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31 Rulers shall come out of Mitzrayim; Ethiopia shall<br />

soon stretch out her hands to Elohim.<br />

32 Sing to Elohim, you malchutim of the earth; O shir<br />

tehillot to vuvh; Selah:<br />

33 To Him that rides upon the shamayim of the<br />

shamayim, which were ancient; look, He does send out<br />

His voice, a mighty voice.<br />

34 Give strength to Elohim: His excellency is over<br />

Yisrael, and His strength is in the clouds.<br />

35 O Elohim, You are awesome out of Your kadosh<br />

places: the El of Yisrael is He that gives strength and<br />

power to His people. Barchu-et-Elohim.<br />

Samech Tet<br />

3677<br />

69 Save me, O Elohim; for the mayim are come in to<br />

my being.<br />

2 I sink in deep mud, where there is no standing: I am come<br />

into deep mayim, where the floods overflow me.<br />

3 I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: my eyes pine<br />

away while I wait for My Elohim.<br />

4 They that hate Me without a cause are more than the hairs<br />

of My head: they that would destroy Me, being My enemies<br />

wrongfully, are mighty: then I restored that which I took not<br />

away.<br />

3678 3679<br />

5 O Elohim, You know my foolishness; and my sins are<br />

not hidden from You.<br />

6 Let not them that wait on You, O Master vuvh tzevaoth,<br />

be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek You be<br />

ashamed for my sake, O Elohim of Yisrael.<br />

7 Because for Your sake I have borne reproach; shame<br />

has covered my face.<br />

8 I am become a ger to My brothers, and an alien to My<br />

eema’s children. 3680<br />

9 For the zeal for Your Bayit has eaten Me up; and the<br />

reproaches of them that reproached You have fallen upon<br />

Me. 3681<br />

10 When I wept, and chastened my being with fasting,<br />

that was to my reproach.<br />

11 I made sackcloth also my garment; and I became a<br />

mishle to them.<br />

12 They that sit in the gate speak against me; and I was<br />

the shir of the drunkards.<br />

13 But as for me, my tefillah is to You, O vuvh, in an<br />

acceptable time: O Elohim, in the multitude of Your<br />

rachamim You listened to me, in the emet of Your<br />

Yahshua.<br />

14 Deliver me out of the mud, and let me not sink: let me<br />

be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep<br />

mayim.<br />

15 Let not the mayim’s flood overflow me, neither let the<br />

deep swallow me up, and let not the pit shut her mouth<br />

upon me.<br />

16 Listen to me, O vuvh; for Your loving chesed is tov:<br />

turn to me according to the multitude of Your tender<br />

rachamim.<br />

17 And hide not Your face from Your eved; for I am in<br />

trouble: listen to me speedily.<br />

18 Draw near to my being, and redeem it: deliver me<br />

because of my enemies.<br />

19 You have known my reproach, and my shame, and my<br />

dishonor: my adversaries are all before You.<br />


- 441 -<br />

20 Reproach has broken my lev; and I am full of<br />

heaviness: and I looked for sympathy, but there was none;<br />

and for comforters, but I found none.<br />

21 They gave Me also gall for My food; and in My thirst<br />

they gave Me vinegar to drink. 3682<br />

22 Let their shulchan become a trap before them: and<br />

that which should have been for their welfare, 3683 let it<br />

become a trap. 3684<br />

23 Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make<br />

their loins continually to shake. 3685<br />

24 Pour out Your indignation upon them, and let Your<br />

wrathful anger take hold of them.<br />

25 Let their dwelling place be desolate; and let none<br />

3686 3687<br />

dwell in their tents.<br />

26 For they persecute Him whom You have smitten; and<br />

they talk to the grief of those whom You have wounded.<br />

27 Add iniquity to their iniquity: and let them not come<br />

into Your tzedakah.<br />

28 Let them be blotted out of Sefer HaChayim, and not be<br />

written with the tzadikim.<br />

29 But I am poor and sorrowful: let Your Yahshua, O<br />

Elohim, set me up on high.<br />

30 I will hallel the Name of Elohim with a shir, and will<br />

magnify Him with hodu.<br />

31 This also shall please vuvh better than an ox, or<br />

bullock that has horns and hoofs.<br />

32 The humble shall see this, and be in simcha: and your<br />

lev shall live that seek Elohim.<br />

33 For vuvh hears the poor, and despises not His<br />

exiles. 3688<br />

34 Let the shamayim and earth hallel Him, the seas, and<br />

everything that moves in it.<br />

35 For Elohim will save Tzion, and will rebuild the cities<br />

of Yahudah: that they may dwell there, and have it in<br />

their possession.<br />

36 The zera also of His avadim shall inherit it: and they<br />

that love His Name shall dwell in it. 3689<br />

Ayin<br />

3690<br />

Make haste, O Elohim, to deliver me; make<br />

haste to help me, O vuvh.<br />

2 Let them be ashamed and abased that seek after my<br />

being: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion,<br />

that desire my hurt.<br />

3 Let them be turned back for a reward of their own<br />

shame that say, Aha, aha.<br />

4 Let all those that seek You gilah and be in simcha in<br />

You: and let such as love Your Yahshua 3691 70<br />

say<br />

continually, Let Elohim be magnified.<br />

5 But I am poor and needy: make haste to me, O Elohim:<br />

You are my help and my Deliverer; O vuvh, make no<br />

delay.<br />

Ayin Aleph<br />

3692<br />

71<br />

In You, O vuvh, do I put my trust: let me never<br />

be put to confusion.<br />

2 Deliver me in Your tzedakah, and cause me to escape:<br />

incline Your ear to me, and save me.<br />

3 Be my strong dwelling place, to where I may<br />

continually resort: You have given commandment to save<br />

me; for You are my Rock and my fortress.<br />

4 Deliver me, O my Elohim, out of the hand of the<br />

wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.

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