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shepherd's bag which he had, even in a pouch; and his<br />

sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Plishti.<br />

41 And the Plishti came on and drew near to Dawid; and<br />

the man that bore the shield went before him.<br />

42 And when the Plishti looked around, and saw Dawid,<br />

he despised him: for he was but a youth, and dark-skinned<br />

and ruddy, and of a handsome appearance.<br />

43 And the Plishti said to Dawid, Am I a dog; that you<br />

come to me with sticks? And the Plishti cursed Dawid by<br />

his pagan elohim.<br />

44 And the Plishti said to Dawid, Come to me, and I will<br />

give your flesh to the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of<br />

the field.<br />

45 Then said Dawid to the Plishti, You come to me with a<br />

sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to<br />

you in the Name of vuvh tzevaoth, the Elohim of the<br />

armies of Yisrael, whom you have defied. 782<br />

46 This day will vuvh deliver you into my hand; and I<br />

will smite you, and take your head from you; and I will<br />

give the dead bodies of the armies of the Plishtim this day<br />

to the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth;<br />

that all the earth may know that Yisrael has Elohim.<br />

47 And all this congregation 783 shall know that vuvh<br />

saves not with sword and spear: for the battle is vuvh's,<br />

and He will give you into our hands.<br />

48 And it came to pass, when the Plishti arose, and came<br />

and drew near to meet Dawid, that Dawid hurried, and ran<br />

toward the army to meet the Plishti.<br />

49 And Dawid put his hand in his bag, and took a stone,<br />

and slung it, and smote the Plishti in his forehead, that the<br />

stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face to<br />

the earth.<br />

50 So Dawid prevailed over the Plishti with a sling and<br />

with a stone, and smote the Plishti, and killed him; but<br />

there was no sword in the hand of Dawid.<br />

51 Therefore Dawid ran, and stood over the Plishti, and<br />

took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath, and killed<br />

him, and cut off his head with it. And when the Plishtim<br />

saw that their champion was dead, they fled.<br />

52 And the men of Yisrael and of Yahudah arose, 784 and<br />

shouted, and pursued the Plishtim, as far as the valley, to<br />

the gates of Ekron. And the wounded of the Plishtim fell<br />

down by the way to Shaaraim, even to Gat, and to Ekron.<br />

53 And the children of Yisrael returned from chasing after<br />

the Plishtim, and they plundered their tents.<br />

54 And Dawid took the head of the Plishti, and brought it<br />

to Yahrushalayim; but he put his armor in his tent.<br />

55 And when Shaul saw Dawid go forth against the<br />

Plishti, he said to Avner, the leader of the army, Avner,<br />

whose son is this youth? And Avner said, As your chayim<br />

lives, O melech, I cannot tell.<br />

56 And the melech said, Find out whose son the young<br />

man is.<br />

57 And as Dawid returned from the slaughter of the<br />

Plishti, Avner took him, and brought him before Shaul<br />

with the head of the Plishti in his hand.<br />

58 And Shaul said to him, Whose son are you, young<br />

man? And Dawid answered, Iam the son of your eved<br />

Yishai the Beth-Lechemite.<br />

18<br />

And it came to pass, when he had made an end of<br />

speaking to Shaul, that the chayim of Yonathan was knit<br />

with the chayim of Dawid, and Yonathan loved him as his<br />


- 199 -<br />

own chayim.<br />

2 And Shaul took him that day, and would not let him go<br />

home to his abba's bayit.<br />

3 Then Yonathan and Dawid made a brit, because he<br />

loved him as his own chayim.<br />

4 And Yonathan stripped himself of the robe that was<br />

upon him, and gave it to Dawid, and his garments, even to<br />

his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.<br />

5 And Dawid went out wherever Shaul sent him, and<br />

behaved himself wisely: and Shaul set him over the men<br />

of war, and he was accepted in the sight of all the people,<br />

and also in the sight of Shaul's avadim.<br />

6 And it came to pass as they came, when Dawid had<br />

returned from the slaughter of the Plishti, that the women<br />

came out of all cities of Yisrael, singing and dancing, to<br />

meet melech Shaul, with tambourines, with simcha, and<br />

with instruments of music.<br />

7 And the women sang as they played, and said, Shaul has<br />

killed his thousands, and Dawid his ten of thousands.<br />

8 And Shaul was very angry, and the saying displeased<br />

him; and he said, They have ascribed to Dawid ten<br />

thousands, and to me they have ascribed only thousands:<br />

and what can he have more but the malchut itself?<br />

9 And Shaul eyed Dawid carefully from that day and<br />

forward.<br />

10 And it came to pass the next day, that the evil ruach<br />

from Elohim came upon Shaul, and he prophesied evil in<br />

the midst of the bayit: and Dawid played the harp with his<br />

hand, as at other times: and there was a javelin in Shaul's<br />

hand.<br />

11 And Shaul cast the javelin; for he said, I will smite<br />

Dawid even to the wall with it. And Dawid withdrew<br />

from his presence twice.<br />

12 And Shaul was afraid of Dawid, because vuvh was<br />

with him, and had departed from Shaul.<br />

13 Therefore Shaul removed Dawid from his presence,<br />

and made him his leader over a thousand; and he went out<br />

and came in before the people.<br />

14 And Dawid behaved himself wisely in all his halachot;<br />

and vuvh was with him.<br />

15 So when Shaul saw that Dawid behaved himself very<br />

wisely, he was afraid of him.<br />

16 But kol Yisrael and Yahudah loved Dawid, 785 because<br />

he went out and came in before them.<br />

17 And Shaul said to Dawid, See my eldest daughter<br />

Merav, I will give her to you as a wife: only be brave for<br />

me, and fight vuvh's battles. For Shaul said, Let not my<br />

hand kill him, but let the hand of the Plishtim kill him.<br />

18 And Dawid said to Shaul, Who am I? And what is my<br />

chayim, or my abba's mishpacha in Yisrael, that I should<br />

be son-in-law to the melech?<br />

19 But it came to pass at the time when Merav Shaul's<br />

daughter should have been given to Dawid, that she was<br />

given to Adriel the Meholathite as his wife.<br />

20 And Michal Shaul's daughter loved Dawid: and they<br />

told Shaul, and the thing pleased him.<br />

21 And Shaul said, I will give him to her, that she may be<br />

a trap to him, and that the hand of the Plishtim may be<br />

against him. So Shaul said to Dawid a second time, You<br />

shall this day be my son-in-law.<br />

22 And Shaul commanded his avadim, saying, Commune<br />

with Dawid secretly, and say, See, the melech delights in<br />

you, and all his avadim love you: now therefore be the

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