IRONDEQUOIT,N.Y - Monroe County Library System

IRONDEQUOIT,N.Y - Monroe County Library System

IRONDEQUOIT,N.Y - Monroe County Library System


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<strong>IRONDEQUOIT</strong>,N.Y<br />

Copyright 1939 by<br />

R L. POLK cffi, CO.. Inc.<br />

1940<br />

Rural Delivery Routes _<br />

are marked thus: 5<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

<strong>IRONDEQUOIT</strong> TOWN OFFICERS<br />

Town Hall and Court House, 1392 Ridge rd. East<br />

Supervisor Thomas E. Broderick<br />

Clerk Fred E. Hussey<br />

Town Attorney Robert W Lochner<br />

CouncilmenHoward R. Patterson, Walter G. Lauterbach, Fred P. Miller, Edward A.<br />

Springer<br />

Tax Collector William F. Widman<br />

Justices Earl A. Partridge, Arthur L. Hart<br />

Assessors Lorin E. Mason, Geo. D. Henderson, Geo. F. McGrath<br />

Highway Dept. Kings Highway Arthur J. Whaley, superintendent<br />

School Directors Dr. Allison M. VanHorn, Alfred A. Johns<br />

Health OfficerWillis W. Bradstreet, M.D.<br />

Dept of Sewers 1396 Ridge rd. E.; Carl A. Harvey, supt. sewers<br />

Bureau of Welfare 1388 Ridge rd. E. ; Wm. F. Martin, director<br />

Dept of Water John B. Phillips, superintendent<br />

Dept. of Buildings Joseph Bevacqua, inspector<br />


Laurelton Fire House 405 Empire blvd.<br />

Point Pleasant Volunteer Firemen's Assn. 225 Pt. Pleasant rd.<br />

Ridge-Culver Volunteer Fire Assn. 3060 Culver rd.<br />

St.Paul Boulevard Fire Dept.<br />

Co. No. 1 Cooper rd.<br />

Co. No. 2448 Titus av.<br />

Co. No. 3 Washington av.<br />

Sea Breeze Volunteer Fire Assn. 4582 Culver rd.<br />


1388 Ridge rd. E.<br />

ChiefHarold S. McFarlin. Patrolmen, Arthur E. Burns, Willis C. Crane, Edwin T.<br />

Heisinger, Edwd. Holtz, Arthur E. Kleinhammer, Frank E. Kyle, John F. Goers, Wm. C.<br />

Vragel<br />


Irondequoit High School Titus av. cor. Cooper rd., Alfred C. Hamilton, principal and<br />

supt. of schools; 23 teachers<br />

Abraham Lincoln School Carmel St., Earle W. Nash, principal; 6 teachers<br />

Durand Eastman School Pt. Pleasant rd., Arlington Swarts, principal; 19 teachers<br />

Hosea Rogers School Northfield rd., Edwin D. Claudius, principal; 13 teachers<br />

Laurelton School Helendale rd., Stella M. O'Neill, principal; 13 teachers<br />

Reuben A. Dake School Cooper rd., Bertis VanderSchaaf, principal; 14 teachers<br />

Ridgewood School Ridge rd. E. near Attleboro rd., Earle W. Nash, principal; 14<br />

teachers<br />

Seneca School 4161 St. Paul blvd., Charles W. Joyce, principal; 16 teachers<br />


358<br />

acct accountant<br />

adj adjuster<br />

adjt adjutant<br />

adv advertising<br />

agcy agency<br />

agric agricultural<br />

agt agent<br />

al alley<br />

Am American<br />

appr apprentice<br />

apts apartments<br />

archt architect<br />

assn association<br />

asst assistant<br />

atndt attendant<br />

aud auditor<br />

auto automobile<br />

av avenue<br />

Bapt Baptist<br />

bdg boarding<br />

bet between<br />

bey beyond<br />

bgemn baggageman<br />

bkbndr bookbinder<br />

bkpr bookkeeper<br />

bldg building<br />

bldr builder<br />

blea bleachery<br />

blk block<br />

blksmth blacksmith<br />

blvd boulevard<br />

br branch<br />

brklyr bricklayer<br />

Bros Brothers<br />

Bway Broadway<br />

CS pract<br />

Christian<br />

Science practitioner<br />

cabtmkr cabinet maker<br />

capt captain<br />

carp carpenter<br />

cashr cashier<br />

Cen Centre<br />

ch church<br />

chauf chauffeur<br />

civ civil<br />

elk clerk<br />

clnr cleaner<br />

clnsr cleanser<br />

collr collector<br />

comdr commander<br />

coml commercial<br />

Comlth Commonwealth<br />

comn commission<br />

comp compositor<br />

compt opr .... comptometer<br />

operator<br />

comr commissioner<br />

cond conductor<br />

confr confectioner<br />

Cong Congregational<br />

cons consulting<br />

contr. .contractor or contract<br />

ing<br />

cor corner<br />

corp corporation<br />

cres crescent<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


ct court<br />

ctr cutter<br />

dec decorator<br />

dept department<br />

depy deputy<br />

dir director<br />

dist district<br />

div division<br />

dir dealer<br />

do . . . ditto<br />

dom domestic<br />

dr drive<br />

drftsmn draftsman<br />

drsmkr dressmaker<br />

E East<br />

elec . . . electric or electrical<br />

electn electrician<br />

elev elevator<br />

emp employee<br />

eng engineer<br />

engvr engraver<br />

Epis Episcopal<br />

est estate<br />

Ex Express<br />

exch exchange<br />

extn extension<br />

FE Fire Engine<br />

film opr<br />

motion picture<br />

operator<br />

flagmn flagman<br />

fnshr finisher<br />

formn foreman<br />

forwmn forewoman<br />

frt freight<br />

ft foot<br />

ftr fitter<br />

furn furniture<br />

furng furnishing<br />

gardnr gardener<br />

gas sta filling station<br />

gasftr gasfitter<br />

gds goods<br />

gen general<br />

gro grocer<br />

h house<br />

hairdrsr hairdresser<br />

hdqtrs headquarters<br />

hdw hardware<br />

Hlds Highlands<br />

hlpr helper<br />

hosp hospital<br />

Hts Heights<br />

imptr importer<br />

inc incorporated<br />

ins insurance<br />

insp inspector<br />

instr instructor<br />

int rev .... internal revenue<br />

JYM&WA. Jewish Young Men's<br />

& Women's Association<br />

jan janitor<br />

jr junior<br />

junct junction<br />

jwlr jeweler<br />

kpr keeper<br />

lab laborer<br />

lea leather<br />

lieut lieutenant<br />

lino linotype<br />

litho lithographer<br />

lndrs laundress<br />

lndry laundry<br />

Luth Lutheran<br />

M or Meth Methodist<br />

mach machinist<br />

Mass Massachusetts<br />

mdse merchandise<br />

mech mechanic<br />

or mechanical<br />

mer merchant<br />

Met Metropolitan<br />

mfg manufacturing<br />

mfr manufacturer<br />

mgr manager<br />

mkr maker<br />

mkt market<br />

mldr molder<br />

mlnr milliner<br />

mn man<br />

mono monotype<br />

msngr messenger<br />

mtrmn motorman<br />

mus music<br />

musn musician<br />

Mut Mutual<br />

N North<br />

NE New England<br />

Natl National<br />

nr near<br />

opp opposite<br />

opr operator<br />

optom optometrist<br />

osteo osteopath<br />

PO Post Office<br />

paperhngr .... paperhanger<br />

pat patent<br />

pdlr peddler<br />

pharm pharmacist<br />

Phila Philadelphia<br />

photog photographer<br />

Phys physician<br />

Pk park<br />

Pkwy parkway<br />

Pi place<br />

Plmbr plumber<br />

Plshr polisher<br />

plstr plasterer<br />

pntr painter<br />

Pres president<br />

Presb Presbyterian<br />

prin principal<br />

Prntr printer<br />

prof professor<br />

Prop proprietor<br />

prsfdr prcssfeeder<br />

prsmn pressman<br />

ptrnmkr patternmaker<br />

Pb publishing<br />

purch purchasing<br />

f resides<br />

RC Roman Catholic<br />

RD Rural Delivery<br />

RR Railroad<br />

rd road<br />

real est real estate<br />

rem removed<br />

rep representative<br />

restr restaurant<br />

Rev Reverend<br />

rm room<br />

rpr repair or repairer<br />

Ry Railway<br />

Ry Ex Railway Express<br />

Agency Inc<br />

Ry MS Railway Mail<br />

Service<br />

S South<br />

sch school<br />

sec secretary<br />

sergt sergeant<br />

shtmtlwkr sheet metal<br />

worker<br />

sis sales<br />

soc society<br />

solctr solicitor<br />

spcl special<br />

sq square<br />

sta station<br />

sten stenographer<br />

stmftr steamfltter<br />

struct structural<br />

studt student<br />

su suite<br />

supt superintendent<br />

supvr supervisor<br />

surg surgeon<br />

tchr teacher<br />

tel telephone<br />

teleg telegraph<br />

ter terrace<br />

timekpr timekeeper<br />

tmstr teamster<br />

tndr tender<br />

trav . . traveler or traveling<br />

treas treasurer<br />

typwtr wkr. .typewriter worker<br />

US United States<br />

USA US Army<br />

USMC ...US Marine Corps<br />

USN U S Navy<br />

undtkr undertaker<br />

Unit Unitarian<br />

Univ University or<br />

Universalis!<br />

uphol upholsterer<br />

vet veterinary<br />

v-pres<br />

vice president<br />

vulc vulcanizer<br />

W West<br />

Wash Washington<br />

watchmn ........ watchman<br />

whf wharf<br />

whol wholesale<br />

wid widow<br />

wkr worker<br />

wks works<br />

wmn woman<br />

YMCA Young Men's<br />

Christian Association<br />

YWCA Young Women's<br />

Christian Association<br />


Abr Abraham Danl Daniel Jas<br />

James Robt Robert<br />

Alex Alexander Edwd Edward Jos<br />

Alf Joseph Saml Samuel<br />

Alfred Eliz<br />

Margt Margaret Sol Solomon<br />

Aug August<br />

Micnl<br />

uij b^-ji -r';",-<br />

Michael Theo Theodore<br />

Frederick Patk ""> f"1 Patrick Thos Thomas<br />

uiaries Uea George Richd Richard Wm William



GLENWOOD 144<br />

POLK'S<br />

<strong>IRONDEQUOIT</strong><br />


Copyright, 1939, by R. L. Polk & Co., Inc.<br />

Post office address follows the street address, in parenthesis.<br />

Do not use "Irondequoit" as a mailing address<br />

For List of Abbreviations see opposite page<br />


B&O Baltimore & Ohio Railroad<br />

Br Brighton<br />

C of C Chamber of Commerce<br />

Cold Wtr or Cld Wtr Cold Water<br />

Erie RR Erie Railroad<br />

GE Co<br />

General Electric Co<br />

Gr Greece<br />

Henrta<br />

Henrietta<br />

Irond Irondequoit<br />

K Pk<br />

Kodak Park<br />

L Pk<br />

Lincoln Park<br />

LVRR Lehigh Valley Railroad<br />

Mt Mount<br />

NL&O Power Co Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Power Co<br />

NYC<br />

New York Central Railroad<br />

Penn RR Pennsylvania Railroad<br />

Pt Plst<br />

Point Pleasant<br />

RW&ORR Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad<br />

Alphabetical<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

List of Names<br />

Abel Carl (Eliz) baker h 425 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Pernell N) asbestos wkr h 200 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Abele Geo J (Anna E) slsmn h 23 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Abendroth Henry (Lucy) clothing ctr h 17 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Abert Albin (Freda) mason h 215 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Abondanzieri Adio r 292 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Elio F r 292 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Louis (Eurica) jan h 292 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Abraham Carroll V (Dorothy T) slsmn h 463 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Lincoln School 338 Carmel (Roch)<br />

Ackerman Clarence J (Eliz M) elec welder h 97 Medfield dr<br />

Ackroyd Wm K (Helen E) K Pk h 2400 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Adamek Carl R (Gertrude R) employment mgr h 63 Westbourne rd<br />

(Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Adams Chas F died Apr 30, 1939<br />

Donald C (Marie J) rem to Rochester<br />

Florence E wid Geo W h 43 Wildmere dr (Roch)<br />

Geo studt r 43 Wildmere dr (Roch)<br />

Jos L (Catherine M) K Pk h 2343 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Margt Mrs rem to Rochester<br />

Maude M housekpr 457 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Mina H tailoress r 1 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Park (Cleo M) slsmn h 190 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Richd W (Roberta G) slsmn h 142 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Addelbaum Norman h 39 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Ade Carl C (Lauretta J) archt h 27 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Adkin Ethel J r 4448 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Adsitt Chas M h 245 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

'Dorothy L optical wkr r 245 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Melissa A optical wkr r 245 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond W (Nellie M) mgr h 146 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Affable Frank S (Alberta M) retoucher h 200 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Agnusanti Frank (Rose) lumber handler h 63 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Ahlyard Fredk N (Amelia I) slsmn h 72 Shelmont dr (Roch)<br />

Virginia S assembler r 72 Shelmont dr (Roch)<br />

Ahrens Robt L (Mildred L) tchr h 37 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Wm E, USN r 6 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Ethel A) millwright h 6 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Aiello Carl T studt r 180 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Catherine wid Jos h 180 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Alaskey Jos (Gladys) h 338 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Alband Wm (Sarah J)<br />

r 2983 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Albers Fred F (Anna E) formn h 1737 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Albert Hazen E r 124 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Jacob E (Eliz R) slsmn h 124 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Mary A elk r 124 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Michl K (Margt E) brewery wkr h 75 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Robt K elk r 124 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Wm F slsmn r 124 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Albrecht Adeline tailoress r 79 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Chas A (Martha) market gardnr 559 Ridge rd E (Roch) h do<br />

Fred W (Laura M) meat ctr h 94 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Otto J (Grace S) elk h 79 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Albright Earl carp h 76 Buell dr (Roch)<br />

Fred (Emma) h 34 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Howard M (Eva B) clothing ctr h 333 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Howard L (Marion R) assembler Taylor h 328 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Minnie wid Peter S r 182 Avenue C (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Ruth E sten r 34 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Stanley H (Blanche E) meat ctr 157 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst) h 1833<br />

Main E, Roch<br />

Alcock Arthur farm hand r rear 3332 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hazel W r 1788 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Jesse (Mabel) farm hand h rear 3332 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Louis W hlpr r 1788 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Robt (Louise C) gardnr h 1788 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Alderson Roy R (Alice M) meter reader 4441 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

h 54 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Aldridge Mary A wid Herbert summer res 29 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Alesch Raymond C (Alice M) buyer h 73 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Alessi Jennie L tchr Irond High sch h at LeRoy<br />

Alexander E Frank (Ruth H) mech eng h 762 Titus av (Roch)<br />

John (Mamie J) h 23 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Algier Claude A (Eleanor M) mach h 47 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Algonquin Yacht Club 27 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Alhart Clarence G (Katherine G) elec contr h 367 Westchester av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Eug G (Lois R) mech eng h 39 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Rovena I wid Irving F h 97 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

All Saints Episcopal Church, Ivan H Ball rector 759 Winona blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Allan Dorland J (Harriet M) statistician h 83 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Helen M sec r 52 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Jas G (Marie) civ eng h 36 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Jean E nurse r 36 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Mary E wid Wm B h 52 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Allart Wm H (Grace B) sis mgr h 95 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Allen A Elbert (Caroline L) rem to Rochester<br />

Chas E (Mildred E) K Pk h 217 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Elwin (Ada) chauf h 131 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo W (Genevieve K) slsmn r 220 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Robt T (Helen R) K Pk h 84 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Roy E (Ida M) h 168 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

S Gilbert r 48 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)


See Display at your Dealer's or Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. (39 EAST AVE.)<br />

Alliance Realty Corp<br />

Frank A Drumm pres Lincoln-Alliance Bank bldg 183 Main E,<br />

Rochester tels Stone 7270 evenings and Sundays Charlotte 334 See<br />

front cover and page 30 Buyers' Guide<br />

Ailing & Miles Inc<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

inc NY '13 Edmund M Ailing pres William G Herpich sec William<br />

M Ailing treas Hudson Sixes and Eights 82 Stone Rochester tel<br />

Stone 2537 See page 3 Buyers' Guide<br />

Allison Chas G (Elsie A) lab h 314 Wacona av (Pt Plst)<br />

Alonegi Salvatore P (Maria C) florist h 3170 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Alpert Louis M (Nellie) pntr 84 Rawlinson rd (Roch) h do<br />

Althoff Harry J (Bertha E) formn EK Co h 5137 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Minnie wid Walter h 2470 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Altier John L (Ida J) shoe rpr 881 Portland av h 2048 Goodman N<br />

(Roch)<br />

Altman John (Bertha) office mgr h 227 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Altpeter Albert H (Nettie K) litho h 103 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Paul A (M Eliz) cost acct h 163 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Alvany Jos W r 256 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Alvord Thos G (Edith M) tchr h 389 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Alway Clarence J (Lauretta A) clothing ctr h 87 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Aman Aaron N (Violet M) (Aman Basket Works) 1683 Ridge rd E h<br />

1137 do (Roch)<br />

Basket Works (Aaron Aman) basket mfrs 1683 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Carl C (Margt G) insp h 182 Bay Side dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Cletus M (Anna C) restr 3045 Culver rd (Roch) and (Aman's Service<br />

Station) cor Culver rd and Ridge rd E h 2619 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Floyd J (Ellen A) auto mech h 325 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Fred J gardnr r 2448 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Gerard L (Sara E) auto mech h 31 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

John C (Louisa) died Dec 3, 1938<br />

Jos r 2448 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Jos F (Margt R) market gardnr 2458 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Kenneth J (Eunice M) tester h Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Leroy F mach opr r 1683 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Louise J wid John C h 1683 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Margt h 2598 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Marion sten r 2508 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Mary A wid Frank J r 62 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Paul M gardnr r 2580 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Rita C camera wkr r 2508 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Rupert L (Senora M) market gardnr 2580 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

'Sylvester W purch agt h 62 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Loretta B) market gardnr 2508 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Aman's Service Station (Cletus M Aman) garage cor Culver rd and<br />

Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Amann Frank H (Thelma A) optical wkr h 34 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Amara Otto r 180 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Rose r 180 Empire bldg (Roch)<br />

Ambeau Geo O (Myites K) pressmn h 234 Liberty av (Roch)<br />

Amberger Jos (Mary) grinder h 509 Shelford rd (Roch)<br />

Ameele John (Esther) plater h 601 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Amer Wm G (Ethel P) photog h 653 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

American Club Beverages (Maurice J White) 75 Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Economy Stores, Francis Reboulat mgr 2187 Clinton av N (Roch)<br />

Legion, Irond Post No 134 4281 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Ames Jas T (Betty G) tool and die mkr h 39 Russell av (Roch)<br />

Leon R (Blanche E) gelatin wkr K Pk h 77 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mildred E winder K Pk r 77 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Roger S (Dorothy J) elk h 196 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Ross F (Jeannette J) EK Co h 214 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Roy (Beatrice) ins h 41 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Amesbury Maude wid Benj C h 70 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Amlinger Christina wid Philip G died July 2, 1939<br />

Ammon Walter W jr (Rachel H) lab h 294 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Amrine Carl T (Florence M) service eng h 82 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Andersen Julius J supt h 3227 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Raymond H (Josina M) h 133 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth L studt r 3227 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Anderson Allan B engvr r 4944 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

David (Marie C) plater h 299 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Donald H (Muriel E) rem to Roch<br />

E Robt (Edna M) slsmn h 57 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer W (Helen E) electn h 102 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Eric K (Mary A) engvr h 3261 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest R (Evelyn H) electn h 345 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest W (Hilma W) maintenance mn h 167 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest W (Ida N) tool mkr h 26 Warrenton (Roch)<br />

Florence J Mrs slswmn h 356 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Geo F (Florence) elk h 302 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Gertrude M Mrs adv r 534 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Gustaf B (Hilda) floor contr h 87 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Gustaf E r 87 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Helen V masseuse r 167 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Hugh Mrs h 2155 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Jas J (Josephine M) eggs h 269 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

John C belt wkr r 430 Titus av (Roch)<br />

John F (Mary) chauf h 767 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

John H (Lillie L) market gardener 448 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Karl F (Sylvia J) RG&E h 632 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth M (Ardith V) tchr Irond High sch h 19 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

Margt J girl scout leader r 2155 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Maude Mrs elk r 96 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Olga E married Louis White<br />

Rufus M (Mary A) gardener h 430 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Thelma L tchr Durand Eastman School r 133 High Roch<br />

Andres Wilfred (Loraine E) prof r 86 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Andresen Garewood C (Harriet) branch eng h 55 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Andrew Paul F (Gladys L) investigator h 272 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Andrews Arthur M (Blenda M) formn h 2410 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Danl studt r 76 VanVoorhis av (Roch)<br />

Eleanor M sten r 76 VanVoorhis av (Roch)<br />

G Orville (Minnie C) store mgr Teall's Ice Cream Co 4355 Culver rd<br />

h 90 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

John (Anna) h 96 Clark av (Roch)<br />

John J (Mary Louise) contr h 76 VanVoorhis av (Roch)<br />

Lyman O hlpr (Auburn) r 90 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Michl N plmbr r 96 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Newton E sum res 60 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Norma M elk r 90 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Russell F studt r 90 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Stuart F (Catherine J) carp h 497 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Walter S r 96 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Andrus Hiram W (Alice C) K Pk h 140 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Anger Ruth, EK Co r 65 Durand blvd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Willard V (Mildred R) photo engraver h 130 Wash av<br />

Angevine Oliver L (Verna E) exec sec Roch Eng Soo h 501 Laurelton rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Oliver L jr r 501 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Richd A r 501 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Angi Francesco (Rose) lab h 36 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Angle Eleanor married Thos Richmond<br />

Janet studt r 144 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Richd rem to Roch<br />

Wesley M (Ann W) pres Stromberg-Carlson Co sum res 144 Hunting<br />

ton Hills (Roch)<br />

Angst Harold J (Johanna) leather ctr h 94 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Annis Victor restr 4555 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) r 36 Dayton Roch<br />

Anselm Frank J (Ella A) plmbr h 146 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Anson Albert F (Emma H) auto mech h 11 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm F r 11 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Antonacci Jos (Antoinette) lab h 185 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Nazzaero (Josephine) stone wkr h 287 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Antrobus Harry L (Helen) engvr h 36 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Apetz Cornelius (Louise E) mach h 355 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Appelbaum Wm r 90 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Appleton Norman T (Delia M) pharmacist h 73 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Archer Albert E (Helen) K Pk h 166 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Archetko Jas r 317 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

John lab r 317 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Michl (Anna) h 317 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Nicholas r 317 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Peter hlpr r 1945 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ardello Luigi (Concetta) farmer h 211 Rosella (Roch)<br />

Arena John studt r 282 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Peter (Mary) h 282 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Arend Robt G insp r 122 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Theresa wid Geo W housekpr 122 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Arene Saml (Anna) tailor h 183 Clark av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Arengi Chas textile wkr r 82 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jos (Mary) lab h 82 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Philip r 82 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Theresa r 82 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Arent Esther R r 820 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Hyman J (Sarah) gro h 820 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Marvin L studt r 820 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Arlotta John M (Mary E) tailor h 3124 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Armbruster Amelia C r 4456 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Amelia E wid Fred W h 4456 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Benj J r 3635 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Eliz J h 3635 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Florence S photog r 3635 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Fred W jr, r 4456 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Josephine A r 3635 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Martha M drsmkr r 3635 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary E r 3635 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Armenio Albert (Mary) shoe mkr h 286 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Dominic studt r 286 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Armitage Marion tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 2255 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Wm H r 1571 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Armstrong Albert L (Gladys E) safety dir h 76 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Desta A r 96 N Wabash av<br />

Florence A, EK Co r 56 Charrington rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Sarah M) milkmn h 31 Hollywood cres (Roch)<br />

Patricia L studt r 62 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Wm R (Eliz B) tool mkr h 56 Charrington rd (Roch)<br />

Arnesen Hans E (Eilleen A) office mgr EK Co Savings & Loan h 41 Falstaff<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Arnold B Gustave (Marie) mach opr h 162 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Lowell r 61 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Margt Mrs slswmn r 23 Hathaway (Roch)<br />

Walter R (Jane E) camera wkr h 137 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Arp Hans C (Anna) mech eng h 143 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Arquit Bernard E (Sylvia M) buyer h 117 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Artlip Danl L pntr r 25 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Emma B Mrs h 25 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ash Roland C (Kathryn T) slsmn h 505 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Ashley Edmond A (Laura E) lab end StPaul blvd h 587 Wash av (Roch)<br />

John R (Katherine H) h 299 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

-"-Kenneth J (Julia C) milk mn h 82 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Ashton John (Josephine A) h 35 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Raymond J (Mabel I) camera wkr h 65 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Asian Geo C (Catherine C) RG&E h 37 Ewer av (Pt Plst)<br />

Asmuth Elmer J (Eliz) slsmn h 212 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Milton W (Catherine) state bank examiner h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Aspenleiter Albert J (Mary A) r 108 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Alberta K elk r 4804 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank X clothing designer r 143 Seville dr Roch<br />

Harold G (Rosalia A) mgr h 108 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

John F (Alma J) mgr gas sta 3392 StPaul blvd h 143 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Leo M (Frances M) carp h 10 Thatcher rd (Rochl<br />

Thomas J (Caroline B) tailor h 4804 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Atherton Harry B (Elaine R) sporting goods h 78 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Atkins Eliz wid Richd H sum res 423 Lake Front nr Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Eliz R bkpr sum res 423 Lake Front nr Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Glenn M (Carol G-) research chemist K Pk h 73 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Atkinson Dorothy J elk r 72 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Herbert E (Martha B) mgr The Atkinson Co h 72 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Hess H wid Warren r 72 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Leon G (Hazel R) insp h 67 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Warren jr (Rosa) tchr h 72 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Attridge Dorothy E rem to Webster<br />

Eliza wid Henry r 389 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Jos J (Dolores E) trouble formn RG&E Corp h 664 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Narene M r 55 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Richard (Margt) rem to Webster<br />

Victor I (Virginia) claim adjuster h 55 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Atwater Cynthia E wid Eug H h 407 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Aubel Chadwick H (Mabel M) meat ctr h 99 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Auble Wegman R (Susie P) dairy mn h 1016 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wegman R jr, atndt r 1016 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Auer Anna wid John r 100 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

John H (Emma B) supt h 82 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Wni (Charlotte A) tool designer r 113 Sydenham rd (Roch)<br />

Augino Jos (Rose) lab h 1826 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Augustine Zahrt L (Lola E) acct h 79 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Aulbach Chas G (Gertrude C) camera wkr h 131 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Aulenbacher Elmer (Mae) tool mkr h 127 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

John C r 127 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Aumiller E Fern rem to Roch<br />

Warren G (Nancy E) rem to Quincy Ky<br />

Austin Clarence W (Lauretta M) h 89 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Claude J (May E) K Pk h 124 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Edwd M (Laura V) mach h 176 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Eva M r 29 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Gerard A rem to Roch<br />

Glenn L (Isabel E) slsmn h 4265 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Glenn L jr studt r 4265 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Helen M sec r 29 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

J Alf (Mary E) carp h 29 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Leonard W shipping elk r 29 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Margt C tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r 247 Meigs Roch<br />

Perle H (Flora M) trucking h 207 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Susan C Mrs r 81 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Avery Howard (Margt) chauf h 269 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Keith H (Julia M) slsmn r 141 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Lucy M h 549 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Axtell H Ray optical wkr h 5 Abington rd (Roch)<br />

Harold J (Ruth B) prntr r 5 Abington rd (Roch)<br />

Ayer Elmer W (Kathleen L) advertising h 120 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Ayer & Streb Inc<br />

Elmer W Ayer v-pres Frederick C Streb sec addressing, mailing and<br />

multiqraphing 77 StPaul 3d fl Roch tel Main 6199 or Stone 567 See<br />

page 26 Buyers' Guide<br />

Ayers Betty Jane studt r 24 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Maurice B (Ruth J) tool mkr h 24 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Ayres'Wilton J (May C) h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Baader Richd (Ladell) pres Empire Gardens Inc and (Empire Grill) 351<br />

Empire blvd<br />

Baart Cornelius A (Madeline F) switchboard mn h 112 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Emil farmhand r 919 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Emma L maid r 919 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Emma M Mrs (Weimer and Baart) hotel 4956 Culver rd h do (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Ferdinand (Edith) farmer h 919 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Henry hlpr r 919 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

John farm hand r 919 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Peter (Betty) farmer h 1077 Kings highway (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Peter A (Emma M) embalmer h 4956 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Babb Harold E (Mary) tool mkr h 85 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Babcock David A (Edith L) asst supt K Pk h 195 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

David L eng r 195 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Dora M wid Horace J h 79 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Floyd M (Grace W) heating eng h 27 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

J Fredk (Ruth L) ticket agent h 53 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Kermit P (Dorothy L) slsmn h 345 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Mary M wid Fred P r 27 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Baccari Thos L (Lillian) tailor h 90 Yorkshire rd (Roch)<br />

Bach Chas R (Wilma E) contr 32 Placid PI h do (Roch)<br />

Henry F lab r 117 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

John N (Eliz) supt h 167 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

John R (Marion L) camera wkr h 207 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Laurrine wid Leon E h 2924 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Leona E elk r 2924 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Mary r 117 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Rose wid Henry h 117 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Bachers Geo A mach r 64 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Lela M) slsmn h 64 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Bachman Leander (Magdeline G) K Pk h 218 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Loretta F maid r 583 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Paul W elk r 67 Harvington dr (Roch)<br />

Wm O (Elsie L) pntr 67 Harvington dr (Roch) h do<br />

Bachmann John J (Mary E) chief eng h 583 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Leona J elk r 583 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Bachofer Ruth E r 31 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Walter P (Frieda) stone artist h 31 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Backus Harold R (Madge) h 534 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Leslie C (Irene M) foundry wkr h 1803 Portland av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Bacoler Francis R (Lilly) died Apr 4, 1939<br />

Bader F Earle (Marie L) food broker h 178 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Thos B studt r 178 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Baetjer Emma wid Ludwig h 69 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Marie E elk r 69 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Use) optical wkr h 56 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Bagchus Ethel S tchr r 361 Washington av (Roch)<br />

John A (Dena C) tool mkr h 361 Washington av (Roch)<br />

John W studt r 361 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Julia E, EK Co r 361 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Bagdon S W h 380 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Bagley Raymond J (Ellen G) inker h 20 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Bagne Arlene L elk r 420 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Chas h 2343 Norton (Roch)<br />

Frank rem to Roch<br />

Leo W (Margt L) h 420 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Bagnewski Marion R Mrs h 60 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bailey Fred (Anna) hlpr h 99 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo B (Edith L) insp h 15 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Geo V (Evelyn R) farmer h 1339 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Hamilton C (Madeline M) formn RG&E Corp h 435 Culver pkwy<br />

(Roch)<br />

Harry stmftr r 85 Adrian rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Jas (Charlotte) auto mech h 1477 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Raymond G (Clara M) prntr h 85 Adrian rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Raymond G jr, floor coverer r 85 Adrian rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Wm A (Mina) market gardener 1517 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Wm M jr (Ruth A) industrial oil burners and stokers 361 Culver<br />

pkwy h do (Roch)<br />

Baillet Frank r 100 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bain Harry M (Anna) mach opr h 117 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Robt S r 117 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Thos J (Margt) carp 39 LeGran rd h do (Roch)<br />

Baine Marion beautician r 366 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Baird Alma nurse r 740 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

David (Grace M) formn h 4750 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Dewey optical wkr r 740 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Florence M waitress r 730 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Harold G farmer r 730 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Irene E optical wkr r 730 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

John A (M Margt) tchr East High sch h 36 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

John H farmer r 257 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Kathryn wid Chas r 204 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Mae elk r 116 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Maude wid Walter J h 740 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Olive dom r 740 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Walter (Doris M) r 641 Leastman rd (Roch)<br />

Wm D (Lillian L) farmer h 730 Kings highway (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Baist Emil ptrn mkr h 46 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Ceo C (Ruth M) multigraph opr h 4896 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry G (Thirza E) sta eng h 151 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Milton r 46 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Baker Bernice J elk r 41 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Chas (Eliz) K Pk h 162 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Chester J auto supplies h 57 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Clifton H (Virginia W) ins agt h 221 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Earl C assembler r 167 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd A (Margt E) gas sta h 84 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd C (Margt G) slsmn h 167 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer M ptrn ctr r 41 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Francis S (Anne M) correspondent h 55 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Jas F (Agnes M) drftsmn h 220 Titus av (Roch)<br />

John H (Helen M) slsmn h 4630 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Joyce r 250 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

R Harry (Caroline G) h 341 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Thos C (Katherine) maintenance mn h 31 Legionnaire dr (Roch)<br />

Thos R (Evelyn T) v-pres Lincoln-Alliance Bank & Trust Co h 5153<br />

StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Valentine (Nellie) insp h 250 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Walter E auto mech r 167 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Baldwin Geo F (Ethel N) K Pk h 149 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Jennie S maid 224 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Ball Harry O (Marjorie Q) K Pk h 229 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

John L orderly r 2625 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Raymond J (Ruth) shoe rpr h 70 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Ballantyne Francis W (Eliz T) (Dry Ice Converter Co) (Roch)<br />

Culver rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Frank W (Bertha M) supt h 4126 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Ballard Albert E (Ruth S) chemist h 32 Suburba av (Roch)<br />

r 4126<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Ballou Donald S (Leona I) mach hlpr h 111 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Janice studt r 51 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Jeanne studt r 51 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Maurice E (Eva M) ins h 51 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Bait Albert (Elsie) auto mech h 178 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Bamann Arthur J (Virginia C) ins h 2674 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Bancheri Salvatore (Angeline) ins h 3133 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Banham Clarence F trucking and ice 148 White r do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fred A (Mabel G) K Pk h 422 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Fredk H service mn r 422 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Harry J h 148 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Julia E wid Fred died May 1939<br />

Maynard F car rpr r 148 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Banker Earl J (Irene F) chauf h 24 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fredk E (Blanche M) last mkr h 4245 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Banks John L E (Velma H) dentist h 153 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Bannard Wm S coml agt Erie RR r 412 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Bannerman Alex S (Jane M) formn h 353 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Barbee Paul A (Martha A) eng h 468 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Barber Clarence W (William C Barber Co) 1736 Portland av r do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Ethel R bkpr r 1736 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Freeman A (Grace A) contr h 118 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph C (William C Barber Co) 1736 Portland av r do (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Antoinette M) (William C Barber Co) 1736 Portland av h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wm C Co (Clarence W, Ralph C and Wm C Barber) plmbrs 1736 Port<br />

land av (Roch)<br />

Bareis Arthur (Maud J) rem to Roch<br />

Chas J (Viola M) shoes h 492 Gardham. rd (Roch)<br />

Gottlieb (Emelia) shoes h 476 Gardham rd (Roch)<br />

Robt studt r 492 Gardham rd (Roch)<br />

Barfett Jas R (Edyth V) plmbr h 36 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Barg Arthur G arc welder h 108 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry F (Hedwig G) musn h 108 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Jeanne R, EK Co r 108 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Roy E (Ethel M) mason contr h 19 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Baritot Raymond A (Margt H) slsmn h 207 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Bark Fred C r 55 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

John H (Blanche) slsmn h 64 Owaissa rd (Roch)<br />

Lewis J bkpr Central Trust Co r 57 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Mary A wid Wm W h 55 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Wesley G (Jessie E) auto mech h 103 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Catherine) credit mgr h 57 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Barker Bernard J (Lucille M) prntr h 23 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Lillian A bkbndr r 23 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lois C H elk K Pk r 23 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Merritt D purch agt r 3764 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Richd I (Nettie E) teller sum res 481 Lake Front nr Harrison ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Richd I jr (Laura G) elk h 33 East View av (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Clara A) tinsmith h 23 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Barletta Edmond D (Sophia A) prod mgr Fashion Park h 389 Winona<br />

blvd (Roch)<br />

Barlow Ida M wid Jos r 116 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Barnard J Bradley (Hazel E) asst mgr r 82 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Barnes Arthur D (Olive K) chemist h 50 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Ernestine wid Henry r 3603 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Harold E (Evelyn D) gardener h 1114 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Reba M housekpr r 2807 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Barnett Chas D (Eva I) welder h 227 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Isabel H wid Theo S h 1408 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Jean V rem to Roch<br />

Robt T (Vera) mech eng h 92 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Barney Harold D (Nettie) elk h 40 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Barr Raymond H (Dorothy L) service mgr h 419 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Barrale Russell (Ann) r 26 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Barrett Margt D sec r 4536 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt F Mrs housekpr 4536 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Sebert C (Mary) real est h 630 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Sebert W (Helen M) bldr 630 Ridge rd E r do (Roch)<br />

Wm T (Priscilla) cost acct h 87 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Barron Betty L dancing tchr r 113 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Barrowman Alice M married Chas Hauser rem to Roch<br />

Ethel M r 74 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

John C (Mary A) formn EK Co h 74 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Barrows Donald E (Dorothy S) acct h 94 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Willard H (Mary W) architect h 170 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Barry Fred W (Bessie) condr h 438 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


The Business School for High School Graduates and College People<br />


Barth Eliz wid Otto h 238 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Erna optical wkr r 238 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Howard A lithog r 4973 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Barthel Anna sec h 7 2d (Roch)<br />

Edwin J (Irma E) K Pk h rear 116 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Ida r 7 2d (Roch)<br />

Barthelmann Bernice tailoress r 129 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Fred W (Anna M) iron mldr h 129 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Wm S iron wkr r 129 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Bartholomay Jas J hlpr r 4376 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

John F chauf r 4376 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos rem to Roch<br />

Josephine elk r 4376 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Louis (Marian) h 4376 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary sten r 4376 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Nathaniel J (Marion M) mason h 42 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Rose wid Peter r 185 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Wm J r 4376 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bartholomew Anthony (Irene) elk h 203 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Henry (Maxine) h 5319 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Bartle Frank D tool mkr h 316 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Bartlett Albert F (Almeta F) auto mech h 89 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Albert F jr, tel rprmn r 89 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Eliz A r 89 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Lester S (Dorothy H) prod mgr h 255 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Truman D (Alice M) typewriter rpr mn h 118 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Bartling Herman C r 201 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Ludwig (Theresa) meat smoker Roch Packing Co h 201 Wildmere rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Barto Fred A (Evelyn electn h 18 Grover (Roch)<br />

Wm S (Bernice J) contr h 455 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Bartold Ellsworth C (Margt) paper box mfr h 40 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Louise wid Geo S r 358 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Oliver F (Julia V) supt h 358 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia M studt r 358 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Barton Estelle R wid Frank C r 164 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Bartosch Herman C (Cora D) shtmtlwkr h 1360 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Bartusek Arthur E (Cornelia) instrument mkr h 381 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Louis R (Lillian) tool mkr r 381 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Basam John F (Leona E) shipper h 30 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Basch Louis B investments h 5121 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Baschnagel Robt W (Dorothea L) elec eng h 586 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Basel Anna wid Jos h 116 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Baseman Willard L (Cornia E) acct h 132 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Bashford Betty Jane studt r 21 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jas C (Linnie R) machinery h 21 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bass Cecil E (Frances W) h 43 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Frances W Mrs tchr (Roch) r 43 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Bassage Carlton V (Barbara K) chauf h 107 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Bassett Edwin A

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Bauer<br />

Hazel M elk r 239 Park rd (Pt plst)<br />

Henry J (Grace V) tool mkr h 377 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Jos died Oct 13, 1938<br />

Jos H factory wkr r 18 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ned J, K Pk r 18 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ottealia M Mrs h 239 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Peter A (Minnie H) shoe ctr h 53 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Raymond P elk r 53 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt W elk 170 Pt Pleasant rd r 53 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

-Wm J (Veronica S) trainmn NYC h 109 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Bauman Beatrice L married Bert Hoffan rem to Roch<br />

Bernard E farmer r 704 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Clarence P (Elsie R) rem to Roch<br />

Clements T (Frances) farmer h 920 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

-Edwd W farmer h 704 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Geo L (Laura P) tool mkr h 40 Filon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Helen hlpr r 315 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Baumann Mildred r 36 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Baumer Harold A (Elsie A) electn h 34 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Baumgarten Henry E jr (Mildred F) mach n 210 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Bausch Henry J (Clara S M) tool mkr h 256 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm (Kate) sec Bausch & Lomb Optical Co sum res 770 Rock Beach<br />

(Roch)<br />

Bautner Karl H (Anna) artist h 129 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Lina) experimental wkr h 353 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Baxter Dorothy, EK Co r 48 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

E Jas (Dorothy) (Driver & Baxter) contractors 199 Titus av h 472<br />

Cedarwood dr (Roch)<br />

Louis B (Eva M) brakemn NYC h 5096 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

N Dorr (Celest M) gro 404 Empire blvd (Rocn> h 974 Irondequoit blvd<br />

(RD 5 Roch)<br />

Bay Vista Service Station (James W Shuman) gasoline Lake rd opp<br />

Ontario Coal Co (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm C (Flora) clothing ctr h 370 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Bayer Alex J (Helen D) (Bayer Mercantile Agency) collections 673<br />

Laurelton rd (Roch) h do<br />

Carl V designer h 84 Talstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Geo F (Rita M) carp h 115 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Harold E (Rosalie) elec contr h 122 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Louis (Rae) income tax examiner h 470 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Mercantile Agency (Alex J Bayer) collections 673 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

W Bert (Florence) r 192 East pkwy (RocM<br />

Walter J (Ruth J) bkpr h 34 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Bazaar Benedict carp r 207 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Paul A (Mary E) exec sec h 207 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Beach John H (S Edythe) slsmn h 326 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wilhelmina wid Harry A h 255 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Beachner Althea M camera wkr r 64 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Carlton G press wkr r 64 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harold E (Caroline J) advertising h 285 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Jennie B wid Jacob E r 285 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Randall G elk r 285 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt W (Jennie M) mgr h 27 Burt (Roch)<br />

Roland H (Mabel M) floor layer h 64 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Beal Floyd (Helen) prntr h 31 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Helen Mrs beauty shop 31 Curtice rd r do (Roch)<br />

Beale Betty J bindery wkr r 180 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Eva M Mrs sec Durand Eastman sch r 21 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Evans L (Eva M) (Beal Motor Co) 4306 Culver rd (Pt Plst) h 137 Park<br />

rd (do)<br />

Jack E stock elk 4306 Culver rd (Pt Plst) r 137 Park rd do<br />

Motor Co (Evans L Beale) automobiles 4306 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Myron J (Gladys H) slsmn 4306 Culver rd (Pt Plst) h 180 Elizabeth<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Beals Densel E (Mildred N) foremn h 301 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Beam Cecil E (Florence F) slsmn h 502 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Dorothy M studt r 157 Hurstbour-ne rd (Roch)<br />

Fred W (Minnie E) slsmn h 157 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Bean Chas H (Martha M) contr 282 Seholfield rd h do (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Jessie C) merchandise mgr h 320 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Lois H elk r 320 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Bearden LaMoyne D (Margt K) chemist K Pk h 331 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Beau David A (Leah M) hoisting eng h 44 Hollywood cres (Roch)<br />

Beaucaire Frank M (Anna L) pres Beaucaire Co Inc h 93 Hermitage rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Raymond F studt r 93 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Shirley M studt r 93 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Bechtold Bernard (Ida) (Rochester Tile & Marble Co) 330 Avondale rd h<br />

do (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Bechtold<br />

Chas E (Charlotte A) photog h 1 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Leonard E (Josephine) tile setter 330 Avondale rd h 338 do (Roch)<br />

Beck Mae A tel opr r 62 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Becker Clyde L (Katherine F) slsmn h 141 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Eliz housekpr r Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Fay H slsmn h 186 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Margt wid Leslie h 96 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Matthew (Mildred E) bus opr h 95 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

'Nina M hairdrsr r 96 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Raymond J (Isabel S) elk h 2562 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Roy R (Geraldine C) mach opr r 1871 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Ruth studt r 186 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Beckwith Catherine wid Chas housekpr 2854 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Anna B) eng h 51 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Beeke Wm C (Antonia) mason h 93 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

-Wm C jr r 93 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Beeler Hazel A wid Raymond hairdrsr sum res 36 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

'Raymond L sum res 36 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Beeman Walter S (Marie S) paymaster h 43 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Beerhalter Louise r 84 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Beers Cecile E studt r 9 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ira F (Eloise L) h 9 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Owen R r 9 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Rolla B r 9 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Begy Victor W shoe ctr r 41 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Behl Carl W (Grace) mach h 61 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Behnk Minnie J maid 234 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Behnke Eleanor L r 3348 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Emma H wid Wm H r 287 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Frank driver Fire Dept h 7 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Henry h 4104 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Behr Gervin T slsmn r 48 East View av (Roch)<br />

Linus R mach r 48 East View av (Roch)<br />

Raymond T (Irene M) slsmn h 48 East View av (Roch)<br />

'Thelma A sten r 48 East View av (Roch)<br />

Behrens Donald H studt r 51 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Howard R r 51 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Richd H (Emily R) photog h 51 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Beiber Andrew H (Agnes A) shoe wkr h 514 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Beideck Albert (Mildred R) pntr h 481 Brown rd (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Carolyn W) dec 51 Vayo h do (Roch)<br />

Beidick Earl (June) EK Co h 94 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Beill Adrian J tchr r 61 Orchard Park blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

John (Dorothy) supvr of mfg h 61 Orchard Pk blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Stella F sten r 61 Orchard Park blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Beilman Eug W slsmn r 57 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Frances S, EK Co r 57 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Jas J studt r 57 Whitbv rd (Roch)<br />

Otto C (Ruth G) photog h 57 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Beinsack Wm F (Anne B) slip covers h 253 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Beldon Dunham S jr (Virginia B) dept mgr h 3064 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Beldue Harold W (Madalyn N) tool mkr h 65 Kiwanis rd (Roch)<br />

Belecki Adolph H (Hilda L) baker h 4040 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Belecky John (Petronella) baker 119 Spencer rd h do (Roch)<br />

John jr, slsmn r 119 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Bell Archie E (Louise) market gardnr 1594 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Arthur B r 3317 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Arthur G (Helen M) maintenance mn h 30 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Arthur G (Olive B) market gardnr 1554 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Edgar J (Hattie J) custodian Irond High sch h 35 Kiwanis rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk G (Ruth M) mgr h 43 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Gordon G (Dorothv M) h 1605 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

John (Bertha S) market gardener 1612 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

June L, K Pk r 30 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Maurice W (Lena) gardnr 1554 Ridge rd E (Roch) h at Roch<br />

Rosita wid R E r 140 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Walter F gardnr r 1612 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Wesley W baker r 35 Kiwanis rd (Roch)<br />

Bellenger Fredk W elk r 252 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Jas H (Rhoda) carp h 252 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Belmont Andrew r 69 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Benj J (Eliz M) cloth ctr h 590 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Betty E studt nurse r 590 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Beman Mary tchr Irond High sch r 177 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Bemish Eliz wid Geoh 201 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Georgia A wid Wm H h 3525 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary M tchr r 201 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Olive M coml artist r 201 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Bendavine Angelina r 39 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Christopher (Angeline) h 145 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Josephine r 39 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Nicola (Rose) h 39 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Bender Chas F firemn NYC h 39 Overbrook av (Roch)<br />

Erie F (Helen G) acct h 166 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Fred F (Carrie) (Bender's Restaurant) 412 Empire blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Georgine M r 39 Overbrook av (Roch)<br />

Loretta M (Mrs Chas F) died Feb 20, 1939<br />

Sereno E P (Pauline T) elk h 300 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm mgr r 412 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Bender's Restaurant (Fred F Bender) 412 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Bendon Fredk J (Monica E) rem to Roch<br />

Benedict Ada L wid Alva E sum res 18 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Chas B (Florence) ventilating eng h 33 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Geo S h 40 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

May D tchr Mech Institute r 410 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Bengel Edwd J (Carrie) (Bengel Inn) 5389 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Inn (Edwd J Bengel) restr 5389 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Benham David H, B&LO Co r 33 Dorvid rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy E studt r 33 Dorvid rd (Roch)<br />

Leon L (Florence M H) pres Richardson corp h 33 Dorvid rd (Roch)<br />

Benjamin Albert (Ada) box wkr h 63 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Alf L (Hazel M) (Ridge-Culver Food Shoppe) 2062 Ridge rd E h 81<br />

Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Herbert r 63 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kenneth (Dorothy S) K Pk h 120 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

O Glenn elk 2062 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 63 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Benke Chas mach opr r 65 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Bennett Arthur M (Violet M) slsmn h 3949 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd A vault atndt h 134 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Ella M r 272 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Eugene (Edna) elk h 15 Viroqua dr (Roch)<br />

Gordon E (Rena V) lab NYC r 4397 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hervey E (Willia A) architect r 134 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Howard S (Marie) prin Edison Technical High sch h 143 East pkwy<br />

(Roch)<br />

John (Anna B) maintenance h 641 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Lowell B r 20 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Naomi wid Wm W h 310 3d (Roch)<br />

Richd (Nova) lab r 343 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Roy H (Grace A) mason h 20 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

-Wm G auto rpr r 310 Third (Roch)<br />

Wm W (Margt) tchr h 414 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Benson Harry C pastor Irondequoit Pres ch h 2879 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

-Wm P (Katherine L) insp h 128 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Bentivegna Anna S r 1918 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Carmela F r 1918 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Florence R r 1918 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Saml S gardnr 1149 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 10 Merle Roch<br />

Stephen (Rose) mach h 1918 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Benton Geo A (Adele) slsmn h 129 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Benz Frederick W (Sarah) electn h 129 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm C tchr r 171 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm G (Lillian E) baker h 171 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Benzing Alf B casket mfr h 55 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Carl J (Florence) casket trimmer h 80 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Florence C sec r 55 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Gay M r 55 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Berback Walter L (Gladys M) mgr h 137 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Bercher Irving (Elwina) acct h 180 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Berend Jos J (Eliz D) drftsmn K Pk h Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Berg Axel F porter r 1234 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

C Fred (Ellen M) assembler h 272 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Rita r 272 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Berge Alice M wid Christopher A h 410 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Bergen Frank J (Laurine C) r 514 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Berger Leander A (Margt) shoe wkr h 70 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Berggrin Mary wid Chester r 32 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Bergman Herman (Bella) slsmn h 148 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Otto M (Anna A) waiter h 603 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Bergmeyer Fred (Marie) plmbr h 41 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bergner Chas S (Regina A) pastor Irond United Cong Church h 2268<br />

Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Berinstein Anna L wid Edwd B h 5339 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Berley R slsmn r 5339 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Harry R mach r 5339 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Berl Linus (Helen I) formn B&LO Co h 74 Wimbledon rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


Berman Robt E coml photog r 361 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Roger I (Evelyn J) (Windsor Beach Hotel) 361 Lake Front h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Berna Jos N r 61 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Leo J (Hazel) chauf and florist 61 Falstaff rd h do (Roch)<br />

Berndt Anthony L car washer r 5036 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Arnold E (Margt R) lab h 115 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Arthur A (Eliz) clothing ctr h 300 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Herman C (Frances A) pntr h 428 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Martin J (Pearl E) pntr h 506 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Bernecker Ray (Emily) formn h 53 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Berner Donald (Grace) correspondent h 196 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Bernhardi Henry E (Frances A) taxi h 185 Hurstburne rd (Roch)<br />

Jacque D studt r 185 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Bernstein Bessie D sewer h 93 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Sarah T r 93 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Semour (Lee S) lawyer h 77 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Berringer Frank K pattern mkr h 437 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Harry A (Mary A) mldr h 444 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Henry H (Mary E) h 437 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

John H optical wkr r 444 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Marjorie F sten r 444 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Berry John M (Helen M) K Pk h 22 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Bertenbreiter Jos (Anna L) mason h 51 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Berthold Henry J (Pauline) lab h 270 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Bertram Ernest C (Lillian E) clothing ctr h 33 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Jos F (Ann E) interior dec h 92 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Bertsch Peter E (Jennie C) shoe patterns h 33 Rogers pkwy (Roch)<br />

Richd r 33 Rogers pkwy (Roch)<br />

Besuyen John h 19 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Beswick Lawrence (Mabel) shtmtlwkr h 139 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Betlem Gerard C (Henrietta) heating eng h 30 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Theo (Grace) bkpr h 477 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Bettinger Jos L hlpr r 453 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Betts Hazel E elk EK Co r 330 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond E (Eliz R) h 330 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond W r 330 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Beuerlein Donald C (Sylvia E) elk h 31 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Bevacqua Jos (Helen M) building insp 1392 Ridge rd E h 642 Laurelton<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Bevier Alton E (Agnes N) social wkr h 241 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Bevin Virginia M studt r 221 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm G (May C) cigar mfr h 221 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Beyma A Jos (Carolyn S) slsmn h 149 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Bialla Mortimer W (Gladys) slsmn r 470 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Bickel Felix C (Hilda C) optical wkr h 158 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Biddle Raymond E (Irene J) (Biddle Elec Co) h 136 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Bieber Alf parts mgr 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 631 Jefferson av Roch<br />

Herbert J (Bertha M) K Pk h 44 Raleigh rd (Roch)<br />

Bieck Margt M sten r 150 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Urban r 150 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Wm (C Abigail) clothing ctr h 150 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Wm J shoe wkr r 150 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Biedenbach Mary wid Anton h 27 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Bierbach Amelia Mrs h 115 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Bieshien Wm (Ruby) r 367 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Bieterman Beatrice A elk r 192 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank J meat ctr h 192 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bievenouer Frank L (Ivy W) optical wkr h 247 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Bigler Hiram C (Ruth I) parking sta h 33 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Bihun Mary M r 123 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Nicholas (Martha M) mach EK Co h 123 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Bills Fredk A (Winifred S) ins h 331 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Bilsky Peter greaser 65 Stutson cor Thomas av r 23 do (Roch)<br />

Bingley John E studt r Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Bippes Chas (Barbara) carp h 265 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Bircher Gordon H (Bertha F) Roch G&E h 193 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Harold H (Alice M) K Pk h 37 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Herman h 15 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Rudolph (Irene) elk h 107 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Birds and Worms Hotel (Carl J Tornow) 694 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Birkicht E Raymond (Dorothy) K Pk h 123 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Birmingham Albert J (Hazel C) acct h 104 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Florence. M r 176 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

J Helene h 176 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Birr Ewald E (Mina J) K Pk h 208 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Bisgrove Christine r 4770 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jas (Josephine) supvr h 4770 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt studt r 4770 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Bishop Don L decorator r Gardham rd (Roch)<br />

Edwin S (Katherine L) tool mkr h 95 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Myrtle B) sta eng h 105 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Laurence F (Katherine A) prntr h 135 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Leon H interior dec h Gardham rd (Roch)<br />

Robt G eng r 95 Leland rd 'Roch)<br />

Roy B slsmn r Gardham rd (Roch)<br />

Bissell C Elmer (Evelyn) optical wkr h 294 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Everett S (Jewell M) chemist h 128 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

John H (Emma E) dispatcher h 88 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Bittner Fred E (Verna M) mech planer h 72 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph (Olga) optical wkr h 420 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Bjers Chas A (Lucretial pres h 89 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Bjorklund Alexander J (Ruth E) (City Pattern Works) h 2725 Ridge rd<br />

E (Roch><br />

Blaas Albert (Helena) brklyr h 235 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Johanna W nurse r 235 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Black J Gordon (Arline T) sec h rear 4071 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Judd H (Mae) insp h 89 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Blackburn Beryl E rem to NY City<br />

Blackman Lawrence lab r 1716 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Wm (Doris) EK Co h 122 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Blackmon Ella D wid Frank H r 255 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Blackwell Evelyn V studt r 5 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Horace W (Essie M) leather ctr h 5 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Blackwood C Marie sec (Roch) r 230 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

John M (Lucy M) restr h 3035 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Magdalen wid Chas H h 230 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Blaesi Arthur C (Lydia L) real estate 2935 Culver rd (Roch) h do<br />

Frank F (Freda) plmbr h 3191 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Redell F (Arreathea E) bkpr h 152 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Blaessig Friedrich R (Helen A) optical wkr h 486 Lake Shore blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Hans W (Hilda) glass blower h 36 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Blagden Walter jan h 16 Nile dr (Roch)<br />

Blair Howard E (Harriet A) spcl agt h 160 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Blake Audley P (Ellen B) wood craft shop h 250 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Donald D (Alicia B) slsmn h 138 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

G Ernestine tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 1090 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Blakley Albert E (Eliz A) K Pk h 406 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Arline, K Pk r 406 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Blamire Wm (Louise T) acct sum res 48 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Blanchard Loring W h 369 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Victor (Lillian) auto pntr h 38 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Blanchette Arthur J (Laura A) v-pres 1969 East av (Roch) h 349 Rawlinson<br />

rd do<br />

Blanchfield Jos service mgr r 767 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Blanda Andrew (Josephine) h 209 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Blandino Jos r 95 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Louis (Angelina) h 95 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Rose M r 95 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Salvatore C studt r 95 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Blank Willis C (Olive M) elk water dept 1392 Ridge rd E h 542 Empire<br />

blvd (Roch)<br />

Blattner Gustave W (Ida) B&LO Co h 94 Russell av (Roch)<br />

Blazo Alice W wid Augustus r 108 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Ward W (Frances D) electrical appliances h 108 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Bleier Fred (Eliz A) market gardener 293 Seneca Park av h do (Roch)<br />

Fredk J (Violet L) maintenance mn r 293 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Jos C (Ada) asst formn h 701 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond R (Marjorie B) baker h 19 Haverford av (Roch)<br />

'Wesley W (Gertrude) gardnr r 293 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Bleyer Jos r 48 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Blim Chas G (Theresa) watchmn h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Paul hotel wkr r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Bliss Chas A (Ethel) plmbr 139 Armstrong av h do (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Hilda A) mach h 734 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Julia V) real est h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

'John A (Florence J) plmbr h 164 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Bliven Geo H jr (Susette F) elk h 108 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Susette F Mrs tchr Seneca School r 108 Thornton rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Block Kenwood M (Theresa W) ins adjuster h 51 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Blom Cornelius (Maria C) carp h 800 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Blondin Harold ins agt r 265 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Bloom Celia dir women's activities r 52 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Clifford E (Esther A) ins agt h 20 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Frank (Maud) chauf 770 Rock Beach h 772 do (Roch)<br />

Helen E elk r 20 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Herbert W (Helen E) musn h 93 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Robt C mech drftsmn r 20 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Bloomer Augusta wid Henry h 83 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer J elk r 83 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert M (Mary) clothing h 50 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Juliana A elk r 83 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Blue Ridge Grill (Chas Hasenauer) restr 1234 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Bluhm Aug E (Kathryn H) h 230 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Raymond G (Mary A) slsmn h 392 Tiam dr (Roch)<br />

Virginia E payroll elk r 230 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Blum Chas (Mary M) real est h 4599 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Floyd N mach r 4599 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos C (Alma P) plmbr h 347 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Norman butcher h 5132 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Raymond L prntr r 4599 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Blume Robt A (Mary I) store mgr h 139 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Blumenstiel <strong>Monroe</strong> A (Julia) ins h 105 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Blunder Frank J (Mary C) chauf h 39 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Blutau Emil M (Kathryne) v-pres Wamblu Corp 1378 Ridge rd E h 116<br />

Saranac (Roch)<br />

Bock August (Emma J) carp h 230 Wyndham rd (Roch)<br />

Bockes Arlene W tchr Hosea Rogers School r 121 Brunswick (Roch)<br />

Bocklage Clement J (Hilda E) mach h 87 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Bodani Philip H (Anna) tool mkr h 252 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Rudolph studt r 252 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Boddy John F countermn r 31 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

John F (Magdelina L) shtmtlwkr h 31 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Boden Jos F (Reta M) instrument mkr h 75 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Stanley J factory wkr r 245 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Walter (Bernice M) packer h 245 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Bodenstein Chas I (Anna L) garage h 160 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Doris married Ellsworth Nickel<br />

Bodmer Edna M wid Edwd L h 64 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Edwd J r 64 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Regina L sec EK Co r 64 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Bodner Max (Bessie L) wholesale tobacco (50 Andrews Roch) h 122 Rawlinson<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Boecker Henry (Mary) tool mkr h 1662 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Boeff Fredk C (Winnivere N) pntr h 181 Bay Side dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Boehl Jos J (Mildred H) lens centerer h 57 Nile dr (Roch)<br />

Boehler Evelyn P elk r 265 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Boetcher Fred H (Hazel) switchboard opr h 1 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bogart Albert L (Grace N) mach h 89 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Barbara wid Chas J r 39 Salem rd (Roch)<br />

Cornelius T pipe ftr h 39 Salem rd (Roch)<br />

Earl J r 89 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Robt L (Mabel) asst formn h 666 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Roberta G r 666 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Bogner Leo J (Estelle B) chauf r 27 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Bogorad Solomon restr 4615 Culver rd h 307 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bogoshen John B (Velma) driver h 343 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Bohachek E S Inc<br />

E Stuart Bohachek pros general insurance Loews Rochester Theatre<br />

Bldg 130 Clinton av S at Court Roch tels Main 87-88 See page 22<br />

Buyers' Guide<br />

Bohan Irene h 58 N Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Bohenblust Bertha wid Frank r 1845 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Bohle Margt wid Jos H h 4420 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bohm Fred C (Helen) K Pk h 511 List av (Roch)<br />

Harold C (Irma L) chauf h 1247 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Louis F (Maude F) brakemn h 335 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Bonn Fredk (Frieda) cabt mkr h 43 Ewer av (Pt Plst)<br />

Bohnke Albert V prntr r 69 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Chas A (Anna E) carp h 69 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Chas A jr elk r 69 Pleasant Way (Pt Plst)<br />

Bohrer Arlene S sten r 27 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy E studt r 27 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Harold ins sum res 25 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Herbert F (Irene C) pntr h 157 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Raymond E (Helen L) patent atty h 1042 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm G sum res 25 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Boigk Herman M (Minnie A) K Pk h 188 Arrow dr (Roch)<br />

Margt wid Otto h 200 Arrow dr (Roch)<br />

31<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Boilow Jos F (Marguerite F) slsmn h 124 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Boksa Stanley lens grinder r 494 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Bolger Alf R (Irene M) sis mgr h 63 MtAiry dr (Roch)<br />

Eliz D studt r 217 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Henry H (Mary E) bus opr h 217 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

M Margt r 217 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm Darcey asst rector StMargaret & Mary RC Church r 122 Seholfield<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Wm E electn r 63 MtAiry dr (Roch)<br />

Bolt Louis J Rev (Estella D) prin Roch Christian sch and pastor Sodus<br />

Center Church h 76 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Bolta E Fernandez (Julia K) translator h 368 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Bolton S Irene optical wkr h 11 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Bonamie Peter (Johanna M) gardnr h 1854 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Peter A (Roberta) (Port-Ridge Service Station) 1217 Ridge rd E h 1649<br />

Portland av (Roch)<br />

Bond B Forest (Marguerite W) asst pastor StPaul's Epis Church (Roch)<br />

h 308 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Chas W (Mary A) opr RG&E Corp r 31 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Viola A wid Ralph h 31 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Waldemar C (Jean U) maintenance mn RG&E Corp h 64 Linden pk<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Bone Leanore r 41 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Bonfield Frances wid Chas r 2613 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Boni Wm E (Harriet A) carp h 231 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Bonke Raymond C (Catherine I) slsmn r 137 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Ruth P insp r 20 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm F (Julia) chauf h 20 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bonsignore Angelo (Rose L) mason contr 3141 Culver rd h do (Roch)<br />

M M Co (Marcus M Bonsignore) contr 77 Falstaff rd<br />

Marcus M (Rita) (M M Bonsignore Co) 77 Falstaff rd h do Roch<br />

Bonta Sophie Mrs r 4971 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bonus Frank B (Lena M) elec contr 17 Adrian rd h do (Pt Plst)<br />

Bonzer Harry G (Minnie M) market gardener 461 Ridge rd E h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Bookout Abr (Anna M) market gardener 343 Bouekhart av h do (Roch)<br />

Leslie A (Viola M) market gardener 327 Bouekhart av h do (Roch)<br />

Raymond (Esther M) tchr Edison Technical High sch h 34 Kiwanis rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Boon John (Minnie A) tool mkr h 4488 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos L (Evelyn M) eng EK Co h 36 Hathaway (Roch)<br />

Boone Harry (Mary A) landscape architect h 190 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Boorman Chas H (E May) asst treas East Side Savings Bank h 128 Saga<br />

more dr (Roch)<br />

Irene Mrs r 46 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Marion A r 341 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Veronica M drsmkr r 341 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Booth Fredk G r 2384 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Harry E C (Libbie E) mach h 2384 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Leo installation mn r 55 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Raymond C (Prisca C) real estate 44 Hurstbourne rd h do (Roch)<br />

Bopp Oswald A (Julian F) slsmn h 147 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Borchard Ralph R (Margt J) real est h 139 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Borg John G (Dagmar L) mach h 4951 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Boring Robt O (Eleanore R) photo engraver EK Co h 155 Biltmore dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Boris Victor C (Ethel M) weaver h 215 Pernberton rd (Roch)<br />

Borland David R (Cora M) h 118 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Delmar S (Allison V) K Pk h 246 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Fredk W (Gertrude F) h 80 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Richd G hlpr r 118 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm D (Mildred O) roll coater K Pk h 11 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Born Hubert G (Grace T) drftsmn sum res 4 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

L Hubert sum res 4 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Bornkessel Andrew H (Helen A) amusement park h 110 Culver pkwy<br />

(Roch)<br />

Borst Howard L (Emily K) ins agt h 249 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Bortle Floyd F claim adjuster r 26 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Fredk W (Mabel H) ins h 26 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Boscher Alphonse J (Ehiily I) gas opr RG&E Corp h 181 Arrow dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Boslov Lester (Fannie) gro 200 Rock Beach h do (Roch)<br />

Boss Ralph H (Lora M) ship elk h 1064 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Bossert Adolph (Margt) cabt mkr h 1125 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Bostwick Jas H (Cobblestone Garage) 2035 Ridge rd E h 21 Walzer rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Boswell Wm O (Alda W) lawyer sum res 211 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Wm O jr, studt r 211 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Bott Adele studt r 29 Centre ter (Roch)<br />

Clarence J (Julie K) dentist h 29 Centre ter (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />



There is a Lowe Bros. Paint Dealer in your Town<br />

9-11-13 N. WATER ST. Phone MAIN 8140<br />

Bott<br />

Edwd A (Elsie P) clothing ctr h 150 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Francis J (Dorothy M) elk h 39 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Marvin E rem to Roch<br />

Paul J (Kathryn R) pattern mkr h 26 Clarington (Roch)<br />

Ruth K elk EK Co r 26 Clarington (Roch)<br />

Bouchard Adeline wid Jos r 29 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

H P h 26 Kings Highway (Roch)<br />

Bouckhaart Abr (Katherine) market gardener 315 Bouekhart av h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Boudrez Jos C (Pauline A) tailor h 15 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Bouman Dennis D (Aileen W) pastor Durand Congregational ch h 245<br />

Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Bourne Osgood I (Florence M) photo engvr h 34 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia A sten r 34 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Bovard Edwd P (Louise) bus opr Roch Transit Corp h 106 Gilbert dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Bowdey John A (L Gertrude) carrier PO h 12 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

R Donald drftsmn r 12 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Robt D atndt r 12 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bowe Bessie cook 714 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Bowen Albert (Lois) h 301 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Carrie F wid Andrew died Feb 28, 1939<br />

Robt E (Mildred F) formn h 123 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Bower Clara M Mrs h 331 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Henry store mgr Swan Cleaners Inc 2075 Ridge rd E (Roch) r at Roch<br />

John A r 331 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Bowhall Beulah Mrs r 27 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Bowman Clayton farmer r 60 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Geo (Mary) h 60 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Geo R elk r 105 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Geo T (Margt A) roofer h 105 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Box Harold C (Margt C) auto rpr rear 3392 StPaul blvd (Roch) h 12<br />

Luzerne Roch<br />

Boyce Chester A (Gertrude M) cabt mkr RG&E Corp h 98 Seville dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Earl M (May E) carp h 1105 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Francis E exterminator r 1105 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Howard M lab r 1105 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Boyd Jos C (Frances K) supt h 404 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Boyer Fitz Henry (Jennie F) supt h 145 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Boyink Florence D Mrs h 68 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Gordon D (Marie) veterinarian r 132 Bellhurst dr (Roch)<br />

Thelma E tchr r 132 Bellhurst dr (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Marion L) supt Humane Society h 132 Bellhurst dr (Roch)<br />

Boyle Jas G (Marguerite T) lawyer h 215 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Boynton Ernest E (Ruth L) night supt h 586 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Lewis B (Jennie S) r 586 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Boyson Elbert F (Florence L) watchmn h 1770 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Brabant Edwd J (Evelyn) chauf h 790 Melville (Roch)<br />

Brace Milan M studt r 519 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Milan R freight agt h 519 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

N Virginia studt r 519 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Bradbury Kenneth E (Irene) K Pk h 134 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Bradford Roy B (Sadie A) barber 12 Walzer rd (Roch) h 935 Garson av<br />

Roch<br />

Bradler Edwd U (Christine) adv h 217 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Bradley Ruble maid sum res 389 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Win (Leta) service mn h 297 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Melvina M) (Bradley Motor Freight Terminal) h 99 Brett<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Bradshaw Lorain V (Margt B) K Pk h 29 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Bradstreet Cleveland K formn r 1480 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

David Van H studt r 4216 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Jeannette E r 1480 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Margt J studt r 4216 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Nelson F elk r 1480 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Noah F (Violet I) floor contr 1480 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Richd W (Mary J) camera wkr r 4224 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt L r 4224 Culver rd (Pt Plst)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Bradstreet<br />

Saml W (Lottie A) h 196 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Saml W (Nelle) phys h 4216 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Willis W MD (Leone) town health officer 1392 Ridge rd E (Roch) and<br />

phys 4224 Culver rd h do (Pt Plst)<br />

Brady Leo (Mae J) tool mkr h 79 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Spencer H (Eliz M) elk h 227 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Braggins Walter H (Lois R) elk sum res 26 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Braley Anna rem to Roch<br />

Harry F (Alice N) elk h 482 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Braman Russell S (Mae O) dist mgr h 400 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Bramer Harold W (Dorothy G) slsmn h 125 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Michl restr wkr r Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Branagan Wm r 9 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Brandon Carl (Christina M) h 540 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Branscomb John Y cabt mkr h rear 4846 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Brasser Herbert G (Rosalie E) K Pk h 1719 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Nellie housekpr r 604 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Raymond H (Geraldine D) coml artist h 275 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wenzel D elk r 275 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Braun Thos W (Florence B) acct K Pk h 191 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Braund Percival S (S Dotterer) rep h 400 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Braunle Philip (Magdalena) optical wkr h 226 Arrow dr (Roch)<br />

Brautigam Frank C (Genevieve E) whol conf sum res 357 Rock Beach<br />

(Roch)<br />

Frank C jr, studt r 357 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Brautigan Albert hlpr r 1089 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Helen r 1089 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

John C (Emma M) gardnr h 1089 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Brayar Harris J (Dorothy C) teller h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Brayer Carl G (Margt S) auto mech h 2793 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Donald S drftsmn r 2793 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wm W (Margaret M) h 233 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Breadner Wm G (Marietta) chauf h 239 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Brechbuhl Dennis L M (Ethel M) service mgr h 228 Westchester av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Breese Alphonse A, jr acct r 38 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Chas A timekpr r 38 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Fred E comp r 38 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Martha wid Walter h 38 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Breitenbach Alma C wid Peter h 88 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Ralph P r 88 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Breitenstein Chas E (Myrtle M) elk h 20 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Rose E osteopath sum res 55 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Breitmaier Carl J (Caroline A) mach h 249 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Pearl E studt r 249 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Breitung Elmer J (Catherine M) optical wkr h 170 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Irving J (Martha M) auto mech h 98 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ruth J elk r 98 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Brennan Adele R bkpr r 84 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Adrian A (V Marie) K Pk h 154 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Arthur J (Jeanne E) prod mgr h 188 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Celia M elk r 1406 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Eug F (Stella) slsmn h 51 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Frank K acct h 88 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Geo H camera wkr r 148 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Hazel L) formn h 148 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Jack F camera wkr r 148 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Jas G (Anna C) shtmtlwkr h 84 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Jas W (Agnes J) sis mgr h 89 East View av (Roch)<br />

Margt A wid Frank X r 88 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Margt M r 88 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Ruth L married Ralph Werner<br />

Wm J (Louise R) h 219 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Wm P (Sophia) buffer h 146 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Brereton H Virginia studt r 29 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

James H (Helen G) r 29 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Brethen Ida A wid Jos S died Apr 2, 1939<br />

Milton R (Ethel M) chemist K Pk h 310 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Brew Geo J (Marie F) slsmn Delco h 54 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Brewer Cora M wid James r 438 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

James A (Anna M) elk h 55 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Lillian M housekpr 2510 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Brewster Glenn atndt r 84 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Brice L Raymond (Ruth G) physical dir h 75 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Wm L, K Pk r 75 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Bricka Frank opr r 438 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Bricker Dorothea, K Pk r 34 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Glenwald L (Marie) mgr h 34 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Henry M pressmn r 2495 Titus av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Bricher<br />

Jacob r 34 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Ruth r 34 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Briddon Armond A prntr 4253 Culver rd r 169 Park rd (PtPleasant)<br />

Arnold E (Gertrude F) signal wkr h 117 Park rd (PtPleasant)<br />

Arnold E jr, studt r 117 Park rd (PtPleasant)<br />

Gertrude F Mrs tchr Durand Eastman sch r 117 Park rd (PtPleasant)<br />

John A (Margt A) (Briddon Press) 4253 Culver rd h 169 Park rd<br />

(PtPleasant)<br />

John A jr slsmn r 169 Park rd (PtPleasant)<br />

Press (John A Briddon) printers 4253 Culver rd (PtPleasant)<br />

Bridgeman Adelbert B (Alice) clothing ctr h 85 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Bernice M file elk r 85 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Bridges Parker tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r 46 Raines pk Roch<br />

Robt R (Grace R) archt h 63 Valley View rd (Roch)<br />

Briemer Wm E (Fanny) press opr h 184 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Brierley John (Lucy) h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Lottie elk r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Briggs Caroline A employment agency r 48 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Chas J mgr r 457 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Florence I r 48 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Irving W died Oct 28, 1938<br />

Irving W jr (Opal K) (Summerville Gardens) 360 Washington av h<br />

350 do (Roch)<br />

Mary C housekpr 36 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Wm S h 48 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Wilma physical dir r 48 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Brigham Harlow R (Ruth A) chemist h 5 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Brightman Chas S (Bernice C) chemist h 70 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Brimacombe Geo studt r 114 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Lome F (Clara K) slsmn h 114 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Brink Harry M (Minnie F) h 231 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Briskie Leonard F (Ruth K) br mgr h 297 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Bristol Albert J (Katherine V) bldr and real est h 33 Lake ter (Roch)<br />

Herbert S bldr r 33 Lake ter (Roch)<br />

Robt A bldr r 33 Lake ter (Roch)<br />

Britton Geo purch agt EK Co r 151 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Brizee J Fredk (Florence P) EK Co h 555 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Brobst Clarence L (Agnes C) K Pk h 104 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Brockmann Albert (Genevieve M) pntr 70 Vinton rd h do (Roch)<br />

Amanda A wid Edward F h 1945 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

C Arno (Anna) (Edward Brockmann's Sons) 1945 Ridge rd E h 203<br />

Arrow dr (Roch)<br />

Edwd R (Eva R) (Edward Brockmann's Sons) 1945 Ridge rd E h 1785<br />

do (Roch)<br />

Frances K sten r 1945 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Frank W (Esther R) (Edward Brockmann's Sons) 1945 Ridge rd E<br />

h 90 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert R (Ruth) (Edward Brockmann's Sons) 1945 Ridge rd E h<br />

98 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Richd S (Hulda) milkmn h 86 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Roy E, K Pk r 1785 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Brockmann's Edwd Sons (C Arno, Edwd R, Frank W and Herbert R)<br />

florists 1945 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Brockway LaMonte W (Helen E) ins h 123 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Broderick Thos E (J Mabel) town supervisor 1392 Ridge rd E h 4692<br />

StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Bronson John lab h 33 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Brooks Alf E (Mildred S) K Pk h 100 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Caroline M forwmn K Pk h 195 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Chas F (Mary L) (Irond News) h 3177 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Chas H atndt r 43 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Chas H (Jessie) died June 13, 1939<br />

Edna hairdrsr r 233 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Idamae r 43 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Janet sec r 233 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Jessie P wid Chas H h 43 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lorraine B sten r 44 Wildmere dr (Roch)<br />

