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DIN IAŞI<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII)<br />

Fasc. 1<br />


2012 Editura POLITEHNIUM




Editorial Office: Bd. D. Mangeron 63, 700050, Iaşi, ROMANIA<br />

Tel. 40-232-278683; Fax: 40-232-237666; e-mail: polytech@mail.tuiasi.ro<br />

Editorial Board<br />

President: Prof. dr. eng. Ion Giurma, Member of the Academy of Agricultural<br />

Sciences and Forest, Rector of the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. dr. eng. Carmen Teodosiu, Vice-Rector of the<br />

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Honorary Editors of the Bulletin: Prof. dr. eng. Alfred Braier,<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Hugo Rosman<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Mihail Voicu, Correspon<strong>din</strong>g Member of the Romanian Academy,<br />

President of the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Editors in Chief of the MACHINE CONSTRUCTIONS Section<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Radu Ibănescu, Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Aristotel Popescu<br />

Honorary Editors: Prof. dr. eng. Gheorghe NagîŃ, Prof. dr. eng. Cezar Oprişan<br />

Associated Editor: Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Eugen Axinte<br />

Editorial Advisory Board<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Nicuşor Amariei, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Prof.dr.eng. Dorel Leon, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Aristomenis Antoniadis, Technical Prof.dr.eng. James A. Liburdy, Oregon State University,<br />

University of Crete, Greece<br />

Corvallis, Oregon, SUA<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Virgil Atanasiu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Prof.dr.eng.dr. h.c. Peter Lorenz, Hochschule für Technik<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

und Wirtschaft, Saarbrücken, Germany<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Petru Berce, Technical University of<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Nouraş -Barbu Lupulescu, University<br />

Cluj-Napoca<br />

Transilvania of Braşov<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Ion Bostan, Technical University of Chişinău, Prof.dr.eng. Fabio Miani, University of U<strong>din</strong>e, Italy<br />

Republic of Moldova<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Mircea Mihailide, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Walter Calles, Hochschule für Technik und University of Iaşi<br />

Wirtschaft des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany Prof.dr.eng. Sevasti Mitsi, Aristotle University of<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Doru Călăraşu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Thessaloniki, Salonic, Greece<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Vasile Neculăiasa, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Francisco Chinesta, École Centrale de Nantes, University of Iaşi<br />

France<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Fernando José Neto da Silva, University of<br />

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Conçalves Coelho, University Nova of Aveiro, Portugal<br />

Lisbon, Portugal<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Dumitru Olaru, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Juan Pablo Contreras Samper, University of University of Iaşi<br />

Cadiz, Spain<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Manuel San Juan Blanco, University of<br />

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Mircea Cozmîncă, „Gheorghe Asachi” Valladolid, Spain<br />

Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Loredana Santo,University „Tor Vergata”,<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Spiridon CreŃu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Rome, Italy<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Cristina Siligardi, University of Modena, Italy<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Gheorghe Dumitraşcu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Prof.dr.eng. Filipe Silva, University of Minho, Portugal<br />

Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. LaurenŃiu Slătineanu, „Gheorghe Asachi”<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Cătălin Fetecău, University „Dunărea de Jos” of Technical University of Iaşi<br />

GalaŃi<br />

Lecturer dr.eng. Birgit Kjærside Storm, Aalborg<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Mihai GafiŃanu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Universitet Esbjerg, Denmark<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Ezio Spessa, Politecnico di Torino, Italy<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Radu Gaiginschi, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Prof.dr.eng.Roberto Teti, University „Federico II”, Naples, Italy<br />

University of Iaşi<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Alexei Toca, Technical University of Chişinău,<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Francisco Javier Santos Martin, University of Republic of Moldova<br />

Valladolid, Spain<br />

Prof.dr.eng. Hans-Bernhard Woyand, Bergische University<br />

Prof. dr. Dirk Lefeber, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium Wuppertal, Germany

Papers presented at the<br />



Iaşi, October 20 th – 21 st , 2011<br />

organized by the DEPARTMENT OF MACHINE TOOLS,<br />


Papers published with the support of<br />




Fascicle 1<br />

Conf.univ.dr.ing. Irina Cozmîncă<br />

Conf.univ.dr.ing. Cătălin Ungureanu<br />

Sef lucrari.dr.ing. Bruno Rădulescu<br />

Drd..ing. Ana Maria Matei

B U L E T I N U L I N S T I T U T U L U I P O L I T E H N I C D I N I A Ş I<br />

B U L L E T I N O F T H E P O L Y T E C H N I C I N S T I T U T E O F I A Ş I<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1 2012<br />


S U M A R<br />


MARDARE şi ADRIAN OLARU, Analiza prin simulare numerică a<br />

unui sistem hidraulic autoadaptiv destinat turbinelor eoliene (engl., rez.<br />

rom.)...........................................................................................................<br />

ADRIAN SORIN AXINTI şi GAVRIL AXINTI, Modele <strong>din</strong>amice pentru<br />

sisteme de tracŃiune (engl., rez. rom.).........................................................<br />

GAVRIL AXINTI şi ADRIAN SORIN AXINTI, Modele pentru disipatoare<br />

hidraulice de energie seismică (engl., rez. rom.).........................................<br />


experimentale privind efectele căldurii într-o instalaŃie de acŃionare cu<br />

debite armonice. (I) InstalaŃie de acŃionare cu debite armonice − Montaj<br />

în paralel (engl., rez. rom.).......................................................................... 23<br />


MARIUS DENEŞ-POP şi LIVIU BĂRNUłIU, Analiza <strong>din</strong>amică a unui<br />

sistem de acŃionare hidraulic folosit în acŃionarea unui sistem care se<br />

deplasează cu viteză redusă, în condiŃii de sarcină mare (engl., rez. rom.)<br />



în corelarea proprietăŃilor mecanice cu rezistenŃa la cavitaŃie a oŃelurilor<br />

inoxidabile (engl., rez. rom.)..................................................................... 35<br />


Cercetări privind pierderile prin frecare în dispozitivele de tensionare la<br />

mersul în sarcină (engl., rez. rom.)........................................................... 43<br />


şi DRAGOŞ ION GUŞĂ, Cercetări experimentale privind comportarea<br />

<strong>din</strong>amică a servo-sistemelor hidraulice liniare (engl., rez. rom.) .............<br />

FLORINA-CRISTINA FILIP, Metode eficiente de repartizare a costurilor<br />

directe, a costurilor cu forŃa de muncă şi a costurilor de regie<br />

(engl., rez. rom.).........................................................................................<br />

Pag.<br />

1<br />

9<br />

17<br />

29<br />

51<br />



AXINTE, Analiza prin metoda elementului finit a ansamblului bacuri de<br />

tragere – bucşă port-bacuri (engl., rez. rom.).............................................<br />


proprietăŃilor controlabile ale straturilor subŃiri de YIG cu aplicaŃii la<br />

fabricarea dispozitivelor de microunde (engl., rez. rom.) .......................... 75<br />


relaŃiei <strong>din</strong>tre Ra şi Rz la strunjirea oŃelului OL50 (engl., rez.<br />

rom.)............................................................................................................<br />

IRINA MARDARE şi IRINA TIłA, Senzor de forŃă inclus într-un sistem<br />

WIM hidrostatic (engl., rez. rom.).............................................................. 91<br />


privind uniformizarea forŃelor de aşchiere la frezarea frontală<br />

(engl., rez. rom.) .........................................................................................<br />


(Malaezia), Studiu preliminar asupra factorilor cheie care susŃin<br />

principiile managementului calităŃii totale (engl., rez. rom.) .....................<br />

MARIUS MILEA şi MIRCEA COZMÎNCĂ, Sinteză asupra evaluării<br />

coeficientului de deformare plastică CD (engl., rez. rom.) ........................ 117<br />

EUGEN-VLAD NĂSTASE şi DORU CĂLĂRAŞU, InfluenŃa variaŃiei corzii<br />

asupra performanŃelor unei miniturbine cinetice (engl., rez. rom.).......... 121<br />

EUGEN-VLAD NĂSTASE şi DORU CĂLĂRAŞU, Cercetări teoretice<br />

privind influenŃa numărului de pale asupra eficienŃei unei miniturbine<br />

(engl., rez. rom.)..........................................................................................<br />

VASILE NĂSUI, Modelarea controlului mişcării la actuatorii liniari<br />

electromecanici (engl., rez. rom.)................................................................ 129<br />


DAN PETRE, Modelarea cu element finit a unui echipament de<br />

reabilitare (engl., rez. rom.)........................................................................<br />


DAN PETRE, ConsideraŃii privind calculul volumului muşchiului<br />

pneumatic (engl., rez. rom.)........................................................................<br />


experimentare a pompelor hidrostatice reglabile (engl., rez. rom.) ......... 149<br />


TĂBĂCARU, ConsideraŃii asupra deformării plastice la rece a inelelor<br />

de rulmenŃi (engl., rez. rom.) ....................................................................<br />


costului de producŃie în cazul produselor (engl., rez. rom.) ....................... 169<br />

65<br />

85<br />

97<br />

105<br />

125<br />

137<br />

143<br />



competenŃelor profesionale în activitatea antreprenoriala (engl., rez.<br />

rom.) ...........................................................................................................<br />

IRINA TIłA şi IRINA MARDARE, Aspecte privind sisteme hidraulice cu<br />

reglare secundară (engl., rez. rom.) ............................................................<br />

ALEXANDRA TOMA şi CORNEL CIUPAN, Factorii umani asociaŃi<br />

designului ergonomic al unei interfeŃe om-maşină (engl., rez. rom.).........<br />


despre rolul acumulatoarelor în funcŃionarea sistemelor hidraulice cu<br />

reglaj secundar (engl., rez. rom.)................................................................<br />


ConsideraŃii privind fişele de control utilizate în controlul statistic al<br />

proceselor. (II) Fişe de control pentru date rare şi cumulative<br />

(engl., rez. rom.) .........................................................................................<br />

DĂNUł ZAHARIEA, Diagrame funcŃionale pentru modelarea procesului de<br />

golire a unui rezervor printr-un orificiu de golire (engl., rez. rom.)...........<br />

DĂNUł ZAHARIEA, Diagrame funcŃionale pentru modelarea procesului de<br />

golire a unui rezervor printr-o conductă de golire (engl., rez. rom.)...........<br />

DAN POPESCU, O pledoarie pentru modernizarea maşinilor unelte actuale <strong>din</strong><br />

industria naŃională (engl., rez. rom.)...........................................................<br />

177<br />

185<br />

191<br />

197<br />

203<br />

211<br />

219<br />


B U L E T I N U L I N S T I T U T U L U I P O L I T E H N I C D I N I A Ş I<br />

B U L L E T I N O F T H E P O L Y T E C H N I C I N S T I T U T E O F I A Ş I<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1 2012<br />



MARDARE and ADRIAN OLARU, Analysis by Numerical Simulation<br />

of a New Self-Adaptive Hydraulic System Used at Wind Turbines<br />

(English, Romanian summary)...................................................................<br />

ADRIAN SORIN AXINTI and GAVRIL AXINTI, Dynamic Models for<br />

Traction Systems (English, Romanian summary)......................................<br />

GAVRIL AXINTI and ADRIAN SORIN AXINTI, Models For The Hydraulic<br />

Seismic Energy Dissipaters (English, Romanian summary).......................<br />


on Experimental Heat Effects in a Flow with Harmonic Drive<br />

Installation. (I) Drive Installation of Harmony Flow − Assembly in<br />

Parallel, (English, Romanian summary).....................................................<br />


MARIUS DENEŞ-POP and LIVIU BĂRNUłIU, Dynamic Analysis of a<br />

Hydraulic Actuation System of Very Slow Moving Devices<br />

(English, Romanian summary) ..................................................................<br />



Contributions in the Correlation of Mechanical Properties with the<br />

Cavitation Resistance of Stainless Steels (English, Romanian summary)...........................................................................................................<br />


Research on Frictional Losses in Tensioning Devices at Full Load<br />

(English, Romanian summary)...................................................................<br />


and DRAGOŞ ION GUŞĂ, Experimental Research Regar<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

Dynamic Behaviour of Linear Hydraulic Servo-systems (Engliah,<br />

Romanian summary)...................................................................................<br />

CORNELIU CRISTESCU PETRIN DRUMEA, CĂTĂLIN DUMITRESCU i DRAGO ION GU Ă, Experimental Research Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Dynamic Behavior of Linear Hydraulic Servo-Systems (English, Romanian Summary) ................................................................................<br />

C O N T E N T S<br />

.FLORINA-CRISTINA FILIP, Effective Methods of Cost Breakdown for<br />

Direct Costs, Tools and Product Costs (English, Romanian<br />

summary).....................................................................................................<br />

Pp.<br />

1<br />

9<br />

17<br />

23<br />

29<br />

35<br />

43<br />

51<br />



MIHAI AXINTE, Analysis by Finite Element Method of Assembly<br />

Wedge Grips - Mantle Corbel (English, Romanian summary)...................<br />


About the Tunable Properties of the YIG Films with Applications in<br />

Microwave Devices Manufacturing (English, Romanian summary) .........<br />


Experimental Determination of Ra and Rz on Turning Steels<br />

(English, Romanian summary)....................................................................<br />

IRINA MARDARE and IRINA TIłA, Force Sensor in a WIM Hydrostatic<br />

System (English, Romanian summary).......................................................<br />


Concerning the Uniformization of Cutting Forces in Face Milling<br />

(English, Romanian summary) ..................................................................<br />


(Malaysia), A Preliminary Study of the Key Factors for Sustaining Total<br />

Quality Practices (English, Romanian summary)....................................... 105<br />

MARIUS MILEA and MIRCEA COZMÎNCĂ, Synthesis on the Assessment<br />

of Chips Contraction Coefficient CD (English, Romanian summary) ........ 117<br />

EUGEN-VLAD NĂSTASE and DORU CĂLĂRAȘU, Influence of Chord<br />

Variation on the Performance of a Kinetic Miniturbine (English,<br />

Romanian summary)................................................................................... 121<br />

EUGEN-VLAD NĂSTASE and DORU CĂLĂRAȘU, Theoretical Research<br />

Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Blades Number Influence of the Miniturbine Efficiency<br />

(English, Romanian summary)................................................................... 125<br />

VASILE NĂSUI, About Modelling The Movement Control of the<br />

Electromechanic Linear Actuator (English, Romanian summary)............. 129<br />


DAN PETRE, Finite Element Modeling of a Knee and Hip<br />

Rehabilitation Equipment (English, Romanian summary).......................... 137<br />


DAN PETRE, Some Considerations Regar<strong>din</strong>g Pneumatic Muscle<br />

Volume (English, Romanian summary)...................................................... 143<br />


Techniques for Experimentation of Adjustable Hydrostatic Pumps<br />

(English, Romanian summary)....................................................................<br />


TĂBĂCARU, Some Considerations about Cold Plastic Deformation of<br />

Bearing Rings (English, Romanian summary) ........................................... 157<br />

65<br />

75<br />

85<br />

91<br />

97<br />



Estimation for the Mechanical Production (English, Romanian<br />

summary)....................................................................................................<br />


Role of Professional Competence in Business Entrepreneurship (English,<br />

Romanian summary.) .................................................................................<br />

IRINA TIłA and IRINA MARDARE, Some Aspects Regar<strong>din</strong>g Hydraulic<br />

Systems with Secondary Control (English, Romanian summary)..............<br />

ALEXANDRA TOMA and CORNEL CIUPAN, Man Machine Interface<br />

Ergonomic Design Related to Human Factors (English, Romanian<br />

summary).....................................................................................................<br />


Study about the Role of Accumulators in Hydraulic Secondary Control<br />

Systems (English, Romanian summary)....................................................<br />


Considerations about Control Charts Used in Statistical Process Control.<br />

(II) Control Charts for Infrequent and Cumulative Data (English,<br />

Romanian summary) ..................................................................................<br />

DĂNUł ZAHARIEA, Functional Diagrams for Modeling the Reservoir<br />

Emptying Process through a Small Emptying Orifice (English,<br />

Romanian summary)...................................................................................<br />

DĂNUł ZAHARIEA, Functional Diagrams for Modeling the Reservoir<br />

Emptying Process through an Emptying Pipe (English,<br />

Romanian summary)...................................................................................<br />

DAN POPESCU, A Plea<strong>din</strong>g for the Modernization of Machine Tools in<br />

National Industry (English, Romanian summary)......................................<br />

169<br />

177<br />

185<br />

191<br />

197<br />

203<br />

211<br />

219<br />



Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />



”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

1 Department of Machine Tools<br />

2 Department of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Drives<br />

Received: September 12 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 20, 2011<br />

Abstract. The paper presents the methodology and the results from the<br />

analysis by numerical simulation of a self adaptive hydraulic transmission in<br />

closed circuit for low power wind turbines. In order to analyze the simulation<br />

model, realised using Simulink, the pump drive speed was considered as input<br />

value. Based on the resulted unit step responses, the system has a good working<br />

behaviour, stable dynamically to the wind speed variation and also to the load<br />

variations at the motor shaft.<br />

Key words: hydraulic transmission, wind turbine, Simulink, unit steps.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The wind energy transmitted hidraulically to the ground represents an<br />

actual research trend from complex programs, dealing with the non<br />

conventional energy sources. The wind turbines with horizontal axis and low<br />

power, fitted with adaptive hidraulic transmissions, may run with variable speed<br />

(Bej, 2001), (Spera, 1994).<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: vasile.damaschin@hydramold.ro

2 Mihai Afrăsinei et al.<br />

The wind turbines run under a rigorous control of speed and power at the<br />

electrical generator shaft. Specialized literature relieved two ways of wind<br />

turbine control and running when the wind speed and/or its direction fluctuates<br />

(Bej, 2001):<br />

i) By maintaining constant the speed value of the turbine axis, using<br />

different solutions in order to modify the incidence angle of the pales or to<br />

determine the removing of the air flow on the pales.<br />

ii) By maintaining constant the speed value of the generator shaft using<br />

adaptive hydraulic transmissions.<br />

First method is recommended especially for the medium and high power<br />

turbines, connected to a local or national network, because this type of solutions<br />

are increasing the turbine complexity, the costs and the static and dynamic<br />

loads, determining loss of reliability and great maintenance costs. For low<br />

power turbines the second method is preferred, using adaptive hydraulic<br />

transmissions which could give good results when the wind speed varies into<br />

acceptable limits (Bugarschi & Galeriu, 1997).<br />

The authors are proposing a structure for a closed circuit hydraulic<br />

transmission, self adaptive. This transmission is then studied when running in<br />

dynamic regime by analyzing the unit step responses at step variations of the<br />

pump speed and consumer´s load.<br />

2. The Structure of the Adaptive Hydraulic Transmission<br />

The hydraulic transmission with closed circuit and self adaptive control<br />

has the structure presented in Fig. 1. The transmission module consists in the<br />

pump 12 with variable flow and the hydraulic reversible motor 16, connected in<br />

closed circuit. The pump 12 is a double pump with low flow, which supplies the<br />

closed circuit, in order to compensate the oil losses from the circuit and to<br />

command the flow used in the circuit for setting up the pump 12 disc inclination<br />

angle.<br />

Simulation of the wind speed variation, which determines a speed<br />

variation at the pump 12 axis, is done with the capacity motor 13, remote by the<br />

frequency converter CF. Simulation of the load at the rotary hydraulic motor<br />

shaft 16 is realized through the loa<strong>din</strong>g module. The loa<strong>din</strong>g module consists by<br />

the rotary hydraulic motor 17, running as a pump and driven by the axis 19.<br />

The load value for the motor 16 to drive the pump 17 is achieved using<br />

the outlet 20. Its output pressure is measured with the transducer 18. The flow<br />

for supplying the pump 16 is realized through the flow transducer 21.<br />

The hydraulic transmission may run in adaptive regime only if the speed<br />

at the admission axis 19 is constant. If this condition is satisfied, the adjustment<br />

of the electrical generator working parameters to the network parameters is very<br />

easy, so no more adapting elements are necessary.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 3<br />

Fig. 1 – The structure of the adaptive hydraulic transmission.

4 Mihai Afrăsinei et al.<br />

3. Numerical Simulation of the Adaptive Hydraulic Transmission<br />

In order to complete the numerical simulation of the adaptive hydraulic<br />

system the simulation model was realized, using MATLAB and Simulink<br />

(Călăraşu et al., 2008). To analyze the model´s behavior and, implicitly the<br />

system´s functioning, the input value was considered the pump drive speed and<br />

a signals simulation block was provided for it. The simulation model for the<br />

hydraulic system is presented in Fig. 2.<br />

Fig. 2 –The simulation model of the adaptive hydraulic transmission.<br />

The aim of the experimental tests by numerical simulation is to<br />

determine the unit responses of the hydraulic adaptive system at a step signal<br />

variation. The reference value for the simulation tests is the speed of the shaft<br />

19 and the input values are the speed drive of the pump 12 and the load at the<br />

hydraulic motor shaft 16 (Fig. 1).<br />

4. Unit Step Responses at Step Variation of the Pump Drive Speed,<br />

with Reference Value of 130 rad/s and Constant Load<br />

Fig. 3 presents the unit step responses for the variation of the angular<br />

velocity ωM(t) of the hydraulic motor (Fig. 3a), of the pump flow rate with<br />

variable unitary volume QP(t) (Fig.3b), of the pump control element stroke c(t)<br />

(Fig.3c) and of the pressure drop on the hydraulic motor ∆p(t) (Fig.3d) at load<br />

step variations M of the rotary hydraulic motor. The adaptive hydraulic<br />

transmission must ensure a constant speed of the motor axis ωM = const. at step<br />

variations of the pump speed.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 5<br />

a. b.<br />

c. d.<br />

Fig. 3 –The unit step responses at hydraulic motor load variation.<br />

From Fig. 3a, presenting the unit step response of the motor axis for<br />

constant speed ωP=const. at pump axis and two load variations ∆M1, ∆M2 we<br />

can conclude that, when load step occurs, the response is periodically damped,<br />

being stabilied on the reference value. If the pump speed changes, the variation<br />

tendency of the motor speed – registered by the speed transducer – is<br />

transmitted as a reaction signal to the servo mechanism, which modifies the<br />

stroke of the variable flow rate pump drive element. The increasing of the pump<br />

speed leads initially to a growing of the flow rate, the pump drive element<br />

stroke is then modified in order to decrease the flow rate and correct the speed<br />

error. This way, the motor axis speed remains constant.<br />

From the unit responses we find out that, at speed increasing a tendency of<br />

motor speed growing occurs and then it come back to the reference value. The<br />

system is stable of oscillatory damped type.<br />

Fig. 3b presents the unit step response of the pump flow rate QP(t) for<br />

constant load at hydraulic motor M=const. The reference value for ωM is<br />

constant. Two step variations ∆ωP1, ∆ωP2 for the pump axis speed are

6 Mihai Afrăsinei et al.<br />

considered. The conclusion is that when the speed increases a tendency of pump<br />

flow growing occurs, but after that it comes back to the initial value. The<br />

hydraulic motor supply flow remains at the imposed value so the speed keeps<br />

constant ωM=const. The functionning regime is stable, of oscillatory damped<br />

type.<br />

Fig.3c presents the unit step response of the stroke variation c(t) for M=<br />

=const. The reference value for ωM is constant. The experiments are achieved<br />

for two values ∆ωP1, ∆ωP2 of the pump speed. Analyzing the dynamic regime<br />

we can conclude that the system is stable, of oscillatory damped type. When the<br />

speed increases, the control element stroke value is diminishing.<br />

Fig 3d presents the unit step response for the pressure drop ∆p(t) when the<br />

load is constant M=const. Two step variations ∆ωP1, ∆ωP2 for the pump axis<br />

speed are considered. The reference value for ωM remains constant. The<br />

pressure drop on the rotary hydraulic motor does not change. For the inferior<br />

limit of the speed value the regime has a tendancy of instability.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The numerical simulation of the new hydraulic system confirmed a<br />

good functioning, stable at the wind speed variation (variable speed at the pump<br />

axis) and also at load variation of the generator motor axis.<br />

2. The numerical analysis aims to determine the evolution of unit step<br />

responses of the angular velocity at the hydraulic motor, of the flow for the<br />

variable flow pump, of the control element stroke and of the pressure drop on<br />

the rotary motor at the step variation of its load.<br />

3. The analysis of the dynamic regime stressed for the considered<br />

experimental conditions tha hydraulic system stability of oscillatory damped<br />

type.<br />


Bej A., Optimizarea construcŃiei turbinelor eoliene cu autoplafonare de putere şi<br />

frânare aero<strong>din</strong>amică. Teză de doctorat, <strong>Universitatea</strong> „Politehnica” <strong>din</strong><br />

Timişoara, 2001.<br />

Bugarschi A., Galeriu C.D., La simulation des sillages des agrégats éoliens par des<br />

modèles statiques à tourbillon. Buletinul ŞtiinŃific şi Tehnic al UniversităŃii<br />

„Politehnica” <strong>din</strong> Timişoara, s. Mecanica, 42 (56), Timişoara (1997).<br />

Călăraşu D., TiŃa I., Ciobanu B., Scurtu D., Simulation Results for a Hydrostatic<br />

Transmission for Use in Association with a Wind Turbine. Proc. of the<br />

International Conference on Hydraulic Machinery and Equuipments, HME 2008,<br />

Timişoara, Romania; The Scientific Bulletin of Politehnica University of<br />

Timişoara, Transactions on Mechanics, 53 (67), Special Issue, 13-18 (2008).

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 7<br />

NăşcuŃiu L., Banyai D., OpruŃa D., Control System for Hydraulic Transmissions<br />

Specific to Wind Machines. Ed. Politehnica, Timişoara, 2010, pp. 475-482.<br />

Spera D.A., Introduction to Modern Wind Turbines/ Wind Turbine Technology. ASME<br />

Press, New York, USA, 1994.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare sunt prezentate metodologia şi o serie de rezultate obŃinute la analiza<br />

prin simulare numerică a unei transmisii hidraulice în circuit închis, autoadaptive,<br />

destinată acŃionării turbinelor eoliene de putere mică. Pentru analiza comportării<br />

modelului de simulare, conceput cu ajutorul bibliotecii de functii Simulink, s-a<br />

considerat ca mărime de intrare turaŃia de antrenare a pompei. Pe baza răspunsurilor<br />

indiciale obŃinute se poate constata buna funcŃionare a sistemului, stabilă, în regim<br />

<strong>din</strong>amic, atât la variaŃia vitezei vântului, cât şi la variaŃia sarcinii la arborele motorului<br />



Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />



BY<br />


Received: August 24, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 4, 2011<br />

“Dunărea de Jos” University, GalaŃi<br />

Department of ŞtiinŃa şi Ingineria Materialelor<br />

Abstract. The work presents a classification of traction systems as a function<br />

of structure, the systems being classified into: integrally mechanic-traction<br />

systems–STIM, mechanic-hydrostatical traction -STMH and integrally traction<br />

hydrostatical systems STIH. Each structural model contains the main components<br />

from dynamic point of view: the heat engine as the source of energy, the<br />

transmission of the traction and the system for movement formed of wheels with<br />

tyres or of self-propelled equipment. For each structural model is the dynamic<br />

model to which dynamic analyses should be done by excitation accomplished by<br />

the road (the runaway). The necessity of these models has been due to the study<br />

models of dynamic behavior and of traction systems comparison of different<br />

structures, mechanic, mechanic and hydraulic.<br />

Key words: dynamic model, transmission, traction, hydraulic.<br />

1. Classification of Traction Systems<br />

Traction systems of the consulted technologic equipments are complex<br />

systems formed of a large number of constitutive hydrostatic, mechanic, or<br />

combinations of these components which reciprocally interacts in the aim of<br />

equipment movement in different conditions of movement. Dynamic modeling<br />

for all the exploitation situations is unaccomplished, at least with the conditions<br />

and available modeling methods this moment, the study of dynamic behavior<br />

used dynamic simple models with one or two degrees of freedom, when the<br />

traction system is substituted by one, two or three concentrated masses<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: axinti@ugal.ro

10 Adrian Sorin Axinti and Gavril Axinti<br />

connected between them with elements of transmission being considered elastic<br />

systems by a certain rigidity. These models permit as the influence to be studied<br />

in dynamic behavior of certain components of the transmission (couplings,<br />

gearbox, cardan drive, differential, the wheel, and the tyre).<br />

A step towards the generalization of dynamic models for the traction<br />

systems constitutes the models with a finite number of freedom degrees, which<br />

are to be considered the factors of amortization entered by the components of<br />

the system in the model besides the rigidity of the mechanical components<br />

which compose the traction system structure. The parameters characterizing<br />

these systems are the rigidities of structural elements written with kij and the<br />

amortizations of the same elements written with cij.<br />

In order to accomplish the mathematical models upon which to be studied<br />

the behavior of the system to excitations produced by the dislevels of the<br />

runaway it is necessary the realization of a classification of the characteristic<br />

types of traction systems presented, taking count of the dynamic characteristics.<br />

The models must answer to the following requirements:<br />

i) to take count of dynamic features produced by the components of the<br />

mechanic transmission and the way of coupling of these (gearings, arbors,<br />

planetary cardans, couplings, etc.);<br />

ii) to take count of dynamic features produced by the components of the<br />

hydrostatical transmission and the way of coupling of these (pumps and<br />

hydraulic motive rotative printing press, hydraulic meshes, the hydraulic usedup<br />

environment as the agent of thing, etc.);<br />

iii) to take count of rigidities and the linear and angular amortization<br />

being introduced by the organ of movement (tyre or caterpillar) to excitation<br />

produced by the run way;<br />

iv) to take count of characteristics visco-elastic of environment from<br />

which is composed the run away and the degree of its deformability;<br />

v) to consider the kinematic excitation produced by the dislevels of the<br />

run away, through the resistant moments of the equipment wheels;<br />

vi) to take count of the touch moment of the equipment adherence, and<br />

therefore of the skids of the moment organ in report with the way;<br />

vii) to take count of the moment angular-speed feature, from the external<br />

feature the source (thermic engine) and the regulation laws of waterworks;<br />

vii) to accomplish a simple model but conclusive must estimate, by<br />

numeric modeling, the influence of the road to dynamic behavior of traction<br />

system;<br />

viii) to achieved models for typical traction systems which permit to<br />

compare to miscellaneous solicitations inducted by the run away.<br />

1.1. The Complete Integral Mechanical System –STIM<br />

This traction system is characterized by the ensemble achieved between

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 11<br />

the heat engine, as source of energy and the organ of movement of the<br />

equipment, formed of tyres or caterpillar, is exclusively composed from<br />

constitutive mechanic in the shape of systems of denticulate wheels, axe and<br />

organized arbors in specific components (gearboxes, planetary reductors,<br />

differentials, transmissions cardanics, couplings, etc). This organization of the<br />

scheme causes the touch of functional parameters bankables for systems but and<br />

a certain dynamic behavior of this caused by the dynamic parameters of the<br />

system (moments of inertia, features of rigidity and amortization, etc). The<br />

tipology of the systems is rendered in Fig. 1. What comprise most the complete<br />

systems of used-up mechanics for the actuation of technological equipments.<br />

(Axinti, 2004), (Boazu, 1998), (Gilespi, 1992).<br />

Fig. 1 – The model of mechanical integral traction systems − STIM:<br />

a − system with a power line; b − system with the many power-lines;<br />

MT − thermic engine; Cv − mechanic transmission with denticulate wheels of speeds;<br />

Tc cardan transmission; Df − differential; OD/SD organs/systems of movement.<br />

1.2. The Mechanic-Hydrostatical Traction System STMH<br />

It is characterized as the fact the accomplished system between the heat<br />

engine as the source of energy and the organ of movement of equipment,<br />

formed of wheels or caterpillar, it is formed of mechanical as those presented<br />

before to which are added hydrostatic components as pumps, engine, apparatus<br />

of casting and protection, hydraulic meshes etc.<br />

CD<br />

MT CD<br />

TC<br />

TC<br />

P M<br />

P<br />

P<br />

Fig. 2 – The model of mechanical traction systems – STMH: a − equipments on tyre; b<br />

− equipments on caterpillar: MT − heat engine; CD, DF, RP − mechanic transmission<br />

with denticulate wheels (cable box, differential, planetary reductor); P, M − hydrostatic<br />

transmission; OD/SD organ/system of movement.<br />

M<br />

M<br />

RP<br />

RP<br />

a<br />

b<br />

SD<br />

a<br />

SD b

12 Adrian Sorin Axinti and Gavril Axinti<br />

This, by average used-up liquid as the hydraulic agent, conduces to the<br />

conduction of the energy of the system to the desirable parameters, but through<br />

own dynamical characteristics influences the dynamic behavior of draft system<br />

of the equipment. Elastic characteristics and amortization of hydraulic agent and<br />

of hydraulic apparatus are added to characteristics of the used-up components,<br />

causing the dynamic behavior to the whole traction system. The typology of<br />

these systems is rendered as in Fig. 2 which includes the most mechanical<br />

systems used-up for the action of technological equipments. (Axinti, 2004),<br />

