Jarrel - Baptist Church Perpetuity - Landmark Baptist

Jarrel - Baptist Church Perpetuity - Landmark Baptist Jarrel - Baptist Church Perpetuity - Landmark Baptist

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ft390 Church in the Wilderness, pp. 46, 47, a 10-cent pamphlet published by Am. Bap. Pub. Soc.; a work you should get and scatter everywhere. ft391 Idem, p. 46. ft392 Idem, pp. 46, 47. ft393 As the Waldenses regarded baptism a “sign” of our salvation, to be obeyed only by those of a “good conscience” — compare 1 Peter 2-21 where baptism Is seen to be for only those of a “good conscience,” and Hebrews 9:14; 10:22, by which you will see that only the blood washed have a good conscience — that they had no leading to the Romish- Campbellite baptismal salvation is certain. ft394 In Vedder’s Bap. Hist., p. 71. ft395 Quoted by J.C. Grimmell, D.D., in Am. Bap. ft396 The original is: “Petri Wesenbecij Oratio de Waldensibus, et Albigensibus ‘Anno MDLXXX V. Excudebat Johannes Schleer. Anno MDCIII. In ea intermissione interg: inducias istas persecutionum universalium occident quod dignum commemoratio permttendum hand viedetur. Incandebant Regem Ludoviem quo dodecimus in Gallia regnavit, cardinales et episcopoi aliquot adversus Merindolanos et Cabrevienses, reliquias (vt dixi) Waldensium et Albigensium Christianorum, quippe venefieos incestos haereticos ae proiende esse. Merindolani et Cabravienses subordorati quae cardinales et episcopos in se consilia coquerent et quam atrocibus delatlonabus aures animum; regis implerere niterenter, mitunt ad regent legatos et innocentiam suam tutantur. Eos legatos aditu regis cardinales prohibere conabantur regem, momentes ne illis prodescendi apud se protestatum facerat jurehibere ne quis cum herticus communicis. Tum rex, ‘edam si,’ inquit, mihi fn Turcum ant diabolum bellum suscipiendum esset, eas tamen prius andire vellem.’ Dignum prossus Rege responsum; quippe inauditum et indefensum quem quails damnate sceptro et lure abuti est. Ergo accitus Ludovicus introduci inbet. The reverantur exhonunt Merindolanos et Cabrisienses Evangellum Biblis symbolicum expo-stollcum Dil precept sacramenta agnoscere at que ampliciti: coeteriem nee Papae, nee ipsius doctrinae credere se secus esse Rex deprehenderet se nullum supplicasius recusare. Ea itane haberent an secus esse, Rex scire voluit. Itaq ea de re Adamio Finnaeo libellorum supplicum Magisiro et M Parno Dominicano qui ille a confessionil erat questionem man — Illi in loco profecti et questionibus perfectis reversi ad Regent referent illis in locis homine baptizari, articulos fidei et decalogum doceri, dominicos die religiose coli, Del verbum exponi, veneficia et stupra apud los null esse. Coeterum re in ipsorum templis neque arnamenta missae ulla reperisse. His auditis rex adit jurejurando addito, me inquit, et cetero popolo meo Catholieo meliores ilia viri sunt. Ad hune modem prinipes non

