October 2000 Newsletter - Naval Postgraduate School

October 2000 Newsletter - Naval Postgraduate School October 2000 Newsletter - Naval Postgraduate School


STUDENT RESEARCH OPTIMIZATION OF UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS OFFICER CAREER PATH SELECTION Major Peter B. Baumgarten, United States Marine Corps Master of Science in Operations Research-September 2000 Advisors: Associate Professor Siriphong Lawphongpanich and Research Assistant Professor Alexandra Newman, Department of Operations Research The Marine Corps Manpower System is responsible for managing the Marine officer inventory. The system’s primary objective is to maximize the Marine Corps’ operational readiness through the assignment of officers to billets. While striving to fulfill billet requirements, the manpower system simultaneously develops the professional skills, or core competencies, that each officer must possess to be assigned to billets requiring more authority and responsibility. Therefore, officer careers (or career paths) must reflect a balance between fulfilling billet requirements and developing core competencies. Currently, Marine Corps manpower planners lack rigorous methods to assist them in understanding the effects of various personnel policy decisions on the average officer career path or the system’s ability to meet future billet requirements. To assist these planners, this thesis presents an integer program, the Officer Career Path Selection (OCPS) model. The goal of OCPS is to assign officers to acceptable career paths in order to best meet billet requirements while satisfying, among others, core competency and tour length constraints. This thesis uses data from the Infantry Marine Occupational Specialty (MOS) to illustrate that outputs from OCPS provide useful information regarding the number of annual Infantry officer accessions and the effects of potential manpower policy decisions. (Major Baumgarten is the recipient of the Military Operations Research Society Stephen A. Tisdale Graduate Research Award.) EXPLORATION OF FIBRE CHANNEL AS AN AVIONICS INTERCONNECT FOR 21ST CENTURY MILITARY AIRCRAFT LCDR Shawn Hendricks, United States Navy Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineer-June 2000 Advisors: Associate Professor Russ Duren, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Assistant Professor John McEachen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Avionics architectures are evolving from “Federated” systems consisting of highly specialized black boxes connected together via MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC 429 data buses to “Integrated” and “Distributed” architectures. These new architectures contain high data-rate sensors, parallel processors, and shared memory with high levels of integration. These systems require a new interconnection system that overcomes the limitations of older standards. One such interconnection system is Fibre Channel. This thesis evaluates Fibre Channel as an avionics interconnection standard. It begins by defining the requirements and measures of performance for an interconnection system suitable for the new avionics architectures. The requirements address technical performance, affordability, reliability, sustainability, and maintainability considerations. The Fibre Channel standards are then compared to the requirements for the avionics interconnection system. In order to perform a technical performance evaluation of a switched fabric avionics interconnection system, a computer simulation model was developed. The OPNET Modeler® tool from OPNET, Inc. was used to model the components of an advanced avionics system. This tool allows multiple system configurations to be defined and examined quickly; showing both the advantages of one configuration over another as well as potential problem areas. (LCDR Hendricks’ work was performed at the request of the Joint Strike Fighter Program Office. The Fibre Channel standard is being considered for use in the JSF avionics system.) Oceanography doctoral candidate LT Fabrice Ardhuin, French Navy, received the Outstanding Student Paper Award from the American Geophysical Union for his paper, “A Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Numerical Model for Wave Evolution in Shallow Water.” The paper was presented at the Fall Annual Meeting of the AGU. The paper has since been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Oceanography. LT Arduin is advised by Associate Professor Tom Herbers, Research Associate Professor Tim Stanton, and Oceanographer William O’Reilly of the Department of Oceanography. NPS Research page 22 October 2000