Sol furn h 233 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia sten r 233 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Brotsch Floyd (Arlene) electn h 45 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Addie M) (Sterling Elec Co) Roch h 36 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Brough Minnie wid David r 208 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Brower Benj B r 2494 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ralph B (Josephine A) cond h 555 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Brown Agnes A sten r 195 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Albert E (Maud M) fire protection eng h 548 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Alexander E (M Jane) sec h 328 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Alfred C (Mamie J) carp h 195 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Alf E (Dorothy M) slsmn h 22 Poplar (Sea Breeze)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Brown<br />

Chas H (Nellie) died Oct 23, 1938<br />

Dorothy E tchr Irond High sch r Creek rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd (Helen F) brakemn NYC h 338 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd (Ida T) farmer h 453 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Edwin H (Helen B) slsmn h 333 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Eliz M) litho h 44 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

'Frank J (Beatrice L) v-pres h 315 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Gordon H (Ethel) chemist EK Co h 159 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Guy truckmn r 156 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Harold W (Margt C) laboratory asst h 109 Avenue C (Pt Pleasant)<br />

J Murray (Mildred L) slsmn h 97 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

John (Margt) chauf h 43 East View av (Roch)<br />

John H r 127 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Josephine r 61 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Laura M tchr Seneca sch r 274 Rosewood ter Roch<br />

Lloyd W (Helen M) sis rep h 430 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Luther T (Bessie) EK Co h 57 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Mabel E tchr h 91 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Mark F (Marie F) milkmn h 344 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Mary J ins r 4476 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Percy C (Keithell I) chauf h 47 Outlook dr (PtPleasant)<br />

Rowland S (Esther M) meat ctr h 81 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Royal L (Minnie B) slsmn h 1268 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Sarah wid Chas M r 298 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Stuart h 58 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Vera P housekpr r 4932 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter R (Elsie T) adv slsmn h 47 Wildmere dr (Roch)<br />

Wm C died Feb 26, 1938<br />

Brownback Oscar D (Laura S) pastor Summerville Presbyterian Church<br />

h 21 Farrell ter (Roch)<br />

Browning Ernest S (Verna V) sis eng h 513 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

John R r 513 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Bruening Fredk H (Inez Y) sis rep h 45 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Brugger Eug J (Cecelia M) mason 81 Heberle rd h do (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Michl M h 624 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Norman W (Frances) bakery wkr r 624 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Brule John C (Mae) mach summer res 101 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

John K summer res 101 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Brumfield Dennis r 255 Woodside pi (Roch)<br />

Floyd E core mkr r 255 Woodside pi (Roch)<br />

Brunk Curtis rem to Batavia<br />

Ervin E (Cora A) rem to Batavia<br />

Brunke Alvina M wid Chas r 44 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Carl S (Helen E) floorlayer h 408 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Chas H floor layer r 44 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Leo G- carp 44 Spencer rd h do (Roch)<br />

Brunner John h 27 Somershire dr<br />

Bruno Frank P (Carmella) mach h 244 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Philip (Grace) tailor h 154 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Brunson Chas W (Nellie) h 525 Peart av (PtPleasant)<br />

Oman E timekpr r 22 Hollywood cres (Roch)<br />

Brush Henry slsmn 65 Stutson cor Thomas av r 75 Lakeshire rd (Roch)<br />

Brushaber Fred C (Julia J) elk h 253 PtPleasant rd (PtPleasant)<br />

Bruton Chas J rector StMargaret & Mary RC Church h 122 Seholfield rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Bryan John A h 21 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Bryant Bernard W (Irene B) mgr h 1752 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Geo D (Dolores A) sis mgr h 281 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Harold D (Ruth M) probation officer h 42 Longcroft rd (Roch)<br />

Brye J Donald (Mildred I) chauf h 462 Peart av (PtPleasant)<br />

Bryson Frances C tchr h 992 Irondequoit blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Buchawecki Michl (Lena) optical wkr B&LO Co h 287 Carmel (Roch)<br />

Bucher Evelyn L r 365 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Sylvester P (Ethel M) chemist h 365 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Buchholz Frank H (Jessie A) formn h 236 Titus av (Roch)<br />

'Jas F (Jeannette B) wood fnshr h 79 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Marian J hairdrsr r 236 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Ralph C (Katharine) service mn h 232 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Buchin Albert B shoe wkr r 295 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Buck Alvin W (Eliz R) utility mn h 112 North Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Buckland Chas A bkpr r 3467 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer L (Nellie) market gardnr 3467 Culver rd h do (Roch)<br />

Wm E flagmn r 3467 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Buckley Arthur F r 2396 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd A studt r 2396 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd M (Emilie) mach h 225 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Jane elk r 2396 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary housekpr 2089 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Virginia K r 2396 StPaul blvd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Buckley<br />

Wm D newspaper wkr r 2396 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Eliz) base ball executive h 2396 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Buckpitt Milton J C (Edna C) sis rep h 203 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Buedingen Robt (Sadie R) box mkr h 3608 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt W bkpr r 148 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

-Wm L (Irene) paper box mkr h 128 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Wolfgang W (Ida W) elk h 148 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Buell Ely (Lulu M) farmer h 1341 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Ely Norton r 1341 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Isabella married Thos Francis Griffin Hickey rem to Roch<br />

Buelte Florence Mrs elk 1388 Ridge rd E r 152 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Sylvester H (Florence M) ins agt h 152 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Buff Jos L (Eleanora) plshr h 9 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Bugbee Frances M Mrs r 498 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Buhlmann Howard C (Ruth L) garage h 56 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Buholtz E Kermit (Ethel I) tractor mech h 57 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bull Albert H (Nellie S) pres Roch Drug Products Co h 63 Florenton rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Bullinger Henry ins agt r 394 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Bullis Adelyn F wid Wm H r 97 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Ormond F (Katherine M) radio eng h 97 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Bullock Saml lab r 229 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Bullough Peter W (Beatrice) tool mkr h 92 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Bumpus Geo A h 2166 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Hilda A sec r 2166 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Bundick Geo R (Althea S) law editor h 154 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Bundschuh Chas V (Amelia) h 45 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Dorothy A, EK Co r 45 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Bunker Hill Social Club 339 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Bunn Ernest A (Frances E) carp h 235 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Burandt Walter C, K Pk h 58 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Burbank Homer W (Marie K) slsmn h 41 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Burch Roy W (Louise M) plshr h 97 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Burdick Chas (Edith) h 19 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

John H (Mary) farmer h 1061 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Burgen Bertrand J brake mn NYC r 1 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Burger Doris T camera wkr EK Co r 335 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Gertrude V slswmn r 335 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Lester J (Virginia M) slsmn h 2095 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wilfred A (Ella A) coal 335 Walzford rd h do (Roch)<br />

Burgess Alosco M (Mary L) chemist K Pk h 406 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Burkard John J h 64 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Burke Donald (Jean) slsmn r Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Eliz E studt r 67 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Eugena M wid Edwd P h 55 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Maude L) br mgr h 91 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Geraldine E r 55 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Jeannette M) dir h 70 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Mary A) treas h 67 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

John J Rev asst pastor StAmbrose RC Church r 34 Empire blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Rosemary elk B&LO Co r 67 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Burkell Pearl R wid Ira h 3 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Raymond R lens plshr r 4 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Robt F edge prntr K Pk r 3 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Burkhardt Anna M nurse r 285 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Chas A r 285 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Ernst G (Christiana) tool mkr h 17 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Gustave A (Hanna) slsmn h 63 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Mollie) tailor h 58 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

M Ray r 285 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Mary M wid Martin A h 285 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Burkholder Floyd J (Margt M) formn h 58 Charles (Roch)<br />

Burkowich Jas r 98 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

John rem to Roch<br />

Jos r 98 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Mary wid John h 98 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Stephen r 98 Knapp av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Burley Alf J rem to Brighton<br />

Roy C (Eliz H) production mn h 288 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Burling Avis M studt r 37 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Chester J (Arlene J) K Pk h 37 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Lucille r 37 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Burlingame Ansel (Nina L) acct h 485 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Burmeister Alf M (Helene M) slsmn h 44 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Burnett Christie H (Florence D) plmbr h 63 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Harry R plmbr r 63 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Hiram J eng h 70 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Oscar B (Winifred E) K Pk h 107 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Burnette Byron O (Clara) farmer r 1221 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Burns Agnes wid Jos r 76 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Arthur E (Florence R) patrol mn 1388 Ridge rd E h 77 Orland rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Catherine elk r 36 Troy (Sea Breeze)<br />

Chas W (Miriam P) RG&E Corp h 160 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Dorothea F married Peter ,J Braal rem to Webster<br />

Edwd T rem to Victor<br />

Emma J wid Edwd J sum res 51 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Francis bkpr 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) r at Macedon<br />

Francis J (Esther R) slsmn h 12 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Geo R (Lorina M) atndt h 105 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Harry F foundry wkr r 19 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Herbert F elk r 106 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Jos A (Edna L) taxi service h 76 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Jos F (Anna G) K Pk h 243 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Marion A r 77 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Morgan E r 19 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Robt G (Mildred G) rep h 163 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Grace J) mldr h 19 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Robt N r 19 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Robt T (Lottie L) litho h 35 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Willard A studt r 77 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Winifred R married James Morgan rem to Roch<br />

Burroughs Robt E (Margt E) research physicist h 4 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Burse Earl H h 3373 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo r 154 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Burtis Ethel E tchr r 659 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Marion J studt nurse r 659 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Squire F (Florence B) tool mkr h 659 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Squire F jr, studt r 659 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Burton Chas W (Eliz) h 1983 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Leonard J (Vila M) slsmn h 219 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

May F wid Jermany h 498 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Busch Chas J (Helen R) wire chief h 48 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Frank A mach r 389 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Marie S wid Frank H h 389 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Busendorfer Leo J (Julia M) electn h 191 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Bush Daisy elk r 68 North Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Fred G (Florence E) h 130 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

John S radio rpr r 68 N Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Sidney W (Daisy) K Pk h 68 North Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Bushfield C Alaine studt r 189 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Sally F wid John P h 189 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Buskus Alphonse F rec elk r 98 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Bolis J (Marcella) housemn h 98 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Lillian J nurse h 98 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Buszka Stanley slsmn 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 806 Norton Roch<br />

Butcher Brinley (Marjorie E) mach h 76 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Elbert M elk r 27 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Willis M (Blanche) firemn h 27 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Butler Betty J mach opr r Mt Airy dr (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Lucille W) constr eng h 71 MtAiry dr (Roch)<br />

Gladys M maid 221 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Gordon E auto mech r 359 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Harold r 134 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Jos S (Celia) slsmn h 134 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Butman Clarence D (Grace S) purchasing agt h 111 Herbert (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Butterfield Edna M tchr (Warsaw) r 840 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank W (Frances) adv h 819 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

James L studt r 840 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt E librarian r 840 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wendell P (Edith M) paper mkr h 840 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Button Eva hairdrsr h 102 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Howard P (Emily M) slsmn h 402 Peart av (PtPleasant)<br />

Murray r 102 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Butz Frances M sec r 108 Vayo (Roch)<br />

John N (Gertrude) die cutter h 403 Helendale rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Butz<br />

Lillian S, K Pk r 403 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Roy J (Gertrude I) mach h 108 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Buyck Eliz (Mrs Isaac A) died May 1, 1939<br />

Franklin W (Herina L) farmer h 1600 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Isaac A farmer h 1566 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Maud wid Jacob r 1926 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Peter R (Ina) gardener h 1845 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Agnes I) gardener h 1926 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Byers Rose wid James h 135 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Byington Wm F (Lucy) sta eng h 468 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Byrne Anna M (Mrs Patk J) died Feb 23, 1939<br />

Donald A (Eliz M) asst treas summer res 25 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Donald J coml trav summer res 25 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Edmund (Helen) elk 694 Titus av r 391 do (Roch)<br />

John M (Dorothy M) supt h 200 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

John W research wkr r 200 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Marion E studt r 200 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Patk J shoewkr h 385 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Paul M studt summer res 25 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Thos (Edith N) millwright h 58 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Cabic Julia wid Arthur rem to Roch<br />

Cady Bertha M tchr h 15 Culver pkwy Irond<br />

Leonard T (Ivy T) ins agt h 29 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Cadzow Wm F (Alma G) K Pk h 195 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Cahill John J (M Dolores) rem to Penn Yan<br />

Cala Chas F (Julia) B&LO Co h 144 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Calderon Hyman J slsmn r 2921 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos S (Lena) elk r 2921 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Juda A (Reyna) wholesale tobacconist h 2921 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Rachel wid Abr r 2921 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Sarah hlpr r 2921 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Calero Anthony (Concetta) h 71 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Louis r 71 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Caley Burt T (Jessie S) stage mgr h 125 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

F Wilbur (Thelma) trimmer h 2123 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Calhoun Arthur B (Gertrude A) slsmn h 50 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Cali Cosmo (Rose) uphol r 94 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Calihan J Leo (Mercedes M) paints h 64 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Callan Chas J (Maria F) slsmn h 29 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Philip J (Lucille B) mech eng h 253 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Calnon Danl elk r 1931 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Jos J (Gwineth I) asst mgr h 1931 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Margt wid Patk r 1931 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Caluori Raymond C (Elvera E) sec h 468 Peart av (PtPleasant)<br />

Calus Jerome J (Alice F) maintenancemn RG&E r 2991 Culver rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Camarella Jos (Nancy) rem to Roch<br />

Cameron Donald L (Anna M) insp Roch G&E Co h 64 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Cammarano Neil (Grace M) gro h 71 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Camp Norman E (Mabel I) radio wkr h 191 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Campagna Chas r 98 Wales av (Roch)<br />

Jennie wid Salvatore h 98 Wales av (Roch)<br />

Mary E r 98 Wales av (Roch)<br />

Campbell Catherine J, K Pk r 133 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

David L (Marion A) tailor h 28 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

E Buenita supvr r 91 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Geo (Stella R) r 4716 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gordon H mason r 49 Onondaga rd (Roch)<br />

John H (Madeleine) mldr h 49 Onondaga rd (Roch)<br />

Karl S (Catherine R) K Pk h 361 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Kenneth W tool mkr r 49 Onondaga rd (Roch)<br />

Manley H camera wkr r 28 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary E hostess r 133 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Maurice G optical wkr h 133 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Mildred r 91 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Stacey A (S Belle) pres Ridge Construction Co h 91 Fairview cres<br />

Roch<br />

W Arthur (E Inez) office mgr h 37 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J gas sta r 4716 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Camping Henry J r 3931 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Louise wid Henry h 3931 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Roger H (Madeline) rem to Penfield<br />

Walter E (Alida J) property mgr h 229 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Canawaugus Club Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Canepa John T (Angeline E) pres Union Dairy (Roch) and pres Roches<br />

ter Cloth & Sponging Co h 136 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Rosalie r 136 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Canfield F Clifford (Alice B) real est h 2381 Norton (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Canham Violet maid 4352 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Cannarozzo Chas B metal buffer r 319 Carmel (Roch)<br />

Jennie M shoe wkr r 319 Carmel (Roch)<br />

Jos (Rose) h 319 Carmel (Roch)<br />

Sylvia R shoe wkr r 319 Carmel (Roch)<br />

Canne Salena A wid Servatius J optical wkr BL&O Co r 1854 Portland av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Stanley P (Helen S) atndt 1217 Ridge rd E h 611 do (Roch)<br />

Capierso Leo T (Katherine) tile hlpr r 477 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Caple Dean W (Mary F) slsmn h 607 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Cappon Eliz wid Abr r 77 Sydenham rd (Roch)<br />

John P auto mech r 45 First (Roch)<br />

Martin J (Florence E) sis mgr h 77 Sydenham rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond V (Eliz B) photo engvr h 45 First (Roch)<br />

Capuciati Peter lab r 44 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Cardarelli (Angelo J (Josephine M) employment interviewer h 167<br />

Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Carey Frank T (Lena M) garage 1477 Winton rd N h do (Roch)<br />

Geo J musn h 34 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Minnie T) firemn NYC h 4900 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt Mrs r 34 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Norman J (Emily C) lino opr h 187 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Thos (Margt) mach h 8 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Harriet P) sis rep h 506 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Carfi John barber 406 Empire blvd (Roch) r 39 Lewis st Roch<br />

Carhart Herbert A (Nellie M) mech eng h 341 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Carlson Ole (Gertrude) marine captain h 9 Second (Roch)<br />

Sidney H (Erminda A) ins h 47 Charrington rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia B billing elk r 272 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Carmody Bertha r 97 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Margt L r 97 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Carnall Gordon F elk r 105 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Carpenter Frank D (Ruth M) supvr h 6 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

Fred F (May) carp h 126 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Fredk R (Mary Ellen) asst mgr h 495 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Perry A (Stella E) tchr h 52 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Carr Chas L (Irene J) sensitizer h 32 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

John H r 190 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kermit J (Halfred C) tool mkr h 20 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Leila F maid 588 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Otis J (Sarah C) insp h 190 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Rex (Eva M) carp h 125 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Carroll Clarence W (Edith A) mech eng h 3450 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Clayton W (Beatrice L) tchr Irondequoit High sch r 3959 Lake av<br />

Roch<br />

Corrinne E elk r 3679 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd J (Edith C) timekpr h 89 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Emmett F (Margt H) slsmn h 3284 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Francis H (Evelyn G) civil eng h 3671 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Herman cond h 1026 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Howard G pres-gen mgr summer res 92 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Lewis G (Grace B) garagemn h 115 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary C frame wkr r 115 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary L sten r 5 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

Norman A (Wilhelmina D) v-pres and sec h 21 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Viola L optical wkr r 70 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Carson Chas E (Anna L) K Pk h 37 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Donald atndt 1871 Ridge rd E r 60 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Franklin ins r 16 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Saul (Minnie) ins h 16 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Carter Alvin E (Lillian M) truckmn 870 Whitlock rd h do (Roch)<br />

C Edwin W (Katherine L) slsmn h 78 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

David A (Irene V) formn h 876 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Grace K slswmn r 78 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Robt W (Marion E) artist h 3409 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Cartner Mary E wid Raymond housekpr 1881 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Carver Ida M wid Andrew r 288 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Case Dolores M dancing tchr r 2511 Norton (Roch)<br />

Gerard R gardnr r 2511 Norton (Roch)<br />

Irene B r 375 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Lehn F (Edith L) K Pk h 57 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Marcella J bkpr r 2511 Norton (Roch)<br />

Minnie wid Truman h 3679 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Sybilla) market gardnr 2511 Norton (Roch) h do<br />

Wm E (Dolores M) horticulturist h 150 Dozier lane (Roch)<br />

Wm J farmer h 375 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Casey Jos L (Irma) slsmn h 5352 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Laurence E (Lillian M) cost acct h 173 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Patk J (Catherine E) h 87 Wimbledon rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

F. P. VAN HOESEN CO., INC.<br />

Paints-Varnishes Painters '<br />

Supplies-Wall Paper<br />


Casey<br />

Robt (Margt) experimental wkr h 330 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

T Chas (Edith M) RG&E Corp h 331 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Cash Alf G (Helen E) tool mkr h 335 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Caskey John, K Pk r 107 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Caspar Arno G (Clara K) instrument mkr h 87 East parkway (Roch)<br />

Casperson Ethel A wid John r 108 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

John E (Claudia M) store mgr A&P 159 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst) h<br />

108 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Casserino Carmello (Mary L) h 25 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Frank r 25 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jas (Grace) r 180 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Jos D r 25 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Mary H r 25 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Russell (Margt N) h 126 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Cassidy Emmett J (Lucille) bkpr h 23 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Jos J slsmn h 36 Troy (Sea Breeze)<br />

Castle John H (Adelle) production mgr summer res 662 Rock Beach<br />

(Roch)<br />

John H jr summer res 662 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Caswell Frank A (Stella D) steel wkr h 63 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Catalfo Antonio r 14 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Santo (Rose) lab h 14 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Catlin Cecil S (Agatha S) sales mgr h 458 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

J Arthur rem to Washington, D C<br />

Caudle Danl B studt r 31 Troy (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo B (Helen C) laundry h 31 Troy (Sea Breeze)<br />

Caulkins Lee J (Mabel) auto electn h 149 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Caves Arthur D (Mary M) passenger agt h 2274 Norton (Roch)<br />

Frank (Florence D) gardnr h 1623J Portland av (Roch)<br />

T Geo (Fannie) h 266 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Cekuta Louis S (Catherine M) camera mkr h 257 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Center Service Garage (Joseph Stevens, Aug Tschiderer) gas sta 2411<br />

Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Cerafino Anthony lab r 71 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Giovanni (Domenica) h 71 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jennie hairdrsr r 71 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

John B studt r 71 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jos r 71 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Philip L r 71 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Ralph r 71 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Cerrone Susan wid Geo r 71 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Cervello Mary R dom r 58 Tottenham rd (Roch)<br />

Cesarone Chester T elk 681 Titus av r 217 Mohawk (Roch)<br />

Chaapel Herman G (Lulu A) elk PO h 42 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Chaddock Guy A (Edna G) formn h 127 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Chadwick Margt A r 154 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Thos (Anna C) h 3166 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Thos C r 154 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Thos S (Catherine V) real estate 154 Worthington rd h do (Roch)<br />

Chaffer E Roy jr, musn r 114 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Elmer R (Florence M) postmaster 155 Pt Pleasant rd h 114 Lodge dr<br />

(Pt Plst)<br />

Chamberlain Carl G (Ethel P) physical dir Benjamin Franklin sch h 39<br />

Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Grace H wid Arthur B h 83 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Helen S wid Frank r 134 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Chambers LaVern r 220 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Lyall D (Ruth) tinsmith h 220 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt J (Ethel M) shtmtlwkr h 48 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Wm N (Dorothy H) shtmtlwkr h 27 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Champaigne Jas (Rose M) elk r 301 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Champion Clifford W buffer r 133 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary Mrs maid summer res 770 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Raemon W engvr r 133 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter T (Flora R) formn h 133 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Chapin L May r 1629 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Lewis G (Arline L) chief opr h 1 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Chapman Ella wid Lewis r 1592 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Harry L (Minnie A) paperhngr h 1592 Hudson av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Chapman<br />

Helen V, K Pk r 1592 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Richd H farmer r 1592 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Chappell Julia G tchr h 30 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Charon Louis F (Isabel E) h 49 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Chase Ernest M (Isabel) hotel (Hornell) h 4413 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Paul M r 4413 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Sara artist r 4413 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Chasey Vern H (Louise M) ins h 304 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Chetter Eliz Mrs r 129 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Merton J (Marie) mach h 508 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Chevillat Adele columnist r 3708 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Evelyn actress r 3708 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Paul E (Jeanette) shoe designer h 3708 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Richd H writer r 3708 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Chewning John C (Rosalie G) r 3882 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Childs Kenneth E (Evelyn C) supvr h 339 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Chippendale Albert (Lucille) garagemn h 2089 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Chrisley Russell E (Isabele E) hlpr h 9 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Christ Geo A (Valerie) metal wkr h 55 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Geo M (Marie C) golf professional h 180 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph G (Gwendolyn) metal wkr r 55 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Wm (Ida) market gardnr 1994 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Christensen Casper A (Eleanor I) purch agt h 185 Shelford rd (Roch)<br />

John P (Rena) EK Co h 81 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Thos C (Dina) slsmn h 48 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Christian Albert G (Ella G) chauf h 30 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Christman John (Regina) market h 113 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Christopher Edwd tailor 2199 Clinton av N (Roch) r 165 Navarre rd<br />

Roch<br />

Christy Frank T r 853 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Harold D (Gladys) slsmn h 853 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Chuck's Auto Service (Chas J Weidenborner) 4577 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Church Alf E (Hazel S) slsmn h 46 Haverford av (Roch)<br />

of the Transfiguration, Howard A Kuhnle pastor 3760 Culver rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Sally maid 154 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Churchill Ellen wid Wm T died Apr 30, 1939<br />

Leona G r 135 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Lon L slsmn r 135 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Ciciotti John (Elsie L) mason h 377 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Cissel Edwin W mgr 653 Titus av (Roch) r 594 Melville Roch<br />

Ciupik John W (Phyllis D) tailor h 31 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Claeys Bernard (Mary) lab h 2075 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Isadore (Savia) gardnr h 1936 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Peter H, USA r 2075 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Clague Jas D (Monica L) drftsmn h 215 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Clapper M Ellen Mrs tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 170 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Walter (Ellen) h 170 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Clarcq August John (Myrtle S) chauf S H Earl (Br) h 160 Huntington<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Clare Milton E (Ada M) stock elk h 27 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Clark Albert E (Eleanor G) market gardener 395 Cooper rd and 1784<br />

Hudson av r do (Roch)<br />

Alden Irving (Ruth A) Clark Stek-0 Corp h 70 Harvington dr (Roch)<br />

Anne maid 180 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Arthur J (Kathryn E) (Hunt's Perennial Gardens) florist 2715 StPaul<br />

blvd (Roch) h do<br />

Brackett H (Ruth M) sec summer res 604 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Calvin W (Marjorie J) furniture shipper h 244 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Chas L (Dorothy E) camera wkr h 34 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Chester N h 394 Shelford rd (Roch)<br />

Cora L r 4832 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Donald R (Mary W) aud summer res 630 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Elmer C (Beatrice E) auto mech h 359 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Elverton E (Luella W) mech eng h 174 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Ethel F h 4832 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Anna L) productionmn h 905 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Frank E (Olive J) acct h 20 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank H (Ethel) r 155 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Geo h 370 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Geo H (Adele H) pres Cochrane-Bly Co summer res 622 Rock Beach<br />

(Roch)<br />

Geo R (Carolyn R) chemist h 375 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Halford R summer res 630 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Howland A (Iris B) engvr h 187 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

John K (Barbara) insp h 326 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

John White (Mary K) tchr h 3674 StPaul blvd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Clark<br />

Richd F (Mary) shipping elk h 155 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Thelma E studt r 905 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Clarke Alice M hlpr r 1317 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Chas McN (Dorothy A) drftsmn h 52 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Chester R (Florence B) buyer h 74 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd W hlpr r 1255 Titus av (Roch)<br />

John (Annie) market gardener 1317 Titus av (Roch) h do<br />

Percival J studt r 1255 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm (Bessie) gardnr h 1255 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Clasgens Fidelis F (Lucille A) chemist h 232 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Leo J (E Marie) office systemizer h 53 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Claude Theophile (Alice) tailor h 30 Poplar (Sea Breeze)<br />

Claudius Edwin D (Edna G) prin Hosea Rogers sch h 203 Burwell rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Claver Frank (Mary A) camera wkr EK Co summer res 279 Bay Front N<br />

(Pt Plst)<br />

Richd J camera wkr EK Co summer res 279 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Clay Richd D elk r 5101 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm E rem to Detroit, Mich<br />

Wm G (Laura M) h 5101 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Clearman Eug R (Phoebe P) industrial eng EK Co h 928 Winona blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Cleary John F (Ethel F) dentist h 21 Warrenton (Roch)<br />

Cleland Grant W (Winifred E) tchr h 70 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Clemens Andrew auto mech 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 297 Genesee<br />

Roch<br />

Clement Leo N (Dorothy) electn end StPaul blvd h 197 Oak Lawn dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Russell L (Lofland C) elec contr h 33 Pauckner (Roch)<br />

Clements Ailing M (Jean) art instr r 1520 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Clicquennoi Marenus L (Lina) r 133 East parkway (Roch)<br />

Clifford Victor R (Charlotte M) polisher h 75 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Cline Gertrude elk r 195 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Cloney Alma V r 30 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Vira wid Wm F h 30 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Close Jennie L wid Wilbert r 114 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Closser Gerald A (Martha S) lens grinder r 191 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Clothier Geo D (Geraldine K) asst land and tax agt NYC h 104 Seville dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Clum Kenneth B (Jane H) slsmn h 112 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Coast Michl A (Anna M) bus opr Roch Transit Corp h 254 Lake Breeze<br />

pk (Roch)<br />

Coates Benj jr (Anna M) night watchmn r 294 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Harland M (Edith H) K Pk h 3802 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Henry D (Ada M) auto mech h 3802 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Howard (Clara) camera wkr h 640 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence (Esther) fruit h 332 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Robt T studt r 294 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Cobb Allen L (Edna W) safety wkr K Pk h 210 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

John H (Rena E) real est h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Lida A wid Wm H r 371 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Cobblestone Garage (James H Bostwick) 2035 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Cochrane Craig P (Hester H) dept asst h 500 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Coco Mary wid Alf r 189 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Cocuzzi Geo S (Frances A) lab h 370 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Fred r 1784 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Codd Chas E (Anna M) master mech Ritter's h 22 Hollywood crescent<br />

(Roch)<br />

Constance A sec r 22 Hollywood crescent (Roch)<br />

Geo E (Ethel E) industrial eng h 18 Centre ter (Roch)<br />

Codde Kenneth sis mgr r 225 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Codori Chas E (Clara M) paper ruler h 68 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Chas E jr, meat ctr 2056 Ridge rd E r 68 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Cody Chas H (Sarah) h 394 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Chas T jr (Dorothy M) plmbr h 397 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Robt W r 394 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Coffey Chas E (Catherine A) formn K Pk h 117 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Cofran Morris W (Thelma) camera wkr h 110 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Cohen Jacob (Mollie) cap mkr summer res 7 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Max J (Dora) coal h 62 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth E summer res 7 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Wm (Katie) produce h 392 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Cohn Maurice A (Rose) elk h 51 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Colby Jas R (Letitia) sand and gravel h 72 East View av (Roch)<br />

Cole Donald M (Muriel A) sound eng h 1726 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Gordon L (Nora A) bldr 126 Winfield rd h do (Roch)<br />

Herbert W (Agnes M) slsmn h 1871 Titus av (Roch)<br />

John (Florence) driver PO h 33 Burt (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Cole<br />

Kenneth J (Alice F) ins adjuster h 540 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Willard J (Mary) electn h 17 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Colegrove Alf H (Mabel E) export shipping elk K Pk h 69 Alice (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Coleman Carrie E wid Ward A h 157 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Donald W r 157 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

H Frank (Mildred S) crane opr h 37 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Raymond W (Marguerite J) stmftr h 121 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Richd C studt r 157 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm dist mgr r 121 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Collett Fred J (Agnes E) cost acct h 58 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Robt F studt r 58 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Collier Osmier S (Clara C) mail carrier h 31 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Collings Millie J Mrs nurse r 99 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Collins Adelaide W, K Pk r 164 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Chas A (Mary) vocalist r 65 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Danl (Edith L) decorator 65 Spencer rd h do (Roch)<br />

Earl T (Jeanette M) pattern mkr h 75 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Irene C maid r 164 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

John L r 49 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Robt H (Irene P) RT Co h 82 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Violet B Mrs h 164 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Walter J (Lucille) elk h 208 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Anna C) h 87 Montaine pk (Roch)<br />

Collison Chas W (Gertrude) driver h 54 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Colonial Hall 96 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Colonnia Peter J (Mercedes A) brewery wkr h 22 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Colton Ruben L h 49 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Colwell Wm C (Alberta E) formn R T French Co h 367 Walzer rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Combs Ora M Mrs tchr Hosea Rogers sch h 35 Rutledge dr Roch<br />

Comerford Francis J (Helen D) formn h 325 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Comery Earl F (Katherine R) sec Empire Sprinkler Co Inc h 135 Bel<br />

coda dr (Roch)<br />

Cometa Thos (Louise) barber 657 Titus av (Roch) h 22 Michigan Roch<br />

Compson Harry V (Beatrice) auto mech 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 72<br />

White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Comstock Harriet Mrs summer res 50 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Comstra Albert (Evelyn K) carp h 130 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Herbert A r 130 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Cone Geo R (Rebecca H) tchr h 355 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Congar Inez A r 404 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Conge Erving H (Lancie R) h 689 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Harold J (Irene C) electn h Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Conger Remington h 404 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Conklin Carl B (Margt W) counsellor RBI h 218 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Damon (Hazel I) chauf h 113 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Conley Everett A (Muriel J) elk h 1190 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Conlin Edwd W (Theresa E) mach h 11 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Connelly Bernard J (Cecelia) elk h 2570 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Emmet L. (Alice B) eng h 112 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

John J (Jessie F) collr h 54 Viroqua dr (Roch)<br />

Conner Elmer D r 63 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Lydia E tailoress r 63 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Connolly Chas E (Mildred) landscape gardnr h 2732 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Harold R (Josephine M) litho h 30 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Connor Arthur (Grace V) chauf h rear 190 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Cassius S (L Mae) rem to Brighton<br />

Connors Agnes r 9 2d (Roch)<br />

Bernard E (Marie) shoe wkr r 200 Arrow dr (Roch)<br />

Conole Amanda bkpr h 115 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Conolly Jos F (Gertrude B) slsmn h 33 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Conover Wm S (Anna G) summer res 19 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Conrad Fritz P (Edith H) glass blower h 269 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Conroy Vernard L (Hazel E) tool mkr h 2651 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Conte Domenico N (Catherine M) barber h 132 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry studt r 132 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos F r 132 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Converse Claudia sten r 91 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Conway Edwd (Margt) slsmn h 1208 Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Elmer M studt r 43 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Harold (Belle M) mgr h 43 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Jane Mrs r 145 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Violet M studt r 43 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Cook Chas B (Margt) slsmn h 3330 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Chas E (Catherine J) fnshr h 44 Ravine av (Pt Plst)<br />

Fred (Rose E) winder h 255 Woodside pi (Roch)<br />

Frieda Mrs h 181 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo C (Dorothy A) litho h 210 Garford rd (Roch)


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


, Norman<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Cook<br />

Jas W (Adelaide M) Lincoln-Alliance Bank h 292 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Marian E elk r 437 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Marion tchr Laurelton sch h 56 Charrington rd (Roch)<br />

Mary tchr r 56 Charrington rd (Roch)<br />

Morris J (Mamie M) supt h 55 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

r 181 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Ruth L wid Ralph elk r 437 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm S (Ann V) sec-treas h 323 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Cooke T Paul (Josepha H) ins h 135 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Cooley Jas T (Frances D) EK Co h 79 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Katherine H tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r 295 Meigs Roch<br />

Cooman Carl C (Wanda M) civil eng h 28 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Coon Chas R (Florence M) camera wkr h 12 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Clifford K (Abigail W) prntr h 114 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Daisy wid Elmer candy wkr r 114 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

H Stewart photog K Pk r 12 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Cooney Wm O (Florence E) cond h 310 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Cooper Alf C (Esther S) chauf h 203 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Edwd E screw mach opr r 203 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Edwin I (Ruth M) administrator World War Relief summer res 40<br />

Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Geo H (Gladys M) acct h 60 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Jas E (Viola L) signal maintenancemn NYC h 83 Rudman dr (Roch)<br />

Orville (Edith M) h 635 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Robt G (Susan A) slsmn h 123 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Russell B (Ardus L) elec eng h 635 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Thos F (Anna) farmer h 765 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Wm (Gertrude) mason h 49 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Cope Jennie E wid Wm E r 69 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Roy E (Grace M) real estate h 69 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Copeland Harold F (Ann) sec (Archer Mfg Co) h 352 Winona blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Howard H (Helen E) pntr 558 Kings highway h do (Roch)<br />

Copenhagen Edwd G (Evelyn O) formn K Pk h 28 Linden pk (Sea<br />

Wm F (Eliz S) formn K Pk h 334 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Copplein John detective r 1818 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Corcoran Dennis J (Katherine) prntr h 175 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Corey Reginald E (Lodema) pastor Seneca M E church h 290 Rawlinson<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Corkish Alf S (Lena H) florist 1557 Winton rd N h do (Roch)<br />

Corletta Harry E (Hilda) bar supplies h 37 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Cornelius Wm B (Doris) teller h 147 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Cornell Chas Clinton (Mildred A) h 802 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Corning Wm A (Grace L) pntr h 67 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Cornwall Annie B (Mrs Jos W) died Jan 6, 1939<br />

Cornwell Wm F (Marion O) slsmn h 130 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Wm S (Claire S) EK Co h 109 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Corson Chas E (Mary E) barber h 213 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Cort Erna A studt r 1716 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Herman C (Minnie) market gardener 1716 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Cortright Alvin T slsmn r 400 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Clarence D (Ella M) stockkpr h 400 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

John M auto mech r 400 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Lois M studt r 400 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Miles S slsmn r 400 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Robt E drftsmn r 400 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Corvin Robt M (Lucile L) K Pk h 208 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Cory Russell R (Eulalie) optical wkr r 11 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Cosentino Thos (Mary) installer h 137 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Costello Jeanette B wid Don O died Feb 24, 1939<br />

Costich Edmund J (Gertrude B) market gardener h 2309 Culver rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Elmer G (Edna E) tchr h 199 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Hilda J hairdrsr r 2309 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Howard G (Adelaide) camera wkr h 222 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Jane E elk r 2309 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Jos farm hand r 1501 Titus av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Costich<br />

Richd F (Ida E) market gardener 2454 Norton h do (Roch)<br />

Willard R farmer r 2454 Norton (Roch)<br />

Cotter R John (Mildred F) asst adjuster h 312 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Cottrill Evelyn E typist r 2524 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jas Lee (Lucy E) insp h 55 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Jas M (Lula A) real est 2524 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Coughlin Eliz T r 136 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

John W optical wkr r 136 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Mary A wid Wm H h 136 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Rose M typist r 136 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Wm R studt r 136 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Coulton Maurice mgr r 392 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Counter Albert E (Freda C) carp h 68 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Courneen Mary B housekpr 272 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Coursen C Earl (Mary E) barber 4318 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant) h 213<br />

Peart av (do)<br />

Courtney Celia T wid Robt r 158 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Cousineau Wm J (Mamie M) chauf h 125 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Cousins Wm M (Frances A) mgr h 196 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Coutts Oliver (Annie B) mach Taylor Dist Co's h 208 Seneca Park av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Cove House The (Chester A Peake) hotel 136 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Coveny Floyd D (Viola) carrier PO h 100 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Covey Eliz wid Wm h 46 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Covner Bernard J studt r 860 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Saml (Birdie) women's clothing h 860 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Cowan Clarence E (Catherine M) maintenancemn h 189 Garford rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Evelyn maid 379 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Cowles Arthur B (Clara E) box mfr summer res 95 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Cox Albert florist r 1356 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Jos W (Mamie) formn Todd h 335 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Coy Catheryn Mrs h 79 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

W Edwd (Athol M) market gardener 372 Pine Grove av (Roch) h<br />

do<br />

Coyle Albert J (Jane G) slsmn h 96 Highwood rd (Roch)<br />

Coyne Jas L (Mary P) mason h 149 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Crabb Geo F (Nellie) tchr h 71 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Crabtree John I, K Pk summer res 76 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Craft Verne A (Elsie M) slsmn h 26 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Cragg Robt F (Arline D) K Pk h 217 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Warren farm hand r 497 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Craig Archie S (Edna) efficiency agt h 32 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Harry E (Mona) formn h 307 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Stuart A elk r 32 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Crandall Grace A maid 3092 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Crane Bernard M (Mildred A) carp h 44 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Edwd carp r 44 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Edwd F (Mary W) tool mkr h 103 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Esther L wid Henry P h 4814 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Willis C (Gertrude S) patrolmn 1388 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 205 Point<br />

Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Crawford Margt C Mrs chiropractor h 413 Washington av (Roch)<br />

'Margt E sten r 413 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Crawn Edwd C (Mary) K Pk h 5328 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Craze Thos J died Oct 18, 1938<br />

Crecely Arthur T (Edna M) slsmn h 78 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Crellin Kelsey W (Julia M) acct h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Cremaldi Lucille P elk r 40 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Crew Edmund D (Emily) comp r 249 Zuber rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Crider Floyd M (Florence G) meats h 70 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Henry A r 70 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Crino Rosario barber 4605 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) r 51 Rustic Roch<br />

Cripps Celia C wid Valentine h Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Earl R studt r Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Leroy J (Elsie) lab h 4948 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Criscuolo Alphonso C waiter r 383 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Anthony J (Julia M) waiter h 383 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Catherine C tailoress r 383 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J elk r 383 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Crisler Margt C Mrs mach opr h 120 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Viola G r 120 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Crissey Milton E (Dorothea E) electn h 23 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Crissy Howard J (Lillian C) service mgr h 1034 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Critchell Dean J (Thelma W) formn h 2711 Norton (Roch)<br />

Crofoot Clifford A (June W) carp r 347 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

-Vernon M (Laura T) tool mkr h 347 Laurelton rd (Roch)



GLENWOOD 144<br />

Crombach Albert L (Helen) K Pk h 2353 Norton (Roch)<br />

Bertha wid Wm h 333 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Huber C (Agnes) clothing wkr h 36 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Crombie Robt C (Mary E) shtmtlwkr h 11 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Cromheecke Dezere (Augusta) farmer h 1801 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Marshall gardnr r 1801 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Raymond gardnr r 1801 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Cromwell Florence L wid Edgar T summer res 25 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Kirk H studt summer res 25 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Cronk Clifford A (Ethel M) coast guard end StPaul blvd h 53 Lake Front<br />

(Roch)<br />

Cronkhite Ray E (Ada B) mgr h 248 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Crosland Shirley M tchr Durand Eastman sch r 16 Paige Roch<br />

Cross John E (Delma B) auto mech h 59 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Marjorie H Mrs tchr Seneca sch h 84 Keehl Roch<br />

Crossett Ellen wid John rem to Rochester<br />

Sidney M (Thelma C) coml artist h 71 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Crossley Margt G tchr Irondequoit High sch r 256 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Crouch Gertrude L wid Frank M h 171 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Wentworth W (Gertrude B) K Pk h 145 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Croudace Dorothy A L elk r 2905 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo (Sarah E) bkpr h 2905 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo E (Barbara) carp h 2158 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Crowell C Weiland (Olga N) chemical eng h 96 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Crowley A David (N Mildred) slsmn h 459 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Leo M (Margt M) traffic mgr h 80 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Crumrine Chester W (Grace W) mech eng EK Co h 48 Cedarwood rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Herbert E studt r 48 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Crystal John A (Gertrude M) rem to Rochester<br />

Cuedek Francis E (Veronica R) district slsmn h 109 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Cuffney Jas asst rector StThomas R C church r 4536 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Culhane Jos steward 2100 Ridge rd E r do (Roch)<br />

Veronica E r 68 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Culotta Carrie P wid Franck C h 197 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Chas L (Eunice M) insp h 225 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Edwin C fruit r 197 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Caroline) died July 24, 1939<br />

Frank E (Irene) EK Co r 197 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Culver Alice S tchr r 4635 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Bowling Hall Inc inc NY '32 Arthur J Magin pres bowling alley 1258<br />

Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Parkway Pharmacy (Roy Johnstone) 295 Culver parkway (Roch)<br />

Sanitarium (Mrs Eliz O'Bryan) 2467 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Marcella R) photo engvr h 262 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Cumming Arthur H (Mabel S) auditor h 48 Kiwanis rd (Roch)<br />

Cummings Geo E (Mary M) K Pk h 416 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Henry M r 29 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Jos N (Verdella) pntr h 29 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Jos N jr, news boy r 29 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Edna L) slsmn h 1 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Cunningham Arnold J (Veronica E) asst supt h 247 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz M tchr Durand Eastman sch r at Caledonia<br />

Jos (Alma V) mach h 72 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Kenneth M (Barbara W) elk h 859 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Rachel E wid John L r 110 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wm P (Helen M) dairy wkr h 201 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Cupido Salvatore (Eliz) tailor h 17 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Curran Gerald H (Beatrice E) supvr h 308 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Currier Leonard G (Gertrude M) slsmn h 469 Culver parkway (Roch)<br />

Curry Mildred K cashr r 73 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Philip K shipping elk r 422 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Richd H electn (Cleveland, Ohio) r 422 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Robt N dispatcher r 422 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Willard P (Marjorie E) lawyer h 241 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm S (Eva M) elec contr (Cleveland, Ohio) h 422 Laurelton rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Curtice Luther S (Esther N) metallurgist h 1150 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Curtis Chas W (Lena) whol florist 3186 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Clifford C (Ethel B) elk h 202 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

32<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Curtis<br />

Eliz studt r 25 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Floyd A r 122 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Floyd W (Evelyn A) purch agt h 122 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Francis M (Edna B) auto mech h 87 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hortense E nurse (New York City) r 3186 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ida R Mrs r 3078 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth R (Ruth) ins h 25 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Curtiss Helen G information elk RT Co r 320 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Herbert H died June 8, 1939<br />

Cushman Byron B (Isabelle) slsmn h 367 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Carolyn L tchr r 4785 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Carrie L Mrs sec h 4785 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Glenn F (Margt R) tool mkr h 500 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Marion r 4785 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Cusimano Jacob (Teresa R) asst cashr h 3302 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Cutbill Alf O (Mildred E) meter reader RG&E Corp h 243 Brandon rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Cuthbert Muriel L beautician r 487 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Wm L (Alma J) mach opr h 487 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Wm L jr, studt r 487 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Cuthbertson Ismy wid Thos h 2289 Norton (Roch)<br />

Jas R rem to Rochester<br />

Thos H eng NYC r 2289 Norton (Roch)<br />

Cuvelier Floyd K (Wanda S) distiller h 398 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Cypher Irma Mrs rem to Rochester<br />

Daansen Wm (Bertha E) dec h 10 Troy (Sea Breeze)<br />

Daggs John O (Ella E) lab h 717 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Leslie G (Mabel E) mach opr r 717 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Pearl M maid r 717 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Royal C chauf r 717 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dahlberg K Sigurd (Vivian E) cabtmkr h 73 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Dailor Arthur J (Thelma I) traffic mgr h 96 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Daitz Elsie r 2515 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry (Anna) dry gds h 2515 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Shirley r 2515 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Dalberth Genevieve Mrs produce dir 451 Empire blvd (Roch) h 248 Mon<br />

roe av Roch<br />

Dale Edna M Mrs typist r 1622 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Francis M (Onalee) sec Roch Mach Screw Co r 5173 StPaul blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Geo E (Helen) atndt h 119 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

J Franklin (Ella H) pres Roch Mach Screw Co h 5173 StPaul blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Saml (Sarah E) h 851 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Daley Donald r 102 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Dalton John B (Dorothy M) interne h 96 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Daly Beatrice J camera wkr r 94 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Damiano Antonio (Irene) h 56 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Frank r 56 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Theresa r 56 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Damschroder Rudolph E (Dorothy E) research chemist h 33 Somershire<br />

dr (Roch)<br />

Danby Evelyn J h 11 Union Park (Roch)<br />

Francis died Nov 7, 1938<br />

Wm L (Julia E) slsmn h 37 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Dancy Anna wid Chas r 4218 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Dangelmier Theo A (Evelyn M) prntr h 795 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dangler Chas G (Lillian M) carp h 3361 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Daniel Ernest C (Florence M) caretaker h 814 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

John D studt r 814 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Danielson Arthur D chemical eng r 3764 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Danilishen Anthony h 231 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Dargush Herman C (Emma H) cond NYC h 223 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Howard E atndt r 223 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond F elk r 223 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Dark Caletha C elk r 595 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Irwin C (Bertha E) ins h 595 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Darling Arthur (Edith) h 1685 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Fredk C dept head h 378 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Dasson Clifton O (Lorma B) tel eng summer res 300 Irondequoit (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Datz Jos A (Florence) elk h 140 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Daul Andrew jr r 175 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Andrew J (Anna E) paper mkr h 175 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Dault Alf F (Loretta L) elk h 1072 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Dausch Geo J optical wkr r 54 Dequoit av (Roch)<br />

John G (Harriet H) carp h 54 Dequoit av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Dauwe Camiel (Emma) h 1835 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Clara M r 1835 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Davenport Alva R (Josephine I) slsmn h 61 Pleasant way (Pt Pleas<br />

ant)<br />

Evelyn A dom r 34 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Evelyn E wid Fred S h 34 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Jas L (Dorothy) shtmtlwkr h 40 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

John F lab r 34 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Josephine M elk r 61 Pleasant way (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Davidson Arthur J (Stella C) h 241 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Carl M (Ethel M) contr h 141 Sydenham rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy H office sec r 155 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Evelyn L tchr r 155 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Helen A Mrs housekpr 243 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

John H (Maud A) carp h 34 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Robt E studt r 241 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Shirley C sec r 241 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Davie John B (Dorothy M) mgr h 139 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Davies Llewellyn P (Gladys) K Pk h 41 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Davis C Robt studt r 79 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Chas E (Margt M) pharm h 79 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Emily Mrs h rear 151 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Frank C (Charlotte M) clothing cutter h 2092 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Gene L photo fnshr 44 Spencer rd r do (Roch)<br />

Geo C studt r 99 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Harry L (Emma I) prntr h 44 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

John r 44 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Mary K wid Lawrence W h 81 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Maurice (Louise) deliverymn h 570 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Shirley studt r 99 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Tom L (Alice F) EK Co h 101 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Wm B (Julia L) rem to Rochester<br />

Wm B jr rem to Rochester<br />

Wm D (Jane L) r 400 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Ewa H) h 155 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Genevieve) carrier PO h 53 Dover rd (Roch)<br />

Davison Geo A (Hazel L) car pntr h 43 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Wm I linoleum layer r 194 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Davita Paul (Ida) fnshr h 30 Nile dr (Roch)<br />

Dawson Geo E (Annabelle) range finder B&L Co h 96 Hardison rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Day Ernest S (Sophia R) K Pk h 67 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Louise S) coater h 233 Densmore rd (Roch)<br />

Jas W (Ruth C) hlpr h 667 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred R studt r 67 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Dean Benj H (Emma R) h 82 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Chas W (Emma W) real est 158 East pkwy h do (Roch)<br />

Dorothy A elk r 158 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Fredk L r 67 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert r 158 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Lina R tel opr r 82 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Russell G (Lucille A) real est h 267 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Deane Howard D (Rose T) prntr h 23 Poppy (Roch)<br />

Sophie H wid Wm L r 23 Poppy (Roch)<br />

Deasy Robt (Charlotte C) tester h 396 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

DeBack Harry A (Ruth) plmbr h 59 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Isaac (Edna R) formn h 1920 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

DeBacker Alois H (Clemence) market gardnr 336 Stloseph h do (Roch)<br />

Raymond J hlpr r 336 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

DeBaes Maurice A (Dorothy H) carp r 3779 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

DeBrine Peter E (Violet E) shipping elk h 86 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

DeBruyne Elmer (Margt) shipper h 54 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

DeBuck Camiel r 1524 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Edwd market gardnr 2045 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Julius farm hand r 1801 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

DeBurgomaster Eleanor sten r 142 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Wm (Emma) insp h 142 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Debus Lena wid Karl r 250 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

DeBuyck Aug A gardnr h 1881 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

John gardnr r 1881 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

DeCarlo Barbara summer res 109 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Chas druggist summer res 109 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos pharm summer res 109 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Louis summer res 109 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary G summer res 109 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary G wid Loretto summer res 109 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dechau Carl L tool and die mkr r 215 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Gladys M elk r 215 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Louis C piano tuner 215 Pt Pleasant rd h do (Pt Plst)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Decker Raymond F (Louise M) optical wkr h 6 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Richd J (Helen C) dentist h 23 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

DeClerck Edmund (Lavina) gardnr h 8211 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Emmett R (Helen E) elec contr h 18 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Harry J (Nellie M) auto mech 1871 Ridge rd E h 1860 Portland av<br />

(Roch)<br />

John D (Louise B) floor wkr h 67 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

DeConchie David gardnr 700 Ridge rd E h 1800 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Dedie Milton J rem to Rochester<br />

Wm A (Eliz D) elk h 239 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

DeeRoo Frank jr r 786 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Deeth Harold R (A Mildred) pres American Nepheline Corp h 75 Lake<br />

Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

DeFisher Jacob A (Mabel R) mgr Atlantic Auto Parts h 169 Pemberton<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

DeFord Ambrose (Ruth M) mach h 3056 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

John E r 3056 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth Home Made Candies (Mrs Ruth M DeFord) 3056 Culver rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Ruth M Mrs (Ruth DeFord Home Made Candies) 3056 Culver rd h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Virginia M r 3056 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

DeFoy W Edwin h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

DeFrancies Charlotte wid David r 55 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

DeFreze Wm J (Ruth A) auto rpr r 33 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

DeFrois Dolores Mrs h 23 North Wabash av (Roch)<br />

DeGraaf Johannes L (Jean) EK Co h 401 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

DeGrave Emil h 492 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Lester (Helen) h 1942 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Otto gardnr 769 Titus av r do (Roch)<br />

DeGrazia Jos A (Bessie) slsmn h 42 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

DeGreeno Lucy wid Jos r 200 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Dehey John C (Mary) formn h 3158 Culver id (Roch)<br />

Dehn Elmer J (Loretta) assembler h 48 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

DeHond Melvin E (Arline J) asst mgr r 1571 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Deihle Arline M, EK Co r 204 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Chas L (Kathleen P) restr and bowling alley h 4423 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Emma E wid Louis r 49 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Howard J, K Pk r 204 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Howard W (Rena S) (Sea Breeze Bowling Hall) 4577 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze) & (Deihle's Restr) 4581 do h 204 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Norma K file elk r 4423 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Norman H (Marion A) (Sea Breeze Bowling Hall) 4577 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze) and (Deihle's Restaurant) 4581 do h 4423 do<br />

Deihle's Restaurant (Norman H and Howard W) 4581 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Deisenroth Louise M domestic r 66 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Deitz Claire C r 169 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Howard (Helen) slsmn h 97 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

John H (Eleanor) police NYC h 333 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Mary (Mrs Saml S) died July 29, 1939<br />

Saml S tailor h 169 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

DeJohns Jas (Anna) RG&E Co h 144 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

DeJonge Geo G h 121 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

DeJongh Wilhelmina S maid 115 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

DeKoker Geo (Estelle) service mgr h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

DeKramer Peter (Virginia) collr h 122 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

DeLaney Henry (Elsie) insp h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Howard studt r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Ruth r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

DeLano Mason H (Alice E) clothing ctr h 73 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

DeLapp Hortense E wid Thos J r 618 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

DeLaura Vincent bkpr 1441 Ridge rd E r 4 Hopkins (Roch)<br />

Delbridge Josephine M wid Jas h 1568 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Milton r 1568 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

DeLelys Danl r 1290 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Danl (Maude L) US deputy collr h 1290 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Helen r 1290 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Delfosse Frieda wid Victor r 104 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Louis M (Carmelita) dist agt h 104 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Russell J r 104 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Victor H studt r 104 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

DelGrand Mary B Mrs tchr r 450 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Simon (Mary B) formn h 450 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Delitz Bertha r 2788 Norton (Roch)<br />

Celia r 2788 Norton (Roch)<br />

Fred B (Kathryn S) carp h 185 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

John (Lena) h 2788 Norton (Roch)<br />

John J jr, concrete block mfr 2788 Norton r do (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />




Dell Philip (Jennie) restr h 228 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Delle Patric C (Marcella C) rem to Rochester<br />

DeLooze Emma r 492 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Frank gardnr r 492 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Jacob (Emma) gardnr h 492 Titus av (Roch)<br />

DeLorm Everett r 974 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Geo H (Mary C) metal lather h 974 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Orville D r 974 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Ralph (Myrtle) K Pk r 974 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

DeLorme Bernice L r 1164 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Fredk C (Catherine A) laster h 1164 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Harvey (Marion) lab h 10 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Rose) lab h Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

DeLucca Peter F (Ruth G) lab h 140 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

DelVecchio Angelo (Frances) baker h 2048 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

DeMaecker Alice waitress r 48 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Casimir (Elodie) auto mech h 48 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Edmund (Stephanie) maintenance mn U of R h 2991 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Henry hlpr r 48 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Henry L (Louisa M) market gardnr 435 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

DeMarco Jas (Irene L) h 341 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

DeMareo Beatrice J r 1837 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Frances P r 1837 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Salvatore (Angelina) baggage man NYC h 1837 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

DeMaries Frank (Cornelia) lndry r 56 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

DeMattis Jos B (Mary A) ins agt h 217 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Letitia C elk r 217 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt P slsmn r 217 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

DeMay Benj V (Anna E) chef h 118 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

David A carp h 272 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Frank (Jenny) h 202 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Hugo (Amandine) chauf h 120 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Jacob A pntr h 278 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Marcel F elk r 120 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Marsha T factory wkr r 120 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Maurice r 202 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Norbert V r 118 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Dembowski Amelia tchr (Homer) r 2873 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Bertha studt r 2873 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd (Eugenia) uphol h 2873 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

DeMers Edwd F studt r 114 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo H studt r 114 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

John A (Anna E) formn h 114 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Paul L mach r 114 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

DeMersman Oscar A (Helen M) instr mkr B&LO Co h 108 Hedgegarth<br />

dr (Roch)<br />

DeMetsenaere Alphonse R (Madeline F) trucker h 1341 Ridge rd E<br />

(Roch)<br />

Deming Bessie M h 25 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Fred G (Florence S) tool mkr h 287 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Hazel bkpr<br />

r 25 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Demler Wm, Delco r 247 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Demmer Dorothy J glass wkr r 80 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Geo E (Anna V) tinsmith h 80 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Robt E sec (Washington DC) r 80 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Demo Jas F (Helen) florist designer 2026 Hudson av (Roch) h 61 Colebourne<br />

rd Roch<br />

DeMott Edwd G (Marilynn T) EK Co h 8 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

John P (Hannah E) wheelwright h rear 120 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Dempsey Chester A (Cora A) slsmn h 95 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

J Vincent (Arlone H) lawyer h 74 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Walter house mn r 151 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Demunck Philip (Eliz) gardnr h 2110 Portland av (Roch)<br />

DeMunck Clement C (Stella C) K Pk h 2304 Titus av (Roch)<br />

David E (Christina) auto rpr h Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

David E screen plant opr 2161 Ridge rd E r Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Demuth Geo F (Irene) florist r 2360 Titus av (Roch)<br />

DeNeve Owen L (Mabel A) landscape archt h 110 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Warren H (Lorraine S) chauf h 184 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Dengler Chas G (Dorcas) tailor summer res 53 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Cletus J (Helga M) eng h 89 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy J summer res 53 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Fredk G (Marguerite M) elev mech h 120 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Geo A insp h 56 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harold C r 246 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

John M (Harriet E) roofing materials h 64 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary L (Mrs Geo A) died Apr 29, 1939<br />

Paul E (Clara M) brakemn NYC h 246 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Denk Clarence E (Lillian M) slsmn h 189 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Edwd M elk r 146 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Frank H (Irene) mason h 70 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fredk J (Pauline M) engvr h 247 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Henrietta wid John P h 116 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Howard F (Elsie L) atndt 4199 Culver rd (Pt Plst) h 2266 Titus av<br />

(Roch)<br />

John M r 146 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Julius E (Genevieve S) optical wkr h 146 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Pauline K elk r 116 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Wm (Isabell M) camera wkr r 116 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Wm J studt r 116 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Dennington Russell W (Lorena C) mach h 98 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dennis Anita M r 134 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jennie J r 134 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Mary M r 134 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

'Peter (Anna) lab h 134 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Wm P, USN r 134 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Dennison Allen, EK Co r 3764 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Harold B (Pearl I) stock broker h 4188 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

J Porter (Ethyl) steel wkr r 670 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Norman M (Ruth M) phys h 347 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Otis G (Edith S) broker h 92 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

DeNood Jacob (Anna J) meat ctr h 1359 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Denti Angeline (Mrs Gerlio) died Oct 18, 1938<br />

Dentinger Francis L (Grace E) pntr h 224 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Department of Sewers 1396 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

DePasquale Carmella D r 2062 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Ida S tailoress r 2062 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Saml (Anna) tailor h 2062 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Derby Kenneth D auto mech r 140 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

DeRider Andrew (Kathryn G) pntr h 75 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Edwd G pntr r 75 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Derleth Donald E h 376 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Theo F (Eliz C) mach h 15 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Urban J chauf r rear 4972 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dern Edwd (Marguerite) tel eng h 153 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

DeRoo Frank (Caroline) h 786 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

DeRooy Frances waitress r 1758 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Jacob (Abigala) gardnr h 1758 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Peter r 1758 Portland av (Roch)<br />

DeRoushie Wm A (Edna) meter tester h 124 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

DeRoy Abr J (Madeline) gardnr h 1847 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Dertinger Geo A (Mary E) treas Schwald Coal & Oil Co h 86 Belleclaire<br />

dr (Roch)<br />

DeRycke Edwd (Ruth) elk h 50 Forest av (Roch)<br />

DeRyke Dairy (Marine DeRyke) 1989 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Elmer R (Gladys) died Jan 16, 1939<br />

Gladys E wid Elmer R h 1742 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Marine (Alice A) (DeRyke Dairy) 1989 Ridge rd E h 1983 do (Roch)<br />

DeSalvio John (Edna) boxmkr h 30 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Deschwolmeester Camiel (Laura) jan h 97 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Desiderio Angelo M r 193 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Frank dentist r 47 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Michl constable r 193 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

DeSimon Anthony (Alice C) tailor instr h 11 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Anthony E studt r 11 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Gilda L tchr r 11 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Desmarais Victor (Loretta) prntr h 612 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

DeSmit Abram J (Irene) fruit h 114 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Albert J bkpr (Ontario) r 114 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Danl (M Gertrude) market gardnr 1816 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Orace E sec r 1816 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Marinus (Anna) (DeSmit & Schweizer) 2575 Culver rd h 2601 do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Verona M r 2601 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

& Schweizer (Marinus DeSmit & Erwin Schweizer) gas sta 2575 Cul<br />

ver rd (Roch)<br />

DeSmith Hilles F (Jeannette) formn h 375 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Desmond Edwin A (Marion H) film cutter h 204 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Desmore Albert J (Dorothy E) driller h 302B George (Sea Breeze)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Dessauer Hans M (Margt L) chemist h 53 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Dessel Carl R (Martha B) tool mkr h 52 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Desson Wm (Kate) tailor h 38 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

DeTaeye Evelyn elk r 1623 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Julian hlpr r 1623 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Philip (Clara) teamster h 1623 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Deutsch Saml (Lydia) ins agt h 4 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Deutschbein Fredk H (Victoria) purch agt h 37 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Devaney John J (Georgina G) examiner US Customs h 107 Lake Front<br />

(Roch)<br />

DeVeny Jane L, K Pk r 18 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Warren J r 18 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Warren S (Grace E) hairdrsr h 18 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Devey Jacob (Madeline C) gardnr h 1630 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Marie C belt wkr r 1630 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Devinski Alex hlpr Bay Front N (Pt Plst) r at Rochester<br />

DeVisser John D slsmn r 32 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Minnie F (Mrs John D) died Aug 1, 1939<br />

DeVos Albert C (Elvera) gardnr h 898 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

John (Rose) market gardnr 876 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Raymond J gardnr r 876 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

DeVoy F Stanley (H Shirley) asst aud h 45 Dake av (Roch)<br />

DeVrieze Edwd (Mary) gardnr h 2138 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

-^Jerome J (Doris) K Pk h 63 Nile dr (Roch)<br />

'Raymond J (Justina) mach opr h rear 2164 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

DeWaters Marjorie tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) h 1564 StPaul Roch<br />

DeWeese Betty studt r 105 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Dwight C (Mildred D) civ eng h 105 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

John D, K Pk r 105 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Robt G studt r 105 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

DeWever Alphonse (Stephanie) market gardnr 1999 Hudson av h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Chas hlpr r 1999 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Peter hlpr r 1999 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

DeWilde Aug L r 1800 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Frank (Emma) lab 1816 Hudson av h 1800 do (Roch)<br />

DeWind Edwd (Octavia M) gardnr h 494 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Stanley (Louise M) K Pk h 2518 Parker rd (Roch)<br />

DeWitt Harriet E elk h 31 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Leland L (Florence W) pipe ftr h 38 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Lothar (Martha) formn h 238 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Maude A elk h 31 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

DeWitte Edwd J (Merle J) supt h 63 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Howard (Sophie J) designer h 2940 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Dexter Allen (Carolyn) traffic mgr h 216 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

DeYager Albert J (Mary H) book binder h 173 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Louise wid Ferdinand r 165 Kinirg dr (Roch)<br />

DeZutter Frank (Eva M) market gardnr 409 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Dhaenens Harry M (Elsie D) ins agt h 2100 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dhondt Edwd F h Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Diamond Hannah C wid Aug h 91 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Lillian H elk r 91 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

DiBenedetto Giuseppe (Giovannina) h 126 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Rose studt r 126 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

DiBeneditto Frank (Angelina) h 1914 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

DiBernado Salvatore h 287 Carmel (Roch)<br />

DiCarlo Frank (Clara) h 194 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Josephine married Michl Saperito<br />

Louis plmbr r 194 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Sebastian r 194 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Thos r 194 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Dichter Chas F (Alice T) wood wkr h 4922 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dick David E (Victoria) wood wkr h 929 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Dickerson Mark B elk r 820 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dickie Jos B (Lois) K Pk h 315 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Dickman John A (Ella M) experimenter h 40 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Dicks John L (Pauline M) monument engvr h 48 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dickson Henry E (Gertrude H) slsmn h 172 Yorkshire rd (Roch)<br />

Walter (Delores) formn h 265 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Diederich H Raymond garage mn r 2608 Parker rd (Roch)<br />

Henry C (Eliz K) market gardnr 2608 Parker rd h do (Roch)<br />

Mary C wid John r 203 Arrow dr (Roch)<br />

Diedrich Albert F (Eliz J) electn h 140 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Richd F bkpr r 140 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Diegel Chas W (Violet M) slsmn h 126 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Diegnan Eliz M maid 549 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Diehl Gordon H (Ethel) slsmn h 369 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Karl (Hilda W) carp h 21 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Nettie sten K Pk r 195 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Paul mach r 39 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Diel Edwd.C (Belle C) slsmn h 81 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

June B r 81 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Diener Pauline S checker r 39 Overbrook av (Roch)<br />

Dieterle Clayton J (Alvina A) mach h 175 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Dietrich Dorothy elk r 2308 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Rudolph police h 2308 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Dietter Frank G (Madeline R) carp h 236 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Dietz Elliott T (Marie L) teller h 222 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Elsa B wid Carl F h 3430 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

DiFelice John C (Josephine R) tailor h 47 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

DiFiore Max (Genevra) h 230 Titus av (Roch)<br />

DiFranco Antonio P (Angela) h 183 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Philip J (Julia R) tailor h 55 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

DiLella Peter (Anna) h 101 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Dill Chas J (Rose) plmbr summer res 225 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Edgar, EK Co r 225 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Gerald hlpr r 225 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Germaine r 225 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Harold J (Mercedes) electn h 68 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

<strong>Monroe</strong> V (Alberta M) statistician h 49 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

DiMarco Carmen r 305 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Costible (Antoinette) mason h 305 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Dominick (Constance P) steel wkr r 1815 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Filomena lndry wkr r 305 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Frances r 305 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Mitto r 305 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Raymond studt r 305 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

DiMaria Frances R r 180 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Frank (Jennie) gardnr h 180 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Diminuco Ernest (Lillian E) elk r 60 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Dimmick Elmer E r 269 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Harold T (Enid M) rem to Rochester<br />

Dimon Olive B wid Theo H h 3764 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

DiNardo Massimo h 59 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Victor shoe wkr r 59 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Dinaro Antoinette r 236 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Santo (Petrina) gas sta h 236 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Dingfelder Jane maid 2893 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

DiNolfo Saml A (Loretta S) market gardnr h 398 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Dintruff R Fredk (Helene S) roofer h 2515 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Diringer C Edwd (Genevieve) slsmn h 69 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Dirks Chester A (Jean H) insp h 1432 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Robt G (Katherine) elk r 488 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Dirkx Jacob A (Margt C) optical wkr h 179 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

DiSalvio Bernard A (Stella E) pattern mkr h 1336 Portland av (Roch)<br />

DiSalvo Pietro (Mary) lab h 26 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Disher John E r 1916 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Dissel Hugo F (Frieda M) camera wkr h 29 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Dittman Mildred G Mrs hairdresser r 273 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Willis C (Mildred G) slsmn r 273 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Dixon Clara T wid Wm r 70 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Norman J (Hazel M) acct h 163 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Dobbelaere Oscar B (Lois A) mach opr h 39 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Peter B (Lena) gardnr h 1717 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dobner Edwd D (Frances N) chauf h 32 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Docteur E Raymond r 2360 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Ida wid Jos h 2360 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dodd Harry H summer res 79 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Dodge Afton S (Doris M) State Employment Bureau h 55 Biltmore dr<br />

Roch<br />

Mary A tchr Durand Eastman sch r 514 Grand av Roch<br />

Ronald D (Alberta B) mech eng h 406 Tiam dr (Roch)<br />

Dodson Dewey O (Lillie E) tool grinder h 401 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Doell Eleanor L Mrs sec r 1785 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Henry G (Catherine J) optician h 32 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

'Theodora C married Edwd Kiereck rem to Cleveland Ohio<br />

Doering Albert H (Minnie C) plater h 49 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Doerner Anna C wid Edwd r 153 Coolidge rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Doescher Edwd 0 (Thelma A) chauf h 149 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Geo (Louise) slsmn h 75 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Doherty Frank studt r 247 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo H studt r 247 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Hugh F (Alma M) elk Roch Transit Corp h 247 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt<br />

Plst)<br />

Dolan Marion T domestic r 4274 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Dole Smith R (Clare H) tool mkr h 450 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Domke Elmer A (Mabel A) EK Co h 2502 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Donahue Jos F (Cora A) auto mech h 487 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Pauline P studt r 487 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Donals Andrew r 24 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Heman A (Gertrude H) carp h 819 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Stanley M (Irene) waiter h 5357 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Donavan Danl A (Cecilia M) tailor h 151 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Donlon John L (Luella) parole officer h 34 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Maurice A drftsmn r 422 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Paul L r 422 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Bernice G) carp h 422 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Donnell Harvey P (Marjorie H) switchboard rprmn RT Corp h 173<br />

Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth B (Pearl E) drftsmn h 101 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Donnelly Frank E (Mildred B) sec h 75 Harvington dr (Roch)<br />

Donnovan Barbara W r 53 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Doris H r 53 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Jay M (Avis L) adv dept h 53 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Donoghue Anna S r 136 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Donald C (Florence A) prntr h 262 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Katharine B r 136 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Donohue Agnes tchr Ridgewood sch r 610 Magee av Roch<br />

Donovan Clement G (Edna C) paints and oils h 18 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Danl J (Beulah) armorer h 3295 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Danl P farm hand r 118 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Emily M wid Harry T h 31 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

John F (Ruth M) cigar mkr h 72 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt C elk r 18 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Rose A Mrs married Chas Batinger<br />

Thos S (Charlotte A) chemist K Pk h 413 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Wilbur M (Erma A) (Summerville Service Station) 4914 StPaul blvd<br />

h 47 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Dony Mary A wid John h 62 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Doolittle Leon V (Irene H) lab h 141 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Doran Claire A tchr Durand Eastman sch r 315 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Thos P (Veronica M) signal insp NYC h 129 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Louise C) assembler h 110 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dornberger Lawrence optical wkr r 425 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Lorenz J (Catherine) h 425 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Raymond A (Ethel M) insp h 80 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Doron C L h 35 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Dorscheid Raymond J (Teresa D) electn h 226 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Dorsey John W (Veronica A) chauf h 105 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

D'Orsey Bereniece Mrs sec h 49 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Doser Geo L (Leota M) prntr h 101 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Dossenbach Carl (Gunda) cook r 532 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Dostman Chas I, K Pk r 1864 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Geo S (Lela M) shoe wkr h 1864 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Geo S jr mach opr r 1864 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ralph W r 1864 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Dotzler Frieda Mrs beauty shop 753 Wash av r 243 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Jos (Frieda O) barber 753 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Dougher Katherine M wid John h 1406 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Marie K elk r 1406 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Dougherty John F (Frances) slsmn h 26 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Martin P (Marie H) press hand h 2240 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Douglas David D (Margt E) mach h 256 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Douty Ellis (Eliz) steam ftr h 37 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Jas J atndt r 37 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Dow Donald C slsmn r 49 Seneca rd Roch<br />

Eug M (Henrietta H) supt EK Co h 3146 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Walter M (Pearl) tel eng h 49 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Dowdall Howard M (Teresa) mgr h 80 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Dowling Wm J (Adelaide R) slsmn h 235 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Downing Lloyd H (Muriel E) elec eng h 131 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Downs Edwd (Lillian C) carp h 321 Cascade pi (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Eliz wid Hugh r 161 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Ethel M) pntr h 294 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Kenneth F (M Regina) furn mkr h 161 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Lester C (Millie E) elk PO h 241 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Martin D (Violet L) elk h 2280 Titus av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Downs<br />

Thos B (Lucy M) cabtmkr r 161 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Theresa) lab h 117 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Dowson Geo G (Sarah E) h 2110 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Lillian J r 2110 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Doyle E Frank (Helen C) elk PO h 68 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Geo F (Lucile M) B&LO Co h 66 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Sybil M) kennels 1978 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Dozier Emil farmer h 2437 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

-^Fos (Lena) gardnr h 31 Dozier lane (Roch)<br />

Drabinski Walter B (Jessie T) camera wkr h 197 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Draeger Max W (Margt E) iron wkr h 171 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Drake Bert E (Lillian E) instrument mkr h 121 Olive (Roch)<br />

Bert E jr lab r 121 Olive (Roch)<br />

Doris L waitress r 121 Olive (Roch)<br />

Eleanor C waitress r 121 Olive (Roch)<br />

Mattie L wid Mason B r 3408 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wilford F (Alice L) K Pk h 241 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Draude Geo A (Violet H) sec h 74 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Draxl Paul A elk r 59 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Rudolph (Mary C) tire rprmn h 59 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Rudolph J (Helen) plmbr h 40 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Dreier Florence E wid Louis h 45 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Vera) tailor h 1037 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Dreisbach Roy B (Ada L) spec rep RG&E Co h 30 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Dresser Howard J (Eliz) mach h 60 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Drew Emerson E (Minnie) brakeman NYC h 1757 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Drews Carl E r 36 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Driggs Robt P assembler r 29 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Driscoll Geo S (Norma R) radio eng h 199 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Mary B wid Geo r 99 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Thos J (Ida G) sis rep h 83 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Driver Chester S rem to Marcellus<br />

Roy C (Driver & Baxter) 199 Titus av r do (Roch)<br />

Wm h 199 Titus av (Roch)<br />

& Baxter (Roy C Driver, E James Baxter) contr 199 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Drom Peter (Anna) barber 229 Taft av h do (Roch)<br />

Dronkers Danl J (Willy) slsmn RG&E h 37 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Droullard Clifford G (Ruth N) receiving elk r 81 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Drumm Frank A (Emma I) pres Reliance Realty Corp h 67 Sagamore dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Drummond Marshall L slsmn r 26 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Dryer Donald J (Dorothy W) bkpr h 64 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Lois A optical wkr r 163 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Louis G (Anna J) shipper h 163 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Dubbelaere Jude (Ida) farmer h 453 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Dubelbeiss Louis J (Katherine) real est 1839 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Walter D (Irene M) emp Roch Transit Corp h 176 Pemberton rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

DuBiel Wm S (Ruth L) bus mgr h 63 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Dubois Cyril auto mech 65 Stutson cor Thomas av (Roch) r at Rochester<br />

DuBois John gardnr h 1726 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Ducat Robt (Ruth) emulsion wkr K Pk h 101 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Dudley H Ray proof reader r 61 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

'Harold L (Grace L) sign pntr h 61 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Willard A, K Pk r 61 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Duell Aime R restr h 323 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Jos E (Ruth C) grill 166 Pt Pleasant rd h 371 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Philip (Eva) sta eng r 323 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Duerr Carl E (Theresa M) ins agt h 2202 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Chas C (Bethia E) h 2180 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Chas F (Grace A) market gardnr 1916 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Elmer H (Marie E) sta eng h 2387 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Eloise C elk r 1916 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Errol B (Lena I) gardnr h 164 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Geo (Ida W) h 3408 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth D market gardnr 2355 Parker rd (Roch) and 2180 Portland<br />

av (Roch) r do<br />

Mae Ellen insp r 164 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Thelma L studt r 1916 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Wilis A market gardnr 2180 Portland av r do (Roch)<br />

Duffie Chas I (Mary M) meter reader h 96 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Duffield David W (Reba F) coml trav Yawman & Erbe Mfg Co h 60<br />

Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Duffy Chas J (Anna E) watchmn h 2274 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Lee M litho r 3218 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Dugan Frank slsmn h 419 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Paul M (Lois H) acct h 237 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Duing Aug C (Amelia) h 64 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Erma C sten r 64 Burwell rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


The Business School for High School Graduates and College People<br />


Duing<br />

Mildred E adv mgr r 64 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Dumbrosky John (Estelle) mach opr r 149 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Dummer Caroline J wid Henry W r 174 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Helen E bkpr r 174 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Paul A (Sarah R) tailor h 174 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Dundon Merle L (Grace S) research chemist h 283 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Dunham Norton (Jane D) h 119 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Dunigan Beulah E sten EK Co r 106 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Jean M studt r 106 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Jos M (Rose B) slsmn h 106 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Dunlap Leona wid A Sidney rem to Rochester<br />

