A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney

A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney

A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney


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Clark, John, ‘Artist and the State: <strong>The</strong> Image <strong>of</strong> China in Japanese Painting, 1890s - 1940s’, in Elise Tipton, ed.,<br />

Society and the State in Interwar Japan, London, Routledge, 1997.<br />

Clark, John, ‘Modernités, Histoires; le cas Japonais’, translated in Belleter, Harry, ed., Face à l’Histoire, Paris, Centre<br />

Georges Pompidou, 1996.<br />

Conant, E.P., ‘Principles and Pragmatism: <strong>The</strong> Yatoi in the Field <strong>of</strong> Art’, in Beauchamp, E.R. & Iriye, eds., Foreign<br />

Employees in Nineteenth Century Japan, Boulder & London, Westview Press, 1990.<br />

Conroy H., et al, Japan in Transition: Thought and Action in the Meiji Era, Farleigh Dickson <strong>University</strong> Press, 1984<br />

Development <strong>of</strong> Western Realism in Japan, I, Tôkyô, National Museum <strong>of</strong> Modern Art, 1985<br />

Fontanesi, Ragusa e l’arte giapponese nel primo periodo Meiji, Tôkyô, National Museum <strong>of</strong> Modern Art, 1977<br />

Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans un artiste francais au Japon, Tôkyô,Yomiuri Shimbun, 1987<br />

Guiterrez,F., ‘Artistic trends <strong>of</strong> the Meiji Period’, in Skrypczak, E. Japan’s Modern Century, Tôkyô, Tuttle, 1968<br />

Guth, C.,M.,E., ‘Japan 1868-1945: art, architecture, and national identity’, Art Journal, vol.55, no.3, Fall 1996.<br />

Guth, Christine M. E., ‘Takamura Kôun and Takamura Kôtarô: on being a sculptor’ in Takeuchi, Melinda, ed.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> artist as pr<strong>of</strong>essional in Japan, Stanford, Stanford <strong>University</strong> Press, 2004.<br />

Guth, Christine M.E., ‘Charles Longfellow and Okakura Kakuz : Cultural Cross-Dressing in the Colonial<br />

Context’, in positions: east asia cultures critique, volume 8, number 3 (winter 2000), pp. 605-636<br />

Haga, T., ‘<strong>The</strong> Formation <strong>of</strong> Realism in Meiji Painting: <strong>The</strong> Career <strong>of</strong> Takahashi Yûichi’, in Shively, D., Tradition<br />

and Modernization in Japanese Culture, Princeton, Princeton <strong>University</strong> Press, 1971<br />

Harada, M., Meiji Western Painting, Tôkyô, Weatherhill, 1974<br />

Inaga, Shigemi, ‘Théodore Duret et Japon’, Revue de l ‘Art, no.79, 1988.<br />

Inaga, Shigemi, ‘La réinterpretation de la perspective linéaire au Japon (1740-1830) et son retour en France<br />

(1860-1910)’, Actes de la Recherche en sciences sociales, no.49, septembre 1983.<br />

Inaga, Shigemi, ‘L’orientalisme en peinture: representation de l’autre et ses limites’, in Hignonnet, Margaret R.,<br />

Jones, Sumie, eds. Visions <strong>of</strong> the Other, Tokyo, Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the International Comparative Literature<br />

Association, 1991.<br />

Inaga, Shigemi, ‘De l’artisan à l’artiste au seuil de la modernité japonaise, ou l’implantation de la notion des<br />

Beaux-Arts au Japan’, Sociologie de l’Art, no.8, 1995.<br />

Khalili, Nasser, D. et al, Meiji no Takara: Treasures <strong>of</strong> Imperial Japan, [I: Selected Essays; II: Metalwork; III:Enamels;<br />

IV: Lacquer; V: Ceramics] London, <strong>The</strong> Kibo Foundation, 1995.<br />

Kawakita, M., ‘Western Influence on Japanese Painting and Sculpture’ inYamada, C., ed. Dialogue in Art:Japan and<br />

the West, Tôkyô, Kôdansha, 1976<br />

Kornicki, P.F., ‘Public display and changing values: early Meiji exhibitions and their precursors’, Monumenta<br />

Nipponica, vol.49, no.2, 1994.<br />

Modern Japanese Art and <strong>The</strong> West, International Symposium, Tokyo November 28-30, 1988, Meiji Bijutsu Gakkai,<br />

1992, [largely in Japanese but with essays on Kunisada (Timothy Clark), Kyoto Painting (Ellen Conant),<br />

Japonisme (Christine Shimizu), and Art Criticism (Thomas Rimer) in English: Fisher East Asian: 6047]<br />

Munson, Todd, S., ‘A tempestuous tea-port: socio-political commentary in Yokohama-e, 1859-62’, East Asian<br />

History, no.24, December 2002.<br />

Realistic Representation III: Painting in Japan 1884-1907, Tôkyô, National Museum <strong>of</strong> Modern Art, 1988<br />

Rosenfield, J., ‘Western Style Painting in the Early Meiji Period and its Critics’, see Haga this section.<br />

Screech, Timon, <strong>The</strong> Shogun’s Painted Culture: Fear and Creativity in the Japanese States, 1760-1829, London: Reaktion<br />

Books, 2000<br />

Uyeno, N., Japanese Arts and Crafts in the Meiji Era, Tôkyô, Tôyô Bunko, 1958<br />

Weisenfeld, G., ed., ‘Visual cultures <strong>of</strong> Japanese Imperialism’, special issue <strong>of</strong> positions east asia cultures critique, vol.8,<br />

no.3, winter 2000, including: Guth Christine M.E., ‘Charles Longfellow and Okakura Kakuzô: cultural<br />

cross-dressing in the colonial context; Sand, Jordan, ‘Was Meiji taste in interiors “Orientalist”?’; Christ,<br />

Carol Ann, ‘ “<strong>The</strong> sole guardians <strong>of</strong> the art inheritance <strong>of</strong> Asia”: Japan at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair’;<br />

Brandt, Kim, ‘Objects <strong>of</strong> desire: Japanese collectors and colonial Korea’; Weisenfeld, Gennifer, ‘Touring<br />

Japan-as-museum: NIPPON and other Japanese imperialist travelogues’; Wendelken, Cherie,<br />

‘Pan-Asianism and the pure Japanese thing: Japanese identity and architecture in the late 1930s’.<br />

Nihonga: Painting in ‘Traditional’ Japanese Style since Meiji<br />

Brooks, Van Wyck, Fenollosa and His Circle, New York, Dutton, 1962<br />

Chisholm, L.W., Fenollosa: the Far East and American Culture, New Haven, Yale <strong>University</strong> Press, 1962.<br />

Christ, Carol Ann, ‘ “<strong>The</strong> sole guardians <strong>of</strong> the art inheritance <strong>of</strong> Asia”: Japan at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair’,<br />

positions: east asian cultures critique, vol.8, no.3, winter 2000.

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