STUDENT RESEARCH INTELLIGENT AGENTS FOR NAVY ACQUISITION INNOVATION LCDR David N. Fowler, United State Navy Master of Science in Management-December 1999 Advisor: Assistant Professor Mark E. Nissen, Department of Systems Management Information technology has advanced to the point at which software agents can be developed to represent people in their conduct of business processes. Enabled by a modicum of artificial intelligence, such software artifacts are termed intelligent agents, and recent thesis work by Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) faculty and thesis students is applying this advanced technology to the acquisition domain. The students are building on research conducted by Assistant Professor Mark Nissen, who has long been investigating process innovation through knowledge technologies such as intelligent agents. Their work is inspired, in part, by a proofof-concept agent application called The Intelligent Mall, which demonstrates the use of intelligent agents to automate key aspects of the enterprise supply chain. In his thesis effort, entitled Innovating the Standard Procurement System Utilizing Intelligent Agent Technologies, LCDR David Fowler, USN, examines opportunities for agents to innovate the Navy acquisition process. Acquisition activities—such as procurement, contracting and logistics— are becoming increasingly important, as the Navy and other services strive to shorten the cycle time required for weapon system development and be more responsive to warfighter needs in the field. At present, the acquisition process is timeconsuming, expensive and labor-intensive, with a mixed record of satisfying warfighter needs. The current DoD approach to this problem is to pursue development and implementation of what is referred to as the Standard Procurement System (SPS), which is a large software application used to enable workflow capabilities in support of the procurement and contracting processes. SPS provides some capability for paperless contracting and possesses the necessary infrastructure to begin a transition to electronic business. For instance, it replaces paper forms (e.g., purchase requests, requests for quotation, purchase orders) with electronic counterparts and automatically routes such work products to various people in the organization (e.g., requestors, managers, contract specialists). However, as a relatively novel information system implementation, SPS remains quite crude and has limited functionality. And this information system is being implemented worldwide without first redesigning the underlying procure- ment and contracting processes. The objective of this thesis is to identify avenues for emerging agent technologies to innovate the acquisition process, with the goal of enabling order-of-magnitude gains in performance (esp. cost and cycle time). LCDR Fowler acquired considerable acquisition expertise as a student at NPS, where he was exposed to SPS. He leveraged this knowledge and exposure to investigate the potential role that intelligent agents could play in process redesign. He also acquired familiarity with the capabilities of the Intelligent Mall, in order to ground his analysis in agent capabilities that are becoming available today. Using the Davenport-Nissen framework for process analysis, he conducted a detailed examination of the Federal Acquisition Process and identified many serious pathologies, along with numerous process activities the SPS fails to support. He then employed a four-step method for evaluating agent potential, which he used to identify and rank-order several acquisition process activities with particularly-good potential for automation and support through intelligent agent technology. Each of these was in turn evaluated in the context of two process redesign alternatives, both of which offer excellent opportunity for the kinds of quantum performance gains desired through innovation. Several key results emerge from this thesis research. First, the current DoD approach (i.e., SPS) is seriously flawed. Although SPS represents a step in the right direction (e.g., moving toward paperless contracting), the underlying acquisition process it supports remains inefficient, and laying SPS on top of this existing process is expected to make cost and cycle time increase. Second, agent technology that is available today offers excellent potential to enable quantum performance improvements in Navy acquisition processes. And such agent technology can be developed to integrate with SPS and other existing Navy systems, thereby leveraging the investment already made in such systems. Third, restructuring the underlying acquisition process—in addition to developing systems for support—offers great potential for performance improvement and lies within the authority of Navy leaders to undertake. Fourth, because agent technology continues to develop and mature, not all acquisition process activities should necessarily be addressed by agents at the present time. Rather, the thesis identifies those near-term process activities (e.g., market research) that offer the best potential for agent-based support today, along --continued on page 24 NPS Research page 23 October 2000



