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10 Take counsel together, and it shall come to nothing;<br />

speak the word, and it shall not stand: for El is with us.<br />

11 For vuvh spoke this to me with a strong hand, and<br />

instructed me that I should not follow in the derech of this<br />

people, saying;<br />

12 Do not regard as an alliance what this nation calls an<br />

alliance; neither fear what they fear; nor be troubled by<br />

them. 1120<br />

13 Set-Apart vuvh tzevaoth Himself; Him shall you fear;<br />

and let Him be your awe. 1121<br />

14 And He shall be for a Place of Refuge; 1122 but for a<br />

Stone of stumbling and for a Rock of offence 1123 to both<br />

the houses of Yisrael, 1124 as a trap and a snare to the<br />

inhabitants of Yahrushalayim.<br />

15 And many amongst both houses shall stumble, 1125 and<br />

fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken . 1126<br />

16 Seal up the testimony; seal the Torah among My<br />

talmidim . 1127<br />

17 And I will wait upon vuvh, that hides His face from<br />

Beit Yaakov, 1128 1129 1130<br />

and I will look for Him.<br />

18 See, I and the children that vuvh has given Me 1131 are<br />

for signs and for wonders 1132 in Yisrael from vuvh<br />

tzevaoth, who dwells on Har Tzion.<br />

19 And when they shall say to you, Seek to them that have<br />

familiar ruachim, and to sorcerers that whisper and<br />

mutter: 1133 should not a people seek for their Elohim?<br />

1134 1135<br />

Who asks the dead about the living?<br />

20 To the Torah and to the testimony: 1136 if they speak<br />

not according to this Word, 1137 it is because there is no<br />

Light in them. 1138<br />

21 And they shall pass through it, hard pressed and<br />

hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be<br />

hungry, they shall be angered, 1139 and they will curse<br />

their Melech and their Elohim, while looking upward. 1140<br />

22 And they shall look to the earth; and see tribulation<br />

and darkness, gloom in anguish; and they shall be driven<br />

to darkness. 1141<br />

Nevertheless the dimness 1142 shall not be such as was<br />

in her distress, 1143 when at first He lightly afflicted the<br />

land of Zevulon and the land of Naphtali, and afterward<br />

did more heavily afflict her by the derech of the sea,<br />

beyond the Yarden, 1144 9<br />

1145 1146<br />

in Galil of the gentiles.<br />

2 The people that walked in darkness 1147 have seen a<br />

great Light: they that live in the land of the shadow of<br />

death, upon them has the Light shined. 1148<br />

3 You 1149 have multiplied the nation, 1150 and increased<br />

the simcha: 1151 they simcha before You 1152 like the<br />

simcha in harvest, 1153 as men simcha when they divide<br />

the plunder.<br />

4 For You have broken the yoke of his burden, and the<br />

staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the<br />

day of Midyan. 1154<br />

5 For every voice, which is heard, brings fear, and<br />

garments rolled in dahm; but this shall be with burning and<br />

fuel of fire. 1155<br />

6 For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given: and the<br />

government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name<br />

shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty-El,<br />

The Everlasting Abba, The Sar Shalom. 1156<br />

7 Of the increase 1157 of His government and shalom<br />

there shall be no end, upon kesay Dawid, and upon his<br />

malchut, to order it, and to establish it with mishpat and<br />


- 275 -<br />

with tzedakah from now on even le-olam-va-ed. The zeal<br />

of vuvh tzevaoth will perform this. 1158<br />

8 vuvh sent a Word 1159 into Yaakov, and it has Lighted<br />

1160 upon Yisrael. 1161<br />

9 And all the people shall know, even Efrayim and the<br />

inhabitants of Shomron, that say in their pride and<br />

haughtiness of lev,<br />

10 The bricks may have fallen down, but we will rebuild<br />

with cut stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will<br />

change them into cedars.<br />

11 Therefore vuvh shall set up the adversaries of Retzin<br />

against him, and join his enemies together;<br />

12 The Arameans before, and the Plishtim behind; and<br />

they shall devour Yisrael with an open mouth. For all this<br />

His anger has not been turned away, but His hand is<br />

stretched out still.<br />

13 For the people do not turn to Him that smites them,<br />

neither do they seek vuvh tzevaoth.<br />

14 Therefore vuvh will cut off from Yisrael 1162 head and<br />

tail, branch and reed, in one day.<br />

15 The zechanim and the honorable, he is the head; and<br />

the navi that teaches lies, he is the tail.<br />

16 For the leaders of this people cause them to go astray;<br />

and they that are led by them are destroyed. 1163<br />

17 Therefore vuvh shall have no simcha in their young<br />

men, neither shall He have rachamim on their fatherless<br />

and widows: for everyone is a hypocrite and an evildoer,<br />

and every mouth speaks folly. For all this His anger has<br />

not turned away, but His hand is stretched out against us<br />

still.<br />

18 For wickedness burns as the fire: it shall devour the<br />

weeds and thorns, and shall kindle the thickets of the<br />

forest, and they shall be rolled up like the lifting up of<br />

smoke.<br />

19 Through the wrath of vuvh tzevaoth is the land<br />

darkened, and the people shall be as fuel for the fire: no<br />

man shall spare his brother.<br />

20 And he shall snatch food on the right hand, and still be<br />

hungry; and he shall eat with the left hand, and shall not<br />

be satisfied: they shall eat every man the flesh of his own<br />

arm:<br />

21 Menashsheh, Efrayim; and Efrayim, Menashsheh: and<br />

they together shall be against Yahudah. 1164 For all this<br />

His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched<br />

out still.<br />

Woe to them that decree unrighteous decrees, and<br />

that write unjust decrees which they have prescribed;<br />

2 To turn aside the needy from My mishpatim, and to take<br />

away the rights from the poor of My people, so that<br />

widows may be their prey, and so that they may rob the<br />

fatherless!<br />

3 And what will you do in the day of your visitation of<br />

punishment, and in the ruin that shall come from far? To<br />

whom will you run for help? And where will you leave<br />

your wealth?<br />

4 Without Me they shall bow among the prisoners, and<br />

they shall fall among the slain. For all this His anger is<br />

not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still.<br />

5 O Ashshur, the rod of My anger, and the staff in whose<br />

hand is My displeasure.<br />

6 I will send him against a hypocritical nation, 1165 10<br />

and<br />

against the people of My wrath will I give him a

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