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15 So persecute them with Your whirlwind, and make<br />

them afraid with Your storm.<br />

16 Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek Your<br />

Name, O vuvh.<br />

17 Let them be ashamed and troubled le-olam-va-ed; yes,<br />

let them be put to shame, and perish:<br />

18 That men may know that You, whose Name alone is<br />

vuvh, are the most high over all the earth. 3749<br />

Peh Daled<br />

3750<br />

How lovely are Your sukkot, O vuvh tzevaoth!<br />

2 My being longs, yes, even faints for the courts of<br />

vuvh: my lev and my flesh cries out for the living El.<br />

3 Yes, the sparrow has found a bayit, and the swallow a<br />

nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even Your<br />

altars, O vuvh tzevaoth, my Melech, and my Elohim.<br />

4 Blessed are they that dwell in Your Bayit: they will still<br />

be giving You tehilla. Selah.<br />

5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in You; in whose<br />

lev are Your halachot.<br />

6 Who passing through the Valley of Baca makes it a<br />

well; the rain also fills the pools.<br />

7 They go from strength to strength, every one of them in<br />

Tzion appears before Elohim. 3751<br />

84<br />

8 O vuvh Elohim tzevaoth, listen to my tefillah: give ear,<br />

O Elohim of Yaakov. Selah.<br />

9 See, O Elohim our shield, and look upon the face of<br />

Your anointed.<br />

10 For one day in Your courts is better than a thousand<br />

days elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the<br />

Bayit of my Elohim, than to dwell in the tents of<br />

wickedness.<br />

11 For vuvh Elohim is a sun and shield: vuvh will give<br />

favor and kavod: no tov thing will He withhold from them<br />

that have their halacha in purity.<br />

12 O vuvh tzevaoth, blessed is the man that trusts in You.<br />

85<br />

Peh Hey<br />

3752 vuvh, You have been favorable to Your land:<br />

You have brought back the exiles of Yaakov. 3753<br />

2 You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people; You<br />

have covered all their sin. 3754 Selah.<br />

3 You have taken away all Your anger: You have turned<br />

Yourself from the fierceness of Your anger.<br />

4 Turn us, O Elohim of our Yahshua, and cause Your<br />

anger toward us to cease.<br />

5 Will You be angry with us le-olam-va-ed? Will You<br />

draw out Your anger to all generations?<br />

6 Will You not revive us again: that Your people may<br />

gilah in You? 3755<br />

7 Show us Your rachamim, O vuvh, and grant us Your<br />

Yahshua. 3756<br />

8 I will hear what El-vuvh will speak: for He will speak<br />

shalom to His people, and to His kidushim: but let them<br />

not turn again to folly.<br />

9 Surely His Yahshua 3757 is near to them that fear Him;<br />

that tifereth may dwell in our land.<br />

10 Chesed and emet shall meet; tzedakah and shalom<br />

shall kiss each other. 3758<br />

11 Emet shall spring out of the earth; 3759 and tzedakah<br />

shall look down from the shamayim. 3760<br />

12 Yes, vuvh shall give that which is tov; and our land<br />

shall yield her increase.<br />


- 447 -<br />

13 Tzedakah shall go before Him; and shall set us in the<br />

derech of His steps.<br />

86<br />

Peh Vav<br />

3761 Incline Your ear, O vuvh, answer me: for I am<br />

poor and needy.<br />

2 Preserve my being; for I am dedicated: O my Elohim,<br />

save Your eved that trusts in You.<br />

3 Give me rachamim, O vuvh: for I cry to You daily.<br />

4 Bring simcha to the being of Your eved: for to You, O<br />

vuvh, do I lift up my being.<br />

5 For You vuvh, are tov, and ready to forgive; and<br />

abundant in rachamim to all those that call upon You.<br />

6 Listen, O vuvh, to my tefillah; and attend to the voice of<br />

my supplications.<br />

7 In the day of my trouble I will call upon You: for You<br />

will answer me.<br />

8 Among the elohim there is none like You, O vuvh;<br />

neither are there any works like Your works.<br />

9 All nations whom You have made shall come and<br />

worship before You, O vuvh; and shall give tifereth to<br />

Your Name. 3762<br />

10 For You are great, and do wonderful things: You are<br />

Elohim alone.<br />

11 Teach me Your derech, O vuvh; I will walk in Your<br />

emet: unite my lev to fear Your Name. 3763<br />

12 I will hallel You, O vuvh my Elohim, with all my lev:<br />

and I will esteem Your Name le-olam-va-ed.<br />

13 For great is Your rachamim towards me: and You have<br />

delivered my being from the lowest Sheol.<br />

14 O Elohim, the proud have risen against me, and the<br />

mobs of violent men have sought after my being; and<br />

have not set You before them.<br />

15 But You, O vuvh, are an El full of rachamim, and<br />

favor, longsuffering, and abundant in rachamim and emet.<br />

16 O turn to me, and have rachamim upon me; give Your<br />

strength to Your eved, and save the son of Your female<br />

eved.<br />

17 Show me an ot for tov; that they who hate me may see<br />

it, and be ashamed: because You, vuvh, have helped me,<br />

and comforted me.<br />

87<br />

Peh Zayin<br />

3764 His foundation is in the kadosh mountains.<br />

2 vuvh loves the gates of Tzion; more than all the<br />

dwellings of Yaakov.<br />

3 Wonderful things are spoken about you, O city of<br />

Elohim. Selah.<br />

4 I will make mention of Rahav and Bavel to them that<br />

know me: see Philistia, and Tsor, with Ethiopia; this man<br />

was born there. 3765<br />

5 And of Tzion it shall be said, This one and that man was<br />

born in her: and the Highest Himself shall establish her.<br />

6 vuvh shall write, when He writes up the registers of the<br />

nations, that this man was born there. Selah. 3766<br />

7 And the singers and the players on instruments shall be<br />

there: all my fountains are in you. 3767<br />

Peh Chet<br />

3768<br />

88<br />

O vuvh Elohim of my Yahshua; I have cried day<br />

and night before You:<br />

2 Let my tefillah come before You: listen to my cry;

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