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5 Blessed is the man that has his quiver full of them: they<br />

shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with their<br />

enemies in the gate.<br />

Kuf Chaf Chet<br />

3920<br />

128 Blessed is every one that fears vuvh; that has<br />

their halacha in His halachot.<br />

2 For you shall eat the labor of your hands: great blessing<br />

shall you have, and it shall be well with you.<br />

3 Your wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of your<br />

bayit: your children like olive plants all around your<br />

shulchan.<br />

3921 3922<br />

4 See, that is how the man shall be blessed who fears<br />

vuvh. 3923<br />

5 vuvh shall bless you out of Tzion: and you shall see the<br />

tov of Yahrushalayim all the days of your chayim.<br />

6 Yes, you shall see your children’s children, and shalom<br />

upon Yisrael. 3924<br />

129<br />

Kuf Chaf Tet<br />

3925 Often they have afflicted me from my youth,<br />

may Yisrael now say:<br />

2 Often they have afflicted me from my youth: yet they<br />

have not prevailed against me.<br />

3 The plowers plowed upon my back: they made their<br />

furrows long.<br />

4 vuvh is tzadik: He has cut asunder the cords of the<br />

wicked.<br />

5 Let them all be ashamed and turned back that hate<br />

Tzion.<br />

6 Let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which<br />

withers before it grows up:<br />

7 With which the reapers do not fill their hands; nor he<br />

that binds sheaves, his arms.<br />

8 Neither do they who pass by say, The bracha of vuvh be<br />

upon you: we bless you in the Name of vuvh.<br />

130<br />

Kuf Lamed<br />

3926 Out of the depths have I cried to You, O vuvh.<br />

2 vuvh, listen to my voice: let Your ears be attentive to<br />

the voice of my supplications.<br />

3 If You, Yah, should mark iniquities, O vuvh, who shall<br />

stand?<br />

4 But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be<br />

feared.<br />

5 I wait for vuvh; my being does wait, and in His word do<br />

I tikvah.<br />

6 My being waits for vuvh more than they that watch for<br />

the morning; yes, more than they that watch for the<br />

morning.<br />

7 Let Yisrael tikvah in vuvh: for with vuvh there is<br />

rachamim, and with Him is abundant redemption.<br />

8 And He shall redeem Yisrael from all their iniquities.<br />

Kuf Lamed Aleph<br />

3927<br />

131 vuvh, my lev is not haughty, nor my eyes<br />

proud: neither do I concern myself in great matters, or in<br />

things too wonderful for me.<br />

2 Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child<br />

that is weaned by its eema: my being is even as a weaned<br />

child.<br />

3 Let Yisrael tikvah in vuvh: from this time forward and<br />

le-olam-va-ed.<br />


- 462 -<br />

Kuf Lamed Bet<br />

3928 O vuvh, remember Dawid, and all his afflictions:<br />

2 How he swore to vuvh, and vowed to the mighty<br />

Elohim of Yaakov;<br />

3 Surely I will not come into the sukkah of my bayit, nor<br />

go up into my bed;<br />

4 I will not give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to my<br />

eyelids,<br />

5 Until I find a place for vuvh, a Dwelling Place for the<br />

mighty Elohim of Yaakov.<br />

6 See, we heard of it at Ephrata: we found it in the fields<br />

of the forest.<br />

7 We will go into His sukkah: we will worship at His<br />

footstool.<br />

8 Arise, O vuvh, into Your rest; You, and the ark of Your<br />

strength.<br />

9 Let Your Kohanim be clothed with tzedakah; and let<br />

Your kidushim shout for simcha.<br />

10 For Your eved Dawid’s sake do not turn away the face<br />

of Your anointed.<br />

11 vuvh has sworn in emet to Dawid; He will not turn<br />

from it; Of the fruit of your body will I set upon your<br />

kesay.<br />

12 If your children will keep My brit and My testimony<br />

that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon<br />

your kesay le-olam-va-ed.<br />

13 For vuvh has chosen Tzion; He has desired it for His<br />

dwelling place.<br />

14 This is My rest le-olam-va-ed: here will I dwell; for I<br />

have desired it.<br />

15 I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her<br />

poor with lechem.<br />

16 I will also clothe her Kohanim with Yahshua: 3929 132<br />

and<br />

her kidushim shall shout aloud for simcha.<br />

17 There will I make the horn of Dawid to bud: I have<br />

ordained a lamp for My anointed.<br />

18 His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon<br />

himself shall His keter flourish.<br />

133<br />

Kuf Lamed Gimel<br />

3930 Hinay ma-tov uma-nayim shevet achim gam<br />

yachad! 3931<br />

2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head; that ran<br />

down upon the beard, even Aharon’s beard: that went<br />

down to the collar of his robe;<br />

3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descends<br />

upon the mountains of Tzion: for there vuvh commands<br />

the bracha, even chayim le-olam-va-ed. 3932 Shalom be<br />

upon Yisrael! 3933<br />

134<br />

Kuf Lamed Daled<br />

3934 See; bless vuvh, all you avadim of vuvh, who<br />

by night stand in the Bayit of vuvh.<br />

2 Lift up your hands in the Kadosh-Place, and bless vuvh.<br />

3 vuvh that made the shamayim and earth bless you out of<br />

Tzion.<br />

135<br />

Kuf Lamed Hey<br />

3935 Hallel vuvh. Hallel the Name of vuvh; hallel<br />

Him O you avadim of vuvh.<br />

2 You that stand in the Bayit of vuvh, in the courts of the<br />

Bayit of our Elohim,

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