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21 Evil pursues sinners: but to the tzadik tov shall be<br />

repaid.<br />

22 A tov man leaves an inheritance to his children’s<br />

children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the<br />

tzadik.<br />

23 Much food is in the tillable ground of the poor: but<br />

lack of mishpat sweeps it away.<br />

24 He that spares his rod hates his son: but he that loves<br />

him chastens him diligently.<br />

25 The tzadik eats to the satisfying of his being: but the<br />

belly of the wicked shall have lack.<br />

14<br />

Every wise woman builds her bayit: but the foolish<br />

breaks it down with her hands.<br />

2 He that walks in his uprightness fears vuvh: but he that<br />

is perverse in his halachot despises Him.<br />

3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips<br />

of the wise shall preserve them.<br />

4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase<br />

comes from the strength of the ox.<br />

5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will<br />

utter lies.<br />

6 A scorner seeks chochmah, and finds it not: but da’at is<br />

easy to him that understands.<br />

7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when you<br />

perceive not in him the lips of da’at.<br />

8 The chochmah of the clever is to understand His derech:<br />

but the folly of fools is deceit.<br />

9 Fools make a mockery of sin: but among the tzadik<br />

there is favor.<br />

10 The lev knows its own bitterness; and a ger does not<br />

share its simcha.<br />

11 The bayit of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the<br />

sukkah of the upright shall flourish. 3990<br />

12 There is a derech that seems right to a man, but the<br />

ends of it are the ways of death. 3991<br />

13 Even in laughter the lev is in pain; and the end of that<br />

simcha is heaviness.<br />

14 The backslider in lev shall be filled with his own<br />

halachot: but a tov man shall be satisfied from within.<br />

15 The simple believes every word: but the clever man<br />

looks carefully at all his steps.<br />

16 A wise man fears, and departs from evil: but the fool<br />

rages, and is confident.<br />

17 He that is quick to be angry deals foolishly: and a man<br />

of wicked devices is hated.<br />

18 The simple inherit folly: but the clever are crowned<br />

with da’at.<br />

19 The evil man bows before the tov; and the wicked man<br />

at the gates of the tzadik.<br />

20 The poor is hated even by his own neighbor: but the<br />

rich has many chaverim.<br />

21 He that despises his neighbor sins: but he that has<br />

rachamim on the poor is blessed.<br />

22 Do they not go astray that devise evil? But rachamim<br />

and emet shall be for them that devise tov.<br />

23 In all labor there is profit: but the talk of the lips leads<br />

only to poverty.<br />

24 The keter of the wise is their riches: but the<br />

foolishness of fools is folly.<br />

25 A true witness delivers beings: but a deceitful witness<br />

speaks lies.<br />


- 474 -<br />

26 In the fear of vuvh is strong confidence: and His<br />

children in Yisrael shall have a place of refuge.<br />

27 The fear of vuvh is a fountain of chayim, to depart<br />

from the traps of death.<br />

28 In the multitude of the nation is the melech’s honor:<br />

3992 but by the lack of the nation rulership is broken.<br />

29 He that is slow to anger is of great binah: but he that is<br />

hasty of ruach exalts folly.<br />

30 A sound lev is the chayim of the flesh: but jealousy the<br />

rottenness of the bones.<br />

31 He that oppresses the poor reproaches His Maker: but<br />

he that honors Him has rachamim on the poor.<br />

32 The wicked is taken away in his wickedness: but the<br />

tzadik has tikvah in his death.<br />

33 Chochmah rests in the lev of him that has binah: but<br />

that which is in the midst of fools is made known.<br />

34 Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach<br />

that diminishes 3993 any people.<br />

35 The melech’s favor is toward a wise eved: but his<br />

anger is against him that causes shame. 3994<br />

15<br />

A soft answer turns away anger: but harsh words stir<br />

up anger.<br />

2 The tongue of the wise uses da’at right: but the mouth<br />

of fools pours out foolishness.<br />

3 The eyes of vuvh are in every place, beholding the evil<br />

and the tov.<br />

4 A wholesome tongue is an eytz chayim: but<br />

perverseness of tongue crushes the ruach.<br />

5 A fool despises his abba’s discipline: but he that regards<br />

correction is clever.<br />

6 In the bayit of the tzadik is much treasure: but the<br />

income of the wicked is trouble.<br />

7 The lips of the wise disperse da’at: but the lev of the<br />

foolish does not do so.<br />

8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to vuvh:<br />

but the tefillah of the upright is His delight.<br />

9 The derech of the wicked is an abomination to vuvh: but<br />

He loves him that follows after tzedakah.<br />

10 Correction will be harsh to him that forsakes the way:<br />

and he that hates correction shall die.<br />

11 Sheol and destruction are before vuvh: how much<br />

more the levim of the children of Yisrael and of men?<br />

12 A scorner loves not one that reproves him: neither will<br />

he go to the wise.<br />

13 A lev of simcha makes a cheerful face: but by sorrow<br />

of the lev the ruach is crushed.<br />

14 The lev of him that has binah seeks da’at: but the<br />

mouth of fools feeds on foolishness.<br />

15 All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that has a<br />

lev of simcha has a continual moed.<br />

16 Better is little with the fear of vuvh than great treasure<br />

with trouble.<br />

17 Better is a dinner of herbs where ahava is, than a fatted<br />

calf where hatred is.<br />

18 An angry man stirs up strife: but he that is slow to<br />

anger appeases strife.<br />

19 The derech of the lazy man is as a hedge of thorns: but<br />

the way of the tzadik is a highway.<br />

20 A wise son makes an abba have gilah: but a foolish<br />

man despises his eema.<br />

21 Folly is simcha to him that is destitute of chochmah:<br />

but a man of binah walks uprightly.

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