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33 For Tophet is ordained of old; yes, for the melech it is<br />

prepared; He has made it deep and large: its fire pit with<br />

much wood; the breath of vuvh, like a river of brimstone,<br />

will burn it.<br />

31<br />

Woe to them that go down to Mitzrayim for help;<br />

and rely on horses, and trust in mirkavot, because they are<br />

many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but<br />

they look not to the Kadosh-One of Yisrael, neither do<br />

they seek vuvh!<br />

2 Yet He also is wise, and will bring evil, and will not<br />

take back His words: but will arise against the bayit of the<br />

evildoers, and against the helpers of those that work<br />

iniquity.<br />

3 Now the Mitzrim are men, and not El; and their horses<br />

are flesh, and not the Ruach Hakodesh. When vuvh shall<br />

stretch out His hand, both he that helps shall fall, and he<br />

that is being helped shall fall down, and they fall together.<br />

4 For this has vuvh spoken to me, Like as the lion and the<br />

young lion roaring on its prey, when a multitude of<br />

shepherds is called forth against him, he will not be<br />

afraid of their voice, nor humble himself for the noise of<br />

them: so shall vuvh tzevaoth come down to fight for Har<br />

Tzion, and for its hill. 1411<br />

5 As birds flying, so will vuvh tzevaoth defend<br />

Yahrushalayim; defending and delivering it; and passing<br />

over and preserving it.<br />

6 Now make teshuvah to Him, from whom the children of<br />

Yisrael have deeply fallen away.<br />

7 For in that day every man shall cast away his idols of<br />

silver, and his idols of gold, which your own hands have<br />

made for yourselves to sin. 1412<br />

8 Then shall Ashshur fall with the sword, not of a mighty<br />

man; and the sword, not from mankind, but he shall flee<br />

from the sword, 1413 and his young men shall be put to<br />

forced labor.<br />

9 And he shall pass over to his stronghold for fear, and<br />

his rulers shall be afraid of the Banner, says vuvh, whose<br />

fire is in Tzion, and whose furnace in Yahrushalayim. 1414<br />

See, a Melech shall reign in tzedakah, 1415 and rulers<br />

shall rule in mishpat. 1416<br />

32<br />

2 And each man shall be as a hiding place from the wind,<br />

and a shelter from the storm; as rivers of mayim in a dry<br />

place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.<br />

3 And the eyes of them that see shall not be dim, and the<br />

ears of them that will hear shall hear.<br />

4 The lev also of the quick to talk shall understand da’at,<br />

and the tongue of the stutterers shall be ready to speak<br />

plainly.<br />

5 The fool shall be no more called noble, nor the<br />

scoundrel said to be respectable.<br />

6 For the foolish person will speak folly, and his lev will<br />

work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error<br />

against vuvh, to make empty the being of the hungry, and<br />

to cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.<br />

7 The instruments also of the scoundrel are evil: he plans<br />

wicked plans to destroy the poor with lying words, even<br />

when the needy asks for mishpat.<br />

8 But the generous plans generous things; and by<br />

generous things shall he stand.<br />

9 Rise up, you women that are at ease; listen to My voice,<br />

you carefree daughters; listen to My speech.<br />


- 286 -<br />

10 Many days and years shall you be troubled, you<br />

carefree women: for the grape harvest shall fail, the<br />

gathering shall not come. 1417<br />

11 Tremble, you women that are at ease; be troubled, you<br />

carefree ones: strip yourself, and make yourselves bare,<br />

and put on sackcloth upon your loins. 1418<br />

12 They shall lament upon their breasts, for the pleasant<br />

fields, for the fruitful vine.<br />

13 Upon the land of My people shall come up thorns and<br />

weeds; yes, upon all the houses of simcha in the joyous<br />

city:<br />

14 Because the palaces shall be forsaken; the crowded<br />

city deserted; the hills and watchtowers shall serve as<br />

caves le-olam-va-ed, a simcha of wild donkeys, a pasture<br />

of flocks will remain;<br />

15 Until the Ruach is poured upon us from on high, and<br />

the wilderness is a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is<br />

counted as a forest. 1419<br />

16 Then mishpat shall live in the wilderness, and<br />

tzedakah remain in the fruitful field.<br />

17 And the work of tzedakah shall be shalom; and the<br />

effect of tzedakah rest and trust le-olam-va-ed.<br />

18 And My people shall live in a homeland of shalom, and<br />

in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places;<br />

19 Even when it shall hail, coming down on the forest;<br />

and the wood shall be laid low in humiliation.<br />

20 Blessed are you that sow beside all kinds of mayim 1420<br />

that send forth the feet of the ox and the donkey.<br />

Woe to you that plunders, and you were not<br />

plundered; and deals treacherously, and they dealt not<br />

treacherously with you! When you shall cease to plunder,<br />

you shall be plundered; and when you shall make an end<br />

to dealing treacherously, they shall deal treacherously<br />

with you.<br />

2 O vuvh, show us favor; we have waited for You: be our<br />

Arm every morning, our Yahshua also in the time of<br />

trouble.<br />

3 At the noise of rumbling the people fled; when You lift<br />

Yourself up the nations were scattered.<br />

4 And your plunder shall be gathered like the gathering of<br />

the caterpillar: as the running around of locusts shall He<br />

run upon them.<br />

5 vuvh is exalted; for He dwells on high: He has filled<br />

Tzion with mishpat and tzedakah.<br />

6 And chochmah and da’at shall be the stability of your<br />

times, and the strength of Yahshua: and the fear of vuvh -<br />

that is His treasure.<br />

7 See, their brave ones shall cry outside: the ambassadors<br />

of shalom shall weep bitterly.<br />

8 The highways lie deserted, the wayfaring man ceases:<br />

He has broken the brit, he has despised the cities, he<br />

regards no man.<br />

9 The earth mourns and languishes: Levanon is ashamed<br />

and cut down: Sharon is like a wilderness; and Bashan<br />

and Carmel shake off their fruits.<br />

10 Now will I rise, says vuvh; now will I be exalted; now<br />

will I lift up Myself.<br />

11 You shall conceive chaff, you shall bring forth stubble:<br />

your breath, as fire, shall devour you.<br />

12 And the people shall be as the burnings of lime: as<br />

thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire.<br />

13 Hear, you that are far off, 1421 33<br />

what I have done; and,

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