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4 He shall call to the shamayim from above, and to the<br />

earth, that He may judge His people.<br />

5 Gather My kidushim together to Me; those that have<br />

made a brit with Me by sacrifice. 3634<br />

6 And the shamayim shall declare His tzedakah: for<br />

Elohim is the Shophet Himself. Selah.<br />

7 Listen, O My people, and I will speak; O Yisrael, and I<br />

will testify against you: I am Elohim, even your Elohim.<br />

8 I will not reprove you for your sacrifices, or your burnt<br />

offerings, to have been continually before Me.<br />

9 I will take no bullock out of your bayit, nor male goats<br />

out of your folds.<br />

10 For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle<br />

upon a thousand hills.<br />

11 I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild<br />

beasts of the field are Mine.<br />

12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you: for the olam is<br />

Mine, and the fullness of it.<br />

13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the dahm of<br />

goats?<br />

14 Offer to Elohim hodu; and pay your vows to the most<br />

High:<br />

15 And call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver<br />

you, and you shall give Me tifereth.<br />

16 But to the wicked Elohim says, What have you to do<br />

with declaring My chukim, or that you should take My<br />

brit in your mouth?<br />

17 Seeing you hate Torah, and cast My words behind you.<br />

18 When you saw a thief, then you were pleased with<br />

him, and have been partakers with adulterers.<br />

19 You gave your mouth to evil, and your tongue creates<br />

deceit.<br />

20 You sit and speak against your brother; you slander<br />

your own eema’s son.<br />

21 These things have you done, and I kept silent; you<br />

thought that I was altogether such a one as yourself: but I<br />

rebuke you, and set it in order before your eyes.<br />

22 Now consider this, you that forget tvkt, lest I tear<br />

you in pieces, and there be none to deliver:<br />

23 Anyone offering hallel glorifies Me: and to him that<br />

orders his behavior in tzedakah, to him will I show the<br />

Yahshua of Elohim.<br />

Nun Aleph<br />

3635<br />

Have mercy upon me, O Elohim, according to<br />

Your loving chesed: according to the multitude of Your<br />

tender rachamim blot out my transgressions.<br />

2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me<br />

from my sin.<br />

3 For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is<br />

ever before me.<br />

4 Against You, and You alone, have I sinned, and done<br />

this evil in Your sight: that You might be justified when<br />

You speak, and be clear when You judge.<br />

5 See, I was shaped in iniquity; and in sin did my eema<br />

conceive me. 3636<br />

51<br />

6 See, You desire emet in the inward parts: and in the<br />

inward parts You shall make me to know chochmah.<br />

7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me,<br />

and I shall be whiter than snow.<br />

8 Make me to hear, simcha and gilah; let the bones which<br />

You have broken gilah.<br />


- 436 -<br />

9 Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out all my<br />

iniquities.<br />

10 Create in me a clean lev, O Elohim; and renew a right<br />

ruach within me.<br />

11 Cast me not away from Your shechinah; and take not<br />

Your Ruach Hakodesh from me.<br />

12 Restore to me the simcha of Your Yahshua; and<br />

uphold me with Your free Ruach.<br />

13 Then will I teach transgressors Your halachot; and<br />

sinners shall be turned to You.<br />

14 Deliver me from bloodguilt, O Elohim, Elohim of my<br />

Yahshua: and my tongue shall shir aloud of Your<br />

tzedakah.<br />

15 O vuvh, open my lips; and my mouth shall show forth<br />

Your hallel.<br />

16 For You do not desire sacrifice, or else would I give it:<br />

You delight not in burnt offering.<br />

17 The sacrifices of Elohim are a broken ruach: a broken<br />

and a contrite lev, O Elohim, You will not despise.<br />

18 Do tov in Your tov pleasure to Tzion: rebuild the walls<br />

of Yahrushalayim.<br />

19 Then shall You be pleased with the sacrifices of<br />

tzedakah, with burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings:<br />

then shall they offer young bulls upon Your altar.<br />

52<br />

Nun Bet<br />

3637 Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man? The<br />

tov of El endures continually.<br />

2 Your tongue plans evils; like a sharp razor, working<br />

deceitfully.<br />

3 You love evil more than tov, and lying rather than to<br />

speak tzedakah. Selah.<br />

4 You love all kinds of devouring words, O deceitful<br />

tongue.<br />

5 El shall likewise destroy you le-olam-va-ed, He shall<br />

take you away, and pluck you out of your dwelling place,<br />

and root you out of the land of the living. Selah.<br />

6 The tzadikim also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at<br />

him:<br />

7 See, this is the man that did not make Elohim his<br />

strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and<br />

strengthened himself in his wickedness.<br />

8 But I am like a green olive eytz in the Bayit of<br />

Elohim: 3638 I trust in the rachamim of Elohim<br />

le-olam-va-ed.<br />

9 I will hallel You le-olam-va-ed, because You have done<br />

it: and I will wait on Your Name; for it is tov before Your<br />

kidushim. 3639<br />

Nun Gimel<br />

3640<br />

53<br />

The fool has said in his lev, There is no Elohim.<br />

Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity:<br />

there is none that does tov.<br />

2 Elohim looked down from the shamayim upon the<br />

children of men, to see if there were any that did<br />

understand, that did seek Elohim.<br />

3 Every one of them has gone astray: they are altogether<br />

become filthy; there is none that does tov, no, not one.<br />

4 Have the workers of iniquity no da’at? Who eat up my<br />

nation as they eat lechem: they have not called upon<br />

Elohim.<br />

5 There they are in great fear, where no fear was: for<br />

Elohim has scattered the bones of them that encamp

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