Dunlavey Frank J, EK Co r 218 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Dunlay Wm F formn h 2280 Norton (Roch)<br />

Dunmall Guy V (Mildred A) photo engvr h 367 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Dunn Geo J (Margt) h 64 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

-Harold A (Beatrice A) insp h 131 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Margt L r 64 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Zona M bkpr r 143 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dunnigan Bernard F (Marjorie E) carburetor mech r 114 Hurstbourne<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

DuPont Arlene M camera wkr r 95 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

-Blanche wid Wm r 95 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Clarence A studt r 95 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos J (Mildred G) assembler h 2483 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Leo J rem to Lockport<br />

Durand Congregational Church (Dennis Bauman pastor) 4225 Culver<br />

rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Eastman School 95 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Service Station (LeRoy Umbehaun) 4255 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Durheim A Fred optical wkr h 693 Seneca rd Roch<br />

Durkin Chas R (Ruth E) elec nickel plater h 31 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd L (Louise A) shoe wkr h 88 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Everett L drftsmn r 31 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Durnherr Jos J (Adelaide I) photog h 813 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Durnhers Grace h 9 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Duryea W Fred (May M) chiropodist summer res 500 Rock Beach<br />

(Roch)<br />

Dutcher Eliz D r 3146 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Helen E wid Geo M r 3611 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Dutton Herbert B (Lucille) sis mgr h 221 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Robt A (Esther T) gas sta h 110 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Duvel Wm H (Eliz M) chef h 267 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Dwyer Edwd J studt r 28 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Emmett J (Madeline M) electn h 180 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Leo F (Mayfield C) inv broker and dir (Seneca Falls) h 50 Suburba av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Lucille E wid Edwd h 28 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dye Allen E (Cecelia) funeral dir 2255 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Cecelia M Mrs tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 2255 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Dygert Cedric J (Merle D) slsmn h 280 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dynes Willis D (Helen M) packer r 70 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Eagle Clarence W (Jeannette T) slsmn h 24 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Earl Eldred (Lavina) optical wkr h 284 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Geo E service mn h 389 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Harriet r 275 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Earle Merritt W (Eva A) slsmn h 673 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Earley Robt J (Frances) purch agt h 246 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

East Side Outing Club, Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Easton Lawrence S studt r 78 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Spencer G (Ruth A) coml artist h 78 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Eaton Howard S (Hazel M) slsmn h 253 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Ebbecke Fred P (Mildred K) comp h 80 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Lois D) comp h 3779 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ebeling Fredk W (Irene I) presser h 4035 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Eber Allen (Evelyn S) fruit h 5125 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Rose wid Lester r 5125 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ebert Alwyn E (Pauline A) mach h 182 Garford rd<br />

Eblacker Frank M (Anna C) tool mkr h 71 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Ebneo Albert R studt r 105 Salem rd (Roch)<br />

Frank X (Hattie) assembler h 105 Salem rd (Roch)<br />

Ecker Howard R (Alice E) claim adjuster h 175 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Eckhardt Herbert L (Flora I) asst treas and comptroller Pfaudler's h 68<br />

Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Eckler Dorothea M Mrs r Gardham rd (Roch)<br />

Eckrich Norman J (Eliz) meter reader h 177 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Walter O r 177 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Eddy Walter C (Mildred C) elk 2054 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 58 Alice<br />

Sea Breeze<br />

Walter C jr r 58 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ederle Jacob C (Mabel A) mach h 84 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Edgarton Lewis S (Mildred C) tchr h 84 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Edgecombe Fredk H (Harriett) pntr 788 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

John T (Sophie) h Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Edmonds Geo M (Marjorie D) estimator h 384 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Edwards Adolphus (Hannah) carp h 171 Frontenac Hts (Roch)<br />

Donald T (Charlotte W) K Pk r 130 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

LaRue G (Sarajayne) artist and adv mn Loew's Roch Theatre h 150<br />

East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Robt S (Bernice C) sec h 11 East View av (Roch)<br />

Robt W studt r 68 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Wilbur H (Bessie) elk PO h 68 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Wm R elk 653 Titus av r 171 Frontenac Hts (Roch)<br />

Eesley Eleanor M elk r 60 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Norman A rem to Rochester<br />

Wm h 60 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

Efing Donald M carp r 99 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Flora R) stock mgr h 99 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Efter Edwd (Janet) EK Co r 25 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Egan John F (Eliz L) instrument mkr h 56 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Eggert Ralph D (Genevieve A) milkmn h 136 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Eggleston Edwd V (Luella E) plmbr 368 Culver pkwy h do (Roch)<br />

Edwd V jr hlpr r 368 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Eggling Harry P (Laura) tool mkr h 70 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Egloff Jos M (Bertha A) prntr h 31 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Ehlers Milton M (Ida M) assembler h 50 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ehrmentraut Edwd J (Agnes M) wood wkr h 307 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Frank chauf r 307 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Eidman Chas r 404 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Marvin R (Mildred G) camera wkr h 404 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Eilhardt Edwd (Lucille E) mach opr r 248 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Eilinger A Jas (Florence K) gen formn h 174 Cooper rd Roch<br />

Eiseman Edwd E (Minnie E) K Pk h 89 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Eisenbarth Erwin C (Greta) mach h 253 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Eisenberg Edwd (Florence A) formn K Pk h 153 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

June, K Pk summer res Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Eisenbraun Albert office wkr h 390 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Eisworth Gertrude M housekpr 34 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Elam Adelbert pres Elam Sand & Gravel Corp Orland rd (Roch) r 328<br />

Durnan Roch<br />

Sand & Gravel Corp inc NY, Adelbert Elam pres Mrs Lavina Nohe<br />

v-pres Stanley W Elam sec-treas Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Stanley W (Lillian) sec-treas Elam Sand & Gravel Corp Orland rd<br />

(Roch) h 75 Brook rd Ptsfd<br />

Elder Fredk E (Myrtie G) motorman h 795 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Helen R tchr r 795 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Windsor G (Viola F) electn h 809 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Eldred Mary Anna studt r 50 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Millard F (Helen J) mgr Stylograph Paper Co h 50 Rawlinson rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Eldridge Orville G (Agnes M) gardnr h 2195 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Ellenfield Franklin r 207 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Martha (Mrs Wm) died June 22, 1939<br />

Wm wood wkr h 207 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Ellinwood V Ben (Aleda G) treas (Kunzer Ellinwood Dairy Inc) h 149<br />

Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Elliott Fredk C optical wkr r 138 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Grace H tchr Durand Eastman School r 1410 <strong>Monroe</strong> av Roch<br />

J Raymond (Alice V G) Delco h 138 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Jas r 23 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Jas R elk r 138 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

John W pntr h 23 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Jos porter r 23 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Leonard C (Ruth L) drftsmn h 98 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ellis Edmund (Ruth F) traffic mgr h 86 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Ross (Clara H) carp r 395 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Walter (Catherine M) insp h 292 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ellison Homer A (Juanita E) dist mgr h 316 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Virginia A, EK Co r 695 Titus av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Ells Arthur A (Ruth E) pharm r 2075 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Stanley L pharm r 2075 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ellsworth Loie R (Lillie I) carp h 112 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond L dry clnr r 331 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Elmer Geo (Dorothy) RG&E h 43 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Elston Alf J farmer h 7 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Arthur W (Lois G) tester h 1023 Brown rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk J (Florence C) mason 232 Peart av h do (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm A (Edith M) wood ptrnmkr h 184 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Wm A jr, studt r 184 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Eltner Randolph (Irene) tmstr h 2674 Titus av<br />

Emblidge Norman E (Mildred F) pharm h 859 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Emens Fred (Justina) h 492 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Fred M jr, studt r 492 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Freda J married Glenn Siller<br />

Harold A carp r 115 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Milton C (Betty F) maintenance wkr h 108 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Blanche) carp h 115 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Emerson Gerald H, EK Co h 5000 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Emmel Catherine E r 17 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Harry J (Eliz G) bkpr h 17 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia M sten r 17 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Emmerich Alf V (Eleanor F) repair man h rear 1538 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Edwd J (Grace L) lab end of StPaul blvd h 327 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Emmerling Elsie A wid Karl F h 86 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Fred E (Leona) tailor 657 Titus av h 75 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Gerhardt K hlpr r 86 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Empey Albert W (Marian E) electn h 41 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Empire Gardens Inc, Richd Baader pres Lee W Yule v-pres landscaping<br />

351 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Grill (Richd Baader) restr 351 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Enders Henry prntr r 68 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Endres Geo A (Millie R) service man h 2086 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Endter Albert G (Pauline E) mach r 93 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Enes Albert W (Lilian M) credit mgr h 373 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Engelhart Lawton C (Veda I) mech eng K Pk h 41 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Engelman Cletus (Virginia) h 569 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Englehardt Chas L (Bertha M) market gardnr 766 Ridge rd E h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Lizzie C r 766 Ridge rd (Roch)<br />

Louis C market gardnr 766 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Engler Chester G (Dorothy E) baker h 108 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Raymond (Mildred) shtmtlwkr h 4892 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm G (Gertrude E) chauf h 188 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Englert John F (Flora M) h 46 Placid pi (Roch)<br />

John F (Phyllis H) shoe wkr h 41 Troy (Sea Breeze)<br />

John F jr r 46 Placid pi (Roch)<br />

Mildred E studt r 41 Troy (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter E (Marie F) tool mkr h 241 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Enns Herman (Eleanor) garagemn h 32 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Enos Arthur (Mary) screw mach opr h 172 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Dena wid Wm A h 3233 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Frank K lab r 3233 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ensign Harold G (A Marie) elk PO h 616 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ensman Burton A (Georgianna L) atndt h 175 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Walter N r 90 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Walter N (Bessie M) mach h 90 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Entz Emil (Emma) auto mech h 183 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Epstein Clarence C (Ethel M) toolmkr h 238 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Robt (Florence V) slsmn summer res 10 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Erb G Eliz studt r 2391 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos W (Helen N) physicians supplies h 2391 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Patricia A studt r 2391 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Erbacher Geo (Catherine J) stock elk h 68 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Erbacker Arline T married Oliver Schlenker<br />

Harold W (Alma A) K Pk h 294 Liberty av (Roch)<br />

Erbland Alex F, K Pk r 311 Glen Haven rd (Roch)<br />

Catherine M wid Frank X h 311 Glen Haven rd (Roch)<br />

Clarence H boat livery 311 Glen Haven rd r do (Roch)<br />

Edwd F (Irene) mach h 2309 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Fred H (Clara V) mach h 2307 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Beulah E) mach h 181 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Lewis V r 311 Glen Haven rd (Roch)<br />

Robt D lens polisher r 2307 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Saml N (Caroline L) K Pk h 162 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Erdin Wilfred C (Eliz C) bkpr h 467 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Erdle Chas (Geraldine G) h 68 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Ereth Bertha Mrs summer res 6 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Loretta M camera wkr summer res 6 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary I elk summer res 6 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Erhardt Jennie H wid H Ellery h 64 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Maret L priv sec r 64 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Erickson Eric F (Constance A) store mgr Harts 2075 Ridge rd E h 36<br />

Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Eug M (Eva M) elk h 36 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Geo, EK Co r 322 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Ericson Arthur A (E Lorraine) insulation contr h 265 Wimbledon rd<br />

EriksonGrover R tool mkr r 63 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Walter A (Edith) formn h 63 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Erklenz Donald J barber 2189 Clinton ave N (Roch) r at Penfield<br />

Ernisse Angenette S r 1759 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Chas H (Esther A) market gardnr 1775 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Clarence J rem to Greece<br />

Doris A r 1775 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Elmer A (Florence I) auto mech Stutson cor Thomas av h 971 Thomas<br />

av (Roch) , ^v<br />

Everett A (Grace M) coater h 977 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

John D optical wkr r 1775 Portland av (Koch)<br />

John H (Jennie L) market gardnr 1759 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Walter A (Emma D) slsmn h 143 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Ernst Elmer L (Ella) slsmn h 196 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Jos L (Mabel E) purch agt (Roch) h 531 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Lulu Mae tchr Ridgewood sch r 150 West. av Fairport<br />

Raymond G (Verena E) opr RG&E Co h 3489 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Errington Annie A r 64 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Ertle Madelyn R wid Lewis r 3902 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Erwin Clyde H office mgr 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 204 Earl Roch<br />

Eschenmann Rosina wid Geo r 3824 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Eschrich Edwd J rector StSalome RC ch 4250 Culver rd (Pt Plst) h<br />

4282 do<br />

Escott Chas T slsmn r 1418 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Margt L elk r 1418 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Thos H (Margt M) carp h 1418 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Esger Carl P (Ellen) steel wkr h 632 List av (Roch)<br />

Otto J (Cora W) rem to Detroit Michigan<br />

Essig Henry F (Ruth E) service mn h 47 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ester Ralph W (Theolinda) caretaker h 60 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Esterheld Frank X (Ann) wholesale leather r 52 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Estrup Kay G (Louise M) mach h 2375 Norton (Roch)<br />

Ets Adelaide F tchr r 4125 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Effie wid Norris h 4125 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Etter Donald, USN r 102 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Oscar E (Charlotte L) furrier h 102 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Yvonne J bkpr r 102 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Etzel Anna drsmkr r 59 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Louise button wkr r 59 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Eustance Harry W (Bernice K) K Pk h 159 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Evale Linden E (Eliz) bank examiner r 63 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Evans Clarence C r 154 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Emma wid Frank r 66 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Horace G (Martha B) book binder h 134 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

L Olivette summer res 111 First (Roch)<br />

Ralph M (Pauline F) research physicist h 275 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Sylvester H (Susan E) linoleum layer h 134 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Sophia K) wood wkr h 154 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Eve Ernest V, K Pk r 1719 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Jas F, Delco r 1719 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Evershed Ellen wid Albert H h 1212 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Elmer G rem to Rochester<br />

Eug I (Harriet) grinder Delco h 1771 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

F C & Son florists 3727 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Frank C (F C Evershed & Son) 3727 Culver rd h do (Roch)<br />

Harold W (Alice C) farmer h 77 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Herbert E plmbr r 1746 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Herbert H contr 1746 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Jennie G married Fredk Zuck<br />

Lillian E wid Chas S h 3664 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Robt F (Stella M) (F C Evershed & Son) 3727 Culver rd r do (Roch)<br />

Robt F jr mach r 3727 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Roscoe I farmer r 1212 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm M (Ella S) fruit grower h 195 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Everson Walter L (Bessie E) paints h Valley View rd (Roch)<br />

Ewart Martha wid Valentine r 134 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Ewig Frieda C Mrs tchr Hosea Rogers sch r 36 Fort Hill ter Roch<br />

Ewin Chas J (Ina) prntr h 46 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter G (Lillian) prntr h 700 Washington av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


Eyer Edwd D (Marion E) tel wkr h 294 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Fable Millie E wid Chas J h 300 3d (Roch)<br />

Fabry Philip N (Eliz E) adv h 102 Highwood rd (Roch)<br />

Fagan Jane cosmetician (NY City) r 151 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Raymond C (Dorothy L) slsmn h 151 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Rex R (Camilla K) electn h 62 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Fairbanks Clifford S (Mildred G) archt h 1153 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Fairchild Florence M Mrs nurse h 38 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Fred J (Florence W) bkpr r 38 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Falardeau Jos C (Edna M) mariner h 5340 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Leo A (Evelyn I) rem to Portsmouth Virginia<br />

Falleson John A jr (Edith M) drftsmn h 288 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Falzone Angelina (Mrs Gaetano) died Mar 27, 1939<br />

Fancher Leo (Bessie) K Pk h 47 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fang John (Helen V) sta eng h 79 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Farasey Jas K (Virginia) supt h 2524 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Farkas Jos (Ella) mgr h 256 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Farmen Russell C golf pro r 93 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Farmer Lionel J (Ellen M) waiter h 1507 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Farnan Patk J (Eunice A) wire chief h 57 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Farnham Bella S wid Wm B h 456 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Guy elk r 44 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Philip sec-treas Roch Boat Works Inc end of StPaul blvd r 456 Rock<br />

Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Sherman studt r 456 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Farnsworth Robt r 52 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Farnung Jos A (Bernice M) aud h 68 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Faro John J (Sarah J) chauf h 120 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Farrar Gladys H tchr h 82 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Farrell Edwin D (Betty) lens insp h 81 Mayfair dr<br />

Florence Mrs r 4261 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

John J (Clara L) chauf h 409 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Martin J electn h 462 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Merlin J (Ruth C) chauf h 112 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Wayne J (Cora A) sta eng h 41 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Farruggia Carmelo (Anna) florist h 3176 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank r 3176 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Fasburg Evans T (Alice A) EK Co h 31 Parce rd (Roch)<br />

Faso Chas F (Pearl L) barber h 68 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Faulkner Florence L wid Louis L h 395 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Frances L domestic r 395 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Geo E prntr h 169 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Rex W (Marion S) dentist h 117 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Fauver Chas M (Clella M) carp h 148 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Fay Edwin L (Adelle H) buyer h 70 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Fazzoni Angelina (Mrs Anthony) died Mar 27, 1939<br />

Anthony h 106 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Fearnley Eleanore M studt r 124 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Geo L (Elva L) sis mgr h 124 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Fedder Paul L (Eliz) cabtmkr h 154 Frontenac hts (Roch)<br />

Fedison Gregor (Mary) h 349 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Nicholas elk r 349 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Wm (Irene) engvr h 39 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Feeney Elmer F (Florence M) insp h 88 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Feldbauer Edwd R studt r 714 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Geo F (Mary G) meat cutter Hart's 681 Titus av h 714 do (Roch)<br />

Geo F studt r 714 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Felderstein Albert B (Rose) music studio h 183 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Fellows R DeVere died July 7, 1939<br />

Felluca John (Eliz) r 319 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Felter Chas H (May A) slsmn h 331 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Felton Edna A film wkr r 99 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt H r 99 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Fender Roy B (Clara E) pntr K Pk h 204 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Fennell Geo D (Anita A) hlpr r 587 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Fenner Eliz L wid Emil h 25 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Fred H (Madeline E) auto mech h 101 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Harry E r 25 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm G shutter mkr r 25 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Ferguson June h 191 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fermin Adelin r 632 List av (Roch)<br />

Fermoil Floyd V (Louise S) asst formn h 54 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Fern Carl slsmn r 121 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Fernaays Earl B (Adeline M) tool mkr h 100 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

June B studt r 100 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Fernleaf Arthur E (Irene P) clothing designer h 84 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Ferno Herman (Greta) editor Abendpost h 27 North Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Ferrari Anthony r 181 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Christ r 181 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Michl h 181 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Pasquale J (Mary M) contr 44 Maplehurst rd h do (Roch)<br />

Ferree Harry L (Eleanor M) dept mgr h 286 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Ferris Geo H (Belle A) buyer h 107 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Kenneth R studt r 107 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Mary K Mrs r 107 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Newall A (Lucille) parole officer h 32 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Fetter Alice B Mrs bkpr 1392 Ridge rd E r 2935 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

H Leonard (Alice B) service mgr r 2935 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Thos J r 241 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Fetterly Ernest J (Evelyn M) ins agt h 54 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Fetzner Arthur W (Barbara M) photo enlarger h 95 Covington dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Dorothy J studt r 95 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Fey Ernest W (Frances H) repairmn h 94 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Ficarro Louis (Rose) chauf h 29 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Fice Harold W (Eleanor R) slsmn h 721 List av (Roch)<br />

Fidler Katherine M wid Milton D r 63 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Robt W, EK Co r 63 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Sylvester N carp h 63 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia L r 63 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Field Bertha E r 213 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Clifton O drftsmn r 213 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Howard C (Ida E) contr h 213 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond H ins r 213 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth E elk r 213 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Fielding Clayton W (Elaine) asst formn h 2107 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Fields Chas W (Anne Marie) autos h 242 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Fien Elmer J (Elsie M) safety device mn EK Co h 201 Pemberton rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Felix (Caroline) h 24 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Fike Elmer C (Bernice L) milk mn h 96 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Findlay B LeRoy (Frances E) elk h 96 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Ellen M, K Pk r 96 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Florence W mlnr r 96 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Finegold Harry (Dorothy K) ins h 236 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Finein M Louise Mrs r 87 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Fink Aletha H married Raymond Ashley rem to Fairport<br />

Chas J (Ruth L) formn h 45 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Doris T sten r 45 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harry L (Bess S) maintenance mn h 141 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Finkel Howard farmer h rear 905 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Finks Leon J (Juliana A) bus opr h 25 Clarington (Roch)<br />

Finney Chas H (Anne D) tchr h 654 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Finucane Thos J (Marion M) mgr h 221 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Finzer Dorothy bkpr 2074 Ridge rd E r 1359 E Main (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Gertrude h 105 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fiorito Ludwig garage mn 2074 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 11 Sullivan Roch<br />

Fischer Adelbert G punch press opr r 41 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Aloys G (Mona B) plumbing contr h 23 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Anna E wid Frank h 288 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Carl (Minnie E) EK Co h 80 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Carl D (Pearl A) camera wkr h 213 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Clarence (Estella K) maintenance mn h 41 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Donald K r 288 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Edwd P (Irene L) int dec h 80 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer M (Emma) sales mgr h 40 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Emil W (Mabel) adv h 35 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Henry H (Lydia C) formn h 73 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Jos meat mgr 2075 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 215 Ames Roch<br />

Jos L (Rose) parking sta h 121 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Lester J (Viola A) stmftr h 298 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Milton G (Lea J) insp h 108 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Robt E studt r 40 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Thos W (Irene E) formn h 110 Gilbert dr Roch<br />

Vincent E (Mary C) phys h 128 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Fish Ruth E wid Raymond h 15 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fishbaugh Frank L (Gertrude S) linoleum service h 883 Whitlock rd<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Fishbaugh<br />

Maurice V (Esther M) linoleum service h 944 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Fisher Albert J (Rufine) gro h 30 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Bernadette elk r 30 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz L wid Jos h 125 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Jacob (Minnie B) h 52 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond J (Lilla M) gardnr h 1779 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Selden B studt r 52 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Webster E (M Esther) K Pk h 151 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Fitch Donald R (Laura R L) carp h 112 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Gordon M (Doris E) EK Co h 99 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

FitzGerald Chas F (Beatrice K) aud RG&E h 600 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Fitzgibbons Margt M r 152 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Flack Victor W watchmn K Pk r 161 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Flad Carolyn E, K Pk r 3286 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo E r 3286 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Howard G poultry 3286 StPaul blvd r do (Roch)<br />

Wm L (Rose E) formn h 3286 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Fladd Dorothy wid John L coal h 712 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Norman J (Hilda F) coal h 44 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Flaherty Stephen (Rose Mary H) slsmn h 67 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Stephen J (Anna B) button wkr h 3430 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Thelma M tchr Durand Eastman sch r 3430 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Flanigan Anthony T (Flora G) store mgr Hart's 170 Point Pleasant rd<br />

h 134 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Frances E maid 5125 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ruth M r 134 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Fleck Mary W wid Frank r 455 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Fleckenstein Leo W (Edith J) revenue agt h 52 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Fleig Carl W (Emily M) plmbr h 64 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Henry (Julia) cabtmkr h 174 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Henry jr (Felecia G) typewriter wkr h 69 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Rosalia M tel opr r 174 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Fleischer Kurt A (Dorothea K) optical wkr h 235 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Fleischhauer Chas A (Carrie D) milk dir 283 Rawlinson rd h do (Roch)<br />

Earl K hlpr r 283 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Roy C (Viola L) milk h 162 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Fleming Alf F (Lulu) assembler h 98 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

-^Chas B (Helen G) train master NYC h 37 Wildmere dr (Roch)<br />

Elsie Mrs r 200 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Flemming Mabel tchr r 139 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Peter F (Mabel W) plmbr h 139 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Flesch Arthur G (Eleanor E) bowling alley and florist 4400 Culver rd<br />

h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Louis (Mildred) (Point Pleasant Grill) 142 Pt Pleasant rd h 148 do<br />

(Pt Plst)<br />

Fletcher Louise wid Chas H r 716 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Flint A Gordon (Ida Q) garage h 49 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Anna wid Chas S r 83 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Ruth D Mrs tchr Seneca School r 899 Culver rd Roch<br />

Florack Albert jr (Helen C) film opr h 51 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bessie r 97 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Fred E (Eliz) carp h 503 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Louise wid Albert r 51 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Florine Anthony (Laura) plmbr h 31 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Flowerday Dewey (Marian) chauf h 128 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Floyd Clifford E elk r 23 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm R (Gladys V) cond NYC h 23 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Flynn Edwin J (Lillian M) chauf h 219 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jas F (Clara H) tinsmith h 54 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Louis J (Regina) died Feb 17, 1939<br />

Foery Bernice A studt r 55 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Edwd G (Barbara G) carp h 50 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Evelyn sten r 50 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Frank R elk r 55 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Frank W (Olive R) formn h 55 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Walter W shipper r 55 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Fogg David B (Josephine) K Pk h 43 Avalon rd (Roch)<br />

Foley John H (Margt I) trainmn h 27 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Eliz) tool mkr h 488 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Wm J elk r 488 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Folts Harold C (Mildred) K Pk h 284 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Fontaine JoAnn maid 403 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Fontana Leon (Mary) welder h 60 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Foos Anthony J (Olive M) shoe machinery mech h 4480 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Mary E sten r 4480 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

33<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Foran John G h 846 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Lillian M (Mrs John G) died May 6, 1939<br />

Shirley I optical wkr r 846 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Forbes Alex G (Nettie D) K Pk h 87 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Ford Allan E truckmn 4679 Culver rd r do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bertha E Mrs r 4679 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Donald E (Margt T) mach r 70 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

G Thos (Irondequoit Fruit Juice Co) 3000 Ridge rd E h 2807 do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Geo died June 9, 1939<br />

Harold F (Doris M) milkmn h 42 East View av (Roch)<br />

Mary L wid Ambrose h 493 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Neallo R (Alice L) purch agt h 34 Haverford av (Roch)<br />

T E h 3259 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

T Paul slsmn r 4679 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Winifred E r 77 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fordham Arthur died May 1939<br />

Forest Anita maid r 249 Woodside pi (Roch)<br />

Camille F (Marion M) shipper h 2645 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Henry J (Alice) carp h 249 Woodside pi (Roch)<br />

House (Harry D Preston) 2100 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Forkel Chester D (Dorothy M) dentist h 101 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Forman Libbie wid Wm r 2427 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Forrest Anthony S (Genevieve) jan Laurelton sch h 171 Hartsdale rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Celia wid Wm r 171 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Etta wid Oliver H h 263 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

John M (Jane H) rem to Brighton<br />

Josiah M rem to Brighton<br />

Mary M rem to Brighton<br />

Forster Clarence M (Elsie M) firemn NYC h 40 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz E sec-treas r 34 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Frances M sec r 34 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Katherine C Mrs h 34 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Orville M rem to Rochester<br />

Virginia A married Jack E Towriss rem to Rochester<br />

Forsyth Harry (Henrietta) metal wkr h 30 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Lorraine married Edmund Schum rem to Rochester<br />

Foss Edwd J (Loretta F) shoe ctr h 309 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Foster Arnold J (Georgette) carp h 299 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Carolyn wid Thos C rem to Sunbury, Pa<br />

Clarence E press opr r 943 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Clayton (Neva E) maintenancemn h 40 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Eleazar K (Patricia M) works mgr h 352 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Frank W (Ruby M) h 4528 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

J Howard (Amy P) K Pk h 154 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

John F (Frances C) h 943 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

John F jr, sta eng r 943 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Katherine wid Sandys B h 490 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Leon V (Ruth D) optical eng h 58 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Natalie V studt r 58 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Remington L (Mae) rigger h 188 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Fotch Walter G (Mildred) tchr h 65 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Fouquet Clarence (Leona) route slsmn h 269 Zuber rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Jeannette L married Thos Bates rem to Rochester<br />

Wm F (Louise M) optical wkr h 96 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Fox Edwd E (Helen A) slsmn h 71 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Floyd J (Kathryn T) credit mgr h 120 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Lawrence (Gertrude E) shoe ctr h 197 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Leo W (Ethel B) supvr h 375 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Milton J (Kathleen E) slsmn h 217 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Norman C (Helen E) cost elk h 2184 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Raymond C v-pres and supt Newport Sand and Gravel Co 2161 Ridge rd<br />

E (Roch) h 316 Hayward av Roch<br />

Raymond Clyde (Meta A) traffic mgr h 67 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Thos P (Katherine M) lab h 153 Frontenac Heights (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Ida C) formn R T French's h 63 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Frago Salvatore (Mary) contr 81 Spencer rd h do (Roch)<br />

Fraley Eliz T wid Wm M r 151 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Francis John J h 2355 Parker rd (Roch)<br />

Minnie A dietitian r 3070 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Frank Agnes C rem to Rochester<br />

Carl R gardnr r 883 Brown rd (Roch)<br />

Caroline wid Theo P r 177 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ellsworth F (Bessie B) mach opr h 218 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Elmer C (Freida M) slsmn r 20 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Geo (Hattie) r 242 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />



There is a Lowe Bros. Paint Dealer in your Town<br />

9-11-13 N. WATER ST. Phone MAIN 8140<br />

Frank<br />

Jos J (Anna E) market gardener 883 Brown rd h do (Roch)<br />

Julia M wid Wm B h 20 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond (Cornelia) market gardener 915 Brown rd h do (Roch)<br />

Raymond H (Christine) chauf h 330 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Rita A studt r 883 Brown rd (Roch)<br />

Theo P clothing ctr h 177 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Theresa wid John J h 1810 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Theresa L wid John R summer res 5363 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm J rem to Rochester<br />

Franke Benj T (Nellie) (Franke Bros) 2019 Portland av h 1st rear do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Brothers (Henry H and Benj T) market gardeners 2019 Portland av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Henry H (Ruth A) (Franke Bros) 2019 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Howard W (Eleanor D) lawyer h 2nd rear 2019 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Howard W (Thelma A) mach r 32 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Leland K<br />

(Roch)<br />

(Lucy C) sales eng RG&E Corp h 86 Hurstbourne rd<br />

Frankenstein Geo H (Dorothy G) optical wkr r 23 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm G (Violet) mgr h 288 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Frankfurt Leo J (Olive A) buyer h 475 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Frantzen Herman (Julia F) baker h 45 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Franz Wm C (Antonia) auto mech h 177 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Frasch Arthur W (Leah C) auto mech h 77 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

F Alton (Sylvia) tchr h 312 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Frauel Arthur H (Helen) bkpr h 109 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Aug F floormn r 109 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Frazier Chas (Harriet A) h 104 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Frederick Paul E (Eliz M) combustion eng h 485 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Freed Jas jan r 451 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Jackson h 451 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Freedman Harry B (Helen V) CS pract h 138 MtAiry dr (Roch)<br />

Myron S (Fay) prntr h 198 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Freeh Ernest J (Eliz B) chemical wkr K Pk h 29 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Freeman Carl (Albertine) lab h 118 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Fredk P (Dorothy G) insp h 77 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Isaac (Jean) tinsmith h 137 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Freer Chauncey A watchmn h 27 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy tel opr h rear 4550 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Norman L (Thelma W) store mgr Loves Confections Inc h 318 Colebourne<br />

rd Roch<br />

Freihart Julia wid Peter r 96 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Frenz Eliz R wid John h 272 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Estella R r 272 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Martha wid Fred h 400 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond J (Marie A) civil eng h 3575 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

FreudenvoII Henry J (Frances) gas ftr h 48 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Frey Cecilia A elk r 10 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Augusta) carp h 147 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Frank jr rem to Rochester<br />

Harry N (Jane W) mgr h 98 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Margt A studt r 653 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Morrey J (Bettey) ins agt h 197 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Friederich Adam G jr (Emma) supt h 195 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Gretchen E) contr h 450 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Friedman Anthony J (Eliz) contr h 74 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Friedrich John E overseer h 162 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Fries Royal E timekpr r 168 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Friga Geo J (Anna M) shtmtlwkr r 263 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Fritz Alf C (Mae C) restr h 1351 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Frank P (Augusta K) market gardener 769 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Geo H gardnr r 769 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Howard L (Grace M) br mgr h 389 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Onaley insp r 88 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Paul F (Iva M) K Pk h 145 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph P (Dorothy L) asst mgr h 88 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Walter N (Mary T) acct h 135 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Fritzsche Hilda F r 149 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Rose M wid Frank J h 374 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Wilma M nurse h 374 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Frody Albert E (Catherine S) chief elk B&O h 203 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Froehlich Geo M (Genevieve) litho h 168 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Frohlich Clifford A (Thelma B) elk r 35 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Fromen Anthony W (Julia M) mach mfr summer res 26 Harrison ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Edwd E (Evelyn) elk 4269 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant) r at Rochester<br />

Eliz J sec summer res 26 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Lena Mrs (General Drug Store) 4269 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant) h at<br />

Rochester<br />

M Arlene summer res 26 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Marion F summer res 26 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Fromm Edwd r 1356 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Frost Donald B (Frances) auto pntr 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 22 Santee<br />

Roch<br />

Fry Bros (Milton E Fry, Everett H Wolter) florists 998 Ridge rd E<br />

(Roch)<br />

Edwd P (Catherine L) carp h 30 Clarington (Roch)<br />

Milton E (Ruth W) (Fry Bros) 998 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Fuchs Danl Rev (Emelia) pastor Andrews Street Baptist church h 35<br />

Vayo (Roch)<br />

John r 181 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fuess Jas T (Eliz K) slsmn h 64 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Fuggis Ernest (Rose) optical wkr h 1039 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Fuhrman Edwin S (Louise) asst formn h 100 East parkway (Roch)<br />

Geo C (Wave S) welder h 227 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

John F (Fern M) elk h 77 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Miriam L elk r 100 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Fuierer Edwd G (Erna R) carp 524 Winona blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Fuller Beulah E sec h 25 Fairview crescent (Roch)<br />

Elmer B (Marjorie L) leader <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> Junior Board of Exten<br />

sion h 165 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

M Alice h 25 Fairview crescent (Roch)<br />

Myra A studt r 165 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

S Edna h 25 Fairview crescent (Roch)<br />

Thelma M studt r 165 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Thos G (Marjorie B) slsmn h 247 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fulton Dorothy E tchr Ridgewood sch (Roch) r 29 Avondale pk Roch<br />

Lillian D Mrs r 93 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Roy B (Maude E) elk h 553 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Funk Catherine wid Mattie married Joseph Kircher<br />

Elmer R lab r 468 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Mildred M) chauf h 39 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Jos (Charlotte D) polisher r 39 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Michl (Harriet) tailor h 49 Kiwanis rd (Roch)<br />

Funnell Minnilee D wid John B r 108 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Fuoco Kenneth (Theresa A) K Pk h 96 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Furner Chelsea E barber 4372 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) r 39 Merlin<br />

Roch<br />

Fuxman Albert E (Yetta M) gro summer res 829 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Rhoda E studt summer res 829 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Gaede Raymond C (Agnes A) K Pk summer res rear 133 Lake Front<br />

(Roch)<br />

Gaedt Chas W (Margt J) bottler 75 Newport rd h do (Roch)<br />

Frederica S wid Fred J h 65 Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert C (Ida M) radio wkr h 130 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Wm G (Saida A) elk PO h 41 Ganado rd (Roch)<br />

Gaffield Leslie O (Lola A) K Pk h 27 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Gaffney Jas A (Geraldine B) dentist h 141 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Gagliardi Frances R wid Jos A h 242 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Gagner Robt P (Anna P) press opr h 288 Liberty av (Roch)<br />

Gagnier Edwd J (Hattie F) elevmn h 149 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Eug W (Julia) optical wkr h 223 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Margt L) comp h 268 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Gailey Alford M (Frances V) slsmn r 103 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Arthur F (Olive M) coal h 103 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Arthur F jr, elk r 103 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Robt E elk r 103 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Galanti Eug lab h 184 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Rose r 184 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Galbreath Robt W (Marjorie) servicemn h 223 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Gall Robt J clothing ctr r 121 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Gallagher Clement E (Lillian J) chemist EK Co h 158 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Eva M) elk PO h 344 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Gallery Chas bar tndr 2100 Ridge rd E r do (Roch)<br />

Gallo Jos (Josephine) carp h 59 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Galloway Donald E (Katherine L) spcl agt h 214 Empire blvd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Gallup Raymond W r 1006 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Galvin Grace wid Matthew r 163 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Gambee Frances A wid Frank r 31 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Gamrod Albert C (Bernice) formn h 94 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Gange Christina wid Anthony r 179 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Connie vocalist r 179 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Gangross Edwd H (Murea C) emulsion mkr K Pk h 121 Empire blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Virginia studt nurse r 121 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Gannon John L (Helen J) summer res 10 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Gannuso Marjorie r 60 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Sam (Anna) sta eng h 60 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Gantert Albert J r 310 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Mildred A camera wkr r 310 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Otto J (Anna E) baker h 310 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Rose C elk r 310 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Gardner Alliene M Mrs tchr Seneca sch r 4330 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Carlyle H (Martha) Home Dairy Stores h 446 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Dwight H studt r 29 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Dwight M (Margt) adv mgr h 29 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Elma wid Lewis r 1370 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Elmer W (Coriene A) h 60 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Everett slsmn r 382 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Frank H (Bertha E) auto mech h 71 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Geo G studt r 4350 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo L (Alliene M) (Gardner Seed Co) h 4350 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo R (Nellie A) insp h 395 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Helen J wid Hiram H r 214 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

John (Florence K) furniture h 700 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

L Elmer (Ethel W) aud h 1370 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Ralph B r 700 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Stanley H (Hazel B) roll coating dept K Pk h 526 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm W h 57 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gargano Angelo A (Mildred B) wholesale confectionery r 242 Titus av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Gargosh Chas (Eva) lab h 212 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Garland Pearl H wid Winfield r 38 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Rose M sten r 38 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Garner Alice L proof reader r 4467 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos F (Mercedes E) mgr h 4467 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gamy Geo (J Eliz) h 3077 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Garratt Shirley J tchr Durand Eastman sch r 315 Culver parkway<br />

(Roch)<br />

Garrett Harry C (Vera V) mach h 78 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

John L mach opr r 78 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Kathryn B, K Pk r 78 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Ruth A sten r 78 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Verna tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r 121 Brunswick Roch<br />

Garrie Ralph E carp r 130 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Garrow Marjorie studt r 28 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Garson Gladys D r 162 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Irving (Sadie) mgr h 162 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Gartz Edwd A (Jacobine D) floor layer h 364 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd A jr, sign pntr r 364 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Hazel L film wkr K Pk r 364 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Garvey John (Julia G) h 104 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Gascon Francis L hlpr r 4932 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank E (Sea Breeze Fish Market) 4932 Culver rd h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gass Howard E (Marjorie H) elk h 172 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Gassenmayer Paul (Gertrude J) tool mkr h 49 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Gasser Alf W (Anna M) slsmn h 311 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

John (Eva T) chauf h 376 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Catherine) chauf h 398 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Marcus (Marie) h 385 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Thos J mach opr r 376 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Wm D acct r 311 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Gassier Elsie E liner r 33 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Eug (Emma M) chemical supplies h 33 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Eug jr, K Pk r 33 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

'Margt D married Ernest Schempitz<br />

Gassner Geo C carp r 561 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Mary) h 561 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Gastel Jos (Leah R) tailor h 194 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Gates Walter T (Maude M) shoe ctr h 113 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Gaudioso Jos G (Eleanor B) chauf h 61 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Gauger Carl F (Louise M) assembler h 33 Ganado rd (Roch)<br />

Roy C r 33 Ganado rd (Roch)<br />

Gavens Henry A (Margt G) carp h 62 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Gavin Jos C (Bernice C) pntr 252 Taft av h do (Roch)<br />

Vincent (Catherine) h 106 Taft av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Gawer Wm J (Mildred) ins h 57 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Gawereski Mary Mrs tailoress h 14 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Pauline R elk r 14 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Gay Arthur F (Emily G) physical culture instr h 608 Laurelton rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Gertrude N r 608 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Gaylord Thos S (Eliz F) formn K Pk h 854 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Gaynor Chas H (Alice A) mldr h 54 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Gears Harold A (Alicia L) shtmtlwkr K Pk h 41 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Gebbie Donald J studt r 445 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

John W (Edna S) acct h 445 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Vernon G studt r 445 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Gebhardt Chas C (Mary C) carrier PO h 152 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Jake W (Queenie) driver Fire Dept 433 Cooper rd h 159 Belcoda dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Geek Wallace J (Anna M) mgr h 59 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Geer Ethelyn wid Maurice r 1023 Brown rd (Roch)<br />

Shirley R (Bernice H) K Pk h 1023 Brown rd (Roch)<br />

Gefeke Herman F (Louise F) beauty shop 2185 Clinton av N h 170 Long<br />

Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Geibel Harry porter 5018 Culver rd r do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geimer Michl R (Johanna) emulsion wkr h 15 Rudman rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth N camera wkr r 15 Rudman rd (Roch)<br />

Geiss Alice H drsmkr r 41 Outlook dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Dorothy M hairdrsr r 41 Outlook dr (Pt Plst)<br />

John (Mary M) h 41 Outlook dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Wilfred W (Eliz) mason h 132 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

General Drug Store (Mrs Lena Fromen) 4269 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Genf Edwin E (Ethel H) acct h 74 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Genier Jos J (Julia M) lab r 687 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Genrich Raymond B (Helen F) butter and eggs h 113 Chestnut Hill dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Gent Eleanor C maid 2924 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gentile Angeline A factory wkr r 341 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Frank h 341 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Grace r 341 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Gentle Dayton J (Margt A) shoe wkr h 311 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Jos C studt r 311 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Genung Leo B (Doris S) chemist h 110 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

George Giuseppe (Frances) lab h 90 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Marion r 90 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

George's Frog Pond (George H Muar) restr 336 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Gerace Anthony L (Lillian B) tchr h 107 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Paul E (Margt) h 209 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Gerew Arthur R r 31 Outlook dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Donald J pntr summer res 9 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

'Frances M wid Thos summer res 9 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Jos J (Ida C) camera assembler EK Co h 31 Outlook dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Milton C prntr<br />

r 31 Outlook dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Raymond T r 31 Outlook dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Gerhardt Jas S (Catharine L) chemist h 115 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Gerks Benj (Florence E) broker h 206 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Maurice T (Velma H) purch agt h 61 East View av (Roch)<br />

Gerlach Carl A (Julia) sec-treas White Haven Org h 302 Brockley rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

German G Raymond (E Cecilia) formn h 168 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert T (Nora L) insp h 40 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Oscar R molder r 5008 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gernon Richd W (Doris E) r 394 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Robt L (Frances L) mach h 394 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Gerstner Martin C slsmn r 236 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Gertner Chas H (Marion E) service mgr Roch Auto Club h 319 Titus av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Gervasi Jos r 48 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Mariano (Angelina) h 48 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Gerzseny Julia M married Kelsey W Crellin<br />

Julius (Josephine) h 3578 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Paul J (Kathleen) slsmn r 3578 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geschwind Harold W (Winifred) tchr h 69 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Geudner John (Katherine) tool mkr h 117 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Geuggemos Paul r 288 Wyndham rd (Roch)<br />

Geyer Chas F jr (Janet McD) ins agt h 187 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Wm B (Wally F) mach (Bausch) h 31 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Gianforti Frank J (Josephine K) dentist h 3516 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gianniny Helen M studt r 230 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Saml V (Mabel H) mgr h 230 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Gibaud Katherine F sten h 15 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Gibbons Jas H (Marie) r 56 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Jas L (Bessie) tool mkr h 56 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Gibbs Gordon (Dorothy) chauf h 179 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Gibney Cecelia B r 102 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo A slsmn h 102 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt L Mrs died June 29, 1939<br />

Gibson Corodon W (Esther C) mgr h 36 Charles (Roch)<br />

H Lou (Eileen) eng physicist h 484 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Sherman, EK Co h 84 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Gierach Carl G (Helen) mech B&LO Co r 92 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Gifford Fannie C wid John died Feb 24, 1939<br />

John S, EK Co r 62 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Gilbert Dorothy B winder r 174 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Evangeline I r 62 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

L Kenneth (Ethel E) instrument wkr h 614 Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Saml D (Eliz H) gas sta h 107 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

-Wm P (A Beatrice) supvr h 174 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Gill John W (Dorothy M) elk h 202 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Mildred M) photo engvr h 76 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Gillenkirk Bernice A, K Pk r 29 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Jacob J (Clara L) atndt h 29 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Gillespie Wm B (Agnes C) camera wkr h 930 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Gillett Walter J (Theda I) coast guard end StPaul blvd (Roch) h 306 3d<br />

Roch<br />

Gillette Geo C studt r 3441 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Percival W (Veronica L) lawyer h 3441 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gillice Freeman A (Mabel B) asst supt K Pk h 50 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Gillis John S studt r 57 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Margt E office sec r 57 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Gilman Jas B (Charlotte L) acct r 268 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Girard Clarence mach r 130 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Damas A truckmn r 130 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Harvey E chauf r 130 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Marie L wid Damas A h 130 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Robt E (Lillian A) truckmn h 17 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Girke Louis R (Eva W) slsmn h 108 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Girvin Alex M (Lucille A) baker h 174 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Giuller Thure (Marie) mech eng h 61 Keswick rd (Roch)<br />

Giunta John J (Angela M) milkmn h 1877 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Glad Hand Social Club, Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Glasgow G Jeanette studt r 4295 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jas S (Gladys A) plmbr h 4295 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jas S jr, EK Co (SanFrancisco, Calif) r 4295 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Glasoe Alf M (Muriel O) chemist EK Co h 30 Hathaway (Roch)<br />

Glasow Vernon (Helen) drftsmn h 162 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Glass Frances F wid Jas H r 224 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

-John J elk r 307 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Glassman Anna wid Benj h 43 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Glawe Geraldine M elk r 69 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt A (Josephine L) litho h 69 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Gleason Geo G (Frances) h 31 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo G jr, studt r 31 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Irene E elk 4441 Culver rd r 31 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gleichauf John F (Marjorie H) dairy wkr r 311 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Peter F (Elvira N) watchmn h 44 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gleisle J Earl (Edna G) lumber h 202 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Glenn Geo A (Bernice G) sec Hanlon Co h 1594 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Glenzer B Eug (Grace E) mach h 236 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Glick Harold J (Flora A) optical wkr h 104 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Glickert Chas H (Grace L) carp r 2503 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

John B (Mary A) carp h 2503 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

L Ellsworth elk 2075 Ridge rd E r 2503 do (Roch)<br />

Gliddon Chas H (Sarah E) chauf h 488 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Donald C elk r 488 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Gloor Geo A (Gertrude) stock elk h 88 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Glossner Fred elk r 251 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Gnaedinger John G r 240 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Gobeyn Clara M candy mkr r 1766 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Rene J (Martha M) gardnr h 1766 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Goddard Maurice J (Lucy J) fnshr h 4 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Sarah A wid John T r 511 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Godfrey Carlton jr (Kathryn M) ins agt h 134 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Elbert H. USA r 134 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />


412<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Godfrey<br />

Ernest F pntr r 23 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Fred R (Arloa M) h 23 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Henry F (Marjorie M) slsmn r 23 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Robt D press opr r 23 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

,t>i,><br />

Godkin C Edwd (Dorothy H) br mgr h 543 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Goers John F patrolmn 1388 Ridge rd E r 4501 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Julius C (Emma) farmer h 4501 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Goettel Albert E clothing ctr h 153 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Benj F (Elvira) watchmn h 870 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Carl J elk PO r 870 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Goetz John R (Lillian) h 42 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Goetzman Walter (Irene) box mkr h 43 Legionnaire dr (Roch)<br />

Gohl Harry F (Elsie A) drftsmn h 26 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Golan Jos C (Carol B) formn h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Goldblatt Jos (Minnie) radio servicemn r 392 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Golden Katherine wid John r 39 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Leonard E (Ruth L) ins h 32 Dover rd (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Ruth M) musn h 2195 Clinton av N (Roch)<br />

Golder Pauline maid r 132 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Goldman Harry (Gertrude) pres h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Harry (Amelia) slsmn h 118 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Goldstein Bertha Mrs tchr r 423 Spencer rd (Rpch)<br />

Isadore (Bertha) ins agt h 423 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Louis (Ida) slsmn h 414 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Golsiano Saml (Anna) slsmn h 207 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Gombetto Carmela S r 119 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Lucia wid Jos h 119 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Gomes Jos A (Marjorie D) h 99 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Good Hugh G (Anna B) novelties h 3317 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jas H slsmn r 68 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Margt E) brewery wkr h 242 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Goodall Albert J (Katherine M) elk K Pk h 4267 Culver rd (Pt Pleas<br />

ant)<br />

Goode Adelaide wid G Thos podiatrist h 272 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Goodman Archie J shoe wkr h 197 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Benj J (Irene C) slsmn h 305 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

John auto mech r 197 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Louis (Marion) prntr h 230 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Goodrich Geo (Marie) slsmn h 1061 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Goodwin Carrie wid Harry r 195 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J lawyer r 860 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Fredk C lawyer summer res 860 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Fredk C jr (Eliz) sec h 854 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

John R (Alice W) dept mgr h 221 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Marion T (Mrs Fred C) died July 17, 1939<br />

Philip C (Ellen L) ins h 550 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Goodyear Jos B (Mary B) pntr 24 Westbourne rd h do (Roch)<br />

Santo J studt r 24 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Goonan Doris E elk r 74 Hoffman rd (Roch)<br />

John F (Esther M) cond NYC h 74 Hoffman rd (Roch)<br />

Goosen Isaac (Armeda) h 96 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gordon Edwin A (Velma A) tchr (Edison Tech) h 353 Seholfield rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Marjorie E supvr RG&E Corp h 2940 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Olyne H Mrs tchr h 57 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Gores Chas J (Helen M) elk h 1069 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Gorke Edith maid summer res 770 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Gorr Emelie wid Carl r 371 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest H (Laura J) brakemn NYC h 371 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Gorsuch Gene G (Marion E) slsmn r 5325 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gosnell Alice K r 176 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Eliz tchr h 176 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Mary J sec r 176 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Goss Arthur B (Emma K) chauf h 21 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Gosselin Mae M ftr r 122 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Gosson Earl V (Lena M) shoe wkr h 310 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Melvin R (Dorothy G) postal elk h 99 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Gottburg Gladys Mrs tchr Irondequoit High sch r Roseview av Roch<br />

Gottry Frank J (Bernice J) utilitymn K Pk h 471 Hurstbourne rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Saml F (F Jeanette) carting h 90 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Gottschalk Wm W (Anna) h 3120 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gould Austin J (Catherine A) K Pk h 31 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Cecil A (Gertrude E) electn h 193 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Harlow E (Bessie M) pntr h 110 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Goundry Thos phys r 49 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Governor Alphonse F (Lillian C) baker h 38 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Edwd G (Helen M) slsmn h 210 Burwell rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Goverts Bernhard (Irene C) h 3 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Donald B mgr r 657 Pine Grove av Roch<br />

Juliana wid Bernard h 657 Pine Grove av Roch<br />

Paul (Ruth M) ins h 657 Pine Grove av Roch<br />

Paul jr r 657 Pine Grove av Roch<br />

Gow Clare J (Florence J) mgr h 61 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Grabb Geo R h 113 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Oscar G (Virginia M) slsmn r 41 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Grabowski Alex (Valeria) mach h 1875 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Graf Arthur H h 301 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Ethel E housekpr 29 Dover rd (Roch)<br />

Mary r 301 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Graffrath C Edwd (Minnie V) (Dell Titus Garden Co) 441 Titus av h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Chas E jr, hlpr r 441 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Frank A (Esther K) market gardener 824 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Helen I studt nurse r 824 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

June E nurse r 824 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Nelson F r 824 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Paul A (Drusilla) gardnr h 35 Dover rd (Roch)<br />

Robt T, K Pk r 824 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Graham Chas H (Harriet A) general contractor 261 Peart av h do (Pt<br />

Plst)<br />

Eug W (Lena E) assembler h 161 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Gilbert (Harriet) elk h 359 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

John D (Ruth A) floormn h 551 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Margt Mrs summer res 18 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Norman B (Radah J) film wkr EK Co h 165 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Edith M) h 5284 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Cora A) slsmn r 189 Thurlow rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Gramlich Dorothy r 94 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Geo V tailor h 94 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Robt G r 94 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Grams Anna F H wid Carl h 91 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Granata Chas H (Anna J) hardware h 185 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Saml A (Lucy B) hardware h 189 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Grande Anthony (Theresa) lab r 72 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Bart (Angeline) lab r 23 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Grandi Antoinette r 146 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Bertha r 146 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Cesidio (Constancia) camera wkr h 146 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Dominic rem to Rochester<br />

Josephine J r 146 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Louis button wkr r 146 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Mary maid r 146 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Grange Hall 645 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Granger Harold J (Virginia) adv h 128 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Graning Dorsey V (Martha J) chauf h 142 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Geo L (Ruth D) electn h 3181 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Leonard G studt r 3181 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Oral C elk r 142 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Grant Donald W r 3219 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank L (Maude M) ins agt h 164 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred E nurse Laurelton sch (Roch) r 164 Catalpa rd (do)<br />

Saml W (Alice W) elk PO h 3219 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Theo W r 164 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Wesley M ins r 164 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Grapenstetter Richd J (Cecelia A) carrier PO h 319 Winona blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Grasberger Wm J (Katherine A) pntr 558 Cooper rd h do (Roch)<br />

Grashof Herman E (Ethel M) chauf h 276 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Grasley Edythe r 225 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer R hlpr r 225 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Grass Albert J (Bertha M) mach h 199 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Rita T married Milton Knittel rem to Rochester<br />

Grasta Biagio (Concetta) h 227 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Saml r 227 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Graves Chas M (Emma E) pntr h 2377 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Clarence T carp r 54 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

DeVer O (Jennie M) contr 63 Seville dr h do (Roch)<br />

Leon H (Louise) builder h 54 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Gray Catherine R wid Chas L r 52 Charles (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Maude D) probation officer <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> h 85 Thatcher rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Harry N (Flora T) heating eng h 52 Charles (Roch)<br />

Milocent Mrs nurse Durand Eastman sch r 315 Culver parkway<br />

(Roch)<br />

Ralph B (Milocent W) investigator h 315 Culver parkway (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Ora M) eng h 43 Filon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Grealey Ernest J (Ellen B) K Pk h 3 Delta ter (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co John E Casperson store mgr gro 159<br />

PtPleasant rd (PtPleasant)<br />

Green Alice E wid Wm C h 200 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Dorothy studt r 139 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest (Sadie A) lens grinder h 200 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Frances H Mrs died Dec 18, 1938<br />

Fred S (Pearl C) efficiency mn h 127 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Geo C (jeanette M) slsmn h 139 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Helen r 200 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Ivan tchr Durand-Eastman sch h 151 Grand av Roch<br />

James B (Irene M) K Pk r 199 Titus av (Roch)<br />

James B (Ethel) optometrist h 566 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

'Leo F (Gladys R) coater K Pk h 75 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

R E h 107 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Alice E) died Mar 5, 1939<br />

Greenberg David (Pearl) h 637 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Julius (Irondequoit Pharmacy) 2054 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 1405 Nor<br />

ton Roch<br />

Mordecai D (Eliz) lawyer r 233 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Morton L (Ruth) asst sec h 133 East Parkway (Roch)<br />

Greene Norbert D (Kathryn D) asst sec h 545 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Greenhauer Harvey shoe wkr h 129 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Greenstone Julius D slsmn r 97 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Greenwood Geo A (Marjorie) mach h 422 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Gregerson Hans P (Lillian K) dept head h 1362 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Marian elk r 1362 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Gregg John B slsmn r 53 Highwood rd (Roch)<br />

Oliver C (Irene M) slsmn h 53 Highwood rd (Roch)<br />

Greinke Geo C (Marion M) steamftr h 79 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Grems Juanita M tchr Durand Eastman sch r 514 Grand av Roch<br />

Grenci Danl (Carmela) stone ctr h 16 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Gresens Lothar C (Anna J) heating and ventilating h 332 Hurstbourne<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Willard R (Louise M) mach opr h 276 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Greunke Hugo A (Marjorie) camera wkr K Pk h 119 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Lloyd E rem to Holcomb<br />

Greutman Chas A (Nellie) litho h 95 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Rose A) formn h 272 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Gridley Ruby E wid Edwin L r 409 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Grieger H h 43 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Paul (Marie) dec h 104 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Grieneke Richd A h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Griffin Geo (Ida) dec h 88 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

-Raymond A (Beatrice V) shoe wkr summer res 628 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Griffith Edwd B r 846 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Merrill F (Helen G) restr h 757 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Grims Laurence R (Helen L) field rep r 2364 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Grinnell Harold (Helen) h 59 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Harold K coast guard end of StPaul blvd (Roch) r at Pulaski<br />

Richd h 210 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Griswold Chas O (Caroline M) h 199 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Chas T r 199 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Groff Kenneth A (Cecile) slsmn h 136 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Groh Bernadine A r 449 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Harold (Emily M) acct h 132 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Margt C) asst sec h 449 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Grom Henry W (Emelie) engraver h 304 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Gropp Rose wid Wm A h 5156 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gross Donald (Dorothy H) welder r 4747 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd G (Margt) marine eng h 40 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Edwin E (Thelma I) formn h 19 Salem rd (Roch)<br />

John D (Mary A) slsmn h 416 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Mary optical wkr r 92 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Grossman Frank C (Lois W) supt h 163 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Herman L (Anna F) meat ctr summer res 301 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Groth Archie O (Anna F) (Groth Electric Co) 125 Catalpa rd h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Electric Co (Archie O Groth) electricians 125 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Otto (Margt) lens grinder r 621 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Grotzinger Ethel Mrs r 293 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Harrison I (Mabel) payroll dept h 287 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Grube Henry J (Mildred A) elk h 264 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Grugel Fern G married Wm Robertson rem to Roch<br />

Otto V (Elsie G) eng h 332 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Gruhn Ethel elk 4671 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) r 5 Lakeview ter Roch<br />

Otto C (Eliz G) gro 4671 Culver rd h 5 Lakeview ter Roch<br />

Wilbur A asst postmaster Sea Breeze PO r 5 Lakeview ter Roch<br />

Grunberg Emil (Katherine) shtmtlwkr h 148 Frontenac Hts (Roch)<br />

Grundman Alfred H gro r 24 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Chas E (Frieda M) carp h 24 Spencer rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

F. P. VAN HOESEN CO., INC.<br />

Paints Varnishes Painters '<br />

Supplies-Wall Paper<br />


Grunst Walter J (Naomi M) mech eng h 26 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Gruntler Michl J died Nov 14, 1938<br />

Oscar W (Mildred E) shoe machinery h 54 Keswick rd (Roch)<br />

Guardabasso Jos (Rose) formn h 40 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Mary dressmkr r 40 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Gubiotti Chas r 130 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Elvira R r 117 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

John (Mary) h 130 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

John F rem to Roch<br />

Josephine L r 117 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Mary D r 117 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Peter studt r 130 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

'Rose wid Luigi h 117 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Gudat Paul (Mary E) auto body rpr h 78 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Guenther Ray J (Carrie) prntr h 504 Peart av (PtPleasant)<br />

Guerinot Bernard C (Jean G) asst formn h 52 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Gugino Jos pharm r 52 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Saml (Elvira R) pharm h 52 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Guilfoil Fred M (Florence B) (Red & White Chain Store) 4364 Culver<br />

rd h 93 Adrian rd PtPleasant<br />

Guinta Frank J (Phyllis) pntr h 1150 Saugus av (Roch)<br />

Guldenschuh Henry H (Blanche I) stock elk h 184 Huntington (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Gulick Floyd E slsmn r 215 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Gumpel Martin (Amelia) eng h 47 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Gunderson John A correspondent h 241 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Gundrum Anton K (Margt) optical wkr h 389 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Gunkler Elsie W tchr r 141 S Fitzhugh (Roch)<br />

G Theo (Marion W) teller h 77 MtAiry dr (Roch)<br />

Gunn Henry H (Edna) state motor vehicle insp h 61 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Margt L sec h 902 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Gunson Llewellyn P (L P Gunson & Co) h 4352 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gunther Bert R (Ellen M) h 123 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter C (Evelyn A) ribbon ctr h 34 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter F (Bertha V) electn 4846 StPaul blvd (Roch) h do<br />

Gurney Theo DeL lab r 165 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Gussman Charles F (Louise M) clothing ctr h 325 Bay Front N (Pt<br />

Pleasant)<br />

Frank died Mar 6, 1939<br />

Wm r 325 Bay Front N (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Gustke Wm H (Bertha C) plmbr h 30 Legionnaire dr (Roch)<br />

Guth Jos R optical wkr r 2308 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Paulina C wid Jos L h 2308 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Guthrie Edwd J (Ella M) electn h 503 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Gysel Henry farm hand r 1077 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Haag Benj M (Emily G) cashr Union Trust Co h 116 Wildmere rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Clarence F (Elsie M) slsmn h 2 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Emma L elk 605 Titus av (Roch) r 752 Maple Roch<br />

Haak Albert J r 198 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo r 66 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Henry housemn 378 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

-John (Bertha) eng h 198 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Haas Francis J (Monica T) formn h 181 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Haase Albert (Angela) cabtmkr h 79 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Habes Genevieve M elk r 137 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

John W r 137 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Margt M insp<br />

r 137 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Nicholas C (Margt M) punch press opr h 137 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Richd J (Thelma E) assembler h 72 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hachenburg Alfred (Elly) pntr r 69 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Paul A pastry cook h 113 Sydenham rd (Roch)<br />

Hack Arthur J (Josephine M) (Star Dairy) rear 247 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

r 1888 Culver rd (do)<br />

Hackett Geo F (Gladys L) mach EK Co h 1076 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Hadlock John T (Virginia) Hadlock Paint Co h 49 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Loretta M whol paints h 82 Covington rd (Roch)<br />

Miriam V h 82 Covington rd (Roch)<br />

Zita M whol paints h 82 Covington rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Haefele Barbara wid Gustav h 229 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Fred G (Ruth M> ins agt.h 660 List av (Roch)<br />

Jeannette E studt r 107 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter A (Cecelia E) tool mkr h 107 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Haefner Wm J sta eng h 41 Pauckner (Roch)<br />

Hafner Dorothy C r 65 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Fred G jr (Madelyn C) slsmn h 60 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk J laundry h 65 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Harold elk r 3764 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Harold P (Jennie I) milkmn h 83 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Marion J r 65 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Maurice F (Eliz C) laundry h 10 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Hagaman R Seward (Mildred W) research chemist Def Photo Supply Co<br />

h 86 Harrington dr (Roch)<br />

Hagen Louis W (D Marie) tchr h 59 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Hagerty Roy Francis Rev asst rector StAmbrose RC Church r 34 Em<br />

pire blvd (Roch)<br />

Haggerty Chas R (Emily) mach h 26 Outlook dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Chas R jr, mach r 26 Outlook dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Jack M studt r 26 Outlook dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Hahn Albert mach h 3275 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Chas J (Lillian G) supt h 135 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer T (Agnes A) mach h 25 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos chauf h 42 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Norman (Clara) carp h 67 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Peter J carp h 178 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Philip (Selma M) tailor h 27 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hahnke Dorothy studt r 175 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Edwd die wkr r 175 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Edwd F (Ethel) h 175 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Haidt Alice M, K Pk r 841 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Fredk H (Mary J) h 841 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Jane A, K Pk r 841 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Haight Geo (Bessie) auto mech h 9 Bay Front N (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Jarvis M (Margt A) r 75 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Jarvis S (Gladys B) formn h 75 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Haines Geo J (Jane H) piano wkr h 72 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Hak Chas A formn h 43 Poppy (Roch)<br />

Marjorie studt r 43 Poppy (Roch)<br />

Hakes Wm H died Nov 6, 1938<br />

Hale Robt N (Susie) elk r 107 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Haley Jeremiah M (Anne E) sec h 51 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Hall Frances A elk r 80 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Gladys sten r 141 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Helen M tel opr r 80 Vayo (Roch)<br />

James H S (Luva H) spcl agt h 347 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

John L (Doris) mtl buffer h 75 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

John V, K Pk r 80 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Jos L (Marie E) nurserymn h 80 Vayo (Roch)<br />

L W Co (Leonard W Hall) nurserymn 628 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence R slsmn 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 35 Ferris, Roch<br />

Leonard W (Anna) (L W Hall Co) 628 Laurelton rd r do (Roch)<br />

Leonard W teller r 80 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Mary E, K Pk r 80 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Vincent C (Georgianna H) K Pk h 41 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Hallauer Donald W (Dorothy F) market gardener 801 Titus av h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Fredk L, EK Co r 2304 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Geo T (Susie H) market gardener 1901 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Gertrude A wid Jacob P h 2118 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Katherine E wid Edwd G h 1867 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Lewis F (Eliz J) market gardener 2304 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Margt D tchr r 2304 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Russell J gardnr r 2304 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Wm F produce 2066 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Halldow Harry (Rosina) auto mech h 31 Schnackel dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Harry R auto mech r 31 Schnackel dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Haller Chas F (Arvilla O) dept mgr Lincoln-Alliance Bank h 57 Curtice<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Randolph E (Dolores C) asst formn h 172 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Halliday Mary I r 2280 Norton (Roch)<br />

Halligan Richd r 125 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Halpin Elwood R (Hazel M) mech eng h 85 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Hamann Irving W r 66 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Melvin J chemist r 66 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Anna) supt h 66 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Hamberger Henry A (Paula) experimental wkr h 208 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Otto R (Hildegard E) tool mkr h 413 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Rudolph J (Lillian C) instrument mkr h 410 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Hamblet Earl H (Eliz E) slsmn h 69 Bristol av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Hamilton Alfred C (Eleanor G) supt of schools Irond High sch h 72<br />

Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Anna Mrs died June, 1938<br />

Eliz C tchr Durand Eastman sch r 4 Arnold pk (Roch)<br />

Ernest J (Bertine) mech h 35 Adrian rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Erwin W (Ethel M) tailor h 41 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk J (Hazel C) v-pres h 123 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Gladys H tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r 89 Springfield av Roch<br />

J Vernon (Hilda) floormn h 34 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Hamlin Carrie r 3455 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hamman Frank E film emulsion wkr K Pk r 94 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Clara A) film emulsion wkr K Pk h 94 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Henry (Bertha P) market gardnr 311 Cooper rd h do (Roch)<br />

Hammecker Vernon J, K Pk h 235 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Hammele Edwd J (Helen E) slsmn h 251 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Hammill Eleanor M studt r 59 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Frank R (Grace F) carp contr 59 Lanvale h do (Roch)<br />

Hammond Eaton E (Gladys V) sis promoter h 194 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Harris B (Jane M) hardware h 171 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Joshua E r 171 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Roger elk r 33 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Hampson Dorothy F elk r 2691 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

M Helen housekpr r 2691 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mildred J elk r 2691 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Sidney A (Mabel N) sta eng h 2691 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Handley Ralph E (Ruth) EK Co h 209 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Hanevy Thos C (Teresa K) real est 33 Hurstbourne rd h do (Roch)<br />

Haney Thos O (Mae I) mgr h 161 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Hangen John G (Anna E) wood carver h 19 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Virginia O tchr r 19 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Hanke Anna wid Aug r 354 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Hanlon Theo (Amanda M) pntr r 309 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Hanly John J (Pauline T) coml trav h 166 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Hanna John R (Eliz G) (John R Hanna Funeral Home) 1826 Ridge rd<br />

E h do (Roch)<br />

Hanna John R Funeral Home<br />

(John R Hanna) funeral directors 1826 Ridge rd E tel Culver 328<br />

(Roch) See page 20 Bayers' Guide<br />

Hanratty Walter J (Frances G) elk h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Hanselman Ray H (Ruth) wood wkr h 193 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Hansen Edwd W (Mildred G) slsmn h 382 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Fred W (Martha A) sec h 187 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Hansis Wm (Catherine) K Pk and boat livery h 590 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Hanson Helen M married Eric Northrup<br />

Ralph (Marie C) plmbr h 38 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Hanss Clements F (Marion H) electn h 91 Lodge dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Mary C wid Jacob h 33 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Hapgood Wm R mgr h 111 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Harbison John T (Mildred S) purch agt h 29 Dover rd (Roch)<br />

Harder Egon r 194 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Fred E (Anna) eng h 194 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Louis h 4556 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harding Clarence H (Anna M) carp h 44 Pleasant way (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Claude L (Louise G) formn h 4959 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Elwood J (Helen) lab h 1997 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Estella L wid Wm h 66 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo H (Minnie A) florist h 19 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Harold V nickel plater r 66 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Marjorie E tchr Seneca sch r 274 Rosewood ter Roch<br />

Myrtle O r 19 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Ralph G (Lillian M) h 812 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Hardwick Arthur W (Norma) drftsmn K Pk h 41 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Minnie M wid Wm H h 695 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Hardy Lester E (Ruth L) slsmn h 59 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Hare Fred E (Margt) K Pk h 2246 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Harens Peter h rear 106 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hargarther Harry C gas sta 450 Empire blvd (Roch) h 1208 Bay Shore<br />

blvd (do)<br />

Hargrave Alf (Lois) K Pk h 141 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Hargraves Elise tailoress h 100 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Emily book binder h 100 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Richd E (Iva E) mach h 373 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Harkins Jos C (M Bernice) asst sis mgr h 306 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Harmon Hector M (Flora S) asst sec h 410 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Harold Geo H (Dolores R) gro r 57 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Harpending Anthony S (Mabel L) h 215 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Harper Anna M hairdrsr h 37 Attleboro rd (Roch)<br />

Carrie M r 37 Attleboro rd (Roch)<br />

Clarence H (Grace M) v-pres and treas The Folmer Graflex Corp h 148<br />

Somershire dr (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Harper<br />

Ellen B hairdrsr r 37 Attleboro rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer M (Flora J) slsmn h 30 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

J Leslie (Marjorie) tax dept EK Co h 43 Dover rd (Roch)<br />

Harrigan Edwd (Julia C) h 4950 StPaul blvr (Roch)<br />

Harrington Fred film opr h 4654 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Oscar S (Eva L) shtmtlwkr h 73 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harris A Phyllis elk r 44 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Brace W studt r 43 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Catherine r 133 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Chas F (Bertha A) mach h 49 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Clyde B (Edith M) slsmn h 44 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Danl L (Louise) gen yard master NYC h 54 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Donald W studt r 44 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Franklin W (Anna L) EK Co h 2353 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk H mach r 29 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Harry C shtmtlwkr K Pk r 72 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Henry F (Theresa M) slsmn h 3478 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

J Sherrie (Irma D) slsmn h 503 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Jay C (Jennie) tinsmith 72 Spencer rd h do (Roch)<br />

John J baker r 293 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Jos r 293 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Katherine H wid Geo D h 43 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Leona M wid Wm L h 194 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred M insp r 49 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Nicholas M (Mary) grocer 293 Taft av h do (Roch)<br />

Paul r 293 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Peter (Lucy S) mach h 1867 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Richd J elk r 194 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Robt factory wkr h 2064 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ruth C bkpr r 43 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Stella married James Barrett rem to Roch<br />

Walter L hlpr r 194 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Julia A) steward Roch Yacht Club end StPaul blvd h 24 Lake<br />

ter (Roch)<br />

Harrison Chas R (Lulu L) electn h 479 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Harron Matthew A (Ruth) auditor h 214 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Harster Alf G (Eleanor L) auto mech h 2064 Ridge rd (Roch)<br />

Arnold C r 1527 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Chas (Emma B) elev eng h 1527 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Edith B married Frank Poulton<br />

Frank A r 1527 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Hart Alf L (Emma C) stmftr h 600 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Alice B wid Edwd P h 412 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Arthur L (H Alice) justice of the peace 1392 Ridge rd E h 38 Maple<br />

hurst rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy M, K Pk r 144 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd C r 38 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Edwin W (Mary J) eng K Pk h 73 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz S Mrs r 295 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Elmer E (Beatrice) steel wkr h 174 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Erma A r 37 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Jack L studt r 38 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Seth C (Gertrude) paper ruler h 37 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Wm P (Margt M) monuments h 144 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Hart's Food Stores Inc 4468 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) 170 Pt Pleasant rd<br />

(Pt Pleasant) 2075 Ridge rd E (Roch) and 681 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Harter Chas C (Minnie B) formn h 195 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Chas J bkpr r 195 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Florence G wid Jos h 31 Osage (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Jos (Florence) died Apr 16, 1939<br />

Roan J chauf 1233 Ridge rd E r 195 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Russell F slsmn r 195 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Lillian G) chauf h 162 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Hartleben Dorothy E elk r 2485 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Fredk H, K Pk r 2485 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo F prntr r 2485 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Herman (Freida) refinisher h 2485 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hartman Chas K (Agnes C) formn h 358 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

E Mary h 3722 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry A (Sylvia) gear ctr h 361 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert G (Anna C) supt h 105 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert J studt r 105 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Mary A elk r 105 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Sylvester R (Eliz J) h 68 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Hartnett Florence slswmn r 62 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Frank J plmbr r 62 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Gertrude M summer res 62 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Margt T wid Frank P r 62 Madison ter (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


Hartt Harold A (Ethel) K Pk h 3000 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Rose A wid Arthur r 3000 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hartung Marie music tchr Ridgewood sch r Ridge rd Webster<br />

Harvey Carl A (Grace G) supt of sewers 1396 Ridge rd E h 4819 St<br />

Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Carl R appr r 4819 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Eliza r 568 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

J Edwd (Catherine I) litho h 30 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

James B bkpr 2161 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 666 Portland av Roch<br />

Jean G r 30 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

John C chauf 2161 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 666 Portland av Roch<br />

John W elk r 30 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Walter H (Florence E) switchboardmn h 774 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Harwood Mark P (Bertha L) slsmn h 34 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Hasenauer Chas (Mary) (Blue Ridge Grill) 1234 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Genevieve r 330 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Haskin Carolyn I r 543 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Haskins Grace L Mrs tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r at Williamson<br />

Hassel Celia elk r 2562 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hasselwander Jos E (Doris) ins h 149 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Hasson Frank J (Katherine) mgr h 108 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J jr hlpr r 108 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

James J studt r 108 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Hatch Glenn M (Charlotte V) elk h 242 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Hatmaker Albert H (Eliz M) optical wkr h 716 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert C (Lucille A) camera wkr r 716 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Hau Martin J (Hattie E) optical wkr h 845 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Hauck Emmett W (Luella T) glass blower h 35 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Henry C (Emma C) electrotyper h 2179 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Mary L (Mrs Peter) died Nov 18, 1938<br />

Peter G contr h 5159 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Edith F) ice 70 Linden pk h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm L (Minnie) carp h 4415 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Haug Lambert H G (Marguerite E) chauf h 76 Lodge dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Lambert W (Lettie B) tool mkr h 76 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Vernon F rem to Roch<br />

Haungs Alice wid Jos died Feb 5, 1939<br />

Haupt Geo (Clara E) instrument mkr h 108 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Hause Mary A wid Ezra r 128 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Hauser Earl W (Lillian A) mach h 115 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Eleanor C sec r 160 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Walter E (Clara M) mach h 160 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Frances M) mach h 3336 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J jr, studt r 3336 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Hauss Dorothy M (Modern Beauty Shoppe) 63 Avenue B r do (Pt<br />

Pleasant)<br />

Jerome W jr (Florence E) tool mkr h 63 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Neva E film wkr r 63 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Thos H elk r 63 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Havill Donald R studt r 151 Park rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Fern A elk r 151 Park rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Robt W (Irene M) landscape gardener 151 Park rd h do (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Hawelka Mary E wid Fred r 1571 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Hawkins Anna Mrs h 111 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Hawley Frances elk r 5162 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Katherine wid Louis B r 5162 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hawn Allan D (Nora P) insp h 46 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Hawver James O (Helen) elk h 529 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Hayden Arthur P (Isabella M) roll coater K Pk h 49 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Francis S (Anna F) adv h 28 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Roy (Gladys L) mason r 79 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Hayes Bernard A (Caroline E) hairdrsr h Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

C Emmett (Marjorie M) treas h 1418 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Edwd J (Barbara M) truckmn h 34 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ella wid Chas L died Jan 25, 1939<br />

James E foundry wkr r 34 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Nathaniel (Augusta) butler r 144 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Robt K hlpr r 34 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hayner Clifford N (Florence) elk h 388 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Haywood Ralph D (Etta Y) slsmn h 57 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Heagerty Wm H elk K Pk r 65 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Heagle Chas h 3 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Heald Anna wid Addison r 48 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Glennie tchr h 48 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Healy Jos C (Agnes) slsmn h 166 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence J (Eliz A) elk PO h 89 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

M Jos (Katherine L) asst dist mgr h 54 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Norman slsmn 4306 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant) r 40 Bway (Roch)<br />