(Boazu, 1998), (Gilespi, 1992).<br />

1.3. The Complete Hydrostatic Traction System STIH<br />

It is characterized by the action between the heat engine as the source of<br />

energy and the organ of movement of the equipment, formed of wheels or<br />

caterpillar it is composed by exclusively from hydrostatical coupled round open<br />

or closed components. Dynamic characteristics of the system are influenced by<br />

the dynamic features of hydrostatic used-up components, by the command way<br />

and regulation of these components and of the way of coupling in system. The<br />

typology of this system is rendered as in Fig. 3, which includes the most of<br />

integral hydrostatical used-up systems for the action of technological<br />

equipments (Axinti, 2004), (Borkowski, 1996), (Boazu, 1998).<br />

MT P P<br />

Fig. 3 – The model of hydrostatical systems traction − STIH. MT − heat engine;<br />

P, M − hydrostatic transmission; OD/SD organ/system of movement.<br />

In the case of this system, the heat engine acts directly the pump or the<br />

volumic pumps (mount the tandem), and the volumic engines, acts directly the<br />

organ of movement of the equipment. The dynamic behavior of draft system is<br />

to influence the dynamic behavior of hydrostatical link (pump).<br />

2. The Dynamic Fashions<br />

2. 1. Structure of Dynamic Suggested Model for - STIM<br />

The integral mechanical traction system − STIM, having the same<br />

mechanical components, is reduced down to a dynamic equivalent to model two<br />

degrees of freedom, one represents the heat engine of the equipment, as source<br />

of autonomous energy, and the other of the organ of movement of the<br />

equipment, respectively the wheel with its tyres or caterpillar. Between these<br />

two ascertainable components is interposed the transmission mechanical of the<br />

equipment to characterize the equivalent rigidity Ktr of the factor of equivalent<br />

amortization of the transmission Ctr. The system achieved is reduced to the<br />

M<br />

SD<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 13<br />

motive thermic axle, characterized of the angle of rotation. The moment of<br />

inertia mechanic Js is similar reduced to the motive thermic axle and contains<br />

the own moment of engine but and the moments of components of components<br />

of the mechanical transmission. The moment Ms represents the active moment<br />

applied to the transmission and results from external characteristic thermic<br />

engine definite to a formal law Ms=f ( ϕɺ s ). The moment of inertia mechanic JR<br />

represents the moment of inertia of the organ from the same axis of the<br />

equipment (the wheels with tyres from the caterpillars). To this moment of<br />

inertia is added the moment of reduced inertia of the equipment as far as Ju the<br />

touch of the moment of adhesive MA (Fig. 4). In the same way proceed to<br />

equipments with many axe assets. (Fig. 4b). In the case of the gearboxes with<br />

many stairs of brave the features of rigidity, amortization, reduced moment of<br />

inertia and the active moment shall be evaluated for each step and used<br />

accor<strong>din</strong>gly in the dynamic model.<br />

J S<br />

J S<br />

MS; ϕ<br />

S<br />

K TR<br />

C TR<br />

K TR<br />

C TR<br />

K TR<br />

C TR<br />

TR<br />

C<br />

K TR<br />

JJR R<br />

JR<br />

JR<br />

J R<br />

MR; ϕ<br />

R<br />

Fig. 4 – The dynamic model for the complet mechanical systems – STIM:<br />

a − system with a power line; b − system with many power lines.<br />

JS,MS, φS − dynamic parameters of heat engine h; JR, MR, φR − dynamic parameters of<br />

the organ of movement (wheels or caterpillar); JU, MU, φU - dynamic parameters of the<br />

equipment; KTR, k φ - the transmission of the mechanic and the active element of the<br />

system of movement (tyres); cTR, cφ − the factors of proper amortization of the<br />

transmission and systems of movement; MA of adherence to the organ of movement of<br />

the equipment.<br />

In the situations presented, mostly the aspect of accomplishing of the<br />

dynamic model is adverted to the determination rigidities and the factors of<br />

equivalent amortization have the components of used-up mechanical in the<br />

transmission mechanic. Shaping the traction system is considered for the case<br />

Kϕ<br />

Cϕ<br />

Kϕ<br />

M A<br />

Cϕ<br />

MA<br />

Kϕ<br />

Cϕ<br />

C<br />

Kϕ<br />

ϕ<br />

M A<br />

M A<br />

J U<br />

MU; ϕ<br />

U<br />

JU a<br />

MU; ϕ<br />

U b

14 Adrian Sorin Axinti and Gavril Axinti<br />

presented the in Fig. 4 of equipment with an only motor deck and four wheels<br />

with tyres.<br />

2.2. The Structure of Dynamic Model Suggested for STMH<br />

The mechanic –hydraulical traction system-STMH, is reduced to a<br />

dynamic equivalent model formed of two or many systems with two or three<br />

degrees of freedom, which models the dynamic behavior of the mechanical<br />

components (gearboxes, reductors, etc), bound between them through<br />

hydrostatical components (pump) (Fig. 5).<br />

J J J<br />

s<br />

J Jp<br />

m Jr<br />

k cd<br />

ktm<br />

Kϕ<br />

C cd<br />

P M<br />

C<br />

tm Cϕ<br />

MA<br />

Ms Ms Ms s M<br />

p p<br />

M<br />

m m r Mr r M<br />

u u a<br />

Ju<br />

Jm Jr<br />

J<br />

s<br />

J p<br />

k cd<br />

C<br />

cd cd cd cd cd cd<br />

M MMs Ms Ms Ms s s M<br />

p p<br />

P M<br />

P M<br />

Fig. 5 – The dynamic model for the mechanic –hydraulical system-STMH:<br />

a − models with one power line; b − model with two power lines.<br />

For the one-track energetic systems, as are the equipments on tire with<br />

only one motor deck (4×2) or the equipments on tire with two or many motor<br />

decks (4×4; 6×4; 6×6), to which hydrostatical link (P-M) is interposed between<br />

source of energy (MT) and the draft system achieved whole mechanic, the<br />

suggested model is one from Fig. 5. The heat engine and the inclusive cable box<br />

are modelled as a system with two degrees of freedom, characterized of rigidity<br />

and the factor of equivalent amortization, which acts primary constitutive the<br />

hydrostatical pump. The draft system, inclusively the system of movement, is<br />

modeled as a system with three degrees of freedom, set secondary constitutive<br />

the hydrostatical motor-M system. The mechanical components of the<br />

transmission are modeled as visco-elastic elements to characterize the<br />

equivalent rigidity and the factor of equivalent amortization ctm. By <strong>din</strong>t of these<br />

is set the organ of movement to characterize elements sequence of the rigidity<br />

and the factor of amortization kφ cφ, by <strong>din</strong>t is set g the equipment (Ju).<br />

In the case of draft systems with two power lines, which is the case of<br />

fitting-out of the equipments on caterpillars (bulldozers, chargers, dredgers,<br />

tractors, special equipments, etc), the equipments on tire with direction through<br />

k tm<br />

C tm<br />

M<br />

m m rM<br />

r r<br />

J m J r<br />

k tm<br />

C<br />

tm tm<br />

M<br />

m m r M r r<br />

Kϕ<br />

Cϕ<br />

Kϕ Kϕ<br />

Cϕ<br />

Ju<br />

MA<br />

MA MA<br />

M u<br />

u b

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 15<br />

side-slip (chargers, multipurpose machines, etc) or the equipments with<br />

tractional axle (active trailers, transport platforms, etc), the model described<br />

previously is reprographic with the number of power lines, in the case from Fig.<br />

5b, with two power lines are enforced to the solicitation inducted of the<br />

runaway of the two organs of equipment run (deck with tyres or caterpillar).<br />

And in the case of the loss state analysis of adhesive the equipment is to<br />

consider through the touch boundary value of adhesion -MA.<br />

2.3. Structure of Suggested Dynamic Model for STIH<br />

The draft complete system hidrostatic-stih, is modeled as a dynamic<br />

system with two degrees of freedom, to which the connections to the dynamic<br />

inertial components of heat engine and of the system of run (tyres or<br />

caterpillars) are realized of hydrostatic components, without pure mechanic<br />

components (denticulate wheels, couplings etc).<br />

J<br />

s<br />

J<br />

s<br />

Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms s<br />

Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms<br />

s<br />

P M<br />

P P<br />

Jr<br />

u b<br />

Fig. 6 – The dynamic model for the complete hydraulics - STIH system:<br />

a − models with a single power line; b − model with two power lines.<br />

In the dynamic model is considered an only visco-elastic connection, or<br />

except elastic realized of the organ of movement of the equipment (wheels with<br />

tires or caterpillars). This connection is interposed between the run away and<br />

the equipment, being the components of the model through with is inducted he<br />

draft force produced by the system of action<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The draft systems of technological self-propelled equipments are<br />

characterized through three types of structures, which cover most of the<br />

C<br />

M<br />

r r<br />

M<br />

M<br />

Jr<br />

k<br />

C<br />

k<br />

JMr<br />

r r<br />

k<br />

C<br />

M<br />

r r<br />

MA<br />

MA<br />

MA<br />

Ju<br />

Ju<br />

u<br />

M u<br />

u a<br />

M u

16 Adrian Sorin Axinti and Gavril Axinti<br />

practical situations. One can see the discrepancies which characterizes the<br />

dynamic models of STIM, STMH, STIH.<br />

2. For each of ascertainable models achieved numerical analyses the<br />

experimental and the results are presented in another scientific works of the<br />

main author whose conclusion is detached as for shaping of the process in a<br />

draft system of self-propelled equipments age necessity of the model. The<br />

conclusions contain the elemental structures of the equipment: heat engine of<br />

the draft system formed of transmission and the system of movement (the<br />

wheel, caterpillar) runaway.<br />

3. The runaway constitutes the factor of excitation of draft system to<br />

miscellaneous disturbances produced by the dislevels, the states, the humidity,<br />

consistence etc.<br />


Axinti G., Contributii la modelarea proceselor <strong>din</strong>amice <strong>din</strong> actionarea hidrostatica a<br />

sistemului de deplasare a utilajelor tehnologice autopropulsate. Proc. of the 6 th<br />

Int. Conf. on Hydraulic Machinery and Hydrodynamics, Timişoara, 2004, pp.<br />

292-298.<br />

Borkowski W., Konopka S., Prochowski L., Dynamika maszyn roboczych. Podreczniki<br />

Akademickie. Wydawnictwa Naukowo- Techniczne, Mechanika, Warszawa, 156-<br />

168,172-185 (1996).<br />

Boazu D., Contributii privind analiza vibraŃiilor provocate de angrenaje. Teză de<br />

doctorat, Univ. “Dunărea de Jos” <strong>din</strong> GalaŃi, 1998, pp. 32-41.<br />

Gilespi T., Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics. Society of Automotive Engineers,<br />

Warrendale, USA, 1992.<br />

Mla<strong>din</strong> Gh., Maşini de tracŃiune şi sisteme de transport. Vol. I, II, Ed. Impuls.<br />

Bucureşti, 1999.<br />

Untaru M., Pereş Gh. et al., Dinamica autovehiculelor pe roŃi. Ed. Didactică şi<br />

Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1981.<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Se prezintă o clasificare a sistemelor de tracŃiune după structura acestora. Sistemele<br />

sunt clasificate în: sisteme de tracŃiune integral mecanice –STIM, sisteme de trac-<br />

Ńiune mecano-hidrostatice – STMH şi sisteme de tracŃiune integral hidrostatice − STIH.<br />

Fiecare model structural conŃine componentele esenŃiale <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere <strong>din</strong>amic:<br />

motorul termic, ca sursă de energie; sistemul de transmisie al sistemului de tracŃiune;<br />

sistemul de deplasare format <strong>din</strong> roŃile cu pneuri sau şenilele utilajului autopropulsat şi<br />

calea de rulare. Modelele au permis autorilor să analizeze comportarea <strong>din</strong>amică produsă<br />

de denivelările drumului, consistenŃa drumului, aderenŃa drumului, etc. Necesitatea<br />

realizării acestor modele s-a datorat nevoilor de studiu a comportării <strong>din</strong>amice şi de<br />

comparare a sistemelor de tracŃiune de diverse structuri, mecanice, mecano-hidralice şi<br />



Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Received: August 24, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 12, 2011<br />

“Dunărea de Jos” University, GalaŃi<br />

Department of ŞtiinŃa şi Ingineria Materialelor<br />

Abstract. This article refers to the complex seismic energy dissipaters based<br />

on hydrostatic equipments that are capable of destroying the energy of the<br />

earthquake, shock or vibration, for various frequencies, dissipaters that connect<br />

the body system object to the dynamic phenomenon with its ground basis.<br />

Key words: models, hydraulic, seismic energy, dissipater, etc.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

At national and international level there are a lot of researches on the<br />

developing and perfecting methods for insulating, buffering and protecting the<br />

structures and the human beings to the effects of shocks, vibrations and<br />

earthquakes. We know methods of insulating or absorbing the technological<br />

shocks and vibrations, based on the same principles.<br />

There are recent European researches, as ECOLEADER programme,<br />

conducted between 2001-2005 by an university consortium made of Patras<br />

University (Greece), Roma 3 University (Italy), Pescara University (Italy),<br />

Ancona University (Italy), FIP Industriale (Italy), TARK (Great Britain). Such<br />

studies show the actuality of the researches in the field of annihilating the<br />

effects of the previously specified dynamic phenomena (PătruŃ et al., 2005).<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: gaxinti@ugal.ro

18 Gavril Axinti and Adrian Sorin Axinti<br />

2. The Description of the Hydraulic Seismic Energy Dissipater<br />

The hydraulic energy dissipater is made as a cylinder, 1 with two<br />

chambers separated by a piston, 2, chambers filled with a viscous environment<br />

(synthetic oil, silicon oil, particles in suspension, liquid metals etc.). The piston<br />

is connected to a bar, 3 and a compensation tube that crosses on either side of<br />

the piston the two chambers. A third chamber, 4, is situated inside the<br />

compensation tube and has the role of compensating the dilatation or the<br />

contraction of the viscous environment under thermal effect. The dissipater’s<br />

bar is connected at the base of the construction (I) and the body is connected at<br />

the foundation of the construction, (II) with plane or spatial joints, 5. The device<br />

works reversibly to the alternative traction and compression movements and the<br />

dynamic behavior depends on the instantaneous frequency (speed) of the<br />

excitation generated by the earthquake, mechanical shock or vibration. (Fig.1).<br />

This action is generated by a system of pressure adjusting equipments 6, 7, 8<br />

(energetic regulators) created for various dissipation domains, equipments<br />

placed outside the dissipater. The opening of a regulator or more, or their<br />

closing, depends on the commands given by an electronic monitoring system of<br />

the earthquake and technological shock or vibration, accor<strong>din</strong>g their frequency<br />

and intensity, which leads to various stages of dissipation.<br />

The construction of the linkage is presented in Fig.1.<br />

Fig.1 – Construction of the hydraulic energy dissipater.<br />

3. The Mathematical, Nonlinear Model of the Dissipater<br />

The dynamic model of the energy dissipater results from the flow<br />

equation and from the equation of the forces applied on the piston (d’Alembert<br />

principle). The non linear mathematical model is described by Eqs. (1)<br />

where<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6 7 8<br />

2<br />

dy D<br />

=<br />

dt A<br />

3 H<br />

p −<br />

A<br />

V0<br />

dp<br />

p + ,<br />

AE dt<br />

2<br />

d y C dy<br />

K g A<br />

+ + y = − p ,<br />

2<br />

dt M dt<br />

M 10 M<br />

3<br />

5<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXI I), f. 1, 2012 19<br />

2 3<br />

π d 2<br />

D = and<br />

4k ξρ<br />

r<br />

2<br />

H = πdδ ,<br />

ξρ<br />

represent the dissipater constants, where: d is diameter of the pressure regulator<br />

valve; δ is the passive run of the pressure regulator until the total opening of<br />

the regulator; kr – the rigidity of the dissipater pressure regulator; ξ is the<br />

coefficient of local load losses from the hydraulic agent circulation through the<br />

2<br />

dissipater regulator; a = πd 4 is area of the front surface of the pressure<br />

regulator; K – the rigidity of the hydraulic dissipater; C is the absorption factor<br />

of the dissipater; M is the mass suspended on the dissipater; A is the area of the<br />

frontal face of the hydraulic dissipater piston; V0 is the volume of hydraulic<br />

agent (mineral oil) situated between the piston ad the dissipater regulator;<br />

ρ, E are the density and the elasticity of the hydraulic agent. The model<br />

variables are y–momentary movement of the hydraulic dissipater piston; p is the<br />

momentary regulated pressure.<br />

4. Numerical Case<br />

For the numerical case presented, with the values: kr=104 daN/cm,<br />

d=0.45 cm, ρ= 0.0009 kg/cm 3 , ξ = 1.8 , A=115.4 cm 2 , V0=3460 cm 3 , E=16900<br />

daN/cm 2 , M=60000 kg, g=9.81 m/s 2 , δ = 0.9 cm, K=8 daN/cm, C=<br />

y ∈ 0,y<br />

. We have the<br />

=0.001daNs/cm, pmax=700 bar, p∈ [0, pmax], y [cm], [ ]<br />

dissipater variables as functions of time accor<strong>din</strong>g the following equations<br />

y = y( t), p = p( t), F = F( t) = Ap( t) and F = F( y)<br />

. (2)<br />

The model presented is made under the following hypothesis:<br />

i) We disregarded the flow losses through gaps, because the piston sealing<br />

do not allow losses of volume, being self deformable on the cylinder bore.<br />

ii) The flow loses on the regulator between the high pressure chambers<br />

and the low pressure chambers are considered neglectable taking into view the<br />

small dimensions of the regulator compared to the dissipater cylinder.<br />

( d Dd ≤ 10 150 = 1 15 ), where: d – the diameter of the pressure regulator valve,<br />

Dd – the diameter of the dissipater cylinder bore.<br />

iii) The friction forces are considered to be neglectable on the hydraulic<br />

regulator, compared with the direct applicable forces.<br />

The pressure characteristic p [bar], a function of the hydraulic dissipater<br />

run y [m −2 ], respectively p=p(y), obtained by modeling model (1), leads to<br />

graphics such as those in Fig. 2a.<br />


20 Gavril Axinti and Adrian Sorin Axinti<br />

The pressure characteristic p [bar], a function of the hydraulic dissipater<br />

run y [m −2 ], respectively p=p(y), obtained by experiments, leads to graphics<br />

such as in Fig. 2b.<br />

p[bar]<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

20 40 60<br />

80 100 120<br />

y[cm]<br />

p[bar]<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

20 40 60<br />

y[cm]<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 2 − Characteristic p=p(y): a − theoretical characteristic; b − experimental<br />

characteristic at constant speed v0=0.2 m/sec.<br />

5. The Linear Mathematical Model of the Dissipater<br />

We may notice from both the behavior of the experimental model and the<br />

theoretical model (1) that the movement process of the body of mass M,<br />

suspended on the dissipater, occurs with constant speed, v 0 , after going through<br />

the transition period. Under these terms we can consider that<br />

dy<br />

= v0<br />

= const.<br />

(3)<br />

dt<br />

With Eq. (3) the model (1), becomes<br />

V dp<br />

− + = and Ky = 0.1Mg<br />

− Ap − Cv0<br />

. (4)<br />

E dt<br />

3 0<br />

D p H p Av0<br />

dp dp<br />

From the first Eq. (4), changing the variable = v0<br />

, results<br />

dt dy<br />

dp<br />

AE HE DE<br />

dt<br />

V v V v V<br />

3<br />

= + p − p , (5)<br />

0 0 0 0 0<br />

and from the derivative of the second Eq.(4) with respect to y, results<br />

dp<br />

K<br />

= − . (6)<br />

dy<br />

A<br />

From the Eq. (6) we confirm that the variation of the pressure for the run<br />

y has an ascendant slope, meaning that the variation law of the pressure is

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXI I), f. 1, 2012 21<br />

K<br />

p = p0 − y , (7)<br />

A<br />

where the pressure p 0 is the regulated pressure of the hydraulic regulator.<br />

From Eq. (5) results the expression that connects the buil<strong>din</strong>g parameters<br />

of the dissipater, the parameters of the hydraulic environment and the initial<br />

p , from there we can deduce the dissipater’s rigidity (8), or its own<br />

pressure 0<br />

pulsation (9), that is<br />

ADE 3 AHE<br />

2<br />

A E<br />

v0V0 0<br />

v0V0 0<br />

V0<br />

K = p − p − ;<br />

(8)<br />

3<br />

AE ⎡ D p0 H p ⎤<br />

0<br />

ω = ⎢ − − A⎥<br />

. (9)<br />

V0M ⎢ v0 v0<br />

⎣<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

6. Conclusions<br />

1. The non linear model (1) satisfies accurately enough the real behavior<br />

of a seismic energy hydraulic dissipater. The characteristics p = p( y)<br />

,<br />

theoretical and real are alike at least in regard to the behavior in a permanent<br />

working regime.<br />

2. Imposing the conditions specific to the permanent working regime,<br />

with a constant speed v= v 0 =const. , we create the linear model of the dissipater,<br />

and from there we obtain the descen<strong>din</strong>g linear character of the pressure<br />

variation depen<strong>din</strong>g on the variable run of the dissipater piston.<br />

3. We demonstrated theoretically that the own pulsation of the<br />

mechanical linkage made with hydraulic dissipaters depends on: the area of the<br />

hydraulic piston’s surface, the elasticity of the hydraulic environment, the<br />

volume of hydraulic agent between the active chamber of the cylinder and the<br />

pressure regulator, the suspended mass, the regulated pressure, the piston<br />

movement speed, the characteristics of the hydraulic regulator. The own<br />

pulsation characterizes the transitory regime of the rigid links connected with<br />

joints to form some mechanical structures, provided with hydraulic dissipaters,<br />

(Axinti et al., 2008), (Axinti, 2003).<br />


Axinti G., NedelcuŃ F., Axinti A. S., Caracteristici ale legăturilor hidraulice disipative.<br />

The Annals of „Dunărea de Jos” University of GalaŃi, XIV, Mechanical<br />

Engineering, 1224-5615 (2008).

22 Gavril Axinti and Adrian Sorin Axinti<br />

Axinti G., Dinamica solidului rigid cu legături hidraulice. Lucrările celei de-a XXVII a<br />

ConferinŃe de Mecanica Solidelor, Buletinul ştiinŃific al UniversităŃii <strong>din</strong> Piteşti,<br />

seria Mecanica Aplicată, 1(7), 21-31 (2003).<br />

Denis D., Pont sur le Var à Saint-Isidore. Exemple de conception parasismique.<br />

Ouvrages d’art, 45, 18-28 (2004).<br />

Pătrut P., Betea S., Crainic L. et al., Sistem integrat de protecŃie a clădirilor la solicitări<br />

seismice. Buletinul celei de-a 3-a ConferinŃe NaŃionale de Inginerie Seismică,<br />

Bucureşti (2005).<br />

* * *Program “ECOLEADER”. Comunicare program internet “ Laboratoire d’ Études de<br />

Mécanique Séismique, 2005, pp. 1-14.<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Se prezintă un model matematic creat de autori pentru sistemele hidrostatice<br />

disipatoare seismice. Se deduc caracteristicile <strong>din</strong>amice ale acestor aparate,<br />

caracteristici care ajută la realizarea legăturii <strong>din</strong>tre disipator şi parametrii <strong>din</strong>amici ai<br />

seismului. Se realizează un studiu de caz pentru o tipodimensiune de disipator la care se<br />

compară rezultatele teoretice cu cele experimentale, fapt ce confirmă că modelul<br />

matematic reproduce suficient de bine comportarea reală.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />






BY<br />


Received: August 3, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 2, 2011<br />

1 Technical University, Cluj-Napoca,<br />

Department of Teacher Education and Training<br />

2 S.C. Borker S.A., Cluj-Napoca,<br />

3 Technical University, Cluj-Napoca,<br />

Department of Strength of Materials<br />

Abstract. Paper aims to highlight the phenomenon of heat conducted into a<br />

sonic installation. Heat is produced and sent away by vibration.<br />

Key words: sonic pressure, sonic flow, friction resistance, sonic condenser,<br />

temperature.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

One of the most interesting applications of sonic proposed by Gogu<br />

Constantinescu, is the production and transmission of heat away by vibration.<br />

In this paper the proposed study the lows production and heat waves<br />

sonic and practical implementation of a stand to make it possible to achieve this<br />

objective. To produce heat vibrations to build a sonic generator phase, this<br />

consists of a pump equipped with a moving piston and a cylinder alternative.<br />

Pump speed is given by a DC electric motor with variable speed. The cylinder<br />

leaves a pipe to a condenser (capacitive cylinder) filled with liquid steel. As<br />

fluid is preferably water, with a coefficient of elasticity than oil.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: balcarmen@yahoo.com

24 Carmen Bal et al.<br />

To protect the system against rust oil was used. This capacitor can be<br />

considered equivalent to a capacitor of electricity called capacitor. From the<br />

other end of the condenser leaving a pipeline that is connected to a tube of small<br />

diameter, the shape of a coil spring. Tubing (resistance of friction which acts as<br />

an electrical resistance) is linked with a second capacitor (capacitive cylinder)<br />

filled with liquid. This assembly of hydraulic viewpoint is nonsense as classical<br />

hydraulic fluid compressibility is not taken into account (Fig. 1).<br />

If you take into account the liquid compressibility factor can be put in<br />

motion generator through a mechanism with eccentric (or rod crank), which<br />

produces alternative movement of the piston. As a result of the reciprocating<br />

piston pulsations occur in the first cylinders. Thus the tank becomes a kind of<br />

sonic generator.<br />

Sonic waves are forced to pass inside the friction resistance and capacitor<br />

to reach its end. Movement is possible because of compressibility energy<br />

transmission waves. Alternative energy via friction resistance thin tube made<br />

sonic friction loss, such losses caused by passing electric current through ohmic<br />

resistance to electricity.<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

M<br />

e<br />

A B C<br />

where 1 − DC electric motor M, 2 − proximity sensor, 3 − elastic coupling, 4 −<br />

pump sonic, 5, 8, 10 − pressure sensor, 6 − temperature sensor, 7 − friction<br />

resistance, 9 − CM - large condenser, 11 − cm - small condenser, 13 − pump to<br />

achieve static pressure, 14 − valve, 15 − oil tank, for static pressure.<br />

The installation is complete, multifunctional, and allows, starting from a<br />

sonic source, determination of thermal effects.<br />

2. Experimental Research in the Harmonic Parallel Installation<br />

Research focused on obtaining experimental heat effect as a result of heat<br />

A B C<br />

A B C<br />

10 11 12 13<br />

Fig. 1 – Block diagram of sonic installation: 1 − DC electric motor M, 2 −<br />

proximity sensor, 3 − elastic coupling, 4 − pump sonic,<br />

14<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 25<br />

transmission remote vibration (sonic waves in liquids). These studies were<br />

conducted on the stand presented in Fig. 1, starting at different frequencies of<br />

the engine that drives the piston sonic generator. For each frequency<br />

measurements were performed for various static pressure in the system (0.25,<br />

0.5) Pa.<br />

Stand in Fig. 1, is small capacitor mounted in parallel with the resistance<br />

of friction.<br />

Fig. 2 – Evolution mounting pressure over time for small capacitor in parallel.<br />

After processing the files with experimental data, from three sensors<br />

mounted in the system, resulting graphics illustrating developments primary<br />

generator pressures and two capacitors, the shape of the graphics represented in<br />

Fig. 2. You can also view the generator speed (position viewed by curve<br />

generator). Evolutions of pressure curves reveal a phase shift between pressure<br />

from the pressure generator and capacitors.<br />

n = 600 rpm ps = 0,25E+05 Pa<br />

Fig. 3 – Diagram of pressures and temperature variation<br />

with time in static pressure of 0,25E+05 Pa.

26 Carmen Bal et al.<br />

ps = 0,25E+05 Pa<br />

Fig. 4 – Diagram of pressures and temperature variation of speed<br />

accor<strong>din</strong>g to the static pressure of 0,25E+05 Pa.<br />

The graphs in Figs. 3 and 4 amounted to a static pressure of 0,25E+05 Pa<br />

starting a speed n = 600 rpm stabilize at 560 rpm. Pressure generator is<br />

stabilizing after a minute of starting the installation around 70E+05 Pa and the<br />

pressure from the large cylinder 50E+05 Pa, pressure drop across the resistance<br />

friction being 30E+05 Pa. The surface temperature of frictional resistance<br />

increased after about 1 minute to 85ºC, (Bal, 2006).<br />

The results noted with graphics: ∆G − sonic pump pressure variation on<br />

the sensor 5; ∆S1 − pressure variation obtained from pressure sensor 8; ∆S2 -<br />

pressure variation obtained from pressure sensor 10; T − temperature.<br />

The graphs in Figs. 5 and 6 were built for a static pressure of 0,5E+05 Pa.<br />

and n = 1000 rpm power. Temperature reached after about one minute and a<br />

half working at 86ºC continued to rise further to stabilize (Bal, 2006). Pressure<br />

sensor to rise around de 70E+05 Pa and at the large cylinder at a pressure of<br />

37E+05 Pa, the pressure drop on the resistance of friction is equal to 28E+05Pa.<br />

n = 1000 rpm ps = 0,5E+05 Pa<br />

Fig. 5 – Diagram of pressures and temperature variation<br />

with time in static pressure of 0.5E+05 Pa.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 27<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

The analysis of diagrams for assembly in parallel in Fig. 1, allows to<br />

draw the following conclusions:<br />

1. Pressure drop across the resistance friction is around 30E+05 Pa to the<br />

computer is 42.5 E+05 Pa. Pressure deviation between the two is 29%<br />

acceptable deviation taking into account losses that occur across the system.<br />

2. After stabilization is constant pressure to maintain constant speed -<br />

static pressure in the system does not influence significantly the pressure drop.<br />

3. Based on other measurements we concluded that the optimal speed for<br />

the resistance of friction with diameter of 3mm and length 1m is comprised<br />

between 600 and 1000 rpm as confirmed by calculation.<br />

4. The two capacitors sonic, in parallel linked via a pipe with a small<br />

diameter acting as “capillary type hydraulic resistance”, which aims to<br />

transform the sonic waves produced by friction fluid environment with walls,<br />

into heat<br />

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Prof. Ioan I. Pop, Ph.D for<br />

constructive support and help given to conducting experiments in the field of sonics.<br />


ps = 0,5E+05 Pa<br />

Fig. 6 – Diagram of pressures and temperature variation of speed<br />

accor<strong>din</strong>g to the static pressure of 0,5E+05 Pa.<br />

Constantinescu G., The Theory of the Sonicity. Ed.Academiei, Bucureşti, 1985, pp. 7-8.<br />

Bal C., Caloric Effect in the Circuits by Harmonic Flow. Ed. Alma Mater, Cluj Napoca,<br />

2007, pp. 17, 75, 111.<br />

Bal C., Research and Contributions about the Drive Systems with the Harmonic Flow.<br />

Doctoral Thesis, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, 2006, p. 97.

