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3 These are the names of the sons of Aharon, the<br />

Kohanim who were anointed, whom he consecrated to<br />

serve in the kohen's office.<br />

4 And Nadav and Avihu died before<br />

vuvh, when they offered strange fire before vuvh, in the<br />

wilderness of Senai, 445 and they had no children: and El-<br />

Azar and Ithamar ministered in the kohen's office in the<br />

sight of Aharon their abba.<br />

5 And vuvh spoke to Moshe, saying,<br />

6 Bring the tribe of Lewi near, and present them before<br />

Aharon the kohen, that they may serve him.<br />

7 And they shall keep his duty, and the duty of the whole<br />

congregation before the Tabernacle of the congregation,<br />

to do the service of the Tabernacle.<br />

8 And they shall guard all the instruments of the<br />

Tabernacle of the congregation, and the duty of the<br />

children of Yisrael, to do the service of the Tabernacle.<br />

9 And you shall give the Lewiym to Aharon and to his<br />

sons: they are wholly given to him out of the children of<br />

Yisrael.<br />

10 And you shall appoint Aharon and his sons, and they<br />

shall guard their kohen's office: and the ger that comes<br />

near shall be put to death.<br />

11 And vuvh spoke to Moshe, saying,<br />

12 See, I have taken the Lewiym from among the children<br />

of Yisrael instead of all the bachor that pehter 446 the<br />

womb among the children of Yisrael: therefore the<br />

Lewiym shall be Mine;<br />

13 Because all the bachor are Mine; for on the day that I<br />

smote all the bachor in the land of Mitzrayim I made all<br />

the bachor in Yisrael kadosh to Me, both man and beast:<br />

they shall be Mine: I am vuvh.<br />

14 And vuvh spoke to Moshe in the wilderness of Senai,<br />

saying,<br />

15 Number the children of Lewi after the bayit of their<br />

ahvot, by their mishpachot: every male from a month old<br />

and upward shall you number them.<br />

16 And Moshe numbered them according to the word of<br />

vuvh, as he was commanded.<br />

17 And these were the sons of Lewi by their names;<br />

Gershon, and Qehath, and Merari.<br />

18 And these are the names of the sons of Gershon by<br />

their mishpachot; Livni, and Shimei.<br />

19 And the sons of Kohath by their mishpachot; Amram,<br />

and Yitzhar, Hevron, and Uzzi-El.<br />

20 And the sons of Merari by their mishpachot; Mahli,<br />

and Mushi. These are the mishpachot of the Lewiym<br />

according to the bayit of their ahvot.<br />

21 Of Gershon was the mishpacha of the Livnites, and the<br />

mishpacha of the Shimites: these are the mishpachot of<br />

the Gershonites.<br />

22 Those that were numbered of them, according to the<br />

number of all the males, from a month old and upward,<br />

even those that were numbered of them were seven<br />

thousand five hundred.<br />

23 The mishpachot of the Gershonites shall pitch behind<br />

the Tabernacle westward.<br />

24 And the leader of the bayit of the ahvot of the<br />

Gershonites shall be Eliyasaph the son of Le-El.<br />

25 And the duty of the sons of Gershon in the Tabernacle<br />

of the congregation shall be the Tabernacle, and the tent,<br />

the covering of it, and the covering for the door of the<br />

Tabernacle of the congregation,<br />


- 97 -<br />

26 And the hangings of the court, and the curtain for the<br />

door of the court, which is by the Tabernacle, and by the<br />

altar all around, and the cords of it for all its service.<br />

27 And of Kohath was the mishpacha of the Amramites,<br />

and the mishpacha of the Yisharites, and the mishpacha of<br />

the Hevronites, and the mishpacha of the Uzzielites: these<br />

are the mishpachot of the Kohathites.<br />

28 The number of all the males, from a month old and<br />

upward were eight thousand six hundred, keeping the<br />

duty of the Kadosh-Place.<br />

29 The mishpachot of the sons of Kohath shall pitch on<br />

the side of the Tabernacle southward.<br />

30 And the leader of the bayit of the ahvot of the<br />

mishpachot of the Kohathites shall be Elizaphan the son<br />

of Uzzi-El:<br />

31 And their duty shall be the Ark, and the shulchan, and<br />

the menorah, and the altars, and the vessels of the<br />

Kadosh-Place with which they serve, and the covering,<br />

and all its service.<br />

32 And El-Azar the son of Aharon the kohen shall be<br />

leader over the leaders of the Lewiym, and has the<br />

oversight of those that keep the duty of the Kadosh-Place.<br />

33 Of Merari was the mishpacha of the Mahlites, and the<br />

mishpacha of the Mushites: these are the mishpachot of<br />

Merari.<br />

34 And those that were numbered of them, according to<br />

the number of all the males, from a month old and<br />

upward, were six thousand two hundred.<br />

35 And the leader of the bayit of the ahvot of the<br />

mishpachot of Merari was Zuri-El the son of Avihail:<br />

these shall pitch on the side of the Tabernacle northward.<br />

36 And under the custody and duty of the sons of Merari<br />

shall be the boards of the Tabernacle, and the bars of it,<br />

and the columns of it, and the sockets of it, and all the<br />

vessels of it, and all its service,<br />

37 And the columns of the court all around, and their<br />

sockets, and their pegs, and their cords.<br />

38 But those that camp before the Tabernacle toward the<br />

east, even before the Tabernacle of the congregation<br />

eastward, shall be Moshe, and Aharon and his sons,<br />

keeping the duty of the Kadosh-Place for the duty of the<br />

children of Yisrael; and the ger that comes near shall be<br />

put to death.<br />

39 All that were numbered of the Lewiym, which Moshe<br />

and Aharon numbered at the command of vuvh, by their<br />

mishpachot, all the males from a month old and upward,<br />

were twenty two thousand.<br />

40 And vuvh said to Moshe, Number all the bachor of the<br />

males of the children of Yisrael from a month old and<br />

upward, and take the number of their names.<br />

41 And you shall take the Lewiym for<br />

Me - I am vuvh - instead of all the bachor among the<br />

children of Yisrael, and the cattle of the Lewiym instead<br />

of all the bachor among the cattle of the children of<br />

Yisrael.<br />

42 And Moshe numbered, as vuvh commanded him, all<br />

the bachor among the children of Yisrael.<br />

43 And all the bachor males by the number of names,<br />

from a month old and upward, of those that were<br />

numbered, were twenty two thousand two hundred<br />

seventy three.<br />

44 And vuvh spoke to Moshe, saying,<br />

45 Take the Lewiym instead of all the bachor among the

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