Heard August C (Mary A) formn h 51 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Chas E assembler r 75 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Emma E wid Thompson r 75 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Hearns Calvin F (Gladys E) millwright h 42 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Heath Amos R (Irene E) store mgr h 24 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Heberger Eug A hlpr r 122 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Eug G (Margt M) assembler h 122 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Helen M elk r 122 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Jos J (Minnie H) photog h 5109 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos J (Lavina) sta eng h 44 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Leo D lathe hand r 122 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Rita M hlpr r 122 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Robt F (Charlotte M) photog h 64 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Heberle Bernard J (Isabel M) farmer h 2561 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Chas C (Lucy E) milk 282 Spencer rd h do (Roch)<br />

Consuela C r 2537 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Edmund A pntr r 2502 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Edna M bkpr r 2537 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Francis J (Florence H) chauf h 2494 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Gerald pntr r 2502 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Irene J sten r 2502 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Jos A (Consuela L) pntr h 2537 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Thos W (Anna E) ins h 2502 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Hebing Harold V mgr r Glen Haven rd (Roch)<br />

Hotel (Louis F Hebing) Glen Haven rd (Roch)<br />

Louis F (Hattie) hotel Glen Haven rd h do (Roch)<br />

Hebrecht Edwd F (Anna C) pattern mkr h 410 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Hecker John C r 189 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Heckler Fred W (Lillian K) mach h 66 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Rene (Emily M) slsmn h 122 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Rene jr r 122 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Hedeen Alf (Hedwig) tailor h 74 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Heffer Athol I sec r 1012 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Bertha wid Wm A h 1012 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Bros (Harvey W and Harry F) grocers 1233 Ridge rd E (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Elmer A (Gertrude) (W A Heffer Estate) 1012 Ridge rd E r do (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Laura R) market gardnr 940 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Harry F (Edna M) (Heffer Bros) 1233 Ridge rd (Roch) h at Vista<br />

California<br />

Harvey W (F Luella) (Heffer Bros) 1233 Ridge rd E h 305 Seholfield<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence J (Dorothy B) (W A Heffer Estate) 1012 Ridge rd E h 1000<br />

do (Roch)<br />

Martha A maid 3441 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mildred L sec r 1012 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Norris W (Arline D) chiropractor h 22 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Richd H studt r 305 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Russell (Ethel) (W A Heffer Estate) 1012 Ridge rd E h 1032 do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Spencer (I Mae) market gardnr 931 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

W A Estate (Elmer A, Lawrence J and Russell) market gardnrs 1012<br />

Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Heffernan John T studt r 52 East View av (Roch)<br />

John W (Bernadette) meat buyer h 52 East View av (Roch)<br />

Heffner Norbert E (Loretta T) optical wkr h 49 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Hefner Arthur M (Loretta M) installer h 90 East View av (Roch)<br />

Eliz wid Jos r 76 East View av (Roch)<br />

Grace Mrs h 58 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Marion E tel opr r 90 East View av (Roch)<br />

Vera F hairdrsr r 58 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Heh Adam (Mary) assembler h 34 Wyncote av (Roch)<br />

John M (Margt) litho r 34 Wyncote av (Roch)<br />

Matilda M tel opr r 60 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Michl (Barbara) assembler h 60 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Hehir Augustine W (Eleanor S) produce h 3824 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

John F (Bridget) fruit summer res 62 N Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Heid Arthur A (Mabel M) grinder h 304 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

E Arthur press opr r 304 Zuler rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Heiden Donald farm hand r 3603 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ida Mrs housekpr r 65 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Heidt Carl A (Gladys H) slsmn h 165 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Orville L (Irene P) emulsion wkr h 2778 Ridge rd E (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />



GLENWOOD 144<br />

Heier Anthony J (Harriet A) mach EK Co h 224 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Frank A (Eleanor M) camera wkr h 77 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo F (Edna J) carp h 42 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Heigel Wm (Amanda) brewery wkr h 101 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Heil Dorothy C studt r 113 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Edna C compt opr r 113 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Fred R (Ida A) formn h 113 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Heilig Edwd J (Anna T) pntr h 9 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Heim Frank A r 75 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Heindl Clara M summer res 47 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Eleanor F r 82 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Gertrude C bkpr summer res 47 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Irene M elk summer res 82 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Katherine M wid Lewis E dry goods summer res 47 Harrison ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Margt F elk summer res 47 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Marie A elk summer res 47 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Florence) mfr summer res 82 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Heinicke Kurt J (Jean W) scientific rep h 197 Orchard Park blvd (RD 5<br />

Roch)<br />

Heinrich Ellen wid Chas h 87 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Esther C sten r 87 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Irving (Adelaide) litho h 75 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Jonathan H (Jane C) real est h 379 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Wolf A (Ethel W) asst supt and chemist h 120 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Heintz Bernard G (Mary G) presser h 217 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

C Fred (Mildred A) auto pntr h 307 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Heinz Geo H (Ethel) plmbr h 60 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Heisinger Edwin T (Florence E) patrolmn 1388 Ridge rd E h 96 Rawlin<br />

son rd (Roch)<br />

John M shipping elk r 96 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Heislein Harry P (Muriel C) drftsmn h 305 Shelford rd (Roch)<br />

Heisner Anna C wid Chas H h 1484 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Chas R (Theresa C) watchmn h 359 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Eug R saw smith r 1484 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Eunice B film wkr r 1484 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Kenneth R mason r 1484 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Ruth V elk EK Co r 1484 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Helbing Aug electn r 2470 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Held Martin F optical wkr h 99 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Minnie wid Chas died March 30, 1939<br />

Heifer Alf J (Laura H) K Pk h 177 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Caroline hlpr r 344 Stutson near StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Christian G (Antoinette C) stmftr h 348 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk F (Hilda C) carp h 263 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Henry J (Loretta L) carp h 2381 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Hellems Frank R (Ethel M) litho h 96 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Hellenschmidt Frank (Florence C) shoe wkr h 229 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Hellis Edna M elk r 215 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

John A (Edna M) auto mech h 215 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Helmer Rose wid Chas E r 140 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Helmkamp Ralph W (Emma) prof h 183 Thurlow rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Hemming Goran (Gertrude S) steel hardener h 173 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Hempel Edwd F (Alice) paper box mkr h 376 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Lulu C) carp h 4805 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

-Wm E (Anna M) lens polisher h 364 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Hemple Frank (Rose) r 257 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Henderson Geo D (Mary E) assessor 1392 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 4434<br />

Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo W (Florence A) slsmn h 75 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jean E sec r 75 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kenneth L (Marion E) radio designing eng h 89 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Lloyd H (Celia A) teamster h 2488 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Richd H (Lucille) asst cashr r 75 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hendler John P (Florence A) heating apparatus h 162 Worthington rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Hendrickson Burr W (Annabell) electn h 79 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Carl H (Rose M) watch rpr 106 Falstaff rd h do (Roch)<br />

Edwd F assembler r 79 Oaklawn dr (Roch)<br />

Henry H M (Christine E) tool mkr h 130 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />


Hendrickson<br />

Howard r 79 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Marie E assembler r 79 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Martin G (Irene O) electn r 130 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Beulah) acct h 119 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Hendry John McK (Katherine) mach h 575 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Henehan Thos F real est r 2521 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hengstler Cletus J (Irene C) asst undertaker h 82 Lake Breeze pk<br />

(Roch)<br />

Henn Annetta M Mrs r 89 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Michl (May M) paper ctr h 178 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Hennekam John (Lillian R) pntr h 300 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Hennekey Alice T Mrs h 247 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Chester B (Mabel L) ins agt h 234 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Donald R slsmn r 2164 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Dorothy G sten r 234 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd B (Theresa M) elec contr h 1618 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Lionel F hlpr r 1618 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Lois L married Jefferey Knight<br />

Richd D (Lillian M) dec 2164 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Vivian M, EK Co r 1618 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Henner Geo (Julia) (Newport House) Newport rd h do (Roch)<br />

Gilbert A (Rita G) statistician h 35 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Louise wid Albert E r 450 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Hennessey Alice F Mrs r 286 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Chas M (Mary) coml mgr Roch Tel Co h 351 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Chas R rem to Rochester<br />

Jas E (Myrtle) slsmn h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Patk R r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Hennik Leo H (Florence C) camera wkr h 324 Wacona av (Pt Plst)<br />

Hennrich Clara R h 39 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Herman C (Reta E) ins h 337 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Marie H h 39 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Martha H elk h 39 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Henry Blanche A Mrs r 614 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Carolyn R studt r 274 Titus av (Roch)<br />

David C elk r 274 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Edwd W (Grace B) milkmn h 34 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Ellis C dairymn r 19 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Harold W (Irene B) tel installer h 293 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Henry H (Madeline) elk h 139 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Howard M acct r 19 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Jas F (Nellie) meat mgr h 614 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

John M (Jeannette) public adjuster h 65 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Richd G (Thelma) plant eng RG&E Co h 219 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Robt O (Ellen M) millwright K Pk h 59 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Edna J) designer h 274 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Hepburn Florence E r 201 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Robt mach opr r 201 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Elsie M) formn h 201 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert Frank X (Marie A) shtmtlwkr h 3290 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Herbst Albert died Nov 4, 1938<br />

Albert H (Alma M) plmbr h 37 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Fred J (Ida J) slsmn h 299 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Herbster John O (Margt B) fire insp eng h 7 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Herman Frank W (Julia G) gardnr h rear 824 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Geo E (Hilda W formn h 55 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

John (Frances C) h 1171 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

John G (Hildegarde) dept head h 128 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Herms Albert C (Edna A) market gardnr 468 StJoseph h do (Roch)<br />

Alma C elk r 428 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Marie G wid Otto C h 428 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Robt G gardnr r 428 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Heme Lois elk r 1502 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Wm (Mabel G) basket mkr h 1502 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Herold Bernard G (Marguerite H) camera wkr h 42 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Herr Alf S (Ruth M) driver PO h 12 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond F (Mabel E) elk h 58 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Richd J (Marguerite J) sec h 309 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Herrick Gladys housekpr r 191 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Herrick Lumber Go I no<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

successors to Comstock Lumber Co Inc 1030 Main E, Rochester tel<br />

Culver 1416 See page 26 Buyers' Guide<br />

Herriman Marion rem to Huntington LI<br />

Herrington Wm R (Madeline) shtmtlwkr h 137 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Herrman Ernest J pntr h 241 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Herrshel Wm (Emily) engvr h 190 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Hersey C Kenneth (Ella M) K Pk r 342 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Chas R (Marietta Z) dept mgr h 342 Thomas av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Hersey<br />

Margt E studt r 342 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Marshall V studt r 342 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Hertle Floyd L (Amelia) K Pk h 76 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Heslip Jos F (Alice M) tel assembler h 33 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

June E studt r 33 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hess Arthur E (Minnie M) cooper h 121 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd T (Louisa) auto mech h 124 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Eug E farm hand r 1848 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Henry F (Alice E) experimenter B&LO Co h 42 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Vera M r 1848 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Walter L (Velma A) battery service 1856 Hudson av h 1848 do (Roch)<br />

Hessler Geo (Leata R) estimator h 53 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Hetherlin Albert C (Rhoda G) credit man h 3092 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Hettig Max A (Ella C) (Hettig Service Station) 4199 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

h 2217 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Service Station (Max A Hettig) 4199 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Heunemann Carl C (Margt) elk h 92 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Carl E stock ctr r 92 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Heuser Charlotte F E nurse r 145 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Paul H chauf 951 Thomas av r 145 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Paul M (Freda) formn h 145 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Heverin Chas B (Mary E) sis rep h 336 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Hewitt Chas I appr r 194 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd P r 194 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Henry M (Marie L) dry clnr h 48 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert T elk 2075 Ridge rd E r 194 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Mary A wid Herbert B h 194 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Willis D (Mary L) real est h 38 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Hewlett Fred C h 2305 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Laura K maid r 2305 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Willard R tchr r 2305 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Heydon Georgia M wid Wm C h 22 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Heyer Arthur F (Minnie M) shtmtlwkr h 335 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence G (Rachel M) supt h 126 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Hiatt Lee W (Kathryn B) office mgr Dun & Bradstreet h 97 Harving<br />

ton dr (Roch)<br />

Hibley Carl hlpr r 4420 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hickel Gordon A (Harriett A) tool mkr h 27 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Hickey Mary wid Edwd h 440 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Hickler Leon C (Alma L) slsmn h 532 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Hickox J Elton h rear 38 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Margt F r rear 38 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Hicks Clinton (Ida) r 3931 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd J (Helen L) coast guard end StPaul blvd r 5369 do (Roch)<br />

John L (Ida H) rem to Rochester<br />

Hickson Chas R r 165 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Edwin (Bertha M) gardnr h 2229 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Grace P wid Lawrence G h 165 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Higgins Chas T (Esther M) auto trimmer h 209 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

John L (Laurene M) chief eng h 244 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

High Grade Coffee & Tea Co (Coatos D Skadolpos) 86 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Hightree Raymond (Olive P) formn h 3360 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Hilbert Leonard J (Eleanor F) plmbr 42 George h 41 do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hildebrand Raphael R r 379 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Roswell C (Ruth E) maintenancemn h 379 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Ruthella M r 379 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Hildebrandt Henry J (Mary) eng r 555 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Hildreth John P (Geraldine) steel wkr r 32 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Hill Almond W r 700 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Carrie wid John R h 95 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Edgar I hlpr r 43 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Edson O (Jean M) road contr h 29 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Foster A (Eliz J) bkpr h 21 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Harvey G (Katherine E) gardnr 700 Ridge rd E h 1720 Hudson av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Jos S (Ruth S) h 416 Stutson (Roch)<br />

Leon M (Hazel M) dept head EK Co h 43 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Margt R sec r 33 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Marion F r 43 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Martha housekpr 2066 Hudson av r do (Roch)<br />

Maurice C (Ethel D) customers man h 4479 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Roscoe C (Helen E) mgr h 33 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Ruth E billing elk EK Co r 43 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Wilbor E gardnr 700 Ridge rd E r do (Roch)<br />

Wm A market gardnr 700 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Wm B died Jan 29, 1939<br />

Wm C (Janet R) EK Co h 203 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Hiller Oliver C (Louise M) K Pk h 17 Garford rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Hilliard Elmer H (Florence C) asst treas Snider Packing Corp h 628<br />

Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Hillis Jas L (Virginia R) mech eng h 53 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Hillman John O (Gertrude E) designer Bonds h 426 Rawlinson rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Hills Fred M (Lillian M) slsmn 89 Parkview ter h do (Roch)<br />

Hillyard John (Elsie) plmbr r 396 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Lilly wid Wm h 396 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Hilton Jas L jr (Elsie M) ins h 154 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Hilts F Harold (Minnie V) roofer h 26 Abington rd (Roch)<br />

Himmelsbach Henry (Mildred) h 162 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Himmer Fred (Marie) mach h 170 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Freda Mrs h 178 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Hinchman Robt B (Helen C) mach h 2737 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Hinckley Margt H wid Henry F r 20 Clara (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hineline Burton C studt r 124 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Edson S (Opal) chief eng h 124 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Hineman Addie wid Norman S r 55 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Hines Elsie G r 388 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Hinkle Henry W (Doris E) slsmn h 3205 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hinkley Bruce (Jane) K Pk r 106 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Hirschman Wm G (Carol V) sales mgr h 374 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Hirshman Jeane E married Ralph Schmidt<br />

Saml B (Emily K) slsmn h 4187 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Hoadley H Orlo (Janet D) lens designer h 39 Warrenton (Roch)<br />

Hoag Chas E (Lillian D) carp h 31 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Douglas oiler r 31 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Thos (Hazel K) bakery h 68 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Hobson Brook H (Ida M) toolmkr h 177 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Raymond G studt r 177 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Hochrein Bartholomew trimmer r 40 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Hockenos Jos L (Isabelle H) asst mgr h 78 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Hoctor Bessie A supvr r 128 Long Acre dr (Roch)<br />

Hodges Anna wid Chas r 1779 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Kathryn H Mrs tchr drawing Seneca sch h 737 East av Roch<br />

Walter F (Thelma J) asst mgr h 256 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Hodgson Alf (Amelia J) milkmn h 199 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Doris r 199 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

John W lab h 2768 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Hodson Thos (Ethel) restr wkr h 298 Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Hoefen John J (Jule) slsmn h 2237 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Hoefflin John M (Violet O) acct h 114 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Ruth E tchr r 114 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Winnifred B sec r 114 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Hoefle Elmer M (Carolyn E) slsmn h 5162 StRaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Rose wid Wm r 3286 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm G (Mabel L) tool mkr h 39 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Hoefler Wm (Esther R) auto mech r 79 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Hoehn Chas J (Mildred G) elk 1388 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 62 Iroquois (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Hoenig Geo (Eliz) (Rappl & Hoenig Co) mason supplies 1441 Ridge rd E<br />

h 668 List av (Roch)<br />

John N mach r 668 List av (Roch)<br />

Hoesel Elsie T studt r 139 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Oscar B (Thekla) carp h 139 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Hoesterey Louis (Helen R) slsmn h 104 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Hoffend Wm P (Esmond G) caretaker h Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Hoffman Albert H (Hilda C) layout mn h 35 Hathaway (Roch)<br />

Anna A wid Geo A presser h 4944 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Howard J (Adeline A) supt h 49 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Ida M Mrs rem to Roch<br />

Marian R studt r 266 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Raymond E studt r 266 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Raymond O (Ruth E) phone eng h 266 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Robt B (Constance T) manager h 154 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Vera V tel opr r 4944 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Walter L (Kathleen B) restr h 21 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Wm r 1113 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Hoffmann Peter (Cary E) last mkr h 636 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Peter J r 636 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Hoffner Katherine wid Geo G r 75 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Lewis (Louise) produce h 197 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Linda elk r 197 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Hogan Frank G (Mary A) slsmn h 127 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

John B (Lillian M) slsmn h 187 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Roger F (Lou E) slsmn h 15 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Hogestyn Bartel G (Arminna K) film wkr K Pk h 631 Winona blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Edwd K (Flora S) slsmn h 41 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Geo M (Florence L) chauf h 375 Bleacker rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Alp WATER HEATING 1 plenty b Rochester<br />

UAX nr,.T Mr.xrn I HOT WATER f GAS & ELECTRIC<br />

UHO RENT A HEATER I low cost I corp.<br />

CALL MAIN 3960<br />

89 EAST AVENUE<br />

Hogestyn<br />

Grace nurse r 75 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

John (Sabina) wood fnshr h 75 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Leonard chauf h 320 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond M hlpr r 375 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Hohman Arthur H (Loretta C) slsmn h 347 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd (Bertha) carp h 121 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Elmer F (Evelyn K) aud h 252 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

John K r 252 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Louis J (Hildegarde W) asst sec Hart's Food Stores Inc h 143 Har<br />

wick rd (Roch)<br />

Louis J jr, studt r 143 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Hohmann Edwd J (Alwina) tailor h 4520 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ruth A sten r 4520 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Holcomb Raymond L (Anne J) civ eng h 494 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Holden Raymond photog r 2529 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Sylvia B Mrs h 417 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Holler H Allen (Alice E) chemical eng h 42 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Ina A wid Lawrence r 42 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Holleran P Gordon (Ruth E) slsmn r 36 Warrenton (Roch)<br />

Holley Leo C (Clara A) optical wkr h 624 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Michl B (Clara F) leather findings h 63 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Hollinger Carlton R branch mgr h 543 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Holloway Harold (Harriet) musn r 878 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Hollway Chas (Melvina) h 64 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Jack (Cecelia) electn 922 Winona blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Holly Birdsall L (Pauline W) radio rpr r 178 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Hollywood Grill The (Marco Panzarella) restr 500 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Holm Edwd W (Ethel H) K Pk h 164 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Joyce G studt r 164 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Marjorie M elk (NY City) r 164 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Holmes Chas H studt r 24 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

W Harvey (Lillian L) EP Reed & Co h 24 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Holohan Arthur L (Virginia N) h 88 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Virginia T r 88 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Holowka Anna elk r 253 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Michl J prntr r 253 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Nicholas (Stella) tailor h 253 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Stephen mach opr r 253 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Holtz Albert A (Edna L) slsmn h 93 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Chas C (Hanna H) lab h 240 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Christopher market gardnr 278 Bouekhart av h do (Roch)<br />

Edwd G (Goldie M) patrolmn 1388 Ridge rd E h 388 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Emil J (Marie M) buffer h 55 Filon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Esther r 20 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Frank C (Martha A) millwright h 20 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Frederica wid Henry r 240 Wisner rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Fritz (Fredericka) h 3490 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mabel P married Robt Ottman<br />

Pauline M tchr (Rochester) r 20 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Wm r 3490 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Holy Angels Home Sister Mary St Agnes superior 1326 Winton rd N<br />

(Roch)<br />

Holzschuh Jos G (Mary G) EK Co h 32 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Hommel Anna S wid Geo h 4446 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Emma R sec r 4446 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Nina M nurse r 4446 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Honeck Albert H studt r 166 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry C (Mildred M) mach h 166 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Hons John slsmn r 74 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hook Edwd W (Minnie M) collr sum res 272 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gerald C r 194 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Herbert C (Alice M) carp h 194 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Hooper Chas J (Persis D) slsmn h 47 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Malcolm F (Anna) carp h 421 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Hoover Merta H wid Theophilus r 300 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Robt H (Margt L) h 301 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hopkins Betty I tel opr<br />

r 48 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Horace D (Pearl M) acct h 48 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Ida V wid Hurlon H r 113 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Hopper Cecil R (Marian E) slsmn h 1939 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dorothy bkbndr r 72 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Hazel M Mrs laundress r 400 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Jas T (Ethel I) jan RG&E h 196 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Verne E (Maud) h 29 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Horch Fredk hlpr r 33 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Martha Mrs maid h 33 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Horn Dorothy H insp r 334 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Eliz M r 25 Outlook dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo A studt r 334 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Geo T (Alma) mgr Hart's 4468 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) h 183 Avenue<br />

B (Pt Plst)<br />

Harry H acct K Pk r 334 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Henry G (Dorothy) h 46 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Walter (Loretta T) brewery wkr h 44 Legionnaire dr (Roch)<br />

Wm A jr stmftr r 334 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Kathryn W) chauf h 25 Outlook dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm H (Ethel M) stmftr h 334 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm O (Mildred H L) elk PO h 89 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Hornbeck Ray F (Cora B) v-pres-gen mgr h 134 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Home Priscilla J slswmn r 96 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Horner Anna C r 80 Charlton rd (Roch )<br />

Barton S (Gertrude H) mortgage elk h 35 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Henry H (Eliz) h 80 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

John W jr (Gladys) purchasing agt h 384 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Horsey Irving E (Adela K) archt h 395 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Horstmann Rea nurse maid 714 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Hortop Edwd H (Ruth E) tool mkr r 148 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jane E studt r 148 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hosmer Edwd J (Anna W) slsmn h 168 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Raymond r 168 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Hospes Minnie elk r 235 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Richd r 235 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Sidney (Cynthia) K Pk h 45 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Ulke (Isabelle) gardnr h 235 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Houghtaling Clarence (Ethel) K Pk h 205 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Houghton Theo E (Evelyn E) gas sta h 108 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Houlihan Vernon H (Rita E) plshr h rear 4972 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Houseman Danl E (Mary E) tchr John Marshall High sch h 87 Coving<br />

ton dr (Roch)<br />

Houser Chas W (Grace) engineer h 4430 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Clarence C (Margt M) mach h 161 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd C (C Marie) locksmith h 4904 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank W (Mae D) armory wkr h 54 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Houston Frank O (Iva L) formn h 25 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Houters Bettyjane R office sec r 25 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

John W (Ethel R) formn h 25 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Hovey Floyd (Frances) supt K Pk h 162 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Kenneth tchr Reuben A Dake sch r at Brockport<br />

Howard Burt A (Martha) market gardnr 516 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Chas J (Margt E) stock supvr h 195 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Chauncey A slsmn r 39 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Harry L (Emily C) slsmn h 358 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Mary L studt r 195 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Nettie B h 2046 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Norman W (Claire) optom h 101 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Norton A (Grace M) contr 57 Kiwanis rd h do (Roch)<br />

Raymond C (Alice L) market gardnr 560 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Walter M (Ethel W) florist 2026 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Wilburt A (Lillian S) bank teller h 130 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Howden Donald W (Edna M) atndt. h 35 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Howe Arthur C (Viola L) tool mkr h 160 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Elvin C (Virginia D) chauf h 436 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Emma wid John r 111 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Geo H (Maud J) slsmn r 1359 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Jas L (E Marie) financial dept PO h 31 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Jane G sten r 34 Poplar (Sea Breeze)<br />

Katherine elk r 204 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Milton G (Hilda W) time kpr h 34 Poplar (Sea Breeze)<br />

Howell Geo (Florence) acct r 16 Orchard Park blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Richd F (Grace A) mach h 138 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Howie Josephine (Mrs Geo W) died Dec 7, 1938<br />

Howitt Gladys A r 321 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Glen W (Wilma D) projectionist h 321 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Howland Francis J auto mech 352 Empire blvd (Roch) r at Ontario<br />

Howlett Arthur J (Eleanor C) shipper h 109 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Hoxie Lillian wid Chas O h 606 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Hoy J Edwd (Anna A) mech eng h 49 Brett rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Hoyt Clarence appr r 170 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Dudley L (Marion E) fire inspection eng h 94 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Philip W (Marion G) time elk h 5064 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hrankowski John (Anna) carp h 322 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Mary hairdrsr r 322 Taft av (Roch))<br />

Nicholas P watchmn B&O r 322 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Peter H (Josephine) mgr r 322 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Hub Theatre (Geo and Raymond R Schmidt) 4322 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Hubbard Geo J (Anna) tool mkr h 189 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Hubbart Minnie M Mrs r 40 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hubbell Annette M h 121 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Huber Alvin P (Emma C) carp h 1047 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Eliz wid Martin J rem to Roch<br />

Hubner Florence J Mrs (Poplar Tavern) hotel 4856 Culver rd h 143<br />

White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hudgins Clarence (Adelaide C) derrick eng NYC h 14 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Hudon Vincent W (Gertrude M) formn r 49 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Hudson Dorothy F tchr r 113 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk H, USN r 113 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

G Raymond studt r 113 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Geo L (Florence H) RMS h 113 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

John A (Eleanor M) contr h 28 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Paul hlpr r 688 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Huetter Henry T jr (Alma) gas sta h 189 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Huff Irving E (Sadie G) adjuster RG&E Corp h 240 Hurstbourne rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Roger W studt r 240 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Stuart N studt r 240 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Hughes Fredk D (Josephine A) phys 3528 Culver rd (Roch) h do<br />

Geo E (Marjorie C) experimental eng h 99 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

H Walter (Alice W) civil eng h 111 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Jos P (Marion A) real est sum res 9 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Mary A studt r 111 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Huhn G Fred (Celia) h 127 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Hull Jessie M wid Robt C h 177 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Robt C studt r 177 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Robt C (Jessie M) died Oct 7, 1938<br />

Humby Ernest (Margt) chauf h 192 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Hume Leland J (Ruth) h 6 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Humes Chas (Anna) guard h 7 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Hummel Helen M r 138 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Robt W appr r 138 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Wm L (Louise A) tool mkr h 138 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Hunsinger Oney D (Mary P) slsmn h 50 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Robt O, K Pk r 50 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hunt Adelbert L (Nettie V) prntr h 185 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Douglas P elk r 2727 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo B (Polly M R) r 2689 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John W (Alice R) box mkr h 2727 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hunt's Perennial Gardens (Arthur J Clark) florists 2715 StPaul blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Hunter Robt J (Carolyn M) elk h 129 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Thos E (Joan L) prntr h 5118 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Walker F (Winifred) K Pk h 101 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Hurd Geo E (Eliz L) formn h 247 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Hurlbut Stanley M billiards r 25 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hurley Dorothy M hlpr 141 Simpson rd r do (Roch)<br />

Elaine box wkr r 301 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Marie box wkr r 301 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Orpha hand lndry 141 Simpson rd h do (Roch)<br />

Rose wid John W h 301 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Hurysz Vincent (Anna) restr 4870 Culver rd h 4999 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Huss August (Katie) watchmn h 181 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Clara M elk r 459 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Francis J farmer r 459 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Margt) market, gardener 459 Brower rd (Roch) h do<br />

Geo optical wkr r 459 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Marvin farmer r 459 Brower rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Husser Andrew (Freda) die setter h 2102 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Mary r 2102 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Peter r 2102 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Wm optical wkr r 2102 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Hussey Fred E (Louise C) town elk 1392 Ridge rd E h 36 Russell av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Grace E sten r 36 Russell av (Roch)<br />

Hutchins Kenneth E (Loretta M) atndt h 111 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Hutchinson Edna, K Pk r 17 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Franklin B (Eliz B) radio opr h 2165 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Fredk (Ruby) elk h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Oliver H (Esther) bkpr h 214 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Hutte Otto L (Winifred E) (K Pk) h 62 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Hutteman Eliz Mrs r 207 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

R Earl lathe opr h 207 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Rita married Richd E Raab<br />

Hutter Robt (Gertrude A) r 3408 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Huurman Henry B (Loretta C) baker h 87 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Huyck Norman J (Anne M) contr h 205 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Hyde Evelyn M wid Jas B r 96 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

John R shoe ctr r 158 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Maurice J (Mary J) traffic mgr h 158 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Raymond J (Gladys M) cabinet mkr h 87 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Hyland Geo V (Norma El auto mech h 18 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter M (Ruth E) watchmn h 214 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Hyndman Alice M wid Archie r 135 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Hynes Donald S (Inez M) office mgr Commercial Credit Corp h 2940<br />

Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Hysel Lottie Mrs r 100 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Virginia R r 100 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Mabel) litho h 100 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

I O O F Temple 2841 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Iachetta Saml W (Caroline) ice cream mkr h 1799 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Iannaccone Fannie A married Melvin Bushor<br />

Jos J tchr r 215 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Modestino (Tessie) pressmn h 215 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

S Thos elk r 215 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Vincent J stock elk r 215 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Icken Heinrich (Bertha) gardnr 622 Rock Beach r do (Roch)<br />

Ihrig John (Emma) h 164 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Ilardo Giuseppe (Concetta) lab h 354 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

John A r 354 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Josephine R silk wkr r 354 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Imhof Aurelius P (Monica C) chauf h 1550 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Modestus J (Eleanor A) shipper h 102 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Imo J Francis studt r 2951 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John C (Dorothy J) chauf h 2951 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ingalls Gertrude E r 9 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ingalsbe Florence r 4814 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ingersoll Glenn E (Helen E) slsmn h 45 Dakeland rd (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Eliz C) slsmn h 2297 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Inglis Walter J (Lily T) sis mgr h 160 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Ingraham Alberta L Mrs rem to Roch<br />

Ingram Ruth tchr Ridgewood sch r 809 East av Roch<br />

Inslee Alma O wid Victor r 123 MtAiry dr (Roch)<br />

Jas L (Dorothy L) K Pk h 123 MtAiry dr (Roch)<br />

International Truck Dealer (Wm C Rudman) 1982 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ippolito Benedict lab r 28 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Cesidio (Johanna) lab h 28 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Jennie r 28 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Louis r 28 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Ireland Henry E (Byrl C) K Pk h 1050 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry T (Minnie D) asst supt h 96 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Howard E (Marion P) elk h 72 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

John B studt r 96 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Irondequoit Bureau of Welfare 1388 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Cemetery 3671 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Fruit Juice Co (G Thomas Ford) 3000 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Lodge No 40 2841 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Pharmacy (Julius Greenberg) 2054 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Police Dept 1388 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Pres Church, Harry C Benson pastor 2889 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Sewage Disposal Plant 160 Stutson nr Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Town Clerk 1392 Ridge rd E (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Town of Garage, Kings Highway (Roch)<br />

Town of Highway Dept, Kings Highway (Roch)<br />

United Congregational Church, Chas S Bergner pastor 644 Titus av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Irvine Robt G plmbr r 109 Culver pkwy (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Irving Jack L photog h 7774 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Margt wid Geo died June 29, 1939<br />

Irwin Ada M cashier r 2608 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Chas L r 604 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Chas P slsmn r 604 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Chas R (Ethel M) pres h 604 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd H (Margt A) shoe wkr h 2608 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gerard F (May M) shoe wkr h 100 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Gerard H elk r 100 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Leonard D (Ruth E) sign pntr h 56 Filon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Isaac Herbert E (Adeline M) lab h 70 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Isler Albert F (Mildred M) mach h 236 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Issac Chas L (Anna) mach h 326 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Isselhard Helen T housekpr r 4282 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Iuppa Bernice J r 2441 Norton (Roch)<br />

Gerard appr r 2441 Norton (Roch)<br />

Louis J appr r 2441 Norton (Roch)<br />

Louis P mason h 2441 Norton (Roch)<br />

Ives Barbara J studt r 207 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Chas E (Rika) research wkr h 239 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Chas W (Esther S) packer r 328 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Dwight N (Alice S) mgr h 207 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Edith N insp r 11 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Russell H r 44 VanVoorhis av (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Edith N) wood wkr h 11 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Ivory Julia McD wid Fred W h 3 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Izzo Geo (Laura) garage h 61 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Nicola (Josephine) (Summerville Restaurant) 53 Lake Front h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wm (Laura) h 61 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Jabaut Millard T (Lolita C) credit mgr h 75 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Jack Helen M wid Danl F h 309 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Jaekling Harold S (Jane V) building wrecker sum res 179 Lake Front<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wm T (Maude) bldg wrecker sum res 179 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Jackson Burr T, K Pk r 9 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Carlton T (Jennie E) tool mkr h 9 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Dorothy M nurse r 131 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz J studt r 131 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

G Arthur (Mae) acct h 71 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo E (Edna H) capt Coast Guard end StPaul blvd h 99 Lake Front<br />

(Roch)<br />

H Hallock (Mae C) slsmn h 279 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Robt (May N) slsmn h 131 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Robt jr r 131 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Robt M r 71 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Russell slsmn 65 Stutson cor Thomas av (Roch) r 174 Delmar rd Gr<br />

Virginia L nurse r 131 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Wm M studt r 71 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Jacob Mary wid Albert h 26 Cross (Roch)<br />

Jacobs Darwin W (Maybelle I) dentist 4161 Culver rd (Pt Plst) h do<br />

Frank G elk Ry MS r 17 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank N (Loretta F) mech insp h 46 Russell av (Roch)<br />

Geo H (Elaine P) wood wkr h 17 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jahn B Walter (Helen K) mach h 36 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Jameson Harold O (Marian) h 5274 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jamieson Carleton W (Edith) tchr Irond High School h 34 Elgrove rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

John dairy wkr r 379 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth studt r 379 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Janata Carl T (Evelyn) route mgr h 2593 Norton (Roch)<br />

Janes Frieda B Mrs clothing wkr r 108 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Julian C (Marguerite) sis mgr h 389 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Janick Herbert F (Dorothy D) sec T H Green Elec Co Inc h 323 Somer<br />

shire dr (Roch)<br />

Jankowski Peter asst rector St Salome RC Church 4250 Culver rd (Pt<br />

Plst) h 4282 do<br />

Janowski Jos (Emma C) chauf h 50 Nile dr (Roch)<br />

Jaquith Amos B (Eliz L) elec eng h 457 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Jardine Bruno R r 1815 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Eliz L asst librarian r 282 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Jane H r 114 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

John lab h 1815 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Mary (Mrs John) died Oct 19, 1938<br />

Wilbur P (Eunice E) h 114 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Jarvis Chas E (Florence W) maintenance dept EK Co h 218 Culver<br />

pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jaspaert Alois A (Clara) floor layer r 3575 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Alois A gear sharpener r 2469 Parker rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Jaspaert<br />

Cecelia M elk r 2469 Parker rd (Roch)<br />

Emil (Matilda) market gardnr 2469 Parker rd h do (Roch)<br />

Javet Ardell F elk r 65 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Chas J (Cecilia M) plmbr h 65 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Corinne F elk r 65 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Jaycox Jess A (Bessie) mach h 1311 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Jaynes Mabel V cafeteria wkr r 43 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Jechl Emma J drsmkr r 2308 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

John (Mary) broom mfr 2308 Culver rd (Roch) h do<br />

Jeffers A h 335 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Jeffreys Martha wid Lemuel sum res 85 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Jeffries Edna librarian Irond High sch h 239 Denise rd Gr<br />

Jeffs Elmer W (Lillian F) purchasing agt h 127 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Jehlen Anna M wid Dominick r 32 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

John H r 32 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Jenis Julius (Catherine) plshr h 393 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond elk r 393 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Jenkins Heroy (Harriet M) research wkr h 259 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Mildred E studt r 259 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Philip R (M Helen) tchr h 41 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Jennens Willis H (Dorothy Y) K Pk h 303 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Jennings J Arthur (Genevieve K) lawyer h 542 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Maxine waitress r Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Jensen Arnold W (Mildred H) amusements h 119 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Hjalmar (Beatrice E) K Pk r 140 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Jens S (Lena) carp h 87 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Jenson Harold F auto mech 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 1509 Main E<br />

Roch<br />

Jerome Rodney H (Nellie L) film fnshr h 52 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Jerram Albert E (Marie E) lens grinder h 72 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

-Albert S camera wkr r 72 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Jerrett Alf O (Eliz C) dentist h 417 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Eliz studt r 417 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Jerzak Matthew W (Lillian) rem to Webster<br />

Jess Harold W acct r 303 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Wm (Anna) carp h 303 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Jewett Wm (Isabelle W) rem to Fairport<br />

Jewsbury Leonard (Mary A) stm ftr h 110 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Joerger Caspar J (Collette M) tchr h 4405 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

John Paul (Elfriede) instrument mkr h 221 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Johns Alf A (Grace E) school dir h 465 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Alf A jr EK Co r 465 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Johnson Chas D (Beatrice W) K Pk h 104 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Chas D jr, pipe coverer r 104 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Clifford L (Gertrude) acct r 161 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Donald H (Edna T) slsmn h 95 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

'Donald W hlpr r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Evelyn V, K Pk r 104 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fredk D (Myrtle M) prod mgr h 4446 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo D (Grace J) restr h 456 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Geo M (Emily C) mech eng h 70 Cedarwood id (Roch)<br />

Gerald A (Edna M) physicist K Pk h 236 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Gertrude Mrs real est 161 Thorndyke rd h do (Roch)<br />

Harry J (Lavina W) prntr h 176 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Harry W (Mary E) slsmn h 57 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Henry A (Harriet M) optical wkr h 41 Hollywood cres (Roch)<br />

Henry S (Alice E A) coml trav h 4448 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Herbert (Gertrude) Johnson Bakeries Inc h 194 Chestnut Hill dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Howard E optical wkr r 41 Hollywood cres (Roch)<br />

Irwin J (Anna C) optical wkr h 794 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Iva M nurse r 373 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Jasper J (Grace E) electric welder h 111 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

John D (Catherine L) claim adjuster h 117 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Lena wid Wm r 48 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Marie wid Roy h 10 Cross (Roch)<br />

Myrtle M Mrs librarian Durand Eastman School r 4472 Culver rd<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Olaf A (Hilma D) mech eng h 328 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Saml R (Eliz M) mason h 2099 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Sigurd E (Ruth E) foundry wkr h 249 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Sigward (Marie) elk h 391 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Tyril elec eng r 3764 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Gerda) gardnr h 389 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Johnston Alice K tchr Durand Eastman sch r 89 Hillendale Roch<br />

Chester A (Luella E) pntr 2661 Titus av (Roch) h do

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


The Business School for High School Graduates and College People<br />


Johnston James Agency Enc<br />

Austin F Grab pres Roy A Duiius sec Robt F Woerner Leonard H<br />

Henderson v-prests Philip C Goodwin treas general Insurance 204<br />

Granite bldg 130 Ham E, Roch tel Main 697 See page 23 Buyers'<br />

Guide<br />

Lillian S Mrs r 2110 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Johnstone Bruce (Susan) store mgr h 103 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Hazel A Mrs buckle pntr h 30 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Roy G (Iris W) (Culver Parkway Pharmacy) 295 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

h 236 Tarrington rd (do)<br />

Jones Albert H (Annie S) tailor h 100 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Alvin millwright r 100 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Chas B (Althea M) acct h 386 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Chas E (Helen D) elk h 270 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Clarence E (Frances R) mach opr h 305 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Delia K wid Wm H h 163 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Edwd E (Margt) parking sta h 50 Curtice rd Roch<br />

Emma M wid Albert H h 117 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Flora M Mrs housekpr 116 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Harold (Myrtle M) mgr h 115 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Harold L (Mildred C) welder h 395 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Harry M (Edna A) camera wkr h 75 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Howard C (Helen D) mech eng h 324 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Jas B (Alta) h 47 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

John J (Helen L) asst h 87 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Loretta maid 70 Harvington dr (Roch)<br />

Martha A r 75 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Mary L wid Chas L housekpr r 4125 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Ronald factory wkr r 100 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Ronald H buffer r 100 Vayo (Roch)<br />

T Bernard (Loretta B) rem to Roch<br />

Violet B r 100 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Jordan Allen C studt r 170 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Lewis (Mary) firemn r 1623i Portland av (Roch)<br />

Merton L (Mabel) K Pk h 170 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

T Frank r 307 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Josh Chas (Augusta) market gardnr 521 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Dewey C (Mary G) carp h 460 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Joslyn Arthur (Leah) barber h 3 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Joswick Frank S tailor h 21 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Joyce Cady G baker r 223 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Chas W principal Seneca School h 223 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Frank T (Florence) mgr h 88 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Juda Genevieve shoe wkr r 291 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Stella wid Ross h 291 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Judd Burr A (Gladys M) acct h 41 Charrington rd (Roch)<br />

Robt P (Mabel C) parking sta h 333 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Judson Carl (Celia) elk r 30 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Howard S (Minnie M) land surveyor h 307 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Valance W (Eleanor) civil eng h 213 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Jung Jos (Paula W) prntr h 254 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Martha E studt r 254 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Junker Edwd C (Grace A) correspondent h 76 Rogers pkwy (Roch)<br />

Edwd W (Dorothy) K Pk h 715 List av (Roch)<br />

Wm W studt r 76 Rogers pkwy (Roch)<br />

Kachold Albert (Hanna M) tool mkr h 91 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kaercher Russell H (Frieda B) glass pntr h 189 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Kage Earl W chemist K Pk r 131 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Walter W (Alice C) gro 131 Hartsdale rd h do (Roch)<br />

Kahler Guernsey J (Eliz W) baker h 97 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kain Elwood F (Sarah) weaver h 379 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Kaiser Anna wid John h 4760 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Beatrice E elk r 237 Peart av (Pt. Plst)<br />

Chas studt r 440 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy E elk r 237 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Edwd W (Mary H) men's furnishings h 440 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Geo R (Sarah A) men's furnishings h 66 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Geo R jr, studt r 66 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Kaiser<br />

Geo W r 163 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Henry C (Josephine M) carp h 237 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Mary H Mrs elk 1388 Ridge rd E r 440 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Sarah elk r 163 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Sophie C supvr h 163 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Wilson studt r 440 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Kaitz Nestor H auto mech r 12 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Kalb Geo D (Daisy T) slsmn h 641 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

H Grover (Eliz J) shoes and leather died Dec 31, 1938<br />

Kalinsky Benj R (Evelyn E) asst supt Prud Ins Co h 21 Wimbledon rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Kail Edna E optical wkr r 2278 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Lena wid Louis W h 2278 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Mildred C optical wkr r 2278 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Raymond L (Johanna) acct h 17 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Kallock Vernon electn h 33 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Wm O (Grace V) electn 33 Hedgegarth dr r do (Roch)<br />

Kalmbach Charlotte J wid John h 268 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Gertrude A sten r 268 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Sophia wid Louis r 2040 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Kalmbacher Anthony W (Irene J) clothing ctr h 30 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Arline elk r 30 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Carrie r 225 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Kamb Francis D (Eliz C) coml artist r 168 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Kanaley Walter G (Marie) bkpr h 46 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Kane Elsie A tchr Laurelton sch r 26 Woodland pk (Roch)<br />

Wm E gas sta 430 Empire blvd (Roch) r 37 Angle Roch<br />

Kanka Mary R Mrs tchr Abraham Lincoln School r at Geneseo<br />

Kaplan Saml S (Rose B) real estate r 236 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Karch Sol (Kate) mgr Karch's Food Market 301 Culver pkwy (Roch) h<br />

32 Remington do<br />

Karch's Food Market, Sol Karch mgr gros 301 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Karchefsky Nathan (Celia) contr h 49 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Oscar R slsmn r 49 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Karger John R (Stella M) pntr h 76 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Karle Henry C (Adelaide) rem to Roch<br />

John F (Esther I) adv mgr h 102 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Karp Irene J wid Eug J h 64 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Karweick Henry J (Caroline M) mason contr h 57 Lake Bluff rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Karwick Geo (Mina M) presser h 418 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Kasischke Edwin F (Martha H) mach h 114 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo H (Clara T) mach h 148 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

June L bkpr r 148 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Kassel Ella C bkpr r 2804 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Hulda wid Louis h 2804 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Minnie K r 2804 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Kassick Chas mgr r 320 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Freda wid Jos h 320 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Grace rem to Roch<br />

Jos M stock broker (NY City) h 320 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Kassman Geo M (Loretta E) elk h 88 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Jas P (Eliz A) linoleum layer h 55 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Katz David (Clara) clothing h 283 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Edwd r 283 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Myron r 283 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Ralph clothing wkr r 36 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Kaufman Dorothy E r 278 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk C (Marjorie L) h 32 Frontenac Hts (Roch)<br />

Grace L r 745 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Herman (Doris) lab h 2336 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Louise wid Fred h 745 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Wilfrid A (Florence M) asst formn h 278 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Kay Henry L (Marion M) slsmn h 472 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Kayes Perry D (Mary K) asst mgr h 304 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Kayser Norman H (Janet L) mgr h 295 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Saml C (Florence M) collr RG&E Corp h 2940 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Keady Martin P (Mary E) florist h 3200 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Kear Frank G night watchmn h 2361 Norton (Roch)<br />

Howard J (Lucy M) tool mkr r 2361 Norton (Roch)<br />

Kearns Wilfred M (Margt T) mgr sum res 533 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Keating Bernice F tchr h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Florence G r 2419 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos M (Mary T) chemist h 2419 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Marguerite C r 2419 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Keberle Raymond A (Elsa H) testing eng h 4 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Keck Lena C wid Henry h 622 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Keeble Herbert (Martha I A) tool mkr h 203 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Keef Henry H (Frances A) tchr h 1733 Ridge rd E (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Keefe Wm M (Mae E) restr 4908 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) h 76 Welling<br />

ton av Roch<br />

Keegan Frances Mrs r 241 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Maude) restr h 50 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Keenan Jas r 1483 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

'Walter J (Mildred M) ins slsmn h 48 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Kegel Lena M r 177 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Otto F (Eugenia mach h 177 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kehl Alois (Rose H) dec 47 East View av h do (Roch)<br />

Keiber John G (Dolores G) production elk h 180 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Keiser Frank r 1267 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Wm r 1267 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Keith Isabelle D married Burt Mohlar<br />

Keller Arthur R hlpr r 352 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Eliz optical wkr r 370 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank A r 165 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Frank A jr (Mildred H) mach h 165 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Ella D) market gardnr 352 StJoseph h do (Roch)<br />

Frank L (Ruth D) slsmn h 112 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Henry (Anna) lens grinder r 370 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

KeHer J B Sons Inc<br />

Mrs Rose M Keller pres Mrs Marie L Keller v-pres-treas Flora Wer<br />

ner sec florists 28 Clinton av N, Roch tels Stone 484-5-6 See page 19<br />

Buyers' Guide<br />

Jos (Mary) lab h 370 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Kellett Chas R (Kellett Chevrolet Co) 1871 Ridge rd E r 1394 Norton<br />

Roch<br />

Chevrolet Co (Chas R and Edwd R Kellett) autos 1871 Ridge rd E<br />

(Roch)<br />

Edwd R (Ethel M) (Kellett Chevrolet Co) 1871 Ridge rd E h 60 Perrin<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd Thos (Katherine E) oil h 163 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm E hlpr r 163 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Kelley Bertram W (Marion C) prntr h 167 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Clinton H (Erna D) elk h 149 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

'Fred A (Martha S) heating eng h 401 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Frederick E mus r 401 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Harry L (Florence C) slsmn h 74 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Hazel S r 104 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Irene R tchr Ridgewood school r 242 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Kellner Carl C (Mabel A) assembler h 234 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Kellogg C Geo (Lena A) chauf h 35 Frontenac Hts (Roch)<br />

Chas S (May) urntr h 239 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Kelly Bernard J studt r 129 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Chas T (Jennie I) acct K Pk h 780 Melville (Roch)<br />

Clarence A (Anna) supt G V Trust Co h 116 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd A (Eliz F) chef h 125 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jas A r 2274 Norton (Roch)<br />

Jessie wid Benj h 3645 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

John H (Lucy) eng h 92 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos F (Margt V) slsmn r 129 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jos F jr r 129 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Julia A wid John r 217 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Odell B (Rose H) claim adj h 61 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph A acct (Schtdy) r 116 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Kelsey Florence Mrs housekpr r 240 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Harley B (Susan D) cooper h 896 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Kemley Jas R (Bertha D) formn h 104 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Kemmsies Wm C (Henny E) tool mkr h 57 Clarington (Roch)<br />

Kemp A h 68 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd T (Ella) (Slim's Garage) 352 and 418 Empire blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Elmer D (Jennie W) district mn h 57 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

J Harrison (Jeanne) phys sum res 52 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Kendall Albert F (Mildred) bank examiner h 233 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

W Beveridge (Harriett) chemical eng h 679 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Kendrick Edwd L (Laura) planning eng EK Co h 15 Culver pkwy<br />

Irond<br />

Ryland M h 1520 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Kennard Ernest L (Anna J) elk h 220 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Madeline M supvr (Buffalo) r 220 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Kennedy Arthur I (Emily L) hlpr h 11 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jas chauf r 2483 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

John P (Marguerite D) field rep h 44 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm H (Gertrude M) engvr sum res 50 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Kennelley Jas A (F Bessie) stocks h 43 Kiwanis rd (Roch)<br />

Kennerson Willis H (Norene) elk 872 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Kent Frank (Josephine) mach K Pk h 579 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank jr r 579 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos A (Ruth L) purchasing agt (Roch) h 47 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Kenyon Donald D studt r 380 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Donald E (Emma) mach h 380 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Keppler Chester G slsmn Stutson cor Thomas av r rear 591 Thomas av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Ernest C (Esther E) die mkr h 42 Kiwanis rd (Roch)<br />

Geo auto mech 65 Stutson cor Thomas av r rear 591 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Freda) farmer h rear 591 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Christ r 31 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond C (Esther) jan RG&E Corp h 1340 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Ruth F r rear 591 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Kerber Edwd O (Lauretta M) metal plshr h 317 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Kerins Wm T lino opr r 152 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Kern Catherine M sten r 66 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Emma Mrs h 43 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Esther E r 43 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gordon E dental Mech r 43 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gustave W (Ella) h 66 Madison ter<br />

Helen M beauty shop r 66 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Jos W (Mary T) dist mgr h 327 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Margt E maid r 43 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm tailor r 178 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Elin M) traffic supvr h 75 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Kerr Bertram H (Emily) slsmn h 194 Frontenac Hts (Roch)<br />

Kerscher August C (Catherine) auto mech h 41 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Wolfgang A (Isabel C) stmftr h 10 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Kersner Wm coml trav r 5328 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Kerwin Francis E (Eva M) K Pk h 197 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Margt E married Fred M Emens rem to Ann Arbor Mich<br />

Shirley J r 197 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Kesel Edwin H (E Lenora) formn r 1757 Ridge av E (Roch)<br />

Henry F (Beatrice A) electn h 391 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Robt studt r 1757 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Kessler Freda wid Alex r 124 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Fridolin (Anna) mason h 221 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

John (Bregitta) mason h 229 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Kester Martin (Eliz) h 468 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Kestler Bernard J paper wkr K Pk r 112 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Harry W (Mary) supvr stmftrs K Pk h 112 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Ketchum Albert A (Irene K) sis mgr h 95 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

-Donald F collr r 95 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Harold A (Jeanne) mgr h 237 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Howard W (Elsie L) K Pk h 3948 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Kettlehohn August J (Martha C) litho h 4079 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Keubler Geo W (Helen M) rem to Roch<br />

Keyes Grafton H (Marguerite B) chemist h 484 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt E (Florence E) maintenance wkr h 2nd rear 112 Lake View av<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Keys Harwood (Garnet A) stock broker h 352 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Kicherer Christian tailor r 47 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Emma (Mrs Christian) died Jan 30, 1939<br />

Raymond C (Jennie W) K Pk h 47 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Kiebel Edwd caretkr Newport House, Newport rd h do (Roch)<br />

John caretkr Newport rd r do (Roch)<br />

Kiefer Louis plmbr h 161 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Kieffer Geo H (Louette C) switchboard opr h 106 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Theo J (Elsie G) phys r 2845 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Kildea R Ernmett (Mildred E) formn h 54 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Kilgore Louis E h 57 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Kilgras C Phillip (Jessie P) mach h 136 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd F (Stella) EK Co h 61 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Killip Arthur J (Florence) ins h 86 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Loraine E married Wilfred Andres<br />

Marion C hairdrsr r 86 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Mary T wid Wm H died Aug 26, 1939<br />

Wm M (Magdelene H) asst cashr h 79 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Kilmer C Lawrence (Gladys A) K Pk h 223 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Kimbark Luella M paymaster h 4635 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Kimmel Clarence E (Georgina) insp h 44 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Jos shoe wkr h 1534 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Michl elk r 4918 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm M (Anna S) wood wkr h 126 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Kimpson Etta O real est broker r 49 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Kinchler Alice A tailoress r 83 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Jean sec r 83 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Kindler Edwd O (Clara W) tailor h 23 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

King Elmer (Ruth) gardnr h 1138 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Frances M h 257 Kings Highway (Roch)<br />

Frank formn r 77 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Genevieve M r 324 Kings Highway (Roch)<br />

Glenn B (Jeannette G) mach opr h 1761 Hudson av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


King<br />

Jeannette D r 324 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Lloyd C gardnr r 324 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Ulysses D (Mary D) stmftr K Pk h 55 LeGran rd Roch<br />

Wm C (Alice M) chauf h 2545 Parker rd (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Delberta) gardnr h 324 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Kingsland Oliver (Minnie) elev opr h 4915 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Oliver D (Lena H) wirewkr h 116 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Kingsley Janet rem to Roch<br />

Kingston Anna L wid Geo R h 189 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Donald H (Evelyn B) K Pk h 152 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Kiniry Adelbert (Lucille) press opr h 40 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Andrew A (Dora A) chauf h 133 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Clifford E (Florence F) shoe ctr h 691 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Kinne Walter (Helen) EK Co h 62 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Kinney Frank J (Clara R) appraiser h 123 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Richd W adv dept r 123 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Kinsella Paul E r 184 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Peter F (Bernice M) drftsmn h 260 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Raymond D (Maude A) acct h 184 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Kinsman Mary A wid Burton T h 543 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Kinzel Kenneth W (Harriet) chauf h 58 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kipp Donald E (Gladys E) elk h 69 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd L (Winifred C) chauf h 576 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Kirch Fredk W (Mary D) sis supvr r 31 Colbrook dr (Roch)<br />

Virginia r 31 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Kircher Emil A (Agnes M) contr h 258 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert L (Basilides J) meats h 1345 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Jos (Catherine) meat ctr h 258 St Joseph (Roch)<br />

Kirchgessner Arthur W musn r 480 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Jacob H (Rose M) K Pk h 23 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Wilbur studt r 23 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Wm h 480 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Kirchoff Albert A v-pres Roch Parcel Delivery Co h 4262 StPaul blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Armond J (Frances M) K Pk h 2448 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Mary K Pk r 2448 Ridge E (Roch)<br />

Oscar A studt r 83 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Oscar C (Loretta E) osteologist h 83 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Kirchmaier Chester A (Verna A) purchasing agt h 129 Sagamore dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Mark F (Marion P) florist h 18 Lake ter (Roch)<br />

Kirchner Ferdinand W (Dorothy) sis mgr h 4004 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Lillian M) (Sea Breeze Shoe Shop) 25 Clara h 71 Linden pk<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Grace R Mrs died June 24, 1939<br />

Louis J (Frances A) (Sea Breeze Shoe Shop) 25 Clara h 44 Linden<br />

pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kirk Harry E (Eliz M) slsmn h 238 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Howard L principal Ridgewood sch r 872 Winton rd N Roch<br />

Kirkpatrick Fredk E (Mildred) shovel eng h 1017 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Jas (Jean J) K Pk h 455 Peart ay (Pt Plst)<br />

Kirsch Karl h 94 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Kiske Arthur H (Clara M) assembler h 22 Rudman rd (Roch)<br />

Kittle Howard A (Gladys W) prntr h 93 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Kittlinger Fredk W r 103 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Kitzel Mary B wid Cornelius P elk h 32 East View av (Roch)<br />

Kitzing Carl E (Harriet E) drftsmn h 607 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Klahr Richd chef Bay Front N r do (Pt Plst)<br />

Klauss Arnold R (Emily D) contr 2563 Titus av (Roch) h do<br />

Kleasen Albert h 109 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Edwd G waiter r 109 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kleckler Esther maid 139 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Klee Jos G (Florentine) cigars h 52 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Kleehammer Mary A wid Geo r 3418 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Sylvester J supt (Hilda B) h 3418 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Klehr Anna M tailoress r 79 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Celia E tailoress r 79 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Jos J (Hattie) trimmer h 79 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Klein Adolph (Augusta) h 72 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Carl (Sophie L) elec contr h 92 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Edna L Mrs sec Wamblu Corp 1378 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 17 Carter<br />

Roch<br />

Ethel L studt r 92 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Henry D (Naomi A) bicycles h 3540 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Leonard M (Inez A) carp h 18 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Louise K tchr r 3806 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Marion H) gro h 39 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Rudolph h 231 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Rudolph jr E K Co r 231 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

S R h 5138 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Kleindienst Helen F wid Edwd J h 67 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kleiner Chas J (Henrietta) meat ctr h 160 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

John F (Margt F) carp 98 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Kleinhammer Arlene M r 545 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Arthur E (Marjorie M) patrolmn 1388 Ridge rd E h 545 Empire blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Edwd lab r 545 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Kleinhans Armella sten r 9 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Clara F druggist, summer res 47 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Peter J (Anna M) clothing cutter h 106 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Richd G (Ethel M) elk h 155 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Kleinman Minnie wid Louis died Aug 3, 1939<br />

Kleinow Albert (Marie) book binder h 278 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kleisley Norman G (Margt M) express h 10 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

Klem Bros Dairy (Theo J and Wm G) 3746 St Paul blvd (Roch) and<br />

milk 27 Union Park (do)<br />

Brothers Service Sta (Theo J & Wm G) 667 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Clayton A (Elsie M) chauf h 125 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy M r 3745 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry h 3745 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Justin J studt r 222 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Mary C r 3745 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Paul R (Marie) gas sta h 3098 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Raymond W (Lavina E) meat ctr h 44 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Richd J dairymn r 3746 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Theo J (Theresa J) (Klem Bros Dairy) 3746 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

and 27 Union pk do and (Klem Bros Service Station) 667 Titus av<br />

do h 50 Fairview cres (do)<br />

Wm hlpr r 3746 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm G (Hattie M) (Klem Bros Service Sta) 667 Titus av and (Klem<br />

Bros Dairy) 27 Union pk (do) and 3746 St Paul blvd (Roch) h do<br />

Klenk Louis J (Mabel G) K Pk h 77 East View av (Roch)<br />

Klenke Frances C floor supt r 4180 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Ethel) elk h 4180 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Klick Arthur C (Lillian) carp h 136 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Carl H (Martha U) maintenance mn h 69 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

-Ethel M sten r 69 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Florence L sten r 69 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Fred L (Grace E) installation mn h 136 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Herman C (Regina M) stmftr h 1818 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Wm (Eliz) tailor h 303 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Klimcow Catherine H, K Pk r 292 Clark av (Roch)<br />

John r 292 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Mary necktie mkr r 292 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Peter (Annie) gro 292 Clark av h do (Roch)<br />

Roselle elk r 292 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Klingelhafer Ruth h 359 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Klingler Bernard H (Mildred) mach opr r 127 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy A shoewkr r 127 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Geo N (Frances) insp h 127 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

John E (Agnes M) h 386 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Marie E paper wkr r 127 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Klinke Wm N (Margt A) optical wkr B&LO Co h 234 Rawlinson rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Klinkert Alfred G (Helen K) carp r 218 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Klintz Bros (Paul and Louis) gro 432 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz r 55 Rudman rd (Roch)<br />

'Louis (Klintz Bros) 432 Seneca rd r 55 Rudman rd (Roch)<br />

Paul (Klintz Bros) 432 Seneca rd h 55 Rudman rd (Roch)<br />

Klippel Chester H (Josephine H) cost acct h 133 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Klisiewski Florian studt r 230 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Jos F (Katherine F) tailor h 230 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Klopek Jos F (Lulu L) garage h 202 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Klos Carrie maid 78 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Jas A (Teresa H) acct h 104 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Kluge Herman (Mary) camera wkr E K Co h 432 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

John optical wkr r 432 Rawlinson rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Kluge<br />

Margt optical wkr r 432 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Otto F optical wkr r 432 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Kment Anna wid Vincent h 126 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Louis J (Auretta E) barber h 71 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Rudolph optical wkr r 126 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Vincent (Anna) died Jan 16, 1939<br />

Knack Jos H (Marie F) asst foremn h 217 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Knapp Chas porter h Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Homer contr r 183 Thurlow rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

John G r 144 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Louis A h rear 333 Glen Haven rd (Roch)<br />

Wm B (Estelle M) slsmn h 338 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Knauer Ralph R (Regina M) countermn h 38 Elgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Knecht Henry B (Geraldine I) designer h 68 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Knight Edith E wid Chas r 130 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Evord A r 236 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Geoffrey S (Lois) druggist h 153 Orchard Park blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Lewis A variety h 153 Orchard Park blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Oscar atndt 277 Culver pkwy (Roch) r at Rochester<br />

Thos A (Eleanor F) paper ctr h 236 Schofield rd (Roch)<br />

Knipper Lilith H camera wkr r 383 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Philip M jr (Julia A) mach h 383 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Knittel Anthony C (Augusta W) clothing ctr h 60 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Arline D studt r 60 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Knitter Chas A (Florence) optical wkr B&LO Co h 26 Bachman rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Knoeforl John (Bessie) electn h 5352 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Knop Harry P (Rhoda G) maintenance mn h 43 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Richd H r 43 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Knope J Clayton (Bess) efficiency eng h 114 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Jos H (Mary L) master mech h 17 N Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Warren A elk r 17 N Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Knorr Martin (Waneta) lab end st Paul blvd h 13 Oscar Roch<br />

Robt V (Viola N) custodian h 434 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Knowles Chas A (Isabella E) h 126 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harry H police h 95 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary wid John r 95 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Knuth Harvey G (Carrie L) elect eng h 65 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Koch Albert R r 1840 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Frank P r 1840 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

'Horace W (Margery E) instr h 220 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Irene M elk r 125 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred M elk h 125 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

-Milton G (Doris L) mach h 420 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Walter A (Claire B) tchr h 228 Sagamore dr Roch<br />

Kocher Neil S (Harriet A) supt K Pk h 83 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Kochert Anna. M nurse r 423 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Eug carp r 423 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Fred brewery wkr r 423 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Jos carp r 423 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Louis (Catherine) gas sta 1561 Titus av (Roch) h 423 Bouekhart av<br />

(do)<br />

Martin brewery wkr r 423 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Raymond pntr r 423 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Kodweis Elmer F mach r 90 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Jas r 651 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Karl A (Minnie A) contr 90 Couchman av h do (Roch)<br />

Walter hlpr h 651 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Koeberle Carl H (Elsie W) chauf h 229 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Koehler Edwin J (Marcella F) wheelman h 165 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Koehnleim Wm E (Mae) meats h 45 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Koehnlein Wm E (Thelma A) millwright K Pk h 2284 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Koellmer Emil C H (Marion) optical wkr h 112 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Koenig Adeline wid Leo h 500 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

John M (Frances R) coml artist h 934 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Leo (Adeline) died Aug 18, 1939<br />

Koepke Elmer A (Eliz) eng h 289 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Koester Roy A (Christine E) K Pk h 116 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Koesterer Martin J (Maude L) chauf h 1925 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Kogler Albert (Matilda) musn h 348 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Kohl Oscar E (Mary) real est 160 Amerige pk h do (Roch)<br />

Kohler Wm F h 69 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Kohlrusch Herman (Gertrude) pntr h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Kolanski Frank (Eliz) mach h 578 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Kolb Albert B (Elsie L) tool mkr h 4686 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Harry J (Marie A) ins h 83 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Jos F (Jennie L) camera wkr h 68 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Martin J (Edith L) mach h 123 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

35<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Kolb<br />

Robt T hlpr r 123 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Marion A) mech h 21 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Kollack Justina M wid Andrew r 416 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Koloseike Walter F (Mary) tchr h 112 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Kommeth John W (Monica) asst chemist h 298 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Konigstein Ludwig (Frances) h 408 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Koper Nicholas (Margt) carp h 65 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Koppelle Ida M wid Henry h 4073 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Koppin Ewald L (Adah) jeweler h 4254 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Korhummel Emile Mrs r 29 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Korndorffer Wm aligner r 235 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Kort Adolph H (Anna L) market gardnr 419 Cooper rd h do (Roch)<br />

Avis sec r 419 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Emma Mrs r 766 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Hannah wid Adolph h 1367 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm C gardnr r 1367 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Kosack Miro J (Meta C) head waiter h 62 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Kosbab Edwin C (Dorothy) K Pk h 14 Abington rd (Roch)<br />

Harold W (Catherine R) optical wkr h 1964 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Koster Walter J (Eliz) optical wkr h 193 St Joseph (Roch)<br />

Kotwas Alex S pattern mkr r 63 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Alphonse S (Anna L) camera wkr r 267 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Bernard W carp r 63 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Frank J mach r 63 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Mary A wid Frank h 63 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Kowalski John G (Rose E) camera wkr h 128 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Stanley M (Agnes C) K Pk h 100 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Valentine J (Sarah J) tailor h 21 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Kraftchik Wm A (Anne M) contr h 379 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Kraftschik Albert J (Carrie E) v-pres-sec Herrick Lumber Co Inc (Roch)<br />

h 98 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Carl E (Margt K) production mn K Pk h 195 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Kralles Stoianes (Emaline) restr h 81 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Kramer Edwd F (Gertrude M) auto mech 4306 Culver rd (Pt Plst) r 327<br />

Peart av do<br />

Eug H (Anne V) elk h 270 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Evelyn H Mrs h 55 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Matilda M wid Nicholas h 327 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Walter A (Norine T) h 81 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Krapf Herbert J elk r 40 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Jos M (Josephine) supt B&O h 40 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Norman W (Lillian C) civ engr h 256 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Vernon h 515 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Hilda) (Red & White Store) 653 Titus av (Roch) h 991 Mon<br />

roe av Roch<br />

Krapp Walter C (Marion E) formn h 111 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

Kraten Lillian C wid Julius h 84 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kraus Andrew P (Mary R) loom fixer h 234 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Jacob H (Mary U) slsmn h 133 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Krause Max H (Mildred E) slsmn h 32 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Krautwurst Homer V studt r 2449 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Roy F studt r 2449 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Matilda) h 2449 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Kreagan Thos electn r 2551 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Krech Marion T r 256 Schofield rd (Roch)<br />

Kreckel Florence M sec summer res 555 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Gertrude B office mgr summer res 555 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Philip (Addie) summer res 555 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Kreiser Howard J (Darlene P) auto pntr h 794 Melville (Roch)<br />

Kremheller John L jan r 80 East View av (Roch)<br />

Kress Wm F (Sarah M) plmbr h 103 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Kressl Rudolph H (Lulu B) carp h 71 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Kressman Chas A r 542 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Kretchman Chas M (Ruth) K Pk h 133 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Kreuzer Howard J (Phyllis G) K Pk h 2298 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Krieger Carrie J bkpr 2026 Hudson av (Roch) r 2234 do<br />

Edwd J (Carrie J) millwright h 2234 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Harold A (Anna K) ainstrument wkr h 38 Hollywood cres (Roch)<br />

Martin (Anne) electn r 169 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Olive A 5357 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ruth A r 38 Hollywood cres (Roch)<br />

Krieter Alf J (Emma E) druggist 659 Titus av h 33 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Sophie wid Henry r 33 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Krieter's Pharmacy (Alf J Krieter) 659 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Krischke Emma L wid Albert h 2040 Ridge rd (Roch)<br />

Kroeckel John G jr (Martha B) mkt gardnr h 559 St Joseph (Roch)<br />

Jos (Gertrude) barber h 2858 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence C (Loretta B) lens polisher h 202 Legionnaire dr (Roch)<br />

Krompart Clarence E (Marion B) formn h 63 Alice (Sea Breeze)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />



There is a Lowe Bros. Paint Dealer in your Town<br />

9-11-13 N. WATER ST. Phone MAIN 8140<br />

Krowl Clarence R (Mary F) mgr h 648 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Kruger Alberta A slswmn r 60 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest M (Margt E) carp h 60 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Margt E Mrs nurse r 60 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Marion M sten (Auburn) r 60 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Kruse Dorothy R dancing instr r 50 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ernest J (Emma E) asbestos wkr h 50 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kryger Doris R r 67 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Leo S (Glady H) optical wkr h 67 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia R elk r 67 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Kryk John (Mary) h 327 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

John r 327 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Jos U steel wkr r 327 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Mary married Wm Quinn rem to Rochester<br />

Michl (Helen R) mach h 182 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Kubica Edwd C (Eleanor) tailor h 78 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Kubissa Henry F W (Autumn) atndt r 383 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Alma) h 383 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Kubitz Chas A (Josephine R) shoe ctr h 1672 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Kuder Geo W (Alma R) paper cutter h 4105 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Kuebel John J rem to Mendon<br />

Russell D (Clara L) electrical eng h 242 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Kuebler Wm (Lavina I) contr 123 Frankland rd (Roch) h do<br />

Kuehl Emmett r 102 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Fred C (Ethel M) auto mech h 102 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Kufner Walter F (Daisy N) tool mkr h 214 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Kugler Fanny wid Henry r 3295 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Kuhn Alma Mrs bkpr r 5020 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwin F (Jean L) slsmn h 390 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Fredk (Alberta H) camera wkr h 278 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Herman (Rose) summer res 101 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Julia M tailoress r 190 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Louisa M tailoress r 190 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Theo G (Helen G)<br />

r 242 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Elsie A) linotype opr h 202 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Kuhnert Julius E wood carver summer res 91 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Mae L (Mrs Julius E) died July 4, 1939<br />

Kuhnle Howard A (Mildred R) pastor Church of the Transfiguration h<br />

262 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Kumberg Arthur R (Muriel) h 399 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Kunkel Henry W (Irene M) h 182 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Margt F) prntr h 2963 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Kuntz Fredk r 83 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Kunz Anton (Bertha) h 2449 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Kupersmith John L formn r 64 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Kupfer Otto jr (Mary H) designing eng h 291 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Kupinsky Alex (Bessie) gas sta h 95 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Kursten Karl G M (Margt A) drftsmn h 215 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Kurtz Harold R (Celia J) radios h 61 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

John C (G Mildred) supt summer res 756 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Anna W) cost acct h 27 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Kurzrock Geo (Irene) tool mkr h 170 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Marion C) tool mkr h 109 Oakwood av (Roch)<br />

Kuschel Albert slsmn r 26 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

John (Mary E) tool grinder h 263 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred R r 64 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kutensky Saml (Fannie) cabinet mkr h 163 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kuter Jerome S (Mildred R) shipping elk h 27 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Kwasniski Catherine R elk r 2026 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Charlotte P r 2026 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

John N baker r 2026 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Nicholas h 2026 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Mildred E elk r 2026 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Kyle Frank E (Etta J) patrolman 1388 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 40 Lake<br />

View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Garry V (Elsie R) slsmn h 667 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Wilbur E, EK Co r 40 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

La Baer Irving S (Ann) store mgr h 63 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

La Bar Alma M married Edwin F Hoellrigl rem to Br<br />

Claude H (Verna) tire rpr h 125 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

La Barge Grace E wid Edwd h 111 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Lucille M sten r 111 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

La Barr Norman F jr studt r 1885 Titus av (Roch)<br />

La Borie Earl (Marie) K Pk h 357 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Francis E (Catherine) mach opr h 91 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

La Bue Anthony C studt r 147 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Chas weaver r 94 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jos A r 147 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Margt wid Salvatore h 94 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Mary S bench wkr r 147 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Michl (Ida) h 147 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Lackiusa Filomine Mrs (The Wagon Wheel) restr 4818 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze) r 125 Lindhurst Roch<br />

Lacombe Cleophas T (Margt C) linotype opr h 39 East View av (Roch)<br />

John J elk r 39 East View av (Roch)<br />

La Cour Geo F (Lucille H) brewery wkr h 99 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Lacroix Theo (Clemence) market gardnr 122 Pine Grove av h do (Roch)<br />

LaCroix Ray A appr 1871 Ridge rd E r 122 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

La Croni Nathan L (Clara) cook h 176 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Lacy Floyd E (Genevieve D) firemn NYC h 523 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Ladd Carl M studt r 189 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

F Robt chauf r 189 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Fred R (Maude E) elec contr 189 Montcalm dr h do (Roch)<br />

Herbert M (Bessie L) caretkr 714 Rock Beach h rear do (Roch)<br />

Wm H studt r rear 714 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

La Due Nathan F (Alma M) contr h 87 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Ladwig Ella wid John M r 67 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

John A (Mildred) elk h 67 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ladzari Mario slsmn r 292 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Laemlein Elmer J (Cecelia A) bldr h 25 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Laemmlein Alice wid John r 341 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Laffkas Rula E nurse Ridgewood sch r 1100 Clinton av S Roch<br />

LaForce John M (Olga M) restr wkr h 3348 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

LaFrance Thos J (Margt C) pntr 160 Montcalm dr h do (Roch)<br />

La Franco Frank (Margt) lab h 14 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Laging Chester R (Frances U) mach opr r 124 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Earl G bindery wkr r 124 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fred H (Mary K) tailor h 124 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter E elk r 203 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lahey Edwd H (Jean) K Pk h 107 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Laidlaw Loretta Mrs elk 65 Stutson cor Thomas av (Roch) r 43 Tacoma<br />

Roch<br />

Laitenberger Alf F (Anna) mach h 30 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Lake Mollie C Mrs r 88 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Lalonde Elmer, EK Co h 116 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

La Londe Frank W (Eliz) carp h 168 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Lamb Carlton C (Catherine C) time study mn h 94 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Lyman L (Mary S) gear eng h 330 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Robt h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Thos A (Winifred J) sis mgr h 8 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Lambert John N (Beatrice) Snider Packing Corp h 17 Couchman av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Lamberton Donald J (Agnes E) maintenance mn K Pk h 56 Mayfair dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Lambright Harold T (Natalie N) slsmn h 37 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Lamming C Herbert (Nellie) mgr Harts 681 Titus av (Roch) h 81 Laburnam<br />

cres Roch<br />

David A (Ruth E) elk 681 Titus av h 2164 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Lamont Charlotte Jean tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 310 Ridgeway av Roch<br />

Lanctot E Everett (Nellie C) carp h 44 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Landen Jas J (Isabel M) slsmn h 4901 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Landfried Philip (Maude) lab 318 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Landgren Everett A (Gertrude A) chauf h 68 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Landman Rudolph F (Ethel C) wood carver h 140 Hurstbourne rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Landon Herbert (Maud) factory wkr h 469 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Wm optical wkr r 469 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Landschoot Anna M elk r 198 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Louise M) firemn Fire House No 3, 493 Wash av (Roch) h 198<br />

Long Acre rd do<br />

Landy Rebecca wid Harry r 84 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Sol (Betty) supvr h 84 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Lane Sherman J (Norma) slsmn h 105 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Wilbur J (Clara A) film wkr K Pk h 56 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Lang Alfons O (Erma L) cooper h 100 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Carl tchr r 1405 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Chas (Carolyn D) agent h 133 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Donald (Mary) h 64 Avenue B (Pt Plst)

Lang<br />

Francis J (Margt H) gro h 590 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Gordon slsmn r 4955 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Leonard F (Minnie W) sign pntr 69 Hardison rd h do (Roch)<br />

Leslie W (Pearl E) hlpr h 143 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Rose wid John h 4265 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Sidney P (Anna) auto mech h 26 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Simon (Marie) teamster h 1405 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm (Lillian) h 4955 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Langdon Thos H (Sarah K) h 1544 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Langefeld Harry R bakers supplies<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

r 55 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Wilhelmina wid Henry h 55 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Wm G (Marion) h 2195 Clinton av N (Roch)<br />