28 Carmen Bal et al.<br />

Pop I. Ioan, Bal C., Marcu L. et al., The Sonicity Applications. Experimental Results.<br />

Ed. Performantica, Iaşi, 2007.<br />



I. InstalaŃie de acŃionare cu debite armonice – Montaj în paralel<br />

(Rezumat)<br />

Transmisiile sonice se realizează prin vibraŃii, iar la începutul secolului, se<br />

considera că energia de vibraŃie constituie o formă de energie degradantă care nu se mai<br />

poate transforma decât în căldură. Era de neconceput că <strong>din</strong>tr-un sistem de vibraŃii se<br />

poate obŃine lucru mecanic cu randament ridicat.<br />

Cercetările privind sistemele de acŃionare cu debite armonice s-a bazat pe o<br />

aplicaŃie interesantă a sonicităŃii care este transmisia căldurii la distanŃă într-un mod<br />

similar încălzirii electrice. Conducta conŃinând un lichid (de preferinŃă apa) poate<br />

transmite energie de la un generator la o rezistenŃă sonică care se poate găsi la o mare<br />

distanŃă. Aceasta este transformată în căldură într-un tub spiral în timp ce conducta<br />

rămâne rece. Limita la care temperatura <strong>din</strong> tub va ajunge depinde de punctul de<br />

fierbere al lichidului <strong>din</strong> interior care este influenŃată de presiune.<br />

Cercetările experimentale au vizat obŃinerea efectului caloric ca urmarea a<br />

transmiterii călduri la distanŃă prin vibraŃii (prin unde sonice în lichide). Aceste cercetări<br />

s-au realizat pe standul prezentat în Fig. 1, pornind de la frecvenŃe diferite ale motorului<br />

de acŃionare a pistonului generatorului sonic. Pentru fiecare frecvenŃă s-au efectuat<br />

măsurători pentru diferite presiuni statice în instalaŃie (0,25;0,5; 0,75; 1) şi pentru<br />

fiecare presiune statică câte 3 măsurători. Partea experimentală s-a realizat pe standul<br />

construit în diferite variante de aranjare a cilindrilor capacitivi şi a rezistenŃei de<br />

fricŃiune. O variantă constructivă este prezentată în aceasta lucrare şi anume varianta<br />

montajului în paralel (condensatorul mic montat în paralel cu instalaŃia).Important este<br />

ca în urma experimentărilor s-a putut demonstra ca în circuitul <strong>din</strong> Fig. 1 se obŃine<br />

căldură în rezistenŃa de fricŃiune, iar conductele de legătura rămân reci.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />



Received: August 24, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 31, 2011<br />

1 Technical University, Cluj Napoca,<br />

Department of Machine Tools and Industrial Robots<br />

2 Transilvania University, Braşov,<br />

Department of Motor Vehicles and Engines<br />

3” Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iaşi<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Abstract. The paper presents research conducted for a hydraulic actuation<br />

system designed to propel a slow moving device. During system run, the stability<br />

of the system has to be assured, considering the slow moving velocity of the<br />

device. In order to analyse the system, a multi-domain model was developed to<br />

identify the influences of geometry and running conditions on system behaviour.<br />

In order to appreciate the influences of different running parameters, the<br />

propelling speed, pump displacement and motor displacement are considered.<br />

Instabilities at system run-up are identified and are relative rapidly damped.<br />

Key words: fluid power, slow moving system, multi-domain simulation etc.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

High load and slow moving devices are systems that may be actuated in<br />

many cases only using fluid power systems, due to their capability of<br />

developing high power densities and precise actuation. If the system has to<br />

work under moving conditions, additional requirements related to mass density,<br />

unexpected load changes and safety have to be fulfilled. Another important<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: vlad.bocanet@gmail.com

30 Vlad BocăneŃ et al.<br />

requirement of the system is the broad range of powers that have to be achieved.<br />

First design issues for such a system have to rely on important simulation data<br />

to assure time and resource consuming aspects. In order to meet these tasks, a<br />

multi-domain model was used, capable of inclu<strong>din</strong>g time-dependent phenomena<br />

(AMESIM, User Guide).<br />

2. The Actuated System<br />

The hydraulic powered device is a slow moving vehicle that has to meet<br />

different running conditions. One important task is the displacement on<br />

conventional running conditions, inclu<strong>din</strong>g different displacement surface<br />

qualities and surfaces slopes. For this case the 5 tonne device has to be moved<br />

on a 2% slope on a surface having the rolling resistance coefficient µ, 0,015 for<br />

asphalt/concrete road and 0,3 for heavy duty earth conditions. The running<br />

resistance that has to be covered by the propelling system is given by<br />

2<br />

v<br />

R = µmg cosα + mg sin α + 0,5c<br />

x ρA + ma<br />

(1)<br />

2<br />

expressed as a resistance force. Parameters in Eq. (1), have the following<br />

meaning: µ − rolling resistance coefficient, m – vehicle mass, g – acceleration<br />

due to gravity, α – road slope, cx – aerodynamic coefficient, ρ – air density, A –<br />

cross section area of the vehicle, v – vehicle translational speed, a – vehicle<br />

linear acceleration. The aerodynamic drag force, the third term in Eq. (1) is<br />

neglected for the slow running condition. The acceleration force may be<br />

significant if a given acceleration is required so that the system reaches a given<br />

displacement velocity in a given time or length restriction. A second, important<br />

requirement is the very slow moving condition in the range of 1…2 m/s,<br />

maintaining the moving stability.<br />

To assure this second task, a hydraulic propulsion system is analysed.<br />

3. The Multi-Domain Model of the Actuating Hydraulic System<br />

The model, presented in Fig. 1 includes a model 1 for the internal<br />

combustion engine as variable speed source, driving the variable displacement<br />

pump 3 using a gear box 2. The liquid flow provided by the pump propels the<br />

hydraulic motor having a fixed displacement 5 by the hydraulic hose 4.<br />

Additional gears 6 and the final system transmission gear 7 are meant to avoid<br />

minimum stable working speeds of the hydraulic motor, that are often<br />

connected with stability and lubrication issues, especially when high load<br />

conditions are needed. For a realistic modelling, a vehicle model 8 was used<br />

that allow to include rolling resistance, slope resistance 10 and to also simulate<br />

braking conditions by supplying a braking torque at port 9.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 31<br />

Fig. 1 – The multi-domain model of the hydraulic propelling system.<br />

4. The Simulation Results<br />

The main parameters were designed using conventional hydraulic<br />

formulae for a pre-design phase and included in the multi-domain model. The<br />

goal of the study was to identify system behaviour for different design and<br />

running parameters (Călăraşu, 2002), having as output goal and optimisation<br />

criterion, the vehicle displacement and velocity.<br />

4.1. The Influence of Hydraulic Energy Generation Conditions<br />

In order to identify the influence of propelling speed, different values<br />

were chosen. Their influence on vehicle speed is given in Fig. 2a. A<br />

proportional dependence can be observed. System start-up is affected be<br />

oscillations that are damped after approximately 2 seconds despite propelling<br />

speed. A second parameter that has been considered is the volume of the<br />

hydraulic variable displacement pump. The volume has been modified in the<br />

range of the actual to total displacement ranging from 0,3 to 1. Engine speed<br />

and displacement actuation time are modified in the same time range, 5s. The<br />

vehicle speed dependence on pump displacement having a maximum value of<br />

23 cm 3 is shown in Fig. 2b. It can be noticed that at small values of the<br />

displacement, system instability is present at low pump displacements.<br />

It can be observed that the expected stationary behaviour is confirmed.<br />

The dynamical behaviour is affected by oscillations at system start-up and small<br />

scale values of the studied parameters. Inertial effects compensate oscillation<br />

and system instabilities as far as significant parameters are getting to higher<br />

scale values.<br />

The causes of the unstable behaviour are the pressure oscillations<br />

presented in Fig. 3. It can be observed that overcoming the vehicle inertia, the<br />

pressure response of the hydraulic system is characterised by high amplitude<br />

waves of up to 120 bar, compared to system working pressure. The relative<br />

small absolute values of amplitudes are given by the relative high displacements<br />

of pump and motors that contribute also to the rapid amplitude reduction.

32 Vlad BocăneŃ et al.<br />

Fig. 2 – The influence of engine speed and pump displacement on system velocity.<br />

The translation from accelerating to constant time conditions is also<br />

associated with the generation of an oscillation that is rapidly damped. This<br />

oscillation has also significant amplitude, but together with the running in<br />

oscillations, they have practical known influence on system behaviour. Acoustic<br />

emissions are expected to be associated with this oscillations change.<br />

Fig. 3 – Influence of running conditions on geometrical objects:<br />

a – pressure distribution; b – influence of motor displacement.<br />

4.2. The Influence of Hydraulic Power Conversion Unit<br />

The effect of the hydraulic motor volume on system speed is presented in<br />

Fig. 3b. It can be clearly observed that the smaller displacement motor induces<br />

higher scale oscillations. The damping effect is supplementary confirmed by the<br />

pressure oscillation evolution both at system start-up and displacement<br />

condition.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

1. The first conclusion of the study is that stable running conditions can<br />

be achieved using the adopted system structure to propel the high load – low<br />

speed system.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 33<br />

2. The second conclusion reflects that a higher volume system assures<br />

more stable running conditions contributing to the rapid damping of the<br />

pressure waves. This damping effect is given by the dynamic properties of the<br />

liquid, like inertial and compressibility effects. These properties are more<br />

significant as the volume of liquid is increased.<br />


*** AMESIM User Guide. Release 10<br />

Călăraşu D., Reglarea secundară a sistemelor de acŃionare hidrostatică în regim de<br />

presiune cvasiconstantă. Ed. Media-Tech, Iaşi, 1999.<br />

Călăraşu D., Automatizarea sistemelor hidraulice. Ed. „Gh. Asachi”, Iaşi, 2002.<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

Dispozitivele de putere mare care necesită viteză de mişcare redusă pot fi<br />

acŃionate de multe ori folosind sisteme hidraulice, datorită densităŃii mari de putere şi a<br />

preciziei de acŃionare. În plus, dacă este vorba despre implementarea pe o aplicaŃie<br />

mobilă, trebuie luate în considerare alte aspecte precum masa componentelor, schimbarea<br />

neprevăzută a sarcinii sau siguranŃă în operare. O altă caracteristică care trebuie<br />

avută în vedere este domeniul de puteri ce trebuie acoperit.<br />

Această lucrare îşi propune să prezinte cercetări realizate pe un astfel de<br />

dispozitiv. Pentru a optimiza consumul de timp şi resurse, s-a realizat un model<br />

interdisciplinar capabil de a încorpora componentele dependente de timp.<br />

AplicaŃia vizată presupune punerea în mişcare a unui vehicul cu o masă de 5<br />

tone pe o pantă de maxim 2% cu o viteză constantă de 1...2 m/s având o distanŃă<br />

maximă de atingere a acestei viteze. S-a considerat atât situaŃia în care această deplasare<br />

se realizează atât pe beton/asfalt cât şi pe pământ.<br />

Modelul include motorul cu ardere internă care pune în mişcare pompa cu debit<br />

reglabil, conectată la motorul cu debit constant legat de puntea vehiculului prin<br />

intermediul unor angrenaje care au rolul de a asigura stabilitatea la mişcarea lentă sub<br />

sarcină mare. În model se ia în considerare rezistenŃa la înaintare, înclinaŃia pantei şi<br />

momentul rezistent.<br />

Simularea a avut ca scop analiza comportamentului sistemului pentru diferite<br />

configuraŃii şi optimizarea acestuia. Prin rularea simulării se confirmă regimul staŃionar<br />

prevăzut. Regimul <strong>din</strong>amic este afectat de oscilaŃiile de presiune prezente la pornirea<br />

sistemului. De asemenea se poate observa că un motor cu o cilindree mai mică introduce<br />

oscilaŃii de amplitu<strong>din</strong>e mai mare în sistem.<br />

În urma studiului se pot trage două concluzii. În primul rând se poate observa că<br />

această structură poate satisface cerinŃele de viteză mică şi sarcină ridicată. În al doilea<br />

rând se poate observa că folosind un sistem cu un volum mai mare asigură o amortizare<br />

accentuată a undelor de presiune şi drept urmare o funcŃionare mai stabilă.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />





BY<br />



1 Politehnica University, Timişoara<br />

Department of Mechanical Machinery, Equipment and Transport<br />

2 Romanian Academy, Timişoara Branch<br />

3 ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iaşi,<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Received: August 23, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 10, 2011<br />

Abstract. The paper analyzes the cavitation resistance of twelve stainless<br />

steels based on the correlations between the main mechanical properties<br />

(hardness, tensile strength and flow limit) with the 1/MDPR parameter. Data<br />

regar<strong>din</strong>g the microstructure is presented. The microstructure is important for the<br />

analysis of cavitation damage. Diagrams presented in the paper also offer the<br />

ranking of the studied steels in terms of cavitation resistance, using the steels’<br />

mechanical properties as landmark. Final conclusions show that steels with<br />

different values of the mechanical properties and different microstructures can<br />

have similar cavitaton resistances, thus helping hydromechanical equipment<br />

manufacturers in the selection of steels accor<strong>din</strong>g to the hydrodynamic intensities<br />

of the cavitation conditions.<br />

Key words: cavitation erosion, mechanical properties, microstructure,<br />

cavitation resistance.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

An important issue of hydromechanical equipment manufacturers is the<br />

high price of materials, but choosing the adequate material is also important.<br />

Today researchers are trying to find the optimal contents of alloying elements<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ilarica59@gmail.com

36 Ilare Bordeaşu et al.<br />

that will give mechanical characteristics with a positive influence on the<br />

material’s cavitation resistance. The alloying elements influence both the<br />

mechanical properties of the material and its microstructure. Therefore this<br />

paper brings contributions to the correlation of the mechanical properties of<br />

twelve stainless steels for hydromechanical equipment, in this case for the rotors<br />

and blades of hydraulic turbines exposed to intense cavitation. The equations<br />

and the correlation diagrams of the mechanical properties presented in this<br />

paper are an extension of the results obtained by (Garcia et al, 1960), and<br />

(Bordeaşu, 2006), through the introduction of the Cre /Nie ratio.<br />

2. Studied Materials. Testing Method and Used Apparatus<br />

2.1. Studied Materials<br />

Eight of the twelve experimental stainless steels (denoted accor<strong>din</strong>g to<br />

the rough chromium and nickel content: Cr6/Ni10, Cr10/Ni10, Cr18/Ni10,<br />

Cr24/Ni10, Cr12/Ni0, Cr12/Ni2, Cr12/Ni6, Cr12/Ni10) were obtained by<br />

casting at S.C. Zirom S.A. from Giurgiu using the Vacuum melting furnace<br />

with electron flow EMO 1200 R (Fig.1), equipped with an electron canon with a<br />

power of 80 kW (manufactured by the Electrical Plants for the construction of<br />

locomotives “HANS BEIMLER”, Hennigsdorf , Germania). The other four<br />

stainless steels were acquired from hydromechanical equipment exploiters, as<br />

follows (Bordeaşu, 2006): OH12NDL – extracted from the blades of turbines<br />

from Iron Gates I; Stainless steel III-RNR – received from the former<br />

ICPRONAV Institute from Galati where it was used in experimental ship<br />

propellers; steels 20Cr130 and X10CrNi18/4PH were used in experiments<br />

regar<strong>din</strong>g the manufacturing of other components exposed to intense cavitation.<br />

Fig. 1 – Vacuum melting furnace with electron flow EMO 1200 R.<br />

All the steels originate from parts or half-finished parts. The heat<br />

treatments of the stainless steels were achieved using the UTTIS furnace of the<br />

Politehnica University Bucharest. The structure of the cast parts was marked by<br />

high chemical inhomogeneity (segregation), due to the fact that the cooling<br />

process took place at high speeds and the diffusion processes could not take<br />

place in time.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 37<br />

The annealing process was used for the correction of flaws derived from<br />

the casting and for the preparation of the half-finished parts for later processing<br />

and for homogenizing.<br />

Before the cavitation tests, the stainless steels were subjected to solution<br />

hardening in order to improve their properties.<br />

The solution hardening treatment was conducted at 1050°C/1hour/water<br />

(Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2 – Heat treatment diagrams.<br />

Using the Schaefller diagram (Bordeaşu, 2006), the microstructures of the<br />

studied stainless steels were determined, Table 1 (where simplified designations<br />

were used in order to identify the steels in the diagrams that will follow), in<br />

order to determine the microstructural constitution, without analysing it’s effect<br />

on the cavitation resistance, but only through the Cre/Nie ratio.<br />

Table 1<br />

The microstructure accor<strong>din</strong>g to the Cre / Nie ration<br />

(using the Schaefller Diagram (Bordeaşu, 2006))<br />

Designation Material (Ni)e (Cr)e Structure<br />

% %<br />

N1 Cr6/Ni10 15.173 10.266 32%M+68%F<br />

N2 Cr10/Ni10 14.854 14.486 100%A<br />

N3 Cr18/Ni10 14.138 21.448 98%A+2%F<br />

N4 Cr24/Ni10 15.101 29.145 81%A+19%F<br />

C1 Cr12/Ni0 4.81 14.268 75%M+25%F<br />

C2 Cr12/Ni2 6.25 14.626 90%M+10%F<br />

C3 Cr12/Ni6 10.145 14.9 100%A<br />

C4 Cr12/Ni10 14.74 14.668 60%M+40%F<br />

E1 OH12NDL 4.45 13.2 74%M+26%F<br />

E2 III - RNR 6.1 16.1 50%M+50%F<br />

E3 20Cr130 5.4 14.05 34%M+66%F<br />

E4 X10CrNi18/4PH 8.125 20.23 74%A+5%M+21%F<br />

Table 2 presents the mechanical properties of the studied steels and of the<br />

standard steels.

38 Ilare Bordeaşu et al.<br />

Designation Rm<br />

N/mm 2<br />

Table 2<br />

Mechanical characteristics<br />

2.2. Testing Method and Used Apparatus<br />

The cavitation erosion tests were conducted on the magnetostrictive<br />

vibratory apparatus T1 (Bordeaşu, 2006), (Bordeaşu et al., 2007), using a<br />

vibratory cavitational specimen (www.astm.org/Standards). The total length of<br />

the tests for one specimen was 165 minutes. The tests were paused at regular<br />

intervals, in order to record the mass losses and to examine the surface exposed<br />

to the cavitation attack.<br />

The functional parameters of the vibratory apparatus are: power: 500 W,<br />

vibration fervency: 7000±0.3% Hz, double vibration amplitude: 94 µm,<br />

specimen diameter: 12 mm, supply voltage: 220 V/50 Hz, specimen type:<br />

vibratory, working fluid: double distilled water, whose temperature was<br />

maintained at a constant value of 21 ± 1 0 C for the duration of the tests.<br />

The experimental procedure complied with the ASTM standards.<br />

3. Results and Discussions<br />

Starting from the equations established by Hammitt (Hammitt et al.,<br />

1980) (1/MDPR=C⋅HB D , respectively DPR=C⋅(UR⋅HB) D ) and with coefficients<br />

established by Garcia (Garcia et al., 1960):<br />

1<br />

MDPR<br />

1<br />

MDPR<br />

Rp0,2<br />

N/mm<br />

HB<br />

N1 1550 1120 406<br />

N2 1450 1020 371<br />

N3 1335 934 435<br />

N4 1280 901 253<br />

C1 1450 1020 461<br />

C2 1336 935.2 421<br />

C3 1540 1083 353<br />

C4 835 626 286<br />

E1 650 400 225<br />

E2 550 380 159<br />

E3 600 300 170<br />

E4 610 338 185<br />

0.811<br />

= 0.998(UR) , (1)<br />

1.788<br />

= 0.734(HB) , (2)

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 39<br />

1<br />

MDPR<br />

2.0<br />

= 1.43(UR ⋅ HB) , (3)<br />

new equations were established for the correlation of the studied steels<br />

properties with their cavitation erosion resistance, expressed by 1/MDPR.<br />

a b<br />

c<br />

Fig. 3 – The variation of cavitation erosion resistance with mechanical properties: a – with<br />

the hardness; b – with the tensile strength; c – with the flow limit.<br />

In Table 3 one can see analytical equations for the approximation curves<br />

from the correlation diagrams (Fig. 3)<br />

Table 3<br />

The analytical forms of the curves from the correlation diagrams<br />

Figure Analitical form Coeficient C Coeficient D<br />

2 1/MDPR= C⋅HB D 1.54 1,77<br />

3 1/MDPR= C⋅Rm D 0.54 1,56<br />

4 1/MDPR= C⋅Rp0.2 D 70.58 1.51

40 Ilare Bordeaşu et al.<br />

The simultaneous analysis of Table 1 and Table 3, regar<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

analytical equations and the coefficient values of the main mechanical<br />

properties Rm, Rp0.2, indicates that the values of the parameters remain<br />

unchanged, showing only small differences from the values established by<br />

Hammitt and Garcia (Garcia et al., 1960). These differences show that the<br />

established formulas can be used for the increase of the generalization degree.<br />

Fig. 4 – The influence of the mechanical properties and<br />

the chemical constitution on the cavitation resistance.<br />

The equations for the curves that define the cavitations resistance<br />

domains of the stainless steels tested on the magnetostrictive vibratory<br />

apparatus with nickel tube T1 are:<br />

i) for curve 1<br />

ii) for curve 2<br />

iii) for curve 3<br />

1<br />

MDPR<br />

1<br />

MDPR<br />

1<br />

MDPR<br />

−0.004778Φ = 775.1869(1 − e ) , (4)<br />

−0.014426Φ = 129.77(1 − e ) , (5)<br />

−0,04097Φ = 46.3305(1 − e ) . (6)<br />

Using the principles that gowern the materials cavitation erosion<br />

resistance, the diagram in Fig. 4 correlated the normalized resistances with the<br />

mechanical properties and the chemical constitution contained in a single

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 41<br />

formula noted with ψ. This formula represents a generalization of the formula<br />

established by Sakai-Shima (Bordeaşu, 2006), and generalized by Bordeaşu<br />

(Grant CNCSIS PN II: ID-34/2007).<br />

Following the evolution of the curves that establish the difference<br />

between resistance levels, the following conclusions can be drawn:<br />

1. The extension of the domains from weak to super resistant is<br />

justifiable, because creating enhanced properties requires the application of<br />

adequate treatments and new technologies that result in the chemical<br />

compositions necessary for obtaining structural constituents with increased<br />

cavitation resistance.<br />

2. These diagrams allow the prediction of the cavitation erosion<br />

resistance for a stainless steel with known mechanical properties.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. It seems that the model proposed by Hammitt-Garcia for the variation<br />

of erosion resistance with the hardness and the other mechanical properties (Rm,<br />

Rp0,2) keeps its form, with the difference between the scale (C) and form (D)<br />

parameters.<br />

2. Eqs. (4) to (6) represent a generalization of the formulas established by<br />

Sakai-Shima and late by Bordeaşu, with applications for the stainless steels<br />

tested in the Cavitation Laboratory from Timişoara.<br />

3. The diagram from Fig. 4 can be used for predicting the cavitation<br />

behavior of stainless steels used for hydromechanical equipment just by<br />

calculating the coefficient ψ.<br />

4. The extension of the cavitation erosion behavior domains from weak to<br />

super resistant is justifiable because creating increased properties requires the<br />

application of adequate treatments and new technologies that result in the<br />

chemical compositions necessary for obtaining structural constituents with<br />

increased cavitation resistance<br />

5. To generate a new method for the ranking of stainless steels further<br />

research is required on vibratory machines with different operating parameters,<br />

in order to broaden the data base for stainless steels, thus allowing the increase<br />

of the degree of applicability for the formulas established in this paper.<br />

Acknowledgments. The present work has been supported from the Grant<br />

(CNCSIS) PNII, ID 34/77/2007 (Models Development for the Evaluation of Materials<br />

Behavior to Cavitation),<br />


Bordeaşu I., Eroziunea cavitaŃională a materialelor. Ed Politehnica, Timişoara,<br />

http://www.grupoogman.com/og_it_manual.html, 2006.

42 Ilare Bordeaşu et al.<br />

Bordeaşu I., Popoviciu M., Mitelea I., Ghiban B., Bălăşoiu V., łucu D., Chemical and<br />

Mechanical Aspects of the Cavitation Phenomena. Chem.Abs. RCBUAU, 58, 12,<br />

1300-1304 (2007).<br />

Garcia R., Hammitt F. G., Nystrom R. E., Corelation of Cavitation Damage with Other<br />

Material and Fluid Properties. Erosion by Cavitation or Impingement, ASTM,<br />

STP 408 Atlantic City, 1960.<br />

*** Developing Models for Assessing the Behavior of Materials under Cavitation<br />

Erosion. Grant CNCSIS PN II: ID-34/2007.<br />

Hammitt F. G., De M., He J., Okada T., Sun B-H., Scale Effects of Cavitation Inclu<strong>din</strong>g<br />

Damage Scale Effects. Report No. UMICH, 014456 - 75 – I, Conf. Cavitation,<br />

Michigan, 1980.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare se analizează rezistenŃa la cavitaŃie a 12 oŃeluri inoxidabile, pe baza<br />

corelaŃiilor <strong>din</strong>tre principalele proprietăŃi mecanice (duritate, rezistenŃa mecanică la<br />

rupere şi limita de curgere) cu parametrul 1/MDPR. În vederea analizei se oferă şi date<br />

despre constituŃia microstructurală, importantă în analiza distrugerii prin cavitaŃie.<br />

Diagramele prezentate oferă şi o ierarhizare a oŃelurilor cercetate, <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere al<br />

rezistenŃei la cavitaŃie, folosind ca elemente de baza propietaŃile mecanice. Concluziile<br />

finale arată că oŃeluri cu proprietăŃi mecanice diferite valoric şi cu constituŃii<br />

microstructurale diferite pot avea rezistenŃe cavitaŃionale similare, ajutând, astfel<br />

constructorii de echipamente hidromecanice în selectarea oŃelurilor, funcŃie de<br />

intensităŃile hidro<strong>din</strong>amice ale regimurilor cavitaŃionale.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXI I), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Received: August 23, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 2, 2011<br />

”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iaşi,<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Abstract. In this paper determination of size of frictional losses at full load<br />

friction tensioning devices is performed using theoretical calculations of loa<strong>din</strong>g<br />

force and is compared with mesured pulling force developed by tensioning<br />

device. It was tested a device used for reinforcement tensioning, device designed<br />

and realized in Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems Engineering Department,<br />

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management, Technical<br />

University "Gheorghe Asachi" Iasi. The aim of this research is to compare values<br />

obtained with the values given in literature for tensioning devices made by<br />

profile companies of the world.<br />

Key words: pre-tensioning, device for tensioning, frictional force, tendon.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The stand, subject of research presented in this paper, includes a<br />

hydraulic tensioning device with mechanically driven blockings.<br />

The structure of the tensioning device used is shown in Fig. 1 (ChiriŃă et<br />

al., 2009).<br />

The construction and functioning of this device must perform the<br />

following functions: grip the tendon; stretch the tendon until the<br />

necessary tensioning force is reached; push some mantle corbels in the<br />

blocking /ancorage slab; unlock the gripping system on the tendon and<br />

remove the device off the end of tendon (ChiriŃă et al., 2009).<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: andreiasi79@yahoo.com.

44 Constantin ChiriŃă et al.<br />

Fig. 1 – Tensioning device with mechanically driven blockings (ChiriŃă et al., 2009):<br />

1 − cylindrical frame, 2 − left hollow rod, 3 − right hollow rod, 4 − piston, 5 − tendon, 6<br />

− bushing; 7, 8, 9 − wedge grips, tendon blocking system, 10 − pipe frame, 11 −<br />

bushing, 12 − abutment cup, 13 − bushed bearing with mantle corbel, 14 − gui<strong>din</strong>g<br />

tendon pipe; 15 −flange, 16 − spring, 17 − protection bushing, 18 − shutter disk; 19 −<br />

nut with blocking spline.<br />

During pulling of reinforcement for tensioning, occure friction forces due<br />

to friction in the working cylinder and other moving mechanical elements which<br />

oppose to the tension force value. Thus, the active force developed by the<br />

device must be greater than real pulling force.<br />

The purpose of this research is to determine the size of losses at full load<br />

friction tensioning devices used and to compare them with values given in the<br />

literature, for the tensioning devices made by profile companies.<br />

2. Experimental Stand for Determining the Frictional Losses in<br />

Tensioning Devices at Full Load<br />

Friction forces due to friction tensioning devices are opposed to the<br />

piston advance. This force must be added to the effective force of tension.<br />

To determine the theoretical losses of frictional force for single wire<br />

tensioning devices, is used Eq. (1) which gives theoretical value of loa<strong>din</strong>g<br />

force,<br />

F = S P,<br />

(1)<br />

înc<br />

where: S − surface of the piston of the tension cylinder who release effective<br />

strain in cm 2 , P − pressure of power source for pre-stressing in bar.<br />

To determine the relative losses by friction force is used Eq (2),<br />

Fînc − Fexp<br />

∆ Ff<br />

= 100[%] ,<br />

F<br />

exp<br />

were: Fexp is actual force developed by tension device measured with force<br />

transducer at the output of hydraulic pressure source working.<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 45<br />

In this paper was submitted to research two tensioning devices made in<br />

the Department of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems Engineering (DISAHP) -<br />

Department of Machine Tools of the Faculty of Machines Manufacturing and<br />

Industrial Management , “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi. The<br />

devices can strain tendons force 16 tf, first working with a 200mm stroke and<br />

second 500 mm; both devices having surface of the piston of the tension<br />

cylinder S=43.3 cm 2 .<br />

Real pulling force (Fexp) was determined with test stand in Fig. 2.<br />

Stand blocks<br />

experimental<br />

���<br />

������� ������� �<br />

Device for<br />

�<br />

tensioning<br />

Pressure<br />

gauge<br />

High pressure<br />

hydraulic unit<br />

Fig. 2 – Experimental stand to determine of real force (Fexp):<br />

TF − force transmitter, PT − pressure transmitter.<br />

�Pressure<br />

controler<br />

�Digitally force<br />

display<br />

�Digitally pressure<br />

display<br />

Stand components to determine of real force (Fexp) of tensioning devices<br />

are shown in Fig. 2 as follows: high pressure hydraulic unit for tensioning with<br />

pressure controller; wire TBP9; device measuring service (DMS) for calibrating<br />

the display of pulling force on the high-pressure hydraulic source; pressure<br />

transducer of 0…1200 bar; manufacturer SUCO, type 0620, accuracy ± 0.5 %<br />

full scale at room temperature (http://www.suco-pressureswitches.com); force<br />

transducer of 0…25 tf; manufacturer Aplisens, type PCE 28, accuracy ± 0.2 %<br />

(http://www.aplisens.pl/); pressure display digital device; force display digital<br />

device; power supply, 220V, AC.<br />

A first set of tests were performed on stand with tensioning device 16 tf<br />

and 200 mm stroke.<br />

For each pressure step, were performed three measurements resulting in<br />

three sets of pull force values. These values, together with theoretical load force<br />

are shown in Table 1. Here are presented numerical and arithmetic averages of<br />

three sets of experimental measured values of force and relative losses by<br />

friction to the device.

46 Constantin ChiriŃă et al.<br />

Table 1<br />

Experimental results obtained for losses of 16 tf tensioning device with 200 mm stroke<br />

Pressure,<br />

[bar]<br />

Fexp , [tf]<br />

1 2 3<br />

Fînc<br />

[tf]<br />

Average Fexp<br />

[tf]<br />

Relative loss<br />

in device, [%]<br />

60 2.4 2.56 2.61 2.52 2.598 2.87<br />

70 2.83 2.79 2.68 2.77 3.031 8.72<br />

80 3.25 3.27 3.26 3.26 3.464 5.89<br />

90 3.67 3.7 3.71 3.69 3.897 5.23<br />

100 4.06 4.04 4.12 4.07 4.33 5.93<br />

110 4.52 4.53 4.61 4.55 4.763 4.40<br />

120 4.9 5.03 5.03 4.99 5.196 4.03<br />

130 5.42 5.33 5.43 5.39 5.629 4.19<br />

140 5.82 5.84 5.82 5.83 6.062 3.88<br />

150 6.21 6.24 6.28 6.24 6.495 3.87<br />

160 6.57 6.56 6.6 6.58 6.928 5.07<br />

170 6.97 6.96 7 6.98 7.361 5.22<br />

180 7.32 7.41 7.46 7.40 7.794 5.10<br />

190 7.82 8.02 8.06 7.97 8.227 3.16<br />

200 8.3 8.45 8.42 8.39 8.66 3.12<br />

210 8.58 8.75 8.72 8.68 9.093 4.51<br />

220 9.01 9.12 9.15 9.09 9.526 4.54<br />

230 9.48 9.69 9.62 9.60 9.959 3.64<br />

240 9.9 10.03 10.02 9.98 10.392 3.93<br />

250 10.39 10.34 10.34 10.36 10.825 4.33<br />

260 10.78 10.81 10.82 10.80 11.258 4.04<br />

270 11.12 11.02 11.21 11.12 11.691 4.91<br />

280 11.46 11.54 11.6 11.53 12.124 4.87<br />

290 11.96 12 12.02 11.99 12.557 4.49<br />

300 12.34 12.52 12.65 12.50 12.99 3.75<br />

310 12.75 13 13.06 12.94 13.423 3.62<br />

320 13.11 13.35 13.35 13.27 13.856 4.23<br />

330 13.64 13.81 13.81 13.75 14.289 3.75<br />

340 14.1 14.12 14.2 14.14 14.722 3.95<br />

350 14.51 14.61 14.62 14.58 15.155 3.79<br />

360 14.9 15.02 15.02 14.98 15.588 3.90<br />

370 15.21 15.43 15.43 15.36 16.021 4.15<br />

380 15.7 15.94 15.93 15.86 16.454 3.63<br />

390 16.05 16.34 16.26 16.22 16.887 3.97<br />

Tests performed on the same tensioning device (16 tf) but with stroke<br />

500mm, were made by the same methodology as in the previous case, the<br />

values obtained being presented in Table 2.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 47<br />

Table 2<br />

Experimental results obtained for losses of 16 tf tensioning device with 500 mm stroke<br />

Pressure<br />

[bar]<br />

Fexp [tf]<br />

1 2 3<br />

Fînc<br />

[tf]<br />

Average Fexp<br />

[tf]<br />

Relative loss<br />

in device<br />

[%]<br />

60 2.43 2.4 2.42 2.598 2.417 6.98<br />

70 2.8 2.85 2.82 3.031 2.823 6.85<br />

80 3.22 3.23 3.23 3.464 3.227 6.85<br />

90 3.68 3.67 3.71 3.897 3.687 5.40<br />

100 4.08 4.09 4.12 4.330 4.097 5.39<br />

110 4.4 4.41 4.45 4.763 4.420 7.20<br />

120 4.7 4.85 4.89 5.196 4.813 7.36<br />

130 5.2 5.25 5.23 5.629 5.227 7.15<br />

140 5.76 5.73 5.73 6.062 5.740 5.31<br />

150 6.02 6.03 6.03 6.495 6.027 7.21<br />

160 6.53 6.51 6.53 6.928 6.523 5.84<br />

170 6.92 7.02 7.12 7.361 7.020 4.63<br />

180 7.46 7.46 7.47 7.794 7.463 4.24<br />

190 7.85 7.9 7.83 8.227 7.860 4.46<br />

200 8.25 8.24 8.47 8.660 8.320 3.93<br />

210 8.58 8.62 8.61 9.093 8.603 5.39<br />

220 8.92 8.9 8.94 9.526 8.920 6.36<br />

230 9.28 9.35 9.29 9.959 9.307 6.55<br />

240 9.81 9.76 9.81 10.392 9.793 5.76<br />

250 10.23 10.21 10.25 10.825 10.230 5.50<br />

260 10.61 10.65 10.54 11.258 10.600 5.84<br />

270 11.23 11.36 11.36 11.691 11.317 3.20<br />

280 11.48 11.73 11.71 12.124 11.640 3.99<br />

290 12.03 11.92 12.03 12.557 11.993 4.49<br />

300 12.46 12.51 12.4 12.990 12.457 4.11<br />

310 12.92 12.91 12.86 13.423 12.897 3.92<br />

320 13.3 13.2 13.28 13.856 13.260 4.30<br />

330 13.65 13.86 13.72 14.289 13.743 3.82<br />

340 14.02 14 14.03 14.722 14.017 4.79<br />

350 14.4 14.64 14.64 15.155 14.560 3.93<br />

360 14.71 14.84 14.85 15.588 14.800 5.06<br />

370 15.21 15.4 15.34 16.021 15.317 4.40<br />

380 15.58 15.52 15.75 16.454 15.617 5.09<br />

390 16.01 16.01 16.03 16.887 16.017 5.15<br />

Using the data in Table 1 and Table 2 was realized graph of the relative<br />

dispersion of the friction losses amounts values for the two tensioning devices<br />

investigated (Fig. 3).

