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34 But I will not take the whole malchut out of his hand:<br />

but I will make him sar all the days of his chayim for<br />

Dawid My eved's sake, whom I chose, because he kept My<br />

mitzvoth and My chukim:<br />

35 But I will take the malchut out of his son's hand, and<br />

will give it to you, even ten tribes. 904<br />

36 And to his son 905 will I give one tribe, that Dawid My<br />

eved may have a light always before Me in<br />

Yahrushalayim, the city which I have chosen for Me to<br />

put My Name there.<br />

37 And I will take you, and you shall reign according to<br />

all that your being desires, and you shall be melech over<br />

Yisrael.<br />

38 And it shall be, if you will listen to all that I command<br />

you, and will have your halacha in My halachot, and do<br />

what is right in My sight, to keep My chukim and My<br />

mitzvoth, as Dawid My eved did; that I will be with you,<br />

and build you a sure bayit, as I built for Dawid, and will<br />

give Yisrael to you. 906<br />

39 And I will for this afflict the zera of Dawid, but not<br />

le-olam-va-ed. 907<br />

40 Shlomo sought therefore to kill Yahravam. And<br />

Yahravam arose, and fled into Mitzrayim, to Shishak<br />

melech of Mitzrayim, and was in Mitzrayim until the<br />

death of Shlomo.<br />

41 And the rest of the acts of Shlomo, and all that he did,<br />

and his chochmah, are they not written in the Scroll of the<br />

Acts of Shlomo? 908<br />

42 And the time that Shlomo reigned in Yahrushalayim<br />

over kol Yisrael 909 was forty years. 910<br />

43 And Shlomo slept with his ahvot, and was buried in<br />

the city of Dawid his abba: and Rechavam his son reigned<br />

in his place.<br />

12<br />

And Rechavam went to Shechem: for kol Yisrael had<br />

come to Shechem to make him melech.<br />

2 And it came to pass, when Yahravam the son of Nevat,<br />

who was yet in Mitzrayim, heard of it, because he had<br />

fled from the presence of melech Shlomo, and Yahravam<br />

dwelt in Mitzrayim,<br />

3 That they sent and called him. And Yahravam and all<br />

the congregation of Yisrael came, and spoke to<br />

Rechavam, saying,<br />

4 Your abba made our yoke hard: now therefore make the<br />

compulsory labor of your abba, and his heavy yoke that<br />

he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve you.<br />

5 And he said to them, Depart for three days, then come<br />

back to me. And the people departed.<br />

6 And melech Rechavam consulted with the zechanim<br />

that stood before Shlomo his abba while he still lived, and<br />

said, How do you advise that I may answer this people?<br />

7 And they spoke to him, saying, If you will be an eved to<br />

this people this day, and will serve them, and answer<br />

them, and speak tov words to them, then they will be your<br />

avadim le-olam-va-ed.<br />

8 But he forsook the counsel of the zechanim, which they<br />

had given him, and consulted with the young men with<br />

whom he had grown up, and who stood before him:<br />

9 And he said to them, What counsel do you give that we<br />

may answer this people, who have spoken to me, saying,<br />

Make the yoke which your abba did put upon us lighter?<br />

10 And the young men that had grown up with him spoke<br />

to him, saying, This shall you say to this people that<br />


- 239 -<br />

spoke to you, saying, Your abba made our yoke heavy,<br />

but you make it lighter on us; this shall you say to them,<br />

My little finger shall be thicker than my abba's loins.<br />

11 And now my abba did lay on you a heavy yoke, yet I<br />

will add to your yoke: my abba has chastised you with<br />

whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. 911<br />

12 So Yahravam and all the people came to Rechavam<br />

the third day, as the melech had appointed, saying, Come<br />

back to me again on the third day,<br />

13 And the melech answered the people roughly, and<br />

forsook the zechanim’s counsel that they gave him;<br />

14 And spoke to them after the counsel of the young men,<br />

saying, My abba made your yoke heavy, and I will add to<br />

your yoke: my abba also chastised you with whips, but I<br />

will chastise you with scorpions.<br />

15 So the melech did not listen to the people, for the<br />

cause was from vuvh, that He might perform His saying,<br />

which vuvh spoke by Achiyah the Shilonite to Yahravam<br />

the son of Nevat. 912<br />

16 So when kol Yisrael saw that the melech listened not<br />

to them, the people answered the melech, saying, What<br />

portion have we in Beit Dawid? Neither have we an<br />

inheritance in the son of Yishai: to your tents, O Yisrael:<br />

now see to your own bayit, Dawid. So Yisrael departed to<br />

913 914<br />

their tents.<br />

17 But as for the children of Yisrael who dwelt in the<br />

cities of Yahudah, Rechavam reigned over them. 915<br />

18 Then melech Rechavam sent Adoram, who was over<br />

the compulsory labor; and kol Yisrael 916 stoned him<br />

with stones, that he died. 917 Therefore melech Rechavam<br />

hurried to get into his mirkavah, to flee to Yahrushalayim.<br />

19 So Yisrael rebelled against Beit Dawid to this day. 918<br />

20 And it came to pass, when kol Yisrael heard that<br />

Yahravam had returned, that they sent and called him to<br />

the congregation, and made him melech over kol Yisrael:<br />

there was none that followed Beit Dawid, except the tribe<br />

of Yahudah only.<br />

21 And when Rechavam was come to Yahrushalayim, he<br />

assembled all of Beit Yahudah, with the tribe of<br />

Benyamin, one hundred eighty thousand chosen men,<br />

who were warriors, to fight against Beit Yisrael, to return<br />

the malchut again to Rechavam the son of Shlomo. 919<br />

22 But the word of Elohim came to Shemayah the man of<br />

Elohim, saying,<br />

23 Speak to Rechavam, the son of Shlomo, melech of<br />

Yahudah, and to all of Beit Yahudah and Benyamin, and<br />

to the rest of the people, saying,<br />

24 This says vuvh, You shall not go up, nor fight against<br />

your brothers the children of Yisrael: return every man to<br />

his bayit; for this thing 920 is from Me. 921 They heard<br />

and obeyed the word of vuvh, and returned, according to<br />

the word of vuvh.<br />

25 Then Yahravam rebuilt Shechem in Mount Efrayim,<br />

and dwelt there; and went out from there, and rebuilt<br />

Penu-El.<br />

26 And Yahravam said in his lev, Now shall the malchut<br />

return to Beit Dawid:<br />

27 If this people goes up to do sacrifice in the Bayit of<br />

vuvh at Yahrushalayim, then shall the lev of this people<br />

return again to their master, even to Rechavam melech of<br />

Yahudah, and they shall kill me, and go again to<br />

Rechavam melech of Yahudah.<br />

28 So the melech took counsel, and made two calves of

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