Langen Theo (Viola) landscape gardnr h 228 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Langer Marie E sten r 2901 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm D (Lena F) clothing ctr h 2901 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Langie Fuel Service inc<br />

Eugene H Langie pres, Louis A Langie sec-treas 326 E Main tel<br />

Stone 4000, 357 StPaul, 693 South av and 2 Lake av Rochester See<br />

page 16 Buyers' Guide<br />

Langknecht Henry J (Emma) experimental man h 96 Leland rd (Roch )<br />

Henry L (Dorothy E) tool mkr r 96 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Langmeyer Darwin G (Eliz P) elk PO h 85 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Langslow H Acton r 190 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Isabell R wid Louis A G h 190 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Richd L (Zara W) supt h 99 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Langworthy E Phelps (Eliza M) pres Bearium Metals Corp h 62 Van<br />

Voorhis av (Roch)<br />

Kemper K msngr r 62 Van Voorhis av (Roch)<br />

Lanigan Clarence E (Roxey A) ins h 36 Warrenton (Roch)<br />

Lannin Kenneth H (Monica V) cost elk h 165 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Thos D (Maude F) deputy town elk and elk sewer maintenance dept<br />

1396 Ridge E (Roch) h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Lape Leonard (Mary) pntr 2194 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

LaPlaca Giuseppe (Lucy) h 171 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Grace wid Rosario r 252 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Jos (Rose E) tailor h 20 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Saml studt r 20 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

LaPorta Christopher (Vincenza) farm hand h 37 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Christopher jr r 37 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Lapp A Prentice purchasing agt r 62 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Irving A (Mary A) asst purchasing agt h 62 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

LaPre Andre bartndr r 93 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Timothy slsmn r 93 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Lark Caroline wid Edwd A h 1412 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Clarence J (Charlotte M) drftsmn h 257 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd A (Caroline) died Oct 14, 1938<br />

Edwd A jr (Lillian M) stock kpr r 1412 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Larker Alma M Mrs, K Pk r 258 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Chas G chauf r 263 St Joseph (Roch)<br />

Ella H wid Geo J h 263 St Joseph (Roch)<br />

Ella M r 263 St Joseph (Roch)<br />

Wm G optical wkr r 263 St Joseph (Roch)<br />

Larmonth Donald (Mary E) ins h 43 Outlook dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Larner Martin L (Clara B) coml trav h 160 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

LaRocca Jack S (Rose G) barber 297 Culver pkwy (Roch) h 39 Marne<br />

Roch<br />

LaRose Audree C hairdresser r 75 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Denzil P welder r 75 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd (Margt B) dept mgr 4468 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) h 75 Coolidge<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Stanton A (Dora E) night watchmn h 107 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Larrabee Milton W r 4945 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm A (Cora A) h 4945 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

LaSalle Michl (Mary) tailor h 100 Abington rd (Roch)<br />

Lashier Fred (Jean) musn h 408 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Laskie LeRoy E (Eileen M) slsmn h 71 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Lassen Genevieve A wid Geo H r 52 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Latel Patricia A nurse r 66 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Lattime H Leroy (Ruth H) elk PO h 2200 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Latz Edwd W (Kate) gardnr h 93 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

H Louise h 164 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Minnie M h 164 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Lau Arthur A carp r 58 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Robt F carp r 58 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Robt H (Pauline E) contr 58 Bristol av (Roch) h do<br />

Lauber John A h 144 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Lauer Donald W coast guard end St Paul blvd r do (Roch)<br />

Edwin S (Edith G) industrial eng h 240 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />


442<br />

TjflTlAT<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Franklin A (Mildred H) mason supplies r 57 Lake Bluff rd (Sea<br />

Harvey W (Alice S) ins h 2134 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Jos W (Agnes G) furn h 98 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Laurelton Apartments Chester J Spitz supt 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Fire House Gerald J McGreal chief 405 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

School 478 Helendale rd (Roch) ,<br />

United Presbyterian Church David L McBride pastor 335 Helendale<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Laurer Jos farm hand r 599 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Laushey Herbert R insp h 242 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Lauster Chas H (Frances T) credit mn h 67 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Lauter Werner M (Elsa) research chemist h 70 Van Voorhis av (Roch)<br />

Lauterbach Arthur H (Florence M) h 457 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Chester H phys r 610 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Edna domestic h 2593 Norton (Roch)<br />

Edwd A (Eliz) h 610 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Karges E investigator r 610 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Walter G (Elsie M S) councilmn 1392 Ridge rd E h 455 Bay View rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Lauth F h 90 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Esther) coml trav h 46 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

LaValley Mae hkpr r 1345 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Lavin Veronica cashr r 309 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

LaWall John D (Ina R) dist mgr h 188 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

LaWandt Norbert J (Marjorie L) pntr h 50 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lawler Albert J (Catherine) boiler mkr h 173 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Alice buyer summer res 55 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Edwd A (Mabelle) gro 451 Cooper rd h do (Roch)<br />

Harold (Mina) slsmn r 173 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Marjorie A studt r 451 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Thos F (Cora E) assembler h 31 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Lawless Bros Paper Mills Inc inc NY '24 Michl J Lawless pres, David F<br />

Lawless v-pres-treas paper mfrs Ontario st<br />

Lawlor T J h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Lawn Jas H (Mary B) camera wkr h rear 4538 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lawrence Earl G (Edna E) tchr h 123 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Herbert A (Winona) architectural drftsmn h 39 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert A jr elk r 39 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert J (Mae E) jewelery wkr h 103 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Noble T basket mkr r 391 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrenz Aug farmer r 2850 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Evelyn A sec r 39 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Ferdinand W farmer h 2850 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo R (Augusta) elk h 39 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Geo W farmer r 2850 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Otto (Leah) polisher r 2850 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Lawson Fred F (Arlene R) slsmn h 101 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Lawton David (Maude B) h 47 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lay Eug (Clara) lab r 285 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Richd H lab r 47 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lays Chas E (Clara L) produce h 210 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Nonie wid Geo summer res 357 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Lazarra Saml r 181 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Lazarus Albert (Fannie) sten summer res 41 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Lazio Chas T (Christine D) slsmn h 379 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Lazzara Ignatius (Jennie) h 181 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jas A (Sarah E) mason h 104 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Jos r 181 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Mildred A assembler r 181 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Rose J r 181 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Lea Henry B (Edna F) chemist h 75 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Leach Frank E (Anna M) repairmn EK Co h 670 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Leader Herbert H (Margt M) elec eng h 22 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Leake Alf B (Mildred O) mach h 911 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Chester W (Mary L) yard formn 951 Thomas av h 992 do (Roch)<br />

Learch Harold W (Dorothy R) radio mn h 408 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Learn Pearl r 500 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Learned Harry G (Ruth A) mech eng h 96 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Leary Harold H (Katherine M) dry clnr h 268 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Mary G wid Herbert h 3911 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Leastman Ethel M wid Arthur L r 190 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Fred fruit grower h 580 Leastman rd (Roch)<br />

Leavens Albert R (Loretta V) garage mn h 63 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

LeBarron Burton E (Ethel B) slsmn h 45 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Chester A (Frances S) slsmn h 95 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Stewart r 95 Parkview ter (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Leckie Jessica sec r 107 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Mae wid Franklin h 107 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Oneata tabulator r 107 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Leckinger Alfred (June) h 145 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

John P (Ann) purch agt h 251 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

LeClaire Anna E Mrs r 124 East View av (Roch)<br />

Evelyn A sten r 124 East View av (Roch)<br />

John A J auto mech r 124 East View av (Roch)<br />

Malcolm A r 124 East View av (Roch)<br />

Wm G elk h 124 East View av (Roch)<br />

Leder Alf H (Maude) sta mgr h 206 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Donald r 206 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Paul C (Bertha) clothing trimmer h 159 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Lederer Granger C (Claire M) v-pres h 242 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Phyllis E studt r 242 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Lederman Mary wid John r 87 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Lee Catherine A camera wkr r 37 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Earl P (Hallie R) elect eng h 184 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Edna C studt r 184 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Harriet M r 37 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

John P studt r 184 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

John R (Anna E) shoe wkr h 37 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

John R jr assembler r 37 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Leland G (Onolee A) slsmn h 164 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Maynard D (Cora B) ind eng h 100 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Owen (Leona) concessionnaire sum res 165 Lake Bluff rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Robt E ins agt r 184 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Ruth Mrs h 541 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Thos D, K Pk r 184 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Leeming John W (Gladys) formn h 293 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Leere Isaac hlpr h 39 Bellamy dr (Roch)<br />

Minnie wid Leonard r 39 Bellamy dr (Roch)<br />

Lees W Chas (Frances E) prntr h 277 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

LeFeber David F studt r 3620 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

John F (Alice M) sec h 3620 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

LeFrois Clarence W (Marie C) bkpr h 254 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Geo P (Vera O) dried fruits 3577 Latta rd (N Gr) h 4304 St Paul blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Glenn studt r 4304 St blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos G studt r 4304 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos L (Lorainne M) mach opr h 53 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Lillian E wid John E h 222 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Rita V married Evans T Conrad<br />

Vincent E studt r 4304 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Legg W Francis (Dorothy W) waiter h 93 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Legler Eug B (Gladys V) slsmn h 77 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Gladys A) slsmn h 146 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Lehle Wm J (Mary A) insp h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Lehmann Aug P (Lulu E) shtmtlwkr h 260 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Dorothy M nurse r 260 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Edwin P studt r 260 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Lehr Norman F (Amelia M) mech eng h 77 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Lehrbach Henry G (Henrietta E) supt h 66 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Prudence A studt r 66 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Leibeck Bert L milk 467 Shelford rd h do (Roch)<br />

Leibinger C Catherine elk r 218 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Leicht Elmer J (Bertha) optical wkr h 80 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J r 52 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Leichtner Henry W (Olive) photog h 256 Seholfield dr (Roch)<br />

Leicione Frank slsmn h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Leighton Alfred E (Mary J) (Leighton's Pharmacy) 2201 Clinton av N h<br />

2195 do (Roch)<br />

Leighton's Pharmacy (Alfred E Leighton) 2201 Clinton av N (Roch)<br />

Leinberger Raymond C (Helen G) carp 120 Pt Pleasant rd h do (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm A (Caroline) auto mech h 76 East View av (Roch)<br />

Leinen Edwd (Colletta E) ins agt r 3930 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Richd E r 3930 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Leise Evelyn Mrs, K Pk r 67 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Leiske Henry F (Mildred E) stencil prntr h 473 Peart av (Pt Plst)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Leistmann Herbert C (Violet I) lubrication mn h 66 East View av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Lembke Earl J (Alfreda) farmer h 1767 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Lengyel Frank (Emma) instrument wkr h 89 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Lenhardt Barbara married Walter Statucki rem to Webster<br />

Geo P hlpr r 360 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

John B optical wkr r 360 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Peter H (Anna) pntr h 360 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Philip G shoe wkr r 360 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Lennon Geo V r 9 Cross (Roch)<br />

Geo V jr (Dorothy H) elk h 9 Cross (Roch)<br />

Lent Abigail K wid Geo h 300 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lentz Ethel J wid Walter h 367 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Leonard Verne H (Dorothy M) supvr h Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Leonhard Lee W (Florence M) supvr EK Co h 1075 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Lerch Henry H r 244 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

LeRoy Chas E (Mamie) stationer h 441 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Leschorn Alex W (Marion E) (Leschorn Bros) 3000 Culver rd h 37<br />

Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Bros (Jacob C, Herbert R and Alex W) gas sta 3000 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Christopher (Marie S) mach h 53 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Herbert R (Leschorn Bros) 3000 Culver rd r 53 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jacob C (Leschorn Bros) 3000 Culver rd r 53 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Leslie Harold W (Ruth H) bkpr rem to Webster<br />

Lesslie Paul A (Myrtle H) proof reader h 1450 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Lessten Chas J (Delia B) slsmn h 316 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Fredk (Mabel) h 129 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Fredk I mgr r 129 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Gladys E r 316 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Marjory camera wkr r 129 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

LeTouzel Elsie A Mrs r 104 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Harold A rem to Rochester<br />

Letson Geo A (Pearl I) chauf h 108 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Lettau Raymond E (Sophia T) mach h 2327 Norton (Roch)<br />

Letus Harry V (Thelma O) bkpr h 390 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Leunis John (Octavia) optical wkr h 2717 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Leusch Abbie B wid Geo h 169 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Albert K (Pearl D) K Pk h 59 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Elmer L (Pearl E) K Pk h 70 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

LeVan Robt W drftsmn r 126 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Walter A (Nellie M) electn Roch Transit Corp h 126 Spencer rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Leverentz Ruth M Mrs nurse Seneca sch h 1491 <strong>Monroe</strong> av Roch<br />

Leverenz Albert J (Stella T) stock elk h 324 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Augusta wid Ernest r 93 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Gerald camera wkr r 324 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Levin Aaron A (Jean L) scientist h 52 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Annette R studt summer res 25 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Harry (Dora) tailor summer res 25 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Rebecca r 5339 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Sol M (Anna C) Empire Barren & Cooperage Co Roch h 130 Barry rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Sylvia studt r 130 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Levinson Gordon elk summer res 9 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Harry H (Jennie) ins agt h 261 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Rose) whol jwlr summer res 9 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Levitch Louis (Lillian) mgr h 2893 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Levy Cora H wid Barney summer res 10 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Harold (Edith) film opr h 2 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph A (Pauline) production mgr h 150 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Sol (Eugenia) produce h 216 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Lewalter Fred W (Irene A) contr 37 Suburba av h do (Roch)<br />

LeWalter Edmund H (Amelia C) contr 2348 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Lewis Annabelle Mrs r 398 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Bertram L (Lillian G) radio service mn h 22 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Bertram L jr studt r 22 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy studt r 39 East View av (Roch)<br />

Earl T (Florence K) toolmkr h 329 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Eric (Dolores) elk h 72 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Vernon R (Agnes E) emulsion coater K Pk h 442 Lake Shore blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wm F (Frances J) plmbr h 161 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Liebeck Geo F r 262 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence r 262 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Mary r 262 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J, K Pk h 262 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Liebich Erich A (Emma M) formn Crosman Arms Co h 1106 Ridge rd E<br />

(Roch)<br />

Herbert I lab r 1106 Ridge rd E (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Liese Conrad (Louise M) h rear 153 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Jos (Margt A) assembler h 84 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Leonard G lens grinder r rear 153 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Marshall C lens grinder r rear 153 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Wallace lens grinder r 24 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Lievense John J (Madelyn S) milkman h 23 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Light Alvin V (Grace E) sales eng h 371 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Dora) projectionist h 2573 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Fred L (Grace) slsmn r 423 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Jane E r 423 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Ruth B sec r 371 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Lightfoot Jos (Eda) porter h 50 Forest av (Roch)<br />

Lightwart Elmer C (Florence) coml traveler Taylor Instrument Co h<br />

247 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Verna r 247 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Lill Frances E phys instr Irond High sch r 260 Alexander Roch<br />

Francis tchr Hosea Rogers sch r at Winthrop Mass<br />

Ralph M (Anna W) carp h 117 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Limpart Frank (Georgiana) h 658 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Lind Beulah Mrs tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 513 Lyell av Roch<br />

Lindauer Karl (Frieda) mach h 395 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Lindgren Eliz A typist r 33 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Nils (Ida B) formn h 33 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Ora H studt r 33 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Lindner Norman A (Ruth H) artist h 47 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Lindquist Elmer T (Amelia) probation officer h 4386 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Lines Stephen B (Ellen B) lawyer h Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Linhos Merton J (Edna M) teller r 45 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Link Albert M (Gertrude O) carp contr h 130 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Edwin F (Magdalene M) assembler h 89 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Henry J (Olive M) slsmn h 37 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Richd F (June M) carp r 130 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Linn Andrew F (Frieda V) clothing cutter h 295 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Linscott Howard E (Lucille B) K Pk h 204 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Linton Geo A (Marion R) chauf h 37 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lipinski Kanie R (Stella) cabtmkr h 1968 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Raymond r 1968 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Lippman Wm (Kay) contractors equip h 117 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Lipson Lester L (Rose S) prntr h 273 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Liquory Roland lens centerer r 32 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Lisk Floyd H (Lena S) formn h 123 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

List Adolph h 3254 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Albert G (Elodie M) floorlayer<br />

h 181 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Chester slsmn h 28 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Frank A (Alice M) market gardnr 221 Cooper rd h do (Roch)<br />

Fredk L floor layer r 181 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Geo R (Edna V) market gardnr 3254 StPaul blvd h 3242 do (Roch)<br />

Geo T (Lena) farmer h 512 List av (Roch)<br />

Hilda L sten r 512 List av (Roch)<br />

John R (Matilda M) gardnr h 111 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Louis A (Katherine M) h 306 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Nelson W slsmn r 3242 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Virginia L r 181 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Frieda) lab h 50 Whipple lane (Roch)<br />

Wm L farm hand r 352 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Little Clarence A (Helen) reporter h 192 East Parkway (Roch)<br />

Frank B (Mary E) K Pk summer res 27 First (Roch)<br />

J Griffin (Irene M) patent attorney h 20 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Walter C (Mildred O) formn h 94 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Littlefield Julia E maid r 55 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Lawrence T (Ruth) K Pk h 851 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Silas J photo engvr r 410 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Littlejohn Beatrice M r rear 190 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Littlepage Edwd W (Mildred M) mgr h 56 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Littler Martha tchr Irond High sch r 325 Alexander (Roch)<br />

Littman Ronald C (Virginia D) metal wkr 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 67<br />

Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Litzenberger Edwd B hostler 111 Hoffman rd h do (Roch)<br />

Livingstone Jeffrey D (Wilhelmina C) pastor Parsells Av Baptist ch<br />

(Roch) h 89 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Lloyd Rhoda wid John r 71 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Loasby Milton A dec h 258 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lohdell Amy L wid Carlie G r 83 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Lobene Saml (Lillian R) stmftr h 495 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Lochner Conrad (Newport House) Newport rd h do (Roch)<br />

Gerard F (Mary L) bkpr h 1267 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Herbert E (Geraldine L) mach h 70 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Julius F (Florence) whol cigars h 3283 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Robt W (Mary T) town atty 1392 Ridge rd E (RD 5 Roch) h Sagamore<br />

dr extn (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Locke Chas B studt r 32 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Chas W real est h 32 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Geo N elk r 32 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Lockwood Clarence V (Sarah) jan h 171 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Eleanor C sten r 2367 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Eleanor C) sta eng h 2367 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo A jr electn r 2367 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Lodewick Bernard W (Harriett E) drftsmn h 2332 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Eliz M, K Pk r 2332 Titus av (Roch)<br />

LoDolce Chas r 16 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Frank (Lena) h 16 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Loebs Alvin R (Jessie V) elk PO h 109 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Carl H (Isabel C) sec-treas h 886 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Richd C studt r 886 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Loeffler Fred H (Mildred P) barber supplies h 2924 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Herbert C (Cora S) barber supplies h 4271 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Loescher Carl R furn fnshr r 2274 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Chas A (Mary) instr mkr h 156 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Henry (Gladys) slsmn r 156 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Walter O studt r 156 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Loetterle Arlene M optical wkr r 145 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank H (Florence K) engvr h 145 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Logan Jas D (Marie H) gardnr h 2194 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Marie maid 511 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Robt G (Florence K) rem to Brighton<br />

Lohfink Wm R (Caroline M) pntr 196 Cinnabar rd h do (Roch)<br />

Lohmaier Geo W (Rose B) plmbr h 256 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Michl B (Carrie) tchr h 201 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Walter M slsmn r 201 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Loll Carl F (Marie) woodwkr h 42 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Lomb Geo F (Olive L) mach designer h 618 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Lombard Herbert W (Eliz B) K Pk h 111 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Lombardo Louis studt r 129 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

LoMonaco Salvatore M (Rose M) lawyer h 83 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

London Harry (Louise A) stmftr h 88 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Long Betty J elk r Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Buell B (Mae C) assembler h 220 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Chas J (Madeline C) combustion eng h 256 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Earle A (Isabel B) baker h 9 Rudman rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd F (Myrtle B) mgr 4389 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) h 87 Fairlea dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Ethel M r 136 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo W jr (Anna Mae) (Long Hardware Co) 4389 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze) h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

H Nelson (Mary Ethel) baker 116 Elizabeth and rear 136 White h<br />

136 do (Sea Breeze)<br />

H Nelson jr r 136 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Hardware Co (Geo W Long jr) 4389 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lester B (Gladys M) cashr Roch Savings Bank h 59 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Lois V r Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Lydia wid Geo W h 61 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

M Eliz studt r 109 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Maurice M (Eleanor S) paints and wall paper h 220 Brockley rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Oliver C (Freda M) toolmkr h 105 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Raymond J (Lorraine) elk r 2441 Norton (Roch)<br />

S&bina R wid Jeremiah M h 791 Washington av (Roch)<br />

W Edwin (Dorothy L) boat builder h 109 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Longbine Edwd C (Loretta B) auto mech h 296 Titus av (Roch)<br />

June L acct r 296 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Loomis Augusta A (Mrs Wm C) died Oct 18, 1938<br />

Ralph M (Josephine R) elk NYC h 225 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wm C h 5369 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Looney Wm elk 159 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst) r at Rochester<br />

Loope Ned L (Emma R) checker r 69 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Lopau Fred K (Marjorie L) bus opr h 260 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Lord Chester F (Alberta D) slsmn h 96 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Frances P Mrs h 219 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Harry G plmbr 4542 Culver rd h 291 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Olive Mrs rem to Rochester<br />

Robt R artist r 219 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Lorden Danl J (Ethel C) telegraph opr h 43 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Lorenz Geo F (Beatrice M) archt h 3086 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Herman pntr h 17 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Kathryn A sten r 255 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Madeline M married Wm Herrington<br />

Paul C (Kathryn M) photo fnshr h 255 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Loritz Elmer (Rosalia) acct r 57 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Lorscheider Matthias G (Mary E) bldg supplies h 189 Thurlow rd (RD 5<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

F. P. VAN HOESEN CO., INC.<br />

Paints- Varnishes Painters '<br />

Supplies-Wall Paper<br />


Lortscher Herman (Adrine) meat ctr r 79 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Loth Chas H (Violet A) tchr h 79 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Clarence F (Pearl) tchr h 82 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Lotz Elmer P (Madge) elk h 95 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

John H watchmn r 84 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Wm (Doris M) h 241 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Louden Allen C teller <strong>Monroe</strong> Co Sav Bank r 43 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Milford D (Eliz) mach h 120 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Roy A (Mildred C) receiving teller h 43 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Roy A jr msngr Roch Trust Co r 43 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H, K Pk r 43 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Louis Jas C (Anna M) h 52 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Mary J r 52 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Lounsbury Edwd M (May R) mgr Sea Breeze & Vicinity water commis<br />

sion 4441 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) h 340 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Louth Gaylon C (Ruth E) K Pk r 272 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Love Chas W (Anna M) battery man RG&E Co h 233 Chestnut Hill dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Thos W (Helen M) bldg estimator h 30 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Lovelace Arthur (Dorothy M) mach K Pk h 129 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Loveland Kathryn r 320 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond E elk r 48 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond F (Margt E) general formn h 48 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Lovell Eliza wid Henry r 84 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Lovely John W (Margt E) supt h 31 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Loveny Walter E (Lillian W) auto ignition h 84 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

LoVerde John (Madeline) pntr h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Loves Confections Inc (Norman L Freer mgr) confectioners 4340 Culver<br />

rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Low Julia Mrs r 56 Belcoda dr<br />

Lowe J Edwd (Ethel I) slsmn h 100 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Webster A (Merce E) pharm h 257 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Lower Wm h 44 VanVoorhis av (Roch)<br />

Lowrey Mary I tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r 247 Meigs (Roch)<br />

Lowry Ollie wid Chas E maid 542 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Loysen John R h 3123 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Lester J (Edna G) K Pk r 3123 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Lucard Susan wid Adolph h 2195 Clinton av N<br />

Lucas Cecil E (Clara M) screw mach parts mfr h 88 Montclair dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Luchsinger Clarence F (Martha L) elk h 241 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Ludlow Ruth R compt opr r 88 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Thos H (Gertrude M) elec eng h 88 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Thos W opr RG&E Corp r 88 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Ludwig Lewis C (Laura O) instrument wkr h 344 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Luehm Earl C (Myrtle C) carp h 133 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Luertzing Kurt W (Ruth I) stock elk h 239 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Luffman Dorothy E nurse r 24 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Horace L (Annice) slsmn h 24 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Lull Geo J (Irene M) E K Co h 36 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Wm P (May E) shop mech h 85 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Lumis Raymond E shoe wkr r 125 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Turnis (Emma M) baker r 125 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Lundgren Carl R (Thelma E) aud h 81 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Lunn Geo R jr (Mary J) lawyer h 35 Farrell ter (Roch)<br />

Lupiano Frank (Margt) route mgr h 57 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Lusink Frank J (Harriet) farmer h 422 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Jas W (Mildred V) elk h 105 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

John h 70 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Luther Carl W (Thelma W) v-pres John Luther & Sons (Roch) h 98<br />

Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Chas W (Mary E) v-pres and treas John Luther & Sons Co h 3773<br />

StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Katharine E r 3773 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Norman A (Helen M) supvr h 803 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Eugene L Stowell pastor 3740<br />

StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Lutz Wm F (Aletha M) ins h 42 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm P (Marie M) auto mech h 650 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Lux Frank J, RG&E Co r 37 Ewer av (Pt Plst)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Luzzi Edmondo (Emilia) tailor h 66 Ganado rd (Roch)<br />

Inez R studt r 66 Ganado rd (Roch)<br />

Yolande F tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 66 Ganado rd (Roch)<br />

Lyders O Mathew (Margt T) tchr h 53 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Lydon John M coast guard, end StPaul blvd r do (Roch)<br />

Lyman Donald F (Laura H) mechanical eng h 1368 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Lynch Chas M (Zoe E) K Pk h 378 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

E Austin (Mary D) slsmn h 320 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Edwd (Marge) chef h 4972 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

John J r 4972 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

John R, K Pk r 320 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Lawrence T r 320 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Lyndon Dorothy tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r 483 Pullman av Roch<br />

Lynhurst Harold C (Eliz M) EK Co h 150 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Lynn Boyd J (Marie H) br mgr h 587 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Maurice S artist r 109 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Lyon Scott E (Edith B) chemist h 41 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Lyons Laura B housekpr 138 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Robt r 45 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

W Gregory credit mgr h 52 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Maas Wm F (Rosa) interior trim h 534 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J interior trim r 534 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

MacAdam Jas (Sue) parking sta h 2214 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Bernice) camera wkr h 547 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

MacCallum Robt, EK Co h 63 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

MacCrone Wilmot H (Eleanor A) mach h 35 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

MacDonald Chas D (Lorraine M) bus opr h 116 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Gordon W camera wkr r 66 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Harold F r 185 Shelford rd (Roch)<br />

Howard R (Vera A) advt h 52 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Waldo (Marion L) mach h 1571 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Willis J (Helen E) K Pk h 518 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

MacGregor Donald (Ruth N) gardnr h 486 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ronald H (Evelyn R) elk h 101 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Mack Arthur R (Esther D) confr h 193 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Macke Robt B (Grace M) stationery h 194 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Mackie Chas slsmn r 69 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Harry S (Mary G) slsmn summer res 175 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Louis F (Blanche) pntr r 69 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm T (Bessie P) h 69 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm T jr, investigator r 69 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Mackin Alice P tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r 55 Quentin rd (Roch)<br />

MacLaughlin Reginald N (Meredith I) carp r 88 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

MacMillan Donald C (Phyllis K) sis eng h 242 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Henry D simonizer r 538 Wash av (Roch)<br />

MacNamara Paul D (Alma P) elk PO h 49 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

MacNaughton Jay C (Marjorie R) EK Co h 102 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Macomber Clarke R (Gertrude S) slsmn h 26 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Macy Frank J (Corinne M) mach h 25 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Madden Carol E Mrs bkpr 4306 Culver rd (Pt Plst) r 631 University av<br />

Roch<br />

Clarence J (Catherine H) slsmn h 262 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Genevieve J r 262 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Madigan Michl J (Nora D) asst formn h 152 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Madison Geo C (Elsie D) chauf h 157 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Howard P (Regina) elk K Pk h 210 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Maecherlein Fredk E (Rosemary) auto slsmn h 79 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk H studt r 79 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Maecker Harold T (Theodora J) mgr h 390 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Maeer Clarence firemn Fire House No 3, 493 Wash av r do (Roch)<br />

Maerz Albert R (Lena) confectionery 5324 StPaul blvd (Roch) h do<br />

Kurt hlpr r 5324 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Maeske Irving A packer r 40 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Oliver E (Ruth M) h 89 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm A (Martha) h 40 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Maess Emil (Freda) cooper h 250 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Emil C (Anne E) rem to Rochester<br />

Magde Michl J (Arline) baker 4265 Culver rd (Pt Plst) r Grand av<br />

Roch<br />

Stanley B elk 4265 Culver rd (Pt Plst) r 132 Mitchell Roch<br />

Magee John H (Isabelle N) armature mfr h 301 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Magill Ada wid Danl J r 171 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Clarence C (Martha L) carrier PO h 91 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Magin Arthur J (Anna M) pres Culver Bowling Hall Inc 1258 Ridge rd<br />

E (Roch) h 158 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Arthur V elk r 158 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Dorothy C r 234 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Earl F (Helen M) insp h 178 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Geo A restr 4909 Culver rd h do (Sea Breeze)

Magin<br />

Harry C (Celia H) tailor h 234 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Henry C (Viola R) textile wkr h 347 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Leon W hlpr r 158 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Michl C (Louise R) hotel Rifle Range h 88 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Mildred M elk r 158 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Rita D r 234 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt G elk r 158 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Rose Louise sec r 88 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Willard G (Katherine) chauf h 208 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Magnus Albert J (Mary E) phys 3116 Culver rd (Roch) h do<br />

Maguire Thos T E (Clara M) general organizer AFL h 70 Herbert (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Maher Irving H (Therese E) bkpr h 451 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Mahler Frank A (Louise F) prod mgr h 51 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Mahon Howard (Christina) milkmn h 351 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Mahoney Bernard T (Florence C) circulation mgr h 41 Wimbledon rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Chas E (Eliz M) police opr h 5128 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Lena r 285 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Maibohn Geo H (Mary M) chemist h 96 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Maier Clarence C (Dorothy M) sign erector r 55 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Wenzl h 216 Pinewood trail (Roch)<br />

Main Chas E (Emma) drftsmn h 76 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Majestic Market (Jos Manitone) meats 4675 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Major Alice I wid Walter G h 150 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Frank (Annie K) structural steel wkr h 183 Bay Side dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Walter G (Alice) died Oct 12, 1938<br />

Walter K r 426 Rawlinson (Roch)<br />

Makey Harry J (Louise L) h 414 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Makin Albert H (Florence M) athletic instr h 102 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Malcolm Walter N (Viola G) chemical eng h 4161 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Maliborski Bernard E (Nora H) elk PO h 247 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Mallett Loretta R wid John T sec h 2330 Clinton av N (Roch)<br />

Mallory Harvey (Laura A) barber h 166 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Malone Arthur elk r 71 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Geo L (Ethel I) insp h 305 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Molly wid Chas h 71 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Peter J (Rosalie A) shoe wkr h 338 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Maloney Chas P (Mary L) lawyer h 3332 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank D (Ethelyn L) slsmn h 530 Seneca av (Roch)<br />

Mambretti Chas J (Evelyn B) rem to Rochester<br />

Mammano Alfonzo (Theresa) mason h 71 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Angelo<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

r 71 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Nancy r 1850 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Saml (Mary) h 1850 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Saml A r 1850 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Victor A r 1850 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Mammosser Wm (Lillian) tchr Irond High sch r 123 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Manalio Fredk bkpr r 105 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Manchee Albert E (Anne E) asst factory mgr h 115 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Manchester Robt H (Esther E) gen formn h 176 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Manclark Wm G R (Grace E) heating eng h 120 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Mancuso Angelo (Vivian) meats h 3302 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Luigi (Mary) h 32 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Saml J elk r 3302 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Teresa R married Jacob Cusimano<br />

Mandefield Horace (Mary E) buyer r 39 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Mandel Merrell (Nathalie R) bkpr h 51 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Mangold Oscar H (Henrietta R) slsmn h 42 Biltmore dr<br />

Mann Addison G (Bertha H) (Builders Supply Co) h 106 Somershire dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Bruce R (Gladys S) adv h 210 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Clarence W (Maude) mach h 808 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Cynthia E studt r 106 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Fredk A (Edith P) lawyer h 90 Indian Trail av (Pt Plst)<br />

Mannella Saml (Eliz) r 17 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Manning E Francis rem to Buffalo<br />

Gertrude M maid 591 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Richd T elk r 25 East View av (Roch)<br />

Manogue Katherine tel supvr r 127 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Mantione Jos (Majestic Market) meats 4675 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) r<br />

82 Hudson av Roch<br />

Manuel Dorothy H studt r 109 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Jos (Bertha) pressmn h 109 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Manuele Anthony J (Mary) chauf h 35 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Manwaring Cora E wid Ernest E r 4692 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Manz Jos M (Margt) formn 84 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Mapes Marvin H (Alda G) slsmn h 198 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Maracle Francis C (Evelyn A) formn h 139 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Maranville Eliz M nurse r 1700 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Helena M) mgr (Albany) h 1700 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Marcello Genaro A lab h 273 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Marchner Geo J (Lucy J) asst supt h 93 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Marcille Emily G r 10 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Marcury Dorothy r 121 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Marcus Harvey C (Bernice J) slsmn h 1440 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Mortimer B mach h 39 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Maring Henry U (Adelene W) experimental eng h 205 Worthington rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Robt H studt r 205 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Marino Orlando (Mary D) hairdrsr h 230 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Marks Arthur H (Dorothy L) optical wkr r 97 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Eda J wid Otto died Nov 12, 1938<br />

Edwd gardener r 5270 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo G (Imogene B) market gardnr 3603 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Gustave G (Irmgard M) bldg contr 2457 Ridge rd E (Roch) h do<br />

Mary L wid Wm h 234 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Maxine artist (NY City) r 21 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Olga A wid Ernest h 97 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Wm P (Emma) lab h 539 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Marquardt Alfred G (Sarah H) steel engraver h 36 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Marquart Norman O (Marie L) designing eng h 22 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Marriott Minnie wid J Ray h 310 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Marrocco Ida r Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Liborio (Mary) farmer h Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Michl hlpr r Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Vitorio r Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Mars Kurt F (Josephine C) utilitymn h 82 Avenue C (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Marschel Donald (Bertha) plmbr K Pk h 83 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Marsh Clyde C (Irma) gardnr h 1660 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Embert W mach r 1622 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Fred (Tina) cond NYC r 209 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Fred (Anna F) market gardnr 1622 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Martha B wid Harvey J tchr h 90 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond F (L Isabel) gardnr 1619 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Marshall Dorothy J studt r 553 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Geo P summer res 514 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Harry (Beatrice K) fnshr K Pk h 208 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Lloyd K (Laura A) metallurgist h 553 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Ralph hostler r 1077 Kings Highway (Roch)<br />

Walter B (Adele V) mech eng K Pk h 650 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Gertrude E) master mech h 37 Outlook dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Martens Alfred (Mildred) chemist K Pk h 56 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Alphonse A electn r 266 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Andri A (Helen M) gardnr h 274 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Camiel (Reva H) press opr h 1836 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Chas (Celestina) market gardener 266 Pine Grove av h do (Roch)<br />

Gust (Dora) market gardener 549 Pine Grove av h do (Roch)<br />

Hazel M tchr r 56 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Helen L r 549 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Martin Arthur L (Anna M) sec h 286 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Benj D master mariner h 219 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Carl (Hazel) envelope mkr h 157 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Clyde K (Helen P) welder h 64 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Fred studt r 70 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Geo F (Marguerite E) motor mech h 265 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Harold (Sadie) gardnr h 618 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

John (Mary J) utilitymn RG&E h 70 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Lillie D wid Isaac J h 1221 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Louis (Lula) barber h 5008 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Louis D (Florence) formn h 85 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Louise rem to Roch<br />

Wilford F elk r 70 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Hettie) welfare officer 1388 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 77 Durand<br />

dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Martinisi Jos (Concetta) truckmn 26 Taft av h do (Roch)<br />

Martins Wm G (Kathryn H) h 90 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Martzloff Peter r 43 East View av (Roch)<br />

Marvin Claire P tchr (Port Jervis) r 219 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Curtice A (Sara G) rem to Ptsfd<br />

Edgar S camera wkr r 219 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Eliz B (Seneca) r 219 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Geo P (Mary P) dentist h 219 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Marx Chas (Gladys M) assembler h 212 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Cyril F (Lucille F) gen mgr h 199 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Elmer N (Mildred C> auto mech h 106 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Marz John F died Mar 11, 1939<br />

Marzahl John A aoct h 74 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Marzell Albert H (Ruth) camera wkr h 267 Somershire dr (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


Marzke Wm P (Sarah E) camera wkr h 101 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Masclay Theo R (Betty H) auto mech h 31 N Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Maslanka Edwd G (Betty A) buffer h 219 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Maslina Edwd G jr (Doris L) mgr h 940 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Masline Allen W bkpr Lake rd (Sea Breeze) r 282 Barton (Roch)<br />

Edwd L (Margt) slsmn h 155 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Maslyn M h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Mason Frank W Rev pastor StAmbrose RC Church h 34 Empire blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Lorin E assessor 1392 Ridge rd E r 3698 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Masonic Temple 2939 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mass Clarence A drftsmn h 108 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd F (Marcella U) shoe wkr h 118 Lodge dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Harvey W (Grace H) shoe wkr h 135 Durand blvd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Massaro Assunta r 52 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Clelia married Alfonse Palermo rem to Roch<br />

Luigi (Ada) h 52 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Master Anthony (Josephine) lab r 59 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Masters Richd J (Johanna) hlpr r 403 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Masterson Fred H (Amelia) elk h 4 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mastroeni Jos (Theresa) h 184 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Mastromatteo Anthony r 72 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Lebra A r 72 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Marie r 72 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Nicholas (Mary) h 72 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Ralph (Mary) lab h 72 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Masucci D Dominic (Anna M) asst civ eng h 107 Chestnut Hill dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Mario R clothing h 119 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Matakie Anna D optical wkr B&LO Co r 234 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Helen V sten r 234 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Mary M camera wkr EK Co r 234 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Wm R drftsmn EK Co r 234 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Mater Daisy M wid Ellery J h 55 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Ellery J (Daisy) died Dec 17, 1938<br />

Leland (Ethel) r 55 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Mates Wm C (Mary E) shtmtlwkr h 4894 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mathews Stephen J (Florence E) slsmn h 59 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Matteo Antonio (Carmella) tailor h 401 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Mattern Anna mlnr summer res 19 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Bertha E h 62 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Eva wid Geo summer res 19 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Florence B) slsmn h 231 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Frank L (Margt M) sec and asst treas T J Northway Inc h 107 Wimble<br />

don rd (Roch)<br />

Margt elk summer res 19 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Marie sec h 62 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Tillie mlnr summer res 19 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Wm J, K Pk h 649 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Mattes Robt J (Gertrude A) chauf h 81 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Matteson Geo C (Bernice A) slsmn h 50 Tindale dr (Roch)<br />

Georgia C studt nurse r 50 Tindale dr (Roch)<br />

Ralph M (Helen M) coast guard end StPaul blvd h 304 3d (Roch)<br />

Mattil Wm L (Dorothy L) carp h 208 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Mattle A J & Son<br />

(Andrew J and John W) funeral directors & funeral home 300 Cum<br />

berland Rochester tel Stone 1552 See page 21 Buyers' Guide<br />

Andrew J funeral dir h 2854 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Carl (Ruth B) K Pk h 106 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Gordon J (Mary A) meat ctr h 2 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

John A (Helen R) milkmn h 84 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Norman B (Marie M) shoe wkr h 295 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Philip F (Viola) electn h 81 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Mattys Jos M (Ruth J) screw mach opr h 92 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Maupin Arthur F r 40 Poplar (Sea Breeze)<br />

Arthur M (Ethel M) bus opr h 40 Poplar (Sea Breeze)<br />

Earl M carp r 40 Poplar (Sea Breeze)<br />

Maurer Armand A (Louise C) K Pk h 315 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Armand A jr r 315 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Emil P (Helen H) tchr h 216 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Maurer<br />

Herman (Rose) optical wkr h 26 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Lorraine E r 315 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Myrtle E slswmn r 51 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Robt J studt r 315 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Mavis Morris M (Rita M) factory wkr h 231 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Maxim Charles H (Edith F) tool insp h 130 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Maxwell Herbert F (Alma L) paper ctr K Pk h 57 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert J buyer r 57 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Lowell F (Viola) slsmn h 48 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Mary E slswmn r 48 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Robt (Florence M) gardnr h 1149 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Robt J elk r 57 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

May Amelia wid Gustave r 75 Harvington dr (Roch)<br />

Carl J optical wkr r 2732 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Douglas C lab K Pk r 106 Queensboro rd (Roch)<br />

Geo L (Emma) plmbr h 143 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Irene S r 2732 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Marjorie E sten r 143 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Walter C (Hazel) carp K Pk h 106 Queensboro rd (Roch)<br />

Mayer Chas (Catherine) boats h 309 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Gerard A uphol r 111 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Harvey A (Marion G) circulation dept D&C h 328 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Leon (Geraldine) cost acct r 127 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm insp r 111 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Mayhew Elwyn L r 339 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Florence A wid Floyd L h 339 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Robt E, K Pk r 339 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Mazure Raymond cook r 66 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mazzea Anthony (Frances) presser r 39 Clark av (Roch)<br />

McAdam Malcolm (Amelia S) sta mgr 461 StPaul (Roch) h 260 Pt<br />

Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

McAlee Martha wid Christopher r 4625 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

McAlpine Beatrice maid 714 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

McAnally Harry J (Nina J) sis correspondent h 268 Seholfield rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

McAndrews Edwd J, K Pk r 179 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

James J (Florence N) pntr h 179 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

McArdle Peter H (May E) formn K Pk h 108 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

McArthur Jos G (Lena A) Hawk-Eye h 1028 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

McAvinney Ambrose A mach r 226 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J chauf r 226 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Sarah E wid Thos h 226 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

McAvoy Danl C (Agatha) r 179 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Geo B (Ruth C) supt h 111 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

James (Eliz) hlpr h 363 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

McBride Asa D (Sarah M) ins h 549 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

David L (Maude M) pastor United Presbyterian Church h 170 Queens<br />

boro rd (Roch)<br />

Lois E studt r 170 Queensboro rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth V sten r 170 Queensboro rd (Roch)<br />

McCabe James L (Mildred) shtmtlwkr h 64 Portland pkwy (Roch)<br />

John J (Ida J) elk Todd Co h 99 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

June L studt r 99 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Margt Mrs h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

McCall Geo E (Claire A) slsmn h 207 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

McCallan Thos E (Delia) carrier PO h 180 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

McCallum Danl J (Maude M) clothing ctr h 149 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Jane K r 149 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

John D rem to Roch<br />

Nelson (Lucille) electn r 71 Tindale dr (Roch)<br />

McCann Danl J (Genevieve M) insp h 42 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Devillo (Lulu M) gardnr h 2195 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

McCarter Berthena A tchr Ridgewood sch r 251 Park av Roch<br />

McCarthy Chas J prntr h 666 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Clara wid Edwd h 482 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Marion F) elk PO r 1203 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Evelyn I) mgr h 230 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

John M (Helen D) internal revenue agt h 78 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Marian H Mrs tchr (Rockville Centre LI) r 9 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Mary M r 78 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm F r 813 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

McClure Frank bus opr r 11 Union Park (Roch)<br />

McCone Irving A (Sonia E) K Pk r 4686 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

McConnell Ernest V (Martha) mach h 86 Adrian rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

McConnon James C (Lillian T) slsmn h 74 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

McConville Bernard A slsmn r 30 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Donald E, EK Co r 31 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Emma L wid Mathew h 31 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Francis H sis mgr r 31 Charlton rd (Roch)



GLENWOOD 144<br />

____________________________________________<br />

McCormack Francis R shtmtlwkr r 458 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Frank R (Mabel H) prntr h 458 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

McCormick Lester W (Veryl I) plmbr h 183 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred Mrs tchr Reuben A Dake sch r at Victor<br />

McCoy Albert E (Marie) public acct h 116 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jos B r 116 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

M Jane r 116 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

McCrossen Guy M jr (M Louise) gardnr h 37 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

McCulloch Ann M tchr Hosea Rogers sch r 106 Birr Roch<br />

McCullock Laura F wid LeGrand r 160 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

McCullough Clare A (Harriet D) elk PO h 462 Titus av (Roch)<br />

McCumber Ralph H (Anna) mech eng h 80 Somershire rd (Roch)<br />

McDade Edwd J (Eliz S) supt r 511 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

McDermott Francis A (Mary E) efficiency eng h 133 Hermitage rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Frank J (Norma) prntr h 302 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

John A (Mina G) formn h 120 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Win G (Anna L) monotype opr h 419 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

McDonald Bernice E r 100 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Eugene V (Cecile M) auto parts h 33 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Harlan C photographer r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

John C studt r 100 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Mott W (Florence M) h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Raymond E (Nina M) coml trav h 100 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Robt T warehousemn r 27 Durand dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Thos N (Jeanette B) slsmn h 27 Durand dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

McDonnell Donald W (Clarice E) K Pk h 52 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Mary cook r 860 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

McDougal Homer R (Edith J) chemical eng h 157 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

McDowell B Evelyn vault custodian summer res 561 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Florence L summer res 561 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Marion B summer res 561 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

McFarlane John W (Ellen L) service dept h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

McFarlin Elmer H (Christine) pres Roch Boat Works Inc end of StPaul<br />

blvd r do (Roch)<br />

Eva L wid Henry T h 121 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Harold S (Merle) chief of police 1388 Ridge rd E r 121 Sagamore dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Royal J (Salome C) slsmn r 121 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

McGall Winnifred evangelist r 284 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

McGee Wm P (Cecilia M) ins agt h 190 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

McGoveron Bernard J adv h 3893 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary C r 3893 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

McGowan K J h 108 East View av (Roch)<br />

McGrath Catherine A r 78 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dolores M, EK Co r 41 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Fredk W (Anna N) novelty wks h 295 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Geo F (Anna F) assessor 1392 Ridge rd E h 41 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Geo F jr weigh master RG&E r 41 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

James V (Gertrude C) elk PO h 78 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

John H, K Pk r 41 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Mary G camera wkr r 78 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Theresa M r 29 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

McGraw Edwd R (Helen C) teller h 256 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

James E (Elsie) milkmn h 247 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Thos J (Agnes H) servicemn h 56 Kiwanis rd (Roch)<br />

McGreal Austin J (Miriam R) shipping elk h 436 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Gerald J (Veronica F) chief Laurelton Fire Dept 405 Empire blvd<br />

(Roch) h 74 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond F (Stephenie P) mgr h 96 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

McGuire Alden C (Helen G) cinder blocks h 279 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Alice T slswmn h 128 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

James H (Louise C) K Pk h 880 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

James P (Anna R) ins agt h 422 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

James T h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Wm B (Edith) dentist h 163 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

McHenry James E (Ada M) supt h 30 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth E metallurgist (Buffalo)<br />

Marthabell bkpr r 30 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Wanda E studt r 30 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

3<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

r 30 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

McHugh Agnes maid r 242 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Mcllrath Wm S (Hazel M) meat ctr h 163 Park rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Mclntee John T (Muriel) slsmn h 438 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Mcintosh C E Corp<br />

Clarence E Mcintosh pres Culver A Barr v-pres Wm J Anderson sec<br />

Edwd W Ickes treas real estate <strong>Monroe</strong> bldg 23 Exchange Roch tel<br />

Main 250 See page 31 Buyers' Guide<br />

Mclntyre David C elk r 122 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

John (Gerarda) blacksmith hlpr h 122 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

formn (20 Curtice Roch) h 104 Catalpa<br />

McKague Raymond T (Edna M)<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

McKay Arthur paper mkr h 655 King's highway (Roch)<br />

Eliz (Mrs Arthur) died July, 1939<br />

Harry H (Frances E) electn h 266 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Mary C wid David r 1351 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

McKechney John T (Mabel E) h 39 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

McKellar Archibald (Rae) mariner h 5182 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

McKenzie Martin (Lou) auto pntr h 414 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

McKibbin Adam (Helen I) sta eng h 448 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

McKibbon Emily W wid T Hartwell h 26 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

McKinley Lysle B (Marie) B&LO Co h 39 Collamer dr (Roch)<br />

McKnight Richd L (Eliz J) acct h 49 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

McLane Nellie tchr Abraham Lincoln sch h 357 Alexander Roch<br />

McLaren Donald B (Etta M) rem to Chili<br />

McLaughlin Chas E (Esther L) ice 430 Lake Shore blvd h do (Roch)<br />

McLean Anna wid John r 1267 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Eric K (Dorothy E) chemist h 356 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Margt J slswmn r 343 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Mina L wid Alex E r 343 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Rob Roy (Adelaide M) formn h 343 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Robt E (Lavina I) stmftr h 51 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

McLeod Ramona tchr Ridgewood sch r at Macedon<br />

McLoughlin Chas R (Regina M) insp h 342 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

McMahon Bertha maid 315 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Jennie wid Edmund r 88 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Lee E (Margt C) slsmn h 88 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Paul M (Anna E) slsmn h 117 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

McMann Helen Mrs summer res 15 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

McMannis Eliz E tchr h 121 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Gertrude K r 121 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

McManus John L (Cora A) formn h 39 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Marion M married Herbert Housel rem to Roch<br />

Mary A wid John r 39 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter W (Sylvia H) mach h 50 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

McMaster Ella M ice cream wkr r 428 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Valentine J (Myrtle A) K Pk h 428 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

McMillan Martin F (Alida E) h 45 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

McMillen Norman F (Margt) h 349 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

McMullen Wm T (Lucina M) carp h 715 List av (Roch)<br />

McMullin James E (Esther) slsmn h rear 4213 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

McNamara John A rem to Roch<br />

Jos F (Grace S) buyer h 103 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Margt wid Thos died Jan 27, 1939<br />

McNiff Harold G (Mary K) mach designer h 152 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

McOmber Ray W (Marietta) K Pk r 4796 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Willis C (Flora E) real est 4796 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

McPhee Leslie V grower 2026 Hudson av (Roch) r 474 Bay Roch<br />

McPhillips Patk E (Lillian S) formn K Pk h 72 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

McSherry D Jane sten r 13 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

F Allen carp r 13 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

J Frank formn h 13 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

McTavish Anna wid Geo r 148 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

McTighe Thos C (Margt C) dist mgr h 421 Laurelton rd (Roch) .<br />

McVeigh Chas P (Marian T) troublemn Roch Transit Corp h 329 Walz<br />

ford rd (Roch)<br />

McWade Arthur, K Pk r 107 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Mead Annie r 341 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

D James (Helen) v-pres h 15 Chimaya rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd F (Edythe M) camera assembler EK Co h 261 Lake Breeze pk<br />

(Roch)<br />

Meade Charles E (Minnie S) h 328 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Eleanor M dept mgr r 318 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

J Arthur (Dorothy M) slsmn h 318 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Meadowcroft Alice A wid Wm r 129 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Martha A wid Peter r 2813 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Meager John E r 356 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Meagher Danl A, K Pk r 3731 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Danl J (Josephine M) buyer h 3731 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John L elk r 3731 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary J sten r 3731 StPaul blvd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Meagher<br />

Paul J formn r 3731 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Reginald J (Rose A) electrical eng h 51 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Winifred R sten r 3731 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mears Geo W (Edith E) slsmn h 339 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Lois M studt r 339 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Meckes Wm (Mabel) asst h 240 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Medico Anthony E (Hazel B) mason h 1 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Meding Albert W (Minnie) K Pk h 50 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Medland Albert E (Amanda H) drftsmn h 300 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Mehne Geo E (Emily S) lathe hand h 95 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Howard E (Eliz) chauf h 2347 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt A wid Geo M died Mary 22, 1939<br />

Mehserle Louis W (Arline H) watchmn h 1085 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Meier Sol D (Pearl P) slsmn h 14 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Meinhardt Franklin S (Pauline B) asst sec Lincoln-Alliance Bank h<br />

356 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Meinhart Fred (Eliz P) ins agt h 49 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Meinke Ernest F checker r 347 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F farmer h 347 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F jr, hlpr r 347 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Meintel Norman V (Harriet M) lab h 2494 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Meisch Jos B restr h 248 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Mildred C statistical elk r 248 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Bertha A) hlpr h 120 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Meisenzahl Arthur J (Mabel E) v-pres Lincoln-Alliance Bank h 2835 St<br />

Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

James M studt r 2835 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos W (Mildred E) formn h 45 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Leona B bkpr r 216 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Louis R studt r 523 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt elk r 523 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary h 216 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Richd C (Anna C) sec h 102 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Loretta) treas h 523 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Meisner Florence M nurse h 373 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Meitzler Elmore G lab r 2192 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Frank (Ora) h 2192 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Irene N dom r 2192 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Mellis Mary M Mrs box wkr r 1237 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Mellor Jos nurserymn h 63 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Violet L elk r 63 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Melnyk Frank (Ida) gas sta h 47 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Mendell John D (Ora L) K Pk h 92 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Mendez Sylvia h 2940 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Mercado Geo r 282 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Jos J (Julia) died Aug 24, 1939<br />

Ralph D elk r 282 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Mercer Chas M (Irene S) lawyer h 61 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Merk Martha S wid Albert V h 2732 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Merkel Albert L polisher r 402 Bleecker rd (Roch)<br />

Carrie wid Frank h 2022 Ridge rd (Roch)<br />

Chas A (Henrietta) slsmn h 1434 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dorothy H married John J Thompson<br />

Dorothy M lens clnr r 107 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Earl M (Ruth M) decorator h 81 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Elias J (Edna) pntr 2999 Culver rd (Roch) h do<br />

Foster J (Margt E) die ctr h 165 Bay Side dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Howard J studt r 107 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Jos L elk 2062 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 158 Carter Roch<br />

Josephine wid Lucas h 402 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond B (Florence J) camera wkr h 1944 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Raymond H (Loretta) lino opr h 130 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) r 76 South Ptsfd<br />

Valentine (Philomena H) gardnr h 1791 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Cora A) tool mkr h 107 Hermitage av (Roch)<br />

Wm C appr r 2999 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Merker Harry R (Gertrude L) litho h 55 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Merrick Bertha A wid Arthur h 2793 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Merrill Geo S died May 1, 1939<br />

Harriet wid Geo r 137 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Katharine M wid Thos h 455 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Raymond A (Olive C) atndt h 139 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Merring Saml tchr Hosea Rogers sch h 31 College Brockport<br />

Merritt Ann Mrs summer res 68 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Harry (Eliz) h 71 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Merry Clarence G (Irene G) tool mkr h 419 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Danl A (Lenore B) h 414 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Merz Edwd A (Harriett) h 108 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Henry L (Delia) h 133 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Merz<br />

Milton J (Marie) adv mgr h 23 Hathaway (Roch)<br />

Ray H (Ruth) service mgr h 94 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Merzke Albert H (Leona C) mgr h 5036 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Merzweiler Erwin H (Thea) pntr 76 Spencer rd h do (Roch)<br />

Mesick Clifford L shipper r 25 Haverford av (Roch)<br />

Kenneth G (Bertha E) mach h 25 Haverford av (Roch)<br />

Vernon E studt r 25 Haverford av (Roch)<br />

Mespell Wm r 4918 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Messinger David (Anna R) grocer sundries h 50 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Max T (Sarah L) Messinger Co Inc (203-205 State Roch) h 66 Charlton<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Messmer Fred T (Mildred P) slsmn h 75 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Gerard J (Edith H) meter reader h 83 Avenue C (Pt Pleasant)<br />

John L (Elisabeth E) auditor h 24 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

John L elk 1388 Ridge rd E r 24 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Mestler Geo (Lillian) h 93 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Metcaff Leonard C (Eliz) rem to Roch<br />

Metcalfe Fred V h 501 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Harold W (Eula C) gardnr 1894 Ridge rd E (Roch) and market<br />

gardener 738 Brown rd (do) h do<br />

Oliver A (Gertrude J) gardnr 1894 Fidge rd E (Roch) h 2983 Culver<br />

rd Roch<br />

Oscar E (Marjorie S) jan Ridgewood sch h 1672 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Thos W (Mary J) market gardener 1894 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Meteyer Milton R (Mildred D) buffer h 450 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Victor S (Grace M) coml artist h 113 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Metivier Chas (Irma M) h 535 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Mets Arthur C (Eliz M) civ eng h 670 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

James H (Doris R) (J P Mets & Sons) h 20 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Metz Ada H Mrs r 70 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Dolores F sten r 70 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Metzger Arthur G (Lucille R) dir traffic bureau h 377 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Lois A studt r 243 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Martin A r 243 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Raymond J (Anna B) gen mgr h 243 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Metzler Michl J (Frances) lab h 58 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Meyer Abr (Ruth) tailor h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Alvin K (Leona) dist mgr h 96 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Andrew J (Elsie M) shoes h 99 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Anton cook h 532 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

August A (Catherine) h 66 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Carl A (Lillian M) mach h 91 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Caroline A wid Jacob C h 514 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Clarence H (Ethel L) pres (Meyer Tool & Die Co) h 159 Orchard<br />

Park blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Dorothy E r 159 Orchard Park blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Edwd G (Stella) carrier PO h 149 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

Edwin J (Ida L) wood wkr h 21 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Emma, P wid Carl r 270 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Harriet R studt r 99 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Henrietta wid Leo r 96 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Henry C (Fredericka) mgr h 85 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Henry F (Anna G) stock wkr B&LO Co h 27 Ganado rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert F C (Minnie F) r 292 Wacona av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Herman J (Louisa) opr h 285 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Jacqueline elk r 169 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Lucille studt r 99 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Marcia P elk r 169 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ralph C appr r 159 Orchard Park blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Roy J (Florence J) carp h 169 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm (Mary E) millwright EK Co h 149 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Lois V) K Pk h 246 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Meyering Edwin F (Adelaide C) v-pres h 158 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Meyers Eleanor G elk r 58 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Erwin S, K Pk r 58 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Geo (Esther B) chauf h 102 Avenue C (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Geo C (Kathleen) shipping elk h 307 Westchester av ( Roch)<br />

Louis J (Maiy A) pressmn h 133 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Mary S slswmn r 307 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Roy elk 2062 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 361 Carter Roch<br />

Stanley J (Grace M) millwright h 58 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Meyo Rudolph (Eliz M) contr 179 Northfield rd h do (Roch)<br />

Meyvis Paul F decorator r 166 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond (Emma) decorator 166 Leland rd h do (Roch)<br />

Miale Cosmo (Antoinette) ins agt h 170 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Mibaum Norman G (Ruth A) prod mgr h 235 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Ray W (Pearl J) presser h 261 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Miceli Anthony (Mary) lawyer h 3479 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Michael Carl H (Maude E) bkpr h 255 Titus av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


See Display at your Dealer's or Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. (89 EAST AVE.)**<br />

Michaels Edwd farmer r 260 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Oscar (Emma) produce h 91 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Michel Ray A (Margt F) slsmn h 105 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Michelsen Geo J (Jessie J) pres George J Michelsen Furniture Co h<br />

4071 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Michelson Fredk (Nellie) h 80 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Jeanette M wid John h 394 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Micklei Arthur (Ruth) K Pk h 56 Osage (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Middlebrook Wm atndt 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 570 Garson av Roch<br />

Middleton Harriett E tchr Reuben A Dake sch r at W Webster<br />

Mielke H Walter (Violet V) asst formn h 151 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry C optometrist 2781 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Mietos Michl (Vera) slsmn h 59 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Mietus Edwd F (Helen) stock elk h 67 East View av (Roch)<br />

Mihalyi Jos W(Amelia) optical eng EK Co h 126 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Jos W ji camera wkr r 126 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Milbredt Ida wid Carl h 129 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Mildahn Arthur F (Mildred J) camera wkr h 103 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Hermina K) cabinet mkr h 643 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Mildenberger Henry (Lena) shoe laster h 347 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Rose, K Pk r 347 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H elk r 347 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Miles Chas M (Jane) elk r 45 Hartland rd (Roch)<br />

Evelyn M r 71 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Melvin A (Margt M) formn h 71 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Millard Geo (Alice) paper supply h 334 Wacona av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Norman r 334 Wacona av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Wilfred A hlpr r 2107 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Miller Andrew H (Emma U) carp h 116 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Benj (Mabel) h 262 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Bernard A tool mkr r 3165 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Bruce L died Oct 17, 1938<br />

Carlton J (Ruth M) garage wkr h 179 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Chas market gardener 300 StJoseph h do (Roch)<br />

Chas E (Gertrude G) inventor h 103 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Chas H (Ruth L) slsmn h 226 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Christian J (Kathryn) shoe wkr h 54 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Christine I camera wkr h 3165 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Clarence L (Beatrice P) wheelmn h 17 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Clement R (Florence H) bkpr h 67 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Clyde H (Edith R) maintenancemn h 45 Durand blvd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Earl H (Frances A) (Miller's Landscape Service) 2727 Culver rd h<br />

608 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Edith wid Chas r 3051 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd H (Eliz A) slsmn h 286 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd J camera wkr r 246 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz elk r 488 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Evelyn C sten EK Co r 246 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Fletcher H (Marion D) B of Ed h 84 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Florence E cashr r 231 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Francis A' (Miller's Landscape Service) 2727 Culver rd r 608 Helendale<br />

(Roch)<br />

Frank H (Augusta) asst dept head h 340 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Frank S r 103 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Fred P (Eliz R) (Miller & Moffitt) 4366 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) h<br />

3902 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk A (Frederica S) eng h 202 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Fredk A (Mary L) slsmn h 269 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Gertrude D h 3165 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Glenn A (Mary E) slsm h 205 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

H Russell L (Vada H) prod mgr h 45 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Harold L (Vada H) prod mgr h 45 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Harry A (Juanita L) servicemn RG&E Co h 32 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Henry E (Alma I) gardnr r 300 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Isabella wid Jos r 3165 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Johanna wid Saml died Aug 31, 1939<br />

John A carp h 220 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

John A (Irene J) jan h 1858 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

John C (Dorothea C) rem to Roch<br />

Jos E r 193 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Miller<br />

Jos F (Anna C) chauf h 193 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Jos G (Laura C) EK Co h 1404 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Jos M elk r 3165 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Jos W (Frances C) brewery wkr h 246 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Katherine wid John r 103 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Leonard E (Pauline M) meats h 4213 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Lester H (Jeanette J) electn h 9 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Marcella E elk r 116 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Margt maid 315 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Marion T r 1404 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Martin C (Charlotte M) shipper r 535 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Mary Jean h 2958 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Mary K wid Carl h 179 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Minnie L wid Fred E h 231 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Ray F (Pauline C) slsmn h 85 Queensboro rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond N (Elvira R) slsmn h 4045 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

S Louise r 2958 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Walter H (Mildred E) slsmn h 159 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Louise) h 40 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Ethel M) asst office mgr h 149 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J r 9 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm J (Katherine L) tchr h 3975 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

& Moffitt (Fred P Miller & Felix K Moffitt) meats 4366 Culver rd<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Miller's Landscape Service (Earl H and Francis A Miller) 2727 Culver<br />

rd<br />

Millhofer Anna M shoe wkr r 115 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Milligan James B (Edna P) elk county treasurer's office h 139 Belcoda<br />

dr (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Myrtle M) clothing ctr h 106 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Millonig John C (Amanda J) farmer h 497 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Mills Carl E (Matie) armature winder h 1374 Portland av (Roch)<br />

John J (Margt) slsmn h 407 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Minard Bert J (Bertha A) meat ctr 1233 Ridge rd E h 27 Hardison rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Clifford G studt r 27 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Minella Jos J (Irene C) asst mgr h 85 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Miner Margt R girls advisor h 368 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Minnie wid Geo L h 368 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Paul budget mgr 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 376 Hazelwood ter Roch<br />

Minett Fredk H (Harriet W) tool mkr h 4691 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Minges Carl J (Edna H) mgr h 53 East View av (Roch)<br />

John S (Cora S) stock kpr h 4840 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mabel C elk r 4750 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt G messenger r 97 Lodge dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Miniature Golf Course Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mink Meyer (Fannie) junk h 30 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Minor Chas O (Beth C) slsmn h 120 Leslie pi (Roch)<br />

Minwell Harold I (Ann M) correspondence elk h 127 Mayfair dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Minzenmayer Ernst H (Margt K) EK Co h 214 Liberty av (Roch)<br />

Mirabella Chas tailor r 47 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Jennie wid Frank h 47 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Mirguet Chas C (Grace L) office mgr h 28 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Jos C- (Helen) airplane pilot h 22 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Mischke Eliz tailoress r 123 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Mitchel John A (Anna B) variety (Roch) h 31 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mitchell Bernard, K Pk r 112 1st (Roch)<br />

John A (LaVerne S) mach K Pk h 237 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth W (Grace V) presser h 2064 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Merritt M (Jean) projectionist h 112 1st (Roch)<br />

Vincent D (Margt B) elec eng h 319 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Warren (Vera) h 112 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Mix Fredk James (Anna E) city court judge summer res 20 Tone ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Fredk Jos studt summer res 20 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Irving L (Helen M) elk h 600 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Mock J Ernest photographer h 3930 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Modello Lillian M Mrs tailoress r 21 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Modern Beauty Shoppe (Dorothy M Hauss) 63 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Moffitt Felix K (Aimee A) (Miller & Moffitt) meats 4366 Culver rd h<br />

12 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary B wid Clarence I r 4461 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter H (Jessica D) rem to Roch<br />

Mohan Anna F tchr Abraham Lincoln sch r 1564 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mohlar Burt (Isabelle D) h 2407 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mohr Ernest W (Maxine H) gas sta 685 Empire blvd (Roch) h 81<br />

Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Maynard K (Eliz A) mach h 56 Tindale dr (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Moldenhauer Geo (Mildred) acct h 306 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

-Raymond A (Emma A) drftsmn h 179 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Molinari Angelo atndt r 168 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Domenick (Theresa) restr h 168 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Frances L, K Pk r 168 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

John W (Mary J) lab h 10 Cross (Roch)<br />

Marie M r 168 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Moll Christine (Mrs Frank) died July 17, 1939<br />

Dorothy C elk r 167 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Ernest H (Marion C) assembler h 461 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Frank h 66 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Richd A elk r 167 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Robt M (Helen M) RT Corp h 618 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Simon jr (Mary E) collr h 167 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Mollon Rose wid Wm r 244 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Monaghan Sarah T wid Arthur h 5225 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Monahan Frank L slsmn RG&E h 129 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Mary G elk r 129 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Michl E r 129 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Monje Peter jr (Christina M) mason h rear 786 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

<strong>Monroe</strong> G Frank (Eva A) slsmn h 16 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Viola tailoress r 333 Bay Front N (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Monteau J Clifford (Pearl M) meat ctr h 24 Highwood rd (Roch)<br />

Montgomery Eliz wid Geo r 246 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

James H (Jennie M) deliverymn h 237 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Sam C (Lucille) died Sept 24, 1938<br />

Montondo Grant supvr r 247 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond W camera wkr r 407 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Montulli Louis (Nancy) lumber wkr h 1746 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Mooney Jos F servicemn r 95 Vayo (Roch)<br />

M (Catherine) bkpr r 95 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Owen G assembler r 95 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Robt J jr (Lillian E) elk h 536 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Rose A wid Edmond J h 95 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Moore Dayne A maintenancemn r 4500 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Edwin B (Gladys H) ins agt h 107 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Eliza wid Wm E r 64 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Francis A (Frances K) mech eng h 224 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Francis D (Vida M) chf drftsmn K Pk h 83 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J died May 7, 1939<br />

Fred A (Maude) mgr h 33 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk G r 358 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Isabel Z) eng h 26 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Geraldine L studt r 83 Hai-wick rd (Roch)<br />

Gertrude sten EK Co r 222 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Gordon W elk r 64 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Harold H (Mae C) mldr h 345 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Jean E compt opr r 4500 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Leighton H (Martha V) pharm h 363 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Lillian wid John H h 222 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Nester chemical mixer K Pk r 222 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Paul A (Clara K) whol meats h 4500 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Raymond E mach h 64 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Robt F (Hilda K) music instr h 156 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Robt P (Emma M) formn h 358 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Moquinn Loretta R childs nurse r 1408 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Moran Albert T (Kathleen) ball player r 154 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Arthur J pntr r 154 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Catherine C wid Roland P h 1203 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Agnes E) photo engvr h 367 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Geo C slsmn r 96 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Mary T wid Clarence L h 154 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Raymond L studt r 154 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Thos H (Vivian G) prntr h 115 Queensboro rd (Roch)<br />

Moranz Helen K wid Wm h 205 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos G (Cora A) pntr 2675 Titus av (Roch) h do<br />

Morath Amelia wid Jos E h 1267 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Harold J pin boy r 1267 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Jos E r 1267 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Morath<br />

Mabel M r 1267 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Martin W r 1267 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Morelli Pasquale lab h 132 Reynolds av (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Morey Lewis F (Rose J) slsmn h 1442 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Morf Edwd (Agnes A) h 51 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ernest (Margt) tinsmith h 258 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Howard E (Clara B) hlpr r 258 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Morgan Eugene C (Josephine. L) musn h 148 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

James W (Blanche L) clothing ctr h 165 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

James W jr rem to Roch<br />

Raymond aud summer res 89 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Rose E Mrs h 538 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Ruth tchr Hosea Rogers sch h 231 Elmgrove Roch<br />

Morgenstern Freda tchr Hosea Rogers sch r 120 Chestnut Roch<br />

Moriarty James J slsmn r 157 Dake av (Roch)<br />

James P (Mary E) slsmn h 157 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Jane P sten r 157 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Jos S studt r 157 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Leonard J (Claire M) film examiner K Pk h 200 Hermitage rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Morier Saml H (Millie R) auto tops h 439 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Morrill Chas H mach r 256 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ellen wid Fredk W r 256 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fred W auto mech h 256 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Morris Annie C h 410 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Frank M (Nellie H) mgr 5389 StPaul blvd r do (Roch)<br />

Geo W h 48 Viroqua dr (Roch)<br />

May h 410 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Sarah H wid Julian died Jan 2, 1939<br />

Wm r 410 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Morrison Chas A (Frances M) physicist K Pk h 39 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Morrow Geo H (Alice J) electn h 26 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Lawrence G bkpr r 26 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Hazel E) tool mkr h 432 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Morse Edgar C (Ida U) asst formn h 93 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert H (Florence L) gasoline sta r 4352 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John W studt summer res 878 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Kenneth R (Veronica V) K Pk h 228 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Richd S (Marion E) research wkr K Pk h 369 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Whiting B (Emily) sec Wm B Morse Lumber Co summer res 878 Rock<br />

Beach (Roch)<br />

Morse Wm B Lumber Go<br />

main office 340 Main W tel Main 160, branches 936 Main E and 101<br />

Ford north end branch Thomas av at Stutson, Clement H Schlueter<br />

mgr tel Charlott 589 See page 25 Buyers' Guide<br />

Wm B jr slsmn summer res 878 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Morss Edwd A (Florence J) belt ctr h 90 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Morthorst Anna wid Chas h 121 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dora wid John C r 570 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Frank E (Edith G) h 44 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Morton Clarence H (Ethel B) mach h 80 East View av (Roch)<br />

John A (Beatrice J) adv mgr h 225 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Mary A wid Edwd r 2570 Norton (Roch)<br />

Minnie F Mrs waitress r 31 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

W Richard (Anna) gear ctr h 243 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Morway Milford E tailor r 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Moscato Geo O (Lucy) baker h 201 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Moscrip Lydia B wid Chas H h 498 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Virginia associate prof Univ of Roch r 498 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Moses Everett (Margt C) EK Co h 81 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Joel (Sadie) dresses h 8 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Mosher Harold A (Jane D) production eng h 287 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Jeanne, K Pk r 241 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Ralph I (Doris J) formn h 96 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Raymon C (Avis C) supt of apartments 1340 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Moskowitz Jacob W (Harriet) elk summer res 575 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Jay (Harriet) drftsmn h 420 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Leo C (Lillian E) investigator h 440 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Norman (Seva G) produce summer res 567 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Moss Neil (Alma D) chauf h 29 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Mother Carmel prin StMargaret & Mary sch 344 Rogers pkwy h 369<br />

Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Mothes Richd E r 96 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Mott Emmett H (Lois C) h 2494 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth T, K Pk r 2494 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

LeRoy B r 2494 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Robt A (Elva L B) auto mech h 315 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Zelpha r 2494 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Motz Karl (Julie A) h 36 Charland rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Motzer Carl L (Edith S) K Pk h 614 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Rudolph porter h Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Mouir Annette E slswmn r 316 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Moxon Alf W (Esther N) maintenance wkr h 211 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Moyer Geo J (Katherine) tchr East High sch h 89 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Virginia K mimeograph opr r 41 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Muar Geo H (Clara) (George's Frog Pond) restr 336 Bay Front S<br />

(Roch) h 366 do<br />

Muckle John F rector StThomas RC ch h 4536 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Muehler Lowell E (Elsie A) chemist h 155 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Muehlhauser John G h 4863 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mueller Abbie Mrs h 4550 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Alvin C (Margt G) electn h 50 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Clarence H (Mildred D) bkpr h 103 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Edwd W nickle plater r 4550 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harriet P I r 4824 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John J (Hermine) instrument mkr h 117 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Katherine wid Paul H h 103 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Lester J r 4550 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Oliver (Sadie B) mach designer (Roch) h 50 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Paul H (Katherine) died Nov 25, 1938<br />

Muenchau Robt S pntr r 58 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Saml F (Gussie) elk h 58 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Muhs Leonard A (Dorothy M) bkpr h 281 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Muir Mary B studt r 21 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Robt studt r 87 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Wilfred S (Ethel F) phys 21 Thomas av h do (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Edna B) PO elk h 87 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Muisus Ethel K elk r 97 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Julius H (Katherine) slsmn h 97 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Mulcock David C market gardnr 1593 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Edwd T (Gladys R) market gardnr 1069 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Elsbeth bkpr r 1593 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

G Carlton gardnr r 1069 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Neil C appr r 622 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Robt P, K Pk r 1593 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Ruth E sten r 622 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Walter H (Maude M) market gardnr 622 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Mulholland Wm H (Hazel E) h 39 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Mull Car H (Dorothy) h 41 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Mullaney Leo W (Mildred H) chauf h 386 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Vincent H (Helen R) repairman h 457 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Mullen Thos A (Eleanor A) slsmn h 3961 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Muller Carl S (Marguerite) formn h 51 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Geo F (Pauline) plmbr h 1034 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Mulligan Nancy T wid Jas died June 17, 1939<br />

Mullin Fred J (Alice M) rprmn r 493 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Munch Edwin F (Marie) mgr h 140 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Munderback Allie wid John S r 39 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Mazie I sten r 39 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Munding Edwd J (Hazel F) floormn h 256 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Muni Anthony (Theresa) formn h 73 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Munkes Nicholas (Matilda P) h 4824 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Munro Howard E (Betty J) chemist h 287 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Muntz Chas F pntr r 43 Filon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Munz Olla F bookbinder r 4973 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Olla M wid Jos G h 4973 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Muoio Jane M r 83 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Louis h 330 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Mura Albert J (Virginia M) elk RG&E Co r 3489 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Florian R (Eliz J) mach opr h 3236 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond auto mech 352 Empire blvd r 86 Melville (Roch)<br />

Murai Kem (Sato) (Japan bazaar) summer res 120 Lake View av (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Muratore Alf D optical wkr r 154 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Grace G tel opr r 154 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Thos (Marie) tailor 4362 Culver rd h 154 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Murdock Alton T (Esther H) dec h 67 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth R (Gertrude M) auto mech h 80 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Murnighan Milton elk r 360 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Richd H (Marie H) gen mgr h 360 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Murphy Albert E tool grinder h 165 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Edwd J (Eliz R) slsmn h 472 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Howard T (Myrtle F) ins agt h 225 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Jas F studt r 165 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

John D (Florence) tobacconist h 2865 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt J whol mgr 4306 Culver rd Pt Plst r at Rochester<br />

Thos (Rita L) sta eng h 205 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Thos J r 225 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Kathleen T) slsmn h 120 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Murray Geo (Olive M) barber h 97 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Michl J jr (Gertrude E) div mgr h 81 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Eliz H) insp Roch Tel Co h 84 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Wm L (Marie E) slsmn h 270 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Murrell Carl D mach hand r 377 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Gerald W r 377 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Jeannette E tel opr r 377 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

