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Kuf Yud Daled<br />

3862<br />

When Yisrael went out of Mitzrayim, Beit<br />

Yaakov from a people with a strange language;<br />

2 Yahudah became His kadosh place, and Yisrael His<br />

rule. 3863<br />

114<br />

3 The sea saw it, and ran: Yarden was driven back.<br />

4 The mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like<br />

lambs.<br />

5 What bothered you, O Sea of Reeds; that you fled? And<br />

you Yarden, that you were driven back?<br />

6 You mountains, that you skipped like rams; and you<br />

little hills, like lambs?<br />

7 Tremble, O earth, at the shechinah of vuvh, at the<br />

shechinah of the tvkt of Yaakov;<br />

8 Who turned the Rock into a pool of mayim, the flint<br />

into a fountain of mayim.<br />

Kuf Tet Vav<br />

3864 3865 3866<br />

Not to us, O vuvh, not to us, but to<br />

Your Name give tifereth, for Your rachamim, and for<br />

Your emet’s sake. 3867<br />

2 Why should the nations say, Where is now their<br />

Elohim?<br />

3 But our Elohim is in the shamayim: He has done<br />

whatever He has pleased.<br />

4 Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s<br />

hands.<br />

5 They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes they have,<br />

but they see not:<br />

6 They have ears, but they hear not: noses they have, but<br />

they smell not:<br />

7 They have hands, but they touch not: feet they have, but<br />

they walk not: neither do they speak through their throat.<br />

8 They that make them are like them; so is everyone that<br />

trusts in them.<br />

9 O Yisrael, trust in vuvh: He is their help and their<br />

shield.<br />

10 O Beit Aharon, trust in vuvh: He is their help and their<br />

shield.<br />

11 You that fear vuvh, trust in vuvh: He is their help and<br />

their shield.<br />

12 vuvh has been mindful of us: He will bless us; He will<br />

bless Beit Yisrael; 3868 He will bless Beit Aharon.<br />

13 He will bless them that fear vuvh, both small and<br />

great.<br />

14 vuvh shall increase you more and more, you and your<br />

children. 3869<br />

115<br />

15 You are blessed of vuvh who made the shamayim and<br />

earth.<br />

16 The shamayim, are the shamayim of vuvh: but the<br />

earth has He given to the children of men.<br />

17 The dead do not hallel vuvh, neither those that go<br />

down into silence.<br />

18 But we will bless vuvh from this time forth and leolam-va-ed.<br />

Hallel vuvh.<br />

Kuf Tet Zayin<br />

3870<br />

116 I love vuvh, because He has heard my voice<br />

and my supplications.<br />

2 Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore will I<br />

call upon Him as long as I live.<br />

3 The sorrows of death surrounded me, and the pains of<br />

Sheol came upon me: I found trouble and sorrow.<br />


- 457 -<br />

4 Then called I upon the Name of vuvh; O vuvh, I beg<br />

You, deliver my being.<br />

5 Full of unmerited favor is vuvh, and He is tzadik; yes,<br />

our Elohim is full of rachamim.<br />

6 vuvh preserves the simple: I was brought low, and He<br />

helped me.<br />

7 Return to your rest, O my being; for vuvh has treated<br />

you well.<br />

8 For You have delivered my being from death, my eyes<br />

from tears, and my feet from falling.<br />

9 I will walk beforevuvh in the land of the living.<br />

10 I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly<br />

afflicted:<br />

11 I said in my haste; All men are liars.<br />

12 What shall I render to vuvh for all His benefits toward<br />

me?<br />

13 I will lift up the cup of Yahshua, and call upon the<br />

Name of vuvh.<br />

14 I will pay my vows to vuvh now in the presence of all<br />

His people.<br />

15 Precious in the sight of vuvh is the death of His<br />

kidushim. 3871<br />

16 O vuvh, truly I am Your eved; I am Your eved, and the<br />

son of Your female eved: You have loosed my chains.<br />

17 I will offer to You the sacrifice of hodu, and will call<br />

upon the Name of vuvh.<br />

18 I will pay my vows to vuvh now in the presence of all<br />

His people,<br />

19 In the courts of vuvh’s Bayit, in the midst of you, O<br />

Yahrushalayim. Hallel vuvh.<br />

117<br />

Kuf Yud Zayin<br />

3872 O hallel vuvh, all you nations: hallel Him, all<br />

you people.<br />

2 For His rachamim and chesed is great toward us: and<br />

the emet of vuvh endures le-olam-va-ed. Hallel vuvh.<br />

Kuf Yud Chet<br />

3873<br />

O give hodu to vuvh; for He is tov: because His<br />

rachamim endures le-olam-va-ed.<br />

2 Let Yisrael now say, that His rachamim endures<br />

le-olam-va-ed.<br />

3 Let Beit Aharon now say, that His rachamim endures<br />

le-olam-va-ed.<br />

4 Let them now that fear vuvh say; that His rachamim<br />

endures le-olam-va-ed.<br />

5 I called upon Yah in distress: Yah answered me, and set<br />

me in a large place.<br />

6 vuvh is on my side; I will not fear; what can man do to<br />

me?<br />

7 vuvh takes my part with them that help me: therefore<br />

shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.<br />

8 It is better to trust in vuvh than to put confidence in<br />

man.<br />

9 It is better to trust in vuvh than to put confidence in<br />

leaders.<br />

10 All nations surrounded me all around: but in the Name<br />

of vuvh will I destroy them. 3874<br />

118<br />

11 They surrounded me, yes, they surrounded me all<br />

around: but in the Name of vuvh I will destroy them.<br />

12 They surrounded me around like bees; they are<br />

quenched as burning thorns: for in the Name of vuvh I<br />

will destroy them.

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