Jarrel - Baptist Church Perpetuity - Landmark Baptist

Jarrel - Baptist Church Perpetuity - Landmark Baptist Jarrel - Baptist Church Perpetuity - Landmark Baptist

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18. The first church which was organized in what was then called the “Northwestern Territory,” was at Columbia, now a part of Cincinnati, which was a Baptist church. This was in 1790. 19. The originator of what is called “Modern Missions,” was William Carey — a Baptist. This was in 1792. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian church of Scotland, by a large majority, put on record, in 1796, the following resolution — says Zions Advocate: “That to spread the knowledge of the gospel among barbarous and heathen nations, seems highly preposterous, in so far as it anticipates, nay, even reverses the order of nature.” As we have seen in a previous chapter, no Baptist church or general Baptist meeting ever tarnished its fair name by such a resolution. 20. The Baptists have near twice more converts to Christ in heathen lands than have all the other leading denominations; that, too, when the others have taken many of them into their churches, as only nominal Christians. 23. Baptist foreign missions cost less than one fourth the money that those of leading Protestant Pedobaptists cost. 24. The International Uniform Sunday School Lesson Service was originated by a Baptist — B.F. Jacobs. This is the natural result of the pre-eminent Baptist love of Bible study and Bible obedience. 25. The world’s greatest preacher since the Reformation was a Baptist — C.H. Spurgeon. The purer the gospel, the greater its preacher. 26. The first organized society for the much needed revision of King James’ version of the Bible was the American Bible Union — a Baptist society. This was the natural result of Baptist love and loyalty to the Bible. 27. Out of the American Bible Union agitation and work originated the Episcopal organization, resulting in the Revised Version of 1881, on which was employed European and American representative scholars. The revisions of the American Bible Union and its successors are of incalculable value to the world. 28. The only Bible Society which has ever existed for the translation of “every word” of the Bible into the English, according to the world’s unsectarian scholarship, was the American Bible Union — a Baptist Bible Society. In this it is measurably succeeded by the American Baptist Publication Society. 29. By their Bible translation enterprises Baptists have proved themselves the only leading denomination that has thoroughly rejected the Romish doctrine of keeping the Bible out of the language of the people; and in rendering every

doctrinal or practical word, they have, wherever and whenever they have made a translation of the Bible, not “shunned to declare all the counsel of God.” 30. In the language of the New York Tribune: “The Baptists have solved the great problem. They combine the most resolute conviction, the most stubborn belief in their own special doctrines, with the most admirable tolerance of the faith of other Christians.” Before the Evangelical Alliance, of Chicago, but a little while before his death, Dr. Schaff, the great Presbyterian church historian, said: “The Baptist is a glorious church; for she bore, and still bears testimony to the primitive mode of baptism, to the purity of the congregation, to the separation of church and State, and the liberty of conscience, and has given the world the ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ of Bunyan. such preachers as Robert Hall and Charles H. Spurgeon and such missionaries as Judson.” The lines: “For modes of faith let graceless bigots fight, His must be right whose life is in the right.” are very misleading. From the foregoing that life is the fruit of loyalty to all things Christ has commanded is the inevitable conclusion. Not that Baptist human nature has made Baptists better than others but their many peculiar scriptural principles, doctrines and practices have done so. Looking over Baptist fruits we see that Baptists, standing ALONE for most important practical principles and doctrines their abandonment or compromise of these principles and this doctrine can but work disaster to the world, to Christians of other churches, to themselves and great dishonor to our precious Christ. Thus Baptist fruits attest Baptists as the only true successors of Christ, of His Apostles and of their being the true witnesses from the apostolic to the present age. Now, that the liberty of the age presents an open field for Baptists to push the great New Testament “fight of faith” to the final victory, as Prof. G.D.B. Pepper, D.D., has so well said, for them to not do so would be to prove themselves unworthy of the great trust committed to them, recreant to their duty, dishonoring to the blood of Baptist martyrs which has bequeathed this opportunity to them and disloyal to God. With Christian love to all blood-washed souls — whatever their creed — with a joyful recognition of the broken and mixed fragments of truth held by others and the good fruits they bear, let us work and pray for the blessed time when

18. The first church which was organized in what was then called the<br />

“Northwestern Territory,” was at Columbia, now a part of Cincinnati, which<br />

was a <strong>Baptist</strong> church. This was in 1790.<br />

19. The originator of what is called “Modern Missions,” was William Carey —<br />

a <strong>Baptist</strong>. This was in 1792. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian church<br />

of Scotland, by a large majority, put on record, in 1796, the following<br />

resolution — says Zions Advocate: “That to spread the knowledge of the<br />

gospel among barbarous and heathen nations, seems highly preposterous, in so<br />

far as it anticipates, nay, even reverses the order of nature.” As we have seen in<br />

a previous chapter, no <strong>Baptist</strong> church or general <strong>Baptist</strong> meeting ever tarnished<br />

its fair name by such a resolution.<br />

20. The <strong>Baptist</strong>s have near twice more converts to Christ in heathen lands than<br />

have all the other leading denominations; that, too, when the others have taken<br />

many of them into their churches, as only nominal Christians.<br />

23. <strong>Baptist</strong> foreign missions cost less than one fourth the money that those of<br />

leading Protestant Pedobaptists cost.<br />

24. The International Uniform Sunday School Lesson Service was originated<br />

by a <strong>Baptist</strong> — B.F. Jacobs. This is the natural result of the pre-eminent<br />

<strong>Baptist</strong> love of Bible study and Bible obedience.<br />

25. The world’s greatest preacher since the Reformation was a <strong>Baptist</strong> — C.H.<br />

Spurgeon. The purer the gospel, the greater its preacher.<br />

26. The first organized society for the much needed revision of King James’<br />

version of the Bible was the American Bible Union — a <strong>Baptist</strong> society. This<br />

was the natural result of <strong>Baptist</strong> love and loyalty to the Bible.<br />

27. Out of the American Bible Union agitation and work originated the<br />

Episcopal organization, resulting in the Revised Version of 1881, on which<br />

was employed European and American representative scholars. The revisions<br />

of the American Bible Union and its successors are of incalculable value to the<br />

world.<br />

28. The only Bible Society which has ever existed for the translation of “every<br />

word” of the Bible into the English, according to the world’s unsectarian<br />

scholarship, was the American Bible Union — a <strong>Baptist</strong> Bible Society. In this<br />

it is measurably succeeded by the American <strong>Baptist</strong> Publication Society.<br />

29. By their Bible translation enterprises <strong>Baptist</strong>s have proved themselves the<br />

only leading denomination that has thoroughly rejected the Romish doctrine of<br />

keeping the Bible out of the language of the people; and in rendering every

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