John A (Katherine) elk r 148 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Leslie W (Ethel M) toolmkr h 377 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Murtha Jos C (Helene) toolmkr h 60 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Muscarella Jeannette M studt r 2914 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Paul M (Julia) lawyer h 2914 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Muscato Luigi (Lucy) lab h 200 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Musgrave Anna M elk r 137 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Edwd A atndt r 137 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Edwd M (Florence) cook h 137 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Musselman Gladys W wid Noah h 4486 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Musson Albert T (Clara L) h 2791 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Mary C) market gardnr 2068 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Leland D (Loretta I) sign pntr h 487 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Mutrie John A (Sarah) electn h 177 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Mutschler John B (Elsie M) claim adjuster h 44 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Muxworthy Alf (Belle) market gardnr 2094 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

Fay I studt r 2291 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Jack F studt r 2291 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

John F (Phoebe O) hdw 563 Titus av h 2291 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Norma O r 2291 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Ross A (Helen) elk 563 Titus av h 561 do (Roch)<br />

Myer Gladys Mrs r 368 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Myers Earl atndt 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 356 Seneca pkwy Roch<br />

Eliz J wid Wm F h 560 List av (Roch)<br />

Elmer A (Miriam E) prntr h 1 Troy (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ethel R Mrs tchr h 136 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk R (Mary A) efficiency man h 23 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

John A (Pearl C) farmer h 516 List av (Roch)<br />

Raymond V (Lorraine M) RG&E Co h 1057 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Rose married James Sweeney rem to Rush<br />

Wm L (Helene J) tool designer h 166 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Wm M (Bertha L) gardnr h 560 List av (Roch)<br />

Mykins Cora D wid Danl J h 267 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Danl J (Cora D) died Oct 26, 1938<br />

Mynott Edwin P (Doris P) insp Delco Appliance h 260 Sagamore dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Naber Arleen B (Naber Beauty Shop) 10 Walzer rd r 225 Brower rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Beauty Shop (Arleen B Naber) hairdrsr 10 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Floyd J farmer r 225 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Francis J clothing wkr r 2714 Norton (Roch)<br />

Howard H (Margt) market gardnr 187 Brower rd (Roch) h do<br />

Kenneth G (Rose F) carp h 147 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Marvin W clothing wkr r 2714 Norton (Roch)<br />

Paul (Minnie P) market gardnr 225 Brower rd (Roch) h do<br />

Tiburtius J (Florence) clothing cutter h 2714 Norton (Roch)<br />

Nadeau Gale F (Lily M) research chemist K Pk h 227 Chestnut Hill dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Nagle Anna V wid Roswell S died Aug 16, 1939<br />

Roswell H bkpr h 91 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Nagler Geo W (Edith M) drftsmn h 61 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Names John K (Katherine E) mgr h 136 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Napier Chas W (Mildred E) elk summer res 32 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Napierala Stanley V (Leocadia G) drftsmn h 202 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Napoleon Dominic (Rose E) jan h 346 Wacona av (Pt Plst)<br />

Naramore David C (Helen B) flour summer res 572 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Wilbert A (Jennie C) summer res 572 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Narvastead Martha M Mrs r 96 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Nasahburn John (Margt) mach h 233 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Nash Onofry (Angelina) grocer 145 Knapp av h do (Roch)<br />

Raymond A (Cora E) prntr h 115 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Salvatore (Mary) lab r 145 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Virginia E r 115 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Nassar Adib J (Frances M) formn h 394 Shelford rd (Roch)<br />

Naughton John J (Marjorie M) elk PO h 73 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Michl W h 285 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Nauratil Carl (Helen) tile setter r 94 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Nauss Henry J (Ethel E) mgr h 41 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Naylon Walter K (Alice M) adv h 107 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Wm T (Anna) acct r 216 Pinewood trail (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


The Business School for High School Graduates and College People<br />


Naylor Arthur P (Elsa L) carp 5105 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Richd F magazines r 5105 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Mary T) EK Co h 325 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Neal Elmer M (Jessie) linoleum layer h 34 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Neary Andrew J (Natalie P) chauf h 103 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Neel Nancy C studt r 77 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Neely F Orville (Elsie E) slsmn h 350 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth E studt nurse r 350 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Neese Leon M (Eleanore W) ticket elk NYC h 409 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Neidenger Albert Geo h 156 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Julius G musn r 156 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Neidert Walter (Leona M) elk r 160 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Neil Leslie G (Harriet L) slsmn h 170 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Neitzke Alice M Mrs h 144 Leslie pi (Roch)<br />

Gladys M insp r 144 Leslie pi (Roch)<br />

Ruth A insp Todd's r 144 Leslie pi (Roch)<br />

Nelbach Caroline B wid Jos B r 15 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Nell Walter (Eleanor R) marble and tile h 81 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Nelligan Gerald E (Florence V) carrier PO h'617 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Nelms Wm J (Harriet E) mgr h 103 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Nelson Clarence N (Gladys W) EK Co h 312 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Fannie J wid Fredk F h 344 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Garmon seamn r 61 Centre ter (Roch)<br />

Paul M (Phebe C) office mgr 372 Exchange h 35 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Nephew Thos bartndr 2100 Ridge rd E r do (Roch)<br />

Nesbitt Francis H (Mary E) film wkr h 399 Tiam dr (Roch)<br />

Nessenius Anna wid Frank r 204 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Fredk (Gertrude I) sta eng h 204 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Neubauer Clarence W (May C) optician h 57 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Neuert Fred J (Millie M) chauf h 255 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Neumann Charlotte E Mrs hairdrsr 4265 Culver rd (Pt Plst) h 3078<br />

Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo H jr (Charlotte E) restr h 3078 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Milton C (Ruth) h 544 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Verna M) toolmkr EK Co h 87 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Neuschler Wm (Helen E) parking station h 113 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Neva Wm W (Evelyn E) clothing ctr h 60 Clarington (Roch)<br />

Nevada Jos H (Ethel M) h 117 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J r 117 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

New York Central RR Station 4763 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Naval Militia Armory 3d Battalion, end of StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Newbauer Geo steam shovel opr h rear 534 Dix (Roch)<br />

Newell Geo R (Ruth T) civ eng h 2690 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Howard J (Florence L) gen formn B&L h 266 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Jean E studt nurse r 266 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Roderick G (Helen) K Pk h 17 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Newman Carl slsmn h 20 Second (Roch)<br />

Carl A plmbr summer res 133 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Chas, K Pk h 322 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Genevieve Mrs elk r 41 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Stephen r 214 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Willis M (Alphe M) slsmn h 185 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Newport House (Geo Henner and Conrad Lochner) hotel Newport rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Sand & Cement Corp 2161 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Sand & Gravel Co 2161 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Yacht Club, Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Newton Jane E elk EK Co r 118 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

John W (Margt A) compensation adjustor EK Co h 118 Leland rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Ney Seymour M (Lillian) formn h 97 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Niblack Harry A (May L) restr wkr h 411 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Nichols Ellsworth (Martha M) lawyer h 389 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Geo (Helen) farmer r 64 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

H Alden (Evelyn B) h 2677 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Robt (Alma) servicemn h 1070 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

W Otis, Court House r 68 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm F (Helen M) service mgr Marchant Calculating Machine Co h<br />

2555 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Nicholson Albert J r 3113 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest K pastor All Saints Epis ch h 3351 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gladys r 87 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

John W (Sarah A) h 3113 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Leonard B (Rita K) assembler h 159 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth A r 3113 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Nickel Edwd J (Mary M) molder h 160 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Elsworth J (Doris G) mldr h 2529 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Fred E r 160 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm F (Elma I) mach h 400 Tiam dr (Roch)<br />

Nicol Edna M studt r 708 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Mabel L elk r 708 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Oliver J (Matilda L) supt h 708 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Niebling Anna wid Geo W h 30 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Nielsen Carl (Ingeborg) carp h 53 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Fred, K Pk r 53 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Irving pntr r 53 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Nigg Bernard (Lydia) pntr h 80 Hartland rd (Roch)<br />

Niggli Alf (Dorothy) EK Co h 151 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Harry A (Minnie L) iron wkr h 2460 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Harry M jr, prntr r 2460 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Norman W (Helen) shtmtlwkr h 186 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Roy (Margt) plmbr h 2450 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Nill Betty J studt r 101 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Elmer A (Esther E) formn h 101 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Josephine wid Jacob r 100 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Myrtle G elk K Pk r 100 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

T Wm lockmkr h 100 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Nip Harry (Sara) toolmkr h 150 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Nitsch Anna elk r 164 Leslie pi (Roch)<br />

Emil A (Anna) carp h 164 Leslie pi (Roch)<br />

Milton R r 329 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Rudolph B (Eva M) artist h 329 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Nitzman Chas W electn r 542 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Niver Cloy D (Katherine) civ eng summer res 44 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Noack Chas F (Ann) camera wkr h 167 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Noal Gordon W lens grinder r 294 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Michl J (Anna) tailor h 294 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Noble Jas A (Elsie) supt h 161 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Richd C studt r 161 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Juliana M) insp h 358 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Noffke Arthur E (Cleo E) insp h 621 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond C (Ruth E) meter reader h 57 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Nohe Lavina Mrs v-pres Elam Sand & Gravel Corp, Orland rd (Roch)<br />

r 320 Durnan Roch<br />

Nolan Grace G hairdrsr summer res 34 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Jas A (Mary K) mgr h 186 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jas V (Hilda M) credit mn h 218 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Jos r 61 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Jos H (Verna H) optical wkr h 61 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Noll Ernest J gardnr h 154 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Franklin J carp r 1653 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Herman C (Minnie C) market gardnr 1653 Titus av (Roch) h do<br />

Lena wid Henry r 154 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Rose wid Herman asst cafeteria mgr Seneca sch h 376 StJoseph<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wm H gardnr r 376 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Nolte Arlene, K Pk r 124 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest W (Ruth) slsmn h 124 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Dorothy) elk h 85 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Louis (Florence A) chauf h 84 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Noonan Anne r 759 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Nordeen Chas r 167 Seymour Rd (Roch)<br />

Norden Wm J (Eliz D) yardmn h 2363 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Nordoff Arthur L (Louise) carp h 210 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Hattie A) K Pk h 2782 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Norman Wm E (Lena M) janitor Laurelton sch h 424 Bay Front S<br />

(Roch)<br />

Northrop Raymond (Eliz M) K Pk r 1566 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Northrup Eric (Helen M) ins adjuster h 38 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

Northup Jean sten r 613 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Julia H assembler r 613 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Leverne E slsmn r 613 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Nellie E nurse r 613 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Nellie E wid Eug r 613 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Walter P (Gladys K) ins h 613 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Norton Dorothy S tel opr r 3621 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Novelli Perry J tchr Durand Eastman sch h 39 Lark Roch<br />

Nowack Carl F (Clara B) mech drftsmn h 72 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Fred B (Clara G) mach h 116 Cedarwood rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Nowadoga Farm 177 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Nowak Chester, K Pk r 350 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Edwd (Helen) mach h 342 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Kasimir optical wkr r 350 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Mandolin wid Vincent h 350 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Paul A r 116 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Walter (Blanche) pntr h 155 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Nucci Angelo C (Rose M) h 105 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Nuessle Fredk A summer res 17 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Fredk P (Maida) heating estimator summer res 17 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Nufryck Frank O (Mary) lab h 132 Maple av (Roch)<br />

John hlpr r 132 Maple av (Roch)<br />

Nuijens John (Jennie) h 81 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Nurse Harold R (Louise L) mgr h 35 Highwood rd (Roch)<br />

Nusbaum Lester (Belle) fur dir sum res 57 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Milton (Helen) furrier h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Mortimer A radio announcer sum res 57 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Oakes Leo J (Kathleen L) shipper h 1402 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Oatway Chas E (Mabel G) slsmn h 277 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Oberg Carl W (Dina) tool mkr h 81 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Dennior R sec r 81 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Frank W acct r 81 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

CBine Raymond (Eliz L) K Pk h 96 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

O'Bolger Agatha C bkpr r 146 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Anna M wid Thos r 146 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

R Emmett (Rose L) mgr EK Co (Shanghai China) h 146 Worthington<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

O'Brien Addie R wid John r 34 Elmgrove rd (Roch)<br />

Arline E tel opr r 153 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Bridget A r 34 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd J (May) cost acct h 16 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

John J r 464 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

-John J jr (Virginia R) h 464 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

John P (Rama M) h 23 Grover (Roch)<br />

Raymond J (Ella A) assembler h 153 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Raymond J jr r 153 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Terence T h 99 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Thos M (Julia H) slsmn h 514 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

O'Bryan Eliz Mrs (Culver Sanitarium) 2467 Culver rd h do (Roch)<br />

Thos T (Eliz) shtmtlwkr h 2467 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ochs Jos A (Florence G) mgr h 5150 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

-Jos B (Marjorie A) assembler h 129 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ockenden Archie L h 1008 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Chester A (Calista E) K Pk h 972 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Wallace E (Audrey E) stock kpr r 1008 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

CCoin John (M Louise) musn h 1507 Portland av CRoch)<br />

O'Connell Ellen nurse r 860 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Flerence M (A Isabell) tchr h 1834 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

John J (Pearl K) (O'Connell Elec Co) h 416 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos T (Cornelia M) h 221 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Margt C studt r 415 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary E tchr r 415 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Sevey A r 164 Yorkshire rd (Roch)<br />

O'Connor Edith P Mrs tchr r 38 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Grace E wid Wm H r 38 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harry J (Margt I) civil eng h 45 Lake ter (Roch)<br />

John W (Eleanor F) dep collr h 2 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Edith P) K Pk h 38 Brad (Sea, Breeze)<br />

Ocorr Ernest C (Eunice) wood wkr h 183 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Oday Betty cook 591 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

O'Dell Merab E Mrs h 575 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Odenbach Herman r 75 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

O'Donnell Jos M (Madalene E) h 117 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Margt tchr Abraham Linocln School r 56 Erion cres Roch<br />

Marie B elk r 4630 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Oehlbeck Edwd G (Eliz A) drftsmn h 91 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank H (Jeannette M) restr h 151 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Oehmler Robt E (Susan J) slsmn h 4202 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Oertel Edmund (Emma A) meats 2197 Clinton av N h 3086 Culver rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Oeschger Eugene R (Edna A) drftsmn h 2340 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm B (Pauline E) mach h 202 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Oestriech Fredk chauf 2161 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 128 Keller Roch<br />

O'Flynn Chas J (Lenore) lens wkr r 3085 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ogden Derryck r 347 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Kenneth C jr (Jean P) supvr h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Willie (Eva) mach h 347 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Ogg John E watchmn r 192 Seville dr (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Ogley Celia Mrs tailoress h 182 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Fred H r 182 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

O'Hara Florence P Mrs maid 4305 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

K Lois tchr r 287 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Margt I wid Patk h 287 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Robt C r 287 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

O'Haran Fred (Margt) h 630 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Ohlau Henry (Christine H) tool mkr h 4447 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ohlrich Wilburt W (Zell R) silver refining h 41 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Ohnmacht Jos (Mae) real est h 111 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

O'Keefe Emma M prin h 15 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Mary T wid John D h 4476 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Olcott Raymond E elk r 94 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Old Outlet Hotel (Martin J Rebholz) 5018 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Oldenburg John C (Luetta) market gardnr 3408 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

John C jr, hlpr r 3408 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Louise E studt r 3408 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm gardnr 3408 StPaul blvd r do (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Irene M) market gardnr 485 Titus av (Roch) h do<br />

O'Leary Chas B (Angela C) slsmn h 39 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Oliver Benj r 160 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Chas (Irene M) rem to Greece<br />

Wm N (Alice M) h 1136 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Olli Vilho C coast guard end StPaul blvd r do (Roch)<br />

Olmstead Donald L (Edith D) slsmn h 444 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Harry C (Margt S) elk h 46 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

O'Loughlin Frank J (Carrie R) vending machines h 116 First (Roch)<br />

Ray F (Edna E) restr end of StPaul blvd h 104 1st (Roch)<br />

Olson Alma r 606 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Rudolph A (Charlotte) h 606 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Olver Roy B (Rena B) (Stuart, Olver & Holtz) h 33 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

O'Mara Danl J (Hildegard) lawyer and District Attorney h 511 Hurst<br />

bourne rd (Roch)<br />

O'Neil Stella M prin Laurelton sch (Roch) r 579 Hazelwood ter Roch<br />

Ongenaers Aloysius died June 16, 1939<br />

Carl (Helen) farmer h 1429 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Ontario Coal Co Inc inc NY, Wm Schneider pres Herman A Rose v-pres<br />

Grace I Schneider treas coal and ice Lake rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Onufryk Michl (Titania) h 310 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Oppeneer Catherine elk 2054 Ridge rd E r 2576 Parker rd (Roch)<br />

Cryn farm hand r 2576 Parker rd (Roch)<br />

Marine (Jozina) hlpr h 2576 Parker rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Opperman Fred (Rose) lab h 5270 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John M (Clara M) supt of buildings Seneca sch h 4368 StPaul blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Louis M (Harriet M) bus opr Roch Transit Corp h 50 Armstrong av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Louise G wid Chas h 264 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Martha dom h 210 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Paul r 5270 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Oraszak Casper carp r 302 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Orgar Alf E (Florence) gardnr h 1665 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

John gardnr h 1629 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ruth E r 1665 Ridge rd E (Roch)'<br />

Orlando Nelson (Texas) h 779 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Orman Jos A (Edna M) shtmtlwkr h 61 Centre ter (Roch)<br />

Ortman J Ralph (Elverna M) packer h 66 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Ortmann Wallace (Martha) packer h 48 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Osadca Geo V (Mary) watchmn h 175 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Osborn Chauncey B (Eliz A) K Pk h 98 East View av (Roch)<br />

Eliz V studt r 98 East View av (Roch)<br />

Osborne Herbert A (Julia H) carp h 1459 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Marie J Mrs r 1683 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Osburn Erman W elk r 53 East View av (Roch)<br />

Mary M wid Wm H r 53 East View av (Roch)<br />

Oster Barbara E wid Jacob M died Aug 11, 1939<br />

John M (Cecelia A) cigars h 338 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Ostrye Edmund S (Catherine L) stock elk r 342 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Jas P (Grace E) elk h 2570 Norton (Roch)<br />

Oswald Max (Anna) tile setter h 230 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Osyzwa Eng (Pauline) tailor h 2111 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Ott Aaron J (Ethel L) slsmn h 225 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Carl H (Elsie M) camera wkr h 111 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd E (Ethel A) credit mgr H B Graves sum res 34 Bay Front N<br />

(Pt Plst)<br />

Florence tel opr r 66 East View av (Roch)<br />

Fred P (Eleanor M) tinsmith K Pk h 109 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

John C (Eliz A) litho h 54 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ottman Robt (Mabel P) restr wkr r 278 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Otto Marie N wid John A h 283 Pine Grove av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


Ovenburg Dorothy C social wkr r 4462 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank A (Mary E) h 4462 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo M (Cecelia E) carrier PO h 113 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Geo P (Florence E) h 43 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Wm C firemn Fire House No 3, 493 Wash av (Roch) r 4462 StPaul<br />

blvd (do)<br />

Overlies Francis M (Irene G) eng h 537 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Owen Floyd H (Louise) rem to Roch<br />

Francis C (Pearl R) radio announcer h 25 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Owens Bernard J (Mildred H) pntr h 288 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Wm Henry (Thelma M) K Pk h 116 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ozmun Frank B (Margt A) auditor h 3801 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Pabst John chemist r 3764 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Packer Vernon W (Reta M) slsmn h 726 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Pacoske Chas (Wilhelmina) r 3530 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Paetznick Victor H (Leta) slsmn h 107 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Viola M tchr Irond High sch r 325 Alexander Roch<br />

Page Henry S r 2063 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Reginald J r 2063 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Richd H (Christina L) carp h 2063 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Wm J r 2063 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Pailthorpe Richd S (Lillian G) photo engvr h 2 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Paine Walter E (Corra F) asst dept supt h 60 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Palermo Chas (Concetta) h 1928 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Jennie wid Peter h 497 Sanborn av (Roch)<br />

Palifrone Geo r 260 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Pallifrone Jas r 260 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Mary B wid Vincent h 260 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Rizzio r 260 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Palm Anna wid Edwd F h 63 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Palma Michl C (Josephine) formn h 3142 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Palmer Arlene B, EK Co r 100 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

D Patricia studt r 83 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Dwight (Dorothy) pres Palmer Fish Co h 29 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Emily M, EK Co r 29 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Harry E (Dorothy P) coml trav h 83 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Harry E jr K Pk r 83 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Lewis O (Kathryn C) dec h 229 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Price (Florence M) car dispatcher h 100 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Ralph J, K Pk r 100 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Palser Howard F (Mary K) gro h 25 East View av (Roch)<br />

Laverne A (Eliz R) EK Co r 141 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Pammenter Arthur T (Gertrude M) lawyer h 3390 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer J (Lucy I) dentist 92 Pine Grove av h do (Roch)<br />

Jas r 3390 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Thos E studt r 3390 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia Mae elk r 3390 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Pantano Jos V (Theresa M) auto mech h 93 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Panzarella Marko (Jessie) (The Hollywood Grill) 500 Empire blvd<br />

(Roch)h 94 Seymour rd (do)<br />

Panzlau Amelia wid August rem to Roch<br />

Rudolph H (Ruth I) agt Roch Humane Society h 305 Harwick rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Papa Frank (Mary) mason 252 Brockley rd h do (Roch)<br />

Papka Florence Mrs nurse Irond High sch h 102 Bradburn (Roch)<br />

Pappani Alvera studt r 193 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Arnold A (Anna) tailor h 193 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Pappas Anthony (Ethel L) h 1175 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Elaine L elk r 1175 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Roy C artist r 1175 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Pappert Donald E r 222 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm B (Louise) pntr h 222 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Paradies Edwd W (Eleanor R) plmbr h 32 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Pardee Chas G carp h 2473 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Dorice R sec r 648 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Edmond M (Emma A) maintenance mn h 648 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

G Herbert H (Theo) general ins h 180 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Parent Robt auto mech 65 Stutson cor Thomas av (Roch) r 523 Elmgrove<br />

rd (RD 6 Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Paris Angeline J wid Eug h 51 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Earl A (Gertrude S) archt h 150 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Emily married Ramond Jochen<br />

Lena hairdrsr r 51 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Theo E studt r 51 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Irene) mach opr h 51 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Park Alexander G (Charlotte M) warehousemn h 240 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Margt L studt r 240 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Parker Ernest A (Lena D) supt h 27 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

John H, EK Co r 3764 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence L (Florence C) tchr Irond High sch h 610 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Nidie K (Agnes A) litho h 157 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Robt G studt r 4716 StPaul blvd Roch<br />

T Gordon (Lois E) slsmn h 4716 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Parkinson Raymond R (Florence A) tool designer h 103 East view<br />

av (Roch)<br />

Wm J watch rpr r 103 East View av (Roch)<br />

Parlato Chas F (Katherine G) rem to Buffalo<br />

Parmenter Minnie wid Chas r 37 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

Parmington Geo T (Ella B) engine dispatcher NYC h 49 Adrian rd (Pt<br />

Plst)<br />

Harry J (Hazel T) asst supt h 94 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Jean K studt r 94 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Parr Alf B (Myrtle A) gardnr 2094 Hudson av h 2078 do (Roch)<br />

Alonzo (Sarah) market gardnr 2094 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Earl A (Gertrude E) gardnr 2094 Hudson av h 2131 do (Roch)<br />

Parry Geo H (Catherine L) slsmn h 233 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Parsells Geo A (Helen A) asst prod mgr h 38 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H jan r 38 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Parsons E Randall (Viola T) lay out mn B&LO Co h 37 Avenue C (Pt<br />

Plst)<br />

Emma E tchr Hosea Rogers sch r 232 Delmar rd (RD 4 Roch)<br />

Frank D (Alice) auto supplies h 4625 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Partridge Earl A (Rose L) justice of the peace 1392 Ridge rd E h 318<br />

Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Eleanor E studt r 318 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

H Sylvester (Effie E) elk h 21 Dover rd (Roch)<br />

Winfield chemist r 4430 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Pascale Antoinette r 515 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Antonio lab r 515 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Domenico produce r 515 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Raffaele (Marguerite) h 515 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Passantino Angelo (Carmella) h 1849 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Angelo N r 1849 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Passero Jas A (Josephine A) h 200 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Patchin Chas M efficiency man h 142 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Lloyd C (Mary Z) mech eng h 108 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Patenall Bertram G (Mary E) signal eng h 138 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Paterson Duane T (Theresa) telegraph opr h 65 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Stuart D electrical eng r 65 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Patric Jas E (Ruth G) mach h 5131 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Patterson Arthur R (Mary M) civil service school h 97 Hurstbourne rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Frances beauty shop 1111 Ridge rd E (Roch) r do<br />

Frank C (Levina C) aud h 68 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Fred (Ella) excavator h 1111 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Harold E (Ruth D) slsmn h 364 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Howard R (Helen) councilmn 1392 Ridge rd E r 171 Sagamore dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Thos F acct r 68 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Patton Wm sum res 514 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Patty Angelina wid Michl h 574 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Carlo elec appliances r 574 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Thos furn r 574 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Paulus Bert L (Rena W) plmbr h 142 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Pauly Cora sec r 359 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Pauth Mary E wid Alvie r 89 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Paviour R S & Son Inc<br />

inc NY '25 Ernest A Paviour pres James H Farrell treas general<br />

insurance 1239 Lincoln-Alliance Bank Bldg 183 Main E Rochester<br />

tel Main 220 See page 23 Buyers' Guide<br />

Pawluk Jos J (Lucille M) upholsterer h 129 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Paxson Edwd A tchr Durant Eastman School r 12 Merwin av Roch<br />

Payment Arnold E (Eleanor J) meat ctr h 322 Walzer rd<br />

Payne Wm C (Gladys) K Pk h 390 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Peachey Levi A died May 24, 1939<br />

Lewis H (Elsie C) pres L H Peachey Co h 207 Chestnut Hill av (Roch)<br />

Peacock Willis O (Dorothy V) supvr h 44 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Peake Chester A (The Cove House) 136 Shore dr h do (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Pealo Marie maid 4692 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Pear Raymond (Mildred H) acct h 124 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Pearce Arthur D (Catherine J) (Pearce Realty) 35 Nile dr h do (Roch)<br />

Ray F (Mary) K Pk h 4274 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Realty (Arthur D Pearce) 35 Nile dr (Roch)<br />

Pearson Evangeline wid Geo r 59 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Thos J (Rita M) shoe mkr h 59 Harrison rd (Roch)<br />

Peart Lottie E r 4814 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt married Henry Jung rem to Roch<br />

Walter R (Mabel E) shoe wkr h 489 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Frances B) h 481 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Pease Priscilla M housekpr r 153 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Peasley Paul R (Theo M) chauf h 391 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Peavey Rex L (Margt A) supvr h 77 Shelmont dr (Roch)<br />

Pecora Jos A (Mary R) h 1914 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Peffer Chas J died May 11, 1939<br />

Pegosh Willard E (Eleanor H) prntr h 108 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Peiffer Chas W (Louise A) supt h 4185 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Virginia dental hygienist r 5137 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Peitzer Sidney C chauf 2161 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 1460 Clifford av<br />

Roch<br />

Pellett John W (Jessie) slsmn h 121 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Pellow Mildred I camera wkr r 123 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Pembroke Jerome B (Anna) gardnr h 1991 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Penlon Arthur W (Cora W) vending mach opr h 203 Seneca Park av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Cora B enameler r 191 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Libbie wid Wm F h 191 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Raymond C (Grace) chauf 2026 Hudson av (Roch) r 191 Seneca Park<br />

av (do)<br />

Walter T (Radah E) elk h 499 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Pennington Lawrence R slsmn r 4737 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Richd S (Margt E) slsmn h 4737 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Peo Howard J (Lois A) h 111 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Perdue Wm auto washer 65 Stutson cor Thomas av (Roch) r 17 Winter<br />

Roch<br />

Perkins Earl T (Gladys) slsmn r 654 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ernest A auto mech 352 Empire blvd (Roch) r 1176 Bay Roch<br />

Frank G (Adell) formn h 2353 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ira D (Lulu B) chauf h 654 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Marion H) slsmn h 3685 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Willard T (Katherine H) optical wkr h 201 Walzer rd (Roch<br />

Pero Edwin V (Cecelia E) supt h 236 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jerry (Eileen) insp h 2131 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Perovich Chas (Catherine) barber 24 Dewey av h do (Roch)<br />

Perrette Arthur F (Thelma) service mgr h 39 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Perrin Harold L (Grace) chauf r 2650 Norton (Roch)<br />

Norman B (Mary) market gardnr 2650 Norton h do (Roch)<br />

Perrine Ida A Mrs r 11 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Perrins Newton M (Mabeth R) patent atty h 474 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Warren R studt r 474 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Perrotta Antonio pastor StMark's Baptist Church (Roch) h 1422 Ridge rd<br />

E<br />

Perry Anthony J chauf h 63 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Chas G (Adelaide F) tool mkr r 33 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Gertrude E (Mrs Anthony J) died Sept 11, 1939<br />

Gordon H (Marie A) slsmn 1871 Ridge rd E h 2234 Titus av (Roch)<br />

John G (Ella M) mach h 33 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Jolanda E cafeteria wkr r 63 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Levern E (Marguerite H) clothing ctr h 820 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Thos (Eliza) watchmn h 140 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Winifred wid Wm H r 41 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Pestke Adele h 3010 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Peters Bertha M r 5118 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd A (Mary A) atndt h 4940 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Epke (Irene) auto mech h 351 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Henry H (Julia P) mach formn h 76 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Jos J studt r 86 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Jos M (Mary C) mach h 86 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Petersen J Walter (Emma) chief drftsmn h 267 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Peterson Bertha M) studt r 51 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Chas E (Helen L) studt r 45 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Donald H (Margt E) slsmn h 91 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

'Eleanor tchr Seneca sch r 175 Clinton av N, Roch<br />

Sven A (Anna) carp h 51 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Pethick Frank E (Estella S) interior dec h 960 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Petrossi Alvin r 2401 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Anna L tchr r 84 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

Antonio (Pasqualina) supt h 2401 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Elisa wid Alfonso h 84 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

37<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Petrossi<br />

Erma T r 84 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

Eugene P (Caberio T) mach opr r 276 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

John (Shirley) contr h 2740 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John P contr r 84 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

Leonilda tchr (Floral Park) r 2401 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mario A contr r 84 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

Mary bkpr r 2401 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary A wid John r 2740 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Philip (Alice) road contr h 189 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Philomena T tchr r 84 Barons rd (Roch)<br />

Santo (Carmella) chauf h 276 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Petry Ernest (Adna A) educational promotion mn h 134 Amerige park<br />

(Roch)<br />

Mary H sec r 134 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Peter J r 134 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Pett Wm C (Martha C) h 390 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Pettit Alice wid Elmer h 296 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Petty Althea W wid Wm died Aug 26, 1939<br />

Petz E Ina Bell sec No 1 School, Roch r 56 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Jos L (Marjorie E) tool designer h 56 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Pfeffer Arthur A r 218 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Fredk C h 31 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Jos I (Gertrude) millwright h 218 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Oscar (Matilda L) lithographic artist h 273 Pine Grove av (Roch )<br />

Pfeifer Danl F lino opr r 231 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Emerson C (Margt A) prntr r 4185 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Pfeiffer Elmer C (Genevieve R) clothing ctr h 66 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Leo G case mkr B&L r 310 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Leo W studt r 299 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Martha J) glass wkr h 299 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Pflanz Leland T (Minette E) contr 168 Somershire dr h do (Roch)<br />

Pfleghar Fred C (Gertrude L) mach h 216 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Pfrommer Bros (Edwin G and Wm H) meats 2056 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Edwin G (Hazel C) (Pfrommer Bros) 2056 Ridge rd E r 2040 do (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Mildred F) (Pfrommer Bros) 2056 Ridge rd E h 8 Walzer rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Pfundtner Mark A (Alice L) plmbr 2375 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Owen M plmbr r 2375 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Roger J plmbr r 2375 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Phaff Robt J (Mary K) K Pk h 1136 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Phafl Alvin (Marion) ins h 119 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Phelan Chas M (Lucille L) shtmtlwkr 505 Eaton rd h do (Roch)<br />

Victor H r 327 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Victor H (Hilda) prntr h 327 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm K (Jane) aud h 155 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm Y died Oct 28, 1938<br />

Phelps Harrison R (Loretta A) paper ctr h 38 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Henry r 109 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Philips Harlow D (Lillian M) drftsm h 33 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Phillipoff Nicholas (Gana) optical wkr h 156 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Phillippsen Jacob R (Hattie E) tool mkr h 93 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Phillips Frank T (Ada A) formn h 5008 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John B (Eva A) supt dept of water 1392 Ridge rd E h 516 Seneca rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Rita Mrs h 174 Frontenac Hts (Roch)<br />

Spencer M (Lucille) optometrist h 13 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Piano Anthony (Lila M) presser h 78 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm A r 78 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Piccinino John (Mary) elk h 101 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Piccoli Cosmo tailor r 198 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Louise elk r 198 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Margt studt r 198 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Peter tailor r 198 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Vito E (Emily) tailor h 198 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Piccolo Andrew (Amelia) fish dir h 76 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Pickett Glenn C (Rose C) stmftr h 415 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Gordon studt r 415 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Pickles Fredk (Charlotte) wool sorter r 238 Oaklawn dr Irond<br />

Ptehler Marie A Mrs h 164 Yorkshire rd (Roch)<br />

Pierce Harriett R sec (Washington DC) r 204 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Henry F (Rose E) yardmaster NYC Ry h 204 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Pierson Alice D wid Eric r 199 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Harold L (Melva J) shoe designer h 24 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Raymond E (Violet O) ins h 54 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Warren W tchr Irond High sch r at Avon<br />

Piesner Saml C (Helen) baker h 250 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Pigorsch Arline G r 89 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Arnold W (Grace E) asst mgr h 89 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Pike Edwd A (Gertrude) drftsmn h 190 Avondale rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />



There is a Lowe Bros. Paint Dealer in your Town<br />

9-11-13 N. WATER ST. Phone MAIN 8140<br />

Pilaroscia Louis J (Marjorie L) whol tobacco h 218 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Pilbrow Alf G (Erma B) supt h 108 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Pilgrim Hildegarde B sec r 62 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Pillen Clarence W, K Pk r 284 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Emma C wid Henry h 284 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Florence L sten r 284 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Jas M r 284 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Roy E, K Pk r 284 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Victor H (Agnes) auto mech h 294 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Wm C elk r 284 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Pilling Walter J caretaker h 690 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Pillsbury Kathryn Mrs r 85 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Pinder Donald E (Lucia R) studt r 610 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ernest L (Louise C) mgr h 610 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Thos H (Martha W) stock kpr h 196 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Pine Tree Riding Stable (Alvin E Thiem) 111 Hoffman rd (Roch)<br />

Pinfold Albert (Rosanna H) h 161 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Pinkerton Ervin W (Letitia) h 215 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Geo E (Leona C) slsmn h 76 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Pinkley Russell L (Estelle L) (Empire Clay Products Co) h 157 Wimble<br />

don rd (Roch)<br />

Pinkman Wales E (Eliz M) mgr h 300 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Pinkney Elsie L nurse <strong>County</strong> Hosp h 269 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Herbert N (Myrtle O) mach h 269 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Milton E (Pauline E) chauf h 82 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Pioneer Drug Store (Emerson W Stein) 4358 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Pire Floyd B (Josephine S) shipping elk h 37 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Francis M, K Pk r 37 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Pirr Ervin R (Adelaide) electrical appliances 35 Pontiac dr h do (Roch)<br />

Herman (Ida H) h 84 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Pisano Christopher N lab r 84 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Rose wid Fred h 84 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Saml (Josephine) h 26 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Piscitello Danl C (Elsie) macaroni mfr h 246 Culver parkway (Roch)<br />

Pittfield Clifford J (Mariam S) slsmn h 309 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Pittman Gladys housekpr r 76 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Pitts Florence J wid Fredk G h 1732 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Raymond F, K Pk r 1732 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Place Leman C (Charlotte E) maintenancemn K Pk h 184 Oak Lawn dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Placerean Edwd W (Nora) mason h 140 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Ida M bkpr r 140 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Leo F mason r 140 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Plane Chas H mus tchr r 51 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Planken Clara studt r 81 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Emily sten r 81 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

John (Emily) engvr h 81 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Plant Clifford A (Viola B) cloth ctr h 41 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Plass Wm B (Jennie M) died Jan 16, 1939<br />

Piatt Helen I wid John A h 130 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Jas C (Isabell J) meter reader h 302 Wacona av (Pt Plst)<br />

Jos B studt r 117 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Mary E studt r 117 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Norris J insp r 130 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph A (Julia) chauf r 130 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm B (Mary B) ins agt h 117 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Plehn Brainerd (Mary T) tchr h 145 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Plotzker Arthur (Florence M) electn h 101 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Plumb Harold W (Marie W) ctr h 118 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Watson S (Anna L) slsmn h 247 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Plunkett C Emmett (Anna M) slsmn h 11 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Pogoda Florence M tchr (Honeoye) r 196 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence (Josephine) crane opr h 196 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Poinen Edwd M (Frances C) elk summer res 14 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Point Pleasant Grill (Louis Flesch) restr 142 Point Pleasant rd (Pt<br />

Plst)<br />

Pleasant Hotel (Louis V Rund) Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Pleasant Post Office, Elmer R Chaffer postmaster 155 Point Pleasant rd<br />

(Pt Plst)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Point<br />

Pleasant Volunteer Firemen's Association Inc 225 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt<br />

Plst)<br />

Pointon Geo A (Agnes M) bkpr h 273 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Pok Victor J jr (Ethel M) drftsmmn h 145 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Polakov Betty Mrs tailoress r 641 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Sherman (Betty) tailor r 641 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Polina Jerry (Frances) restr h 410 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Polino Anthony F (Adeline N) pharm h 405 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Polis A Chas (Rose) slsmn h 2763 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Polizzi Jos (Angelina) button wkr h 52 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Polk R L & Co inc<br />

publishers of the Rochester Suburban Directory and more than 750<br />

other city, county, state and national directories, addressing and<br />

mailing service, trade lists specially compiled 729 Powers bldg 16<br />

Main W, Rochester, Eastern District Office 179 Lincoln, Boston,<br />

Mass tel Hancock 6309<br />

Poll Albert C (Marcella M) pressmn h 358 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Pollard Anderson W (Frances Q) tool designer h 28 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Poly John baker r 26 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Ponticelli Lee (Anna) barber 657 Titus av (Roch) h 162 Avery Roch<br />

Poorman Margt E wid Ira r 129 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Pope Chas L (Eldreida T H) industrial eng h 361 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Vern H r 26 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Poplar Tavern (Mrs Florence J Hubner) hotel 4856 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Pople John F studt r 5358 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John H (Ella C) asst formn h 5358 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Popp Carl A J (Mary E) hotel r 5325 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Chas (Mary) h 29 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Edna A sten r 29 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Estella bkpr r 29 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

John H (Louise M) tool mkr K Pk h 51 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Marcille M r 5325 StPaul Blvd<br />

Porreca Julia E r 200 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Port-Ridge Service Station (Peter A Bonamie) gas station 1217 Ridge rd<br />

E (Roch)<br />

Porter Budd (Evelyn J) installer h 1305 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Chauncey W market gardnr 1900 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

H Dudley (Dolores L) chemist h 235 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

'Jas r 56 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Jas M (Alice M) sales mgr h 210 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Ward F (Ruth) jan h 459 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Poshva Wm F (Marie I) pdlr h 102 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Post Ruden W (Nellie F) supvr of street lighting (Roch) h 156 Post rd<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Postiglione Michl A tailor r 117 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Potteiger Robt r 155 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Roy V (Amanda) pres A P Little Co Inc h 155 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Potter Ivan K (Elsie) service station 277 Culver pkwy (Roch) h 17 Beckwith<br />

ter do<br />

John (Ann) mgr h 91 Harvington dr (Roch)<br />

John A (Jennie) h 4966 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Poulton Frank B (Edith B) pntr h 41 Rudman rd (Roch)<br />

Neola O Mrs married Joseph Sullivan<br />

Pound Arthur W (Florence M) pntr h 155 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

-Geo P pntr r 451 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

-Irene nurse h 164 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Powell Alta studt r 53 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Blanche W wid John r 539 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest (Agnes M) formn h 58 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Esther studt r 53 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Fredk W (Catherine P) EK Co h 376 Washington av (Roch)<br />

'Ivan E (Minnie) supt summer res 53 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Morgan W (Betty S) claim adjuster h 539 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Wm U coast guard end of StPaul blvd r do (Roch)<br />

Powers Blanche M r 96 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Frank L picture frame mkr r 23 Hathaway (Roch)<br />

John J jr (Mary) boat bldr h 4770 StPaul blvd Roch<br />

Thos H (Harriette E) mech eng h 77 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Mary M) elk PO h 96 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Poyzer G Anson studt r 240 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Glenn W (Mae B) br mgr h 240 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Janet sec r 240 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Pragnell Arthur J (Edith F) insp r 42 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Percy (Charlotte I) acct h 42 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Pratt Fredk W gardnr h 1501 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Harry E (Agnes O) restr h 140 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Howard G (Gladys) elk h 55 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Irene H tchr Irondequoit High sch r at Ontario

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Pray Geo B (Dolores K) K Pk h 108 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Mary H wid Benj r 241 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Prem Louis L auto mech 4306 Culver rd (Pt Plst) r 116 Brower rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Robt L r 111 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Prenner Arthur S coal r 224 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Garson studt r 224 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Louis gro h 224 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Pressley Jas A (Leone K) mach h 74 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Preston Geo D studt r 3052 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo P (Alexandra M) h 3052 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Harry D (Daisy E) (Forest House) 2100 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

John E (Margt L) gardnr h 347 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Willis N (Maybelle M) gardnr h 415 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Presutti Nicholas (Mary) litho h 21 Milbert dr (Roch)<br />

Patk R (Mary T) shoe wkr h 130 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Price Edwd F (Mary Jane) meter reader RG&E Corp h 60 Woodrow av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Harvey lab h 24 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Karl A (Anna M) supt h 3497 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Rose C Mrs r 60 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Vincent H (Helen E) teller h 110 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Warren E, USA r 110 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Prichard Norman S (Cora L) shoe ctr h 35 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Primo Garnett (Georgia) mgr h 4210 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Prince Eleanor L studt r 43 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo M studt summer res 588 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Howard L (Marguerite) phys summer res 588 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Melfort P (Mildred) cashr h 43 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Ralph W studt summer res 588 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Pringle Ross laboratory wkr r 3764 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Florence) h 4504 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Printy Archibald F (Laura L) night patrolmn RG&E Co h 212 Leicester<br />

shire rd (Roch)<br />

Prinzing Peter E (Cecilia A) mason h 725 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Pritchard Keren J (Alvena M) stmftr h 616 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond S (Mildred K) pntr h 2321 Norton (Roch)<br />

Privitera Natale (Ida) h 145 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Russell G (Theresa S) h 414 Sanborn av Roch<br />

Proctor Carlos H (Gertrude E) troublemn h 109 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Helen M wid Clarence C r 64 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Proud Kenneth R (Jane M) acct h 473 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Thos (Edna) K Pk h 359 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Provoost Aug (Marcella) lab h 3234 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Prueter Edmund W (Altha N) servicemn h 248 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Evelyn D r 248 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Pruitt Alice J tchr Durand Eastman sch r 465 Alexander Roch<br />

Pryor Geo (Gertrude) plmbr r 106 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Wm S (Emma M) supt h 96 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Pucci Chas r 152 Giles av (Roch)<br />

Jas r 152 Giles av (Roch)<br />

Jos r 152 Giles av (Roch)<br />

Salvatore (Papqualina) h 152 Giles av (Roch)<br />

Puceta Andrew W (Anna C) eng h 302 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Pucher John R (Stella) h 233 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Pugsley Benj D (Catherine A) firemn Durand Eastman sch h 4271 Cul<br />

ver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Carl E (Doris B) ptrnmkr r 4488 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Earl B (Ida M) asst bldg insp h 64 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Puis Ruth N tchr r 102 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Pundt Arthur F (Cathryn L) chemist h 151 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Chas F (Anna) clothing ctr h 132 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Harold (Evelyn) mason r 132 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Mary wid Fredk r 16 Orchard Park blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Punnett Milton B (Viola B) coml artist r 337 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Purdy Roy A (Ethel M) chemist h 94 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Purnell Sidney T (Katherine E) formn h 40 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Purssell Frank A rose grower 2473 StPaul blvd (Roch) h 91 Huntington<br />

pk Roch<br />

Purves John M (Vera H) mgr Colonial Life Ins Co h 3444 Culver rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Putnam John D (Zoe L) resident mgr h 3321 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Martin A (Maude W) carrier PO h 411 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Pye Alf J mason h 410 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Clara B r 410 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Jessie L wid Loren J r 1042 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt L sten r 410 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Quataert Ernest J (Emma M) chauf h 753 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ernest J jr, tailor r 753 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Quenell Jesse (Ruth) EK Co h 874 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Quick Allis S married Stewart G Bohren<br />

Eliz H elk r 46 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Robt A (Iraywave H) watch mkr 491 <strong>Monroe</strong> av h 46 Winfield rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Quill Chas B (Edith) chef h 83 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Quinby Wm G rem to Brighton<br />

Quine Franklin r 210 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Harold J (Maybelle F) bkpr h 210 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth D rem to Rochester<br />

Wm r 210 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Quinn Edwd F (Erma M) tchr h 302 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Elmer G (Gertrude W) supt h 222 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Helen tchr Hosea Rogers sch r 1544 Chili av (Roch)<br />

Leon elk r 392 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Robt E studt r 222 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Frances M) formn h 79 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Robt S r 79 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Winifred H r 79 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Quirk Raymond F (Isabel J) chemist K Pk h 71 Kiwanis rd (Roch)<br />

Raab Irene L bkpr r 273 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Richd E (Rita F) optical wkr h 155 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Rabe E Chas (Marie K) garage h 3194 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd C jr, garage mkr r 3194 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Rudolph (Herta E) camera wkr h 52 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Virginia M dental hygienist r 3194 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Race Frank (Anna E) die setter h 224 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Raciti Rocco (Jenny) market gardnr 367 Cooper rd h do (Roch)<br />

Radcke Edwd H (Anna M) plmbr h 48 Grover (Roch)<br />

Radde Wm F (Mildred M) optical wkr h 341 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Radeker Herbert W pntr h 151 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Radetzki Arthur E (Mary A) optical wkr h 81 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Radl Arthur studt r 44 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Theresa) tailor h 44 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Radomski Alex L (Blanche R) prof Univ of Roch h 134 Seymour rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Radtke Victor F (Ruth M) millwright h 122 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Rahn Raymond H (Kathryn) K Pk h 321 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Railing Saml (Hermia) rem to Brighton<br />

Raimonde Frank h 2201 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Rambert Arthur F (Mildred C) ins h 275 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Chester plmbr h 243 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

John (Mary) h 4646 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

June E r 275 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Ramph Philip J (Florence B) mach h 45 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Ramsay Glenn D (Eva) gas sta h 490 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Ramsbeck Emma M wid Otto died May 26, 1939<br />

Ramsdell Josephine tchr Hosea Rogers sch r 43B Brighton Roch<br />

Ramsey John D (Mildred E) chauf h 231 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Randall Arthur elk 5018 Culver rd r do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Eldon F r 157 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Frank W (Elsie L) optician h 157 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Harley W (Edna A) millwright K Pk h 28 Union pk (Roch)<br />

Herbert (Gertrude) K Pk h 64 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Homer J (Alma F) rep Brown & Sharpe of New York Inc h 15 That<br />

cher rd (Roch)<br />

Ira paper mkr r 37 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth J circulation dept Roch Times Union r 157 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Ranzenbach Carl F (Eliz M) gro 694 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Robt C (Eliz) elk 694 Titus av h 63 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Rapp Franklin (Ida) prs Rapps Inc h 117 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Rappaport Louis (Rose A) acct h 90 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Rappenecker Fredk J (Violet B) eng h 56 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Geo (Louise) slsmn h 264 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Jas elk r 56 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Rappl Geo (Mary B) (Rappl & Hoenig Co) 1441 Ridge rd E h 62 Rock<br />

Beach rd (Roch)<br />

& Hoenig Co (Geo Rappl, Geo Hoenig) mason supplies 1441 Ridge rd<br />

E (Roch)<br />

Ras Jacob M (Matilda) K Pk h 518 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Rathbone Harold A (Gladys E) stock elk h 19 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Rauber Catherine wid Jacob r 302 Wacona av (Pt Plst)<br />

Edmund A (Lucille M) service insp h 384 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Rauser Harold F slsmn h 62 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Raushi Geo (Anna) florist h rear 2473 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Rawlings Anne T Mrs summer res 46 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Jas (Olive) jwlr summer res 46 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Ray Robt (Sara M) h 165 Pine Grove av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Rayburn Arthur J farm hand h 81 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Blanche M tchr r 81 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Rayfield Evelyn P Mrs sec Irondequoit High sch r 256 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Robt (Evelyn) K Pk h 256 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond Donald W (Doris K) servicemn h 315 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Raynor John W (Nellie E) rem to Rochester<br />

Rayton Ada sten Irondequoit High sch r 1001 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Chester A (Rose M) assembler h 1001 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Herbert C (Anna E) aud EK Co h 698 List av (Roch)<br />

Lawrence W acct K Pk r 698 List av (Roch)<br />

Leslie J (Lois E) slsmn h 24 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Read H summer res 78 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Robt F (Marion L) K Pk h 116 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Reagan Andrew P (Carmella) production elk h 360 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Reamer Bertha I wid Alf r 169 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Henry C (Susan R) slsmn h 167 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Rebholz Ida wid Martin F r 5018 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Martin F (Ida) died June 18, 1939<br />

Martin T (Mae M) (Old Outlet Hotel) 5018 Culver rd h do (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Ruth M hand sewer r 5018 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Reboulat Francis mgr 2187 Clinton av N (Roch) r 17 Upton pk Roch<br />

Rechin Harold J (Florence L) litho h 52 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Record Edwd D (Edith H) copy reader h 89 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Rector Bruce W actor r 247 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Florence H Mrs beauty shop 247 Rawlinson rd h do (Roch)<br />

Red & White Chain Store (Fred M Guilfoil) gros 4364 Culver rd (Sea<br />

& White Store (Wm E Kropf) 653 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Reddy Betty nurse maid 854 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Beverly J sten r 2376 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Richd E assembler r 2376 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Violet E Mrs elk 1388 Ridge rd E r 2376 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Violet E) carp h 2376 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Redeman Richd J (Vashti M) K Pk h 55 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Redshaw Eric O (Melva L) K Pk h 32 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Reece Amos L chauf r 111 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Edith J wid John E h 1005 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

John S (Mary E) chauf h 111 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Wm A studt r 1005 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Reed Alf B (Helen M) foreign adv 343 State h 434 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Edwd L (Martha) atndt r 331 Lake Front nr Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Eleanor L, K Pk r 4245 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Emma wid Chas h 5184 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Fredk H (Marie M) chemical eng K Pk h 127 Chestnut Hill dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Gladys G camera wkr r 4245 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Jess S (May H) pntr h 494 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Louise A wid Geo D r 51 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Lucille A tel opr r 4245 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Vernon S (Florence A) linemn h 4245 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Reeners Bernard studt r 2659 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Clarence lab r 2659 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo C (Mary) steam shovel opr 2161 Ridge rd E h 2659 Culver rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Helen M sec r 2659 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Margt M maid r 2659 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Reese Everett F (Elsie E) formn h 214 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Robt C farm hand r 214 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Reeves Burton H studt r 4923 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Howard B (May C) hardwood floors 4923 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

John R (Beatrice H) mach h 110 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Violet M r 4923 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (M Lyall) electn h 956 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Regan Mary D dom r 328 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Regensburger Edwd F (Cornelia) sta eng h 4815 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Helen L tchr Irondequoit High sch r 4815 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Reger Mathilda r 162 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Rehbach Edwd W gardnr r 712 List av (Roch)<br />

Fredk C (Nellie W) shtmtlwkr h 746 Thomas av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Rehbach<br />

Henry (Mildred) B&LO Co h 224 Pinewood trail (Rch)<br />

Wm C (Dorothy C) servicemn h 712 List av (Roch)<br />

Rehberg Geo G (Marie M) electro-plater h 2155 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Geo G jr, elk r 2155 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Jane Mrs r 55 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Rehtz Fredk C r 439 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Reichardt Anna B wid Chas J A h 74 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Reichart Jos G (Helen C) produce h 50 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Reid Bertha wid Harry r 819 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Edna elk r 819 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Jas (Eliz C) chauf h 91 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

M Jerome (Mildred M) chemical eng h 64 Suburba av Roch<br />

Reidelbach Alex C (Ruth G) EK Co h 9 Viroqua dr (Roch)<br />

Reil Geo S (Margt R) wood carver h 128 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Reimer Jennie wid C W Henry r 167 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Reiners Jos C (Carol E) acct h rear 1507 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Reinhard C Robt camera wkr r 239 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Hugh M (Laura M) store fixtures mfr h 239 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Julius r 239 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Wm H r 239 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Reinhardt Adolph A (Alice) tinsmith 486 Titus av h 458 do (Roch)<br />

Alice Mrs drsmkr 458 Titus av r do (Roch)<br />

Herman (Anna) instrument mkr h 332 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Irving J (Emma) tailor h 178 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Marion R sec r 178 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Reinhart Eug E (Louise) auto pntr h 26 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Reinholtz Emma O assembler h 640 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Reinschmidt Peter J (Frances L) uphol h 169 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Reisig David W (Julia A) tailor h 4274 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Reisinger Geo L (Louise) (Reisinger Machine Tool Corp) h 398 Winona<br />

blvd (Roch)<br />

Reiss Fred W (Dorothy I) press opr h 45 Burt (Roch)<br />

Reiter Anna wid Eberhardt shoe wkr r 316 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer C (Mary F) meat ctr h 75 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Marion V camera wkr r 316 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Reitz Harold L (Mildred) contr 181 Belcoda dr h do (Roch)<br />

Jos (Gertrude) h 137 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Relin Max (Tillie) drug store 580 Joseph av (Roch) h 163 Rawlinson rd<br />

do<br />

Relyea Henry C (Flora) summer res 121 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Remington Richd tchr Ridgewood sch r at Brockport<br />

Renaud Jos A (Mayme) asst supt of mails (Roch P O) h 471 Hurstbourne<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Rendezvous The roller skating 71 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Renner Ralph F plmbr r 293 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Rennie Henry r 102 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

John (Laura) gardnr r 521 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Renouf Caroline wid Wm F r 58 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Repp Arlene E compt opr r 63 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Chas F (Agnes E) hardware h 63 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Franklin J elk r 63 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Geo (Carrie) milk r 4073 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Justin D (Florence C) tool mkr h 69 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Minnie M) optical mfr h 99 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Requa Jack B r 139 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Jos L (Anna F) dental technician h 139 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

LeRoy appr r 139 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Newell mach r 139 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Reshaw Leslie J (Elsie W) steward h 243 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Resue Josiah (Katherine M) carp h 164 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Retchless Dorothy E rem to Chicago, 111<br />

Revard Frank P (Laura C) tile layer h 6 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Robt F (Marguerite) K Pk h 991 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Revell Paul A h 53 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

ReVelle Mark A (Myril) ins agt h 53 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Rewak Wm A (Eldora V) tool mkr h 81 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Rex Edwd M studt r 143 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

John L (Alice G) slsmn h 143 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

John L studt r 143 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

Reynolds Arnold L (Edythe E) statistician h 61 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Earl H musn r 61 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Floyd H (Jean) chauf h 307 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Frances A purch agt r 111 Fairview crescent (Roch)<br />

Harry C (Mildred C) physical dir h 296 Wyndham rd (Roch)<br />

Jack F elk r 61 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Jerome C (Cora A) K Pk h 1859 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Leonard (Laura) optical wkr h 478 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Margt B Mrs r 55 Bateau ter (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Reynolds<br />

Minnie M wid Allen L h 520 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Sidney G (Rose H) h 133 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Rhea Mary L wid Martin L slswmn h 45 Hartland rd (Roch)<br />

Rheinwald Albert J (Marion G) shipper h 44 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Rhiver Lewis P (Myrtle E) slsmn h 450 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Rhodes Chas J (Dorothy A) meat ctr h 443 Grossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Rice Frances R wid Lewis D r 46 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Geo A credit mgr h 65 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Jean A elk r 46 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Lewis C (Catherine) slsmn h 46 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Myron H (Aileen) formn h 83 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Raymond R (Margt L) plmbr h 59 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Rich Harry C (Hazel) millwright h 644 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Richards A Philip electn K Pk r 26 William (Roch)<br />

Albert S (Delia M) sexton r 26 William (Roch)<br />

Delbert J atndt r 26 William (Roch)<br />

- Doris A elk r 161 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Emily wid Geo r 2873 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Frank W film wkr K Pk r 26 William (Roch)<br />

Harold distiller EK Co r 30 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Jas E (Grace E) distiller EK Co h 30 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Jane C r 26 William (Roch)<br />

Lewis H (Stella) atndt h 155 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Roy r 161 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Russell J E r 30 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Anna E) elk h 161 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Richardson Alf W (Josephine M) mason h 117 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Betty Allan wid Arthur r 52 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Donald W mach r 117 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Jas Allan r 52 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Mary J studt r 52 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Milton A mach EK Co r 117 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Richey Grace maid r 50 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Richmond Earl H optical wkr r 187 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Jesse E (Myrtle E) car rpr h 342 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Virginia) mason 187 Park rd h do (Pt Plst)<br />

Richter Cecelia M r 55 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Chas R (Violet L) meter reader RG&E Corp h 105 Hartsdale rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Edwd J (Kathleen) repairmn h 3488 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo E h 68 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Henry M (Anna M) mldr h 55 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence W mldr r 55 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Marion C sten r 2625 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Wm J h 2625 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm B (Bertha M) formn h 175 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Mary) died Apr 26, 1939<br />

Packers Paul W H (Johanna) glass wkr h 41 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Rickman Chas F (Augusta B) optical wkr h 121 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Eleanor I typist r 121 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Riddell Harold E (June D) paperhngr h 255 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Mabel B Mrs r 255 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Ridge-Culver Food Shoppe (Alf L Benjamin, Joseph C Stumpfhauser)<br />

2062 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Culver Hardware (Joseph E Vinton) hardware 2058 Ridge rd E<br />

(Roch)<br />

Culver Volunteer Fire Association 2964 Culver rd Roch<br />

Riedesel Eliz wid John h 61 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

John L tool mkr r 61 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Ormonde J (Wilhelmina) elk h 264 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Roy J broker r 61 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Rieffannacht Nicholas M r 230 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Riegel Geo W r Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

John A (Isabel M) attorney 40 Franklin h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Ries Fred S (Amelia M) contractor 3848 Culver rd (Roch) h do<br />

Herbert P eng r 3848 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Riess Oscar V (Loretta H) clothing designer h 54 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Rifkin Irving (Eva L) pres-treas Flower City Knitting Mills 776 N Clin<br />

ton av (Roch) h 916 Winona blvd do<br />

Riggerelli Chas r 187 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Frank (Rose) h 187 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jennie hlpr r 187 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jessie r 187 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Jos r 187 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Salvatore r 187 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Riker H Lee (Rose M) pntr h 191 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Raymond K (M Edith) armorer N Y Naval Militia Armory, StPaul blvd<br />

h 2745 Titus av (Roch)<br />


Riley Edgar M (Alice E) switchboard installer RT Corp h 56 Brett rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Edwin J (Laura T) gas sta h 147 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Jas M jr (Mary E) teller h 95 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Joan r 74 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Marie M studt r 74 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

A wid Wm r 153 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Phillip H r 21 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia sec r 74 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Wm P (Stella D) ins h 74 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Wm P jr, studt r 74 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Mary<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Ring Hyman D (Rose) h 12 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Irving A studt r 12 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Thelma sten r 12 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Ringlestein Herbert W (Ruth H) elk h 128 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Jos A (Mildred E) acct h 11 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Wm (Louise) uphol and landscape gardnr h 123 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Rippe Richd O (Elvie F) commercial artist h 740 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Rischka John (Mary) hlpr h 312 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Ritter Curt (Charlotte H) engvr h 1514 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Elmer F (Alma) gas wkr h 37 Bellamy dr (Roch)<br />

Franklin R r 37 Bellamy dr (Roch)<br />

Henry (Lillian M) (Ritter Dairy) h 35 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Herbert T (Ethel F) tailor h 20 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

John C drftsmn r 1514 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

John J (Agnes J) chauf h 62 Filon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Lawrence E (Gertrude M) clothing cutter h 2463 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Lulu Mrs restr 4918 Culver rd h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ritz Carl F, K Pk r 28 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Chas (Marie) arch supports 28 Stranahan pk h do (Roch)<br />

Elmer J (Anna A) restr h 65 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J appr r 28 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Herman A (Jeannette J) mach h 366 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Jos P (Alice M) rprmn EK Co h 55 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Lawrence G (Kathleen G) optical wkr h 156 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Oscar H, EK Co r 28 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Urban F (Mary M) provisions h 269 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Rivers Adolph P r 184 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Donald elk 4468 Culver rd r 127 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fred (Matilda) K Pk h 127 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gordon R, K Pk r 127 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harry O (Mary E) pressmn h 184 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Ruth M sten r 184 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Rizzo Patk E bkpr r 65 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Roach Fredk M (Margt B) oils h 214 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Roat Geo S (W May) mgr h 95 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Marion J sten r 95 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Robbins Bertha Mrs maid r 407 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Wm E jr (Mabel M) K Pk h 3810 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Roberts Harvey O mach r 130 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

J Howard (Rose S) litho h 109 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Robertshaw H Burrell (Josephine K) EK Co h 143 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Robertson Eliz S wid Jarvis P r 170 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Janice studt r 170 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Robt M studt r 170 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Robeson Robt H (Edna S) slsmn h 173 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Robie Geo F (Ruby A) mech eng h 172 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Robins Paul M (Hariette I) guard h 135 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Robinson Alden L (Dorothy M) elk h 82 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Alvin D (Reva L) auto mech h 218 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Archbold H (May W) statistician h 399 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Charlotte E, K Pk r 217 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

E R h 23 Bellamy dr (Roch)<br />

Elbert F (Olive F) elk EK Co h 247 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Ernest (Edith A) ptrnmkr h 3588 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ethel Mrs h 501 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

G Irene r 997 Carter (Roch)<br />

Grace H tchr Seneca sch r 37 Edmonds Roch<br />

H Earl (Bertha C) gardnr h 997 Carter (Roch)<br />

Herbert T studt r 97 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Jos, EK Co r 5020 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt wid Fredk M h 5020 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Marie E elk r 50 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Melvin S (Irene S) slsmn h 33 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Norman H (Lavina M) production elk h 97 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Phate F (Grace R) elev opr h 110 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Thos (Delia P) K Pk h 50 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

W Harold cost acct r 217 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Ward H (Evelyn A) chauf h 1113 Ridge rd E (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

F. P. VAN HOESEN CO., INC.<br />

Paints-- Varnishes Painters '<br />

Supplies-Wall Paper<br />


Robinson<br />

Wm A (Florence A) assembler h 217 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Ethel J) prntr r 200 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Roche Harold J (Sarah A) tchr h 33 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Ethel M) photo engvr h 48 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Rochelle Wm C (Laura V) slsmn h 189 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Rochester Boat Works Inc inc NY '38 Elmer H McFarlin pres Philip<br />

Farnham sec-treas end of StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Rochester Packing Co Inc<br />

Fred M Tobin pres William F Rayhill v-pres Philip J Vaeth jr sec<br />

John J Burke treas pork packers and sausage mfrs 900 Maple tel<br />

Genesee 5200 and 78 Front Rochester See page 30 Buyers' Guide<br />

Tile & Marble Co (Bernard Bechtold) 330 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Yacht Club, Greeley M Strickland supt end StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Rockell Thos (Lelia) gardnr h 141 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Roda Donald E (Dorothy C) formn h 61 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Rode Carl A (Lillian J) tool mkr h 37 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jane, EK Co r 37 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

-^Julius T (Marie B) litho h 2600 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Rodenbeck Fredk W (Emily M) coml artist r 44 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Rodenhouse Donald J (Helen L) servicemn h 286 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Ruth C) plumbing contr h 416 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Rodger Louis A public acct h 88 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Rodgers John A (Priscilla B) elec eng h 169 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Marybelle) ins agt h 322 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Roe Benj H (S Eliz) carp h 2639 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Roecker Geo F (Augusta R) slsmn h 64 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Roehlan Wm F engvr h 89 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Roenick Ernest (Clara) carp h 120 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Roessel Wilbert F (Margt C) cashr h 27 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Roesser Aug J (Margt L) lens grinder h 127 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Fred h 53 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

R h 2195 Clinton av N (Roch)<br />

Roever Beatrice M Mrs r 236 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Roffe Herbert (Florence I) tool mkr h 434 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Rogalinski Frank (Irene) carp 135 Amerige pk h do (Roch)<br />

Rogers Asenath wid Hosea h 2689 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Bert (Emma) carp h 29 Frontenac Heights (Roch)<br />

Chas H (Goldie B) lab h 48 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Danl J (Blanche M) mach opr h 185 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Etta M wid Danl J r 185 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fred W (Myrtle M) formn h 57 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

-Katheryn wid Wm H h 106 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Mary I Mrs h 2639 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Eliz) pres Balcron Coal Co Inc h 239 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Kathryn) died Feb 7, 1939<br />

Roggie Wm J (Rose M) bkbndr h 100 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Roh Lydia wid Ernest A r 81 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Rohde Edith J tchr r 88 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Rohe Olivia A wid John W r 87 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Rohlin Ralph F (Ruth D) slsmn h 182 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Rohr Henry R (Flora L) investigator summer res 51 Lake Bluff rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Roland Bernard J (Carita E) formn h 43 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Roll Leslie J (Nina M) chemist h 478 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Roller Anna wid Gustav h 394 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Edwd G (Edna R) (Gustav Roller & Sons) market gardnr 394 StJoseph<br />

r do (Roch)<br />

Ella J, K Pk r 251 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Esther studt r 274 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Geo lab h 251 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Grace M) tchr h 3664 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Mary M) lab K Pk h 274 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Gustav & Sons (Edward G Roller) market gardeners 394 StJoseph<br />

(Roch)<br />

Helen M insp K Pk r 251 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Lillian G r 251 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Wilbur H r 251 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Rombaut Paul B (Gertrude V) mech eng r 83 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Raymond E (Dolores L) film wkr K Pk h 153 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Violet J insp r 153 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Romeo Pasquale C r 31 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Paul (Josephine) lab h 31 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Romer Irving J (Kathleen E) eng K Pk h 238 Oaklawn dr Irond<br />

Roodenberg Homer R slsmn r 1056 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt J (Martha J) acct h 1056 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Rooney Marjorie M beauty shop h 9 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Michl J r 9 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Roosevelt Doris M, K Pk r 117 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Root C Jerome (Hazel D) advmn h 3218 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ropper Sumner D (Florence F) dist mgr h 653 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Rose Herman A (Edna L) v-pres Ontario Coal Co Inc, Lake rd (Sea<br />

Breeze) h 21 Requa Roch<br />

Jas h 311 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm A (Gertrude V) associate trust officer h 136 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Ida C) h 60 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Rosehill Lula Mrs nurse r 41 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Rosenbauer Frank C (Vera M) carp h 56 Park rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Glenn (Arlene M) chauf r 47 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jack r 264 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

John J (Lila E) h 284 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Lena F optical wkr r 65 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Roman B (Lucille A) h 264 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Rosenstein Esther wid Edwd H summer res 7 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Ida bkpr summer res 7 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Ross Chas B (Mary F) supvr h 129 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Donald V studt r 863 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd G (Laura B) dentist 1166 Clinton av N h 130 Walzford rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Eva M studt r 972 Britton rd (Roch)<br />

Evelyn E, EK Co r 28 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank H (Eliz E) mach h 28 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo C (Janet R) floormn h 193 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Henry C (M Alice) watchmn h 78 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Jacob S (Florence M) tchr h 192 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jas (Hilda M) shtmtlwkr h 62 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jordan S (Olive C) drftsmn h 64 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Kenneth r 130 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Margt M r 28 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm R studt r 863 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm R (Augusta A) supt h 863 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Rosse Catherine M wid John r 51 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Esther R elk r 51 Belleclair dr (Roch)<br />

John H (Katherine) tool mkr h 44 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Rossiter Eliz J wid Richd r 126 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Rostyn Edmund (Emma S) h 394 Laurelton rd Roch<br />

Roth Clarence L (Alma A) camera wkr EK Co h 197 Huntington (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Florian M (Estelle) firemn r 144 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Frank (Florence D) expressmn h 175 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo J plmbr summer res 5373 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Grace (Mrs Walter A) died Feb 20, 1939<br />

John (Louise) truckmn h 3274 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Leonard E (Viola C) chauf h 1338 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Lucille A insp r 144 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Marion H assembler r 4535 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mathew (Margt A) chief eng h 144 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Oscar J (Bertha S) (Roth's Service Station) 4535 Culver rd h do (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Raymond J shipping elk r 1562 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Raymond M (Kathryn L) formn h 546 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Robt W pntr r 1562 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Walter A screw mach opr h 1562 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Roth's Service Station (Oscar J Roth) gasoline 4535 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Rothmund Hazel r 635 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Martin A confr and dry goods 635 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Rotman Gertrude P elk r 69 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Harry H (Florence) contr h 69 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Rouget Edmund (Julia) barber h 25 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Roupp Dayton G (Ida M) h 60 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Rourke Mary wid Frank r 52 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Rousos Theo (Angeline) gro h 75 Garden dr (Roch)<br />

Rowe Arthur r 84 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Chas M (Lottie A) h 9 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Howard J (Harriet M) coml photog r 60 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Victor (Alice) elk h 2600 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Rowland Helen housekpr r Newport rd (Roch)

Rowles Harold E (Grace E) h 2371 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Rowley Victor C (Clara G) P O elk h 91 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Roy Fred C (Anna A) restr h 101 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Helen E r 101 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Robt R elk r 101 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Royal's General Garage (Jack and Royal R Stettinius) garage 1667 Hud<br />

son av (Roch)<br />

Royka Paul (Evelyn)<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

rem to Penfield<br />

Rubens Barney (Katherine) tire dir summer res 69 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Rubsam Anthony J (Marion) baker h 119 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Ruby Jos M (Viola) plmbr summer res 5373 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ruckdeschel Earl R, K Pk r 50 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Rudman Carlton J (Norma H) studt r 1867 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Ida R wid David C h 1917 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Roy S (Jessie M) fruit grower and dairy 1090 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Wm studt r 1090 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Marjorie E) (International Truck Dealer) 1982 Ridge rd E h<br />

do (Roch)<br />

Zorada C r 1090 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Ruesel David H elk r 478 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Harold D (Blanche) EK Co h 478 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

May I, EK Co r 478 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Ruf Vernon C (Eleanor T) gen mgr h 100 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Wm C concessionaire r 2662 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ruff Fredk O r 68 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Geo L optical wkr r 68 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Michl P (Meta J) tool mkr h 68 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph H studt r 68 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Ruffle Marie F wid Albert r 65 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Ruflin Jos A (Carol) cabtmkr h 591 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ruhl Frank K (Anna) welder h 49 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Rumble Clara wid Wm r 47 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Rumpff Eliz M studt nurse r 174 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Roy R (Edith I) sec Moose Club h 174 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Rumsey A Burdett (Margt) sta eng h 86 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Rund Louis V (Patricia) (Point Pleasant Hotel) Bay Front N h do (Pt<br />

Plst)<br />

Runde Emil A h 49 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Kurt (Eliz) watchmn r 49 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Runne Fred T (Alma L) tool mkr h 34 Rudman dr (Roch)<br />

Ruscher Lucius W (Emma E) real estate h 16 Orchard Park blvd<br />

(RD 5 Roch)<br />

Rush Richd J (Marion B) dispatcher h 297 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Rusling Lee J (Eliz) h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Russ Mary Jo music tchr Seneca sch r 95 Southview ter<br />

Russell Alton J (Lucille E) chauf h 81 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

David A (Dolores E) stock elk NYS Rys h 53 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Dorothy M married Fred Sandusky<br />

Edgar E (Anna) real est 509 Lake Shore blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Florence private sec 89 East av h 56 Belcoda dr<br />

Fred M (Eliza) gardnr h 94 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo H (Katherine J) K Pk h 110 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Grace I bkpr r 94 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Harold D (Lois) chemist K Pk h 195 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

John A h 51 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Mary Mrs assembler h 104 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Mary P wid Frank r 56 Belcoda dr<br />

Robt (Daisy) litho h 125 Cliffordale pk (Roch)<br />

Wm T (Frances E) K Pk h 39 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Russo Dominic chauf r 319 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Jos atndt r 1812 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Michl (Mary) lab h 1812 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Pasquale (Amelia) h 319 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Philip atndt r 1812 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Saml A (Josephine) h 1814 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Ruthenberg Albert W r 49 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Roy (Alma L) chauf r 2484 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Elma B) formn K Pk h 49 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Ruvio Angelo (Mary) h 32 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Ryan Chas F (Hilda B) sec and treas Ryan & Ryan Inc 136 Thorndyke<br />

rd (Roch) h 85 Charlton rd (do)<br />

Danl J pres Ryan & Ryan Inc 136 Thorndyke rd h do (Roch)<br />

Edmund C (Alta M) rprmn refrigerators h 244 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Helen E sten r 546 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Herbert F (Doris) teller h 40 Wyncote av (Roch)<br />

Raymond D vice-pres Ryan & Ryan Inc 136 Thorndyke rd r do (Roch)<br />

Teresa wid John M r 5128 StPaul blvd<br />

& Ryan Inc, Daniel J Ryan pres Raymond D Ryan v-pres Charles F<br />

Ryan sec-treas contractors 136 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Ryden Etta L r 33 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Florence M r 33 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Hugo L (Jessie F) civil eng B&O h 33 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Ryder Geo A (Helen J) lawyer h 314 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Rysewyk Chas J (Helen C) K Pk h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Saalmann Emeline Mrs r 457 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Saalwachter John A (Emma C) pharm 4269 Culver rd (Pt Plst) h at<br />

Rochester<br />

Sabey Louis W (CoraL) piano tuner h 47 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Sabin Helen A elk r 69 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Myrtle H Mrs h 69 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Grace W) electn h 726 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Sable John C (C Irene) supt h 63 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Sachs Eug (Victorine) housemn 622 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Victorine Mrs maid 622 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Sackett Roy N (Albertine W) correspondent EK Co h 108 Biltmore dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Saczalski Chester elk 605 Titus av (Roch) r 25 Peckham Roch<br />

Saddock Fred V (Edith L) chief elk h 90 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Sadler Peter E (Alice J) acct h 105 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Sadra Fred (Martha) furrier 480 Laurelton rd h do (Roch)<br />

Irene A H married Carl Eder rem to Rochester<br />

Sage Wm R (Nellie I) farm hand h 476 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Sager Otto r 37 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm O (Helen G) mgr h 39 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Sahm Roy E (Estella H) lab h 143 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Sahs Arnold E (Bernice) ptrnmkr h 276 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Norman L (Viola M) asst chemist h 179 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

StAmbrose Convent 6 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

R C Church, Frank W Mason pastor 31 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

School, Sister Nunilo superior 31 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

StGeorge Anthony (Rose) h 145 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Florence N lndrs r 145 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

StGeorge's Chapel 5249 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

StJohn T Howard (Alice M) chauf h 196 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

StMargaret & Mary R C Church, Chas J Bruton rector 343 Rogers pkwy<br />

(Roch)<br />

StOurs Lewis A (Lila M) optical wkr h 85 Vayo (Roch)<br />

StPaul Boulevard Exempt Firemen's Home 690 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Boulevard Fire Department 433 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

StPeter & Paul Society Hall 378 Dix cor Knap av (Roch)<br />

StSalome Rectory 4282 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

R C Church, Edwd J Eschrich rector 4250 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

School rear 4250 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

StThomas Convent, Sister Stephen superior 138 Washington av (Roch)<br />

RC Church, John F Muckle rector 4536 StPaul blvd Roch<br />

School, Sister Charles prin 41 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Sak Agnes wid Gregor r 162 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Anna optical wkr r 162 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Jos rem to Rochester<br />

Salemi Saml P (Lena E) brklyr h 477 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Salews Helena E Mrs optical wkr r 238 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Sallitter Hermann E (Mary J) layoutmn EK Co h 28 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Salomone Christopher (Carmella) shoe repairing h 82 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Salt Fred (Stella) K Pk r 160 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Fredk (Margt A) shoe ctr h 23 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