48 Constantin ChiriŃă et al.<br />

Relative loss in device [%]<br />

10,00%<br />

9,00%<br />

8,00%<br />

7,00%<br />

6,00%<br />

5,00%<br />

4,00%<br />

3,00%<br />

2,00%<br />

1,00%<br />

0,00%<br />

60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380<br />

Pressure [bar]<br />

Fig. 3 – Relative losses in tensioning devices with pulling force 16 tf,<br />

for 200 mm and 500 mm stroke.<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

Losses by tensioning<br />

device with pulling force<br />

16 tF and stroke 200 mm<br />

Losses tensioning device<br />

with pulling force 16 tF<br />

and stroke 500<br />

From Table 1 and Table 2, as well as the dispersion graph of the errors<br />

(Fig. 3), we see that the relative losses of force by friction within the device<br />

varies between 3.16% and 8.72%, the maximum known in literature for<br />

tensioning devices with similar characteristics being 10% - 15%.<br />

The studied devices performances are comparable to those of other<br />

devices made by other manufacturers, which validates the use of this device in<br />

the stand for tension reinforcement of pre-stressed concrete.<br />


ChiriŃă C., Zetu D., Grama A., Afrăsinei M., Device for Tensioning of Strands of<br />

Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Structures. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LV (LIX), 1, s.<br />

ConstrucŃii de maşini, 65-70 (2009).<br />

*** Studiere şi proiectare de modele experimentale - Dezvoltarea unui sistem de<br />

echipamente tehnologice hidraulice de forŃă, inovative, pentru modernizarea<br />

pretensionării armăturilor la structurile de beton precomprimat. Hydramold,<br />

Contract de finanŃare nr. 151, Tensrelax, Etapa I, 2008.<br />

*** http://www.suco-pressureswitches.com/druckueberwachung/drucktransmitter/<br />

drucktransmitter.php<br />

*** http://www.aplisens.pl/en/produkty/pc.html<br />

*** http://www.hydramold.com/produse.php?cat=SistemeMasurareDigitala.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Determinarea mărimii pierderilor prin frecare la mersul în sarcină al<br />

dispozitivelor de tensionare se realizează cu ajutorul calculului forŃei teoretice de<br />

încărcare în dispozitiv şi a forŃei reale de tragere dezvoltate de dispozitivul de<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 49<br />

Scopul acestei cercetări este de a determina mărimea pierderilor prin frecare la<br />

mersul în sarcină al dispozitivelor de tensionare utilizate şi compararea acestora cu<br />

valorile date în literatura de specialitate, privind dispozitivele de tensionare realizate de<br />

firmele de profil.<br />

Pentru determinarea pe cale teoretică a pierderilor de forŃă prin frecare la<br />

dispozitivele de tensionare monofilare, se va pleca de la relaŃia (1) care dă valoarea<br />

teoretică a forŃei de încărcare.<br />

Pentru determinarea pe cale experimentală a pierderilor de forŃă prin frecare s-au<br />

utilizat două dispozitive de tensionare monofilare realizate în cadrul Departamentului de<br />

Ingineria Sistemelor AcŃionate Hidraulic şi Pneumatic (DISAHP) <strong>din</strong> cadrul Catedrei de<br />

Maşini Unelte şi Scule al FacultăŃii de ConstrucŃii de Maşini şi Management Industial<br />

de la <strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> “Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi, care pot tensiona tendoane la<br />

forŃă de 16 tf, unul având cursa de lucru de 200mm şi al doilea de 500 mm; ambele<br />

dispozitive au suprafaŃa pistonului cilindrului care realizează tensionarea de: 43,3 cm 2 .<br />

Pentru fiecare treaptă de presiune s-au efectuat câte trei măsurători obŃinându-se<br />

seturi de câte trei valori ale forŃei de tragere. Aceste valori, împreună cu forŃa de încărcare<br />

teoretică corespunzătoare sunt prezentate în tabelele <strong>din</strong> lucrare. Tot aici, sunt prezentate<br />

numeric şi mediile aritmetice ale seturilor de câte 3 valori ale forŃei experimentale<br />

măsurate precum şi pierderile relative prin frecare în dispozitiv.<br />

Din tabele, precum şi <strong>din</strong> graficul de dispersie al erorilor, se observă că pierderea<br />

relativă de forŃa prin frecare <strong>din</strong> dispozitiv variază între limitele 3,16% şi 8,72%,<br />

valoarea maximă cunoscută în literatura de specialitate, pentru dispozitivele de<br />

tensionare cu caracteristici similare fiind de 10%...15%.<br />

Cele prezentate au condus la concluzia că dispozitivele studiate realizează<br />

performanŃe comparabile cu dispozitive realizate de alŃi producători, ceea ce validează<br />

utilizarea acestui dispozitiv în standul de tensionare a armăturilor <strong>din</strong> betonul<br />



Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />



Received: August 25, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 31, 2011<br />

Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute /<br />

INOE 2000 – IHP, Bucureşti<br />

Abstract. The paper presents the results of experimental research on the<br />

dynamic behavior of linear hydraulic motors and linear positioning servosystems<br />

carried out in INOE 2000-IHP, in the framework of the NUCLEU<br />

Program. The experimental investigations were conducted on an experimental<br />

stand with data acquisition and computer processing. The article presents some<br />

experimental graphic results obtained in the research, results that are of real<br />

scientific interest, which have a practical value through the using of them in the<br />

design activities of the fluid power components and equipments.<br />

Key words: linear hydraulic servo-systems, dynamic behavior,<br />

experimental research, test stand, data acquisition.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

In the structure of hydraulic drive systems, in addition to the equipment<br />

for generating, conditioning, control and distribution of the hydraulic energy,<br />

there are hydraulic operative elements (motors) that make transformation /<br />

conversion of hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and perform mechanical<br />

work required by the drive system (Velescu, 2003). Therefore, knowing the<br />

dynamic behavior of hydraulic operative elements, as operative parts of the<br />

working machines, is of particular interest to ensure performance of hydraulic<br />

drive equipment and systems. The main operative elements used within<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: cristescu.ihp@fluidas.ro

52 Corneliu Cristescu et al.<br />

hydraulic control and actuation systems are classified in two categories namely:<br />

linear hydraulic motors and rotary hydraulic motors (Marin & Marin, 1987).<br />

Linear hydraulic motors, which are the subject of research presented, are<br />

operative hydraulic elements that perform a linear motion at the working<br />

mechanism of equipment and machinery. These operative elements have as<br />

their characteristic the rectilinear motion and they are currently known as<br />

hydraulic cylinders, or hydraulic actuators (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1 – REXROTH Linear Hydraulic Motor (MHL).<br />

Knowing the dynamic behavior of linear hydraulic motors (MHL), early<br />

since the design stage, involves conducting theoretical research and, also,<br />

experimental researches, which have a substantial role to confirming the<br />

theoretical results (Oprean et al., 1989). Based on experimental measurements,<br />

the experimental research can determine the actual performance of the dynamic<br />

behavior of the hydraulic operative elements. Experimental testing of the linear<br />

hydraulic motors, in order to investigate the factors that influence the dynamic<br />

behavior of linear hydraulic motors (MHL), there has been necessary to design<br />

and construct an experimental test stand, which allowed conducting<br />

experimental research in good condition. The test stand was developed inside of<br />

the Laboratory of Servo-Control Equipments from INOE 2000-IHP.<br />

In design and implementation of test stand for dynamic behavior linear<br />

hydraulic motors the intention was to maximally use the existing facilities, to<br />

which there have been added other equipment, instruments, components and<br />

devices specially purchased, to minimize the costs of such an action. In this<br />

respect, there was made extensive use of the facilities existing in the institute.<br />

2. Design of Dynamic Test Stand<br />

In design of the experimental test stand for dynamic behavior of linear<br />

hydraulic motors, there has been considered the equipment existing in the<br />

Laboratory of Servo-Control Equipments, in INOE 2000-IHP, taking as a base<br />

the structure of an existing stand for testing seals of hydraulic cylinders. It is<br />

equipped with a hydraulic cylinder with bilateral rod, which is actually a linear<br />

hydraulic motor, mounted vertically, which may be required to lift various<br />

weights. Supply of the linear hydraulic motor is made through a servo valve,<br />

from a hydraulic pressure group, with manually adjustable flow and possibility<br />

for flow measurement. The hydro-mechanical diagram of test stand for dynamic<br />

behavior of a linear hydraulic motor is shown in Fig. 2.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 53<br />

These experimental stands are a functional group of components,<br />

equipment, devices and proper instrumentation, aiming at allowing the<br />

experiments to be conducted, by which to highlight the factors influencing the<br />

dynamic behavior of linear hydraulic motors.<br />

Fig. 2 – Hydro-mechanical diagram of the stand for dynamic tests.<br />

The main components of the dynamic test stand, accor<strong>din</strong>g to hydromechanical<br />

diagram shown in Fig. 2, are the next ones: linear hydraulic motor,<br />

MHL; stroke transducer, TS; mass /weight to be lifted, M/G; force transducer,<br />

TF, pressure transducers, TP1 and TP2; servo valve SV; hydro-pneumatic<br />

accumulators, AC1 and AC2; pressure unit RU, comprising typical parts,<br />

mounted on a tank Rz; data acquisition board, DAQ; computer PC.<br />

In principle, as shown in Fig. 2, the hydro-mechanical diagram of the test<br />

stand for dynamic behavior of linear hydraulic motor includes three major<br />

subassemblies, namely: the pressure unit, the hydro-mechanical system, which<br />

contains the linear hydraulic motor being tested, and the data acquisition system<br />

with computer, sensors and transducers (Calinoiu, 2009). The pressure unit, RU,<br />

provides adjustable oil flow and it has all the elements specific to usual pressure<br />

blocks.<br />

The hydraulic operative system with linear motion consists of linear<br />

hydraulic motor MHL and servo valve SV. The system is equipped with<br />

transducers needed to capture the evolution of parameters of interest: built-in<br />

stroke transducer TS, force transducer TF and pressure transducers PT1 and<br />

PT2. The hydraulic operative system with linear motion, consisting of linear

54 Corneliu Cristescu et al.<br />

hydraulic motor and servo valve, is actually the subject tested, for the purpose<br />

of ascertaining the dynamic behavior of linear hydraulic operative elements.<br />

The data acquisition system consists mainly of the data acquisition board<br />

DAQ, computer PC and stroke transducer TS, force transducer TF and pressure<br />

transducers PT1 and PT2, and it works on the basis of data acquisition and<br />

processing software. Charging the operative system is performed by placing on<br />

the motor rod, over the force transducer, some parts with masses with different,<br />

but known, weights, M/G. To conduct experimental research on dynamic<br />

behavior of linear hydraulic elements MHL, there was chosen, as research<br />

object, an electro-hydro-mechanical servo system comprising a real linear<br />

hydraulic motor with bilateral rod, MHL, controlled by an electro hydraulic<br />

servo valve SV, manufactured by MOOG Company.<br />

3. Physical Implementation of Dynamic Test Stand<br />

After design, the test stand has been physically implemented by mounting<br />

its components accor<strong>din</strong>g to the hydro-mechanical diagram in Fig. 2 and located<br />

in the Laboratory of Servo-Control Equipments, as it can be seen in Fig. 3.<br />

Fig. 3 – Dynamic test stand for linear hydraulic motors.<br />

Of particular interest is how are located and mounted the transducers<br />

required to absorb variations of the main dynamic parameters, on which<br />

depends, ultimately, the acquisition accuracy of evolution of parameters<br />

(Călinoiu, 2009). The control servo-valve of the hydraulic linear servo-system is<br />

shown in Fig. 4 and the Fig. 5 shows the pressure transducer mounted on the top<br />

of the linear hydraulic motor. In Fig. 6 is shown the flow transducer mounted on<br />

the pump discharge circuit and in Fig. 7 can be seen the pressure transducer<br />

with local display and the gauge mounted on the discharge circuit of the MHL.<br />

Fig. 8 shows the force transducer, which is located under the weights as<br />

the load charging items of MH and in Fig. 9 is shown the stroke transducer<br />

incorporated in the structure of the hydraulic motor MHL (Călinoiu, 2009).

Fig. 4 – Servo Valve.<br />

Fig. 6 – Flow transducer.<br />

Fig. 8 – Force transducer.<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 55<br />

4. Conducting Experiments<br />

Fig. 5 – Pressure transducer.<br />

Fig. 7 – Pressure transducer and gauge.<br />

Fig. 9 – Stroke transducer.<br />

Conducting experiments on the dynamic behavior of linear hydraulic<br />

motors was based on the testing software outlined at the beginning of the tests.<br />

For research of dynamic behavior, there must be known variations over<br />

time of dynamic parameters of interest namely: variation of stroke, speed and<br />

acceleration, pressure variation in the two circuits of the linear hydraulic motor<br />

and variation of inertia force.<br />

Therefore, after preparation and implementation of all technical<br />

conditions necessary for the operation of this experimental stand, it proceeds as<br />

follows: there are placed, successively, different known masses M, of weight G,<br />

on the rod of the linear hydraulic motor, as its load/charge; there is performed<br />

actuation of the linear hydraulic motor for one, two or three up and down,<br />

consecutive cycles; there is measured the variation of parameters of interest by<br />

acquiring and registering their evolution over time; finally, there are analyzed<br />

the values and graphical evolution of dynamic parameters of interest.

56 Corneliu Cristescu et al.<br />

Accor<strong>din</strong>g with Testing Program, the tests were conducted for 2 steps of<br />

flow: 12.5 l/min and 27 l/min and for 3 inertial masses: 5kg, 12kg and 17kg.<br />

The hydraulic operative system with linear motion is an assembly of the<br />

linear hydraulic motor and its control servo valve.<br />

Technical data regar<strong>din</strong>g the linear hydraulic motor MHL: type: bilateral<br />

rod cylinder, diameter of the cylinder: 105.4 mm, diameter of the rod: 70 mm,<br />

working stroke: 160 mm, working pressure: 250 bar.<br />

Technical data regar<strong>din</strong>g the servo valve SV: type : MOOG, series: 760,<br />

for pressure: 70 bar, rated diameter: 6 mm, maximum flow: 40 l/min.<br />

5. Experimental Results<br />

After conducting experiments on the dynamic behavior of linear<br />

operative hydraulic components and systems, along time range, in accordance<br />

with the testing program, there were obtained a series of graphical and tabular<br />

results regar<strong>din</strong>g variation in time of the main dynamic parameters: variation of<br />

inertia force on the rod of MHL, Fi=Fi(t); variation of stroke of the servo<br />

system rod, x=x(t), variation of velocity of the servo system rod, v=v(t);<br />

variation of pressure p1, at the input of MHL, p1=p1(t); variation of pressure<br />

p2, at the output of MHL, p2=p2(t); variation of temperature at the input of<br />

MHL, T = T(t).<br />

In Fig. 10, one can see the graphical variations of dynamic parameters<br />

over a complete cycle down-up-down, on stroke of 160 mm., for the flow step<br />

of 27 l/min (correspon<strong>din</strong>g the theoretical velocity of 90 mm/s) and for the<br />

attached masse on rod of 17 kg. In the Table 1, are presented some selected<br />

numerical values of these dynamic parameters, only for a part of lifting stroke.<br />

Fig. 10 – Graphical variations of parameters of interest.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 57<br />

Table 1<br />

Selective numerical values for lifting stroke<br />

t[s] F[N] P1[bar] z[mm] v[mm/s] P2[bar] t[C 0 ]<br />

1.64 -18.46 35.36 98.464 74.40 31.93 29.44<br />

1.66 -12.53 35.32 99.856 72.80 31.82 29.38<br />

1.68 1.404 35.40 101.36 73.60 32.06 29.39<br />

1.70 -5.34 35.43 102.83 72.80 32.09 29.39<br />

1.72 -6.28 35.39 104.28 73.60 32.04 29.42<br />

Experimental results are in concordance with numerical calculus and the<br />

theoretical results obtained by mathematical modeling and computer simulation.<br />

6. Conclusions<br />

1. The experimental research of the dynamic behavior of the linear servosystems<br />

was made by using the modern method of analysis and synthesis,<br />

inclu<strong>din</strong>g theoretical and experimental research. The experimental research has<br />

validated the constructive solutions for the experimental device and the<br />

experimental testing method.<br />

2. The diagram of force variation reveals low values on a complete piston<br />

stroke; this is due to the small masses attached on the cylinder rod.<br />

3. The variation of the piston stroke, on a complete cycle, is linear, with<br />

no sudden variations, due to using of servo-valve.<br />

4. Speed variation is constant, as there are no large jumps at start, also<br />

due the using of servo-valve.<br />

5. Pressure values, on the two piston working circuits, are very close, also<br />

due to the small masses attached on the cylinder rod.<br />

6. Analysis of experimental data enables identification of sensitive<br />

behavior parameters and, through changing their value; it can optimize the<br />

dynamic behavior of components and/or hydraulic acting systems (Fluid<br />

Power).<br />

Acknowledgements. Experimental research presented has been achieved in the<br />

framework of the institutional research program NUCLEU, funded by the National<br />

Authority for Scientific Research in Romania-ANCS.<br />


Velescu C., Aparate şi echipamente hidrostatice proporŃionale. Ed. Mirton, Timişoara,<br />

2003.<br />

Marin V., Marin Al. Sisteme hidraulice automate–Constructie reglare exploatare.<br />

Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti, 1987.

58 Corneliu Cristescu et al.<br />

Oprean, A., Ispas C., Ciobanu E., Dorin Al., Medar S., Olaru A,<br />

Prodan D., AcŃionări şi automatizări hidraulice, Modelare, simulare,<br />

încercare. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti, 1989.<br />

Călinoiu C., Senzori şi traductoare. Vol. I, Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti, 2009.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Articolul prezintă unele rezultate experimentale obŃinute în cadrul unei cercetări<br />

complexe, atât teoretice, cât şi experimentale, desfăşurate în institutul INOE 2000-IHP,<br />

pe un proiect de crecetare insituŃională <strong>din</strong> programul de cercetare NUCLEU al ANCS.<br />

În acest articol se prezintă, în mod special, standul de testare realizat, echiparea<br />

acestuia cu senzori şi traductoare şi cu sistem de achiziŃie date, procedura de<br />

experimentare, precum şi principalele marimi variate în timpul expeirmentărilor.<br />

Analiza datelor experimentale oferă posibilitatea identificării parametrilor cu<br />

sensibilitate comportamentală, iar prin modificarea lor, se poate optimiza comportarea<br />

<strong>din</strong>amică a componentelor şi/sau sistemelor hidraulice de acŃionare (Fluid Power).


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Transilvania University, Braşov<br />

Department of Economic Engineering and Production Systems<br />

Received: May 6, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: July 23, 2011<br />

Abstract. Various customers require a detailed breakdown of the product<br />

costs in the quotation and delivery phase, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the project costs involved.<br />

Some customers have different procedures and consequently use their own forms.<br />

In principle, detailed product cost illustrations for customers are subject to<br />

restrictions and may only be forwarded to customers once this has been agreed<br />

with the relevant departments. The content of the product cost breakdown is<br />

defined in the escalation stages and forwarded on. All the basic information for all<br />

stages about tooling adjustment costs (testing costs), tooling costs, design costs<br />

and type-specific measuring equipment costs is the same. The aim of this<br />

procedure is to ensure that the information presented to the customer is of uniform<br />

content. This is particularly important if the customer submits an enquiry for a<br />

product to different sales regions on an uncoor<strong>din</strong>ated basis. The purpose of this<br />

paper is to regulate the handling and content of detailed product cost illustrations<br />

based on the cost value (standard quotation cost value) for customers. Through<br />

the use of standard forms, detailed product costs are only passed on to the<br />

customer on a restricted basis. Product cost data may only be handed over to the<br />

customer when all other possibilities have been rejected and it is unavoidable.<br />

Key words: administration cost, standard, price, quality, profit.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

A strong manager must understand how costs are captured and assigned<br />

to goods and services and in addition to alternative methods of costing, a good<br />

manager will need to understand different theories or concepts about costing.<br />

* e-mail: florinacristinafilip@yahoo.com

60 Florina Cristina Filip<br />

Costing is such an extensive part of the management accounting function that<br />

many people refer to management accountants as cost accountants. But, cost<br />

accounting is only a subset of managerial accounting applications.<br />

The price of any product is one of its most important attributes: a products<br />

price may differentiate it from competing products. The direct costs associated<br />

with the manufacture of a product are those costs that are directly associated<br />

with its manufacture. The most obvious direct costs are direct material and<br />

direct labour costs. Other direct costs always occur when manufacturing a<br />

product, such as the cost of the energy used to produce the product, the cost of<br />

supervising the staff producing the product, etc. Whether these direct costs are<br />

included in the product costs as directs or indirect depends on the circumstances<br />

in a company.<br />

For instance, if the electricity supply to a factory is monitored as its point<br />

of entry into the factory, it may not be possible to measure the energy used by a<br />

particular production line. The cost of energy used in manufacturing a product<br />

could then be apportioned to it accor<strong>din</strong>g to some company rules, or procedures.<br />

However, if the cost of energy is not significant, it may be regarded as an<br />

indirect cost. Direct costs are sometimes referred to as variable costs because<br />

they vary with the level of production of a product. In theory, if we do not<br />

produce any products of a given type its direct costs are zero.<br />

A direct cost is a cost that is directly associated with changes in production<br />

volume. This usually restricts the definition of direct costs to direct materials<br />

and direct labour (and a strong case can be made for not using direct labour,<br />

since this costs tends to be present even when production volumes vary). For<br />

example, the materials used to create a product are a direct cost, whereas the<br />

machine used to convert the materials into a finished product is not a direct cost,<br />

because it is still going to be sitting on the factory floor, irrespective of any<br />

changes in production volume. Thus, direct costing assumes that fixed costs are<br />

period costs, and so should be recognized as expenses during the period when<br />

they occur.<br />

Exist many situations in which direct costing should not be used and in<br />

which it will yield incorrect information. Its single largest problem is that it<br />

completely ignores all indirect costs, which make up the bulk of all costs<br />

incurred by today’s companies. This is a real problem when dealing with longterm<br />

costing and pricing decisions, since direct costing will likely yield results<br />

that do not achieve long-term profitability.<br />

2. Cost Breakdown for Tool Costs/Special Direct Costs<br />

2.1. Level 1 – Cost Breakdown at Sub-Assembly Level<br />

At Level 1, detailed tool costs for component parts are not given as<br />

standard. Rather, at sub-assembly level, it is the part-specific tooling cost,<br />

design cost and tooling adjustment cost if necessary material cost that are<br />

forwarded to the customer. This information can be obtained from the local cost

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 61<br />

computation and calculating system. If the customer is not satisfied with the<br />

standard answer, it is necessary to check whether specific information can<br />

potentially be given in accordance with Level 2.<br />

2.2. Level 2 – Cost Breakdown at Component Level<br />

If the inspection process produces a decision to respond in accordance<br />

with Level 2, a cost breakdown is performed at component level by standard.<br />

This decision may have a contractual foundation or may be the result of an<br />

additional request for information from the customer following Level 1.<br />

Information on the tooling cost, the design cost and tooling adjustment cost if<br />

necessary material cost can be obtained from the local cost computation and<br />

calculating system.<br />

2.3. Level 3 – Detailed Special Direct Costs<br />

If the customer does not accept the information from Level 2, with<br />

detailed special direct costs must be sent to the customer. The contents of this<br />

form are defined by the work planning department and the responsible key user<br />

in network of value management competence for checking and forwar<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

form to sales. The detailed special direct costs include the parts designation, the<br />

tool type and the outlay in hours as well as the hourly rate for the tooling costs,<br />

design costs and the tooling adjustment costs for internal form. From this form<br />

is generated a PDF-Form which can be forwarded to the customer about sales<br />

department. The costs for measuring equipment can also be indicated.<br />

2.4. Level 4 – Transfer of Data into Customer’s Own Form<br />

If the customer is requesting a breakdown of the product costs and<br />

expects to receive this information in a sheet which has been supplied for this<br />

specific purpose (customer-specific form), it is still necessary to follow the<br />

procedure and correspon<strong>din</strong>g steps described under point 2.3. The results must<br />

be entered into the detailed special direct costs form. If required, the<br />

presentation is made by the responsible key user in network of value<br />

management competence after consultation with the customer. This procedure is<br />

to ensure that the contents of the statements made to the customer are the same.<br />

This is especially important if the inquiry for a product from customers is made<br />

to various sales regions at the same time without any coor<strong>din</strong>ation.<br />

2.5. Level 5 - Photographs of Tools<br />

Supplementing tooling documentation by inclu<strong>din</strong>g photographs is only<br />

permitted in exceptional cases and after consultation with the responsible key<br />

user in network of value management competence if customer visits can be<br />


62 Florina Cristina Filip<br />

Fig.1 – Inquiry processing with cost breakdowns for tooling.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 63<br />

To assist in monitoring productive efficiency and cost control,<br />

managerial accountants may develop standards. These standards represent<br />

benchmarks against which actual productive activity is compared. Importantly,<br />

standards can be developed for labour costs and efficiency, materials cost and<br />

utilization and more general assessments of the overall deployment of facilities<br />

and equipment (the overhead) .<br />

72%<br />

4%<br />

24%<br />

Labour<br />

Overhead<br />

Part Costs<br />

Fig. 2 – Typically product costs breakdown (Shipulski, 2009).<br />

To meet demand, a manager may prudently authorize significant overtime.<br />

This overtime may result in higher than expected wage rates and hours. As a<br />

result, a variance analysis could result in certain unfavourable variances.<br />

However, this added cost was incurred because of higher customer demand and<br />

was perhaps a good business decision.<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

1. Costing can occur under various methods and theories, and a manager<br />

must understand when and how these methods are best utilized to facilitate the<br />

decisions that must be made.<br />

2. Direct costs are attributable to the production of the goods sold by a<br />

company. This amount includes the cost of the materials used in creating the<br />

good along with the direct labour costs used to produce the good. It excludes<br />

indirect expenses such as distribution costs and sales force costs. Cost of goods<br />

sold appears on the income statement and can be deducted from revenue to<br />

calculate a company's gross margin.<br />

3. The possible mark-ups and mark-downs of the calculated special direct<br />

costs are passed on by sales to the creator of the cost breakdown due to factors<br />

relating market policy.<br />

4. Detailed product cost illustrations for customers are subject to<br />

restrictions and may only be forwarded to customers once this has been<br />

agreed with the relevant departments.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational<br />

Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European<br />

Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number<br />

POSDRU/88/1.5/S/59321.<br />


Briciu S., Căpuşneanu S., Effective Cost Analysis Tools Of The Activity-Based Costing<br />

(Abc) Method. Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Oeconomica, XII, 1, 25-<br />

35 (2010).

