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great abundance, and largeness of lev, even as the sand<br />

that is on the seashore.<br />

30 And Shlomo's chochmah excelled the chochmah of all<br />

the children of the east country, and all the chochmah of<br />

Mitzrayim.<br />

31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the<br />

Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of<br />

Machol: and his fame was in all nations all around.<br />

32 And he spoke three thousand mishle: and his shirim<br />

were one thousand five.<br />

33 And he spoke with da’at about eytzim, from the cedar<br />

eytz that is in Levanon even to the hyssop that springs out<br />

of the wall: he spoke also of beasts, and of fowls, and of<br />

creeping things, and of fishes with great chochmah.<br />

34 And there came from all nations to hear the chochmah<br />

of Shlomo, from all the melechim of the olam, 858 who<br />

had heard of his chochmah.<br />

5 And Chiram melech of Tzor sent his avadim to<br />

Shlomo; for he had heard that they had anointed him<br />

melech in the place of his abba: for Chiram always had an<br />

ahava for Dawid.<br />

2 And Shlomo sent to Chiram, saying,<br />

3 You know how that Dawid my abba could not build a<br />

Bayit to the Name of vuvh his Elohim for the wars which<br />

were around him on every side, until vuvh put them under<br />

the soles of his feet.<br />

4 But now vuvh my Elohim has given me rest on every<br />

side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil incident.<br />

5 And, see, I purpose to build a Bayit to the Name of<br />

vuvh my Elohim, as vuvh spoke to Dawid my abba,<br />

saying, Your son, whom I will set upon your kesay in<br />

your place, he shall build a Bayit to My Name.<br />

6 So now command that they cut me cedar eytzim out of<br />

Levanon; and my avadim shall be with your avadim, and<br />

to you will I pay wages for your avadim according to all<br />

that you shall appoint. For you know that there is not<br />

among us any that has the skill to cut timber like the<br />

Tzidonians.<br />

7 And it came to pass, when Chiram heard the words of<br />

Shlomo, that he had great gilah, and said, Blessed be vuvh<br />

this day, who has given to Dawid a wise son over this<br />

great people.<br />

8 And Chiram sent to Shlomo, saying, I have considered<br />

the message that you sent to me: and I will do all your<br />

desire concerning timber of cedar, and concerning the<br />

cypress logs.<br />

9 My avadim shall bring them down from Levanon to the<br />

sea: and I will convey them by sea in floats to the place<br />

that you shall appoint me, and will cause them to be<br />

unloaded there, and you shall receive them: and you shall<br />

accomplish my desire, by giving food for my household.<br />

10 So Chiram gave Shlomo cedar eytzim and cypress logs<br />

according to all his desire.<br />

11 And Shlomo gave Chiram twenty thousand measures<br />

of wheat for food to his household, and twenty measures<br />

of pure oil: this Shlomo gave to Chiram every year.<br />

12 And vuvh gave Shlomo chochmah, as He promised<br />

him: and there was shalom between Chiram and Shlomo,<br />

and the two made a brit together.<br />

13 And melech Shlomo raised compulsory labor out of<br />

kol Yisrael; and the compulsory labor was thirty thousand<br />

men.<br />


- 232 -<br />

14 And he sent them to Levanon ten thousand a month in<br />

turns: a month they were in Levanon, and two months at<br />

home: and Adoniram was over the compulsory labor.<br />

15 And Shlomo had seventy thousand that bore burdens,<br />

and eighty thousand stonecutters in the mountains:<br />

16 Beside the chief of Shlomo's officers who were over<br />

the work, three thousand three hundred, who ruled over<br />

the people that labored in the work.<br />

17 And the melech commanded, and they brought great<br />

stones, costly stones, and cut stones, to lay the foundation<br />

of the Bayit.<br />

18 And Shlomo's builders and Chiram's builders did cut<br />

them, and the stonemasons: so they prepared timber and<br />

stones to build the Bayit.<br />

6<br />

And it came to pass in the four hundred eightieth year<br />

after the children of Yisrael were come out of the land of<br />

Mitzrayim, in the fourth year of Shlomo's reign over<br />

Yisrael, in the month Ziv, which is the second month, that<br />

he began to build the Bayit of vuvh.<br />

2 And the Bayit which melech Shlomo built for vuvh, the<br />

length was sixty cubits, and the width twenty cubits, and<br />

the height thirty cubits.<br />

3 And the porch before the Hekal of the Bayit, twenty<br />

cubits was the length, according to the width of the Bayit;<br />

and ten cubits was the width in front of the Bayit.<br />

4 And for the Bayit he made windows with narrow<br />

frames.<br />

5 And against the wall of the Bayit he built rooms all<br />

around, against the walls of the Bayit all around, both of<br />

the Hekal and of the Speaking Place: and he made rooms<br />

all around:<br />

6 The lowest room was five cubits wide, and the middle<br />

was six cubits wide, and the third was seven cubits wide:<br />

for outside in the wall of the Bayit he made narrow ledges<br />

all around, so that the beams should not be fastened in the<br />

walls of the Bayit.<br />

7 And the Bayit, when it was being built, was built of<br />

finished stone made ready before it was brought there: so<br />

that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of<br />

iron heard in the Bayit, while it was being built.<br />

8 The door for the middle room was on the right side of<br />

the Bayit: and they went up with winding stairs into the<br />

middle side rooms, and out of the middle into the third.<br />

9 So he built the Bayit, and finished it; and panelled the<br />

Bayit with beams and boards of cedar.<br />

10 And then he built side rooms against all the Bayit, five<br />

cubits high: and they rested on the Bayit with cedar<br />

beams.<br />

11 And the word of vuvh came to Shlomo, saying,<br />

12 Concerning this Bayit which you are building, if you<br />

will have your halacha in My chukim, and execute My<br />

mishpatim, and keep all My mitzvoth to have your<br />

halacha in them, then will I perform My word with you,<br />

which I spoke to Dawid your abba:<br />

13 And I will dwell among the children of Yisrael, and<br />

will not forsake My people Yisrael.<br />

14 So Shlomo built the Bayit, and finished it.<br />

15 And he built the walls of the Bayit within with boards<br />

of cedar, both the floor of the Bayit, and the walls to the<br />

ceiling: and he paneled them on the inside with wood, and<br />

he paneled the floor of the Bayit with planks of cypress.<br />

16 And he built twenty cubits at the rear of the Bayit,

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