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6 He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the<br />

flood on foot: there did we gilah in Him.<br />

7 He rules by His power le-olam-va-ed; His eyes observe<br />

the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.<br />

8 O bless our Elohim, you nations, and make the voice of<br />

His hallel to be heard:<br />

9 Who preserves our chayim, and allows not our feet to<br />

be moved.<br />

10 For You, O Elohim, have proved us: You have tried<br />

us, as silver is tried.<br />

11 You brought us into the net; You laid affliction on our<br />

loins.<br />

12 You have caused men to ride over our heads; we went<br />

through fire and through mayim: but You brought us out<br />

into a wealthy place.<br />

13 I will go into Your Bayit with burnt offerings: I will<br />

pay my vows to You,<br />

14 Which my lips have uttered, and my mouth has<br />

spoken, when I was in trouble.<br />

15 I will offer to You burnt sacrifices of fatlings, with the<br />

incense of rams; I will offer young bulls with goats.<br />

Selah.<br />

16 Come and hear; all you that fear Elohim, and I will<br />

declare what He has done for my being.<br />

17 I cried to Him with my mouth, and He was extolled<br />

with my tongue.<br />

18 If I regard iniquity in my lev, vuvh will not hear me:<br />

19 But truly Elohim has heard me; He has attended to the<br />

voice of my tefillah.<br />

20 Blessed be Elohim, who has not turned away my<br />

tefillah, nor His rachamim from me.<br />

Samech Zayin<br />

3670<br />

67 Elohim be full of rachamim to us, and bless us;<br />

and cause His face to shine upon us; Selah.<br />

2 That Your derech may be known upon the earth, Your<br />

saving health among all nations.<br />

3 Let the nations hallel You, O Elohim; let all the nations<br />

hallel You.<br />

4 O let the nations be in simcha and shir for simcha: for<br />

You shall judge the nations in tzedakah, and govern the<br />

nations upon earth. Selah.<br />

5 Let the nations hallel You, O Elohim; let all the nations<br />

hallel You.<br />

6 Then shall the earth yield her increase; and Elohim,<br />

even our own Elohim, shall bless us.<br />

7 Elohim shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall<br />

fear Him.<br />

Samech Chet<br />

3671<br />

68<br />

Let Elohim arise, let His enemies be scattered:<br />

let them also that hate Him flee before Him.<br />

2 As smoke is driven away, so He drives them away: as<br />

wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the<br />

shechinah of Elohim.<br />

3 But let the tzadikim be in simcha; let them gilah before<br />

Elohim: yes, let them be exceedingly in gilah.<br />

4 Sing to Elohim, shir tehillot to His Name: extol Him<br />

that rides upon the shamayim by His Name Yah, and<br />

gilah before Him.<br />

5 An Abba of the fatherless, and a Shophet of the<br />

widows, is Elohim in His kadosh dwelling place.<br />


- 440 -<br />

6 Elohim makes a home for the lonely. He brings out<br />

those who are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell<br />

in a dry land.<br />

7 O Elohim, when You went forth before Your people,<br />

when You did march through the wilderness; Selah.<br />

8 The earth shook, the shamayim also dripped at the<br />

shechinah of Elohim: even Senai itself was moved at the<br />

shechinah of Elohim, the Elohim of Yisrael.<br />

9 You, O Elohim, did send a plentiful rain, by which You<br />

did confirm Your inheritance, when it was weary.<br />

10 Your flock has lived in it: You, O Elohim, have<br />

prepared of Your tov for the poor.<br />

11 vuvh gave the word: great was the company of those<br />

that published it.<br />

12 Melechim of armies did flee in a hurry: and she that<br />

stopped at home divided the plunder.<br />

13 Though you have lain down among the thorns, yet<br />

shall you be as the wings of a yonah covered with silver,<br />

and her feathers with yellow gold.<br />

14 When the Almighty scattered melechim in it, it was<br />

white as snow in Tsalmon.<br />

15 The har of Elohim is as the har of Bashan; a high har<br />

as the har of Bashan.<br />

16 Why do you leap, you high hills? This is the har which<br />

Elohim desires to dwell in; yes, vuvh will dwell in it<br />

le-olam-va-ed.<br />

17 The mirkavot of Elohim are twenty thousand, even<br />

thousands of heavenly malachim: vuvh came from Senai,<br />

into the Kadosh-Place.<br />

18 You have ascended on high, You have led exiles<br />

captive: 3672 You have received gifts for men; 3673 Yes,<br />

for the rebellious also, that Yah-Elohim might dwell<br />

among them.<br />

19 Blessed be vuvh, who daily loads us with benefits,<br />

even the El of our Yahshua. Selah.<br />

20 He that is our El is the El of Yahshua; and to vuvh, my<br />

Master, belongs the escapes from death.<br />

21 But Elohim shall wound the head of His enemies, and<br />

the hairy scalp of such a one as goes on still in His<br />

trespasses.<br />

22 vuvh said, I will bring again from Bashan, 3674 I will<br />

bring My people again from the depths of the sea: 3675<br />

23 That your foot may be dipped in the dahm of your<br />

enemies, and the tongue of your dogs in the same.<br />

24 They have seen Your goings, O Elohim; even the<br />

goings of my El, my Melech, in the Kadosh-Place.<br />

25 The singers went before, the players on instruments<br />

followed after; among them were the young women<br />

playing with tambourines.<br />

26 Bless Elohim in the congregations, even vuvh, 3676<br />

from the fountain of Yisrael.<br />

27 There is little Benyamin with their ruler, the leaders of<br />

Yahudah and their council, the leaders of Zevulon, and<br />

the leaders of Naphtali.<br />

28 Your Elohim has commanded your strength:<br />

strengthen, O Elohim, that which You have worked for<br />

us.<br />

29 Because of Your Hekal at Yahrushalayim shall<br />

melechim bring presents to You.<br />

30 Rebuke the oppressors, the multitude of the wild bulls:<br />

the idols of the heathen, which are covered in silver until<br />

each one submits himself: scatter the nations that delight<br />

in war.

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