64 Florina Cristina Filip<br />

Drury C., Cost and Management Accounting. Thomson Learning, London, 2006.<br />

Quesada-Pineda H., The ABCs of Cost Allocation in the Wood Products Industry:<br />

Applications in the Furniture Industry. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State<br />

University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Communications and<br />

Marketing, 2010.<br />

Shipulski M., Product Design – The most Powerful (and Missing) Element of Lean.<br />

http://www.shipulski.com/2009/12/01/product-design-the-most-powerful-andmissing-element-of-lean,<br />

2009<br />

*** Introduction to Managerial Accounting. http://www.principlesofaccounting.com/<br />

chapter%2017.htm<br />

*** Industrial Management Unit 6: Product Costing & Pricing. http://labspace.open.<br />

ac.uk/mod/resource/view.php?id=361239<br />

*** Direct Costing. http://www.accountingtools.com/direct-costing<br />

*** Cost of Goods Sold – COGS. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cogs.asp<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Pentru a produce bunuri, fiecare companie de fabricaŃie necesită alocarea de<br />

materii prime, forŃa de muncă şi cheltuieli de regie în scopul de a determina costurile<br />

finale de producŃie. Pentru cea mai mare parte a companiilor industriale, costurile de<br />

fabricaŃie sunt cuprinse într-un interval de 60-70% <strong>din</strong> preŃul de vânzare final al unui<br />

produs. Prin urmare, nevoia de sisteme eficiente de repartizare a costurilor este esenŃială<br />

pentru a controla costurile de producŃie. Pentru unii manageri, este important să ştie care<br />

parte <strong>din</strong> costuri sunt considerate fixe sau variabile. O companie care produce bunuri<br />

trebuie să aibe în vedere aspectele legate de achiziŃionarea şi prelucrarea materiilor<br />

prime necesare pentru realizarea unui produs finit, intrucat produsele rezultate în urma<br />

procesului de fabricaŃie şi costurile de producŃie, reprezintă însumarea <strong>din</strong>tre costurile<br />

cu materiile prime directe, costurile cu forŃa de muncă şi costurile de regie.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />



Received: August 22, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 2, 2011<br />

”Gheorghe Asachi” Tehnical University of Iaşi,<br />

1 Department of Machine Tools<br />

2 Department of Materials Science<br />

Abstract. To achieve the required pulling and tensioning tendons in<br />

prestressed concrete structures it use locking systems. Locking systems must be<br />

made of materials with appropriate strength so as not to destroy their active<br />

surface due the pulling forces having large and very large values. This is<br />

achieved by using alloy steel, heat treated on active surfaces and by<br />

dimensioning so as to provide necessary forces and unlocking of wedge grips at<br />

the end of tension cycle.<br />

Key words: wedge grips, clamping device, tensioning device,<br />

pretensioning, finite elements analysis, virtual model.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Locking systems are devices with jams/friction wedges used to secure the<br />

ends of the thus wire and keep them tensioned after removing of the tensioning<br />

device, up to the strength of concrete and blocking tensioning device on the<br />

active contact surface between tendons and the wedge grips.<br />

Locking systems must be made of materials with appropriate strength so<br />

as they do not make damages due the pulling forces which have large and very<br />

large values and in abutment the strained tendons to be kept locking up after<br />

hardening of the cast concrete and relief. This is done on the one hand by using<br />

alloy steels, heat treated to superficial hardness of 60…65 HRC on the other<br />

hand, constructionmust be sized so as to provide necessary friction force of<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: andreiasi79@yahoo.com

66 Andrei Grama et al.<br />

blocking systems (at tensioning) and unlocking of wedge grips at the end of<br />

tensioning.<br />

Constructive solution of locking system of tensioning device is shown in<br />

Fig. 1.<br />

Fig. 1 – Wedge grips in the device for tensioning of tendon (ChiriŃă et al. 2009).<br />

Theoretical and experimental researches conducted on locking systems<br />

are designed to establish the type of material and their optimal dimensions and<br />

shape. To this purpose theoretical research will be made by finite element<br />

analysis.<br />

Finite element analysis modeling involves the following steps: establish<br />

constructive solution for blocking systems and their components; establishing of<br />

virtual model of locking elements; establishing of surface elements; setting<br />

parameters considered in the analysis; data processing; interpretation of<br />

numerical analysis results.<br />

For analysis by this method was used CATIA (Computer Aided Three<br />

Dimensional Interactive Application) that is a suite of multiplatform<br />

commercial software CAD/CAM/CAE French company Dassault Systemes<br />

developed. (Ghionea, 2007)<br />

In this paper, is presented finite element analysis for the assembly wedge<br />

grips – mantle corbel.<br />

In Fig. 2 is shown how is the decomposition of surface contact forces<br />

between wedge grips – mantle corbel.<br />

Fk + Fbl<br />

Fig. 2 – Mode decomposition of the contact force F on the surface of a wedge grips –<br />

mantle corbel (Axinte&Grama, 2009): 1 − mantle corbel, 2 − wedge grips F − force<br />

developed by hydraulic cylinder piston drive, Fbl − force who remain in reinforcement<br />

after it was blocking by tensioning in the abutment, FK − tensioning force.<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 67<br />

2. Establishing Virtual Model, Data Processing and Research Results<br />

Assemble contact elements with pretensions pull operation strand of<br />

tensioning device of 16 tf in the virtual model comprises: set of 3 wedge grips,<br />

mantle corbel, wire<br />

To obtain the contact element assembly for pull operation, will be done<br />

the following steps:<br />

i) choose of assembly components;<br />

ii) establish their constraints.<br />

It is considered as a fixed constraint and constraint wedge grips contact<br />

surfaces + mantle corbel (2x conical surfaces wedge grips x 1 = 2 surface) and<br />

surface contact constraint between the wedge grips and wire (3x surface wedge<br />

grips on wire x 1 surfaces wedge grips = 3 surfaces)<br />

Fig. 3 shows the studying assemblies, where all the stages of constraint<br />

on the operation of pulling contact with pretensions of wire are: Start →<br />

Mechanical Design → Assembly Design → Contact Constrain, existing<br />

elements tensioning device 16 tf.<br />

The model is subject to optimization, where in addition to the set of<br />

wedge grips teeth, and the effects of contact between the wedge grips and<br />

strand, only for wedge grips made of OLC 45 and mantle corbel made of<br />

40Cr10 (Table 1).<br />

Fig. 3 – Virtual model of studied assembly.<br />

Table 1<br />

Materials used for assembly and mechanical properties<br />

of elements introduced in the modeling<br />

Element assembly Material Mechanical resistance<br />

Wedge grips OLC 45 STAS 880/88 4.8 x 10 8 N/m 2<br />

Mantle corbel 40Cr10 STAS 791-88 5.6 x 10 8 N/m 2<br />

Wire Wire 7 4 STAS 15.1 x 10 8 N/m 2

68 Andrei Grama et al.<br />

In this case, two assemblies were used, the difference between them<br />

being that the contact area between teeth and tendon pulling wedge grips<br />

provides a fillet to the wedge grips teeth was observed difference between the<br />

two assemblies created.<br />

To generate finite element model, launches CATIA Analysis &<br />

Simulation package and select Structural Analysis Module Generation. Then<br />

select option Static Analysis of the New Analysis Case window, involving static<br />

analysis of the structure in terms of constraints and loads independent of time.<br />

The tree structure’s specified requirements are observed the following undertree<br />

specification structures.<br />

i) Links to identify the path to save files with the final results, to identify<br />

the path to save intermediate results files, and that to return to proper<br />

specifications solid model for analysis (Product1. CATProduct).<br />

ii) Finite element model specifications: Elements and Nodes, Properties.1<br />

and the State Case. The activation by double pressing the left mouse button,<br />

specification OCTREE Thetraedron Mesh.1: part1 or green symbol associated<br />

with the finite element type, automatically set type tetrahedron, OCTREE.<br />

Tetrahedron window appears in finite element order is selected (linear), and<br />

modified finite element model of global dimensions and maximum deviation<br />

from the real model for each item, accor<strong>din</strong>g to Table 2.<br />

Table 2<br />

Finite element dimensions and the maximum deviation from the real model<br />

Element assembly Size Absolute sag<br />

Wedge grips 15 2<br />

Mantle corbel 20 5<br />

Wire 15 2<br />

A finer mesh was made on the surface of interest, which is the contact<br />

area between teeth and tendon (see Table 3).<br />

Local Mesh Size was achieved by Local Mesh Size icon Model Manager<br />

Bar and specifies the size of mesh element faces choosing areas of interest one<br />

by one.<br />

Table 3<br />

Finite element dimension and the maximum deviation from the real model<br />

Element assembly Size<br />

Wedge grips 2<br />

Wire 2<br />

Static Case with specifications Restraints.1, Loads.1, Static Case<br />

Solution.1 and Sensor.1 indicating sets of constraints, loads, if the synthesis<br />

solution and analysis results.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 69<br />

a) Introduction of displacement restrictions.Radial direction and axial<br />

displacement of the mantle corbel is locking. First we introduced the clamp tool<br />

-“clamp”, restricting displacement mantle corbel by radial direction.<br />

Axial displacement direction was constrained wedge grips on conical<br />

surfaces with locking mantle corbel by blocking constraint surface.<br />

The restriction on displacement in the axial direction of strand was<br />

constrained on the surfaces of contact between it and pulling teeth wedge grips<br />

in 3 places by:<br />

b) Loads modeling. It applies evenly distributed force between the three<br />

teeth in contact at the end of the wedge grip and strand. Force pulling is 16 tf<br />

and by every one of the teeth of wedge grips is exerted one force FK / no. wedge<br />

grips / no. teeth = 16/03/55 tf. In field of forces that is exerted on the virtual<br />

model we were introduce the module force 97N on negative direction of Y axis<br />

(perpendicular axis to the surface of strand).<br />

Total, the force was applied by a number of 3 areas represent 1 tooth.<br />

Data processing of studied model occur as follows:<br />

It launches the solver calculation of this program. After application of<br />

forces and achieving virtual model calculations the results are post processing<br />

using the following tools.<br />

1. Viewing the status of deformed: twisted images are all used to view the<br />

finite element mesh in the deformed configuration of the system, as a result of<br />

environmental action;<br />

2. Field of viewing equivalent stress (Von Mises) superimposed on the<br />

undistorted structure;<br />

3. Viewing field of displacements.<br />

Fig. 4 – Field of viewing equivalent stress (Von Mises)<br />

that appear in all deformed if we have no fillet on the top tooth.<br />

The tool Image Extrema→Extrema Creation can highlight maximum<br />

stress occurrence place, and if they exceed allowable values we can take locally<br />

or globally to optimize virtual model. In Fig. 4 may view the tensions that arise<br />

as we have no jurisdiction on the top of the tooth.

70 Andrei Grama et al.<br />

From we see the analysis that only ends peaks occur which leads to the<br />

conclusion that occurs in this area of tension concentrators. This requires<br />

modification of the rib end zone geometry virtual model. In Fig. 5, we can see<br />

the equivalent stress (Von Mises) at the tooth wedge grip (all over) where we<br />

have fillet on the top of the tooth.<br />

After changing the virtual model by applying a connected fillet (0.4 mm)<br />

to the strand of tooth displacement and stress field analysis shows that the<br />

element with maximum stress (S = 6.56628 008 N/m 2 ) is also on the extremities<br />

ribs. However this new value is acceptable and it is under the admissible value.<br />

In Fig. 6 we can see the action of equivalent stress (Von Mises) in tendon and<br />

wedge grips.<br />

Fig. 5 – Field of view equivalent stress (Von Mises) at the wedge grip<br />

teeth if we do not have range on top of the tooth.<br />

Fig. 6 – Field of view equivalent stress (Von Mises) that appear together<br />

in the tendon and wedge grip, the tooth has a fillet of 0.4 mm on top.<br />

Comparing the model shown in Fig. 6 we can see the analysis that we do<br />

not have peaks that occur on teeth or on their ends which leads to the conclusion<br />

that not appear in that area the tension concentrators. In this way we had<br />

optimize the geometric shape of tooth wedge grip. In Fig. 7 we can see<br />

equivalent tensions (Von Mises) at the tooth wedge grip (all over) if we had<br />

fillet on the tooth.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 71<br />

Fig. 7 – Field of view equivalent stress (Von Mises) at the wedge grip<br />

teeth when the tooth has a radius of 0.4 mm on top.<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

1. In material terms that mean the manufactured wedge grips can be<br />

observed and the best material suited for them is 13CrNi35 STAS 791 -66<br />

because strength yield is much closer to the maximum stress of wedge grip. In<br />

this way we had optimize depen<strong>din</strong>g on the quality of the best material suited<br />

for material to achieve wedge grips.<br />

2. Using the model of finite element analysis, was optimized the<br />

geometric shape at the end of tooth contact area between the wedge grips and<br />

tendon. If we apply a connection fillet of 0,4 mm based by tooth wedge grip, the<br />

tensions in contact between tendon and wedge grips are much small (Fig. 6 and<br />

Fig. 7). Also, reducing the dimension of wedge grips length from 90mm to<br />

70mm (see Fig. 8), because the length of 90mm wedge grip there is locking on<br />

the strand. (Clamping force is greater than the force required for pooling) (see<br />

Fig. 8).<br />

Fig. 8 – Model wedge grips optimized.

72 Andrei Grama et al.<br />


*** Durabilitatea elementelor şi structurilor de beton precomprimat. INCERC<br />

Bucureşti – Filiala Cluj-Napoca.<br />

Axinte M., Grama A., Finite Elements Analysis on Forces And Tensions That Act on the<br />

Wedge Grips for Drawing Single Wire. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LV(LIX), 2, s.<br />

ŞtiinŃa Materialelor, 55-68 (2009).<br />

ChiriŃă C., Zetu D., Grama A., Afrăsinei M., Device for Tensioning of Stranda of<br />

Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Structures. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LV(LIX), 1, s.<br />

ConstrucŃii de maşini, 65-71 (2009).<br />

Ghionea I., , Proiectare asistată în Catia V5, elemente teoretice şi aplicaŃii. Ed. Bren,<br />

Bucureşti, 2007.<br />

Grama A., Zetu D., ChiriŃă C., Mathematical Model of Forces That Act on the Wedge<br />

Grips for Drawing Single Wire. Bul Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LVI(LX), 2b, s. ConstrucŃii<br />

de maşini, 125-134 (2010).<br />

Manea M., Etanşări fără contact – AplicaŃii. Bacău, 2008.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Pentru a realiza tragerea şi tensionarea tendoanelor necesare structurilor <strong>din</strong><br />

beton precomprimat se utilizează sisteme de blocare. Sistemele de blocare trebuie să fie<br />

realizate <strong>din</strong> materiale cu duritate corespunzătoare astfel încât să nu se distrugă partea<br />

lor activă datorită forŃelor de tragere mari şi foarte mari. Acest lucru se realizează prin<br />

utilizarea unor oŃeluri aliate, tratate termic pe suprafeŃele active ale acestora şi prin<br />

dimensionarea în aşa fel încât să asigure forŃele necesare în blocaje şi desfacerea<br />

bacurilor de tragere la sfârşitul ciclului de tensionare.<br />

Cercetările teoretice şi experimentale efectuate asupra sistemelor de blocare au ca<br />

scop stabilirea tipului de material precum şi a dimensiunilor şi formei optime ale<br />

acestora. În acest scop vor fi efectuate cercetări teoretice prin analiza cu element finit.<br />

Analiza prin modelare cu element finit presupune parcurgerea următoarelor<br />

etape: stabilirea soluŃiei constructive pentru sistemele de blocare şi elementele acestora,<br />

stabilirea modelului virtual al elementelor de blocare, stabilirea elementelor de<br />

suprafaŃă, stabilirea parametrilor avuŃi în vedere în efectuarea analizei, procesarea<br />

datelor, interpretarea rezultatelor obŃinute <strong>din</strong> analiza numerică.<br />

Pentru efectuarea analizei prin această metodă s-a folosit CATIA (Computer<br />

Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application) care este o suită software comercială<br />

multiplatformă CAD/CAM/CAE dezvoltată de compania franceză Dassault Systèmes.<br />

Se prezintă analiza prin metoda elementului finit pentru ansamblul bacuri de<br />

blocare – bucşă portbacuri.<br />

Pe modelul de bacuri de blocare s-a evidenŃiat modul de descompunere al<br />

forŃelor pe suprafaŃa de contact bucşă – bacuri de blocare, acesta fiind prezentată în<br />

lucrare. Asamblul elementelor de contact la opera ia de tragere prin pretensionare a<br />

toronului <strong>din</strong> dispozitivul de tensionare de 16 tF în cadrul modelului virtual cuprinde:<br />

set de 3 bacuri de tragere, bucşa port bacuri de blocare, toron.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 73<br />

Modelul supus studiului are în vedere optimizarea, pe lângă forma <strong>din</strong>Ńilor setului<br />

de bacuri de tragere, şi efectele contactului <strong>din</strong>tre zona activă a bacurilor de tragere şi<br />

toron, numai pentru bacurile de tragere confecŃionate <strong>din</strong> OLC 45 şi bucşă 40Cr10.<br />

În urma analizei prin metoda elementului finit, constatăm umătoarele concluzii:<br />

Din punct de vedere al materialului <strong>din</strong> care se confecŃionează bacurile de<br />

tragere, se poate observa că materialul cel mai potrivit pentru acestea este 13CrNi35<br />

STAS 791 -66 datorită limitei la curgere mult mai apropiată de tensiunea maxima <strong>din</strong><br />

<strong>din</strong>tele bacului de tragere. În acest mod am optimizat în funcŃie de calitatea materialului<br />

cea mai potrivită marcă de material pentru realizarea bacurilor de tragere.<br />

Prin cele două modele de analiză cu element finit, am optimizat geometric forma<br />

<strong>din</strong>telui la capătul zonei de contact <strong>din</strong>tre bacurile de tragere şi tendon. S-a observat că<br />

aplicând o teşire la extremităŃile <strong>din</strong>Ńilor (capetelor) de 1x45 0 , tensiunea maximă pe<br />

zona teşită scade sub valoarea efortului normal maxim. S-a observat că dacă aplicăm o<br />

rază de racordare de 0,4 mm pe baza <strong>din</strong>telui bacului de blocare, tensiunile la nivelul<br />

contactului <strong>din</strong>tre tendon şi bacul de blocare sunt mult mai mici.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />





BY<br />


Received: June 27, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: July 22, 2011<br />

”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

1 Department of Telecommunications<br />

2 Department of Physics<br />

Abstract. The tunable properties of the yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films<br />

with applications at microwave devices were investigated in this paper. For<br />

improving the manufactured systems, two directions are to be followed in<br />

research regar<strong>din</strong>g the YIG special properties: the frequency tuning capabilities<br />

and the tunable negative permeability of the YIG structures. Study was<br />

performed by structural simulation methods with HFSS 13.0 by Ansoft. A dc<br />

applied magnetic field (3 ÷ 6.5 kOe) was set in order to obtain the ferromagnetic<br />

resonance modification of the material. By simulations, tunability was achieved<br />

in the 12 - 20 GHz frequency range. The tunable electromagnetic properties of<br />

the YIG films were also studied in ac electromagnetic fields (12 - 30 GHz), on<br />

the high-frequency side of the resonance. The field-driven response of the<br />

labyrinthine magnetic domain walls is harmonic, determining a similar evolution<br />

of the magnetization. For a manufactured metamaterial inclu<strong>din</strong>g the YIG film<br />

and a metallic grid array, simulated with HFSS, the negative magnetic<br />

permeability was determined in a controlled frequency domain. This domain was<br />

identified as 13 - 20 GHz, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the metamaterial structure and<br />

controlled by the dc/ac driving field. The study is dedicated to the performance<br />

optimization of the YIG devices in microwave range.<br />

Key words: advanced modeling techniques, simulation in manufacturing<br />

systems, optimal design.<br />

1 Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: danaity@yahoo.com

76 Daniela Ionescu et al.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The tunable properties of the yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films with<br />

applications at microwave devices were investigated in this paper. The YIG<br />

material having a high Q factor in microwave frequencies is used at the YIGtuned<br />

oscillators, drivers, tunable YIG filter for wideband, multi-function YIG<br />

components. The elastic domain walls of YIG have opened the way for specific<br />

applications like the magnetic bubble domain-type memories, field modulating<br />

structures and metamaterials.<br />

For improving the YIG manufactured systems, two directions are to be<br />

followed in the research regar<strong>din</strong>g the YIG special properties: the frequency<br />

tuning capabilities, the tunable negative permeability of the YIG structures.<br />

2. Frequency Tuning Capabilities<br />

2.1. The YIG Films Structure Details<br />

Our study was performed by structural simulation methods, using the<br />

HFSS 13.0 program (Ansoft Technologies). The polycrystalline films of YIG<br />

were reproduced at microscopic level, considering the garnet structure, the<br />

particularities of the unit cell and the intimate interactions between the<br />

microcomponents.<br />

Fig. 1 – The YIG la3d(Oh 10 ) space group (Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences)<br />

(left). Intensity of magnetization map, correspon<strong>din</strong>g to the magnetic domain structure<br />

in the vicinity of a YIG film surface (Del Mar Photonics nano-imaging gallery) (right).<br />

The iron garnet (YIG, Y3Fe2(FeO4)3) is known like a ferrimagnet with a<br />

sharp ferrimagnetic resonance. Its cubic structure (la3d(Oh 10 ) space group, Fig.<br />

1) represent a three-dimensional framework: groups of independent, distorted<br />

FeO4 tetrahedrons linked, by sharing corners, to distorted FeO6 octahedrons.<br />

The Fe 3+ ions in the two coor<strong>din</strong>ation sites exhibit different spins and determine

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 77<br />

the magnetic behavior of the material with a unit cell containing 128 ions and a<br />

lattice constant of 12.376 Å. The YIG present a high resistivity of 10 16 Ω/m and<br />

an electric permittivity εeff around 15 (Buschow, 2005).<br />

If an external magnetic field is applied parallel to the easy magnetization<br />

axis, in the vicinity of the surface of a YIG film cut perpendicular to the easy<br />

axis, the magnetic domain structure reorganizes at field variation. The domain<br />

configuration changes due to the elasticity of the domain walls, which is<br />

analogous to a liquid surface tension (Fig. 1). Domain wall displacements and<br />

domain rotations occur, determining a continuously tunable negative<br />

permeability at film level.<br />

2.2. Resonance Shifting for the Metamaterial Samples<br />

The ferromagnetic resonance frequency (FMR) for pure YIG can be<br />

estimated with Kittel's formula (Marques et al., 2008):<br />

( )( )<br />

f ≅ γ H + H H + H + M<br />

(1)<br />

0 [ SI ] a a S .<br />

For a single crystal of YIG, the saturation magnetization, Ms = 0.18 T, the<br />

anisotropy field, Ha, is of ca. 70 Oe and the gyromagnetic ratio γ = 2.8<br />

GHz·kOe −1 (Buschow, 2005). The external bias magnetic field H was taken in<br />

range of 3…6.5 kOe. The almost linear FMR dependence on the bias field was<br />

confirmed by the simulation results. The polycrystalline structure of the YIG<br />

film has to be considered.<br />

Previous studies indicate that the FMR is dependent on:<br />

i) the static magnetic polarizing field; FMR varies almost linear with H0<br />

(He et al., 2007), (Zhao et al., 2007), (Kang et al., 2008);<br />

ii) the grain size (in the range of 12…20 nm); FMR is inversely<br />

dependent on grain size on a log-log scale (Gokarn et al., 1982);<br />

iii) the orientation of the magnetic field with respect to the crystalline<br />

axes (influences strongly the shapes of ferromagnetic resonance spectra) (Jalali<br />

et al., 2002);<br />

iv) temperature; the dependence is non-linear (Capolino, 2009);<br />

v) the impurities (nine substitution elements can influence the YIG<br />

structure: Si, Ti, Cr, Co, Ha, Sn, Ge, Mg, Ta) (Chiang et al., 2002);<br />

vi) a periodic layer structure (PLS) in a YIG film (Buschow, 2005),<br />

(Kanivets&Sarnatsky, 2010).<br />

The tunable electromagnetic properties of the YIG films were studied in<br />

ac electromagnetic fields (12 - 30 GHz), on the high-frequency side of the<br />

ferromagnetic resonance. Similar results were reported (DeFeo et al., 2006),<br />

based on the local ac dynamics of the labyrinthine magnetic domain phase in a<br />

YIG sample. The field-driven response of the domain walls is harmonic,<br />

determining a similar magnetization evolution, in the range of 0.18…0.25 T for<br />

the bulk YIG, respectively of 0.156…0.166 T for the YIG films (Capolino,

78 Daniela Ionescu et al.<br />

2009), (Gokarn et al., 1982). A similar pattern was considered in our<br />

simulation scenery.<br />

Our study was focused on the composed metamaterial structure<br />

consisting of a YIG film and a copper wires array, excited with a microwave<br />

field. The polarized YIG ensures the negative magnetic permeability, while the<br />

metallic array ensures the negative electric permittivity for specific frequency<br />

domains, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the polarizing field and structure parameters.<br />

The metamaterial samples were simulated inside a rectangular waveguide with<br />

the cross-section of 22.86 × 10.16 mm, excited on a TE10 mode (Fig. 2). In the<br />

metamaterial samples we have a YIG film of different thicknesses (typical 400<br />

µm) and copper wires of 0.3 mm wide and 1 mm spacing between their centers.<br />

A gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG, Gd3Ga5O12) substrate (paramagnetic) of<br />

1 mm thick was chosen because its lattice constant and thermal expansion<br />

coefficients match with those of YIG.<br />

Fig. 2 – The rectangular waveguide with the metamaterial sample.<br />

A dc magnetic field (3…6.5 kOe) was set in order to obtain the<br />

modification of the metamaterial resonance. The resonance frequency<br />

dependence on the bias field is illustrated in Fig. 3. The red curve corresponds<br />

to the simulation results and the blue dot curve was obtained by theoretical<br />

calculation of resonance using the Kittel formula.<br />

By simulations, the tunability of the resonance frequency was achieved<br />

in the 12…20 GHz range. The theoretical resonance frequency increases almost<br />

linear with the bias field, while the simulation results indicate a polynomial<br />

evolution with respect to H0. Considering the mechanism which generates the<br />

resonance, a simple linear dependence is no more justified. Punctual<br />

experimental results (He et al., 2007), (Marques et al., 2008), obtained for<br />

metamaterial structures based on YIG films, are placed in the vicinity of the<br />

polynomial curve and confirm the simulation results.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 79<br />

Fig. 3 – Dependence of the resonance frequency on the bias field, for the composed<br />

metamaterial sample consisting of the YIG film and the metallic grid array.<br />

For bias fields of ca. 3…4.8 kOe the frequency tuning capabilities of<br />

YIG. are to be considered for applications. For higher bias field, the slope of the<br />

fr versus H curve is lower and the energy consumed for tuning is higher.<br />

3. Tunable Negative Permeability<br />

3.1. Components of the Permeability Tensor<br />

For the considered metamaterial structure, where the YIG film is<br />

completed with a metallic periodic array, the local ac susceptibility variations<br />

determine a global negative magnetic permeability in a controlled frequency<br />

range.<br />

For the YIG film, the complex magnetic permeability can be written as<br />

(Marques et al., 2008)<br />

with<br />

fr<br />

10 9 fr sim [GHz]<br />

20<br />

19<br />

18<br />

17<br />

16<br />

15<br />

14<br />

13<br />

12<br />

fr_K<br />

11<br />

10 9 fr Kittel [GHz]<br />

fr theor [GHz]<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5<br />

ɵ<br />

⎛ µ r −iµ<br />

κ 0⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

µ = µ 0 ⎜<br />

iµ κ µ r 0<br />

⎟<br />

, (2)<br />

⎜ 0 0 1⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

ωm ( ω0 − 2πiα1 f )<br />

( − 2 i ) − 4<br />

µ r = 1+<br />

ω π α f π f<br />

µ<br />

κ =<br />

0 1<br />

2 2 2<br />

( ) 2 2 2<br />

ω − 2πiα f − 4π<br />

f<br />

0 1<br />

H [kOe] H<br />

10 3<br />

2πω<br />

f<br />

m<br />

, (3)<br />

, (4)

80 Daniela Ionescu et al.<br />

where α1 is the damping coefficient, ω0 = γH0 is the resonance angular<br />

frequency, γ = the gyromagnetic ratio; H0 is the sum of the external magnetic<br />

field H and shape anisotropy field Ha along the easy magnetization axis,<br />

ωm = γMs is the characteristic frequency, Ms = the saturation magnetization,<br />

(Ms = 0.18 T, typical for single-crystal of YIG).<br />

The HFSS program was used to obtain the S-parameters correspon<strong>din</strong>g to<br />

the field propagation through the metamaterial samples placed inside the<br />

rectangular waveguide. The real, respectively imaginary parts of the relative<br />

permeability were calculated, for different values of the magnetic field applied<br />

for magnetization. The following expression can be written for the permeability<br />

tensor components (Marques et al., 2008)<br />

B<br />

H<br />

≈<br />

≈<br />

µ r −iµ<br />

κ 0<br />

µ −iκ<br />

= = µ ˆ = µ 0 iµ κ µ r 0 , (5)<br />

iκ<br />

µ<br />

0 0 1<br />

µ = µ '+ i µ " ; κ = κ '+ i κ"<br />

. (6)<br />

The electromagnetic parameters were computed and the continuously<br />

tunable negative permeability was illustrated on graphs.<br />

3.2. Parametrical Curves for Negative Permeability<br />

Parametrical curves have been obtained, which indicate the frequency<br />

domain of negative values for the effective permeability of the incorporated<br />

YIG film. This domain was identified<br />

in the range of 12…30 GHz,<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on the metamaterial<br />

structure and controlled by the dc/ac<br />

driving field (see near).<br />

The first set of curves is given<br />

in Figs. 4 and 5 and has been obtained<br />

for different value of the magnetic<br />

polarizing field H. The permeability<br />

curves have been represented in the<br />

12…30 GHz domain, on the high-frequency side of the resonance, where the<br />

composed metamaterial is used for applications.<br />

The resonance shift with H and the shape of the curves for the<br />

permeability tensor components also varies. Deeper and wider permeability<br />

curves in the resonance vicinity are associated with lower bias field,<br />

correspon<strong>din</strong>g also to a wider negative permeability domain. For intense the<br />

bias fields (up to 6 kOe), this domain is narrower, but placed at higher<br />

frequencies.<br />

The parametrical curves correspon<strong>din</strong>g to the frequency evolution of the<br />

negative permeability tensor components for different YIG film thicknesses are<br />

0<br />

fres<br />

µ"<br />

12...30 GHz<br />

µ'<br />

f<br />

represented<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 81<br />

given in Fig. 6. The polarizing field was set at 5.5 kOe and the resonance<br />

frequency remains practically the same due to the fact that the film thickness<br />

does not influence the interaction mechanism between substance and the driven<br />

field. Instead of this, the film magnetization decreases for thicker films, the<br />

amount of energy necessary to order all deep domain moments being higher<br />

than for thinner films. In the same time, the domain of negative permeability<br />

values decreases significantly when the film thickness is grown from 100…850<br />

µm.<br />

Fig. 4 – Real parts of the magnetic permeability tensor components, µ', respectively κ',<br />

obtained by simulation for the YIG based metamaterial. The YIG film thickness is of<br />

400 µm. The resonance tunability was achieved in the 12…20 GHz range.<br />

Fig. 5 – Imaginary parts of the magnetic permeability tensor components, µ",<br />

respectively κ", obtained by simulation for the YIG based metamaterial.<br />

(The YIG film thickness is of 400 µm.)<br />

One remarks that the magnetic permeability curves are controlled by the<br />

YIG film thickness. If the film is thicker than a specific value, the real part of<br />

the permeability, µ', becomes positive over the whole frequency range (the<br />

dielectric effect of the ferrite overwhelms its magnetic properties). Our<br />

simulation results indicate that this phenomenon takes place in the YIG case for<br />

a film thickness of 860 µm, which represents the threshold value for existence<br />

of a propagation passband where both magnetic permeability and electric<br />

permittivity occur.

82 Daniela Ionescu et al.<br />

Fig. 6 – Real parts of the magnetic permeability tensor components, µ', respectively<br />

κ', obtained by simulation for the YIG based metamaterial, for a polarization field of 5.5<br />

kOe and different YIG film thicknesses. The frequency domain correspon<strong>din</strong>g to the<br />

negative values of interest can be selected from graph for each curve.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. This study is dedicated to the performance optimization of the<br />

metamaterial structures based on YIG films, in microwave range. We have<br />

focused on the tunable properties of the YIG films. The garnet is a ferrimagnet<br />

with a sharp ferrimagnetic resonance, for which a bias field determines domains<br />

configuration changes due to the elasticity of the domain walls. As a result,<br />

resonance frequency shifts and a continuously tunable negative permeability<br />

occurs at film level. The considered metamaterial structure where the YIG<br />

works consists of a YIG film and a copper wires array, excited with a<br />

microwave field (12…30 GHz).<br />

2. By simulations, the tunability of the resonance frequency was<br />

achieved in the 12…20 GHz range, presenting a polynomial evolution with<br />

respect to the bias field, punctually confirmed by the reported experimental<br />

results.<br />

3. The optimum tuning range for bias field is of ca. 3…4.8 kOe, for<br />

which the material responds better to the polarization control.<br />

4. The negative values for the effective permeability of the incorporated<br />

YIG film occur in the frequency range of 13…20 GHz, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the<br />

metamaterial structure and controlled by the dc/ac driving field.<br />

5. The shape of the curves for the permeability tensor components<br />

depends on the bias field; a wider negative permeability domain correspon<strong>din</strong>g<br />

to a lower bias field, but this domain is placed at higher frequencies for more<br />

intense bias fields (up to 6 kOe).<br />

6. The domain of negative permeability values decreases significantly<br />

when the film thickness is grown from 100 - 850 µm.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 83<br />

7. For a threshold value of the YIG film thickness of 860 µm inside the<br />

metamaterial, the propagation passband where both magnetic permeability and<br />

electric permittivity occur vanishes.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was supported by the project PERFORM-ERA<br />

"Postdoctoral Performance for Integration in the European Research Area" (ID-57649),<br />

financed by the European Social Fund and the Romanian Government.<br />


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Capolino F., Applications of Metamaterials. Taylor and Francis, 2009.<br />

Chiang W.-C., Chern M.Y., Lin J.G., Huang C. Y., FMR Studies of<br />

Y3Fe5O12/Gd3Ga5O12 (YIG/GGG) Superlattices and YIG Thin Films. Journal of<br />

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 239, 1-3, 332-334 (2002).<br />

Gokarn S.G., Palkar V. R., Multani M.S., (1982), Sub-micron YIG Microstructure and<br />

Ferromagnetic Resonance Linewidth. Materials Research Bulletin, 17, 8, 957-962.<br />

He Y., He P., Dae Yoon S., Parimic P. V., Rachford F. J., Harris V. G., Vittoria C.,<br />

Tunable NIM Using Yttrium Iron Garnet. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic<br />

Materials, 313, 1, 187–191 (2007).<br />

Jalali A. A., Kahl S., Denysenkov V., Grishin A. M., Vanishing of Cubic<br />

Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in Critical Angles Effect: Ferromagnetic<br />

Resonance Spectra. Phys. Rev. B, 66, 104419 (2002).<br />

Kang L., Zhao Q., Zhao H., Zhou J., Magnetically Tunable Negative Permeability<br />

Metamaterial Composed by Split Ring Resonators and Ferrite Rods. Optics<br />

Express, 16, 12, 8825-8834 (2008).<br />

Kanivets A. A., Sarnatsky V.M., Generation of High-Frequency Ultrasonic Oscillations<br />

by Thin Films of Yttrium Iron Garnet. XXII Session of the Russian Acoustical<br />

Society, Session of the Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Science on<br />

Acoustics, Moscow, 2010.<br />

Marqués R., Martin F., Sorolla M., Metamaterials with Negative Parameters, Theory,<br />

Design, and Microwave Applications. Ed. Wiley & Sons, 2008.<br />

Zhao H., Zhou J., Zhao Q., Li B., Kang L., Bai Y., Magnetotunable Left-handed<br />

Material Consisting of Yttrium Iron Garnet Film and Metallic Wires. Appl. Phys.<br />

Lett., 91, 13, 131107 (2007).<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

Sunt studiate proprietăŃile controlabile ale straturilor subŃiri de granat de fier şi<br />

itriu (yttrium iron garnet, YIG), cu aplicaŃii la dispozitivele de microunde. Pentru<br />

implementarea practică a unor structuri compuse cât mai performante pe bază de straturi<br />

de YIG, cercetarea se canalizează pe două direcŃii în ceea ce priveşte proprietăŃile<br />

speciale ale acestui material: posibilităŃile de reglaj a frecvenŃei de rezonanŃă, respectiv

84 Daniela Ionescu et al.<br />

obŃinerea permeabilităŃii magnetice negative controlabile la metamateriale cu straturi de<br />

YIG. Studiul a fost realizat prin metoda simulării structurale cu ajutorul programului<br />

HFSS 13.0 de la Ansoft. Structura de tip metamaterial considerată constă <strong>din</strong>tr-un strat<br />

de YIG (100...850 µm) şi o reŃea metalică periodică <strong>din</strong> fire de cupru (de 0.3 mm,<br />

separate la 1 mm), testată în câmpul de microunde (12...20 GHz) al unui ghid<br />

dreptunghiular. Câmpul magnetic constant de prepolarizare al YIG-ului a fost setat la<br />