John T film tester K Pk r 23 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Saltzer Chas F (Marie) h 442 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Salyer Geo R (Margt) EK Co h 2583 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Salyerds Andrew C (Gertrude E) surveyor r 132 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Irvin C chauf r 132 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Salzer Geo B (Carolotta M) chauf h 169 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Randall J (Violet M) materials eng h 47 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Samborski Catherine Mrs h 302 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Louis R welder r 302 Sneck av (Roch)<br />

Same Henry G (Grace M) chauf h 54 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Samyn Henry (Gabriel) carp h 135 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Sandberg Carl R (Nellie H) ptrnmkr h 197 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Sanderl John B (Jennie) h 50 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Sanders Edwd L (Sophie M) K Pk h 339 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Geo D (Gladys) linemn h 114 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Milford E (Ruth C) electn h 45 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Muriel L elk r 114 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Norbert L (Minnie M) mach h 69 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Sanderson Eliz wid Wm J r 190 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Irene wid Lafe elk h 190 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

-Wm F (Anna) rem to Beacon<br />

Wm R (Marjorie E) chiropodist h 157 Queensboro rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


Sandholzer Henry R sec-treas h 69 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Lloyd R lawyer (Rochester) r 69 Couchman av (do)<br />

Sandman John (Florence B) mach h 148 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Mildred) carp h 207 Lake Breeze (Roch)<br />

Sands Harold S (Arline M) broker h 116 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Sandvik Otto (Gertrude E) physicist h 431 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

SanFilippo Saml h 130 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Sanford Carleton R (Iva C) emulsion wkr K Pk h 93 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Elbert A (Estelle S) chemist Pfaudler Co h 35 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Sanger LeRoy P (Marie) mgr Belcron Coal Co h 32 Hartsdale rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Saperito Michl (Josephine) pressor h 1798 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Sapper Andrew dec r 78 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Saracen Paul (Nancy) elk h 122 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Sarachin Sarah wid Harry r 13 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Sargent Hubert J (Ann F) mach opr EK Co r 622 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Jos A (Marie G) cigars h 3 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Sarver Philip (Thelma) clothing wkr h 2384 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Sass Norman C (Mable J) formn h 122 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Satter Peter (Emma) wood wkr h 25 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Saucke Wm H (Mary E) contr h 3991 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Sauer Geo L (Julia M) elk h 78 Parkside crescent (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Addie M) r 373 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Saul Allen H (Edna M) asst mgr h 520 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert F (Margt C) asst service mgr Cool Chevrolet Co h 2297 Ridge<br />

rd E (Roch)<br />

Saulsman John H (Helen L) coater h 357 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Saunders Donald W (Helen R) ins h 44 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

E Gladys music supvr (Batavia) r 4164 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Louisa wid Arthur r 5 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Robt (Eva) elk h 45 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Ronald G (Ruth M) slsmn h 365 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Thos A (Nora M) pres F H Dennis Candy Co h 4164 StPaul blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Savage Doris tchr Irondequoit High sch r 321 Birr (Roch)<br />

Savini Lewis P (Frances E) dept mgr h 267 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Saxe Harold J (Mary A) hlpr h 54 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Leo G (Nellie E) shoe wkr h 368 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Sayer Chas E (Gertrude) plmbr 177 Pine Grove av (Roch) h do<br />

Mary A nurse (New York City) r 177 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Scales Phyllis A sten r 100 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Scalzo Albert B (Rose C) h 23 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Americo r 177 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Antoinette wrapper r 23 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Carrie wid Jos h 23 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Christopher A (Anna) h 52 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Emil tailor h 177 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Frank (Carmela) tailor r 177 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Jos punch press opr r 23 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Scancarella John F studt r 40 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Olive S sten r 40 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Vincent J (Fanny) barber h 40 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Scanlan Thos J (Gertrude) died Apr 25, 1939<br />

Scanlon Cornelia r 293 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo R (Ruth A) eng h 242 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Marcella C) collr h 293 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Schaap Arthur V (Mary E) slsmn h 267 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Schachtsneider Edwd tailor h 42 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Schade Wm E (Mary) optical eng h 293 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Schaefer Bella wid John V h 630 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Carl L (Edna M) meats h 87 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Elmer E r 123 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Fred C elk r 162 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Howard K, EK Co r 123 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Karl N r 123 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Klaus (Emma) carp h 123 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F (Mina R) optical wkr h 54 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Schaeffer Eliz studt r 3791 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank B (Harriet G) h 112 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Howard M (Edna C) lndrymn h 51 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

John C (Delia L) K Pk h 85 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Killian sec r 404 List av (Roch)<br />

Leon H (Mary) signs h 3791 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Louis (Marie A) sis mgr h 887 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Louis M (Eliz C) collection mgr h 153 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Walter L (Adriana) plant supt h 333 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm G (Martha) elk PO h 404 List av (Roch)<br />

Schafer Agnes maid r 907 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Chas F mach h 907 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Chas F jr r 907 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Ernest r 907 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Mark A (Lucille) mgr h 62 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

May W wid Frank A h 102 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Schaffer Gottlieb, K Pk r 590 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Schake Ella B summer res 111 1st (Roch)<br />

Louise C Mrs summer res 84 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Schalina Madelyn D r 1982 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Schall Fredk W (Eleanor F) auto mech 418 Empire blvd h 590 Bay Front<br />

S (Roch)<br />

Schantz Alberta evangelist r 284 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Jos studt r 3297 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos M (Mary) furn h 3297 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Marion r 3297 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt A studt r 3297 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Scharvogel John C died Aug 1939<br />

Schatle Edwd G (Charlotte B) equipment eng h 328 Peart av (Pt Pleas<br />

ant)<br />

Schauman Mae L wid Fredk J h 130 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred A sten r 130 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Walter F (Verna M) undertaker h 28 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Scheck Adeline L r 35 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Burton H bkpr EK Co r 35 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Helen B r 35 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert C carp h 35 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth M studt r 35 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Scheible Fred J (Marie F) technical writer h 80 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Gladys button wkr r 1335 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Herman (Rose) farmer h 1335 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Herman G pntr r 1335 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Jas pntr r 1335 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Jos electn r 1335 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Raymond C (Esther A) slsmn h 197 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Scheitheir Rudolph O (Eleanor H) wire chief h 368 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Schelling Thos S (Mildred S) office mgr h 615 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Schellinger Magdalen wid Edwd r 226 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Schelter Geo G (Louise M) h 337 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Schenk Edmund C (Katherine O) electn h 4485 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Scherberger Frank C (Loretta L) slsmn h 5179 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Scherer Carrie wid John h 499 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Fred J (Mabel) carp h 489 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Norman E (Lucille I) slsmn h 36 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Eliz) druggist summer res 83 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Scheuerman C F Sons<br />

(Charles J and Clarence A) funeral directors 412 Brown, Rochester<br />

tel Genesee 438 See page 21 Buyers' Guide<br />

Scheve Geo W (Alice) instrument mkr B&LO Co h 341 Westchester av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Schick Eben R (Caroline) landscape gardnr r 79 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Geo F (Naomi M) acct h 148 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

John A (Madeline) mgr h 2125 Titus av (Roch)<br />

John P nurserymn h 79 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Julia A (Mrs John P) died Apr 30, 1939<br />

Raymond F r 79 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Schicker Aug J lab end of StPaul blvd (Roch) h 179 Merwin av Roch<br />

Chas N (Julia S) contr 186 Elizabeth h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo G (Martha) shoe wkr h 47 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo J elk r 102 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Geo T (Margt E) insp h 102 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert S r 186 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Ruth elk r 47 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Virginia J r 186 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Schickler Roman K (Christine M) lab h 232 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Schidzick Gertrude r 93 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Schiebel Edwin F (Olive V) experimental eng h 263 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Schieff Arch (Betty) ins agt h 137 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

John r 137 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Schieten Gerald F (Loyola E) asst supt h 125 Gilbert dr (Roch)



GLENWOOD 144<br />

Schieven Bertha A wid Harry G h 12 Salem rd (Roch)<br />

-Leonard H insp r 12 Salem rd (Roch)<br />

Stanley R r 12 Salem rd (Roch)<br />

Schiff Martin M (Mary M) slsmn h 54 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Schiffler Fred W (Mildred C) formn Bartholomay Dairy h 224 Simpson<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Schild Anna wid Albert r 217 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Schilfarth Hans studt r 129 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Schilling Arthur O (Theal E) artist h 271 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Jos A (Florence I) insp h 285 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Laura K acct h 2846 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Schillinger Walter F (Hazel R) atndt h 199 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Schinegel Gustave lab h 1034 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Margt r 1034 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Schipper Edwin C (Ida L) distributor Genesee Brewery h 33 Bay Front<br />

N (Pt Plst)<br />

Elaine M sten r 170 Bay Side dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Philip J r 53 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Raymond F (Mildred A) plmbr h 198 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth G bkpr r 33 Bay Front N (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Theo (Mamie) tailor h 170 Bay Side dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Theo jr, stock kpr r 170 Bay Side dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Wm A (Louise) Roch Tel Co r 53 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Schippers James (Anna I) checker h 77 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Schirk Wm K (Rose) tool mkr h 2265 Norton (Roch)<br />

Schirmer Emily wid Martin H h 2845 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Schlafer Arthur V (Louise) carp h 909 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Helen wid Valentine h 905 Dayton av (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Norman (Mary) mach h 972 Dayton rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Schlagenhauf Wm (Anna) tool & die wkr h 179 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Schlageter Julius C (Pauline C) mach h 155 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Schlayer Marvin G (Margt I) slsmn h 124 Lodge dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schleber Carl G (Dorothy C) real est h 24 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk H studt r 40 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Rose O wid J Geo h 40 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Schlegal Edwd jr (Dorothy) optical wkr r 844 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Schlegel Carl P r 528 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

h 528 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Henry C (Margt G) garage<br />

Joan wid Geo h 5118 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ray H (Eliz) asst trust officer h 216 Laurelton id (Roch)<br />

Schleich Elmer J (Mary T) mach h 229 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Schlemitz Florian (Nellie) tool mkr h 401 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Schlemmer Fredk (Ruth) huckster h 363 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Schlenker Howard K (Doris A) produce h 1795 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Schlicker Conrad M (Frieda) glass blower h 307 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schlimpf Ferdinand G h 54 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Schlitzer Cecil J (Hilda T) supvr h 252 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Schlosser Arthur formn R T French's r 63 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Mary A sten r 143 Park rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Max J (Marcella M) typewriter rpr h 143 Park rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schlottman Carl E (Delia V) electn h 76 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Schlotzhauer Walter R (Selma C) mech eng h 47 Hollywood cres (Roch)<br />

Schlueter Clement H (Walburga C) mgr Wm B Morse Lumber Co 951<br />

Thomas av (Roch) h 50 Avenue C (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Edwin H (Mabel V) system opr RG&E Corp h 132 Huntington (Sea<br />

Kenneth W chemical wkr K Pk r 132 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Schmanke Eleanor R studt r 130 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Jessie R) slsmn h 130 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Norma R, K Pk r 130 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Schmaus Michl (Philomena) baker h 339 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Schmeer Oscar O (Anna E) carp h rear 96 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Schmid Erie A (Irene A) method eng h 890 Winona blvd<br />

Jacob r 44 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Nelson C (Gladys) sis eng h 300 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Schmidt Arthur molder h 123 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Carl F (Anna C) architect h 141 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Emil C (Fannette R) slsmn h 70 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Emily A sten r 134 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Fredk C plmbr 2793 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

38<br />

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Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Schmidt<br />

Fredk M (Hulda A) examiner h 3085 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo (Scmidt Printing Co) 4316 Culver rd and (Hub Theatre) 4322 do<br />

h do (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Geo (Helen) died Aug 6, 1939<br />

Geo H (Florence C) box mkr r 66 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Helen wid Geo h 192 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Henry A patternmkr r 134 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

John A (Emma) h 134 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Paul (Wanda) musn h 463 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Paula optical wkr B&L r 192 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Printing Co (Geo, Raymond R and Ralph Schmidt) 4316 Culver rd<br />

(Pt Pleasant)<br />

Ralph E (Jeane E) (Schmidt Printing Co) 4316 Culver rd r 4322 do<br />

(Pt Pleasant)<br />

Raymond R (Margt) (Schmidt Printing Co) 4316 Culver rd (Pt<br />

Pleasant) and (Hub Theatre) 4322 do h 60 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Richd pntr r 192 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Schmill Karl F watch mkr r 49 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Louise wid Gustave h 49 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Richd G, K Pk r 49 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schmitt Arthur G (Mildred) installer r 310 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Christian W (H Theresa) pres Town Talk Bakery h 44 Rawlinson<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Fred J (Hulda S) motor mech h 105 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Fred P (Catherine M) sprayer h 304 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Catherine L) <strong>Monroe</strong> Tool & Die Co h 156 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Herman F (Doris M) mach h 168 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Jacob F (Marion S) sec-treas Town Talk Bakery h 196 Armstrong<br />

av (Roch)<br />

Theresa wid Godfried K h 310 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Wm E (Ella M) h 61 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Schmitz Jos (Irene M) barber h 177 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Schmolka Otto C (Meta L) mach h 41 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schmucker Anna T wid Andrew E r 495 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Elmer (Betty) optical wkr h 294 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Schnackel Geo (Millie) auto body bldr h 190 Schnackel dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Wm E (Minnie M) jan h 140 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Schneeberger Albert W (Olive A) gardener h 260 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

C Walter (Edith B) milk 296 Bay View rd h do (Roch)<br />

Geo (Katherine) fruit grower 260 Cooper rd h do (Roch)<br />

Geo F (Cora B) gardener h 763 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Grace h 839 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Harold W gardnr r 456 List av (Roch)<br />

Lillian S r 839 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Lydia L camera wkr r 456 List av (Roch)<br />

Mary H housekpr 142 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Nellie r 839 Heledale rd (Roch)<br />

Orin R buyer r 763 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Paul C (Ruth H) dairy farmer h 2768 Norton (Roch)<br />

Pearl C bkpr r 763 Heledale rd (Roch)<br />

Reuben H (Edith) farmer h 871 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia M, EK Co r 871 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Wm B hlpr r 296 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Louise) market gardener 456 List av h do (Roch)<br />

Schneider Agnes candy mkr r 122 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Anthony J carp r 122 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Bernice I candy mkr r 122 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank A (May A) contractor 174 Pt Pleasant rd h do (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Fred assembler r 340 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Geo V hlpr r 122 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Gordon T (Grace L) K Pk h 7 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Grace I treas Ontario Coal Co Inc Lake rd (Sea Breeze) r 1910 StPaul<br />

Roch<br />

John V (Julia P) carp h 122 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Rita R elk r 122 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Ronald J (Marion) gen contr 1989 Titus av h do (Roch)<br />

Wm (Loretta M) elk PO h 59 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Wm (Emma) pres Ontario Coal Co Inc Lake rd (Sea Breeze) h 1910<br />

StPaul Roch<br />

Wm L (Ida E) stock kpr h 759 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Schneiter Emil (Wilhelmina F) cabinet mkr h 37 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Emil E (Martha I) cable splicer RG&E h 93 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Schneller Fred F (Edna G) h 226 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Schnorr Ida E hairdrsr r 42 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Isadore h 42 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Jos E (Margt E) asst purch agt RG&E Corp h 108 Wimbledon rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Schnurr Leonard (May) tool designer h 20 Warrenton (Roch)<br />

Thelma M insp r 20 Warrenton (Roch)

Schock Wm F (Celia C) pres h 172 Culver pkwy (Roch) z<br />

Schoeffler Leo M (Ruby L) K Pk h 24 Poppy (Roch)<br />

Schoembs Fredk C (Ruth W) steward h 63 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Schoenberg Israel real est summer res 47 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Schoenberger Bertha A laboratory technician r 185 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm L auto mech 418 Empire blvd (Roch) r 47 Richland Roch<br />

Schoeneberger Norman (Dorothy) insp h 9 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Schoener Carl B (Albena) slsmn h 98 Belcoda dr<br />

Harriet V elk r 537 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Ida A wid Chas G h 537 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Schoenmann Edmund F (Eda) v-pres h 47 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

John W camera wkr r 47 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Schoenstein Henry (Isabelle) glass wkr h 472 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Schoepfel Elmer J (Madge B) dispatcher h 44 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Robt J studt r 44 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Scholl Lillian wid Frank J r 276 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Schoman Dorothy J sten r 400 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Martha R) r 400 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Schooley Richd W (Isabel C) chauf h 2551 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Richd W J studt r 2551 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Schoon Neil butler r 860 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Schopp Michl J (Minerva G) maintenance wkr h rear 795 Ridge rd<br />

E (Roch)<br />

Schove Archibald D (Gertrude C) slsmn h 110 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Janice L, K Pk r 110 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Joyce L, K Pk r 110 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Schrader Geo A (Sara J) bus opr h 296 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

James W (Ruth A) garage 1658 Portland av h 1245 Ridge rd (Roch)<br />

h rear 352 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Lewis C (Myrtle M)<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Schraenkler Edwin R hlpr r 31 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Henry J (Eliz) insp h 31 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Kenneth r 31 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Milton G optical wkr r 31 Aragon<br />

Wilbur H grinder r 31 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schraffenberger E coal h 267 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Schraft Fredk B r 92 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Schram Albertina wid Chas r 63 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Schramm Herbert M (Edna A) piano tuner 165 Pt Pleasant rd h do<br />

Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schrank Chas L (Margt K) maintenancemn h 120 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Fred (Ida S) slsmn h 650 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Fredk apprentice r 64 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Louis (Magdalene) tool mkr h 64 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Rose B wid Adam E h 153 Pleasant av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schreib Geo H (Esther S) stock kpr summer res 54 Delta ter' (Roch)<br />

Howard F (Mildred C) tailor h 497 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Schreiber Clayton K (L Lorraine) acct h 82 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Duane D rem to Roch<br />

Elias M (Edna M) coml trav h 499 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Norma M sten r 499 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Schroedel Hattie A r 208 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Herman A acct h 208 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Walter E ins r 208 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wm (Maude) slsmn h 2381 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Maud B) slsmn h 174 Schnackel dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schroeder Adam (Augusta) optical wkr h 43 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Alfred r 43 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Benno (Margt) instrument wkr h 248 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Chas A (Harriet A) h 63 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Chas H (Eliz) factory wkr h 92 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd H (Ruth M) tailor h 2494 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Eleanor r 2494 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Erwin H (Mildred S) pntr 4049 Culver rd h do (Roch)<br />

Geo (Grace) oil h 3954 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo H (Dorothy M) bkpr h 21 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

Heinz B, K Pk r 248 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Ralph E lens grinder r 2494 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm J, K Pk h 137 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Schroehl Melvin V optical wkr r 83 Durand dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Otto F (Anna C) pntr h 83 Durand dr (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schrot Carl G (Louise A) health advisor h 269 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Schu Arline E r 93 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Ruth A tel opr h 93 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Schubach Eug A (Eliz E) pntr 104 Avenue B h do (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schubeck Eleanor C wid John D h 84 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

John D (Eleanor C) died June 1, 1939<br />

John D, K Pk r 84 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Schubert Alvin E (Margt H) product eng camera wks EK Co h 156<br />

Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Edwd A (Laverne) EK Co h 98 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Schubmehl Paul H studt r 4134 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Paul N (Catherine M) broker h 4134 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Schuchart Bernice E r 109 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Roseltha L, K Pk r 109 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Walter E (Marguerite) trimmer h 109 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Schue Harry M (Jeanette L) meat ctr h 48 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Schueler Henry P (Elma M) tool mkr h 2126 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Schukart Karl (Kathryn) mach h 248 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Schuler Edwd J (Julia A) electn h 213 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Fred H studt r 189 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Fred M (Irene) yardmaster h 189 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Gretchen sec r 189 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Louis C (Ann M) slsmn h 423 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Schultes Anthony optical wkr h 94 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Schultheis Clarence P (Catherine L) slsmn h 288 Wyndham rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz M wid Martin h 5325 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Schultz Clara h 80 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Frank M (Anna M) formn r 873 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Ida M) mach h 107 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Harvey A (Elsie R) tool mkr h 341 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Henry C (Louisa) died Oct 20, 1938<br />

Herbert (Merle) r 207 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert W (Anna H) tailor h 153 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Kenneth B tool mkr r 341 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Lionel H (Emily) dairymn h 454 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Louisa (Mrs Henry C) died Oct 20, 1938<br />

Margt r 80 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Margt B wid Frank J h 873 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Nils marine capt r 9 2d (Roch)<br />

Norman H studt r 439 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond W (Alice L) dftsmn h 63 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Rudolph T (Frances) sis mgr h 439 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Lillian) meat ctr r 115 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Schulz Richd T (Gertrude A) contr 122 Seville dr h do (Roch)<br />

Schulze Lionel E (Ruth E) rprmn h 51 Burt (Roch)<br />

Schumacher Howard A (Ruth S) sis director h 34 Thornton rd (Rochj<br />

Schuman Benj (Fay) mgr Noah's Ark h 307 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Schuster Frank (Lillian) slsmn r 162 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Schutt Herbert J appr r 96 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

John (Susanna) instrument mkr h 96 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Margt S sec Ridgewood sch r 96 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph C (Edna F) milk 527 Goodman S (Roch) h 90 Avenue B (Pt<br />

Pleasant)<br />

Ralph C jr, studt r 90 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schutter Claude A (Ethelyn V) civ eng h 149 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Schwab Caroline wid Frank F h 295 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Edmund F, K Pk r 315 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Eliz) h 315 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Harold G r 295 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

John H musn r 315 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Marion r 315 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Stephen (Gladys) formn h 138 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Schwader August C (Katherine E) elk h 175 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Chas F chemist r 175 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Jean E studt r 175 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Schwan Frank P (Lois A) cabinet wkr r 3290 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Schwartz Alice r 116 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Catherine H r 309 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Edwd J (Mildred M) servicemn h 140 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Helen J sten r 2885 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jacob died Feb 7, 1939<br />

James M r 350 Clark av (Roch)<br />

John h 350 Clark av (Roch)<br />

John foundry wkr r 309 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Martha E wid Chas r 636 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Seraphin h 2885 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Pearl M wid Wm B died Dec 11, 1938<br />

Raymond S (Eleanor G) aud h 98 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Seraphin E studt r 2885 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Schwarz Osmond G (Theresa J) coml trav h 87 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Schwarzbach Fredk (Margt) drftsmn h 76 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Maria wid Jos r 76 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Schweizer Arthur market gardnr 2330 Norton r do (Roch)<br />

Erwin (De Smit & Schweizer) gas sta 2575 Culver rd r 2330 Norton<br />

(Roch)<br />

Henry E gardnr r 2330 Norton (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Henry h 2330 Norton (Roch)<br />

Olga M r 2330 Norton (Roch)<br />

Schwendler Crawford O (Lucile P) asst formn h 55 Avondale rd (Roch)


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CALL MA|N 3960 for free estimate<br />



Schwenn Chas W (Esther B) mason h 301 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Henry lab r 292 Wacona av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Louise wid Henry h 292 Wacona av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Schwind Dorothea L sec r 138 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Elmer J (Helen A) insp h 133 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Frank E (Estelle C) hlpr h 138 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Hazel E married Arthur B Ward<br />

Jacob A (Anna M) inker h 56 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Leah G maid r 56 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Oliver F elk r 56 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Richd P film wkr K Pk r 138 Perrin (Roch)<br />

Schwonke Fredk A (Emma F) slsmn h 265 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Schy Wm C (Laura L) countermn h 66 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Sciacca Carmello (Anna) h 228 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Josephine A r 228 Knapp av (Roch)<br />

Michl (Jennie) rem to Roch<br />

Scobell Marion de S r 71 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph D slsmn h 71 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Scofield Douglas O (Reva M) sec and supt Crescent-Puritan Laundry<br />

Co h 90 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Scorse James EK Co r 694 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Scott Florence wid David r 80 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

James elk h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

John A (Hazel P) rem to Syracuse<br />

Ronald S (Madeline H) chemist h 135 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Scroggs Bertrand J r 109 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Sevilla H Mrs h 109 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Scudder Merrill F (Ruth A) tchr h 101 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Stanley L (Bernice M) K Pk h 75 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Sea Breeze Billiard Academy (Chas J Weidenborner) 4659 Culver rd<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Breeze Bowling Hall (Norman H and Howard W Deihle) 4577 Culver<br />

rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Breeze Fish Market (Frank E Gascon) 4932 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Breeze Park 4762 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Breeze Post Office (Mrs Margt Van Auken) postmistress 4671 Culver<br />

rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Breeze Shoe Store (Louis J and Frank J Kirchner) shoe repairing 25<br />

Clara (Sea Breeze)<br />

Volunteer Fire Association 4656 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

& Vicinity Water District Edwd M Lounsbury mgr 4441 Culver rd<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Seabrook Geo (Helen K) K Pk h 194 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Seabry Bernard (Rosanne) h 72 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Seager C Milton (Dorothy C) h 179 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Seaman Gilbert N studt r 76 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Harry T (Estella) chemical sis mgr EK Co h 76 Thorndyke rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

James B (Grace D) supvr h 106 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

John T rem to Phila Pa<br />

Wm J studt r 76 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Seareny Robt T (Alvina E) ins adj h 445 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Searl Warner (Margt E D) h 345 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Sears Clifford E slsmn r 3155 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Clifford M (Edna R) sis mgr h 3155 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Eliz M studt r 3155 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Margt L wid Alfred D r 3155 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Seebach Lloyd F (Lillian) drftsmn h 58 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Otto C (Kate G) acct h 2968 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ruth E, EK Co r 2968 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Seeber Celia r 462 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos C r 462 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Seeley Catherine wid Andrew L h 68 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Catherine G sten r 68 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Lavina L asst r 68 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Seelos Leonard G, EK Co r 1867 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Seely Chas A (Irene E) electrotyper h 55 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Seemann Herman E (T Marian) research physicist K Pk h 443 Sagamore<br />

dr (Roch)<br />

Segelin Herman E (Rose J) clothier h 78 Westbourne rd (Roch)

Sehm Edgar L (Helen K) elec wldr r 51 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Jos A (Lillian K) h 51 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Matthew r 60 Clarington (Roch)<br />

Seibald Geo B (Alice) electn h 102 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Seidel Wellington A (Eliz M) h 412 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Wilbur R (Ella B) acct h 286 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Seiler Clara wid Louis r 44 Legionnaire dr (Roch)<br />

Jos (Ann) camera wkr h 70 Pleasant way (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Seils Alfred F (Bertha O) drftsmn h 50 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Geo C (Mabel S) tchr h 85 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

John (Catherine) stock elk h 293 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Leroy G r 85 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Seim Edna K r 51 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Edwd E r 51 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Edwd N (Josephine M) motion picture opr h 51 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Josephine N r 51 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Seitz Caroline K wid Albert E h 1839 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Chris A (Ellen) elk h 103 Park rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Donald W (Beaulah) elk r 103 Park rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Maude A tchr r 103 Park rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Theodore C (Ida) h 4494 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter F (Grace R) real estate h 183 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Seivert Frank (Clare) h 58 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Selke Ewald (Maude) optical wkr h 107 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Sellmayer Clarence J (Marion M) elk h 228 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Semple Blanche M hairdrsr r 70 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Leo J (Margt) gro 4888 StPaul blvd h 70 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Seneca Methodist Episcopal Church Reginald E Cory pastor 121 Sehol<br />

field rd (Roch)<br />

Senke Harold F (Alma H) sis mgr h 295 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Helen L sten r 295 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Senn Eug J (Margt E) auto pntr h 97 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jos (Mary) auto pntr h 68 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Stella M hairdrsr r 68 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Sentiff Harold W (Loretta J) com artist r 222 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Serafine Domenick (Antoinette) h 63 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Sercu Engelbert E (M Lillian) carrier PO h 204 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Serfass Raymond K (Geraldine E) sis eng h 162 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Serth Austin packer r 4908 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Avery L atndt 4914 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Lola C Mrs h 208 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Myra) h 4908 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm L (Ruth L) mach h 2495 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Servey S Clayton (Lucy A) slsmn h 84 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Servis Charlotte W Mrs studt r 1157 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Sestito Frank A (Vivian) asst supt h 303 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Setzer Erwin A (Daisy H) chemist h 172 Avenue B (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Seuffert Chas F (Dorothy M) asst trust officer (Union Trust Co 19<br />

Main) h 78 Harrington dr (Roch)<br />

Seward Elmer F gardnr r 641 Leastman rd (Roch)<br />

Geo (Sarah) truckmn h 770 Hoffman rd (Roch)<br />

Thos (Sarah Nellie) gardnr h 641 Leastman rd (Roch)<br />

Sexton Chas H r 3810 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Clara G (Mrs Chas H) died Nov 12, 1938<br />

Horace C (Esther) K Pk h 2032 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Seybolt Harold D (Nellene A) ins agt h 426 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Seymour Alden F (Mabel) acct h 31 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

C E h 27 Raleigh rd (Roch)<br />

Eileen bkpr r 5 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

Merrill W (Eliz W) research chemist K Pk h 246 Sagamore dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Sforzini Lewis J (Nina S) mech eng h 3680 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt A studt r 3680 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Shadel Irving (Harriet) suveyor h 4948 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Shafer Ernest mach opr r Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

'Justin A (Catherine F) sec-treas h 128 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Shaff Donald E meat ctr 157 Pt Pleasant rd r 173 Peart av (Pt<br />

Pleasant)<br />

James (Eliz) newspaper wkr h 88 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Leo J polisher r 173 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Leo L (Nellie A) slsmn h 173 Peart av (Pt Pleasant}<br />

Shaner Roland W (Dorothy C) slsmn h 310 Pinecrest dr (Roch)<br />

Shanhart Delos (Mildred M) RG&E Co h 222 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Fred D gardnr h 4707 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John D summer res 300 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Shannon Wm r 401 Zuber rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Wm G (Loretta M) mech h 301 Zuber rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Wm J studt r 301 Zuber rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Shapiro Bros (Israel M, Hyman and Nathan) gasoline 2548 StPaul blvd<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Shapiro<br />

Florence elk r 30 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Harry (Ruth) (H Shapiro Service Station 206 Colvin) h 414 Simpson<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Hyman (Rose) (Shapiro Bros) 2548 StPaul blvd (Roch) h 116 Coving<br />

ton dr (do)<br />

Israel M (Alice E) (Shapiro Bros) 2548 StPaul blvd (Roch) h 30<br />

Armstrong av (do)<br />

Nathan (Shapiro Bros) 2548 StPaul blvd (Roch) r 43 Watkin ter<br />

do<br />

Reva wid Jos r 134 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Sharkey James R studt r 40 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

John F (Isabelle) slsmn h 40 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

M Eileen studt nurse r 40 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Shaughnessy Lorraine E wid John h 804 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Norman wid Emmett instr r 146 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Shaw Christopher F (Ida M) carp h 2429 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Herbert C (Harriet I) paymaster h 3530 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

James H (Evelyn M) asst supt h 135 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Mark studt r 2555 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Walter W (Edna L) artist h 2555 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Shayne Shepard 2d lieut USA r 297 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Charlotte S) traffic mgr h 297 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Shea Edwd H r 144 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd P (Henrietta M) K Pk h 144 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

James E (Viola B) dentist h Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

John F r 144 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Marietta A camera wkr r 144 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Sheehan Chas W (Carol H) food broker h 294 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Mary J wid Edwd J r 274 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Perry J jr (Helen W) bkpr h 329 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Sheeler Arthur atndt 277 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

r at Honeoye Falls<br />

Sheets J Wesley assembler r 221 Arrow dr (Roch)<br />

Leonard E button wkr r 221 Arrow dr (Roch)<br />

Martha B wid Wesley P h 221 Arrow dr (Roch)<br />

Sheils Paul A (Ethel M) purch agt h 298 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Paul J r 298 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Sheldon Herbert P (Elsie S) watchmn Delco Appl Corp h 108 Dake av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Shelhayes Peter (Blanche) prntr h 32 Franklin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Shepard Chas L (Arline M) floormn h 286 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dorothy A sec r 2351 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Earl F, K Pk r 17 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Frank S (Laura A) formn h 17 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Abbie J) r 27 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Jos F (Anna A) formn h 2351 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

S Josephine slswmn r 286 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Shepler Mary wid Chas r 196 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Shepley Dorothy G r 85 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Sherlock Frank (Ann) dairy wkr h 263 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Sherman Cora W wid James F summer res 403 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Ernest A (Elsie L) K Pk h 53 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Eva R Mrs tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 2256 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Harry E (Eva R) traffic mgr h 2256 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Jos M (Mabel S) supt h 38 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Reuel A (Jessie W) research wkr h 202 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Roger W, EK Co r 2256 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Sherrill John H (Grace F) estimator h 4680 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Shevlin Chas B r 4086 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Geo B studt r 4086 Culver rd Pt Pleasant<br />

James B (Mary A) supt h 4086 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Margt M elk r 4086 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Shewman Chas A confectionery h 40 Hoffman rd (Roch)<br />

Jos A (Cynthia) carp h 194 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Roy J lab r 194 Avenue A (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Shlesinger B Edwd (Frances I) lawyer h 36 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Shoals Geo R (Ruth S) news editor h 33 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Shoemaker Gordon K (Helen D) chauf h 168 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Nellie J elk r 44 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Shoemaker<br />

Nona Mrs r 44 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Irene L) slsmn h 38 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Sholes Chas A (Emily B) K Pk h 150 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Shoolman Jennie wid Chas summer res 75 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Max slsmn summer res 75 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Rae sten summer res 75 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Saml summer res 75 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Short Edwd R (Marion A) optical wkr h 125 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Josephine L maid r 77 Shelmont dr (Roch)<br />

Thos K (Rose V) auto pntr h 47 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Shrader Ralph A (Florence E) tool designer h 97 East View av (Roch)<br />

Shreder Kathryn M tchr Hosea Rogers sch r 516 Columbia av Roch<br />

Shull Francis M (Lucy B) mech eng h 90 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Frank H (Helen H) watch mkr h 52 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Frank M (Ethel I) carp 88 Fairlea dr h do (Roch)<br />

Wm W (Norma M) heating eng h 227 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Shuman Arlene elk r 1700 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Clyde W (Goldie) lab h 1252 Ridge E (Roch)<br />

James W (Frieda) (Bay Vista Service Station) Lake rd opp Ontario<br />

Coal Co (Sea Breeze) and gas sta 1220 Ridge rd E h 170 Pemberton<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Mabel Mrs r 1700 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Shurgot Fredk (Mary) cabt mkr h 314 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Sidney Arthur L (Gertrude L) chauf h 300 Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Chas C (C Agnes) pntr h 1588 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Florence studt r 1588 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Siebert Dolores M optical wkr r 2286 Norton (Roch)<br />

Ernest W (Caroline M) stoves h 2286 Norton (Roch)<br />

Freda L wid Lewis H r 34 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Howard J lens grinder r 230 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Jos A (Minnie) mach h 200 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Raymond C hlpr r 2286 Norton (Roch)<br />

Rudolph R (Edith F) elec eng h 647 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Vernon W mach r 200 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Vincent G (Irene M) prntr h 230 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Walter E paper ctr h 103 Avenue C (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Walter E, USN r 103 Avenue C (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Siegfried DeFois H chemist r 210 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

John D studt r 210 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos E (Fanny A) drftsmn h 210 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Sierens Edwd gardnr 2026 Hudson av (Roch) h 1791 Clinton av N<br />

Roch<br />

Siffing Emma Mrs r 175 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Sigel Wm E (Mayme H) contr h 10 Stonehegen rd (Roch)<br />

Silberstein Geo P (Jessie A) research wkr K Pk h 36 Parkside cres<br />

(Roch)<br />

Sileo Danl (Luella R) lab h 285 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Silha Jos F (Marline) dentist 4267 Culver rd (PtPleasant) h at Roch<br />

Siller Glen M rem to Webster<br />

Sillick Wm E (Jean E) chemical eng K Pk h 95 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Silver Thos M jr (Florence M) slsmn h 118 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Silverstein Jacob r 194 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Simmons Arthur B (Grace E) EK Co h 281 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Benj T geologist (Naples Texas) r 125 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

C Kenneth camera wkr r 154 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Carolyn T wid Wilbur J tchr Irond High sch h 125 Charlton rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Delia wid Adelbert r 35 Frontenac Heights (Roch)<br />

Donald G studt r 256 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Geo R (Cora B) stock kpr h 256 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Jean E studt r 125 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Jessie assembler r 92 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

John L (Jennie E) designer h 154 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

John W statistician (Bakersfield Calif) r 125 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Norwood L (Helen) chemist K Pk h 24 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Sherry C studt r 125 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Theresa M wid Wm L r 154 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Simon Harry (Helen) polish h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert O ( Helen E) tool and die mkr h 94 Harvington dr (Roch)<br />

J Julius (Ethel M) watch crystal mfr summer res 13 Anchor ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Louis (Clara M) leather summer res 36 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Milton M (Evelyn) bkpr r 49 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Saml creamery r 271 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Sender (Goldie) creamery h 271 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Simpson B Frank (Clara E) h 2354 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy tchr Ridgewood sch r 53 Avondale pk Roch<br />

Earl R (Mary A) formn h 21 Lake ter (Roch)<br />

N Beulah sec Christ Church r 2354 StPaul blvd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Sindelar John shoe wkr h 298 Filon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Singleton John W (Bessie M) collr h 75 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Sink Arthur E (Margt F) driver Laurelton Fire House 405 Empire blvd<br />

(Roch) h 218 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Geo N (Lillian M) gardnr h 315 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Jos gardnr r 315 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Wm G (Dorothy M) formn h 242 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Sinnhoffer Alex (Louisa) optical wkr h 25 Eiver av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Herbert (Virginia) optical wkr h 166 Pleasant av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Sipple Leo shutter wkr r 61 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Sister Agnes Miriam tchr StThomas sch 41 Colebrook dr (Roch) r 138<br />

Wash av (do)<br />

C Pierre superior Sisters of Mercy 169 White r do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Charles prin StThomas sch 41 Colebrook dr (Roch) r 138 Wash av<br />

(do)<br />

Justin tchr StThomas sch 41 Colebrook dr (Roch) r 138 Wash av<br />

(do)<br />

Leon tchr StThomas sch 41 Colebrook dr (Roch) r 138 Wash av<br />

(do)<br />

Mary StAgnes superior Holy Angels Home 1326 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

h do<br />

Nunilo superior StAmbrose sch 31 Empire blvd r 6 do (Roch)<br />

Pierre superior StSalome sch rear 4250 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant) r<br />

5 White<br />

Stephen superior StThomas Convent 138 Wash av h do (Roch)<br />

Sisters of Mercy 169 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

of StFrancis Convent Mother Carmel superior 369 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Skadolpos Coatos (High Grade Coffee & Tea Co) 86 Spencer rd r<br />

do (Roch)<br />

Skeates Edwin C studt r 460 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Marjorie A tel opr r 460 Hurstbourne (Roch)<br />

Saml (Ella B) h 460 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Skerrett Peter E (Ethel M) slsmn h 68 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Skidmore Eric S studt r 116 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Sidney P (Mary T) guard h 116 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Skill Frank (Angelina M) h 2062 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Skillman Selwyn C (Ruth M) h rear 149 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Wm V (Nettie A) iron wkr h 179 Aragon av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Skinner Bernard W (Barbara) coml artist h 425 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Clyde L (Mary L) slsmn h 47 Sydenham rd (Roch)<br />

Jack L r 47 Sydenham rd (Roch)<br />

Skipworth Marian G r 372 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F asst mgr r 372 Hurstbourne (Roch)<br />

Wm P (Kathryn E) slsmn h 372 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Skoog Ivar J (Gladys E) property mgr h 92 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Skowski Helen L tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 4815 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Skrobinski Sophia maid 225 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Skultety Frank J (Hazl) musn h 12 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Slack Harry W (Louise A) lab h 99 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Sladden Chas E (Ruth) slsmn h 180 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Slade Stanley (Bernadine T) cost acct h 102 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Slager Wm H (Florence) optical wkr h 346 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Slahlbrodt Ernest C (Mary C) slsmn h 129 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Slater Douglas W studt r 10 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd A (Julia E) custodian Reuben A Dake sch h 52 Chimayo rd<br />

(Roch )<br />

F Carl gardnr r 403 King's highway (Roch)<br />

Henry (Lena) farmer h 1700 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Kenneth G mach r 52 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Libbie J wid David J h 403 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Minnie Mrs r 195 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Myrtle H Mrs hairdrsr 3397 Culver rd (Roch) r do<br />

Norman elk 2075 Ridge rd E r 1758 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Robt A (Myrtle H) maintenancemn h 3397 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Roy M (Bertha M) auto mech h 1758 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Ruth A studt r 1758 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Walter D (Grace A) carp h 10 Chimayo rd Roch<br />

Slatter Ella M tel opr r 210 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Slattery Ida Mrs h 1227 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Slavin S Emmett (Florence A) slsmn h 1885 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Slayton Asa E (Marian J) ins slsmn h 173 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Ensign T (Vivian) sec h 226 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Slikker John A r 2550 Norton (Roch)<br />

Nicholas (Rosa) h 2550 Norton (Roch)<br />

Slim's Garage (Edwd T Kemp) 352 Empire blvd and 418 do (Roch)<br />

Sloane Eliz J wid John A r 74 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Emelia C button wkr r 74 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Henry A h 74 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Marvin (Lois E) elk r 476 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Slocum Warren H (Adelaide E) sales corres h 184 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Sly Glenn D (Ina A) clothing ctr h 182 Frontenac Heights (Roch)<br />

Glenn W hairdrsr r 182 Frontenac Hts (Roch)<br />

Smaling Clayton F (Bernice L) restr h 2 Fawn ,Sea Breeze)<br />

Smallridge Bruce studt r 1767 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Edwin W (Grace G) market gardener 1767 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

James A r 164 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Lois J, K Pk r 164 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Melvin H (Beatrice) h 2017 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Robt H (Goldie M) h 2035 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Robt H jr (Cora H) truckmn h 12 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Thos G (Irene G) farmer h 164 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Warren J (Olive E) treas h 55 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Smith Albert F slsmn r 5090 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Allen (Viola D) mgr r 4951 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Allen G (Viola D) EK Co h 112 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Andrew J (Beatrice A) slsmn h 119 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Anna Mrs h 47 Wimbledon rd Roch)<br />

Augustus H (Helen A) rewinder h 2190 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Austin L (Ruth E) formn h 534 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Bernard E (Helen V) mgr h rear 165 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Bertha M Mrs h 466 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Bever C (Jennie M) mach h 50 Overhill (Roch)<br />

Borden E embalmer r 4646 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Carol E bkpr r 5090 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Carolyn H wid Albert F h 5090 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Chas A (Raychel A) phys 2886 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Chas E (Bertha M) service mgr h 243 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Clair F (Nora M) EK Co h 129 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Clara R Mrs h 380 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Colin M (Mary H) dist rep h 303 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Cora optical wkr r 65 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Cornelia J sten r 127 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Curtis C (Evelyn E) personnel mgr h 2940 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

'Doris E insp r 127 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy J sec r 160 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Earl h 384 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Earl H (Harriett M) tool mkr h 57 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Earl R (Charlotte E) elk r 195 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Edgar A (Marion) bkpr r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Edith C r 181 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd D (Ethel) chauf h 215 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd W gro 759 Wash av h 237 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Eliz wid Wm C r 265 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Ellen D wid Edwd L h 73 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer E (Helen A) paper wkr K Pk h 21 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Emma M Mrs h 162 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Esther A r 73 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Bernice) timekpr r 4415 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank C lab r 630 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Frank C (Marjorie B) slsmn h 403 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Frank D (Fanny E) auto trucks h 240 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Alma M) prntr h 4305 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Lillian E) wood wkr h 54 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Frank L Agnes M) buyer h 504 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Fredk E wood wkr r 54 Kings highway Roch)<br />

Geo (Sophie B) rem to Rochester<br />

Geo E (Gertrude A) sta eng h 4625 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo F (Cora) mach h 127 Winbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Betty M) ins h 78 Suburba av (Roch)<br />

Geo W jr, elk r 78 Suburba av (Roch)<br />

Giles A (Jessie I) acct h 127 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Glenna B nurse r 494 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Harriet F mgr summer res 411 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Henry S Don (Lucy J) (Smith Coal Co) 907 <strong>Monroe</strong> av and sec Smith<br />

Ceramic Studios 903 do Roch h 11 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Herbert H (Eliz S) physical instr West High sch h 66 Medfield dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Herbert W (Mabel) farmer r 380 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Herman F (Ruby E) elk h 370 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Hibbard T slsmn r 127 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Homer N (Ida M) K Pk h 160 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Horace F (Grace U) industrial eng h Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

James G (Evelyn G) servicemn h 25 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Jennie M wid Geo C housekpr h 68 Fairlea dr (Roch)<br />

John T (Anna R) mach h 51 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos (Mary) tool mkr h 95 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Karl J (Lois) lithographer h 26 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Leo A (Agnes S) mgr h 76 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Leo F (Mary D) educational research h 76 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Loren W hlpr r 127 Pontiac dr (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


The Business School for High School Graduates and College People<br />


Smith<br />

Mantie H wid Elijah h 38 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Margt M sten r 78 Suburba av (Roch)<br />

Mathew F (R Mildred) stock elk h 57 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Milton J (Esther L) auto mech h 4415 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Minnie G wid Wm M h 411 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Nelson B (Helen C) broadcast eng h 56 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Newton C (Mina C) h 122 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Oscar restr 4679 Culver rd h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Paul J (Hazel D) tchr h 77 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Raymond W studt r 57 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Robt G elk r 78 Suburba av (Roch)<br />

Robt Geo r 127 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Robt H (Ruth A) tchr h 2378 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Robt T barber h 43 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />

Shirley V maid 163 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Stephen T (Matilda E) mgr h 100 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Stewart (Henrietta) chemical wkr h 62 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Valera R sec r 534 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Walter F (Josephine) sis mgr h 201 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Walter V (Alice T) formn h rear 1477 Winton rd (Roch)<br />

-Wm supt h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Mildred A) K Pk r 2657 Norton (Roch)<br />

Zaida A Mrs assembler r 96 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Smyth Jos C r 220 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Smythe Chas optical wkr B&LO Co r 50 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Snapp Chas J camera wkr h 92 Parkside cres (Roch)<br />

Maude E wid Roy F hairdrsr summer res 34 Bay Front N (Pt<br />

Pleasant)<br />

Susan (Mrs Chas J) died Mar 6, 1939<br />

Snare Betty A studt r 92 Buell dr (Roch)<br />

Jos (Mayme M) carp h 92 Buell dr (Roch)<br />

Snelgrove Herbert C (Evelyn W) civ eng h 3665 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Snider Clarence E (Carrie E) gardnr h 1935 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Ellwood H (Alice) chemist h 81 Radcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Snipes A Vernon (Rena M) signalmn h 105 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Snyder Barbara L wid Henry r 184 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Chas E (Lillian S) tester h 395 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Chas J (Eliz M) farmer h Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Donald C r 395 Peart av (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Fannie tchr Reuben A Dake sch (Roch) r 103 Parkdale ter Roch<br />

Fred W (Edna K) jwlr h 177 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Harold H (Nellie A) mgr h 184 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Jos P elk 2100 Ridge rd E r do (Roch)<br />

Kurt E (Emmy E) mach h 93 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Lawrence hlpr r 20 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Louis W (Marjorie H) tchr h 68 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Mary maid 4063 Culver rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Myron S (Carol R) driver Laurelton Fire House 405 Empire blvd<br />

(Roch) h 966 Irondequoit blvd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Raymond J (Hildegarde A) camera wkr h 29 Adrian rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Socony Vacuum Oil Co Inc gas station 3392 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Soderlund Evert R (Anne J) tool mkr h 76 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Soeder Arnold H studt r 131 Titus av (Roch)<br />

'Arnold R (Minnie) mason h 131 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Sohn Herman (Friedel) chauf h 233 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Sokolski Marion C (Estelle) lens plshr h 197 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Solomon Jos T (Mildred E) chauf h 49 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Somers James (Katherine) ins h 156 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Somerville Robt L (Pearl E) slsmn h 114 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Sommerhalter Eric baker r 567 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Gustave (Hedwig) designer h 567 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Sonner Catherine wid John C h 455 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd J (Mary H) sta eng h 448 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

John M (Pauline C) press opr h 2373 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Lewis J (Hazel J) auto mech h 43 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Robt A punch press opr r 455 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Vincent C r 455 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Sorensen Christian r 109 Vinton rd (Roch)<br />

Space Chas C (Jill H) chief elk h 108 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Spacher Arthur mach r 68 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Spagnolo James (Margt) fruit buyer h 431 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Spahn Jos F (Spahn's Grill) 4565 Culver rd r 28 Post rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary wid Louis died May 21, 1939<br />

Spahn's Grill (Jos F Spahn) restr 4565 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Spall Clarence G lab r 4956 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo h 4971 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Spallina John (Constantine) ins agt h 134 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Spangler Aloys (Rose) fruit and vegetables 4391 Culver rd r 81 Lake rd<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Spanton Leslie J (Edna L) slsmn h 121 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Spear Clara W correspondent r 35 Adrian rd (Pt Pleasant)<br />

Spears Margt wid Chas r 200 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Florence K) asst formn RG&E Corp h 57 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J elk r 57 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Specht E John (Claire L) garage h 26 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Speedy Boshe A (Petra A) dry clnr h 69 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Speidel Chas F (Ella) summer res 16 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Helen A sec summer res 16 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Spelman Edwin B drftsmn r 16 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

J Jos (Margt) sis promotion rep h 48 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

J Richd (Doris L) RG&E Corp h 182 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

May I wid Jas O summer res 16 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Winifred M wid John J h 215 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Spence John (Grizel R) chemist EK Co h 68 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Spencer Bertha elk r 237 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Clarence D (Mayo I) bkpr h 491 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Floyd (Marjorie) motion picture opr h Glen Haven rd (Roch)<br />

Gertrude r 394 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Jennie r 394 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Robt r 394 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Roy (Irene) chauf h 394 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Spera Eeralo mach opr r 254 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Max (Theresa C) formn h 254 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Speranza Jos (Mamie) whol poultry h 77 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Spero Geo restr wkr r Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Sperring Gilbert G (Flora E) chauf Roch Transit Corp h 215 Spencer<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Gilbert G jr tchr (Naples) r 215 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Lance R optical wkr r 215 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Rosslyn T studt r 215 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Sperry George A (Norene M) bkpr h 169 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Merton landscape archt r 123 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Speth Howard G (Vera E) eng h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Spicer Harold S ins agt r 34 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Spiegel John J (Matilda K) toolmkr h 110 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred L Mrs r 68 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Spies Aug G (M Estella) uphol h 1496 Titus av (Roch)<br />

-^Geo H (Teresa) uphol h 1542 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Harold H (Alice M) garage wkr h 328 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Herbert F steel wkr r 1496 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Isabelle A bkpr r 1496 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Raymond B gardnr r 1496 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Spiess Andrew J (Edna C) traffic mgr h 501 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Spindler Anton r 58 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Henry G jr (Margt) countermn r 204 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Ottilie L wid Frank r 117 Harvington dr (Roch)<br />

Spinello Anthony (Carmella M) h 32 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Spink Albert N (Florence C) produce h 331 Lake Front nr Anchor ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Spinney Everett E (Mildred F) mach h 18 Outlook dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Spittal Edwin (Catherine) elk h 67 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Spitz Adeline I shoe wkr r 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Chester J (Bernice) supt Laurelton apts 50 Harwick rd h do (Roch)<br />

Jos C (Lena) mach h 4747 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Spitznagle Fred died March 1939<br />

Spitz-Nagel Edwd L (Adelin M) osteopath r 476 Gardham rd (Roch)<br />

Spoor Margt B r 263 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Robt A (Maude A) elk h 263 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Sprague Harry J (Monica) instr h 55 Suburba av (Roch)<br />

Irving G bottler 3000 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 485 Fernwood av Roch<br />

Oscar V (Gladys L) K Pk h 109 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Spriggs Carl U (Margt) sis mgr h 88 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Spring Benj F (Nellie M) chauf h 75 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Springer Edwd A (Caroline) councilmn 1392 Ridge rd E h 75 Amerige<br />

pk (Roch)<br />

Herman L (Frances M) mgr summer res 10 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Paul K W (Hazel E) tchr h 5 Oneta rd (Roch)<br />

Robt studt summer res 10 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Sproul Leslie F (Frances) chauf h 198 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Sproule Wm M (Leita M) sta eng h 95 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Spuck Alf C (Eleanor R) EK Co h 1635 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Carl P (Eliz B) elk 4671 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) h 89 Herbert (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Chas J (Emma C) shipping elk h 211 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Evelyn B Mrs elk 4265 Culver rd (Pt Plst) r 4394 do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jas A (Dorothy E) insp r 100 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Mary H Mrs rem to Roch<br />

Richd E (Evelyn B) bindery wkr h 4394 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Robt A (Mary E) assembler h 121 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Squires Noah S (Jean G) slsmn h 57 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Srokose Stanley J (Loretta C) traffic mgr h 90 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Stabel Jos M (Lillie J) pres h 37 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Stacey Alf (Theresa) watchmn h 43 Overbrook av (Roch)<br />

Stacklyn Edwd G (Kathleen M) slsmn h 35 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Norman E (Lillian) mach opr h 247 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Stacy Carrie M wid John J r 189 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Stanley G (Beatrice) shoe wkr h 1338 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Staehle Henry C (Isabel M) K Pk h Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Staelens Emil A (Leona L) lab h 710 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Stag Club The 652 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Stage Margt wid George h 2427 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Stahl Geo O jr (Edith M) formn h 353 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Jacob J (Mary) died Aug 12, 1939<br />

Mary A wid Jacob J h 47 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Stahlecher Alice wid John C r 2092 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Staley Chas A (Gertrude O) chauf h 658 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Stalker Carrie A wid Geo H h 1040 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J carp r 1040 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Harvey G (Thelma) rem to Roch<br />

Harvey W (Gertrude F) engvr h 1022 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Olive M r 1040 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

Stallman Dorothy M Mrs dental hygienist Abraham Lincoln sch and<br />

Ridgewood sch r 169 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Walter H (Dorothy) dental hygienist h 169 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Stamp John F (Marion J) adv dept h 54 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Stampfli J Gail (Anne M) chemist h 168 Harvington dr (Roch)<br />

Stanat Wm G (Ilda L) switchboard opr h 2524 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Stanbridge Archibald mkt gardnr h 581 King"s highway (Roch)<br />

Ernest W patternmkr r 581 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Frank (Mollie) mkt gardnr 859 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Stanford Arthur A (Elsie) carp h 2357 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Bessie W studt r 2357 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Douglas F mach opr r 2357 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Stangel Chester W (Eliz J) slsmn r 695 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Stanton Chester A (Florence M) mkt gardnr 1168 Stanton lane h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Frances M cravat wkr r 1168 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Jessie I wid Delos H h 837 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

L D (Gertrude C) investment securities h 131 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Paul D gardnr r 837 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Robt (Irene) elk h 56 Nile dr (Roch)<br />

Stanwix Anna Mrs r 76 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Leon (Harriet A) tailor h 138 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Staples Kenneth auto mech 65 Stutson cor Thomas av (Roch) h 134 Nor<br />

ton Roch<br />

Star Dairy (Arthur J Hack) milk rear 2617 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Starck Clemens B (Marguerite) chemist h 195 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Stark Edwin (Vivian C) linoleum layer r 62 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Henry (Minnie D) presser h 155 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

John A (Thalia G) warehouse supt h 586 List av (Roch)<br />

Viola elk r 279 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm meter repairer r 66 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Gertrude C) elk h 66 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wm M h 457 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Staub A Earl (Grace T) asst formn h 259 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Gertrude bkpr r 190 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Stauder Catherine M sten r 152 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Emanuel (Eleanor) factory supt h 152 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Mae E sten r 152 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Marion R sten r 152 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Ruth R sten r 152 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Stauffer Chas C (Alice J) slsmn h 63 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

John A (Jessie B) pntr h 30 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Robt E (Mildred C) research chemist h 206 Pinewood trail (Roch)<br />

Russell H (Catherine B) carp Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Stearns Eliz A wid Harry L h 68 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Merle C, K Pk r 68 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Miles R (Mary M) dist mgr h 261 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Stebbins Howard B (Eliz) aud RG&E h 148 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Roxy wid Melvin r 148 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Stebler Robt A (Fanny A) optical wkr h 191 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt A jr optical wkr r 191 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Steele Fred J B (Loretta D) sprayer F L Hughes r 539 Pine Grove av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Geo R (Sadie W) export mgr h 3135 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Steensma John M (Tina) ins agt h 36 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Steepee Linton T (Zola H) dept mgr h 1736 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Steffen Frank J (Marie) linemn h 100 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Walter C (Mildred E) mgr h 71 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Stegmaier Albert assembler r 395 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk (Margt M) died April 30, 1939<br />

Stehle Ann C studt r 73 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Fred J (Luella C) slsmn h 73 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Steidle Edwd (Cora S) prntr h 324 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Melba A tchr (Roch) r 324 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond N formn h 194 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Stein Arthur J (Eliz) h 4360 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Donald E studt r 4360 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Edwd C (Bernadette C) ins adjuster h 51 Briarcliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer R (Gertrude E) paper ctr h 4397 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Emerson W (Alma M) (Pioneer Drug Store) 4358 Culver rd h 4360 do<br />

(Sea Breeze)<br />

Eug E r 4397 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank H (Cecilia M) h 57 Durand dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Jacob pntr h 65 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Julius W (Mildred B) elec eng h 3542 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt A camera wkr r 4360 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Steinbacher Howard L (Catherine E) millwright h 48 Chimayo rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wm L studt r 48 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Steiner H Hermine married Robt Turner rem to Buffalo<br />

Irwin rem to N Y City<br />

Oscar (Hertha L) mech eng h 354 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Steinfeld Arthur R (Anna F) truckmn 2286 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Steinhauser Evangeline tchr Ridgewood sch r 345 Lake av Roch<br />

Steinle Emil C (Mary A) elk h 65 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Steinlein Arthur P (Anna I) elk h 80 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Dorothy A typist r 80 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Steinorth Alfred H, K Pk r 115 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Fredk R (Lila R) toolmkr h 31 Ewer av (Pt Plst)<br />

Harry G (Dorothy C) tool designer h 115 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Margt E studt r 31 Ewer av (Pt Plst)<br />

Winifred C sten r 31 Ewer av (Pt Plst)<br />

Stelkens Johanna elk r 100 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Stenglein Henry (Mary) mach opr h 73 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Marion packer r 73 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Viola r 73 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Stenz Alfred P (Gretchen S) bottler h 217 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Stenzel Leonard (Helen) protectagrajph wkr h 4368 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Stephany Chester L (Veronica) atndt 4535 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) h<br />

38 Cecelia ter (Roch)<br />

Richd J (Eva M) elec contr 296 Zuber rd h do (Pt Plst)<br />

Stephens John F (Ruth R) teller h 164 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Warren S (Frances E) formn h 183 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Sterling Gertrude food dir r 3660 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Scott (Eva L) sis mgr h 3660 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Scott jr studt r 3660 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Stern Harry A (Hazel L) trimmer h 74 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth r 74 Florenton rd (Roch)<br />

Stetson Paul C (Lois R) mech eng h 460 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Stettinius Jack (Royal's General Garage) 1667 Hudson av (Roch) r 454<br />

Frost av Roch<br />

Royal R (Marjorie F) (Royal's General Garage) 1667 Hudson av h<br />

42 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Steubing Irving F (Agnes M) film wkr K Pk h 30 Hollywood cres (Roch)<br />

Steuerwald Emma wid Martin r 132 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Eva wid Jacob r 386 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Lorenzo M (Catherine R) mach opr h 386 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Martin (Emma) died Jan 9, 1939<br />

Stevens Arthur ice cream mkr r 124 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Austin P (Florence E) h 2075 Ridge Rd E (Roch)<br />

Edwin H (Marjorie J) acct h 36 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Gladys O Mrs r 96 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos (Center Service Garage) 2411 Culver rd (Roch) h 25 Lake rd<br />

W Webster<br />

Jos F rem to Webster<br />

Mary Jane studt r 36 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Louise) clothing ctr h 2075 Ridge rd E (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


Stevenson Harry C jr (Betty) sis elk h 132 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Rex E (Ruth F) liquors h 58 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Rex E jr studt r 58 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Stever Alger R (Myrtle M) carp h 50 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Alger R jr elk r 50 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Eliz wid Levi D r 2791 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Mabel wid Fred r 205 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Stewart Albert D jr (Edna G) trust officer Roch Trust Co h 290 West<br />

chester av (Roch)<br />

Donald D rec elk r 296 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk W (Floretta) h 204 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Harold F (Gertrude E) slsmn h 262 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

John D (Mary W) journalist h 327 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

John W tchr Seneca sch h 73 Dunning av Webster<br />

Marion C r 30 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Stanley elk PO r 14 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Virginia sten r 204 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Ella M) h 30 Harrison ter<br />

Wm H jr slsmn r 30 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Helen C) elk 1338 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 37 Marian (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Steyaert Frank (Eliz) lab h 1928 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Peter r 1928 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Stezenmeyer Anna wid Albert h 188 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Bessie L r 188 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Stiber Carl J restr 4830 Culver rd r 4856 do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Stickles J Victor (Esther F) dry goods h 581 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Jennie E wid Jacob H died June 24, 1939<br />

Stienbacher Philip H r 48 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Stiens Betty Mrs hkpr 89 Frankland rd (Roch)<br />

Stiewe Wm R (Mabel R) mach h 231 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Stifle Ethan M (Helen J) chemical eng h 88 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Stiles Lewis R (Jennie M) mason h 69 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Wesley M lab r 2336 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Stillman Simon (Faye) whol tobacco h 220 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Stilwell Roy S (Hattie O) maintenance mn h 254 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Stimaker Mary J hkpr r 4202 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Stinardo Saml (Madeline) h 126 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Stinson Arthur W (Melba S) trucking h 140 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Stobie Wm (Jeanette A) physio therapist h 74 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Stocker Helen G Mrs r 520 Eaton rd<br />

Stockham Thos B (Emma F) cashr h 141 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Stocking Charles O (Helen A) teamster 2026 Hudson av (Roch) h 2018<br />

do<br />

Stoddard Edgar L (Leona E) bldg contr 130 Thornton rd h do (Roch)<br />

Helen M studt r 130 Thorton rd (Roch)<br />

Louis B (Emma L) mach h 433 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Merle (Marguerite) lens wkr h 471 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Dorothy) contr 101 Lake Breeze pk h do (Roch)<br />

Stoddart Gerald R (Luella O) lawyer h 4635 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Luella O Mrs tchr Seneca sch r 4635 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Stoecklein Jos elk 2062 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 233 Mohawk Roch<br />

Stoertz Nelson E J (Aline M) paper ctr h 54 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Stoffel Chas D, K Pk r 431 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Christine wid Chas died April 27, 1939<br />

Donald J, K Pk r 431 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Douglas C (Marie E) sergt police NYC h 431 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Stokes Fredk I (Grace A) lawyer h 110 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Stoldt Geo F, K Pk r 1788 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Stoler Hyman (Eliz) cigars summer res 74 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Stolinski Anthony optical wkr r 98 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Stoll Edwd J (Florence E) contr 3806 St Paul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Eliz M elk 132 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Florence E studt r 3806 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Fred D (Elsie A) maintenance man h 135 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Fred D jr r 135 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

J Carl (Amelia J) h 279 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Julius W (Jane) adv mgr h 21 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Marie h 47 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Stoll<br />

Michl (Eliz) optical wkr h 132 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Rosa r 47 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Stone Chas A (Clara E) meter reader h 63 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz H, K Pk r 2311 Norton (Roch)<br />

Ernest (Lucy A) blksmth h 2311 Norton (Roch)<br />

Gerald W presshand r 63 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

John r 43 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Marjorie C r 2311 Norton (Roch)<br />

Percival (Jessie L) press hand h 63 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Robt W r 2311 Norton (Roch)<br />

Stonely John W (Doris T) cashr h 133 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Stoner Max optical wkr r 81 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Stonestreet Guy G (Ursula E) traveling rep h 307 Hurstbourne rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Stonewall Wm W (Edith G) pntr h 427 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Stork Carrie wid Henry r 3321 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Storms Floyd S (Muriel G) acct h 582 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Stott Stephen W (Alice H) slsmn h 69 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Stowell Eugene L (Viola) pastor Lutheran Church of the Resurrection<br />

h 16 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Lawrence D (Fredda B) slsmn h 103 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Mary B wid Eugene r 16 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Norabel wid W C r 103 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Paula J studt r 103 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Straat Harold W (Marcelline H) optical eng h 122 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Strain Wm H (Salome) research assoc h 23 Suburba av (Roch)<br />

Stramanino Stephen (Rose) lab h 26 Vinal av (Roch)<br />

Strang Richd S r 108 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Saml J (Kathryn H) signal mn h 108 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Strapp Peter E (Edna I) service mgr 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 1394<br />

Norton Roch<br />

Roxanna bkpr 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) h 1394 Norton Roch<br />

Strassner Byron J (Mildred F) tailor h 38 Charland rd (Roch)<br />

Byron J jr studt r 38 Charland rd (Roch)<br />

Ella M wid Ambrose G h 4966J Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Straub Jos J bkpr r 24 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Richd J clerk r 24 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Richd W (Lottie K) ins h 24 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Irena H) slsmn h 43 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Strauble Werner mach h 502 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Strauch Henry E (Edith E) electn h 461 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Strauss Flora wid Benedict r 104 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Francis A electn r 210 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Alice E) slsmn h 210 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Gerard J studt r 210 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Henry F (Edith B) slsmn h 124 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Johanna Mrs r 229 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Richd O (Mina S) instrument mkr h 100 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Siegfried (Dorothy) experimental mech h 104 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Teresa E nurse r 210 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Streb Andrew (Ottilia E) mach h 165 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk J carp h 59 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Gerald L (Mildred B) rigger r 125 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Streb Norbert Co<br />

(Norbert J Streb) real estate 223 Powers bldg 16 Main W, Rochester<br />

tel Main 4579 See page 31 Buyers' Guide<br />

Norbert J jr (Anne) plater h 2522 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Sylvester W (Cleo W) prntr h 56 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Strebb Frances K r 3077 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Strecker Augusta wid Frank h 370 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Streeb Fredk C (Betty R) watchmn h 87 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Street Anne C h 107 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Fred G (Minnie F) h 302A George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Morris G r 302A George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Robt V W r 302A George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Stuart E (Annette M) service mgr B F Goodrich Rubber Co h 29 Lin<br />

den pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Strehle Fred J (Gertrude L) electn r 3227 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Leonard h 3227 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Streitle Eliza wid Benj E h 371 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Weslie B rem to Roch<br />

Strelow Geo USN h 18 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Strieker Sadie wid Abr h 816 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Strickland Adelbert G (Bessie A) musn h 173 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Greely M (Jane R) supt Roch Yacht Club end StPaul blvd h 73 Center<br />

(Roch)<br />

Myron A (Mildred M) timekeeper h 177 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Strine Donald H (Pearl L) K Pk h 160 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Stritzel Chas A (Elouise) mach opr r 299 Walzer rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Strobel Arthur (Mary A) designing eng h 11 Salem rd (Roch)<br />

Chas E atty r 91 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Miriam M sec r 91 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

-Wm C (Estelle L) adv h 91 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Strollo Anna M instrument wkr r 22 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Ralph (Lena) presser h 22 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Strom Wm (Erma) drftsmn h 68 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Strome Melvin S (Lauretta A) contr h 25 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Strong Albert E (Frances E) baker h 3 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Albert F (Dorothy F) slsmn h 11 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Alma r 3 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Flora E wid Clarence r 126 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

John (Ruth) toolmkr h 2 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt M (Emma A) K Pk h 8 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Strowger Frank O (Margt M) mgr h 45 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Stroyan Mildred maid 4134 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Strutt Sarah A wid Wm r 3242 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Stuart Albert T (Marie E) dept supvr Times Union h 115 Tottenham rd<br />

(RD 5 Roch)<br />

Minnie M wid Olin D r 115 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Stubbs John T (Mary M) gardnr h 1917 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Saml E (Martha S) real est h 104 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Stubenrod Fredk W (Jeannette Y) button wkr h 32 Durand blvd (Pt<br />

Plst)<br />

Stuber Wm G (Rose C) chairman of board EK Co summer res 684<br />

Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Stuhr John J (Louise S) formn h 507 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Stull Clara M (Mrs Geo H) died Dec 25, 1938<br />

Geo H h 41 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Stumpf Claude J (Mildred A) rem to Greece<br />

Harold A (Florence K) clothing ctr h 579 List av (Roch)<br />

Stumpfhauser Jos C (Doris) (Ridge-Culver Food Shoppe) 2062 Ridge rd<br />

E h 3161 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Stupp Edwd C (Eleanor F) coml artist h 227 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Sturges Alvah G r 128 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Dora wid Jos D r 61 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Earl L ins adj h 128 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Edwd A (Viola G) r 128 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jos D (Rea L) elk h 61 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Stuver Robt J (Jean J) circulation dept Times-Union h 315 Brett rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Suberville Frank J (Evelyn) atndt 3392 St Paul blvd (Roch) h 828 Jef<br />

ferson av Roch<br />

Sugden Eliz Mrs r 57 Seholfield rd (Roch)<br />

Suhr Chas J (Mary S) florist h 577 List av (Roch)<br />

J Louise wid Chas M h 2813 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

John C (Louise E) florist 78 Cooper rd h do (Roch)<br />

Sukrow May A studt r 36 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Philip (Tillie) laundry h 36 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Sullivan Catherine E r 75 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Lucy E) supt Money Order dept Roch PO h 75 Thomas av<br />

(Roch)<br />

John E (Gladys) tchr h 172 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Jos (Neola O) maintenance mn h 100 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Thos C appr r 237 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Thos D (Mary K) chauf h 237 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Summerhays E Frederica sec summer res 389 Lake Front nr Madison<br />

ter (Roch)<br />

Summerville Gardens (Irving W Briggs jr) florist 360 Washington av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Presbyterian Church Oscar D Brownback pastor 4845 St Paul blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Restaurant (Nicola Izzo) 53 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Service Station (Wilbur M Donovan) gasoline 4914 St Paul blvd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Sundt Edwd (Helen) chauf h 101 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Surdam T Janet social wkr r 180 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Susko Michael (Anne K) toolmkr h 111 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Suss Chas G (May G) shoe wkr h 301 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Florence E studt r 301 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Ruth B r 301 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Sutcliffe Thos (Harriet O) supt h 1 Chadwell rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Suter Arthur O (Martha C) slsmn summer res 28 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Sutfen Geo T (Margt) switchboard mn h 72 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Sutherland Claud N interior decorator h 2669 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Reid E maid 4224 Culver av (Pt Plst)<br />

Suthoff Fredk W r 80 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Sutliff Adren R (Mary E) drftsmn h 89 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Sutphen Leon T (Florence O) pntr h 52 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

39<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Sutter Allen J (Sallie M) milkmn h 39 Burt (Roch)<br />

Edwd D (Kathryn L) ins h 61 Covington dr (Roch)<br />

Frank B (Lulu B) h 37 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Sutton Geo (Gladys) restr wkr h 5336 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Swain Edwd A (Lee M) slsmn h 174 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Margt) insp Delco Appliance Co h 35 Poppy (Roch)<br />

Swalbach Geo A (Barbara M) pres-treas h 427 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Swan Birger E (Esther F) tool mkr h 47 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

-^Cleaners Inc Henry Bower store mgr 2075 Ridge rd E (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Donald R (Martha M) chemist h 279 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Earl (Marie) tinsmith r 347 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd C (Marion A) leather h 26 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Jas H (Edith E) chauf r 29 Warrenton (Roch)<br />

John J (Lillian M) photog h 116 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond W (Ella C) shipping elk h 185 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Swartele Geo F (Viola H) gas sta h 109 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Lillian F wid John C r 302 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Swarthout Anthony J (Cora M) marine mech h 96 N Wabash av (Roch)<br />

Grace E wid Edwd E rem to Ptsfd<br />

Swarts Arlington (Blanche K) prin Durand Eastman sch h 305 Wood<br />

bine av Roch<br />

Swartz Ann M maid r 309 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Swayze Ernest R carp h 200 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Thos J garage r 200 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Sweeley Edwd B (Emma M) industrial eng h 21 Wyndale rd (Roch)<br />

Sweet Fredk B (Josephine) chauf h 367 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Lloyd (Eileen) rem to Roch<br />

Robt L (Evelyn E) paper ctr h 186 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Sweeting Bernard J (Esther M) carp h 133 Worthington rd (Roch)<br />

Sweetland Carl O (Bettie) credit mgr h 403 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Swetlick Adaline R Mrs tchr Seneca sch r at Penfield<br />

Swift David J (Teresa M) acct h 106 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Walter S radio rpr r 77 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Swingly Richd W (Dorothy E) musn h 102 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Switzer John E r 3692 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos B (Mary E) slsmn h 3692 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos B studt r 3692 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Loretta M tchr Rosea Rogers sch r 106 Coventry av Roch<br />

Madeline E sten r 3692 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary R tel opr r 3692 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Olive wid Edwd r 2768 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Sylvas Harold (Celia) h 259 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Symonds Edwin J boat carp r 5184 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Szonn Richard (Lillie) lens insp h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Szulgit Casmir (Josephine) h 43 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Tacy Peter (Julia) cabtmkr h 23 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Taggart Vincent P (Frances) K Pk h 2170 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Taggert John clothing wkr r rear 777 Washington av (Roch)<br />

John (Sarah J) porter h rear 777 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Taillie Abraham car rpr h rear 2534 Norton (Roch)<br />

Arthur (Dorothy E) r 294 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

--Chas, K Pk r rear 2534 Norton (Roch)<br />

Chas F (Louise C) supt h 259 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

James L lab r rear 2534 Norton (Roch)<br />

John C (Evelyn M) K Pk h 2534 Norton (Roch)<br />

Talia Jos (Mary) baker h 390 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Talkenberg Carl F (Mary E) sis mgr h 120 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Tallinger Henry C died Aug 28, 1939<br />

Lloyd A (Esther M) carrier PO h 81 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Marion F studt r 81 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Tallman Eugene S (Grace A) K Pk h 155 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Tambe Alexander A (Anna M) shipping elk h 36 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Saml (Santa) h 222 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Saml R r 222 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Tamblyn Dora D waitress r 570 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Jas C (Gladys M) shipper h 570 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Tanck Eliz L studt r 215 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Rudolph E (Clara L) plater h 215 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Tanner Adelaide J wid Robt C summer res 67 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

F Ruth rem to Brighton<br />

Glenn (Catherine) weaver r 17 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Paul E (Dorothy H) editorial staff Democrat-Chronicle h 275 Somer<br />

shire dr (Roch)<br />

Tantalo Antonio auto mech r 117 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Candi r 117 Bennett av (Roch)<br />

Candi jr rem to Roch<br />

Fred r 1784 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Lazure F r 1784 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Peter (Marion) h 117 Bennett av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />



There is a Lowe Bros. Paint Dealer in your Town<br />

9-11-13 N. WATER ST. Phone MAIN 8140<br />

Tantalo<br />

Rose J studt r 117 Bennett av<br />

Victor (Rose) h 1784 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Tappan Dewitt W (Ada I) designing eng h 206 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Tarbox Homer W (Leona C) screw mach opr h 38 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Tarrant Clifton F (Evelyn A) gas sta summer res 530 Washington av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Clifton H used car dir summer res 530 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Frank (Mildred M) jeweler h 3698 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Loretta M elk summer res 530 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Tas Constant (Rose) lab h 1082 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Katherine wid John r 1082 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Tassell Harold A (Marjorie G) phys h 165 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Taughe Arley died April 23, 1939<br />

Taylert Roman W (Mary H) supt h 397 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Taylor Albert T (Doris E) formn h 95 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Allen S r 135 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Bette J studt r 43 Hathaway (Roch)<br />

Chas (Josephine) cook N Y Naval Militia Armory St Paul blvd h 30<br />

Hollister Roch<br />

Dorothy L sten r 43 Hathaway (Roch)<br />

Ernest R (Sarah A) chemist h 82 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Harry C (Adele S) sec Builders Exchange h 43 Hathaway (Roch)<br />

John A (Mabel F) (John Taylor & Sons) summer res 52 Harrison ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Marion G wid John W h 160 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Robt B (Lola D) slsmn h 87 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Saml (Grace G) h 106 Abington rd (Roch)<br />

Wallace F (Gladys N) electn h 36 Lakewood dr (Roch)<br />

Wells J pattern mkr h 40 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm H (Mildred E) supt h 559 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

