A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney

A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney

A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney


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<strong>The</strong>ories, Logics & Ideologies<br />

Baudrillard, Jean, ‘Modernity’ (1985), Canadian Journal <strong>of</strong> Political and Social <strong>The</strong>ory, Vol. XI, no.3, 1987.<br />

Baudrillard, Jean, Simulacra and Simulation, [tr. Glaser, S. F.], Ann Arbor, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Michigan Press, 1994.<br />

Bauman, Zygmunt, Postmodern Ethics, Oxford, Blackwell, 1993.<br />

Bernstein, Richard J., ed., Habermas and Modernity, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1985.<br />

Deuleuze, G., Guattari, F. A Thousand Plateaus [tr Massumi, Brian], Minneapolis, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Minnesota Press,<br />

1987.<br />

Habermas, Jürgen <strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> Communicative Action, vol: 1, Reason and the Rationalization <strong>of</strong> Society, vol.2 Lifeworld and<br />

System: A Critique <strong>of</strong> Functionalist Reason, [tr. Thomas McCarthy], London, Heinemann, 1984.<br />

Habermas, Jürgen, <strong>The</strong> Philosophical Discourse <strong>of</strong> Modernity, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1987.<br />

Hookway, Christopher, ‘Pragmatism: commonsense and the limits <strong>of</strong> science’, in Stone M.W.F. and Wolff,<br />

Jonathan, eds., <strong>The</strong> Proper Ambition <strong>of</strong> Science, London, Routledge, 2000.<br />

Marlais, Michael “Maurice Denis’ Conservative Modernism”, in Conservative Echoes in Fin de Siècle Parisian Art<br />

Criticism, Pennsylvania State <strong>University</strong> Press, <strong>University</strong> Park, Penn., 1992, 185-217<br />

Pollock, Griselda, Avant-Garde Gambits 1883-1893: Gender and the Colour <strong>of</strong> Art History, Walter Neurath Memorial<br />

Lecture 1992, Thames and Hudson, London, 1992<br />

Taxonomy and Evolutionary Speciation<br />

Crombie, A.C., Styles <strong>of</strong> Scientific Thinking in the European Tradition: <strong>The</strong> history <strong>of</strong> argument and explanation especially in the<br />

mathematical and biomedical sciences and arts, 3 volumes, London, Duckworth, 1994.<br />

Darwin, Charles, <strong>The</strong> Illustrated Origin <strong>of</strong> Species, [abridged and introduced by Richard Leakey from sixth edition <strong>of</strong><br />

1872], London, Faber & Faber, 1979 [updates Darwin’s theories or his evidence].<br />

Fletcher, Roland, ‘Organized Dissonance: multiple code structures in the replication <strong>of</strong> human culture’, in<br />

Maschner, Herbert D.G., Darwinian Archaeologies, New York, Plenum Press, 1998.<br />

Gee, Henry, Deep Time: Cladistics, <strong>The</strong> Revolution in Evolution, London, Fourth Estate, 2001<br />

Gould, Stephen Jay, Wonderful Life: <strong>The</strong> Burgess Shale and the Nature <strong>of</strong> History, London, Penguin Books, 1989.<br />

Hull, David, Science as a Process, Chicago, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Chicago Press, 1988<br />

Mayden et al, Species: the units <strong>of</strong> evolution, 1997<br />

Mayr, Ernst, Principles <strong>of</strong> Systematic Zoology¸ New York, McGraw-Hill, 1969<br />

Mayr, Ernst, ‘Darwin’s influence on modern thought’, Scientific American, vol 283, no.1, July 2000.<br />

Monod, Jacques, Chance and Necessity, [tr. Wainhouse, A.], New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1971 & London<br />

Collins/Fontana, 1974.<br />

Sterelny, Kim & Griffiths Paul E., Sex and Death: an introduction to the Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Biology, Chicago, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Chicago Press, 1999.<br />

Literary and Linguistic <strong>The</strong>ories<br />

Bakhtin, M. M., <strong>The</strong> Dialogic Imagination, [tr. by Emerson, C. & Holquist, M.], Austin, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Texas Press,<br />

1981.<br />

Benveniste, Emile Problems in General Linguistics, [1966] (tr Meek Mary E.), Coral Gables, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Miami<br />

Press, 1971<br />

Fletcher, Angus, Allegory: <strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> a Symbolic Mode, Ithaca, Cornell <strong>University</strong> Press, 1964, 1970.<br />

Todorov, Tzvetan, <strong>The</strong>ories <strong>of</strong> the Symbol [1977] (tr. Porter, C.), Ithaca, Cornell <strong>University</strong> Press, 1984.<br />

Watt, Ian, Myths <strong>of</strong> Modern Individualism: Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, Robinson Crusoe, Cambridge, Cambridge<br />

<strong>University</strong> Press, 1996; Canto Edition, 1997.<br />

Cultural Hybridity and Cultural Comparison<br />

Amselle, Jean-Loup, Mestizo Logics: Anthropology <strong>of</strong> Identity in Africa and Elsewhere, (tr. Royal, Claudia), Stanford,<br />

Stanford <strong>University</strong> Press, 1998.<br />

Appiah, K. Anthony, ‘Identity, authenticity, survival’ in Gutmann, Amy, ed., Multiculturalism, Princeton, Princeton<br />

<strong>University</strong> Press, 1992, 1994.<br />

Bennet, Tony, ‘<strong>The</strong> exhibitionary complex’, New Formations, no. 4.<br />

Bhabha, Homi K., <strong>The</strong> Location <strong>of</strong> Culture¸ London, Routledge, 1994.<br />

Brah, Avtar, Coombes, Annie E., Hybridity and its discontents: Politics, Science, Culture, London, Routledge, 2000<br />

Canclini,Néstor García, ‘Too much determinism or too much hybridization?’, Travésia: Journal <strong>of</strong> Latin American<br />

Cultural Studies, 1, 2, 1992.

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