Jarrel - Baptist Church Perpetuity - Landmark Baptist

Jarrel - Baptist Church Perpetuity - Landmark Baptist Jarrel - Baptist Church Perpetuity - Landmark Baptist

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(3.) Inasmuch as He can never permit His priesthood to be destroyed, He can never permit apostasy to destroy His church. X. Church Perpetuity grows out of the nature of the truth as the instrument of the Spirit. The spirit through the truth preserved the apostolic church. Unless the Spirit and the truth lose their power, they must thence preserve the church from apostasy until Christ comes. The same cause, under like conditions, will always produce the same effect. The truth is conditioned for all time only by sinful nature and the unchangeable Spirit; therefore Church Perpetuity. XI. Church Perpetuity grows out of the mission of the Church. Her mission is to preach the gospel to the world, preserve the truth and the ordinances. The Scriptures make the churches the custodians of the ordinances and of all affairs of the kingdom of Christ, on earth. The Commisson says, disciple, baptize and teach them to observe all the institutions of Christ — Matthew 28:19, 20. (a) Those who make disciples are, naturally, the judges of the progress and the rights of the disciple. (b) Peter, on Pentecost, in that he commanded certain persons to be baptized, judged of their fitness for baptism. — Acts 2:38. (c) In asking “can any man forbid water,” Peter implied that water can be scripturally forbidden for persons who are unfit for baptism. — Acts 10:47, 48. (d) In Philip saying to the eunuch, “if thou believest with all thy heart thou mayest,” he implied his right to refuse to baptize him, if he regarded him as not born again. Compare Acts 8:37, with 1 John 5:1. Through the Apostles the churches were given the ordinances. (1.) Compare Acts 16:4: — 1 Corinthians 11:2. (2.) The Church is “the pillar and the ground of the truth.” — 1 Timothy 3:15. (3.) In caring for the things of the kingdom, the churches baptize into their membership — through their officers — those whom they think are believers. “Him that is weak in the faith receive.” — Romans 14:1. (a) How receive if no authority to receive or reject? (b) Again, if the Church is not the judge, how can it know whether the candidate is “weak” or strong in the faith — or whether he has any faith at all? (c) Proslambanesthe — proslambanesqi — means,. “to admit to one’s society and fellowship.” — Thayer’s, Robinson’s and the other Lexicons.

Adam Clarke: “Receive him into your fellowship;” f37 so Comp. Corn., Doddridge, etc. See 1 Corinthians 5:4-5, where the church excluded a member and 2 Corinthians 2:6-10, where she receives him back into her membership. (4.) In caring for the interests of the kingdom the churches exclude members. — 1 Corinthians 5:4-9; 2 Thessalonians 3:6; Revelation 2:14, 15, 20; 3:10; Matthew 18:17-19. (5.) The church is to watch, guard the interest of the kingdom as a soldier, on guard, guards what is under his care. Teereo — thre>w — rendered “observe” in the Commission — Matt. 28:20 — means to “watch, to observe attentively, to keep the eyes fixed upon, to keep, to guard, e.g., a prisoner, a person arrested. … to keep back, to keep store, to reserve.” f38 In the following passages it, and its family, are rendered, “watched,” “keepers,” “keep,” “kept.” — Matthew 27:36; 28:4; Mark 7:9; John 2:10; 12:7; 17: 12, 15; Acts 12:5, 6; 16:23: 24:23; 25:4, 21; 2 Timothy 4:7; James 1:27. Thus the “keepers did shake;” “they watched him;” “Peter was kept in prison;” “the keepers before the door kept the prison;” “charging the jailer to keep them safely;” “commanded a centurion to keep Paul;” “that Paul should be kept in Caesaren;” “I commanded him to be kept;” “keep yourselves in the love of God.” Thus the church, at Philadelphia, is commended concerning the interests of the kingdom, in that “thou didst keep my word.” — Revelation 3:8. In 1 Corinthians 11:2, katekete — kate>cete — “to hold down, to detain, to restrain, to retain, hold firm in grasp, to maintain” — see the Lexs. — is used — “keep the ordinances” — Revised Version, “hold fast.” Thus we see, as plainly as that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that as the Jews, under the Old Dispensation, had the exclusive care of the word, the ceremonies, etc., so has the church under the new; that the church, as a soldier, with its eyes fixed on the interests of the kingdom, is to propagate, practice and guard them — as the Commission reads, “teach them to guard all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” As the Church, according to the word and the Spirit, obeys the Great Commission, Jesus is with it. — Matthew 28:20. f39 If the church were necessary in apostolic times it is necessary “alway, even unto the end of the world.” — Matthew 28:20. Did not Christ provide for this necessity by providing for Church Preservation? Or, was there, here, a little omission which Wesley, Calvin, Campbell and other church builders provided for? No doctrine of the Bible is more clearly revealed than is the doctrine of Church Perpetuity. As easily can one deny the atonement. Convince me there is no church to-day that has continued from the time of Christ, and you convince me the Bible is false. “Pedo-baptists” and Campbellites have admitted that Church