TealPs Ice Cream Co restr 4355 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Teasdale Walter A (Emily B) h 149 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Teerlinck Alphone (Zulma) floormn h 2055 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Tefft Richd C (Margt W) tchr Irond High sch h 561 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Teller Katherine B r 142 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Thos W (Ida A) sta eng h 142 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Tellex Peter A (Pauline C) drftsmn h 55 Electric av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Tellier Jacob (Margt) shtmtlwkr h 2292 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Temple Harry H (Adeline E) estimator h 102 Mayfair dr<br />

Virginia M sec r 102 Mayfair dr<br />

Tennity Raymond E (Delphine T) K Pk h 114 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Terhaar Evelyn M studt r 75 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Herman W (Elsie B) chauf h 75 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Howard J r 75 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Terpstra Alberta C sec EK Co r 108 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Jas J (Viola C) formn EK Co h 108 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Terra Bessie A r 185 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Terrana Philip (Carmella) mach opr and notary public h 140 Taft av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Terrill Anna E maid 102 Highwood rd (Roch)<br />

Terry Richd T (Mary E) assembler h 129 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Roy P (Ethel E) bldg supt h 134 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Tesmer Henry (Jennie R) formn h 823 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Tessnow John H (Henrietta M) mach h 38 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Tetamore Elmer R (Jessie E) comp h 200 St Joseph (Roch)<br />

Harold A (E Norma) elk h 174 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Tetlow Eloise R sec r 21 1st (Roch)<br />

Percy N dry clnr h 21 1st (Roch)<br />

Tettelbach Fred P (Lucy J) roofer h 4063 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Peter (Edna M) securities summer res 896 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Tetzlaff Edwin (Marion) h 90 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Thayer Erwin E (Pearl F) icemn h 264 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Henry L (Mary A) cashr EK Co 343 State summer res 48 Delta ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Woodrow E r 264 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Theis Henry H (Evelyn F) clothing cutter h 37 Walzford (Roch)<br />

Then John W signal wkr r 61 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Lillian wid Wm h 1356 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Mary A wid Christian D r 61 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Then<br />

Raymond J (Mabel C) optical wkr h 61 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Roy R mach r 61 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Thew Robt H (Adele) musn r 307 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Thibault Gerard J (Helen J) K Pk h 85 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Thiel Gerda r 63 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Thieleman Eliz M r 2545 Parker rd (Roch)<br />

Julius (Helen) market gardnr 2545 Parker rd h do (Roch)<br />

Louis rem to Roch<br />

Thiem Alvin F (Ruth K) (Pine Tree Riding Stables) 111 Hoffman rd<br />

h 101 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Ruth G) tchr (West High) h 113 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Thies Henry E (Arline J) electn h 1534 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Thomann Doris M frame wkr r 175 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Paul (Veda O) landscape gardnr h 175 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Thomas Archie L (Alma R) market reporter State Dept of Agriculture<br />

h 95 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Chas I (Elthea) clothing cutter h 140 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Clarence F (Leona C) sis mgr h 23 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

Clifford elk r 111 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Doris F elk r 257 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz r 618 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Ella M h 177 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Ernest S (Dorothy M) tool and die mkr h 3591 St Paul blvd (Roch)<br />

Eustace C tailor r 288 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Everett R tchr Irond High sch r 55 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

F Elwood (Adeline E) formn Crescent Puritan Laundry h 63 Leland<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Florence nurse r 27 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Geo r 288 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Gilbert M (Nellie) tailor h 288 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

John P (Genevieve E) K Pk h 182 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Mabel A h 177 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Sadie Mrs mach opr h 618 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Thompson Bernice M sten r 31 Filon av (Pt Plst)<br />

C Howard (Margt E) insp h 18 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Chas (Helen), r 205 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Donald P optical wkr r 729 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Doris M elk r 4929 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Fred chauf r 120 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Laura B) carp h 137 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Nellie R) stmftr h 4929 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Guy E (Florence O) slsmn h 1336 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Harold L (Jennie J) r 137 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Harry L (Martha J) ins agt h 31 Filon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Harwin D (Ruth C) carp h 102 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Helen Mrs r 169 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jarvis E (Lena) women's clothing h 126 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

-John studt r 729 Titus av (Roch)<br />

John J (Dorothy H) meat ctr h 1965 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Jos J (Mildred M) slsmn h 835 Washington av (Roch)<br />

L Lee (Lilian L) supt h 42 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Leland r 42 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Roy E pntr r 31 Filon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Ruth elk r 1336 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Sidney gardnr r rear 3332 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Thos W elk r 729 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Virginia M r 137 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Ruth D) welder h 729 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wilson D (Lucille C) r 130 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Thon Fred G (Minnie H) gardnr h 825 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Harold W plumber's hlpr r 825 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (May D) cloth ctr h 94 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Thorn Wm (Eva) r 410 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Thorne Francis B (Ruth A) chemical eng h 73 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

John W (Myrtle E) correspondent EK Co h 47 Ganado rd (Roch)<br />

Richd W (Margt) market gardnr 3332 StPaul blvd (Roch) h 3376 do<br />

Wm S slsmn r 3376 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Thornton Jas studt r 57 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Lynn (Janette) polisher h 57 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Thorpe Gladys W elk r 30 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Oscar C (Winifred) elk h 30 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond W (Marie O) prntr h 40 Marian (Sea Breeze)<br />

Thran Adam h 844 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Henry (Evelyn L) K Pk h 1601 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Thrasher Chas E (Margt S) K Pk h 128 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Thro Mamie A Mrs r 333 Glen Haven rd (Roch)<br />

-Wendell J millwright h 1038 Bay Front S<br />

Thron Peter D (Ida M) h 227 Woodside pi (Roch)<br />

Thronson Silas M (Lucille B) prof h 33 Park View ter (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Thurley Clarence C (Irene B) farmer h 1006 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dallas E (Phyllis B) farmer h 1024 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Irene B Mrs beauty shop 1006 Titus av r do (Roch)<br />

Thurston Erwin E (Helene M) steam specialties 109 N Water h 48 Bilt<br />

more dr (Roch)<br />

Helene M Mrs sanitary disposal service 48 Biltmore dr r do (Roch)<br />

Raymond A (Nellie E) pntr h 5121 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Tice Chas B (Hazel M) sta eng h 72 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Harold W auto mech h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Tickner Gordon W (Theresa D) buffer h 110 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Tiefel Wm R (Hazel) slsmn h 77 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Tierney Catherine H elk summer res 28 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Myles J (Eliz G) cable splicer h 102 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Peter J (Jessie) drftsmn h 153 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Philip H, K Pk summer res 28 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Philip W (Caterine S) experimental eng summer res 28 Madison ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Richd (Sally) investigator h 161 Brett rd<br />

Tietze Raymond H (Cora E) buffer h 227 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Tiffany Harry (Erma) gas sta h 46 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Tilling Ernest A (Jane F) slsmn h 291 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Jean A sten r 291 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Tillman Clara P Mrs tchr <strong>Monroe</strong> High sch r 64 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd D (Effie L) r 64 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk A (Clara P) petroleum broker h 64 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Tillotson Duane D (Frances M) auto mech h 157 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Emma C wid Frank r 300 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Tilton Jas A (Helen G) formn h 68 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Timmerman Chas A (Maude) maintenance mn h 578 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

--Chas H (Thelma) buffer r 578 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Mildred A) treas Bastian Bros h 44 Suburba av (Roch)<br />

Tindal Allan J (Lucile) projectionist summer res 56 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Tinney Benj (Mollie C) gardnr r 859 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Caroline J entertainer r 1235 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Oran F (Ida A) mach opr h 1235 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Tischler Frank jan Abraham Lincoln sch h 1500 Norton (Roch)<br />

',<br />

Frank G (Rena I) carrier PO h 423 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Tishkoff Jos (Ethel) film opr h 2360 Clinton av N (Roch)<br />

Titus Chas P (Stella S) collr h 5037 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Dell Garden Co (C Edwd Graffrath) market gardnrs 441 Titus av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Emma wid Geo B h 411 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Frank C (Monica M) h 472 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Flora A) h 1880 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

L Leone tchr r 411 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Louise G wid Adelbert died Mar 2, 1939<br />

Ruth M Mrs r 367 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Seymour G slsmn h 367 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wm S mgr h 1719 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Toates Avery R (Ida C) asst dept mgr h 115 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Tobin Harold G (Minnie B) tool and die mkr h 306 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Todd Amy L h 42 Tone ter<br />

Edgar S (Amy L) died March 11, 1939<br />

Edith R summer res 42 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Tollin Frances B Mrs h 30 Longcroft rd (Roch)<br />

Tomaschke Arthur (Katherine) elk h 90 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Tomczak Jos M jr (Anna I) milkmn h 1026 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Tomkinson Hazel I tchr h 181 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Tompkins Bernard (Mabel A) carrier PO h 109 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Tooker Marietta wid Sidney r 103 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Toole Monica tchr Greece Central sch No 1 r 103 Gorsline Roch<br />

Tornow Carl J (Eliz H) (Birds and Worms Hotel) 694 Seneca rd h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Otto h 686 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Torpey Eugene (Harriett) service mn h 92 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Torrens Georgiana G wid David J r 33 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Millicent H tchr Durand Eastman sch r 33 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Robt G (Millicent H) tchr h 33 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Torrey Chas studt r 760 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Edwin studt r 760 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Harry S (A Laura) jeweler h 760 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Wm G elk r 106 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Torri Thos (Frances) shoes h 181 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Torsleff Sterling B (Germaine F) instrument technician K Pk h 124<br />

Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Tosch Fred P (Florence) contr 2510 StPaul blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Town Hall 1392 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Towne Jos elk r 24 Couchman av (Roch)<br />

Towner Fraser B (Carrie E) sporting goods h 168 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Townsend Harold E (Dorothy G) eng h 2436 Culver rd (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Trabold Lawrence E (Helen A) chauf h 149 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Tracy John h 61 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Josephine A photo fnshr r 61 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Trappman Herman B (Hertha B) jeweler 4324 Culver rd (Pt Plst) h 56<br />

Durand blvd (do)<br />

Traube Louis lab r 411 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Maude wid Louis tailoress h 411 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Traugott Ralph (Clara) lab h 636 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Trautmann Edgar E studt r 29 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Otto E (Philomena) mech eng h 29 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Travigno Jas (Annie) lab h 185 Taft av (Roch)<br />

John (Angelina) lab h 185 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Travis Elmer G (Marjorie) r 4000 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Elsie I packer r 4000 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Leon R (Dorothy F) elk h 40 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Helen M) wood fnshr h 137 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm H (Minnie M) wood wkr h 4000 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Treadway J Quentin (E Eliz) sales eng h 826 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Treat Jesse A rem to Webster, Mass<br />

Lloyd D insp r 65 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Parker E (Gertrude M) supt h 65 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Trenkler Edwd J (Mary M) plmbr 4633 Culver rd h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

F Jos (Rosemary S) roofer 68 Iroquois (Sea Breeze) h do<br />

Tretiak Mary Mrs restr wkr h 309 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Tribunella Frank J barber 297 Culver pkwy (Roch) r 607 Portland av<br />

(do)<br />

Trimble Clarence W (Mabel) K Pk h 77 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Edwd C studt r 343 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Edwd Maurice (Jeanette H) treas Wamblu Corp 1378 Ridge rd E h 343<br />

Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Elmer G (Marion R) paper ctr h 12 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Suzanne H married Fank W Lovejoy rem to Brighton<br />

Thos H rem to Niagara Falls<br />

Tripp Ralph (Mabel) ins h 242 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Susie Mrs housekpr 916 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Troiano Luigi (Eliz) slsmn h 147 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Tross Fred C (Gertrude E) projectionist h 317 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Parker L r 317 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Shirley Mae mus tchr 317 Zuber rd r do (Pt Plst)<br />

Trost Harold (Edna) K Pk h 72 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Trowbridge May Mrs r 22 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Minerva, EK Co h 22 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Muriel A dental hygienist 4161 Culver rd (Pt Plst) r 369 Alexander<br />

Roch<br />

Trox Richd (Beda) mach r 256 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Troy Leo W (Erma A) elk h 196 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Truesdell Wm B (Laura M) h 274 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Trumeter Robt J prntr r 2409 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Trybulski Stanley (Sophie) whol produce h 122 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Tryon Martin E (Jean B) carp h 7 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Tschiderer Aug (Center Service Garage) 2411 Culver rd (Roch) r 244<br />

Akron, Roch<br />

Frank J (Mary E) optical wkr h 251 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Tschume Geo G (Dorothy F) correspondent h 74 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Tubbs Justin R (Viola M) leather wkr h 2272 Norton (Roch)<br />

Tuck Gladys M Mrs tchr Hosea Rogers sch r 755 Lake av Roch<br />

Tucker Chas A (Catherine) farmer h 889 Ridge rd E<br />

Tuhrman Edith L sec r 15 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Tune E Emmett (Elsie E) tel eng h 1691 Winton rd N (RD 5 Roch)<br />

J Emmett chemical eng r 1691 Winton rd N (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Tungate Auzza S (Mary C) h 441 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Tuohey Paul A (Mildred H) mgr h 253 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Turgon Foster D (Eva S) supvr h 321 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Turley J Ralph (Augusta R) civ eng h 231 Park rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Turner Chas F (Edna E) electn h 81 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Clifton A chiropractor summer res 41 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Ella F Mrs r 405 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Emma wid Francis r 294 Cascade pi (Roch)<br />

Geo T (Alice I) chiropractor summer res 41 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

Harold T (Marie C) elk PO h 757 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Henry H h 96 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Jas A (Alice A) dist mgr h 2940 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Jas J lab h 405 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Julius P (Bessie) ins h 385 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Lyman H (Ardelle J) drftsmn h 224 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Rowland L (Nellie) mach opr h 439 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Turney Bert L (Alice M) ins agt h 81 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Margt E sten r 81 Smyles pi (Roch)<br />

Norman J chauf r 81 Smyles pi (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Nine Conveniently Located Bank Offices<br />

Tuscher Chas W studt r 2473 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Geo C (Elma P) shtmtlwkr h 2473 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Geo H carp r 2473 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Tuthill R Marsden (Kathryn J) atty (Roch) h 155 Huntington Hills<br />

(Roch)<br />

Tuttle Earl M (Grace E) pres h 41 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert D (Lillian R) dentist h 101 Culver ,pkwy (Roch)<br />

Marguerite maid 230 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Twitchell Betty B elk r 99 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Donald M (Margt E) K Pk h 158 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Tydings Rosanna married Bernard Seabry<br />

Tygert Franklin D (E Rosalie) ins eng h 3882 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Tyler Chas E packer r 438 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Howard studt r 2689 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Iona L Mrs h 438 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Wm G mgr r 438 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Tytler Geo A (Florence) boiler mkr h 77 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

John E (Catherine R) chauf h 401 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

:<br />

Ubbink Henry (Hattie) jan Durand Eastman sch h 188 Avenue C (Pt<br />

Plst)<br />

Uehlin Edwd W (Emma L) mech dentist h 86 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Marion I dental hygienist r 86 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Uhl Helene F r 38 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Wm (Frieda) eng h 38 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Ukolowicz Christine r 150 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Ulmer Fred (Sophie) trucking h 94 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Umbehaun Franklin L slsmn r 498 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

LeRoy T (Lulu) (Durand Service Station) 4255 Culver rd h 498<br />

Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Underwood Lawrence N (Stella R) chauf h 2683 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Unique Club, Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

United States Coast Guard Station, end StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Marine Barracks, Company C, end of StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Unterborn Donald L r 491 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

F Geraldine r 491 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Louis J (Florence E) mach h 491 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Norman (Anna) drftsmn h 392 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm H electn EK Co r 491 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Upton Cold Storage Co Inc The<br />

Herbert B Cash pres-gen mgr 38 Cliff Rochester tel Main 1494<br />

page 32 Buyers' Guide<br />

Nelson tchr Laurelton sch (Roch) h 606 Melville Roch<br />

Urbanik Alphonse (Helen) chinper h 229 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Urlacher Frances r 423 Bouekhart av (Roch)<br />

Urquhart Geo A (Margt) buffer h 141 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Uslar Anna B wid Ludolph J h 1 Fawn (Sea Breeze)<br />

Usselman Clarence J (Irene C) h 154 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

See<br />

Uthe Geo E (Kate) music and dancing tchr 59 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

h do<br />

Otto H appr r 59 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Uttrup Paul F (Mayme E) maintenance mn h 414 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Utz Henry G (Catherine) baker h 155 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Henry P (Mae R) slsmn h 248 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Otto cabtmkr r 155 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Vahl Carl (Augusta) carp h 54 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Vail John H (Helen S) rep h Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Proctor (Clara M) mgr (Vail Mercantile Co) h 94 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Vaisey Saml B (Paula) h 100 Park View ter (Roch)<br />

Saml J (Ruth A) engvr h 21 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Valastro Anthony (Angelina) barber h 25 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Valente Thos h 2 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Valentine Frank J (Mildred E) R Tel Corp h 192 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

VanAllen Fredk V, K Pk h 13 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

VanAlmkerk John (Anna G) h 998 Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Kate Mrs r 136 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

VanAmersfort Wenzel K (Emmy) elec contr rear 617 Titus av h 617 do<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

VanArnam Clayton A box wkr r 474 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Fred C (Mary E) slsmn h 474 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Vanas Katherine wid Leonard h 47 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

VanAuken Bert (Margt) pntr h 4388 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

C Howard plmbr r 4388 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Helen M shoe wkr r 4388 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Margt Mrs post mistress Sea Breeze PO r 4410 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

VanBork Geo H (Bertha L) slsmn h 63 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

VanBortle Abr (Jennie M) restr h 102 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Jess mldr r 102 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Virgue A lab r 102 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

VanCampen John H (Emily) EK Co h 65 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

VanDenBergh Norman H (Mary L) slsmn h 37 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

VanDeputte Wm (Clara) truckmn 87 Montclair dr (Roch) h do<br />

Vanderbilt Earl J (Mary E) mixer K Pk h 156 White Sea Breeze<br />

Vanderlee Jos (Martha) chauf h 26 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Peter baker r 26 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Vanderlike Peter (Violet L) gelatin mkr K Pk h 78 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

VanderSchaaff Bertis J (Helen A) prin Reuben A Dake sch h 303 Somer<br />

shire dr (Roch)<br />

VanderSlouw Gordon P (Lois R) K Pk h 5 Vayo (Roch)<br />

VanDerveire Theophile (Helen) carp h 992 Carter (Roch)<br />

Vanderweyde Phillibert M (Charlotte) mason h 451 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Vanderzell Neil (Dina S) shtmtlwkr h 904 Whitlock rd (Roch)<br />

VanDeVoorde Leo (Maria) brewery wkr h 1722 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Raymond (Margt M) Kodak pk h 1097 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

VanDeWalle Wm R r 1742 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

VanDongen Henry (Eunice E) assembler h 89 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

VanDurme Aug C elk r 431 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Ivo (Mary M) gardnr 441 Titus av h 431 do (Roch)<br />

VanDuser Clifford D (Victoria) carp h 449 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Doris A maid r 449 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Norman T elk 653 Titus av r 449 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

VanDussen Dean C (Martha S) contr 141 Wildmere rd h do (Roch)<br />

Dean J studt r 141 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

VanEpps Walter L (Dorothy L) mech eng h 103 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

VanEss Robt (Florence) RG&E h 251 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

VanGraafeiland Morris H (Sophie) asst office mgr h 112 Parkside cres<br />

(Roch)<br />

VanHatten John (Anna C) K Pk h 153 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

VanHee Arthur R (Mabel E) carp h 110 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy M r 110 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Esther R, Kodak pk r 110 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Gerald E r 110 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

VanHorn Allison M (F Gail) school director 1392 Ridge rd E (Roch) h<br />

4461 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

David D studt r 4461 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Mary sten r 77 Orland rd<br />

Richd C (Arline M) lathe opr h 51 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Winfield S (Eunice M) elec eng h 4469 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

VanHouten Melvin J (Ruth) elk h 30 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

VanHuben Raymond J (Hattie H) camera wkr h 242 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

VanHull Fred P box mkr r 1237 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Geo (Mathilda) farmer h 1237 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Margt M optical wkr r 1237 Ridge id E (Roch)<br />

Peter G box wkr r 1237 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Van Hyfte Peter A (Rose M) farmer h 2662 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

VanKamperdyke Elmer P (Eliz H) electn h 31 Harrison ter (Roch)<br />

VanKuyck John (Christina) market gardnr 1901 Portland av h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Peter J (Cora) gardnr h 1975 Portland av (Roch)<br />

VanLandschoot Albert P hlpr r 687 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Richd (Louise M) mason h 687 Titus av (Roch)<br />

VanLone Harlan C (Lorretta M) gas sta h 287 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

VanNiel Henry (Dorothy L) service eng h 51 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

VanSchoonacker Margt studt r 2008 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Mary L optical wkr r 2008 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Philip (Emerence) market gardnr 2008 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Vanselow Waldemar (Goldie F) chemist h 84 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

VanSypveld Emile r 153 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

VanTas Benj L (Mary T) market gardnr 1886 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

VanTassell Mae wid John r 37 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

VanTweel Johanna Mrs h 822 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Richd (Eleanor) carp r 822 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

VanVartloh Frank (Emma) carp h 739 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

Henry (Johanna) mason h 115 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth r 739 Eaton rd (Roch)<br />

VanVeen Frank (Susanna C) prntr h 430 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

John r 430 Helendale rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

VanVoorhis Chas (May) lawyer h rear 490 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

Eug (Alice S) lawyer h 591 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

John (Linda G) justice Supreme Court h 714 Rock Beach (Roch)<br />

VanWaes Donat (Marie) lab h 1304 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Gilbert (Mary) hlpr h 1900 Portland av (Roch)<br />

VanWayenberghe Edmond (Mary A) cabtmkr h 115 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

VanWicklin Edwd R (Frances S) shtmtlwkr h 81 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

VanWie Arthur I (Florence E) chemist K Pk h 3653 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

VanWuyckhuyse John (Lillian R) laster h 22 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

VanWyckhouse Minnie r 81 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Norman (Margt) acct h 81 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

VanZandt Dorothy L studt r 3100 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Irving J (Etta G N) coml artist summer res 62 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Lillian wid Raymond P h 3100 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond P (Lillian) died Feb 17, 1939<br />

Vasilatos Vangelis confr 4665 Culver rd h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Vaughn Thos L (Margt A) photo engvr h 68 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Vayo Chas H (Helen C) gen traffic mgr h 96 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Jane C studt r 96 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Veal T Gentry (Helen M) EK Co h 37 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Vedder Naomi R nurse r 373 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Veglinski Louis (Nellie) firemn h 1798 Goodman N (Roch)<br />

Veil Michl (Lucy) butcher h 436 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Veith Albert H mldr r 181 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Emma wid Frank F h 181 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Harry F (Jennie M) molder r 7 Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred R tchr r 153 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Otto E (Lena Y) molder h 285 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Otelia) molder h 153 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Velepec Rudolph J (Eliz S) metal specialties h 117 Harvington dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Vella Jos R (Angelina) asst formn h 570 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Saml (Mary J) lab h 32 Clark av (Roch)<br />

Velotte Anne tchr Durand-Eastman sch h 229 Dartmouth (Roch)<br />

Veneroni Antoinette r 44 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Philip (Laura S) hlpr h 44 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

VenNeel Arthur (Helen) steam shovel opr h 13 Abington rd (Roch)<br />

Verblaw Jacob (Catherine) mgr h 213 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Vercruysse Achille F (Cornelia) market gardnr 2115 Portland av h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Alphonse J lab r 908 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Amedues (Matilda L) gardnr 940 Ridge rd E h 908 do (Roch)<br />

^Chas gardnr r 1300 Stanton lane (Roch)<br />

Cyriel (Sarah) gardnr h 2235 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Emil (Roseanna F) market gardnr 1887 Hudson av h do (Roch)<br />

Leo market gardnr 1300 Stanton lane h do (Roch)<br />

Prudence (Mrs Leo) died Feb 1939<br />

Vermeire Alphonse (Emma R) gardnr h 2091 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Camiel T (Mary L) lab h 1716 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Verpoest Loretta wid Paul h 2625 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Versprille Leonard (Dolores) h 200 Dake av (Roch)<br />

VerStraete Oscar C (Genevieve T) gardnr 441 Titus av h 421 do (Roch)<br />

VerStreate Lewis J (Eleanor M) firemn h 1524 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Verwulst Leonard F (Mary L) auto mech h 103 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Vetter Aug G (Daisy) died Apr 5, 1939<br />

Clara M wid Wm C r 362 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd L garage r 362 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J (Emily K) clothing designer h 19 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Henry G farmer r 362 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

June E tchr r 19 Lanvale (Roch)<br />

Wilhelmina H h 362 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Wm H studt r 362 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Vick Clark H (Jessie B) grocer h 82 Cedarwood rd (Roch)<br />

Edgar H (Florence M) carrier PO h 301 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Henry W r 1640 Stone rd (RD 6 Roch)<br />

Vickers Jack O elk r 79 Ridgewood dr (Roch)<br />

Viele Albert J (Elsa B) toolmkr h 75 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Lambert A (Lucy A) slsmn h 2364 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Villnow Elmer E (Geraldine M) display artist h 108 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Villone Julia Mrs h 215 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Vinci Jas (Josephine) tailor h 396 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Vinton Chas H hlpr r 22 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Margt A) chief eng summer res 31 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Jos E (Mabel E) (Ridge-Culver Hardware) 2058 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

and contr 22 Walzer rd h do (Roch)<br />

Thelma E sten r 22 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Vitale Philip (Margt) h 16 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Vittum Paul W (Eliz K) chemist h 122 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Vleck Anna forwmn r 37 Brad (Sea Breeze)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Voelker Henry (Amelia R) coml artist h 48 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Ruth C camera wkr EK Co r 48 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Voellinger Agnes I r 755 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

C Wendelyn (Olive D) carp h 845 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Dorothy M biller r 759 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Ferdinand (Dorothy W) mason h 759 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Kenneth E (Ruth L) mason h 55 Ganado rd (Roch)<br />

Vogel Emil J (Veronica G) interior woodwork h 215 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Vogler Gerald J (Mary E) K Pk h 304 Oak Lawn dr (Roch)<br />

Vogt Carl J meats 157 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst) r 945 Atlantic av Roch<br />

Clarence W (Marie B) dry goods h 3191 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Voigt Irene M wid Edwd A r 83 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Volk Jack elk r 22 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Louis slsmn r 22 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Sidney h 22 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F (May F) mach h 39 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Vollinger Wm (Veronica M) gardnr h 4537 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Vollmar Jacob (Louise) tchr music 295 Pine Grove av h do (Roch)<br />

Volz Mildred sten r 135 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

VonDedeben Fredk H (Theresa F) supt h 786 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Voorhees A Reid (Mary L) slsmn h 59 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Vormeng Wm H (Anna A) toolmkr h 200 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Vorndran Theresa wid Wm A h 205 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Vosburgh Harold E (Agnes F) custodian Hosea Rogers sch h 81 Chimayo<br />

rd (Roch)<br />

Harry J chauf r 81 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Voskian Zadig H (Gladys) slsmn h 122 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Vosseler Dorothy E insp r 601 Weschester av (Roch)<br />

Frederica wid John r 601 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Vragel Henry W (Julia F) gas sta h 190 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Viola M, K Pk r 67 Peart av (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Anna L) patrolman 1388 Ridge rd E h 67 Peart av (Roch)<br />

WCTU Hall 650 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Waasdorp Gordon L (Margt L) K Pk r 189 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Leonard A (Jessie M) archt h 189 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Wabnitz Geo H (Clara N) pres h 181 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Wacinski Catherine elk r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Francis optical wkr r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Fred (Stella) wood wkr h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

-Irene r Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Wackerle Arline F r 3275 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wadecki Bronislaw (Rose) h 1139 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

--Carl mach r 1139 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Florence, K Pk r 1139 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Henry J mach r 1139 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

John r 1139 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Martha rem to Rochester<br />

Wage Florence V rem to Webster<br />

Franklin (Emma J) rem to Webster<br />

Wagenhals Ernst (Emma) mach opr h 1233 Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Wagenhauser Ehgelbert E jeweler r 88 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Mary) died Oct 17, 1938<br />

Mary wid Frank h 88 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Wager Louise mgr Cafeteria Seneca sch r 37 Miles av Fairnort<br />

Martha Mrs r 303 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Waggenhouse Otto C (Anna L) r 53 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Wagner A G, K Pk h 281 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Ada Mrs r 1026 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Adam (Eliz) r 370 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Anna Mrs summer res 41 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

Dolores wid Willoughby N r 64 Chelsea rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd J (Minnie L) formn h 49 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Eldred H (Dorothea C) carp 3365 Culver rd h do (Roch)<br />

Eleanor M wid John P r 501 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Eliz E, K Pk r 3051 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Elmer F (Marie B) box mkr h 200 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Genevieve V r 1026 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Geo J slsmn h 3051 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gladys R r 1026 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Hannah Mrs gro 4261 Culver rd h do (Pt Plst)<br />

Harry A (Doris S) tchr Irond High sch h 379 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert J (Margt A) slsmn RG&E Corp h 784 Melville (Roch)<br />

Ida H elk r 139 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

John R (Nellie B) carp h 79 Gilbert dr (Roch)<br />

Lawrence J (Loreta M) real est broker r 4261 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Leo J (Marie T) hardware 4259 Culver rd h do (Pt Plst)<br />

Minnie wid Chas J h 139 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Paul (Bernice L) stmftr h 219 Zuber rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Richd H (Eleanor R) chemist h 53 Paxton rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

F. P. VAN HOESEN CO., INC.<br />

Paints-Varnishes Painters '<br />

Supplies-Wall Paper<br />


Wagner<br />

Sadie E wid John B r 3051 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Stanley (Vera) restr 4900 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) h Ridge rd W<br />

(Parma)<br />

Victor (Cecile) mus dir h 3174 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Violet checker r 3954 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wagon Wheel The (Mrs Filomine Lackiusa) restr 4818 Culver rd (Sea<br />

Breeze)<br />

Wagorn Chas E (Donelda M) EK Co h 3405 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wahl Bernard studt r 2454 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd J (Mildred E) chief elk h 72 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Florence A elk r 59 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo F mech eng r 2454 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Jean M studt r 2454 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Regina wid Adolph h 2454 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Richd litho r 2454 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wm P mach opr r 2454 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Waite Geo W (Sue) slsmn h 454 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Grace A sec EK Co r 454 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Wakefield Irene optical wkr r 14 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Lee E (Mildred A) slsmn 65 Stutson cor Thomas av (Roch) h 51 In<br />

dian Trail av (Pt Plst)<br />

Waldow J Robt (Hazel T) whol fish distr h 337 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Waldron Anna wid John r 404 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Waliszewski Chester S (Josephine) B&LO Co h 237 Pardee rd (Roch)<br />

Walizer Theresa S Mrs candy mkr h 70 Alice (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walker Alex (Clara L) phys 1255 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Alex jr, studt r 1255 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Alice studt r 33 Barry rd (Roch)<br />

Almas H (Ruth) elk h 86 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Curtis K (Eva E) chauf h 566 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Cyril (Kathleen M) EK Co h 378 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

David T (Marion A) maintenance mn h 54 Dewey av (Roch)<br />

Ernest J (Ruth E) tchr (Roch) h 443 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Geo W (Sarah C) field asst h 91 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Howard E (Cora E) tile setter h 1138 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wall John S (Flora E) K Pk h 201 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Norman C studt r 201 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Wallace Claude L tchr h 29 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Jess M (E Pauline) tchr h 105 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Peter (Margt) tailor h 4948 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Romaine E (Mabel) custodian r 29 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Wm M (Isabel S) elec eng h 138 Wisner rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Wallenbeck Edgar H (Anita B) gardnr h 460 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Walling Willard C (Ruth W) litho h 100 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Wallington Chas H (Marguerite) slsmn h 20 Dumont (Roch)<br />

G Grantley (Dorothy M) copy writer r 20 Dumont (Roch)<br />

Wallis Cyril T (Nellie F) elec eng h 110 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Vivian M r 110 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Wallock Alphonse E (Helen L) supvr h 232 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Walrath Edwd J (Florence V) slsmn h 130 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Walsh Clifford C (Susan M) jwlr h 190 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Estella L housekpr r 13 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Walter Robt C hlpr K Pk r 51 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wesley W (Beatrice) grower 2026 Hudson av (Roch) h 125 Sanford<br />

Roch<br />

Wm L (Florence M) lens grinder h 51 Woodman (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walters Anna K wid Jacob B r 864 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Arthur F (Mabel E) h 71 Oberlin (Sea Breeze)<br />

Elmer J tool mn r 421 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Jos M (Minnie E) bus agt h 421 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Waltuck Harry (Zella) gro h 81 Schofield rd (Roch)<br />

Walz Jos C (Catherine R) cabt mkr h 149 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Walzer Chas H (Mary E) pntr h 127 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Donald J mach r 3327 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy E nurse r 1371 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

E Isabelle studt nurse r 1371 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Edwd (Charlotte G) florist h 2011 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Eugene E (Ethel L) market gardnr 1371 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Everett J (Rose E) dec 119 Lake Front h do (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Wslzcir<br />

Florence R wid Claude r 63 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Grace E studt nurse r 119 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Harold R r 2011 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Harvey (Eliz M) elk h 2009 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Howard E gardnr r 1371 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Josephine wid Chas H r 1672 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Norris J (Minnie M) market gardnr 2012 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Percy A (Ina B) mldr h 97 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Thelma A married Elmer Veltz rem to Greece<br />

Winfield (Marguerite) core mkr h 3327 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wambach Andrew J (Helen M) bridge constr h 344 Stutson nr StPaul<br />

blvd (Roch3<br />

Edwin O (Jean) supt h 250 Densmore rd (Roch)<br />

Eugene F (Eliz J) pres and gen mgr Wamblu Corp 1378 Ridge rd E<br />

h 59 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Everett G (Marion L) farmer r 2590 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo A (Mary T) clothing ctr h 4951 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Geo A (Clara E) farmer h 2590 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Margt C r 2590 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Matthew M r 3645 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wamblu Corp inc NY '26 Eug F Wambach pres Emil M Blutan v-pres<br />

Mrs Edna L Klein sec E Maurice Trimble treas paint and varnish<br />

mfrs and traffic guides 1378 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Wandersee Wm C (Dorothy M) bkbndr h 143 Aragon av (Pt Plst)<br />

Wandtke Andrew (Emma K) K Pk r 33 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Oscar E (Anna K) box mkr h 120 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Wangerin Elmer O (Ruby G) elec eng h 15 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Wangman Adele L elk r 2143 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Theresa F wid Chas J h 2143 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wannemacher Fredk J (Eliz C) baker h 24 Longcroft rd (Roch)<br />

Wantke Chas farmhand r 2134 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Edwd r 2134 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Emma wid Leo h 2134 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Helen packer r 2134 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Leo r 2134 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Ward Arthur B (Madeline) express messenger h 40 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Arthur B jr (Hazel) pipe coverer r 40 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Clinton J (Maud E) tailor h 103 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Frank (Marguerite) h 372 Schofield rd (Roch)<br />

John C (Anna J) bkpr h 514 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

John J (Pauline D) (Hotel Eggleston) h 3611 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Marie C r 372 Schofield rd (Roch)<br />

Robt r 372 Schofield rd (Roch)<br />

Sarah J wid Winton r 100 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Warmington Arnold J (Mae) auto mech r 302 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Chas L (Emma) meat ctr h 57 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Ethel wid Geo r 57 Owaissa dr (Roch)<br />

Warner Anton A (Julia A) buffer h 20 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Frank (Irene A) mach h 23 Orland rd (Roch)<br />

Geo C (Maria) atndt h 2265 Norton (Roch)<br />

Henry S (Olive P) gas sta h 2275 Norton (Roch)<br />

Karl D (Jane G) production mgr EK Co h 48 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Madola tchr Laurelton School (Roch) h 463 Pearl Roch<br />

Wm H sta eng sum res 140 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Warney Chas (Susan E) chauf h 4538 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Warren Almond J (Ora May) produce h 121 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Edwin G (Mildred H) mach planner h 568 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Frank (Helen) bus opr h 112 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Irma V Mrs r 155 Pemberton rd (Roch)<br />

J H Co (John, John H and Jas H Warren) florists 568 Ridge rd E<br />

(Roch)<br />

Jas H (Elsie I) (J H Warren Co) 568 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

John (J H Warren Co) 568 Ridge rd E r do (Roch)<br />

John H (J H Warren Co) 568 Ridge rd E r do (Roch)<br />

Kenneth S (Laura H) dist mgr NY State Motor Trucking Assn r 2305<br />

Portland av (Roch)<br />

Robt chauf r 112 Walnut pk (Roch)<br />

Wm (Helen C) coml artist h 279 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Warters Alice C, K Pk r 153 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Helen E elk r 153 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Helena wid Fredk D h 153 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Sarah A r 153 Lake Bluff dr (Sea Breeze)<br />

Warth John S (Veronica F) formn h 132 Hermitage rd (Roch)<br />

Warzo Mary maid 214 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Waser Jas D (Caroline) slsmn h 479 Tarrington rd (Roch)<br />

Wasylishyn Anna G sten r 314 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Jos optical wkr r 314 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Michl (Catherine) grinder B&LO Co h 314 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Michl jr rem to Roch

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Wasylishyn<br />

Pauline r 314 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Rose M studt r 314 Taft av (Roch)<br />

Waters Vette C wid Gilbert C r 62 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Waterstraat Albert H (Gertrude C) h 3446 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Watkins John B (Catherine M) slsmn h 28 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

John B jr (Wilma) K Pk h 63 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Ralph H (Helen F) slsmn h 124 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Thos D (Margt E) slsmn h 216 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Troy M (Virginia) barber 153 Pt Pleasant rd h 38 Ewer av (Pt Plst)<br />

Watson Earl E (Laura I) hlpr h 354 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Elliott M (Grace M) stm ftr h 246 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

John W rem to Roch<br />

Mary E wid Wm r 2280 Norton (Roch)<br />

Raymond L (Leona E) lab h 23 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Robt W studt r 354 Bleacker rd (Roch)<br />

Thos H (Marion R) elk h 73 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Wattell Carl F (Margt A) slsmn h 230 Schofield rd (Roch)<br />

Watts Edwd E (Myrtle M) sta eng h 2689 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Gladys dom r 581 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

John H (Rosa) market gardnr h 581 Kings highway (Roch)<br />

Stanley J (Leona M) rem to Roch<br />

Waugh John R bkpr sum res 55 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Percy A (Bessie L) optical wkr sum res 55 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Roger O chemical eng (Baltimore Maryland) sum res 55 Madison ter<br />

(Roch)<br />

Virgil T (Vera M) plmbr h 117 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Wauters Geo D (Esther M) plmbr h 24 Heberton rd (Roch)<br />

Way Howard A (Marion V) EK Co r 1917 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Weaver Ann L studt r 40 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Dean L (Elsie E) housemn h 25 Wahl rd (Roch)<br />

Evan H (June E) lens polisher h 1356 Portland av (Roch)<br />

-Karl S (Mary L) research eng h 11 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Louis A (Mildred P) tool mkr h 128 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Peter (Emma M) contr 40 Dake av h do (Roch)<br />

Peter J (Margery E) stmftr h 524 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Richd (Gertrude) gardnr h 452 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Walter F (Florence H) chauf h 54 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm auto mech 418 Empire blvd (Roch) r at Williamson<br />

Webb Harry r 122 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Philip J (Marion E) slsmn h 405 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Ray W (Mary J) elk h 122 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Webber Eva Mrs tailoress r 285 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Howard C (Edna E) prntr h 593 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Weber Albert mach r 299 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest C (Theresa) assembler B&LO Co h 37 Onondaga rd (Roch)<br />

John r 39 Tindale dr (Roch)<br />

Leonard G (Emily W) master mech h 39 Tindale dr (Roch)<br />

Maud G wid Albert J r 2022 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Rudolph J (Lucie M) S M Flickinger Co h 84 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth M elk r 37 Onondaga rd (Roch)<br />

Thelma L elk r 37 Onondaga rd (Roch)<br />

Val P (Amelia B) boat livery and restr 4828 Culver rd h 270 Ironde<br />

quoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Webster Adella M wid Gordon housekpr 2095 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Dorothy M wid R Merrill h 107 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Wedow Raymond G (Ruth M) K Pk h 30 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Weegar Jas E (Mamie M) mgr h 90 Vayo (Roch)<br />

Weekes Llewellyn K (Helen M) prntr h 29 Warrenton (Roch)<br />

Weeks Geo A (Gertrude H) civil eng h 36 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Rhoda J, EK Co r 36 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Wegman Anne F wid Walter E h 4316 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Bernard G (Irene C) maintenance mgr h 77 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Cecelia R studt r 4316 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Edwd E (Ida M) investigator h 872 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Edwd J singer r 872 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Frank R (Margt D) mgr h 3455 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Gordon E (Blanche) teller h 24 Beach ter (Roch)<br />

Magdalen M wid Harry h rear 103 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Marion M sten r rear 103 Lake Bluff rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Robt B studt r 4316 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Walter B studt r 77 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Wegner Henry (Margt) K Pk h 17 Anchor ter (Roch)<br />

Wehbring Chas F (Laura) slsmn h 2484 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wehrle Gottfried r 332 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Gustave C (Alvena B) slsmn h 332 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Wehrung Salome wid Jos h 2409 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Weible Wm died Nov 23, 1938<br />

Weichbrodt Delmar W (Mildred E) mason h 202 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd H (Netta) millwright h 85 Peart av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Weichman Harold J optical wkr r 4 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Jos J (Marguerite O) r 183 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Xavier (Frances) optical wkr h 4 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Weidel Avis M belt wkr r 76 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Robt A studt r 76 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm A (Beatrice M) elk h 76 Pleasant way (Pt Plst)<br />

Weidenborner Chas J (Sea Breeze Billiard Academy) 4659 Culver rd h<br />

124 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Chas J jr, (Eleanor C) gas sta 4577 Culver rd h 124 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Chas L (Felicia S) atndt h 4106 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Edwd A (Thelma M) atndt r 103 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Kenneth E state police r 4106 Culver rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Rose insp r 40 Long Acre rd (Roch)<br />

Weidenkofer John R (Louise M) estimator h 68 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Weidman Clarence C (Winifred A) shtmtlwkr h 69 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Weidner Chas (Freda) baker h 277 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Geo R (Helen B) tool mkr h 247 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Frank died Nov 12, 1938<br />

Weier Andrew J slsmn r 144 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Cecile C drsmkr r 144 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Harold H (Betty M) acct h 141 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Jos P optical wkr r 144 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Louise L wid Jos h 144 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Lucy M clothing ctr r 144 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Weigand David gas sta 2294 Hudson av (Roch) h 161 Cypress Roch<br />

Weiland Elmer (Edna M) acct h 258 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Weimer Albert P (Mabel E) carp h 117 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Eleanor L Mrs (Weimer and Baart) 4956 Culver rd h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Keith P battery wkr r 117 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Kenneth E, Delco r 117 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Leland J (Elsie E) electn h 157 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Louis L (Eleanor L) auto electn h 4956 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

and Baart (Mrs Eleaner L Weimer and Mrs Emma M Baart) hotel<br />

4956 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Weinberg Isaac (Molly) pntr h sum res h 134 George (Sea Breeze)<br />

Weinstein Irene Mrs h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Weir Jas S instr mkr r 183 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Minnie M (Mrs Jas) died Jan 6, 1939<br />

Weis Anna D wid Jos A r 451 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Raymond P (Josephine M) adv h 350 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Weisenborn Geo M (Marie T) auto mech h 502 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm H (Mildred K) shoe wkr r 64 Portland pkwy (Roch)<br />

Weisenburge Fred (Audrey N) garage (Fairport) r 144 Hurstbourne rd<br />

(Roch)<br />

Weiser Chas R (Gladys L) chauf h 24 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Dorothy T r 24 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Kenneth J (Marie H) rep h 67 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

M Jane shoe wkr r 24 Linden pk (Sea Breeze)<br />

Richd (Catherine) chauf h 112 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wm J lab r 112 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Weiss Fritz (Isabel) Delco h 44 Nile dr (Roch)<br />

Max D (Helen D) mgr h 94 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Weissenborn Ernest (Freda) instrument mgr h 27 Stranahan pk (Roch)<br />

Weitz Edwd E passenger service h 105 Schnackel dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Weitzel Emily Mrs r 153 Pleasant av (Pt Plst)<br />

Welch Anna D (Mrs David) died Jan 22, 1939<br />

David G clothing ctr r 108 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Gordon A (Ella P) prntr h 82 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Mary A wid Thos r 118 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Weldgen Nicholas J lawyer sum res 36 Delta ter (Roch)<br />

Welker Floyd G (Florence E) K Pk h 85 Curtice rd (Roch)<br />

Weller Burton W (Carrie B) pres Weller Motors Inc 65 Stutson cor<br />

Thomas av h 1016 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Harold E (Dorothy) auto mech Stutson cor Thomas av h 985 Thomas<br />

av (Roch)<br />

Howard B (Helen V) sec-treas Weller Motors Inc 65 Stutson cor'<br />

Thomas av h 997 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Motors Inc inc NY '37 Burton W Weller pres Wilfred H Weller v-pres<br />

Howard B Weller sec-treas auto dealers 65 Stutson cor Thomas av<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wilfred H (Burah) v-pres Weller Motors Inc 65 Stutson cor Thomas<br />

av h 101 Stutson (Roch)<br />

Welles Arthur T (Jane R) K Pk h 93 Thatcher rd (Roch)<br />

Edwin C (Gay H) bldr h 115 Medfield dr (Roch)<br />

Wells Chas E (Ada M) drftsmn and radio rpr 37 Peart av h do (Roch)<br />

Cyril L (Nellie) mach h 74 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Erwin J (Ruth F) mach h 70 Lake View av (Sea Breeze)<br />

Welsh Evelyn r 168 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Floyd J (Flora W) mach h 168 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jay A r 168 White (Sea Breeze )

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


Rochester's Largest Retail Institution<br />


Welsher Merrill A (Dorothy G) punch press opr h 53 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Welton Paul L (Hannah K) tchr h 161 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Weltzer Aloysius J (Cora H) grocery and market 605 Titus av h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Michl G (Anna A) meat ctr 605 Titus av (Roch) h 104 Rugby av Roch<br />

Welz Bertha wid Fred h 111 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Chas F maintenance mn r 111 Brower rd (Roch)<br />

Wemesfelder Katherine wid Philip J h 337 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Wemis Russell C (Anna O) electn 3900 Culver rd h do (Roch)<br />

Wendover Willis M (Loretta H) eggs 86 Curtice rd h do (Roch)<br />

Wenskus Jas J (Anna M) shoe mkr h 52 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Wentis Anthony plmbr r 54 Hoffman rd (Roch)<br />

Bernard studt r 54 Hoffman rd (Roch)<br />

Geo W r 54 Hoffman rd (Roch)<br />

Michl (Frances) tailor h 54 Hoffman rd (Roch)<br />

Wenzler Otto (Mary) tool mkr B&LO Co h 78 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Walter r 78 Hedgegarth dr (Roch)<br />

Werly Berlyn M (Grace S) elec eng h 214 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Werndle Arnold porter r Glen Haven rd (Roch)<br />

Werner Frank J (Mary C) h 8 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Ralph (Ruth L) h 137 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Wernimont Grant T (Ruth A) chemist h 62 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Werp Edwd G (Georgia M) h 273 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Jas Edwin musn r 273 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Werth C Wesley (Helen M) drftsmn K Pk h 170 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Lloyd L(Marvel E) mech eng h 9 Winchester rd (Roch)<br />

Werther Herman K (Margt) auto mech h 579 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wesline John J (Sylvia R) tailor h 20 Portland pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wesp Ira P (Hazel A) maintenance mn h 38 Indian Trail av (Pt Plst)<br />

West Chas C Coal Co 5 no<br />

inc NY, Mrs Grace D Ross pres E Reed Shutt v-pres Ruth E West sec<br />

Victor H Russell treas 281 N Union Rochester tel Culver 999See<br />

page 17 Buyers' Guide<br />

Chas H (Hazel T) service mgr h 21 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Eleanor J studt r 1889 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Geo H (Louise W) (James H West & Son) 1889 Portland av h 1873<br />

do (Roch)<br />

Jas H (Beatrice J) (Jas H West & Son) 1889 Portland av h do (Roch)<br />

James H & Son (James H and Geo H) market gardeners 1889 Portland<br />

av (Roch)<br />

Janet E laboratory technician r 1889 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Jean I elk r 1157 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Kathryn M sten r 1157 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Lester A (Sarah A) sta eng h 212 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Lottie E wid Chauncey h 1157 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Margt E married Gerard DeJohn<br />

Maude h 1853 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Ralph E (Marguerite V) warehousemn h 74 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Virginia A, EK Co r 1889 Portland av (Roch)<br />

W Howard (Helen) slsmn h 125 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Ward A gardnr r 1873 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Wilma L studt r 1873 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Westervelt Arthur B (Emma I) rem to Roch<br />

Westheuser Arthur R (Matilda M) formn h 87 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Weston Jos P (Ella L) phone technician h 59 Tottenham rd (RD 5 Roch)<br />

Roy H (Emily I) illumination eng h 120 Brockley rd (Roch)<br />

Westwater Waldo (Beatrice) chemist K Pk h Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Weygand Henry S (Florence M) woodwkr h 367 Bleacker rd (Roch) l '<br />

Weyh Edwd artist r 3015 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Weyl Geo C (Anna) slsmn h 3070 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ray J (Evelyn J) jwlr h 211 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

Weyraugh Harry A (Alice L) formn h 77 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Whalen Albert J (Esther Q) contr h 167 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Chas (Grace) h 97 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Donald E lab r 2311 Norton (Roch)<br />

Donald H stmftr K Pk r 97 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jas A r 2311 Norton (Roch)<br />

Louis A jr (Marie M) purchasing dept K Pk h 539 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Lucy A wid Jas J married Ernest Stone

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Whaley Arthur J (Esther F) supt of Highways, Kings Highway h 68<br />

Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Wharmby Alice F r 1400 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Gertrude E married Chas Zok rem to Roch<br />

Helen L elk r 1400 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Jas S (Margt) piano tuner h 1400 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Jas A jr (Margt) K Pk r 1400 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wheeler Alvaretta M tchr Ridgewood sch (Roch) r 1564 StPaul Roch<br />

Elmer E (Mildred T) tchr h 21 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Jas D (Myrtle N) bkpr h 217 Brandon rd (Roch)<br />

'Jas R (Clarice E) radio rprmn h 382 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Leon R (Griselda R) slsmn h 390 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Mildred T Mrs tchr Durand Eastman School r 21 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Whelan Wm P (Eliz C) bank examiner h 334 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Whipple Alvin L r 2994 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Gladys M r 2994 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Jas F (Catherine M) h 1483 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Jas W r 1483 Winton rd N (Roch)<br />

Jos H studt r 1483 Winton rd (Roch)<br />

Lester D (Florence M) chauf h 2994 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Whiskard Frank G carp r 1983 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Whitaker Gaylord C (Betty G) v-pres Folmer Graflex Corp h 31 Collamer<br />

dr (Roch)<br />

Whitcomb Joanne E studt r 3108 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jos E (Helen N) news writer h 3108 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

White Arthur C (Alice A) foundry wkr h 1787 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Burton T (Lucille E) mach h 59 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Chas A (Doris F) tire ror h 20 Clara (Sea Breeze)<br />

Clarence B (Hilda) dairy wkr h 205 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Douglas M (Blanche J) supt h 259 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Earl tchr Irond High sch r 695 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Eleanor F r 259 Point Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Francis W (Catherine F) lab h 262 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Gordon H (Georgia) slsmn h 252 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Hazel F r 259 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

House Hotel (Leon K Whitehouse) Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Jas J (Shirley A) photo engvr h 103 Doris rd (Roch)<br />

Jas L (Flora A) slsmn h 295 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

John D studt r 295 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

John G (Doris A) h 11 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Lois M studt r 77 Newport rd (Roch)<br />

Martin G mach opr r 295 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Mary F studt r 295 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Maurice J (Martha E) (American Club Beverages) 75 Newport rd h 77<br />

do (Roch)<br />

Thos G ins agt r 295 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Whitehouse Grill (Leon K Whitehouse) restr 448 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Leon K (Irene) (White House Hotel) Bay View rd (Whitehouse Grill)<br />

448 Empire blvd h do (Roch)<br />

Phyllis married Chas Miller rem to Barksdale Field La<br />

Thos (Emma) h 364 Helendale rd (Roch)<br />

Thos B, USA r Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Whiteman Carl A (Lillian F) industrial eng h 84 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Whitlock Leon C (Mildred G) probation officer h 224 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Whitman Dale D hlpr r 852 Stone rd (Roch)<br />

Etta J wid Mayne J r 133 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Guy E (Ethel S) production eng h 142 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Cecelia M) tool mkr h 78 Hardison rd (Roch)<br />

Whitmore Addie M wid Albert W r 124 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Donald L r 371 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Fred O (Arley M) chief drftsmn h 371 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Keith E studt r 371 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Whitnack Ralph C (Mary L) formn h 26 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Whitney Harry L (Gwendolyn R) K Pk h 62 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Wical Fredk E (Helen M) plmbr h 2521 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wichman Paul E (Selma C) production mgr A B Cowles Co h 73 Briar<br />

cliffe rd (Roch)<br />

Wick John G (Estelle E) clothing examiner h 169 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Wickes Francis C (Germaine A) lawyer h 115 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Wickey Wesley G (Marie W) eng h 814 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Wickman Geo W (Ruth E) butter and eggs 69 White h do (Sea Breeze)<br />

Widemiller Henry slsmn h 116 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Widman Donald R studt r 2923 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Herbert E (Annette) barber h 3063 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Walter J (Hattie C) mgr h 2923 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Wm F tax collr 1392 Ridge rd E r 2923 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Widmer Fredk J (Bernice M) K Pk r 2608 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wiederhold Theo F (Louise G) engvr h 467 Seneca Park av (Roch)<br />

Wiegand Edwd F (Helen M) mason h 29 Dewey av (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />



GLENWOOD 144<br />

Wielandt Emily wid Julius h 2493 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Frank j (Marcella)'K Pk r 2493 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Wiener Arthur atndt r 144 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

David atndt r 144 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Dora wid Danl h 144 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Philip gas sta r 144 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Wiese Ralph R coil winder r 98 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wiesner Rudolph (Rose) optical wkr h 40 Grover (Roch)<br />

Wiethorn Doris F timekpr r 233 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Ruth O wid Francis J h 233 Wildmere rd (Roch)<br />

Wight Marion maid 72 Daley blvd (Roch)<br />

Wigton Jos B (Florence R) trucking h 29 Chimayo rd (Roch)<br />

Wiig Gunnar O (Frances J) gen mgr WHEC h 188 Chestnut Hill dr<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wilcox Danl E (Lena E) elec contr h 164 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Florence elk 4468 Culver rd (Sea Breeze) r 183 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Marion K tel opr r 151 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Mary E (Mrs Chas B) died July 23, 1939<br />

Wilderer John died Oct 26, 1938<br />

Wiley Frank J (Eliz M) film wkr K Pk h 204 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Anne B) slsmn h 75 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wilferth Esther R Mrs h 214 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Wilinsky Isadore (Nancy) phys h 169 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Wilkins Mary P acct r 177 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

T Russell (Gwen W) prof h Wisner rd (Roch)<br />

Wilkinson Bertram (Eliz) dairy mn h 379 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Cora L wid Stephen T r 4486 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Merritt J (Emily C) EK Co r 40 Pt Pleasant rd (Pt Plst)<br />

R Wylie (Miriam H) tchr BI h 221 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Ralph E (Flossie F) formn h 282 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Wm T (Adeline I) cabt mkr h 312 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Will Gretchen wid Roland T sum res 181 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Robt studt sum res 181 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Suzanne studt sum res 181 Huntington Hills (Roch)<br />

Wille Alf J r 1333 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Alphonse J (Marie L) chauf h 601 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Aug (Clemence) lab h 1333 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Jerome A atndt r 1333 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Willett Forbes parking atndt r 32 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

. Merrick N (Rika) chauf h 32 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Williamee Fred A (Stasia C) coml trav h 58 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

T Hobart slsmn r 58 Empire blvd (Roch)<br />

Williams Allen R (Dorothy J) h 182 Chestnut Hill dr (Roch)<br />

Anna M wid Harry h 353 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Anthony F (Anna I) equip eng h 388 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Ashley D (Inez T) sub formn h 106 Winfield rd (Roch)<br />

Clifford J, USA r 71 Portland pkwy (Roch)<br />

Clifford O (Gladys W) optometrist h 82 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Clyde B (Hannah M) electn h 254 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Earl L (Heppie M) carp h 124 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd H, K Pk r 388 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Emory E r 71 Portland pkwy (Roch)<br />

Frank E (Ida M) h 400 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Frank J (Camille S) elk PO h 187 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Geo B (Viola M) formn h 495 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Geo Q studt r 240 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Geo W (Lillian Q) formn h 240 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Guy D (Eliz A) drftsmn h 325 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Harry L (Catherine M) electn h 353 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Jas H (Christa M) gas sta h 230 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Jesse J (Rose M) eng NYC h 71 Portland pkwy (Roch)<br />

John E sum res 30 Tone ter (Roch)<br />

John O (Marion H) employment mgr h 50 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

John R studt r 388 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Kenneth L slsmn r 124 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Lawrence F (Mildred F) sis mgr h 122 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Leon R (L Pauline) barber h 22 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Luella wid Geo r 48 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Nelson A mach r 4945 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

Olive M insp r 4945 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

40<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Williams<br />

Philip O (Norma B) teller h 98 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Reginald F (Elsie) h 385 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Robt studt r 82 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

Robt A R ins r 388 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Stella P Mrs tchr Abraham Lincoln School r 1015 Park av Roch<br />

Wm J (Hannah) h 250 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Williamson Allan F (Ann R) caretaker 684 Rock Beach h rear do (Roch)<br />

Audrey N married Fred Weisenburge<br />

'Benj J (Isabella) slsmn h 144 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Clarice elk r 144 Hurstbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Harold J (Elsie O) optical wkr h 15 Maplehurst rd (Roch)<br />

Helen M elk r 176 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Milton C (Marian D) adv mgr h 291 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Wallace G (Violet D) chauf h 34 Frontenac Hts (Roch)<br />

Willink Minnie D Mrs r 49 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Willis W Harry (Cora L) h 1886 Portland av (Roch)<br />

Willoughby Harold W (Sarah K) slsmn h 50 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Wilson Anna M wid Arthur r 150 Biltmore dr (Roch)<br />

Carl L (Ruth C) slsmn h 315 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Chas V (Janet G) chemist K Pk h 118 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Charlotte E sec r 192 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Chester C (Myrtie) h 84 Dake av (Roch)<br />

Christina A r 192 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Edith M studt r 1826 Ridge rd E (Roch)<br />

Harry bkpr r 19 Whitby rd (Roch)<br />

Hugh H (Edith H) lawyer h 55 Bristol av (Roch)<br />

J Anna Mrs beauty shop 55 Spencer rd h do (Roch)<br />

Jas carp h 192 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Jeannette B tchr Irond High sch r 69 Raines pk Roch<br />

John P (Mary F) K Pk h 69 Herbert (Sea Breeze)<br />

Laura L r 189 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Lillian Mrs sten h 285 Bay Front N (Pt Plst)<br />

Lottie wid Wm maid 3332 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Ralph C (Gertrude V) chauf h 748 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Richd M (Carolyn) K Pk h 178 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Ruth maid r 3332 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Walter H, Christian science pract r 878 Wash av (Roch)<br />

Wiltse Leo E slsmn r 534 Westchester av (Roch)<br />

Winch Ralph (Stella) slsmn h 469 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Windsor Beach Hotel (Roger I Berman) 361 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Winegard Evelyn Mrs r 68 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Winfield Geo W (Pearl E) K Pk h 164 Bay Side dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Wing Belle Mrs maid 50 Armstrong av (Roch)<br />

C Burton (Utilia) slsmn h 416 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Wingate Geo W (Agusta S) lab h 436 Lake Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Walter (Helen) chauf 951 Thomas av (Roch) h 1 Kintz (Roch)<br />

Wink Donald elk r 174 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Raymond C (Louise) mach h 174 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Winkler F Geo (Ruth M) dairy mn h 40 LaFayette rd (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Elsie A) caretaker 770 Rock Beach h 814 do (Roch)<br />

Winnick Max P (Rose) h 7 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Winterroth Wm C (Genevieve F) slsmn h 101 Charlton rd (Roch)<br />

Winters Frank M (Florence N) steam ftr h 298 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Wioland John (Leonie) real est h 261 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wirth Anthony (Bessie) lab h 17 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Theresa wid August h 38 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Wm slsmn r 38 Durand blvd (Pt Plst)<br />

Wise Chas M (Florence J) garage h 46 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Edwd C (Mildred A) stock elk K Pk h 56 Burwell rd (Roch)<br />

Eleanor M married John Farnan<br />

Evelyn M r 46 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Mae wid Ellis r 150 East pkwy (Roch)<br />

Wishart Jas (Clara) EK Co h 339 Lake Front (Roch)<br />

Wishmeyer Edwd F (Madeline A) prntr h 98 Cooper rd (Roch)<br />

Wisner John F (Esther A) caterer h 316 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Witt Buel r 320 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Rolland R r 320 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Russell R (Alice R) supt h 320 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Wittel Geo studt r 33 Bellhurst dr (Roch)<br />

Otto (Erna A) formn EK Co h 33 Bellhurst dr (Roch)<br />

Wittenberg Elmer C studt r 51 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Max C (Blanche M) milk mn h 51 Avenue B (Pt Plst)<br />

Wittenbrink Henry r 70 Westbourne rd (Roch)<br />

Wittenburg Wm H r 50 Cambria rd (Roch)<br />

Wittig Carl (Florence) optical wkr B&L h 300 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Paul r 300 Walzford rd (Roch)<br />

Wittman Carl W (Mildred B) cashier h 310 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Wittmer Albert K (Katy) K Pk h 88 Hoover rd (Roch)<br />

Wittwer Ida S drsmkr r 26 Hartsdale rd (Roch)

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />


"The Bank Directory of the World"<br />

Published in March and September $15.00 per volume<br />

R. L. POLK & CO., Publishers<br />

354 4th AVE., NEW YORK 431 HOWARD ST., DETROIT<br />

Witz Robt W (Ruth A) lens assembler EK Co h 218 Hartsdale rd (Roch)<br />

Woehrlen Fred E (Tillie M) optical wkr h 78 Adrian rd (Pt Plst)<br />

Woelfel August J (Minnie) cutlery 243 North h 26 Bachman rd (Roch)<br />

Woerner Edwd H (Victoria M) wood wkr h 388 Tiam dr (Roch)<br />

Eleanor M r 388 Tiam dr (Roch)<br />

John J (Elsie M) tinsmith 1840 Ridge rd E h do (Roch)<br />

Wohlers Jean studt r 247 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Wm contact mn h 247 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Wohlgemuth Emil (Maybelle C) formn h 191 Pine Grove av (Roch)<br />

Wohlrab Mary A wid Chas housekpr 3317 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt A (Louise G) tchr Roch Shop School h 124 Belleclaire dr (Roch)<br />

Woldach Max L (Emma) K Pk h 2544 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wolf Albert E (Rose G) h 142 Avenue C (Pt Plst)<br />

Gladys M tie presser r 48 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Henry (Irene E) electn h 48 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Hugo C (Edna W) chemist h 74 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

John E electn r 48 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Rosalene tie mkr r 48 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Royal W msngr r 74 Seneca rd (Roch)<br />

Wm G (Louise A) chef Bausch & Lomb h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Wolfe Bernard J (Ruth H) mech eng h 69 Mayfair dr (Roch)<br />

Robt N (Ruth C) physicist K Pk h 62 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Wolfert Brothers<br />

(Marie M and Anna T Wolfert) general agents Massachusetts Bond<br />

ing & Insurance Co and American Motorists Ins Co 311 Triangle<br />

bldg 335 E Main Rochester tels Main 478-479 See page 24 Buyers'<br />

Guide<br />

Wolff Abr r 162 Wildmere dr (Roch)<br />

Roy (Joyce) K Pk h 20 Bateau ter (Roch)<br />

Wolfrom Donald L (Helen L) slsmn h 49 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Wolfsperger Flora J cashier r 2463 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Johanna K wid Wm F r 2463 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Wolgast John M studt r 160 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Ruth H studt r 160 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Wm C (Helen S) principal East High School h 160 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

Wolk Ernie J (Anne J) auto supplies h 182 Simpson rd (Roch)<br />

Wolny Frank L (Elise) film developer h 316 Seville dr (Roch)<br />

Wolter Everett H (Gladys A) (Fry Bros) florists 998 Ridge rd E h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wolters Fredk G (Lucille E) K Pk h 154 Coolidge rd (Roch)<br />

Wondergem Anthony L (Maude) decorator 66 Catalpa rd h do (Roch)<br />

Edwin J mach r 66 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Wood Anna M elk r 2427 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Genevieve M nurse r 3466 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo P (Luella S) electn h 145 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Harold L r 3466 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Harry (Myra E) carp h 166 Woodrow av (Roch)<br />

Hester Z wid Wm H r 342 Thomas av (Roch)<br />

Howard P (Arvinna E) h 3466 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Ida J wid Dennis h 2427 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jeannett M sec r 3466 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Lynn H (Frances) polisher h 53 Iroquois (Sea Breeze)<br />

Walter F (Bernice G) assembler h 140 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Woodley Clarence G (Grace E) asst mgr r 66 Catalpa rd (Roch)<br />

Woodmansee Albert S (Florence E) slsmn h 380 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Woodruff Donald L (Caroline M) real est 259 Seville dr h do (Roch)<br />

Woods Franklin F (Evelyn M) gardnr h 984 Brown rd (Roch)<br />

Harold J (Margt B) office appliance rpr h 240 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

Thos E (D Lois) teller h 322 Brett rd (Roch)<br />

Wm A (Helen B) EK Co h 78 White (Sea Breeze)<br />

Woodworth Clarence S (Blanche) dental laboratory 401 Taylor bldg h<br />

2991 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Clarence S jr, bkpr r 2991 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Jean E studt r 2991 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt R dental mech r 2991 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wooldridge Elgin R (Mildred) paint mkr h 45 Shore dr (Roch)<br />

Woolford Reginald G (Mabel M) mach h 46 Falstaff rd (Roch)<br />

Woollacott Thos P (Mary G) market gardener 1731 Hudson av h do<br />

(Roch)<br />

Wormsbecker Willem J carp h 2613 Titus av (Roch)<br />


Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Wotczak Carl J studt sum res 64 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Walter M (Madeline M) baker sum res 64 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Wren Chas H r 3851 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wm H (Ida M) pntr h 3851 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wright Cecile R tchr Hosea Rogers School r at Webster<br />

Chas M (Flora E) pntr h 139 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Cora M wid Herbert R r 141 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Eliz A wid Geo r 183 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Emma D studt r 87 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Geo E (Martha) Ailing & Cory h 141 LeGran rd (Roch)<br />

Geo J stock elk h 183 Cinnabar rd (Roch)<br />

Harl D (Elizabeth) cost acct h 29 Poppy (Roch)<br />

Harold H (Virginia) h 23 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Jas W (Mary A) dept mgr h 162 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Lee G (Marguerite A) litho h Bay Front S st (Roch)<br />

Lois sec Seneca School r 218 Sunset Roch<br />

Margt N Mrs tchr Hosea Rogers sch r 29 West Roch<br />

Robt C studt r 57 Stonehenge rd (Roch)<br />

Robt P appr K Pk r 162 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Thos F (Mary A) safety eng K Pk h 87 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

W Eug studt r 162 Harwick rd (Roch)<br />

Wallace W (Josephine J) mach opr h 1030 Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Walter T (Charlotte M) pntr h 394 Avondale rd (Roch)<br />

Wullschleger Chas electrotyper h 113 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Chas H electn r 113 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Wunder Benj E (Eleanor L) optical wkr h 220 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Eleanor L Mrs tchr r 220 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Elmer H (Rose M) clothing ctr h 64 Osage (Pt Plst)<br />

Wunderly E John (Bertha W) h 3015 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Wusnick Edwin F shoe wkr r 352 Wacona av (Pt Plst)<br />

Fred G (Loretta H) carp h 352 Wacona av (Pt Plst)<br />

Ruth L r 352 Wacona av (Pt Plst)<br />

Wyand Chas (Rose) carp h 100 Seymour rd (Roch)<br />

Harold hlpr r 71 Tindale dr (Roch)<br />

Jas L (Agnes M) carp h Bay Shore blvd (Roch)<br />

Philip J (Rose M) formn h 71 Tindale dr (Roch)<br />

Wyatt Harry J (Hendrika J) auto mech h 17 Orenda dr (Roch)<br />

Wykes Emma Mrs nurse r 39 Spencer rd (Roch)<br />

Wyllie Edith A Mrs real est r 93 Lake Breeze pk (Roch)<br />

Wynn Anna T tchr Reuben A Dake sch r 46 Meigs Roch<br />

Wynne Robt J (Anne K) auto springs h 25 Amerige pk (Roch)<br />

Yaeckel Wm H (Marge M) shipping elk h 102 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Yaeger Paul M (Lois N) camera wkr h 59 Parkview ter (Roch)<br />

Robt elk r 101 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Wm J (Martha M) mason h 101 Leland rd (Roch)<br />

Yaekel Carl R (Evelyn M) formn h 39 Pontiac dr (Roch)<br />

Gerald A camera wkr r 145 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Harold J (Lucille) prntr h 104 Rawlinson rd (Roch)<br />

Jos C (Mildred V) tool mkr h 162 Avenue A (Pt Plst)<br />

Jos E (Lillian A) camera mkr h 145 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Jos G bkpr r 145 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Yale Howard C (Helen M) mach h 222 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Yanke Paul O (Edna A) camera wkr h 69 Thorndyke rd (Roch)<br />

Yates Sam (Eva) acct h 112 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Yauchzi Edwin P hlpr r 26 William (Roch)<br />

J Wm last mkr h 26 William (Roch)<br />

Yawman Wm A real est h 320 Irondequoit (Sea Breeze)<br />

Yax Harold A (Evelyn E) chauf h 199 Peart av (Pt Plst)<br />

Yettevich Alex elk r 534 Dix (Roch)<br />

Anne M elk r 534 Dix (Roch)<br />

Casmer (Theresa^ h 534 Dix (Roch)<br />

Jos r 534 Dix (Roch)<br />

Victoria R r 534 Dix (Roch)<br />

Yonckheere Alphonse (Anna) farm hand h 2067 Hudson av (Roch)<br />

Yonder John (Sophie) baker h 126 Garford rd (Roch)<br />

Yonkers Alf C (Dolores M) carp Bay Front S (Roch) h do<br />

Yorkey Clarence L (Mary A) shoe wkr h 50 Lodge dr (Pt Plst)<br />

Young Albert A (Mildred E) chemist K Pk h 4218 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Albert J (Frieda A) thermometer mkr h 225 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Arthur C wood wkr h 247 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Dorothy M r 247 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Edwin R (Mildred F) business agt h 369 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Einar T (Cecilia I) designer h 78 Baron's rd (Roch)<br />

Ernest (Elise) tool mkr h 588 List av (Roch)<br />

Ernest E (Hazel E) tool mkr h 576 List av (Roch)<br />

Frank C (Florence) asst supt h 200 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Fredk H rem to Syracuse<br />

Gerard H elk r 114 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Harvey N (Bertha A) carp h 283 Somershire dr (Roch)


i Rochester<br />

llA\ nr..T . ..r.Trn I H0T WATER | GAS & ELECTRIC<br />

UHU RENT A HEATER 1 low cost . corp.<br />

CALL MAIN 3960<br />

89 EAST AVENUE<br />

Young<br />

Hiram F (Alice M) variety 150 Pt Pleasant rd h 190 do (Pt Plst)<br />

John S (Leeora B) eng h 5250 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Lorraine studt r 576 List av (Roch)<br />

Lorraine H married Geo C Spang rem to Roch<br />

Marion D, EK Co r 208 Montcalm dr (Roch)<br />

Marion F dom r 247 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Myron J r 247 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Paul A (Berenice E) slsmn h 249 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Richd A checker r 369 Laurelton rd (Roch)<br />

Robt W auto mech 1871 Ridge rd E (Roch) r 203 East av Roch<br />

W DeWitt (Arline L) slsmn h 46 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Waiter E (Lelia E) K Pk h : I uion pk iRoch)<br />

Wm J (Clara A) pres h 114 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Wm T h 4869 Culver rd (Sea Breeze)<br />

camera wkr EK Co h 250 Hartsdale rd<br />

Youngblood Carl J (Virginia R)<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

(Roch)<br />

Youngblut Wilton H (Muriel E) stock elk h 46 Heberle rd (Roch)<br />

Younghans Geo A pntr h 23 Clarington (Roch)<br />

Youngman Alf T (Mamie A) bkpr h 863 Washington av (Roch)<br />

Youngs Earl (Frances A) garage mn h Bay Front S (Roch)<br />

Yule Lee W v-pres Empire Gardens Inc 351 Empire blvd (Roch) h 9<br />

Grove pi (Roch)<br />

Yutzy H Clay (Helen O) chemist K Pk h 37 Suburba av (Roch)<br />

Zabel Oscar E (Aura M) chief drftsmn K Pk h 269 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Robt P studt r 269 Winona blvd (Roch)<br />

Zacher Eug G (Monica A) asst program and music dir WHAM h 40<br />

Haverford av (Roch)<br />

Zahn Fred (Florence H) cable splicer h 137 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Grace r 95 Colebrook dr (Roch)<br />

Rita M film wkr K Pk r 137 Elizabeth (Sea Breeze)<br />

Zalyski Alex r 506 Sanborn av (Roch)<br />

Geo (Mary) h 506 Sanborn av (Roch)<br />

Stella r 506 Sanborn av (Roch)<br />

Zarcone Saml (Margt) h 36 Leicestershire rd (Roch)<br />

Zastracky Stella asst 2467 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Zecher Harold B (Anna L) optometrist h 49 Kiniry dr (Roch)<br />

Zegewitz Amelia h 5370 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Theo G h 5370 StPaul blvd (Roch)<br />

Zeh Gerhardt W (Alma G) tailor h 792 Melville (Roch)<br />

Zeigler Mary E wid Ira F r 26 Culver pkwy (Roch)<br />

Zeilbeer Chas F (Genevieve) sec h 10 Ontario View (Roch)<br />

Zeitvogel Chas B (Selma J) shipping elk h 2476 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Doris E r 2476 Titus av (Roch)<br />

Frank market gardnr 994 Brown rd h do (Roch)<br />

Zeller Bertram A (Bernice M) formn h 94 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Zelma Stephen T coast guard end St Paul blvd r do (Roch)<br />

Zelomek Alii (Sarah) tailor r 188 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Estelle sec h 188 Paxton rd (Roch)<br />

Zenkel Donald A (Lucy J) coater K Pk h 480 StJoseph (Roch)<br />

Fred F (Maud E) plmbr h 3175 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Leo F (Agnes M) switchboard opr h 100 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Leo N optical wkr r 100 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Rose F r 100 Huntington (Sea Breeze)<br />

Zicari Jos (Mary F) meats h 99 Sagamore dr (Roch)<br />

Zickgraf Adam (Gertrude G) tool designer h 128 James (Sea Breeze)<br />

Zillioux Alf M (Anne B) tool mkr h 93 Rock Beach rd (Roch)<br />

Zimmer Jos C (Delia P) pressmn h 134 Walzer rd (Roch)<br />

M Mary, K Pk r 462 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Paul G (Malvina) maintenance mn h 462 Crossfield rd (Roch)<br />

Zimmerman August G (Eliz A) jwlr h 59 Madison ter (Roch)<br />

Chas r 143 Montclair dr (Roch)<br />

Henry A asst mgr r 135 Belcoda dr (Roch)<br />

Zoller Hedwig stock elk r 265 Wimbledon rd (Roch)<br />

Zonnevyle Mary wid Michl J r 171 Deerfield dr (Roch)<br />

41<br />


522<br />

Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Miscellaneous Directories<br />

Zuck Adele A married Jack B Vaughan<br />

Edmund D elk r 3621 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Fredk N phys r 3621 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Geo P mgr r 3621 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Nicholas (Mary) clothing mfr h 3621 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Robt K research wkr r 3621 Culver rd (Roch)<br />

Zwack Fred W slsmn h 174 Northfield rd (Roch)<br />

Geo E (Flora) barber h 180 Somershire dr (Roch)<br />

Mary wid Jos died Sept 19, 1938<br />

Zweigle Arthur W (Cecelia R) mgr h 82 Thornton rd (Roch)<br />

Zwerger Arthur S farmer r 599 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Emma wid Sebastian h 599 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Louise r 509 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Mary h 509 Bay View rd (Roch)<br />

Zwick Carolyn studt r 111 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Frederick D (Margt) ins slsmn h 111 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

Fredk D jr, chemical research r 111 Fairview cres (Roch)<br />

:-'M*'J)ie.'i;' .

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