3...6.5 kOe.<br />

În urma simulărilor s-a obŃinut un domeniu de reglaj pentru frecvenŃa de<br />

rezonanŃă în intervalul 12...20 GHz, prezentând o evoluŃie polinomială în raport cu<br />

câmpul de prepolarizare, confirmată punctual de rezultatele experimentale raportate în<br />

literatură. Nivelul optim de reglaj pentru câmpul de prepolarizare este de cca. 3...4.8<br />

kOe, pentru care răspunsul materialului este consistent şi energia consumată pentru<br />

reglaj este mică.<br />

Componentele reale ale tensorului permeabilitate magnetică iau valori negative<br />

pentru YIG-ul incorporat în metamaterialul considerat în intervalul de frecvenŃe de 13...<br />

20 GHz, depinzând de parametrii geometrici ai structurii metamateriale şi de câmpurile<br />

de control cc/ca. Forma curbelor ce descriu evoluŃia cu frecvenŃa a acestor componente<br />

tensoriale depinde de câmpul de prepolarizare; un domeniul mai larg de permeabilitate<br />

negativă corespunde unui câmp de prepolarizare mai slab, dar acest domeniu se<br />

plasează la frecvente mai înalte pentru câmpuri mai intense (de până la 6 kOe). Grosimea<br />

stratului de YIG reprezintă un puternic parametru de control al domeniului de<br />

permeabilitate negativă a metamaterialului. LăŃimea acestui domeniu scade până la<br />

anulare odată cu creşterea grosimii stratului de la 100 la 860 µm (fenomenul prezintă<br />

efect de prag). Aceasta are drept consecinŃă anularea benzii de propagare permise, în<br />

care ambii parametrii electromagnetici ai metamaterialului: permitivitatea electrică<br />

(asigurată de reŃeaua metalică) şi permeabilitatea magnetică (asigurată de stratul de<br />

YIG) sunt negativi. Studiul este dedicat optimizării performanŃelor structurilor metamateriale<br />

pe bază de YIG, în domeniul microundelor.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVII (LXI), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Received: July 25, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 21, 2011<br />

”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Abstract. Establishing the roughness of cutting parts is very important<br />

because it affects the functioning of the work pieces. This influence reflects the<br />

operating characteristics of the piece such as wear resistance, corrosion, the<br />

coefficient of friction, the degree of tightness, etc. Surface roughness is<br />

characterized by different roughness parameters and the most important are the<br />

arithmetic average deviation of the profile Ra and ten-point mean roughness<br />

Rz.This paper aims to highlight the relationship between Ra and Rz by measuring<br />

the roughness of specimens subjected to the turning process.<br />

Key words: cutting, roughness, roughness parameters.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

General Consideration. In machining processes, it is necessary to obtain<br />

the desired surface roughness of the parts in the prescribed parameters in order<br />

to produce parts provi<strong>din</strong>g the required functioning. The most used parameters<br />

to describe the roughness of machined surfaces are Ra and Rz. The values of<br />

these two parameters are chosen from SR ISO 4287 due to the conditions of<br />

turning surface that has to be met within the product. Turning is a widely used<br />

manufacturing process in which a knife with a cutting edge removes the<br />

undesired material from a moving cylindrical workpiece. The feed rate of the<br />

cutting tool is subject to movements, parallel to the axis of rotation of the<br />

workpiece. Turning takes place on a lathe which provides the power needed to<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: alin_luca83@yahoo.com

86 Alin Luca et al.<br />

process the workpiece at a certain cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut.<br />

Because numerous studies have shown that the influence of the depth of cut has<br />

a very small influence on the surface roughness (Fnides, 2009), (Sood et al.,<br />

2000), (Doniavi et al., 2007), (Cakir, 2009) this parameter will not be taken into<br />

consideration . Instead, the main attack angle, k affects significantly the surface<br />

roughness (Constantinescu, 1998), (Dragu et al., 1982). Therefore, it is<br />

necessary to determine the influence of these three parameters, cutting speed,<br />

feed rate and main attack angle on turning surfaces.<br />

2. Planning and Performing the Experiments<br />

In practice, the requirements of the drawings and specific checks aim<br />

often for the arithmetic mean roughness, Ra, or for the ten-point mean<br />

roughness, Rz, Ra can be chosen from Table 1.<br />

Ra<br />

[µm]<br />

0.012<br />

0.025<br />

Table 1<br />

Rational choice of Ra accor<strong>din</strong>g to the surface usability<br />

Surface characteristics Examples<br />

High contact tensions and very low<br />

wear<br />

High precision spindle shafts of tool<br />

machine<br />

0.05 Very low wear Bearers of bearings<br />

0.1<br />

0.2<br />

0.4<br />

0.8<br />

1.6<br />

3.2<br />

6.3<br />

12.5<br />

25<br />

50<br />

100<br />

Surfaces with high precision and high<br />

tension<br />

Surfaces subject to wear and high<br />

precision<br />

Surface subjected to mean speeds and<br />

pressures. Surfaces of alignment<br />

Reduced wear at low speeds and<br />

tensions<br />

Gui<strong>din</strong>g and centering surfaces with<br />

periodic movements<br />

Contact surfaces without moving<br />

Visible exterior surfaces<br />

Rough contact surfaces without<br />

moving. Free surfaces of holes<br />

Seals. The rolling elements of<br />

bearings<br />

Front seals. Shafts and bearings<br />

Motion screw. Sli<strong>din</strong>g surfaces<br />

Centering surfaces<br />

Areas under the felt seal. Shevered<br />

teeth or rectified. Bolted joints subject<br />

to vibration<br />

Keying, armatures, fixed hub-shaft<br />

fits, discs<br />

Removable fixed fits. Channels for Vbelts.<br />

Threads. Milled teeth<br />

Surfaces with appearence issues.<br />

Front surfaces of the shafts<br />

Rough surfaces, raw, peeled Castings, forgings, rolled, molded,<br />

pressed<br />

As for Rz, an approximate correspondence between the values of these<br />

two parameters is given by ratio (1):

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 87<br />

Rz= 4...5Ra . (1)<br />

To study this statement it has been made ten try-outs to verify the<br />

statement made by Eq. (1) and to see how this ratio varies. Tests were<br />

conducted on specimens of OL50 (STAS 500/2-80) with a length l = 250 mm<br />

and a diameter D = 47.5 mm. Specimens were subjected to turning on a SN 250<br />

lathe in dry conditions. The material was chosen because it is wide usage in<br />

manufacturing. To measure the two parameters, Ra and Rz a Taylor Hobson -<br />

Surtronic 25 (2d) roughness tester was used. As shown in Table 2, three and<br />

four values for each parameter studied were chosen.<br />

Table 2<br />

Distribution of analyzed parameters<br />

Analyzed parameters<br />

v, [m/min] f, [mm/rot] k, [degrees]<br />

90 0.08 0<br />

120 0.12 30<br />

180 0.16 60<br />

75<br />

Parameter values were chosen after studying the matter of speciality. To<br />

see how these parameters affects the Eq. (1) were made 10 tests.<br />

3. Results and Discussion<br />

In Tables 3…5 are shown the experimental results of Ra and Rz and the<br />

ratio Rz/Ra for the studied parameters.<br />

Table 3<br />

Setting up the experiment and the experimental results of the influence<br />

of cutting speed on Ra and Rz and on the ratio Rz/Ra<br />

v, m/min Ra Rz Rz/Ra<br />

90 4.74 20.60 4.35<br />

120 4.59 18.80 4.10<br />

180 4.60 18.70 4.07<br />

To highlight the influence of each parameter on turning surface<br />

roughness were drawn Figs. 1…3.<br />

Table 4<br />

Setting up the experiment and the experimental results of the influence of feed<br />

rate on Ra and Rz and on the ratio Rz/Ra<br />

f, mm/rev Ra Rz Rz/Ra<br />

0.08 1.70 8.26 4.86<br />

0.12 4.63 18.95 4.10<br />

0.16 4.84 22.45 4.64

88 Alin Luca et al.<br />

Fig. 1 – Main effects plot of cutting speed on Rz/Ra ratio.<br />

From Fig. 1 it can be seen that the ratio value decreases with the<br />

increasing of speed.<br />

Fig. 2 – Main effects plot of feed rate on Rz/Ra ratio.<br />

From Fig. 2 it can be seen that the ratio value drops significantly when<br />

the feed rate f = 0.12 mm/rev.<br />

Table 5<br />

Setting up the experiment and the experimental results of the influence of main<br />

attack angle on Ra and Rz and on the ratio Rz/Ra<br />

K, degrees Ra Rz Rz/Ra<br />

0 3.33 16.40 4.92<br />

30 4.48 18.40 4.11<br />

60 5.95 25.85 4.35<br />

75 6.40 28.50 4.45<br />

From Fig. 3 it can be seen as the higher reported value is obtained at k=0 °<br />

while the smaller reported value is obtained at k =30 ° .

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 89<br />

Fig. 3 – Main effects plot of main attack angle on Rz/Ra ratio.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The statement it is verified experimentally, the values of the Rz/Ra ratio<br />

are between 4.07 and 4.92.<br />

2. Smaller values of Rz/Ra ratio were obtain when k=30 ° , f=0.12 mm/rot<br />

and v = 120 m/min, higher value of the ratio were obtained when the parameters<br />

studied were smaller.<br />

3. The value of the ratio increases inversely with the value of Ra, namely<br />

at lower values of Ra (obtained at finishing) the report moves toward maximum.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was realised with the support of<br />

CUANTUMDOC “Doctoral Scholarships for research and innovation performance”<br />

project, financed by the European Social Found and Romanian Government.<br />


Cakir C. M., Ensarioglu C., Demirayak I., Mathematical Modeling of Surface<br />

Roughness for Evaluating the Effects of Cutting Parameters and Coating<br />

Material. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209, 102-109 (2009).<br />

Constantinescu C., Teoria aşchierii în mecanica fină-îndrumar pentru lucrări practice.<br />

Ed. „Gh. Asachi” Iaşi, 1998.<br />

Doniavi A. et al., Empirical Modeling of Surface Roughness in Turning Process of 1060<br />

Steel Using Factorial Design Methodology. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 (17),<br />

2509-2513 (2007).<br />

Dragu D. et al., ToleranŃe şi măsurători tehnice. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti,<br />

1982.<br />

Fnides B, Surface Roughness Model in Turning Hardened Hot Work Steel Using Mixed<br />

Ceramic Tool. Mechanika, 3 (77) (2009).<br />

*** http://www.omtr.pub.ro/didactic/ssim.pdf.<br />

*** http://www.penet.ucoz.com/Cap10.doc.<br />

Sood R., Guo C., Malkin S., Turning of Hardened Steels. Journal of Manufacturing<br />

Processes, 2, 3 (2000).

90 Alin Luca et al.<br />

*** OŃeluri de uz general pentru construcŃii. Mărci. STAS 500/2-80.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Se urmăreşte variaŃia raportului Rz/Ra, la strunjirea oŃelului OL50. Pentru a<br />

verifica în ce măsură afirmaŃia conform căreia Rz= 4...5Ra este adevărată, s-au efectuat o<br />

serie de 10 încercări pe o epruvetă avand diametrul d = 47,52 mm, supusă operaŃiei de<br />

strunjire, pe un strung SN250, variind principalii factori de influenŃă asupra rugozităŃii,<br />

respectiv viteza de aşchiere v, avansul s şi unghiul de atac principal k. Valorile<br />

parametrilor rugozităŃii au fost masuraŃi cu ajutorul rugozimetrului Taylor Hobson -<br />

Surtronic 25. În urma experimentării s-a observat că afirmaŃia anterioară se verifică<br />



Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />



BY<br />


“Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Drives<br />

Received: August 24, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 10, 2011<br />

Abstract. Weigh-in-motion of road vehicles is essential for the management<br />

of freight traffic road infrastructure and maintenance. Various types of weigh in<br />

motion sensors have been developed. Existing WIM systems still have limited<br />

accuracy and/or excessively high cost, and their durability in many circumstances<br />

was not proven. We propose a hydraulic system with a force sensor. It is simple,<br />

robust and relatively cheap. In this paper is presented such a system. On these<br />

bases it was developed an experimental setup and in the same time the<br />

SimHydraulics model so one can use only the simulation in the design process in<br />

order to obtain maximum efficiency.<br />

Key words: hydraulic system, force sensor, weigh-in-motion, pressure<br />

measurement.<br />

1. Preliminaries<br />

A considerable demand has emerged in recent years for more accurate<br />

and reliable weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems and sensors in order to provide<br />

road authorities and managers with up to date and online measurements of axle<br />

and vehicle weights. WIM of Road Vehicles is essential for the management of<br />

freight traffic road infrastructure design and maintenance and the monitoring of<br />

vehicle and axle loads. Various types of WIM sensors have been developed:<br />

ban<strong>din</strong>g plates (McCall&Vodrazka 1997), piezoceramic cables and bars<br />

(Caprez et al., 2000), piezoquartz bars, capacitive strips and mats (McNulty &<br />

O'Brien, 2003), optical fiber, strain gauge or load cell scales (Chang et al.,<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: iddtita@yahoo.com

92 Irina Mardare and Irina TiŃa<br />

2000), fiber Bragg grating (Zhang et al., 2008), bridge weigh-in-motion<br />

technology (Liljencrantz et al., 2007) etc. Advances in sensor and electronic<br />

technology have resulted in operation systems since the end of the 1980’s.<br />

Such systems (ban<strong>din</strong>g plates, piezoceramic cables and bars, piezoquartz<br />

bars, capacitive strips and mats) have been installed and are in operation in<br />

some countries. Existing WIM systems still have limited accuracy and/or<br />

excessively high cost, and their durability in many circumstances was not<br />

proven. Other WIM systems are for now research object or prototype.<br />

We propose a hydraulic WIM system which is very simple, has only one<br />

sensing point, and does not require electronic built-in-the road sensors. The<br />

hydraulic system is supposed to be simple, robust and relatively cheap<br />

2. The Diagram of the Hydraulic System<br />

In this paper is proposed a structure for the oil-filled force sensor system<br />

which is presented in Fig. 1.<br />

Fig. 1 – The structure of the force sensor.<br />

The oil filled chamber is deformable only on its upper wall; lateral walls<br />

are thought to be rigid. The volume of the chamber is V. This chamber acts like<br />

a hydraulic force cell. Under the action of force F the volume changes with ∆V.<br />

This change of volume produces pressure p1. The pipe is connected to the<br />

ℓ it is placed a fixed orifice (diameter d0). The cross<br />

chamber. At the distance 1<br />

section A0 of the orifice is chosen as it acts like a “low-pass” filter. The pressure<br />

p2 before the orifice is smaller than p1 with linear pressure loss ∆pλ.<br />

Accumulator Ac compensates slow pressure variations due to the temperature<br />

changes and is place at the distance ℓ 2 downstream the orifice.<br />

3. The Simscape Functional Diagram<br />

The Simscape functional diagram will simulate the functional elements of<br />

the system presented in Fig.1.<br />

The functional diagram for modelling the system is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 – The Simscape functional diagram.<br />

Sine Wave<br />

S PS<br />

Simulink-PS<br />

Converter<br />

MTR1<br />

S<br />

C<br />

C<br />

R V<br />

P<br />

Ideal Translational<br />

Motion Sensor<br />

Ideal Translational<br />

Velocity Source<br />

R<br />

f(x)=0<br />

Solver<br />

Configuration<br />

P<br />

A<br />

Translational<br />

Hydro-Mechanical<br />

Converter<br />

R<br />

MTR2<br />

Hydraulic Piston<br />

Chamber<br />

PS S<br />

PS-Simulink<br />

Converter4<br />

PS S<br />

PS-Simulink<br />

Converter2<br />

A<br />

C<br />

Scope4<br />

Scope2<br />

MTR3<br />

C2 C1<br />

A B<br />

A B<br />

Pipe+<br />

B<br />

A<br />

Inert P PS S<br />

A<br />

B<br />

P<br />

Hydraulic Pressure<br />

Sensor<br />

Custom Hydraulic<br />

Fluid<br />

Hydraulic<br />

Pipeline1<br />

Fluid<br />

Inertia<br />

Fixed Orifice<br />

A B<br />

Hydraulic Pressure<br />

Sensor3<br />

PS-Simulink<br />

Converter5<br />

PS S<br />

PS-Simulink<br />

Converter<br />

Hydraulic<br />

Pipeline3<br />

Fluid<br />

Inertia1<br />

Hydraulic<br />

Reference1<br />

A B<br />

A B<br />

Hydraulic<br />

Reference4<br />

Scope<br />

A<br />

B<br />

P<br />

Hydraulic Pressure<br />

Sensor1<br />

Hydraulic<br />

Pipeline2<br />

A B<br />

A<br />

B<br />

P<br />

Hydraulic Pressure<br />

Sensor2<br />

Hydraulic<br />

Reference2<br />

PS S<br />

PS-Simulink<br />

Converter1<br />

Fluid<br />

Inertia2<br />

A B<br />

PS S<br />

PS-Simulink<br />

Converter3<br />

Scope1<br />

Hydraulic<br />

Reference3<br />

Gas-Charged<br />

Accumulator<br />

Scope3<br />

Scope5<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 93

94 Irina Mardare and Irina TiŃa<br />

The diagram in Fig. 2 makes possible to set different values for<br />

constructive or functional parameters. One can use it for design of such systems.<br />

The diagram uses functional elements from Simscape library and especially<br />

from SimHydraulics one. In this diagram one can see the blocks for the force<br />

sensor, for the pipes considering friction losses and inertial losses, and the<br />

pressure or flow sensors.<br />

There are some elements there are not among those in the library and it<br />

was necessary to use a new association of elements in order to obtain them.<br />

The diagram offers also some points with Scopes for one to diagnose the<br />

behaviour of each functional element or association of functional elements.<br />

The input which is the force may be a constant, may be step, sinusoidal or<br />

any other type of signal.<br />

The Simscape diagram presented in this paper is relatively easy to use<br />

and requires experience in hydrostatic systems in order to assign the parameters<br />

for functional elements.<br />

In a previous paper is shown the Simulink block diagram for the same<br />

system (TiŃa & Mardare, 2007).<br />

4. Experimental Equipment<br />

Experimental equipment is shown in Fig. 3. The experimental setup<br />

includes two pressure sensors, pressure gauge and accumulator. The sinusoidal<br />

variation of the force is obtained using a piston actuated with an electric motor<br />

and a cam which sets the stroke of the piston.<br />

Fig. 3 – Experimental equipment.<br />

5. Conclusions and Further Research<br />

1. A hydrostatic force sensor may be used in a WIM system.<br />

2. For the proposed structure of the system (Fig.1), it is possible to realise<br />

the Simscape functional diagram. MATLAB programming language is suitable<br />

for hydrostatic systems and the Simscape method, using functional elements, is<br />

relatively easy to use.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 95<br />

3. For the force sensor included in a WIM system the dynamic<br />

characteristics are essential. This is the reason for the authors will continue the<br />

research using the functional diagram presented in this paper for the dynamic<br />

analysis of the system.<br />

4. For further researches the Control System Toolbox procedure is next to<br />

be used in order to compare the three methods: the Simulink method, the<br />

Simscape method and the Control System Toolbox procedure for the case of a<br />

WIM hydrostatic system.<br />

Acknowledgements. The present work has been supported from the Grant<br />

(CNCSIS) PNII, 2703/22-111/2008.<br />


Caprez M., Doupal E., Jacob B., O'Connor A., O'Brien E., Test of WIM Sensors and<br />

Systems on an Urban Road. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems<br />

(IJHVS), 7, 2-3, 111-135 (2000).<br />

Chang W., Sverdlova N., Sonmez U., Streit, D., Vehicle Based Weigh-in-motion System.<br />

International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (IJHVS), 7, 2-3, 205-218 (2000).<br />

Liljencrantz A., Karoumi R., Olofsson P., Implementing Bridge Weigh-in-motion for<br />

Railway Traffic. Computers & Structures, 85, 1-2, 80-88 (2007).<br />

McCall B., Vodrazka W., States’ Successful Practices Weigh-in-Motion Handbook.<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration: Available<br />

from: http://www.ctre.iastate.edu/research/wim%5Fpdf/ accessed: 2007-04-10,<br />

1997.<br />

McNulty P., O'Brien E.J., Testing of Bridge Weigh-In-Motion System in a Sub-Arctic<br />

Climate. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 31, 6, Paper ID: JTE11686_316<br />

(2003).<br />

TiŃa I., Mardare I., Weigh-in-Motion Hydraulic System. Annals of DAAAM<br />

International for 2007 & Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of the 18 th International DAAAM<br />

Symposium, 18, 2007, pp. 759-760.<br />

Zhang H., Wei Z., A Portable Multi-function WIM Sensor System Based on Fiber Bragg<br />

Grating Technology. 19-th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensor,<br />

7004, 1-2, 456-457 (2008).<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Pornind de la cazurile în care sunt necesari senzorii de forŃă, este avută în vedere<br />

utilizarea acestora la sistemele de cântărire in mişcare (WIM). Aceste sisteme sunt în<br />

atenŃia cercetătorilor, mai ales datorită aplicării lor la cântărirea autovehiculelor grele pe<br />

autostrazi. În lucrare este prezentat un sistem WIM realizat ca un circuit hidrostatic.<br />

Este detaliată structura propusă pentru un asemenea sistem. Pentru sistemul prezentat<br />

este realizată schema funcŃională Simscape. Aceasta permite analiza <strong>din</strong>amică a<br />

sistemului. Pentru sistemele WIM, studiul comportării <strong>din</strong>amice este esenŃial, motiv<br />

pentru care unul <strong>din</strong>tre obiectivele cercetărilor viitoare este şi acela al aplicării metodei

96 Irina Mardare and Irina TiŃa<br />

Control System <strong>din</strong> pachetul MATLAB şi realizarea unui studiu comparativ între metoda<br />

Simulink (TiŃa & Mardare, 2007), metoda Simscape <strong>din</strong> această lucrare şi metoda<br />

Control System. Validarea prin corecŃii, eventuale, de model se va face prin<br />

confruntarea cu caracteristicile ridicate pe standul experimental.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Received: August 21, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 3, 2011<br />

”Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Abstract. This paper presents some theoretical results regar<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

evaluation of cutting force’s components in face milling. Face milling force<br />

depends on the every variant of face milling process (number of teeth which<br />

simultaneously cut) and the relative position between cutting teeth and the<br />

material being cut (cut-down milling and cut-up milling). Regar<strong>din</strong>g to this,<br />

determination of the cutting force components in face milling, FZ , FX , FY, is<br />

based on the forces for a single tooth, the cutting tooth position beside the XYZ<br />

coor<strong>din</strong>ates system of the tool and the number of teeth that simultaneously cut. In<br />

order to standardize the relationships, a calculus of some practical situations is<br />

proposed.<br />

Key words: cutting, face milling, forces, constants.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The valuation models of cutting force in face milling previously proposed<br />

(Cozmîncă et al., 2009 a), (Matei et al., 2010), (Matei et al., 2011) consider the<br />

influences of the specific elements acting on a tooth, through the relationships<br />

used to evaluate the cutting force in turning whose validity has been proven<br />

experimentally, and the influences of the specific elements in face milling: the<br />

possible variant of face milling, the number of teeth that of teeth that<br />

simultaneously cut and the cutting tooth position beside the XYZ coor<strong>din</strong>ates<br />

system of the tool (cut-up and cut-down milling).<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: anca_reea@yahoo.com

98 Ana-Maria Matei et al.<br />

By reproducing the five individual types of face milling in the ZX plane<br />

of the cutter, it results the variation limits of the contact angle values,<br />

respectively the values of the number of teeth which simultaneously cut, zs, and<br />

from this point, directly, the differences between FZ, FX and FY for each face<br />

milling variant. The highest values for the force components FZ, FX and FY are<br />

obtained in complete face milling (Ψ5 = 180°, zs = z/2), and the lowest are<br />

obtained in asymmetrical milling with Ψ2 < 90° and zs ≥ 2 (Cozmîncă, 1995).<br />

Fig. 1 – The values of Ψ and zs for the five types of face milling.<br />

For the other types of face milling the values of force’s components F Z,<br />

F X and F Y depend on the surface width (t, mm) and the diameter D, namely on<br />

the number of cutter teeth, z.<br />

This paper presents some numerical tests of the models developed until<br />

this point and some new theoretical models for the evaluation of cutting force<br />

components in face milling with a higher degree of generality and easier to use<br />

by designers.<br />

2. Theoretical Researches Concerning the Face Milling<br />

Forces Uniformization<br />

2.1. Numerical Tests concerning the Application of the Evaluation<br />

Models of Face Milling Forces<br />

Considering the theoretical models for the evaluation of face milling<br />

forces developed in the previous papers, we propose some numerical<br />

determinations in order to verify their application in real situations. Thus, we<br />

considered three possible cases, namely the processing of an workpiece made<br />

from OLC60 using three face milling tools with the next features: F1 = face

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 99<br />

milling cutter with D = 63 mm, z = 5, φ = 72°; F2 = face milling cutter with D =<br />

=100 mm, z = 10, φ = 36° and F3 = face milling cutter with D = 140 mm, z =<br />

=14, φ = 25.7°.<br />

Assuming that every mill is processing the workpiece in all 5 variants of<br />

face milling, for each of these cases, we calculated the number of teeth that<br />

simultaneously cut depen<strong>din</strong>g on every variant of milling, and then we<br />

calculated the values of cutting force components in face milling using the<br />

relationships from the previous papers (Matei et al., 2011).<br />

First of all an evaluation of the forces with an average load from a tooth<br />

level is necessary and then an evaluation of the resulting force of the cutter with<br />

z s teeth that simultaneously cut. In the paper (Matei et al., 2011) we have shown<br />

that to calculate the force acting on a tooth we must consider the particularities<br />

of the face milling process, especially the chip thickness variation, since these<br />

relations are used then to calculate the force for z s teeth that simultaneously cut.<br />

To run the theoretical tests for the new valuation models of face milling<br />

force, first we propose a calculation of the average value of the force acting on a<br />

tooth. Thus we developed an example for calculating the force components<br />

acting on a tooth, considering that the working parameters (t, s, v) and the<br />

geometric parameters (γ, α, λ, K) are as close as possible to those used in face<br />

milling (Cozmîncă, 1995), (Cozmîncă et al., 2009 b).. The results are presented<br />

in the Table 1.<br />

Working<br />

conditions,<br />

constant<br />

t = 4 mm<br />

γ = 5°<br />

α = 12°<br />

λ = 5°<br />

K = 60°<br />

Cd = 1.66<br />

n = 1<br />

µ = 0.5<br />

k1 = 1.0397, k2 =<br />

=0.4110, k3 =<br />

0.0435, k4 =<br />

0.0754<br />

C1=1.0357, C2 =<br />

=0.4167, C3 =<br />

=0.1272<br />

Table 1<br />

The average values for the force’s components acting on<br />

a tooth – processing with F1 and F2<br />

Face milling<br />

variant<br />

Asymmetrical<br />

face milling, Ψ =<br />

=90°, t = D/2<br />

Cutter<br />

used<br />

Feed, s<br />

[mm/rot] FZ [N] FX [N] FY[N]<br />

F1 0.097 33.354 13.419 4.096<br />

F2 0.085 29.227 11.759 3.590<br />

Complete (full) F1 0.114 39.199 15.771 4.814<br />

symmetrical face<br />

milling, t = D<br />

F2 0.085 29.227 11.759 3.590<br />

Asymmetrical F1 0.097 33.354 13.419 4.096<br />

face milling, Ψ <<br />

<br />

>90°, t > D/2<br />

F2 0.106 36.448 14.665 4.476<br />

Incomplete F1 0.12 41.262 16.601 5.068<br />

symmetrical<br />

face milling<br />

F2 0.106 36.448 14.665 4.476

100 Ana-Maria Matei et al.<br />

For processing with the milling cutter F3 we have chosen the same<br />

working conditions described above excepting the cutting depth which is equal<br />

to 6 mm for this case. The results were represented in Table 2.<br />

Table 2<br />

The average values for the force’s components acting on a tooth – processing with F3<br />

Face milling variant<br />

Feed, s<br />

[mm/rot] FZ [N] FX [N] FY[N]<br />

Asymmetrical face milling, Ψ = 90°, t = D/2 0.084 43.325 17.431 5.321<br />

Complete (full) symmetrical face milling, t = D 0.084 43.325 17.431 5.321<br />

Asymmetrical face milling, Ψ < 90°, t < D/2 0.084 43.325 17.431 5.321<br />

Asymmetrical face milling, Ψ >90°, t > D/2 0.113 58.283 23.449 7.158<br />

Incomplete symmetrical face milling 0.113 58.283 23.449 7.158<br />

With the average values of the force components acting on a tooth,<br />

further we can obtain the values for the force components in face milling for all<br />

five possible variants. The results were centralized in Table 3.<br />

As a result of a comparative analysis of the values obtained, the following<br />

conclusions can be drawn:<br />

i) the values of cutting force varie proportionally to the number of teeth<br />

that simultaneously cut (if asymmetrical milling);<br />

ii) the values of cutting force are bigger in incomplete symmetrical face<br />

milling than in complete face milling; this variation is due to the chip thickness,<br />

so in the complete milling, the chip thickness varies from the minimum value<br />

a min = 0 up to the maximum a max = s d, while in incomplete milling the chip<br />

thickness varies from a certain thickness to the maximum;<br />

iii) the components values will not be in the well known ratio of turning,<br />

respectively, Fz > Fx > Fy, so in most of the cases, F X will have a higher value<br />

for cut – down milling for all five possible variants, and F Y will have a higher<br />

value in full symmetric milling;<br />

iv) there are some differences between processing with F1 and the other<br />

milling cutters because of the small number of cutting teeth that do not comply<br />

with the exactly number of teeth that simultaneously cut correspon<strong>din</strong>g to each<br />

variant;<br />

v) theoretical models used to calculate the force are relatively complex<br />

and difficult to use.<br />

2.2. New Theoretical Models for the Evaluation of<br />

Cutting Force in Face Milling<br />

In order to unify the relationships for the evaluation of face milling force<br />

developed in the previous papers (Matei et al., 2011) we consider a simplifying<br />

assumption accor<strong>din</strong>g to which the force components developed on a single

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 101<br />

tooth, F z, F x and F y are equal for all those z s cutting teeth that simultaneously<br />

cut. Therefore the cutting force components take values accor<strong>din</strong>g to the cross –<br />

sectional area of the chip, so we have F z = F zmed, F x = F xmed and F y = F ymed for<br />

an average thickness of the chip a = a med.<br />

Cutter<br />

used<br />

Table 3<br />

Numerical tests concerning the face milling force<br />

Cutting force components depen<strong>din</strong>g on the every variant of face milling and<br />

the forces developed on a single tooth level FZ, FX, FY<br />

Asymmetrical face milling with Ψ = 90°<br />

Cut – up face milling Cut – down face milling<br />


F1 44.321 (-) 37.209 6.145 37.209 44.321 6.145<br />

F2 43.386 -69.412 8.974 70.353 43.386 8.974<br />

F3 80.537 (-) 142.645 18.624 142.645 80.537 18.624<br />

Asymmetrical face milling with Ψ < 90°<br />

Cut – up face milling Cut – down face milling<br />


F1 44.321 (-) 37.209 6.145 37.209 44.321 6.145<br />

F2 37.269 (-) 69.037 8.210 69.037 37.269 8.210<br />

F3 80.537 (-) 142.645 18.624 142.645 80.537 18.624<br />

Asymmetrical face milling with Ψ > 90°<br />

Cut – up face milling Cut – down face milling<br />


F1 30.170 11.832 12.669 21.370 111.456 12.669<br />

F2 44.696 (-) 49.044 15.667 124.226 64.096 15.667<br />

F3 73.462 (-) 74.927 39.369 308.855 143.221 39.369<br />

Complete (full) symmetrical face milling<br />

FZ FX FY<br />

F1 27.196 (-) 15.041 14.443<br />

F2 17.580 (-) 14.544 17.948<br />

F3 22.325 (-) 24.587 37.247<br />

Incomplete symmetrical face milling<br />

FZ FX FY<br />

F1 13.568 (-) 29.430 12.669<br />

F2 45.061 (-) 49.044 15.667<br />

F3 73.462 (-) 74.927 39.369<br />

Analyzing the mathematical models developed in the previous papers one<br />

can observe the existence of some constants in the form of sums in their<br />


102 Ana-Maria Matei et al.<br />

These constants get different nuances depen<strong>din</strong>g on the variant of milling<br />

and the cutting teeth position beside the XYZ coor<strong>din</strong>ates system of the tool and<br />

the number of teeth that simultaneously cut, and we’ll call them C zteoretic and<br />

C xteoretic. They are used to calculate the values of the tangential component F z<br />

and the radial component F x, respectively.<br />

Table 4 presents the values of theoretical constants depen<strong>din</strong>g on the<br />

factors listed above.<br />

Replacing the constants in the structure of the mathematical models of<br />

previous papers and considering the assumptions described above, we obtain the<br />

Eqs. (1) to determine the cutting force components in face milling.<br />

The variant<br />

of face<br />

milling<br />

Asymmetrical<br />

face<br />

milling with<br />

Ψ = 90° and<br />

Ψ < 90°<br />

F = F C + F C .<br />

Z z z x x<br />

med teoretic med teoretic<br />

F = F C + F C .<br />

X x x z z<br />

med teoretic med teoretic<br />

F = F z .<br />

Y y s<br />

med<br />

Table 4<br />

The values of theoretical constants depen<strong>din</strong>g on<br />

the specific influencing factors at face milling<br />

The<br />

relative<br />

position of<br />

the tool<br />

and the<br />

material<br />

being cut<br />

Fac<br />

e<br />

mill<br />

ing<br />

forc<br />

es<br />

com<br />

ponent<br />

s<br />

FZ<br />

Cut – up<br />

face<br />

milling FX<br />

Cut –<br />

FZ<br />

zs<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

C zteoretic<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

sin ⎜ zsi<br />

z<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

zs<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

−∑ cos⎜<br />

zsi<br />

1 z<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

zs<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

cos⎜<br />

zsi<br />

z<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

C xteoretic<br />

zs<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

−∑ cos⎜<br />

zsi<br />

1 z<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

zs<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

−∑ sin ⎜ zsi<br />

1 z<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

zs<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

sin ⎜ zsi<br />

z<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />


Asymmetrical<br />

face<br />

milling with<br />

Ψ > 90°<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 103<br />

down face<br />

milling FX<br />

Cut – up<br />

face<br />

milling<br />

Cut –<br />

down face<br />

milling<br />

Symmetrical complete<br />

and incomplete face<br />

milling<br />

FZ<br />

FX<br />

FZ<br />

FX<br />

FZ<br />

FX<br />

zs<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

1<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

sin ⎜ zsi<br />

z<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

z/4<br />

2π<br />

∑sin(<br />

zsi<br />

) +<br />

1 z<br />

zs −(<br />

z/4)<br />

2π<br />

+ ∑ cos( zsi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

z/4<br />

2π<br />

− ∑cos(<br />

zsi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

+<br />

1<br />

zs −(<br />

z/<br />

4)<br />

z/4<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

+<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

zs −(<br />

z /4)<br />

z/4<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

−<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

sin( zsi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

cos( zsi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

∑<br />

zs −(<br />

z/4)<br />

zs<br />

/2<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

+<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

sin( zsi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

sin( zsi<br />

) −<br />

z<br />

∑<br />

zs<br />

/2<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

cos( zsi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

sin( zs<br />

) +<br />

i z<br />

∑<br />

2π<br />

cos( zs<br />

)<br />

i z<br />

zs<br />

/ 2<br />

2π<br />

− ∑ cos( zs<br />

) +<br />

i z<br />

+<br />

1<br />

zs<br />

/2<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

sin( zs<br />

)<br />

i z<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

zs<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

−∑ cos⎜<br />

zsi<br />

1 z<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

z/4<br />

2π<br />

− ∑cos(<br />

zsi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

+<br />

1<br />

zs −(<br />

z/4)<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

1<br />

zs −(<br />

z /4)<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

sin( zsi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

z/4<br />

2π<br />

−∑sin( zsi<br />

) −<br />

z<br />

−<br />

z/<br />

4<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

−<br />

∑<br />

zs −(<br />

z / 4)<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

cos( zsi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

sin( zsi<br />

) −<br />

z<br />

1<br />

∑<br />

zs −(<br />

z /4)<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

cos( zsi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

z /4 2π<br />

−∑cos( zs<br />

) −<br />

i z<br />

−<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

zs<br />

/2<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

sin( zs<br />

)<br />

i z<br />

zs<br />

/2<br />

2π<br />

− ∑ cos( zsi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

+<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

zs<br />

/2<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

sin( zsi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

zs<br />

/2<br />

2π<br />

−∑ sin( zsi<br />

) −<br />

z<br />

−<br />

∑<br />

2π<br />

cos( zsi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

1. The values of the force’s components FZ and FX acting on the cutter<br />

depend through Cz theoretic and Cx theoretic on the face milling variant (symmetrical<br />

or asymmetrical), the type of face milling (cut-up or cut-down milling) and the<br />

number of teeth that simultaneously cut.<br />

2. Working conditions, respectively the cutting regime, tooth geometry,<br />

nature of the material being cut and the environment are present in FZ, FX and<br />

FY through the correspon<strong>din</strong>g components acting on a cutting tooth.