sunt et prudenter expenderere debent nullum neq indictis neq infactis innocentiam fore si accusare sufficiat. — P. 7, original, 1603. ft397 Armitage’s Bap. Hist., pp. 302, 303. ft398 Armitage’s Bap. Inst., pp. 302-303. ft399 Armitage’s Bap. Hist., pp. 302-303. ft400 Gercheid. d. Nederl. Hervormde Kerk, t.i. 1819, p. 148 in William R. Williams’ Lect. on Bap. Hist., p. 172. ft401 Note to p. 398, of his Waldenses. ft402 In Bap. Quart. Rev. vol. 9, No. 3, p. 356. ft403 Kirch. u. Ketz. Hist., vol. 1, p. 462 — in Bap. Quart. Rev. vol. 9, No. 3, p. 356. ft404 Idem, in Bap. Quart. Rev., vol. 9, No. 3, p. 357. ft405 Audio in quibusdam Italiae Urbibus morem veterem magna ex parte adhue couservari Comment, in Aug. de Civ. Del., Lib. 1., c. 27. ft406 Idem, in Bap. Quart. Rev., vol. 9, No. 3, p. 358. ft407 Schmucker’s Hist. of Ali Religions, pp. 37, 38, 39. ft408 Mosheim’s Eccl. Hist., cent. 16, sec. 3, chap. 3, 2. ft409 New Royal Encyclopedia. ft410 Limborch’s Hist. Inquis. — in Jones’ Ch. Hist., p. 358. ft411 Ivimey’s Bap. Hist., vol. 1, p. 29. ft412 Just as in our own age, to have peace at home, Baptist wives of Pedobaptists have carried their children to church to have them sprinkled. ft413 Idem, page 26. ft414 Fisher’s Hist. Chr. Ch., p. 424. ft415 Armitage’s Bap. Hist., p. 394. ft416 Remember that the names of these dissenters were applied to persons coming out of the Romish church as well as to the churches, known by that name, which were older than It. ft417 Baird’s Wald., pp. 396, 397; also Dr. Whitsitt’s MS. Loot., et mul. al. ft418 Gieseler’s Ch. Hist., vol. 2, p. 587. ft419 Idem, p. 689. note. ft420 Apoc., chap. 11. ft421 Idea. ft422 Israel of the Alps, vol. 1, p. 54.

sunt et prudenter expenderere debent nullum neq indictis neq infactis<br />

innocentiam fore si accusare sufficiat. — P. 7, original, 1603.<br />

ft397 Armitage’s Bap. Hist., pp. 302, 303.<br />

ft398 Armitage’s Bap. Inst., pp. 302-303.<br />

ft399 Armitage’s Bap. Hist., pp. 302-303.<br />

ft400 Gercheid. d. Nederl. Hervormde Kerk, t.i. 1819, p. 148 in William R.<br />

Williams’ Lect. on Bap. Hist., p. 172.<br />

ft401 Note to p. 398, of his Waldenses.<br />

ft402 In Bap. Quart. Rev. vol. 9, No. 3, p. 356.<br />

ft403 Kirch. u. Ketz. Hist., vol. 1, p. 462 — in Bap. Quart. Rev. vol. 9, No. 3, p.<br />

356.<br />

ft404 Idem, in Bap. Quart. Rev., vol. 9, No. 3, p. 357.<br />

ft405 Audio in quibusdam Italiae Urbibus morem veterem magna ex parte adhue<br />

couservari Comment, in Aug. de Civ. Del., Lib. 1., c. 27.<br />

ft406 Idem, in Bap. Quart. Rev., vol. 9, No. 3, p. 358.<br />

ft407 Schmucker’s Hist. of Ali Religions, pp. 37, 38, 39.<br />

ft408 Mosheim’s Eccl. Hist., cent. 16, sec. 3, chap. 3, 2.<br />

ft409 New Royal Encyclopedia.<br />

ft410 Limborch’s Hist. Inquis. — in Jones’ Ch. Hist., p. 358.<br />

ft411 Ivimey’s Bap. Hist., vol. 1, p. 29.<br />

ft412 Just as in our own age, to have peace at home, <strong>Baptist</strong> wives of<br />

Pedobaptists have carried their children to church to have them sprinkled.<br />

ft413 Idem, page 26.<br />

ft414 Fisher’s Hist. Chr. Ch., p. 424.<br />

ft415 Armitage’s Bap. Hist., p. 394.<br />

ft416 Remember that the names of these dissenters were applied to persons<br />

coming out of the Romish church as well as to the churches, known by that<br />

name, which were older than It.<br />

ft417 Baird’s Wald., pp. 396, 397; also Dr. Whitsitt’s MS. Loot., et mul. al.<br />

ft418 Gieseler’s Ch. Hist., vol. 2, p. 587.<br />

ft419 Idem, p. 689. note.<br />

ft420 Apoc., chap. 11.<br />

ft421 Idea.<br />

ft422 Israel of the Alps, vol. 1, p. 54.

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