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a brit with the children of Yisrael, when they came out of<br />

the land of Mitzrayim.<br />

10 And it came to pass, when the Kohanim were come<br />

out of the Kadosh-Place, that the shechinah filled the<br />

Bayit of vuvh,<br />

11 So that the Kohanim could not stand to serve because<br />

of the shechinah: for the tifereth of vuvh had filled the<br />

Bayit of vuvh.<br />

12 Then Shlomo said, vuvh said that He would dwell in<br />

the thick dark shechinah.<br />

13 I have surely built You a Bayit to dwell in, a settled<br />

place for You to stay in le-olam-va-ed.<br />

14 And the melech turned his face around, and blessed all<br />

the congregation of Yisrael: while all the congregation of<br />

Yisrael stood;<br />

15 And he said, Barchu-et-vuvh Elohim of Yisrael, who<br />

spoke with His mouth to Dawid my abba, and has with<br />

His hand fulfilled it, saying,<br />

16 Since the day that I brought out My people Yisrael out<br />

of Mitzrayim, I chose no city out of all the tribes of<br />

Yisrael to build a Bayit, that My Name might be there;<br />

but I chose Dawid to be over My people Yisrael.<br />

17 And it was in the lev of Dawid my abba to build a<br />

Bayit for the Name of vuvh Elohim of Yisrael.<br />

18 And vuvh said to Dawid my abba, Because it was in<br />

your lev to build a Bayit for My Name, you did do well<br />

that it was in your lev.<br />

19 Nevertheless you shall not build the Bayit; but your<br />

son that shall come out of your loins, he shall build the<br />

Bayit to My Name.<br />

20 And vuvh has performed His word that He spoke, and<br />

I have risen up in the place of Dawid my abba, and sit on<br />

the kesay of Yisrael, as vuvh promised, and have built a<br />

Bayit for the Name of vuvh Elohim of Yisrael.<br />

21 And I have set there a place for the Ark, in which is<br />

the brit of vuvh, that He made with our ahvot, when He<br />

brought them out of the land of Mitzrayim.<br />

22 And Shlomo stood before the altar of vuvh in the<br />

presence of all the congregation of Yisrael, and spread out<br />

his hands toward the shamayim:<br />

23 And he said, vuvh Elohim of Yisrael, there is no<br />

Elohim like You, in the shamayim above, or on earth<br />

beneath, who keeps His brit and chesed with Your avadim<br />

that have their halacha before You with all their lev:<br />

24 Who has kept with Your eved Dawid my abba what<br />

You promised him: You spoke also with Your mouth, and<br />

have fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day.<br />

25 Therefore now, vuvh Elohim of Yisrael, keep with<br />

Your eved Dawid my abba what You promised him,<br />

saying, There shall not fail for you to have a man in My<br />

sight to sit on the kesay of Yisrael; so that your children<br />

take heed to their halachot, that they have their halacha<br />

before Me as you have had your halacha before Me.<br />

26 And now, O Elohim of Yisrael let Your word, I ask<br />

You, be verified, which You spoke to Your eved Dawid<br />

my abba.<br />

27 But will Elohim indeed dwell on the earth? See, the<br />

shamayim and the shamayim of shamayim cannot contain<br />

You; how much less this Bayit that I have built?<br />

28 Yet have respect to the tefillah of Your eved, and to<br />

his supplication, O vuvh my Elohim, to listen to the cry<br />

and to the tefillah, which Your eved prays before You<br />

today:<br />


- 235 -<br />

29 That Your eyes may be open toward this Bayit night<br />

and day, even toward the place of which You have said,<br />

My Name shall be there: that You may listen to the<br />

tefillah which Your eved shall make towards this place.<br />

30 And listen to the supplication of Your eved, and of<br />

Your people Yisrael, when they shall make tefillah<br />

towards this place: and listen in the shamayim Your<br />

dwelling place: and when You hear, forgive.<br />

31 If any man trespass against his neighbor, and an oath<br />

be laid upon him to cause him to swear, and the oath<br />

comes before Your altar in this Bayit:<br />

32 Then hear in the shamayim, and act, and judge Your<br />

avadim, condemning the wicked, to bring his halacha<br />

upon his head; and justifying the tzadik, to give him<br />

according to his tzedakah.<br />

33 When Your people Yisrael are smitten down before an<br />

enemy, because they have sinned against You, and shall<br />

turn again to You, and confess Your Name, 878 and make<br />

tefillah, and make supplication to You in this Bayit:<br />

34 Then hear in the shamayim, and forgive the sin of<br />

Your people Yisrael, and bring them again to the land<br />

which You gave to their ahvot.<br />

35 When the shamayim are shut up, and there is no rain,<br />

because they have sinned against You; if they make<br />

tefillah towards this place, and confess Your Name, 879<br />

and turn from their sin, when You afflict them:<br />

36 Then hear in the shamayim, and forgive the sin of<br />

Your avadim, and of Your people Yisrael, so that You<br />

teach them the tov halacha in which they should have<br />

their halacha, and give rain upon Your land, which You<br />

have given to Your people for an inheritance.<br />

37 If there is famine in the land, if there is pestilence,<br />

mildew, blight, locust, or if there are grasshoppers; when<br />

their enemy besieges them in the land of their cities; with<br />

any plague, or any sickness;<br />

38 If any tefillah, or supplication is made by any man, 880<br />

or by all Your people Yisrael, with every man knowing<br />

the plague of his own lev, and shall spread out his hands<br />

toward this Bayit: 881<br />

39 Then hear in the shamayim Your dwelling place, and<br />

forgive, and act, and give to every man according to his<br />

halachot, whose lev You know; for You, even You alone,<br />

know the levim of all the children of men;<br />

40 That they may fear You all the days that they live in<br />

the land that You gave to our ahvot.<br />

41 Moreover concerning a ger, that is not of Your people<br />

Yisrael, but comes out of a far country for Your Name's<br />

sake; 882<br />

42 For they shall hear of Your great Name, 883 and of<br />

Your strong hand, and of Your outstretched Arm; when<br />

he shall come and make tefillah toward this Bayit;<br />

43 Hear in the shamayim Your dwelling place, and do<br />

according to all that the ger calls to You for: so all people<br />

of the earth may know Your Name, to fear You, as do<br />

Your people Yisrael; and that they may know that this<br />

Bayit, which I have built, is called by Your Name.<br />

44 If Your people go out to battle against their enemy,<br />

wherever You shall send them, and shall make tefillah to<br />

vuvh towards the city which You have chosen, and<br />

toward the Bayit that I have built for Your Name:<br />

45 Then hear in the shamayim their tefillah and their<br />

supplication, and maintain their cause.<br />

46 If they sin against You (for there is no man that sins

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