104 Ana-Maria Matei et al.<br />

3. For each mill and variant of face milling a number of teeth that<br />

simultaneously cut is assigned, respectively certain values are obtained for FZ<br />

and FX from the cutter level. The FY component takes values based on the value<br />

of Fy component on a single tooth and the number of teeth that simultaneously<br />

cut.<br />

4. The valuation models of face milling force presented in the end of this<br />

paper were developed in a more accessible structure, and arranging the<br />

constants in a table makes them relatively easy to use.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was realised with the support of EURODOC<br />

“Doctoral Scholarships for research performance at European level” project, financed<br />

by the European Social Found and Romanian Government.<br />


Cozmîncă M., Bazele aşchierii. Ed. ”Gheorghe Asachi”, Iaşi, 1995.<br />

Cozmîncă M. et al., About the Cutting Forces at Face Milling. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi,<br />

LV(LIX), 2, s. ConstrucŃii de Maşini, (2009a).<br />

Cozmîncă M. et al., A New Model for Estimating the Force Components Fz, Fx and Fy<br />

when Cutting Metals with Single Tooth Tools. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LV(LIX), 1, s.<br />

ConstrucŃii de Maşini, (2009b).<br />

Matei A. M., Cozmîncă M., Ibănescu R., Theoretical Models of Cutting Force<br />

Components at Face Milling. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LVI(LX), 2b, s. ConstrucŃii de<br />

Maşini,. (2010)<br />

Matei A. M., Cozmîncă M., Luca A., Mathematical Models for the Evaluation of<br />

Cutting Force Components in Face Milling. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, LVII(LXI), 4, s.<br />

ConstrucŃii de Maşini, (2011)<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Valorile forŃelor FZ şi FX de la nivelul frezei frontale depind prin mărimile<br />

Cz theoretic si Cx theoretic de varianta de frezare (asimetrică sau simetrică), de tipul frezării<br />

frontale (în contra sau sensul avansului) şi de numărul de <strong>din</strong>Ńi care aşchiază simultan.<br />

CondiŃiile de lucru, respectiv regimul de aşchiere, geometria <strong>din</strong>telui, natura<br />

materialului aşchiat şi mediul de aşchiere, sunt prezente în FZ, FX şi FY prin intermediul<br />

componentelor corespunzătoare de la nivelul unui <strong>din</strong>te aşchietor. Pentru fiecare freză şi<br />

pentru orice variantă de frezare frontală se asigură un număr de <strong>din</strong>Ńi care aşchiază<br />

simultan, respectiv se obŃin anumite valori pentru forŃele FZ şi FZ de la nivelul frezei. In<br />

ceea ce priveşte componenta FY, aceasta capătă valori în funcŃie de valoarea<br />

componentei Fy de la nivelul unui <strong>din</strong>te aşchietor şi de numărul de <strong>din</strong>Ńi care aşchiază<br />

simultan. Variantele de frezare nu influenŃeaza mărimea componentei FY de la nivelul<br />

frezei frontale.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


University of Technology, Malaysia,<br />

1 Department of Industrial Engineering and Management<br />

2 Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering<br />

Received: July 13, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 12, 2011<br />

Abstract. Quality management is broadly recognized around the world as a<br />

very important competitive priority for the long-term success of an organization.<br />

Over the last decades, a numerous quality management concepts have been<br />

applied and been practiced by various organizations to attain world-class statue.<br />

However, the recognition of the successes through using the quality management<br />

approach historically has been made by obtain national quality or business<br />

excellence awards. Achieving excellence is hard enough at the best of times;<br />

sustaining it is even harder. Organizations face many challenges and impediments<br />

in sustaining a quality excellence framework in the long run to drive business<br />

improvement. This paper will attempt to investigate and identify the key factors<br />

affecting the implementation of quality award model through literature review and<br />

thus to list these factors. Hence, understan<strong>din</strong>g of the factors will help the<br />

organizations to ensure that these are dealt with appropriately in their journey<br />

towards excellence.<br />

Key words: Total quality management, sustainability, business excellence,<br />

success factors.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Quality management is broadly recognized around the world as a very<br />

important competitive priority for the long-term success of an organization over<br />

several decades. However, the recognition of the successes through using the<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: dmehran2@live.utm.my

106 Mehran Doulat Abadi and Sha’ri Mohd Yusof<br />

quality management approach historically has been made by obtain national<br />

quality or excellence awards (Laszlo, 1996). The national quality or excellence<br />

awards programs are the next major quality management event following TQM<br />

(Vora, 2002), (McAdam et al., 1998). Therefore, for many organizations<br />

participating in national quality or excellence award program is a way to<br />

support their TQM practices towards achieving world-class statue (Yusof &<br />

Aspinwall, 2000), (Puay et al, 1998), (Adebanjo, 2001), (Grigg & Mann,<br />

2008a). However, to get significant benefit and the best result, organizations<br />

must maintaining the practices with the awards principles for the long-term on<br />

the competitive path and made it a part of their organizational culture. Studies<br />

by (Coulambidou & Dale, 1995) and (Angell & Corbett, 2009) support this<br />

view. Today, the national quality/excellence frameworks and their criteria have<br />

been commonly accepted by many organizations as a powerful tool for<br />

assessing an organization along the quality and excellence path (Meers&<br />

Samson, 2003). Therefore, given today’s business climate, it would be hard to<br />

find an organization to ignore the practice on quality management approaches.<br />

However, achieving excellence is hard enough at the best of times; sustaining it<br />

in today’s world of increasing global competition, rapid technological<br />

innovation, changing processes and frequent movement in economic, social and<br />

customer environments, is even harder.<br />

2. Literature Review<br />

After the successful of quality management practices in Japan several<br />

countries established national quality/excellence award programs to pursue<br />

excellence in an effective way and to recognize which organizations employed<br />

the best quality management practices. All awards principles are strongly<br />

grouped based on the core of key principles and major constitutes of TQM<br />

(Ghobadian & Woo, 1994), (Ghobadian & Gallear, 1997), (Thompson&<br />

Simmons, 1997), (Hendricks & Singhal, 1999), (Zairi, 2001), (Tan et al., 2003).<br />

Therefore, getting a national quality/excellence award is a confirmation for<br />

TQM implementation successfully (Hendricks & Singhal ,1996); (Ghobadian &<br />

Gallear, 2001) and (Eriksson, 2004). Improvements as assessed against the<br />

quality/excellence framework will lead to long-term business success. As a<br />

result, there has been a trend in organizations to use quality-based initiatives as<br />

a source of competitive advantage.<br />

The literature suggests that the success of an organization by using the<br />

quality-based initiatives does not depend on individual quality tools and<br />

techniques, but it much depends on a range of general management practices,<br />

inclu<strong>din</strong>g: top management commitment and support, establishment of trust and<br />

communication, employee empowerment and motivation, common metrics<br />

across the organization, a stepwise problem solving approach, and standardised<br />

analysis using quality tools (Choo et al., 2007), (Easton & Jarrell, 1999),<br />

(Ehigie & McAndrew, 2005), (Hodgetts et al.,1999), (Powell, 1995), (Soltani et

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 107<br />

al., 2005), (Venkateswarlu & Nilakant, 2005). Business excellence or<br />

organizational excellence and all round growth have been the spicy subject of<br />

discussion among management academics at the recent years. The first major<br />

study on the concept of ‘business excellence’ as a topic of academic research<br />

was undertaken by (Peters & Waterman, 1982) in the famous book, In Search of<br />

Excellence–Lessons from America’s Best-run Companies. This investigation,<br />

designed to understand what some lea<strong>din</strong>g US organizations were doing to<br />

succeed in the face of the Japanese-led quality revolution. They provide many<br />

suggestions for success criteria behind business excellence concept for<br />

‘excellent organizations’.<br />

2.1. TQM versus Business Excellence<br />

First, TQM as the fourth level of quality management (Van der Wiele et<br />

al., 1997) has been one of the major intuitive for improved productivity for<br />

almost over three decades ago. Although TQM is much older than that, the<br />

‘total quality movement’ really picked up steam in the late 1970s and early<br />

1980s when several large American corporations adopted the techniques that<br />

enabled the Japanese to be so successful. There is clear evidence that many<br />

organizations view TQM as the basis for excellence (Adebanjo, 2005). Business<br />

excellence is the goal of every modern organization and can be defined as the<br />

next step after TQM, for the success of enterprise on the competitive path (Vora,<br />

2002), (McAdam et al., 1998).The use of excellence models is popular for the<br />

same reasons that TQM became unpopular. (Adebanjo, 2005).The term of<br />

Organizational Excellence or Business Excellence is generally associated with<br />

the European Fundamental for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model.<br />

EFQM to provide a model that ideally represents the business excellence<br />

philosophy that can be applied in practice to all organizations irrespective of<br />

country, size, sector or stage along their journey to excellence (Dommartin,<br />

2000).<br />

Table 1 shows a review of the philosophy, principles, process ,<br />

performance, and problem indicators of both reveals that business excellence<br />

was and still is fundamentally based on the quality management concept and<br />

practices. On the other hand, the business excellence model provides a clear<br />

road sign for organizations to follow towards excellence, we may also note that<br />

both TQM and business excellence stress primarily the importance of<br />

continuous improvement.<br />

2.2. Key success Factors of Total Quality<br />

This section presents a review of the key common success factors or<br />

constructs of organizational excellence developed and utilized by researchers in<br />

previous studies. Because of limited resources, it is always not feasible for<br />

organizations to devote their efforts to concurrently address all the success

108 Mehran Doulat Abadi and Sha’ri Mohd Yusof<br />

factors. Key common success factors or contributing variables or critical factors<br />

or enablers, in this study can be viewed as those things that must go right in<br />

order to ensure the successful implementation of quality management concepts<br />

such as Business Excellence (BX). In this paper, we tried to investigate key<br />

common success factors for BX based on extant literature review. The<br />

investigation of the key common success factors for successful the practices of<br />

BX are presented in Table 2.<br />

Table 1<br />

TQM versus Business Excellence<br />

Concepts(5Ps) Total Quality Management (TQM) Business Excellence (EFQM Model)<br />

Philosophy To combine people and quality<br />

techniques to achieve continuous<br />

improvement in the quality of the<br />

product and hence in all aspects of the<br />

operation (Harriss, 1995).<br />

Principles Customer focused, leadership,<br />

involvement people, process<br />

approaches, continual improvement,<br />

and supplier relationship.<br />

Process SPC Statistical Process Control) P-D-<br />

S-A (Plan, Do, Study, Act)<br />

performance Continuous improvement of the<br />

organization, Customer satisfaction,<br />

and employee development.<br />

Problem TQM is conceptual and philosophical.<br />

Its strong Ideological and culture<br />

perspective cannot be easily<br />

developed in companies (Salengun &<br />

Fazel, 2000)<br />

To assist organization to participate<br />

in improvement activities lea<strong>din</strong>g<br />

ultimately to excellence results and<br />

driving force for sustainable<br />

excellence (EFQM 2010).<br />

Result orientation, Customer focus,<br />

leadership and constancy of purpose,<br />

management by process and facts,<br />

people development and<br />

involvement, continuous learning,<br />

innovation and improvement,<br />

partnership development, and public<br />

responsibility.<br />

RADAR (Results, Approach,<br />

Deployment, Assessment, and<br />

Review).<br />

Customer results, people results, and<br />

society results. Key performance<br />

results.<br />

Business excellence needs to avoid<br />

evolving into a purely scoring, short-<br />

term oriented mechanism, losing the<br />

fundamentals of the quality focus.<br />

Various studies have been carried out for the identification of those<br />

factors of successful BX practices, from three different areas: contributions<br />

from quality gurus, formal evaluation BX models and empirical research. Out of<br />

the 38 different critical factors developed by the researchers, 11 were found to<br />

be the most popular critical factors for TQM, meanwhile 7 were found to be the<br />

most popular critical factors for BX. They are all critical factors for TQM and<br />

BX, ranked from the highest to the lowest level of popularity: top management<br />

commitment/support; product/service design; supplier quality management<br />

(some researchers used different terms such as vendor quality management;<br />

supplier chain management; supplier quality assurance; cooperative supplier<br />

relations; supplier management); process management (includes process

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 109<br />

knowledge, process control and improvement, process analysis and<br />

improvement, process focus); human resource management (includes employee<br />

relations, employee empowerment, employee involvement, employee<br />

participation, employee management, provi<strong>din</strong>g assurance to employees, human<br />

resource development, employment continuity, work force commitment); use of<br />

tool and technique; work environment and culture; continuous improvement;<br />

customers focus (customer driven processes, customer orientation, and customer<br />

satisfaction/involvement); leadership; training and education.<br />

From the review, it can be summarized that critical factors for successful<br />

TQM implementation can be classified into three group of researchers: Group<br />

researchers I: ‘soft’ factors and ‘hard’ factors (Ahire et al., 1996), (Thiagaragan<br />

et al., 2001), (Lau & Idris, 2002), (Tari & Sabater, 2004), (Rahman & Bullock,<br />

2005), (Vouzas & Psychogios, 2007), (Fotopoulos & Psomas, 2009); Group<br />

researchers II: TQM factors can be divided into strategic factors, tactical<br />

factors, and operational factors (Salahel<strong>din</strong>, 2009); and Group researchers III<br />

comprises the TQM framework into organizing, systems and techniques,<br />

measurement and feedback, and culture and people (Chin et al. 2002).<br />

The most important factors in the successful implementation of BX are<br />

full management support and commitment and giving the correct training to the<br />

right people at the right time (McQuater et al. 1995), (Bunney & Dale, 1997).<br />

Managers must understand the importance of their commitment in order to<br />

spread the use of these tools and techniques and to improve the TQM level &<br />

TQM results (Tari & Sabater, 2004). However, tools alone cannot provide<br />

results by themselves. They must be developed to reflect the companies’ culture<br />

and management vision (Govers, 2001). Tools and techniques also can be used<br />

to reinforce recommendations made to managers (McQuater et al. 1995). The<br />

key to improvement is to focus on the improvement objectives and<br />

recommendations, and use tools and techniques as an aid for that purpose.<br />

The most important factors in the successful implementation of BX are<br />

full management support and commitment and giving the correct training to the<br />

right people at the right time (McQuater et al., 1995), (Bunney & Dale, 1997).<br />

Managers must understand the importance of their commitment in order to<br />

spread the use of these tools and techniques and to improve the TQM level and<br />

TQM results (Tari & Sabater, 2004). However, tools alone cannot provide<br />

results by themselves. They must be developed to reflect the companies’ culture<br />

and management vision (Govers, 2001). Tools and techniques also can be used<br />

to reinforce recommendations made to managers (McQuater et al. 1995). The<br />

key to improvement is to focus on the improvement objectives and<br />

recommendations, and use tools and techniques as an aid for that purpose.<br />

As can be seen from the review, the CSFs for BX sustainability are very<br />

similar to the CSFs for TQM implementation due to its close. The proposed<br />

critical factors for effective implementation of BX sustainability are<br />

summarized in Table 3.

110 Mehran Doulat Abadi and Sha’ri Mohd Yusof<br />

Table 2<br />

Key success factors of business excellence practices developed and utilized by researchers<br />

Freq<br />

Key Common Business Excellence Sustainability (BES)<br />

No.<br />

.<br />

Success Factors<br />

1 Top<br />

management<br />

commitment/su<br />

pport<br />

2 People<br />

management<br />

3 Middle<br />

management<br />

involvement<br />

4 Training and<br />

education<br />

5 Reward and<br />

recognition<br />

6 Teamwork and<br />

cooperation<br />

7 Quality policy<br />

and strategic<br />

planning<br />

8 Communicating<br />

for quality<br />

relation<br />

9 Supplier<br />

management<br />

10 Accredited<br />

quality<br />

management<br />

systems<br />

11 Organizing for<br />

quality<br />

12 Managing by<br />

process<br />

+ + + + + + + + + + + 11<br />

+ + + + + + + + + 9<br />

+ + + + + + + + + 9<br />

+ + + + + + + 7<br />

+ + + + + + + 7<br />

+ + + + + + + + + 9<br />

+ + + + + + + 7<br />

+ + + + + 5<br />

+ + + + 4<br />

+ + + + 4<br />

+ + + + 4<br />

+ + + + 4<br />

13 Benchmarking + + + 3<br />

14 Self-assessment + + + 3<br />

15 Cost of quality + + 2<br />

16 Quality control<br />

+ + + + + + 7<br />

techniques<br />

17 Measuring<br />

customer wants<br />

and satisfaction<br />

+ + + + + + + 7<br />

4. Discussions and Future Research<br />

A review of the literature shows that, TQM is rather than a mere set of<br />

factors, a network of interdependent components, a management system<br />

consisting of critical factors, techniques and tools (Hellsten & Klefsjo, 2000).

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 111<br />

Table 3<br />

The proposed key factors for effective BES<br />

Key factors (criteria) Sub-factors (sub-criteria)<br />

Management<br />

responsibility<br />

Strategic quality planning/quality policy; the role of divisional top<br />

management; top management commitment/support; internal<br />

Resource<br />

stakeholders’ involvement (middle management involvement)<br />

Technology-and production related resources; financial-related resources;<br />

management information and communication-related resources<br />

People management Employee involvement/empowerment; education; and training;<br />

Quality in design and<br />

teamwork and cooperation; work environment culture<br />

Process management/operating procedures; role of quality department;<br />

process<br />

product design; process analysis and improvement; applied quality tools<br />

and techniques<br />

Measurement, Quality measurement, feedback and benchmarking; continuous<br />

analysis & feedback improvement; performance measurement: external and internal; quality<br />

data and reporting; communication to improve quality; recognition and<br />

rewards; quality systems<br />

Supplier<br />

Supplier quality management/supplier chain management; contact with<br />

management supplier and professional associates<br />

Customer focus Customer<br />

processes<br />

involvement/satisfaction/orientation; customer driven<br />

These techniques and tools are vital to support and develop the quality<br />

improvement process (Bunney & Dale, 1997), (Hellsten & Klefsjo, 2000),<br />

(Curry & Kadasah, 2002), (Tari, 2005). BX in general and its principles and<br />

criteria in particular are, alongside critical factors, another important component<br />

of TQM, which emphasizes their importance for the improvement of quality of<br />

business and results. (Tari & Sabater, 2004) suggested that firms must develop<br />

both the hard and the soft parts of TQM in order to succeed. With the passage<br />

of time and with changing customer’s needs and expectations the word of<br />

‘quality’ has been replaced by ‘excellence’. As part of this quality progress,<br />

business or organizational excellence has become a recent goal of quality<br />

management movement (Fang Zhao, 2004). Therefore, business excellence<br />

practice can be named as the fifth level of quality management and next step<br />

after TQM, for the success of an organization (McAdam et al., 1998), (Vora,<br />

2002) in this never-en<strong>din</strong>g journey. However, there has been a lack of empirical<br />

and published research and any comprehensive studies reported in the literature<br />

focusing on and revealing factors affecting implementation of BX principles at<br />

management level of winner organizations.<br />


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(Rezumat)<br />

Managementul total este unamim recunoscut în întreaga lume ca o proritate<br />

esenŃială în competiŃia pentru asigurarea succesului pe termen lung al unei organizaŃii.<br />

În ultimele decenii, numeroase concepte ale managementului calităŃii au fost aplicate de<br />

diferite organizaŃii în vederea obŃinerii statutului de ”world class”. Cu toate acestea,<br />

recunoaşterea succesului prin aplicarea managementului calităŃii a fost întotdeauna<br />

realizat prin obŃinerea de premii pentru calitate naŃională sau excelenŃă în afaceri.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 115<br />

Atingerea excelenŃei este extrem de grea în majoritatea cazurilor, dar şi mai grea este<br />

păstrarea acesteia în timp. OrganizaŃiile trebuie să facă faŃă la numeroase încercări şi<br />

impedimente pentru menŃinerea excelenŃei în calitate în lungul drum al conducerii cu<br />

succes a afacerii. Articolul de faŃă intenŃionează să investigheze şi să identifice factorii<br />

cheie care afectează modelului calităŃii prin prisma literaturii de specialitate. Ca urmare,<br />

înŃelegerea acestor factori de influenŃă se va constitui într-un instrument pentru diferite-<br />

le organizaŃii în drumul către obŃinerea şi menŃinerea excelenŃei în calitate.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Received: August 25, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 30, 2011<br />

”Gheorghe Asachi ” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Abstract. The assessment of plastic deformation of chips can be done based<br />

on theoretical and experimental considerations. This paper presents the two ways<br />

of assessing the chips contraction coefficient, namely the theoretical and<br />

experimental methods. The results obtained from both methods will be used to<br />

develop a mathematical model for chips contraction coefficient.<br />

Key words: chips contraction coefficient, theoretical methods, experimental<br />

methods.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The chips contraction coefficient represents the capacity of plastic<br />

deformation of different metals during the cutting process. The assessment of<br />

plastic deformation is based on both theoretical and experimental<br />

considerations, which are used to develop a mathematical model for Cd. In this<br />

mathematical model, Cd is dependent on the parameters of the cutting process.<br />

2. The Assessment of Cd<br />

2.1. Analytical and Experimental Methods<br />

2.1.1. Analytical methods consist in the mathematical calculus of the<br />

elements that characterize the plastic deformation of the cut metal in various<br />

conditions. In order for this method to be applied it is necessary to know the<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: milea_marius@yahoo.com

118 Marius Milea and Mircea Cozmîncă<br />

yield curves, the structural characteristics of the materials and the distribution of<br />

the efforts in the deformation zone. The Ernst and Merchant approach<br />

introduces the concept of the single shear plane and the angle it makes with the<br />

surface generated referred to as the shear angle. It has become a classic<br />

approach in metal cutting and has been applied in analyzing the cutting of<br />

different materials even when shearing cannot occur at all. Zorev suggests a<br />

model for the cutting of ductile materials in agreement with the theory of<br />

plasticity (Astakhov, 2003). Summarizing the analytical models, it can be said<br />

that each cutting approach or model reflects a particular aspect of metal cutting<br />

practice. No model can cover all various cutting conditions that can be found<br />

during the real process.<br />

2.1.2. Experimental methods directly measure the elements of plastic<br />

deformation. V. Astakhov suggests two experimental methods for the<br />

determination of the chip contraction coefficient. The simplest method is to<br />

measure the chip thickness and calculate Cd as<br />

t2<br />

Cd<br />

= , (1)<br />

t1<br />

where t2 is the chip thickness and t1 is the uncut chip thickness. This method<br />

cannot be always used because of the chip saw-toothed free surface or its<br />

smallness. The second method is the weighing of the chips. After determining<br />

the length L, the width dw and the weight Gch , the chip thickness is calculated<br />

as<br />

t<br />

2<br />

Gch<br />

= , (2)<br />

d Lρ g<br />

w1 w<br />

where ρw is the density of the work material and g=9.81m/s 2 is the gravity<br />

constant. These methods, either theoretical or experimental, can lead to errors in<br />

assessing the chips contraction coefficient. To eliminate these errors, a<br />

theoretical-experimental model of assessing Cd is suggested, based on both<br />

theoretical considerations, but mostly on experimental results.<br />

2.2. The Development of a New Model for the Assessment of Cd<br />

As we know, theoretical equations for the chips contraction coefficient do<br />

not include all the parameters with significant influence, reason why we suggest<br />

a new model which takes into consideration the sense and the level of influence<br />

of each parameter, that is HB , v, s, K, γ and λ..<br />

A series of authors suggested the model below for the assessment of Cd,<br />

which includes the six parameters mentioned above,<br />

n n<br />

δ 5ω 6<br />

Cd = C . (3)<br />

n1 n2 n3<br />

n<br />

HB v s K 4

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 119<br />

The influence levels n1…n6 will be determined experimentally. The<br />

complementary angles δ=90−γ and ω=90−λ are used in order to avoid the<br />

negative and null values of γ, λ angles. The authors of this model also suggested<br />

the use of experimental diagrams in double-logarithmic coor<strong>din</strong>ates to assess<br />

the influence levels n1,…,n6.<br />

After determining the influence levels, a second step is necessary, namely<br />

the determination of the C constant with Eq. (4), where v0, s0, K0, δ0, ω0 and HB0<br />

are the values for the independent variables that provide the same value for Cdo<br />

(experimental data tabels or diagrams in double-logarithmic coor<strong>din</strong>ates can be<br />

used)<br />

d 0<br />

n1 0<br />

n2 0<br />

n3<br />

0<br />

n4<br />

0<br />

n5 n6<br />

δ0 ω0<br />

C HB v δ K<br />

C = . (4)<br />

After determining both the influence levels and the C constant, other<br />

experimental data are necessary to take into consideration the interdependencies<br />

and the values obtained so far may need correction. Thus, after assessing the<br />

interdependencies, Eq. (3) may become<br />

n5m n6m<br />

δ ω<br />

Cd = Cm .<br />

(5)<br />

n1m n2m n3m n4m<br />

HB v s K<br />

The experimental data, the corrected values of C constant and of the<br />

influence levels will be used to verify Eq. (5). The values obtained with Eq. (5)<br />

will be compared with experimental data. Depen<strong>din</strong>g on the similarity between<br />

the two sets of values, a new model for assessing Cd can be obtained by<br />

correcting Eq. (5) and introducing an intermediary parameter with<br />

n n n n<br />

1m 2m 3m 4m<br />

HB v s K<br />

Cm = C<br />

.<br />

(6)<br />

d exp n5m n6m<br />

δ ω<br />

In Eq. (6), the parameters HB, v, s, K, ω, δ have the values for which<br />

Cdexp. has been obtained experimentally.<br />

Finally, Eq. (7) is obtained, in which nm, nv, ns, nK, nλ, nγ represent the<br />

influence levels of the cut material, the cutting speed, the feed and the<br />

constructive angles of the tool, γ, λ, K.<br />

nγ nλ<br />

δ ω<br />

Cd = Cm . (7)<br />

nm nv ns n<br />

HB v s K K<br />

The calculus model (7) suggested for the assessment of Cd must be<br />

adjusted accor<strong>din</strong>g to the specific parameters of each cutting process and cut<br />

material (ductile or less ductile-fragile).

120 Marius Milea and Mircea Cozmîncă<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

1. The new suggested model is useful for the development of a new<br />

model for the assessment of the cutting forces depen<strong>din</strong>g on the chips<br />

contraction coefficient and is complementary to other existing models.<br />

2. This model includes six parameters of paramount significance, namely,<br />

the cut material hardness, the cutting speed, the cutting feed and the<br />

constructive angles of the tool.<br />

3. In the future, the values obtained with this new model of assessing Cd<br />

could be used for classifying the metallic materials from the point of view of<br />

their cutting workability.<br />


Astakhov V., Shvets, S.V, The assessment of Plastic Deformation in Metal Cutting.<br />

Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 146(2), 193-202 (2004)..<br />

Croitoru I., Segal R., Cozmîncă M.,Model for Predicting Cutting Forces. Bul. Inst.<br />

Polit. Iaşi, , XLIV(XLVIII), Supliment I, s. V, 189-193 (1998).<br />

Cozmîncă I., Cozmîncă M., Ibănescu R., About a New Method for Cutting Forces<br />

Evaluation. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, , LIV(LX), 2a, s. V, 125-129 (2010).<br />

Cozmîncă I., Ibănescu R., Rădulescu M., Ungureanu C., Voicu C., , Experimental<br />

Results Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Chips Contraction at Steel Turning. Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi,<br />

LVI (LX), 1, s. V, 13-18 (2010).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Se prezintă pe scurt cele mai importante modele teoretice şi experimentale de<br />

evaluare a coeficientului de deformare plastică Cd. Modelul propus de cercetătorii în<br />

domeniu include şase factori cu influenŃă semnificativă, respectiv, viteza principală de<br />

aşchiere, avansul de aşchiere, duritatea materialului aşchiat şi unghiurile constructive<br />

ale sculei. S-a încercat dezvoltarea acestui model, evaluându-se interdependenŃele <strong>din</strong>tre<br />

aceşti parametri şi obŃinându-se o nouă relaŃie care va trebui verificată experimental.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Drives<br />

Received: July 10 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 15, 2011<br />

Abstract. In this paper we present an analisys of miniturbine performance<br />

when the value of chord is variable. This study is conducted for a given situation<br />

in which is known the average flow speed and number and the geometry of blades<br />

for an kinetic miniturbine.<br />

Key words: water current turbines, kinetic miniturbine.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

There are basically two methods of extracting energy from water. The<br />

conventional method is to place a barrage across an estuary with a large tidal<br />

range to create a static head or pressure difference, and operate a low head<br />

hydro-electric power plant with intermittent, reversing flow. The less wellknown<br />

method of extracting energy from tidal and other flows is to convert the<br />

kinetic energy of moving water directly to mechanical shaft power without<br />

otherwise interrupting the natural flow. The aim of this paper is to study<br />

influence of chord variation on the performance of a kinetic miniturbine.<br />

2. Mathematical Model<br />

The performance of the miniturbine (Zanette et al., 2007), (Jureczko et<br />

al., 2005), (Lanzafame & Messina, 2007) is theoretically predicted by<br />

considering the coefficient of power defined with equation:<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: nastase_eugenvlad@yahoo.com

122 Eugen-Vlad Năstase and Doru Călăra u<br />

3<br />

K<br />

p<br />

dPT<br />

= ,<br />

3<br />

(1)<br />

ρπrdrV∞ where, ρπrdrV∞ is the power available from a stream of water, and dP T is the<br />

power extracted by miniturbine.<br />

Fig. 1 – Blade cross-section at radius r.<br />

Can be estimated (from Fig. 1) the tangential component<br />

dT = dR sin δ − dR cosδ<br />

, (2)<br />

u P R<br />

1 2<br />

P 2 P<br />

dR = ρC W cdr (3)<br />

1 2<br />

R 2 R<br />

dR = ρC W cdr . (4)<br />

For evaluate the torque on the miniturbine shaft we are using the relationship:<br />

ρ 2 sin( δ − ε)<br />

dM = nrdTu = n rcd rW CP<br />

.<br />

(5)<br />

2 cos ε<br />

Finally the coefficient of power is<br />

2 2 2 ( ∞ )<br />

dP ωdM cnω V + ω r sin( δ − ε)<br />

K = = = C . (6)<br />

cos ε<br />

T<br />

p 3<br />

ρπrdrV∞ 3<br />

ρπrdrV∞ 3<br />

2πV∞<br />

P<br />

In the above equations: ρ is the density of water, V ∞ is the free stream<br />

velocity of the current, n is the number of blades, c is the chord, CP is lift<br />

coefficient, CR is drag coefficient. The consequence of this relationship is that<br />

power and hence energy capture are highly sensitive to chord, number of blades,<br />

velocity, lift coefficient.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 123<br />

3. Results<br />

Calculations were made for two types of blades: type swept (Fig. 4a),<br />

with chord constant along the blade and type sword (Fig. 4b), with chord<br />

variable along the blade.<br />

Fig. 2 – Variation of lift and drag coefficient.<br />

Fig. 3 – Variation of finess and power coefficient.<br />

Fig.4 – Efficiency for variation of chord.<br />

Legend of representation:<br />

Value of chord is constant along the blade: c=0,034(m), c=0,044 (m),<br />

and c=0,054 (m).<br />

Value of chord is variable along the blade: c=0,034 (m), c=<br />

0,044(m),<br />

and c=0,054 (m).

