A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney

A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney

A Working Bibliography - The University of Sydney


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Press, 2001.<br />

Shen and Marilyn Fu, Studies in Chinese Connoisseurship, Princeton, Princeton <strong>University</strong> Press, 1973.<br />

Siren, O., Chinese Painting, Ronald Press, New York, 1958<br />

Sullivan, M. <strong>The</strong> Birth <strong>of</strong> Landscape Painting in China, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California Press, 1962.<br />

Whitfield, R., ‘Landscape Painting in the Late Ch’ing Period’ in W. Watson, editor, Landscape Style in Asia, Percival<br />

David Foundation <strong>of</strong> Chinese Art, London, 1979.<br />

Early Contacts with European Art<br />

Barmé, Geremie, ‘<strong>The</strong> Garden <strong>of</strong> Perfect Brightness: A Manchu Vision <strong>of</strong> China’, Paroissien, Leon, ed., Visual Arts and<br />

Culture, Volume 1, Part 1 (1998), see http://www.chinaheritagequarterly.org/ No. 8, December 2006:<br />

Yuanming Yuan, the Garden <strong>of</strong> Perfect Brightness<br />

Beurdeley, M. &. C, Giuseppe Castiglione, Rutland, Tuttle, 1971.<br />

Cahill, James, ‘Late Ming landscape albums and European printed books’, in Rosenwald, L.J., <strong>The</strong> Early Illustrated<br />

Book, 1982.<br />

Cahill, James, <strong>The</strong> Compelling Image: Nature and Style in Seventeenth Century Chinese Painting, Cambridge, Harvard<br />

<strong>University</strong> Press, 1982<br />

Delahaye, Hubert, ‘Du peu d’effet de la peinture occidentale en Chine’ in Jami, Catherine; Delahaye, Hubert, eds.,<br />

L’Europe en Chine, interactions scientifiques, religieuses et culturelles aux XVII e et XVIII e siécles, Paris, Collége de<br />

France, 1993.<br />

Franke, Wolfgang, China and the West, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1967<br />

Hsiang Ta (Xiang Da), ‘European influences on Chinese Art <strong>of</strong> the Later Ming and Early Ch’ing Period’ [original<br />

in Dongfang Zazhi , vol.27, no.1, January 10th, 1930, translated by Wang Teh-chao], Renditions no.6, Spring<br />

1976.<br />

Ishida Mikinosuke, ‘A Biographical Study <strong>of</strong> Giuseppe Castiglione (Lang Shih-ning), a Jesuit Painter in the Court<br />

<strong>of</strong> Peking under the Ch’ing Dynasty’, Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the Tôyô Bunko, 1960, p.79-121;<br />

Kôno Minoru, ed., Chûgoku Yôfû? Hyôgen no Dônyû? Meimatsu kara Shin jidai no kaiga, hanga, sashie-hon, Machida,<br />

Machida Shirtisu Kokusai Hanga Bijutsukan, 1995.<br />

Loehr, George, ‘Missionary artists at the Manchu Court’, Journal <strong>of</strong> the Oriental Ceramic Society, 34, 1962-63;<br />

Loehr, George, ‘<strong>The</strong> Sinicization <strong>of</strong> Missionary artists and their work at the Manchu court during the Eighteeenth<br />

Century’, Cahiers d’Histoire Mondiale, vol. VII, no.3, p. 795-815, 1963;<br />

Pelliot, Paul, ‘La Peinture et la Gravure Européennes en Chine au temps de Mathieu Ricci’, T’oung Pao, 1922, 1-18;<br />

Pirazzoli-T’Serstevens, M., Gravures des Conquêtes de l’Empereur de Chine K’ien-Long au Musée Guimet, Paris, Mus?e<br />

Guimet, 1969;<br />

Qing Imperial Court Painting, 25th Anniversary Special Issue <strong>of</strong> Orientations, vol.26, no.7, July/August 1995<br />

Sullivan, Michael, ‘Some possible sources <strong>of</strong> European influence on late Ming and early Ch’ing painting’, in<br />

Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the International Symposium on Chinese Painting, Taipei, National Palace Museum, 1972,<br />

Swiderski, Richard M., ‘<strong>The</strong> dragon and the straightedge, part 1: a semiotics <strong>of</strong> the Chinese response to European<br />

pictorial Space’, Semiotica 81-1/2, (1990); ‘part 2: <strong>The</strong> ideological impetus <strong>of</strong> linear perspective in late Ming<br />

early Qing China’, ibid, 82-1/2 (1990); ‘part 3: Porcelains, horses, and ink stones - the ends <strong>of</strong> acceptance’,<br />

ibid, 82 -3/4, (1990).<br />

Vinograd, Richard, Boundaries <strong>of</strong> the Self, Chinese Portraits, 1600-1900, Cambridge, Cambridge <strong>University</strong> Press,<br />

1992;<br />

Chinacoast and Trade Paintings<br />

Berry-Hill, H. and S., Chinnery and China Coast Paintings, Leigh-on-Sea, 1970.<br />

Broadbent, J., China, Australia: Trade and Society 1788-1850, <strong>Sydney</strong>, Historic Houses <strong>of</strong> New South Wales, 2003.<br />

Christies’, Fine Chinatrade Paintings, Hong Kong, Christies’ Swire, sale <strong>of</strong> 26-9-1989.<br />

Conner, P., <strong>The</strong> China Trade 1600-1860, Brighton, Royal Pavilion, 1986<br />

Conner, P., Leglouix, S., William Alexander, Brighton, Royal Pavilion,1981.<br />

Crossman,C.L., <strong>The</strong> China Trade: Paintings, Furniture, Silver, and other Objects, Princeton, 1972<br />

Gregory, M., In the Western Manner, Catalogue 53, London, Martyn Gregory Gallery, 1989.<br />

Hutcheon, R., Chinnery, <strong>The</strong> Man and the Legend, Hong Kong, 1975<br />

Lee, J.G., Philadelphians and the China Trade 1784-1844, Philadelphia Museum <strong>of</strong> Art/ <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania<br />

Press, 1984.<br />

Leglouix, S., Image <strong>of</strong> China: William Alexander, London; Jupiter Books, 1980<br />

Orange, J. <strong>The</strong> Chater Collection; Pictures relating to China, Hong Kong, Macao, London, 1924.

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