A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney

A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney

A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney


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Pi Li, Art Unforbidden: <strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>me Exhibition <strong>of</strong> Art Beijing, Beijing, Tang Contemporary Art, 2006<br />

Pi Li, et.al., In the View, Beijing, Tang Contemporary Art, 2006<br />

Zhang Yonglin, ed., Second Shanghai Duolun Exhibition <strong>of</strong> Young Artists, Duolun Art Museum 2006<br />

Zhu Qi, Woman in a Society <strong>of</strong> Dual Sexuality, Beijing, Tang Contemporary Art Gallery, 2006<br />

44<br />

Selected Exhibitions outside China<br />

1989<br />

Jean-Hubert Martin¸ Les Magiciens de la Terre, Centre Pompidou, 1989 [exhibited Huang Yongping, Gu Dexin,<br />

Yang Jiechang]<br />

1990<br />

Fei Dawei, ed, Art Chinois: Chine Demain pour Hier, [Cai Guoqiang, Yang Jiechang, Yan Peiming, Gu Wenda,<br />

Huang Yongping, Chen Zhen], Aix en Provence, Les Domaines de l’art & Editions Carte Segrete, 1990<br />

1992<br />

‘Chinese Mainland Artists Exhibition’(?), at California Institute <strong>of</strong> Art, September [report by Wang Shouzhi in<br />

Mingbao Yuekan, September 1993.<br />

1993<br />

Andrews, Julia, F.; Gao Minglu, Fragmented Memory: <strong>The</strong> Chinese Avant Garde in Exile Columbus, Ohio State<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Wexner Center for the Arts, 1993.<br />

1995<br />

Ballegeer, Jan Pieter, Ink and Light: Collision Dialogue Blending, Gent, Lineart, 1995.<br />

Wang Luyan, Chen Shaoping, Gu Dexin, Arbeit der Gruppe “Neuer Maßstab” (4), Berlin, New Gallery Association<br />

Wang Luyan, Chen Shaoping, Gu Dexin, Grup Xin Kedu (“Nova Mida”), Obra V<br />

1996<br />

Zhu Zhu, Zhongguo Banhua Jiezuo / Meisterwerke Chinesischer Grafik, Aachen, Ludwigforum für Internationale Kunst<br />

& Beijing, Zhongyang Meishuxeueyuan, n.d. [1996].<br />

1997<br />

Another Long March: Chinese Conceptual and Installation Art in the Nineties, Breda, Fundament Foundation.<br />

Hou Hanru, Parisien(ne)s, London, Camden Arts Centre & INIVA, 1997.<br />

1998<br />

Colman, Julia; Bois, Ludovic, Chinese Contemporary, 96-98, London, Chinese Contemporary Limited, 1998.<br />

Fibicher, Bernard, Großschwanzelefan / Big Tail Elephant, Bern, Kunsthalle, 1998<br />

Gao Minglu, ed., Inside Out, San Francisco, Musem <strong>of</strong> Modern Art & New York, Asia Society.<br />

Keusen, Elle; Schmidt, Inge; Weihs, Helge, Per Video, Köln, Museum Ludwig, 1998.<br />

Solomon, Andrew, ‘China: 5,000 Years’, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue 9, May1998<br />

Werner, Chris; Qiu Ping; Pitzen, Marianne, Die Hälfte des Himmels, Bonn, Frauenmuseum, 1998.<br />

1999<br />

Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka, 1999.<br />

Biennale di Venezia, 1999.<br />

Smith, Karen & Pi Li, Representing the People, Beijing, <strong>The</strong> Courtyard Gallery & Newcastle, Tyne and Weir<br />

Museums, 1999.<br />

Tang Xin & Urle U, 1999 Cologne-Beijing, Beijing-Cologne Exchange Exhibition, Köln, Gothaer Kunstforum, 1999.<br />

Wu Hong, Transience: Chinese Art at the End <strong>of</strong> the 20th Century, <strong>The</strong> Smart Museum <strong>of</strong> Art, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Chicago,<br />

1999.<br />

Logan Collection, San Francisco, Limn Gallery, 1999.<br />

China 1999, San Francisco, Limn Gallery, 1999.<br />

Wu Meichun, Zheng Shengtian, Truths from the Open Door: Chinese Conceptual Photography, (Supported by the Annie<br />

Wong Foundation), Bangkok, Art Gallery <strong>of</strong> Chulalongkorn <strong>University</strong>, 1999.<br />

Fu Shen, Nouveau reflets de la terre natale – six peintres de Taiwan, Paris, Centre Culturel et d’information de Taïpei à<br />

Paris, 1999.<br />

2000<br />

Jouanno, Evelyine; Hou Hanru, Paris pour escale, [incl. Chen Zhen, Huang Yongping, Shen Yuan, Wang Du, Yang<br />

Jiechang] Paris, ARC- Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 2000<br />

2001<br />

Nuridstany, Michel, Next Generation / Art Contemporain d’Asie, Paris, [Galerie] Passage de Retz, 2001

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