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The Ancient Letter “Waw”<br />

In order to remain consistent with the correct pronunciation of vuvh as Yahweh, or Yahuweh, with the ancient letter<br />

“waw” being pronounced as a “whh,” or “woo,” rather than as “v,” or “ve,” we have restored ancient pronunciations such<br />

as Lewi and Dawid, rather than the post Babylonian Hebrew pronunciation of Levi and David. Aramaic Nazarene<br />

Yisraelite scholar Andrew Gabriel Roth confirms this with the following keen insight:<br />

“Paleo-Hebrew, going back about 5,000 years, has always had three letters that are ‘semi-vowels’, which is to say,<br />

sometimes they are consonants and sometimes they act as vowels, as opposed to the English A-E-I-O-U, which always<br />

function as vowels. These dual-use Hebrew letters are Aleph, Waw and Yud, and it is the second of these that has created<br />

confusion in the believing community. Some insist that the letter is a W and others that it is a V. The fact is the Vav-ish<br />

tendency is a relatively recent one when compared with the long history of ‘waw’ in both Hebrew and Aramaic. The<br />

‘waw’ sound has been constant from the beginning simply because of its use as an ‘o,’ or ‘oo,’ and the way those sounds<br />

morphed when paired with other letters in a word. As a result, a formation like beyt-waw could be sonically rendered as<br />

either ‘bo,’ or more correctly, ‘bow,’ but the sounds often merged, creating a shorter aspirated ‘bw.’ So when Yahshua the<br />

Moshiach teaches His famous prayer beginning with ‘Our Abba who is in heaven,’ the Aramaic of His day renders ‘Our<br />

Abba’ (spelled aleph-beyt-waw-noon) as ‘Ab-w-oon.’<br />

From there, we can track this same sound through even the later western Aramaic that arose around the year 200CE and<br />

became very popular about three centuries later. As for ‘vav,’ it seems to have its roots in Mishnaic and later forms of<br />

biblical Hebrew, since it was the Masoretes, perhaps beginning as early as about the year 500 CE, who added the dots<br />

(vowel pointing) that hardened the ‘waw’ into ‘vav.’ Since the Masoretic Text is the standardized received version of the<br />

First Covenant for Orthodox Jews and many believers, that convention became fixed in the minds of a significant group of<br />

lay and religious authorities.”<br />

As this issue relates to the True Sacred Name, much of this evidence is contained in the traditions of many Hebrew names<br />

in the First Covenant-Tanach. For examples, look at these names: Yeshayahu (Isaiah), or Eliyahu (Elijah), or Yahu (Jehu),<br />

or Tzidkiyahu (Zedekiah), or Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah). Obviously in this case the HEY is followed by a WAW, and the<br />

meaning of the truncated phrase is rendered as “Yah is.” The pronunciation of "YHWH" includes a kind of aspirated "oo"<br />

that is rushed past and slurred into "YAHooWEH," in effect sandwiching the verb "is" (hu) as we might use a contraction<br />

like “don't” instead of “do not” in English. The end result of this truncation/aspiration of the middle part of the phrase<br />

extends its very minor "oo" for a fraction of a second, so that it becomes nearly indistinguishable from the final syllable,<br />

hence the proper sonic rendering of “Yahweh.”<br />

As can be seen the correct way to use the “waw” is as a “W” not a “V.” This would be the pronunciation of the patriarchs<br />

and ultimately Yahshua Himself. The Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> has restored this ancient truth<br />

throughout its pages.<br />

Order of the Scrolls<br />

The order of the scrolls as listed in The Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> is such that it highlights<br />

YHWH and His eternal covenants with all Yisrael, from the days of the marriage on Sinai, the united nation under Dawid<br />

and Solomon, through the exiles, and all the way to the Good News brought by Yahshua to both houses. The Good News<br />

was declared to the nation’s leaders, then the renewed assembly, and ultimately to the final generation of Yisraelites in the<br />

Scroll of Revelation. The order of the scrolls as presented also helps to dispel any myths of dispensationalist<br />

understanding.<br />

Use of Hebrew Words<br />

In this “thought for thought” translation, The Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> desires to preserve key<br />

Hebrew words and phrases to add to the Hebraic flavor of the translation. These key Hebrew words used as nouns, give<br />

added insight into the full restoration message. Towards that end, we have inserted key Hebrew words from the ancient<br />

texts. However, we have chosen not to preserve variations of words in their past, future, or verb forms. To do so would<br />

create huge problems in exact wording and an overabundance of Hebrew words, thus obscuring the basic English text with<br />

some Hebraic flavoring. We maintained the Hebrew root of a given word, in the simple present tense. In this manner, the<br />

reader can easily process the Hebrew with his, or her own comprehension of both the text and the Hebraic thoughts of<br />

YHWH towards His people Yisrael.<br />

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