Major Peter B. Baumgarten, United States Marine Corps<br />

Master of Science in Operations Research-September <strong>2000</strong><br />

Advisors: Associate Professor Siriphong Lawphongpanich<br />

and Research Assistant Professor Alexandra Newman,<br />

Department of Operations Research<br />

The Marine Corps Manpower System is responsible for<br />

managing the Marine officer inventory. The system’s<br />

primary objective is to maximize the Marine Corps’ operational<br />

readiness through the assignment of officers to billets.<br />

While striving to fulfill billet requirements, the manpower<br />

system simultaneously develops the professional skills, or<br />

core competencies, that each officer must possess to be<br />

assigned to billets requiring more authority and responsibility.<br />

Therefore, officer careers (or career paths) must reflect a<br />

balance between fulfilling billet requirements and developing<br />

core competencies. Currently, Marine Corps manpower<br />

planners lack rigorous methods to assist them in understanding<br />

the effects of various personnel policy decisions<br />

on the average officer career path or the system’s ability to<br />

meet future billet requirements.<br />

To assist these planners, this thesis presents an integer<br />

program, the Officer Career Path Selection (OCPS)<br />

model. The goal of OCPS is to assign officers to acceptable<br />

career paths in order to best meet billet requirements<br />

while satisfying, among others, core competency and tour<br />

length constraints. This thesis uses data from the Infantry<br />

Marine Occupational Specialty (MOS) to illustrate that<br />

outputs from OCPS provide useful information regarding<br />

the number of annual Infantry officer accessions and the<br />

effects of potential manpower policy decisions. (Major<br />

Baumgarten is the recipient of the Military Operations<br />

Research Society Stephen A. Tisdale Graduate Research<br />

Award.)<br />



LCDR Shawn Hendricks, United States Navy<br />

Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering and<br />

Aeronautical Engineer-June <strong>2000</strong><br />

Advisors: Associate Professor Russ Duren, Department of<br />

Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Assistant Professor John<br />

McEachen, Department of Electrical and Computer<br />

Engineering<br />

Avionics architectures are evolving from “Federated” systems<br />

consisting of highly specialized black boxes connected together<br />

via MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC 429 data buses to<br />

“Integrated” and “Distributed” architectures. These new<br />

architectures contain high data-rate sensors, parallel<br />

processors, and shared memory with high levels of<br />

integration. These systems require a new interconnection<br />

system that overcomes the limitations of<br />

older standards. One such interconnection system is<br />

Fibre Channel. This thesis evaluates Fibre Channel<br />

as an avionics interconnection standard. It begins by<br />

defining the requirements and measures of performance<br />

for an interconnection system suitable for the<br />

new avionics architectures. The requirements<br />

address technical performance, affordability, reliability,<br />

sustainability, and maintainability considerations.<br />

The Fibre Channel standards are then compared to<br />

the requirements for the avionics interconnection system. In<br />

order to perform a technical performance evaluation of a<br />

switched fabric avionics interconnection system, a computer<br />

simulation model was developed. The OPNET Modeler®<br />

tool from OPNET, Inc. was used to model the components of<br />

an advanced avionics system. This tool allows multiple<br />

system configurations to be defined and examined quickly;<br />

showing both the advantages of one configuration over<br />

another as well as potential problem areas. (LCDR Hendricks’<br />

work was performed at the request of the Joint Strike Fighter<br />

Program Office. The Fibre Channel standard is being<br />

considered for use in the JSF avionics system.)<br />

Oceanography doctoral candidate LT Fabrice Ardhuin,<br />

French Navy, received the Outstanding Student Paper<br />

Award from the American Geophysical Union for his<br />

paper, “A Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Numerical Model<br />

for Wave Evolution in Shallow Water.” The paper was<br />

presented at the Fall Annual Meeting of the AGU. The<br />

paper has since been accepted for publication in the<br />

Journal of Physical Oceanography. LT Arduin is advised<br />

by Associate Professor Tom Herbers, Research<br />

Associate Professor Tim Stanton, and Oceanographer<br />

William O’Reilly of the Department of Oceanography.<br />

NPS Research page 22<br />

<strong>October</strong> <strong>2000</strong>

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