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the shame of the gentiles:<br />

7 Therefore this says the Master vuvh; I have lifted up My<br />

hand in an oath, Surely the gentiles that are around you,<br />

they shall bear their own shame.<br />

8 But you, O mountains of Yisrael, you shall shoot out<br />

your Netzarim, 2547 and yield your fruit 2548 to My people<br />

Yisrael; for they are about to come back.<br />

9 For, see, I am for you, and I will return to you, and you<br />

shall be tilled and sown:<br />

10 And I will multiply men 2549 upon you, kol Beit<br />

Yisrael, 2550 even all of it: and the cities shall be<br />

inhabited, and the ruins shall be rebuilt:<br />

11 And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they<br />

shall increase and bring fruit: and I will place you in<br />

your old dwellings, and will do better to you than at your<br />

beginning: and you shall know that I am vuvh.<br />

12 And I will cause men, even My people Yisrael, to have<br />

their path upon you, and they shall possess you, and you<br />

shall be their inheritance, and you shall no more be<br />

bereaved of men.<br />

13 This says the Master vuvh; Because they say to you,<br />

Your land devours men, and has bereaved your nation;<br />

14 Therefore you shall devour men no more, neither<br />

bereave your nation any more, says the Master vuvh.<br />

15 Neither will I cause men to hear in you the shame of<br />

the gentiles any more, 2551 neither shall you bear the<br />

reproach of the gentiles any more, neither shall you cause<br />

your nations 2552 to fall any more, says the Master vuvh.<br />

16 Moreover the word of vuvh came to me, saying,<br />

17 Ben-adam, when Beit Yisrael dwelt in their own land,<br />

they defiled it by their own derech and by their doings:<br />

their derech was before Me as the uncleanness of a<br />

woman in nidah.<br />

18 Therefore I poured My anger upon them for the dahm<br />

that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols with<br />

which they had defiled it:<br />

19 And I scattered them among the gentiles, and they<br />

were dispersed among the countries: according to their<br />

own derachot and according to their doings I judged<br />

them.<br />

20 And when they entered in among the gentiles, where<br />

they went, they profaned My kadosh Name, when they<br />

said to them, These are the people of vuvh, and yet they<br />

have been removed from their land. 2553<br />

21 But I had compassion and concern for My kadosh<br />

Name, which Beit Yisrael had profaned among the<br />

gentiles, wherever they went. 2554<br />

22 Therefore say to Beit Yisrael, This says the Master<br />

vuvh; I do not this for your sakes, O Beit Yisrael, but for<br />

My kadosh Name's sake, which you have profaned among<br />

the gentiles, wherever you went. 2555<br />

23 And I will set-apart My great Name, which was<br />

profaned among the gentiles, which you have profaned in<br />

the midst of them; and the gentiles shall know that I am<br />

vuvh, says the Master vuvh, when I shall be kadosh by you<br />

before their eyes. 2556<br />

24 For I will take you out from among the gentiles, and<br />

gather you out of all countries, 2557 and will bring you<br />

into your own land.<br />

25 Then will I sprinkle clean mayim upon you, 2558 and<br />

you shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all<br />

your idols, will I cleanse you. 2559<br />

26 A new lev 2560 also will I give you, and a<br />


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new Ruach 2561 will I put inside you: and I will take away<br />

the stony lev out of your flesh, and I will give you a lev of<br />

flesh. 2562<br />

27 And I will put My Ruach Hakodesh inside you, and<br />

cause you to have a halacha in My chukim, and you shall<br />

guard My mishpatim, and do them. 2563<br />

28 And you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your<br />

ahvot; and you shall be My people-Ami, and I will be<br />

your Elohim. 2564<br />

29 I will also save you from all your uncleanness: 2565<br />

and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay<br />

no famine upon you. 2566<br />

30 And I will multiply the fruit of the eytz, and the<br />

increase of the field, that you shall receive no more the<br />

reproach of famine among the gentiles.<br />

31 Then 2567 shall you remember your own evil halachot,<br />

and your doings that were not tov, and shall despise<br />

yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for<br />

your abominations.<br />

32 Not for your sakes do I do this, says the Master vuvh,<br />

let that be known to you: be ashamed and blush for your<br />

own halachot, O Beit Yisrael.<br />

33 This says the Master vuvh; In the day that I shall have<br />

cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you<br />

to dwell in the cities, and the ruins shall be rebuilt.<br />

34 And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it had<br />

been in ruin in the sight of all that passed by.<br />

35 And they shall say, This land that was desolate has<br />

become like the Garden of Eden; and the waste, desolate<br />

and ruined cities have become fortified and inhabited.<br />

36 Then the gentiles that are left around you 2568 shall<br />

know that I vuvh rebuild the ruined places, and planted<br />

what had been desolate: I vuvh have spoken it, and I will<br />

do it.<br />

37 This says the Master vuvh; I will yet once again allow<br />

Beit Yisrael to call upon Me, to do this for them; I will<br />

increase their men like a flock.<br />

38 As the kadosh flock, as the flock of Yahrushalayim in<br />

her kadosh moadim; so shall the ruined cities be filled<br />

with flocks of men: 2569 and they shall know that I am<br />

vuvh.<br />

37<br />

The hand of vuvh was upon me, and carried me out<br />

in the Ruach Hakodesh of vuvh, and set me down in the<br />

midst of the valley which was full of bones,<br />

2 And caused me to pass among them all around: and,<br />

see, there were very many 2570 in the open valley; and,<br />

see, they were very dry.<br />

3 And He said to me, Ben-adam, can these bones live?<br />

And I answered, O Master vuvh, You know.<br />

4 Again He said to me, Prophesy to these bones, and say<br />

to them, O dry bones, listen to the word of vuvh.<br />

5 This says the Master vuvh to these bones; See, I will<br />

cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live: 2571<br />

6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh<br />

upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you,<br />

and you shall live; and you shall know that I am<br />

vuvh. 2572<br />

7 So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I<br />

prophesied, there was a noise, and see a shaking, and the<br />

bones came together, bone to bone. 2573<br />

8 And when I beheld, see, the sinews and the flesh came

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