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one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall<br />

come upon you in their fullness for the multitude of your<br />

sorceries, and for the great abundance of your evil spells.<br />

10 For you have trusted in your wickedness: you have<br />

said, No one sees me. Your worldly chochmah and your<br />

da’at, have perverted you; and you have said in your lev,<br />

I am, and there is none else beside me.<br />

11 Therefore shall evil come upon you; you shall not<br />

know from where it rises: and trouble shall befall you;<br />

you shall not be able to put it off of you: and ruin shall<br />

come upon you suddenly, which you shall not know.<br />

12 Stand now with your enchantments, and with the<br />

multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored<br />

from your youth; if so be that you shall be able to profit, if<br />

so be that you may prevail.<br />

13 You are worn out by the multitude of your counsels.<br />

Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly<br />

prognosticators, stand up, and save you from these things<br />

that shall come upon you.<br />

14 See, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them;<br />

they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the<br />

flame: 1561 there shall not be a coal to be warmed by, nor<br />

fire to sit beside.<br />

15 This shall they be to you and with those you have<br />

labored, even your merchants, from your youth: they shall<br />

wander every one to his own way; no one shall save<br />

you. 1562<br />

Listen to this, O Beit Yaakov, who are called by the<br />

name of Yisrael, and are come forth out of the mayim of<br />

Yahudah, who swear by the Name of vuvh, and make<br />

mention of the Elohim of Yisrael, but not in emet, nor in<br />

tzedakah.<br />

2 For they call themselves after the kadosh city, and lean<br />

upon the Elohim of Yisrael; vuvh tzevaoth is His Name.<br />

3 I have declared the former things from the beginning;<br />

and they went forth out of My mouth, and I showed them;<br />

I did them suddenly, and they came to pass.<br />

4 Because I knew that you are stubborn, and your neck is<br />

an iron sinew, and your forehead brass;<br />

5 I have even from the beginning declared it to you;<br />

before it came to pass I showed it to you: lest you should<br />

say, My idol has done them, and my graven image, and<br />

my molded image, has commanded them.<br />

6 You have heard, and seen all this; and will you not<br />

declare it? I have shown you new things from this time,<br />

even hidden things, and you did not know them.<br />

7 They are created now, and not from the beginning; even<br />

before this day you have not heard them; lest you should<br />

say, See, I knew them.<br />

8 Yes, you heard not; yes, you knew not; yes, from that<br />

time that your ear was not opened: for I knew that you<br />

would deal very treacherously, and were called a<br />

transgressor from the womb.<br />

9 For My Name's sake will I defer My anger, and for My<br />

hallel will I be patient with you, so that I cut you not off.<br />

10 See, I have refined you, but not with silver; I have<br />

chosen you in the furnace of affliction. 1563<br />

48<br />

11 For My own sake, even for My own sake, will I do it:<br />

for how should My Name be polluted? And I will not give<br />

My tifereth to another.<br />

12 Listen to Me, O Yaakov and Yisrael, My called; I am<br />

He; I am the first, I also am the last.<br />


- 295 -<br />

13 My hand also has laid the foundation of the earth, and<br />

My Right Hand has spanned the shamayim: when I call to<br />

them, they stand up together.<br />

14 All of you; assemble yourselves, and listen. Who<br />

among them has declared these things? vuvh has loved<br />

him: he will do His pleasure on Bavel, and His Arm shall<br />

be on the Chaldeans.<br />

15 I, even I, 1564 have spoken; yes, I have called him: I<br />

have brought him, and he shall prosper in his derech.<br />

16 Come near to Me, listen to this; I have not spoken in<br />

secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, 1565 I<br />

was there: and now the Master vuvh, and His Ruach, has<br />

sent Me. 1566<br />

17 This says vuvh, your Redeemer, the Kadosh-One of<br />

Yisrael; I am vuvh your Elohim who teaches you to profit,<br />

who leads you by the derech that you should go.<br />

18 O that you had listened to My mitzvoth! Then your<br />

shalom would have been there as a river, and your<br />

tzedakah as the waves of the sea:<br />

19 Your zera also would have been as the sand, and the<br />

offspring of your inward parts like the gravel of it; his<br />

name should not have been cut off nor destroyed from<br />

before Me.<br />

20 Go forth from Bavel, flee from the Chaldeans, with a<br />

voice of singing; declare and, tell this, utter it even to the<br />

ends of the earth; say, vuvh has redeemed His eved<br />

Yaakov. 1567<br />

21 And they thirsted not when He led them through the<br />

deserts: He caused the mayim to flow out of the Rock for<br />

them: He split the Rock also, and the mayim gushed out.<br />

22 There is no shalom, says vuvh, to the wicked.<br />

49<br />

Listen, O coastlands, to Me; and hear, you nations,<br />

from far; 1568 vuvh has called Me from the womb; 1569<br />

from the inward parts of My eema has He made mention of<br />

My Name. 1570<br />

2 And He has made My mouth like a sharp arrow; 1571 in<br />

the shadow of His hand has He hidden me, 1572 and made<br />

Me a polished shaft; in His quiver has He hidden Me;<br />

3 And said to Me, You are My Eved, O Yisrael, 1573<br />

through whom I will be lifted up.<br />

4 Then I said, I have labored in vain, I have spent My<br />

strength for nothing, and in vain: yet surely My mishpat is<br />

from vuvh, and My work from My Elohim. 1574<br />

5 And now, says vuvh that formed Me 1575 from the womb<br />

to be His Eved, 1576 to bring Yaakov again 1577 to Him,<br />

1578 though Yisrael is not yet gathered, 1579 yet I am<br />

esteemed with tifereth in the eyes of vuvh, 1580 and My<br />

Elohim shall be My strength. 1581<br />

6 And He said, It is a light, easy and small thing 1582 that<br />

You should be My Eved to raise up the tribes of<br />

Yaakov, 1583 and to restore the preserved ones 1584 of<br />

Yisrael: 1585 I will also give You for a Light to the<br />

heathen, 1586 1587 that You may be My Yahshua to the<br />

ends of the earth. 1588<br />

7 This says vuvh, the Redeemer of Yisrael, their Kadosh-<br />

One, 1589 to Him whom man despises, to Him whom the<br />

nation abhors, 1590 to be the Eved over rulers, melechim<br />

shall see and arise, rulers also shall worship, because of<br />

vuvh that is faithful, and the Kadosh-One of Yisrael, and<br />

He shall choose You. 1591<br />

8 This says vuvh, In an acceptable time have I heard You,<br />

and in the day of Yahshua have I helped You: 1592 and I

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