Adam Clarke: “Receive him into your fellowship;” f37 so Comp. Corn.,<br />

Doddridge, etc. See 1 Corinthians 5:4-5, where the church excluded a<br />

member and 2 Corinthians 2:6-10, where she receives him back into her<br />

membership.<br />

(4.) In caring for the interests of the kingdom the churches exclude members.<br />

— 1 Corinthians 5:4-9; 2 Thessalonians 3:6; Revelation 2:14, 15,<br />

20; 3:10; Matthew 18:17-19.<br />

(5.) The church is to watch, guard the interest of the kingdom as a soldier, on<br />

guard, guards what is under his care. Teereo — thre>w — rendered “observe”<br />

in the Commission — Matt. 28:20 — means to “watch, to observe attentively,<br />

to keep the eyes fixed upon, to keep, to guard, e.g., a prisoner, a person<br />

arrested. … to keep back, to keep store, to reserve.” f38 In the following<br />

passages it, and its family, are rendered, “watched,” “keepers,” “keep,” “kept.”<br />

— Matthew 27:36; 28:4; Mark 7:9; John 2:10; 12:7; 17: 12, 15;<br />

Acts 12:5, 6; 16:23: 24:23; 25:4, 21; 2 Timothy 4:7; James 1:27.<br />

Thus the “keepers did shake;” “they watched him;” “Peter was kept in prison;”<br />

“the keepers before the door kept the prison;” “charging the jailer to keep them<br />

safely;” “commanded a centurion to keep Paul;” “that Paul should be kept in<br />

Caesaren;” “I commanded him to be kept;” “keep yourselves in the love of<br />

God.” Thus the church, at Philadelphia, is commended concerning the interests<br />

of the kingdom, in that “thou didst keep my word.” — Revelation 3:8.<br />

In 1 Corinthians 11:2, katekete — kate>cete — “to hold down, to detain, to<br />

restrain, to retain, hold firm in grasp, to maintain” — see the Lexs. — is used<br />

— “keep the ordinances” — Revised Version, “hold fast.” Thus we see, as<br />

plainly as that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that as the Jews, under the Old<br />

Dispensation, had the exclusive care of the word, the ceremonies, etc., so has<br />

the church under the new; that the church, as a soldier, with its eyes fixed on<br />

the interests of the kingdom, is to propagate, practice and guard them — as the<br />

Commission reads, “teach them to guard all things whatsoever I have<br />

commanded you.” As the <strong>Church</strong>, according to the word and the Spirit, obeys<br />

the Great Commission, Jesus is with it. — Matthew 28:20. f39 If the church<br />

were necessary in apostolic times it is necessary “alway, even unto the end of<br />

the world.” — Matthew 28:20. Did not Christ provide for this necessity by<br />

providing for <strong>Church</strong> Preservation? Or, was there, here, a little omission which<br />

Wesley, Calvin, Campbell and other church builders provided for?<br />

No doctrine of the Bible is more clearly revealed than is the doctrine of <strong>Church</strong><br />

<strong>Perpetuity</strong>. As easily can one deny the atonement. Convince me there is no<br />

church to-day that has continued from the time of Christ, and you convince me<br />

the Bible is false. “Pedo-baptists” and Campbellites have admitted that <strong>Church</strong>

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