

Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler: and<br />

whosoever is deceived by it is not wise.<br />

2 The fear of a melech is as the roaring of a lion: whoever<br />

provokes him to anger sins against his own being.<br />

3 It is an honor for a man to cease from strife: but every<br />

fool will be meddling.<br />

4 The lazy one will not plow by reason of the cold;<br />

therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.<br />

5 Counsel in the lev of man is like deep mayim; but a<br />

man of binah will draw it out.<br />

6 Most men will proclaim every one his own virtues: but<br />

a faithful man who can find?<br />

7 The tzadik man walks in his own integrity: his children<br />

in Yisrael are blessed after him.<br />

8 A melech that sits on the kesay of mishpat scatters away<br />

all evil with his eyes.<br />

9 Who can say, I have made my lev clean, I am pure from<br />

my sin?<br />

10 Different weights, and different measures, both of<br />

them are an abomination to vuvh. 4003<br />

20 21<br />

The melech’s lev is in the hand of vuvh, as with the<br />

11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work<br />

is pure, or whether it is right.<br />

12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, vuvh has made<br />

both of them.<br />

13 Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your<br />

eyes, and you shall be satisfied with lechem.<br />

14 It is nothing, it is nothing, says the buyer: but when he<br />

is gone his way, then he boasts.<br />

15 There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of<br />

da’at are a precious jewel.<br />

16 Take his garment that is guarantor for a ger: and take it<br />

as a pledge when it is for foreigners.<br />

17 Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man; but<br />

afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.<br />

18 Every purpose is established by counsel: and with tov<br />

advice war can be waged.<br />

19 He that goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets:<br />

therefore do not associate with him that flatters with his<br />

lips.<br />

20 Whoever curses his abba, or his eema, his lamp shall<br />

be put out in obscure darkness.<br />

21 An inheritance may be gotten with quick greed at the<br />

beginning; but the end of it shall not be blessed.<br />

22 Do not say, I will repay the evil; but wait on vuvh, and<br />

He shall save you.<br />

23 Divers weights are an abomination to vuvh; and a false<br />

balance is not tov.<br />

24 Man’s steps are from vuvh; what then does a man<br />

understand about his own derech?<br />

rivers of mayim: He turns it wherever He desires.<br />

2 Every derech of a man is right in his own eyes: but vuvh<br />

ponders the levim.<br />

3 To do tzedakah and mishpat is more acceptable to vuvh<br />

than sacrifice.<br />

4 A high look, and a proud lev, and the work of the<br />

wicked, is sin.<br />

5 The thoughts of the diligent lead only to plenty; but the<br />

rash haste only to lack.<br />

6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity<br />

tossed to and fro by those that seek death.<br />

7 The spoil of the wicked shall destroy them; because<br />

they refuse to do mishpat.<br />

8 The derech of a guilty man is perverted and strange: but<br />

as for the pure, his work is right.<br />

9 It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than<br />

with a brawling woman in a wide bayit.<br />

10 The being of the wicked desires evil: his neighbor<br />

finds no favor in his eyes.<br />

11 When the scorner is punished, the simple is made<br />

wise: and when the wise is instructed, he receives da’at.<br />

12 The tzadik man wisely considers the bayit of the<br />

wicked: but Elohim overthrows the wicked for their<br />

wickedness.<br />

13 Whoever shuts his ears at the call of the poor, he also<br />

shall call himself, but shall not be heard.<br />

14 A bribe in secret pacifies anger: and a bribe in the<br />

bosom strong anger.<br />

15 It is simcha to the tzadik to do mishpat: but destruction<br />

shall be to the workers of iniquity.<br />

16 The man that wanders out of the derech of binah 4004<br />

shall remain in the congregation of the dead. 4005<br />

17 He that loves pleasure shall be a poor man: he that<br />

loves wine and oil shall not be rich.<br />

18 The wicked shall be a ransom for the tzadik, and the<br />

transgressor for the upright.<br />

19 It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a<br />

contentious and angry woman.<br />

20 There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling<br />

of the wise; but a foolish man swallows it up.<br />

21 He that follows after tzedakah and rachamim finds<br />

chayim, tzedakah, and honor.<br />

22 A wise man climbs the city of the mighty, and casts<br />

down the strength of its confidence.<br />

23 Whoever guards his mouth and his tongue guards his<br />

being from troubles.<br />

24 The proud and haughty, Scorner is his name, who<br />

deals in proud anger.

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