124 Eugen-Vlad Năstase and Doru Călăra u<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The analysis performed is found that better performance is obtained for<br />

the case of variable chord along the profile (Fig. 4b).<br />

4).<br />

2. For the two cases considered the best value for chord is c=0.034m (Fig.<br />

3. This type of kinetic miniturbine have the advantage of not requiring<br />

storage dam, is simple construction and maintenance costs are relatively small.<br />


Jureczko M., Pawlak M., Mezyk A., Optimisation of Wind Turbine Blades. Journal of<br />

Materials Processing Technology, 463-471 (2005).<br />

Lanzafame R., Messina M., Fluid Dynamics Wind Turbine Design: Critical Analysis.<br />

Optimization and Application of BEM Theory. Renewable Energy, 32, 2291-2305<br />

(2007).<br />

Zanette J., Imbault D., Tourabi A., Fluid-structure Interaction and Design of Water<br />

Current Turbines. Grenoble, France, 2007.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În această lucrare se prezintă analiza performanŃelor unei miniturbine pentru<br />

două situaŃii. Primul caz este cel al unei miniturbine cu pale care au coarda constantă în<br />

lungul anvergurii. Al doilea caz este cel al miniturbinei cu pale având coarda variabilă<br />

în lungul anvergurii. Acest studiu este realizat pentru o locaŃie cunoscută, când se<br />

cunoaşte viteza medie de curgere a apei, geometria şi numărul de pale.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Drives<br />

Received: July 10, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 2, 2011<br />

Abstract. The aim of the paper is to is to achieve a theoretical study on the<br />

influence of the number of blades on the performance of miniturbine. The study<br />

is conducted to a location with average speed of water flow known.<br />

Key words: renewable energy, kinetic turbine, energy conversion.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Renewable energy technologies offer the promise of non-polluting<br />

alternatives to fossil and nuclear-fueled power plants to meet growing demand<br />

for electrical energy (Batten et al., 2006), (Lago et al., 2010), (***, 2011).<br />

Water current turbines are defined as systems that convert hydro kinetic energy<br />

from flowing waters into electricity, mechanical power, or other forms of<br />

energy. This is a free flowing turbine in which the water runoffs are given by<br />

the difference in altitude of the river in the stretch considered. The same<br />

principle is applied in energy conversion systems used in ocean currents and<br />

tide motors (Liu et al., 2011). The great benefit in which this type of<br />

arrangement is that there is no need to build dams or dikes to supply water to<br />

the turbine and consequently, results in a low environmental impact.<br />

2. General Considerations<br />

For efficiency analysis of kinetic miniturbine we can use the following<br />

energetic parameter (Batten et al., 2006), (Myers & Bahaj, 2006):<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: nastase_eugenvlad@yahoo.com

126 Eugen-Vlad Năstase and Doru Călăraşu<br />

8 πr(1 − k) tan δ sin δ<br />

ERR =<br />

,<br />

⎛ µ ( k + 1) ⎞<br />

( k + 1) ⎜1+ ⎟<br />

⎝ λ( h + 1) ⎠<br />

where: r − radius of a cross section, k,h-coeficients of induced velocity, δ −<br />

angle between flow velocity direction and chord, λ − tip speed ratio, µ −<br />

solidity. On the other hand, for ERR we have<br />

C pnc<br />

ERR = .<br />

r<br />

Using Eq (2) we can represent the dependence between number of blades and<br />

lift coefficient, what we can see in Fig. 1.<br />

Fig.1 – Dependence between lift coefficient and blades number.<br />

For theoretical research, after analyzing the dependence between the<br />

number of blades and lift coefficient (Fig. 1), we consider three situation:<br />

miniturbine with three, four and five blades (Fig. 2).<br />

Fig.2 – Models of kinetic miniturbine.<br />

For these three cases we calculated and represented variation along the<br />

blade for the following parameters: lift coefficient (Fig. 3), tangential force (Fig.<br />

4), torque to the turbine shaft (Fig. 5), and power coefficient (Fig. 6).<br />

(1)<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 127<br />

3. Results of Research<br />

Legend of representation: miniturbine with three blades;<br />

miniturbine with four blades; miniturbine with five blades;<br />

Fig. 3 – Lift coefficient variation.<br />

Fig. 4 – Tangential force.<br />

Fig. 5 – Torque variation.<br />

Fig. 6 – Power coefficient along the blade.

128 Eugen-Vlad Năstase and Doru Călăraşu<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Analyzing the results it is found that for this situation is more efficient<br />

turbine with three blades.<br />

2. Hidrokinetic energy offers the promise of non-polluting alternatives to<br />

fossil and nuclear-fueled power plants.<br />


Batten W. M. J., Bahaj A. S., Molland A. F., Chaplin J. R., Hydrodynamics of Marine<br />

Current Turbines. Renewable Energy, 31, 249-256 (2006).<br />

Lago L. I., Ponta F. L., Chen L., Advances and Trends in Hydrokinetic Turbine Systems.<br />

Energy for Sustainable Development, 14, 287-296 (2010).<br />

Liu H. W., Ma S., Li W., Gu H. G., Lin Y. G., Sun X. J., A Review on the Development<br />

of Tidal Current Energy in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,<br />

15, 1141-1146 (2011).<br />

Myers L., Bahaj A. S., Power Output performance Characteristics of a Horizontal Axis<br />

Marine Current Turbine. Renewable Energy, 31, 197-208 (2006); http://www.<br />

esru.strath.ac.uk/EandE/Web_sites/05-06/marine_renewables/home/<br />

projsummary. htm (available at 18.03.2011).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea are drept scop realizarea unor studii teoretice privind influnŃa<br />

numărului de pale asupra eficienŃei unei miniturbine. Miniturbina studiată este<br />

proiectată pentru încercări de laborator. Ca urmare sunt cunoscute dimensiunile<br />

rotorului, viteza medie de curgere a apei în canal şi geometria profilului palei. În aceste<br />

condiŃii se constantă că performanŃele cele mai bune se obŃin în cazul miniturbinei cu<br />

trei pale.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


North University, Baia Mare,<br />

Department of Engineering System and Technological Management<br />

Received: May 12, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: June 23, 2011<br />

Abstract. This article refers to the conception and the practical<br />

achievement of some systems of linear movement of electro-mechanical<br />

actuator type used to position precisely of some pre-working equipment.<br />

These systems have to own dynamic characteristic high precision and high<br />

viability. The important functions of the actuator is the movement control<br />

achieved by an appropriate electronic. The electro-mechanic acting can be<br />

developed by using appropriate control destinations such as the loa<strong>din</strong>g<br />

equipment the actuators have to fulfill strict and stable criteria in any<br />

situation. The actuators having multiple applications both industrial and of<br />

these products.<br />

Key words: fuzzy logistic, linear actuator, controller, advanced<br />

control.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The actuator have a complex structure, the mechanical part being<br />

composed of certain elements which ensure a high cinematic and dynamic<br />

precision, and the comman<strong>din</strong>g part being represented by a computer-led<br />

system, based on appropriate software. Like conventional linear actuator it<br />

also comprised a motor rotation and a motion screw mechanism, with<br />

∗ e-mail: nasui@ubm.ro

130 Vasile Năsui<br />

balls or rollers. One type is the electromechanical actuator, which converts<br />

the torque of an electric rotary motor into linear mechanical thrust. The<br />

motor rotates the drive screw by a synchronous function is to provide<br />

thrust and positioning in machines used for production or testing<br />

(Borangiu, 2003).<br />

The electromechanical linear actuators are designed to provide<br />

precision, efficiency, accuracy, and repeatability in effecting and<br />

controlling movement. A typical linear electro-mechanic actuators is<br />

sketched in Fig. 1 (Năsui, 2006).<br />

Controller<br />

Fig. 1 – The overall scheme of linear actuator system.<br />

A position at some point along the screw is commanded by the user<br />

and the motor turns the screw until the nut reaches that position. These<br />

provide the optimal solution for the timing belt drive, worm gear drive, or<br />

a coupling direct inline drive, connected from the motor shaft to the screw.<br />

An actuator's construction of quantitative and qualitative mechanical<br />

transmissions due to a wide range of usage, high efficiency, cinematic,<br />

dynamic capacities and high precision.<br />

The acting directions are shown in order to improve the parameters<br />

such as increasing speeds and portent capacity which generate the<br />

necessity of the analysis and the solution to some problems concerning the<br />

dynamics of the systems (Nasui, 2006).<br />

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In section two<br />

the capabilities of the electromechanical linear actuators are presented. A<br />

short description of model geometry is given in section three. Some results<br />

of the virtual simulation are presented in section four.<br />

Finally, in the last section the main conclusions from this study are<br />

drawn and the perspectives for future research are outlined. Fully<br />

reviewing your application can prevent mistakes, ensuring optimal system<br />

performance.<br />

2. The Control Algorithm<br />

The main task is the exact position towards the control surface and<br />

its quick matching of the two factors simultaneously which is difficult to

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 131<br />

achiever in practice. The compromise between speed and precision has to<br />

be established from the beginning by applying a control algorithm.<br />

The working regime is non-linear and non stationary owing to the<br />

cutting forces. The acting of the actuators can not be represented as a<br />

linear element and the classical analysis methods can not be used. Besides<br />

this there are safely and viability aspect to take into account.<br />

The control algorithm has to prevent the situations where the engine<br />

is the critical functioning area in extreme dynamic conditions. The acting<br />

dynamic is very important. Fast swifts where the maximum working limits<br />

are exceeded should to avoid. Quick changes in the load from the dynamic<br />

point of view show similar modifications of parameters at the PD<br />

regulator for this programmed. Because of the many non-linearity in the<br />

system, the programmed should have variable parameters which are hard<br />

to achieve.<br />

The algorithm that ensures the dynamic proprieties for the regulator<br />

which do not reach the saturation point can protect the mechanism<br />

structure and the durability of the acting engine. In this situation it is<br />

necessary for the experts produce heuristic regulators which use the<br />

dependences between the engine and the acting system. These heuristic<br />

regulations have very good static and dynamic properties accor<strong>din</strong>g to the<br />

saturation rate stage compensators and algorithms are necessary for stages<br />

over the saturation rate (Borangiu, 2003), (Năsui, 2006).<br />

Additionally this process should be as fast as possible. Obtaining a<br />

good quality of these two factors simultaneously is difficult in particular<br />

case and practically impossible in the general case. Compromising<br />

between precision and speed is necessary. The sufficient precision has to<br />

be established in the beginning and should be applied control algorithm<br />

maintaining it. The electromechanical actuator without any load is a<br />

nonlinear element (Nasui, 2006).<br />

Actuator cannot be represented as a linear element and we cannot<br />

use classical methods of analyses for it. There are also aspects of<br />

reliability and safety. A various and heavy load of the actuator, frequent<br />

changes of the control signal (especially direction) can cause quick<br />

amortization of electrical motor and the power driver. Control algorithm<br />

should prevent situations where the motor is load to much for a long time.<br />

The control is based on a microprocessor, converter and power<br />

output block. The reversed link of control is achieved by potentiometer<br />

supplied by the control circuit present in the electro-mechanic unit by the

132 Vasile Năsui<br />

actuator type. A typical the closed loop position control system is sketched<br />

in Fig. 2.<br />

Σ Kp Kv Σ<br />

Σ Actuator ∫<br />

∫ Kv<br />

Fig. 2 – The closed loop position control systems.<br />

3. Programmable Motion Control Systems<br />

An actuator's function is to provide thrust and positioning in<br />

machines used for production or testing. The motion control system’s<br />

purpose is to control any one, or combination, of the following<br />

parameters: position, velocity, acceleration, torque (Nasui, 2006).<br />

Many motion control systems are integrated into a larger system.<br />

Various computer-based devices, such as programmable controllers,<br />

stand-alone industrial computers, or mainframe computers serve to link<br />

and coor<strong>din</strong>ate the motion control function with other functions. Thus, a<br />

more integrated motion control system would appear as shown below: the<br />

assembly of the process of developing new products, covering the<br />

conception aspects, manufacture and the link between them. The essential<br />

component of many automatic control systems is actuator. The application<br />

of a specific command causes a correspon<strong>din</strong>g signal at the input through<br />

action input transducer. The result is an unbounded increase in controlled<br />

variable and loss of control by the command source.<br />

The general form of the block diagram of a feedback control system<br />

is shown in the Fig. 3. In order to develop and optimization pattern<br />

accor<strong>din</strong>g to very strict engineering requirement it is necessary the<br />

introduction of a number of performance criterion and the formulation of<br />

some appropriate objective functions (Năsui, 2006).<br />

This results a characteristic of functioning specific to each measure<br />

of translation unit accor<strong>din</strong>g to the dimension and the step of the moving<br />

screw with which it is equipped. These restraints refer the achievement to<br />

the possibility of achieving technical performances referring to the<br />

parameters of functional geometrical precision.

Computer<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 133<br />

position<br />

directio<br />

speed<br />

Controller<br />

Fig. 3 – Established actuator block scheme.<br />

These are essential in the case of using positioning systems from<br />

robots, machine-tools computer controlled, specific to transitory<br />

conditions with frequent spee<strong>din</strong>g and braking, starting and stopping at a.<br />

fixed point.<br />

They have to be reliable and work stably in every situation. The<br />

actuator controller should be reliable itself and independent from other<br />

equipment failures. The electromechanical unit is controlled throughout a<br />

power output block. The controller only sets power control and direction<br />

lines to a required state and the power output realizes powering of motor.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

power control<br />

direction<br />

load<br />

mechanical<br />

power<br />

Electro<br />

mechanism<br />

1. The result of the research we can value immediately any system<br />

of linear movement because it has as a basis the newest techniques of<br />

modeling in the field. These have as an objective the developing of new<br />

system of electro-mechanic linear actuator type as well as perfecting the<br />

existent ones in a very short time and in highly energetic and economical<br />

conditions.<br />

2. This research is part of the modern preoccupations regar<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

improvement of new systems of linear acting and of numerical modeling<br />

using algorithms and programs of numerical computation and virtual<br />

instrumentation. The sequence of special performances obtained through<br />

this regulatory system to the actuators makes possible their application to<br />

the machine tools with numerical control and especially at those of the last<br />

generation with parallel kinematics as well as the robot industry.<br />

3. Control algorithm permit to deflect surface with maximum<br />

power in wide range. Unfortunately speed is limited by electromechanical<br />

construction and over saturation we can only compensate phase lag.

134 Vasile Năsui<br />

Amplitude of signal is suppressed. Work of controller has been checked<br />

in many possible situations<br />

4. The control algorithm allows the positioning regulation at<br />

maximum powers and very large limits. The movement speed is limited<br />

by the mechanic construction and cannot compensate wholly the<br />

saturation stage/point.<br />

5. The conception and its manufacture assisted on the computer has<br />

as application field the assembly of the process of developing new<br />

products, covering the conception aspects, manufacture and the link<br />

between them.<br />

6. The laboratory test done a data acquiring stand shoved that the<br />

control system of the movement achieved by the controller can control the<br />

positioning precision with established static precisions. Tests have been<br />

done in the maximum admitted loa<strong>din</strong>g conditions and minimum and<br />

maximum extreme working extreme speeds.<br />

Acknowledgements. The author makes the best of the researches done<br />

within the grant regar<strong>din</strong>g the development of the actuators within the flexible<br />

systems of reworking in the laboratory of The Basis of Experimental Research of<br />

the North University of Baia Mare, Engineering Faculty. The author to thanks the<br />

support and contribution of Eugen PAY from UNBM in the definition of<br />

requirements and selection of design options of this electro-mechanic actuator<br />

linear.<br />


Banks J. et al., Discrete Event System Simulation. Prentice Hall Inc., SUA, 2001.<br />

Borangiu Th., Advanced Robot Motion Control. Ed. Academiei Romane, 2003.<br />

Ispas C., Predencea N., Ghionea A. et al., Maşini-unelte. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti,<br />

1998.<br />

Maties V., Mandru D., Tatar O. Actuatori in mecatronică. Ed. Mediamira, Cluj-<br />

Napoca, 2000.<br />

Mohora C., Cotet E., Patrascu G., Simularea sistemelor de producŃie. Ed.<br />

Academiei Romane, 2001.<br />

Montgomery D.C., Design of Analysis of Experiments, 4 th Ed., John Wiley &<br />

Sons, New-York, 1996.<br />

Năsui V., (2006), Actuatori liniari electromecanici. Ed. Risoprint, Cluj Napoca,<br />

1996.<br />

Nãsui V., Stand de proba pentru mecanisme liniare. Brevet de Inventie RO<br />

122562 B1.<br />

Popa A., Controlul digital al sistemelor mecatronice. Ed. Orizonturi Universitare,<br />

Timişoara, 2002.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 135<br />

Olaru A., Dynamic of the industrial robots. Ed. Bren, Bucureşti, 2001.<br />

Zetu D. & Carata E., Sisteme flexibile de fabricaŃie. Ed. Junimea, Iaşi, 1998.<br />

*** Data Acquisition Devices type ADUC 112, Analog Device.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea are ca scop realizarea unei noi abordări a concepŃiei şi realizării practice<br />

a unor sisteme de mişcare liniară de tip actuator liniar electromecanic, utilizate pentru<br />

poziŃionarea precisă a unor echipamente de prelucrare. Aceste sisteme trebuie să aibă<br />

caracteristici <strong>din</strong>amice ridicate, precizie si fiabilitate înaltă. Se foloseşte un nou sistem de<br />

transformare a mişcării de rotaŃie în miscare de translaŃie şi invers, care facilitează<br />

achiziŃionarea datelor de control a mişcării. Problema pusă se referă la o reconsiderare a<br />

modalităŃilor de control a mişcării configurând noi aplicaŃii experimentale. FuncŃia importantă<br />

la actuatoarele liniare electromecanice, în special cele industriale este controlul<br />

mişcării realizată de către un echipament electronic, care trebuie să îndeplineascăa criterii<br />

stricte şi stabile în orice situaŃie.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />



“Transilvania” University of Braşov,<br />

1 Department of Economic Engineering and Production Systems<br />

2 Department of Materials Engineering and Wel<strong>din</strong>g<br />

Received: August 12, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 25, 2011<br />

Abstract. In this paper it is presented the finite element modeling of<br />

rehabilitation equipment for the knee and hip affections using CATIA V5R19<br />

Software. It is presented the equipment to be analyzed, the material, type of<br />

analysis, the constraints and the loads applied. After analyze is made, the soft<br />

shows the results, which are interpreted. The results of the analysis, Von Missed<br />

stresses and displacements show the resistance of the equipment under loa<strong>din</strong>gs<br />

conditions.<br />

Key words: rehabilitation equipment, Finite Element Modeling, CATIA.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The paper presents finite element modeling of an ankle and knee<br />

rehabilitation equipment. The rehabilitation equipment proposed for the analysis<br />

allows performing isokinetic exercises in order to offer continue passive motion<br />

for recovery of the patients with affections of the hip and knee joints (Petre &<br />

Deaconescu, 2009).<br />

Finite element modeling (FEM) involves several steps, shown in Fig. 1,<br />

which are followed for acquiring the results presented below. Preprocessing<br />

includes several steps: geometric domain modeling, material modeling,<br />

generation finite element structure, constraints modeling, loads modeling,<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: babes_ioana@yahoo.com

138 Ioana Petre et al.<br />

checking finite element model. Post processing includes: viewing and studying<br />

results and optimization the model.<br />




MODEL<br />

Fig.1 – Finite element modeling steps.<br />

Those steps are followed in the analysis presented in this article. The<br />

model is designed in CATIA V5R19 and the structural analysis of rehabilitation<br />

equipment is realized using CATIA Generative Structural Analysis workbench.<br />

The results of the analysis, Von Missed stresses and displacements show the<br />

resistance of the equipment under loa<strong>din</strong>gs conditions.<br />

2. Finite Element Analysis of Rehabilitation Equipment<br />

Equipment drawing is realized by the help of the following modules:<br />

Sketcher module – for describing the plane profiles which are the base for<br />

tridimensional elements generation, Pad module – for describing the<br />

tridimensional elements, and Assembly Design module – for describing the<br />

assemblies and subassemblies.<br />

Designed equipment is considered to have a material (aluminum) with the<br />

following physical properties, which are important during the analysis: Young<br />

modulus (7 × 10 10 N/m 2 ), Poisson ratio (0.346), density (2710 kg/m 3 ), the<br />

coefficient of thermal expansion (2.36 ×10 -5 K), Yield strength (9.5 × 10 7 N/m 2 ).<br />

Finite element analysis of knee and hip rehabilitation equipment was<br />

performed using software CATIA V5R19, with Generation Structural Analysis<br />

module. The type of analysis is static analysis (Static Case) which is performed<br />

considering some constraints and independent of time loads.<br />

Generating finite element structure involves the model meshing and<br />

introduction the finite element properties. Meshing model is achieved through a<br />

network, composed of nodes and elements. Table 1 shows the main features of<br />

the finite element model.<br />

Table 1<br />

Principal characteristics of the finite element model<br />

Entity Finite elements Description<br />

Nodes 53283<br />

Elements 26388 Tetrahedron<br />

POST<br />


The constraints are applied between adjacent elements and between<br />

elements and the fixed part. Applied restrictions are: Clamp restriction, applied<br />

to the base; Slider restriction, applied to the slider.<br />

On the surface of the bars is applied a distributed force of 300 N value<br />

applied as follows: 40% of the force value on the bar correspon<strong>din</strong>g to the calf

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 139<br />

and 60% of the force value on the bar correspon<strong>din</strong>g to the thigh, oriented<br />

perpendicular to the surface, in the Y axis direction. Other forces applied:<br />

pulling force of the muscle − 350N, gravity force − 10N.<br />

The symbols of the mesh, of constraints and restrictions, and of the<br />

applied forces are shown on the analyzed model, as seen in Fig. 2.<br />

Fig. 2 – Equipment to be analyzed.<br />

After verifying the finite element model, the next stage is the analysis<br />

phase. Solving the model is carried out automatically by the software, with the<br />

Compute command. Post-processing stage involves visualization of the results<br />

and then optimization of the model.<br />

The following figures present the results of static analysis.<br />

Fig. 3 – Deformation.<br />

After analyzing the proposed equipment for operation in real time, it can<br />

be observed that there is no deformation (Fig. 3), so the equipment does not<br />

deform under applied forces. Fig. 4 allows viewing equivalent von Mises stress<br />

fields (Von Mises Stresses Visualizing).<br />

The highest tensions can be observed in the central part of the bars, in the<br />

rod clevises of frame gripping, in the clamping pins of the slipping rolls and in<br />

the slider spring.

140 Ioana Petre et al.<br />

Equivalent tensions von Misses theory is determined by the maximum<br />

breaking strain energy, so the equivalent tension is determined by the relation:<br />

1<br />

2 2 2 2 2 2<br />

σe = ( σx − σ y ) + ( σ y − σz ) + ( σz − σx ) + 6( τxy + τ yz + τxz<br />

) , (1)<br />

2<br />

where σ is normal stresses and τ tangential stresses (Lateş, 2002).<br />

In the image is presented the color palette that accompanies the result.<br />

The lowest tension values are at the bottom of the palette, and the maximum<br />

values at the top of it, but the dialog box contains explicit values, as follows:<br />

Min: 6.64759e-005 N/m 2 and Max: 5.69198e+006 N/m 2 .<br />

Fig. 4 – Von Mises stress.<br />

Since the yield strength of the material is 9.5 × 10 7 N / m 2 , it can be<br />

concluded that the model will resist at the applied distributed force.<br />

Displacements of the analyzed model are presented in Fig. 5.<br />

The maximum displacement of the nodes was found to be 37mm. This<br />

maximum is located on the slider and on the cross-bar from the knee, and is<br />

shown in red.<br />

It is necessary for the slider to realize a larger displacement, so the<br />

equipment will be actuated with a pneumatic muscle, connected by the slider<br />

with a pulleys mechanism. The pulleys will double the stroke realized by the<br />

pneumatic muscle, at the needed value.<br />

Fig. 5 – Equipment translational displacement.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 141<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

1. Finite element analysis is a powerful tool that allows engineers to<br />

quickly analyze and refine a design. It can be applied to problems involving<br />

vibrations, heat transfer, fluid flow, and many other areas (Petre et.al, 2011).<br />

2. The analysis above shows the behavior of the proposed equipment<br />

under the applied forces. The results highlighted that the Von Misses stress and<br />

displacement contours of the equipment are safe for the imposed loa<strong>din</strong>gs.<br />

3. This research will be continued with a more in depth analysis and<br />

testing of the real equipment in laboratory.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational<br />

Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European<br />

Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number<br />

POSDRU/88/1.5/S/59321.<br />


Petre I. Deaconescu T., Isokinetic Equipment Designed For Therapeutic Exercises.<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of International Conference on Economic Engineering and<br />

Manufacturing Systems, ICEEMS 2009, Braşov, 2009.<br />

Lateş M. T., Metoda Elementelor Finite. AplicaŃii. Ed. Univ. Transilvania <strong>din</strong> Braşov,<br />

2008.<br />

Petre I., Deaconescu T., Deaconescu A., Petre D., Finite Element Analysis of Pneumatic<br />

Muscle. in 15th International Conference on Modern Technologies, Quality and<br />

Innovation - MODTECH 2011: New Face of TMCR, Vadul lui Vodă, Chişinău,<br />

2011, pp. 861-864.<br />

*** Generative Part Structural Analysis. Available at: http://www.catia.com.pl/tutorial/<br />

generative_part_structural_analysis.pdf; accessed 12.07. 2011.<br />

*** http://catiadoc.free.fr/pdf/EN-Dassault-Systems_Generative_ Assembly_ Structural<br />

_ Analysis.pdf; Accessed 12.07.2011.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea prezintă modelarea cu element finit a unui echipament de reabilitare a<br />

afecŃiunilor genunchiului şi gleznei. Echipamentul propus spre analiză permite efectuarea<br />

unor exerciŃii de mişcare pasivă continuă, fiind acŃionat cu un muşchi pneumatic.<br />

Modelarea cu elemente finite (MEF) presupune parcurgerea etapelor: preprocesare,<br />

rezolvarea modelului cu elemente finite şi postprocesarea. Preprocesarea cuprinde<br />

mai multe etape: modelarea domeniului geometric, modelarea materialului, generarea<br />

structurii cu elemente finite, modelarea constrângerilor, modelarea încărcărilor,<br />

verificarea modelului cu elemente finite. Postprocesarea cuprinde: vizualizarea şi<br />

studiul rezultatelor şi optimizarea modelului.

142 Ioana Petre et al.<br />

În modelarea echipamentului de reabilitare sunt urmărite aceste etape, prezentate<br />

mai sus. Astfel, în etapa de preprocesare are loc realizarea echipamentului, stabilirea<br />

materialului, a constrângerilor, a încărcărilor şi verificarea modelului, apoi se realizează<br />

analiza modelului cu element finit, iar în ultima etapă are loc vizualizarea şi interpretarea<br />

rezultatelor şi optimizarea modelului.<br />

Softul folosit este CATIA V5R19, cu modulele: Sketcher, Pad şi Assembly<br />

Design - pentru realizarea modelului, precum şi Generation Structural Analysis pentru<br />

analizarea acestuia.<br />

În urma analizei echipamentului propus se observă că nu există deformare, deci,<br />

cadrul echipamentului nu se deformează sub acŃiunea forŃelor aplicate. Tensiunile cele<br />

mai ridicate se observă în partea centrală a barelor, în furcile de prindere a barelor de<br />

cadru, ştifturile de prindere a rolelor de alunecare şi în arcul ce Ńine culisorul. Având in<br />

vedere ca valoarea maximă a tensiunilor von Misses este de 5.69198×10 6 N/m 2 , iar<br />

rezistenta admisibila a materialului este de 9,5×10 7 N/m 2 , se poate trage concluzia că<br />

modelul piesei va rezista forŃei distribuite aplicate. Deplasarea maximă, pentru condiŃiile<br />

impuse este de 37mm, şi este efectuată de culisor şi de bara transversală corespunzătoare<br />

cuplei genunchiului.<br />

Analiza prezentată prezintă comportamentul echipamentului de reabilitare sub<br />

acŃiunea unor forŃe impuse, iar rezultatele dovedesc rezistenŃa acestuia şi siguranŃa<br />

oferită în condiŃiile impuse.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />



“Transilvania” University, Braşov,<br />

1 Department of Economic Engineering and Production Systems<br />

2 Department of Materials Engineering and Wel<strong>din</strong>g<br />

Received: August 12, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 22, 2011<br />

Abstract. A pneumatic artificial muscle is composed of an inner tube of<br />

variable length, made of a flexible material, typically neoprene. The tube is<br />

covered with a multilayer texture, made of nylon with strengthening and<br />

protecting role from the environment influences. Under the action of compressed<br />

air it increases its diameter and decreases its lengths. A pneumatic muscle is used<br />

successfully in different areas, especially in robotics. The paper presents some<br />

calculus models for volume of the pneumatic muscle, considered in relaxed and<br />

contracted state.<br />

Key words: pneumatic muscle, volume, relaxed state, contracted state.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

An artificial pneumatic muscle has in composition an inner membrane<br />

made of a flexible material covered by a helical net of inextensible fibers made<br />

of nylon with strengthening and protecting role from the environment<br />

influences. Under the action of compressed air it increases its diameter and<br />

decreases its lengths, working as a spring (Deaconescu, 2009).<br />

A pneumatic muscle is used successfully in different areas, because of<br />

their advantages, like the passive damping, good power-weight ratio and usage<br />

in rough environments (Hildebrandt et al., 2002). The relaxed state is<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: babes_ioana@yahoo.com

144 Ioana Petre et al.<br />

determined by the size of the original tube and by the protective membrane<br />

characteristics. Range contraction-expansion depends on the lower limit of the<br />

angle and therefore on the density and thickness of braid fibers.<br />

An interesting aspect in the study of behavior of a pneumatic muscle in<br />

functioning is its volume evolution under the action of compressed air. The<br />

following article presents a way of calculating the pneumatic muscle volume.<br />

In relaxed state, the muscle is considered as a cylinder, and the volume equation<br />

results from this. In contracted state, the muscle has a cylinder part, but at the<br />

ends, there are two spherical sections (Albienz et al., 2005).<br />

2. Pneumatic Muscle Volume Calculus<br />

The pneumatic muscle volume can be calculated in relaxed state or in<br />

contracted state. It starts from the assumptions that:<br />

In relaxed state, the muscle can be considered as a cylinder of radius r0=<br />

=d0/2.<br />

In contracted state, the muscle has cylinder form in the central area, with<br />

radius r = d/2 and length l, and at the ends has two junction areas as a spherical<br />

cap (Fig.1) (Dragan, 2007).<br />

Fig. 1 – Pneumatic muscle in relaxed and contracted state.<br />

In the relaxed state, muscle volume has the formula:<br />

2<br />

2 d0<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

V = πr l = π l<br />

4<br />

(1)<br />

Muscle volume in the contracted state can be calculated as follows<br />

(Dragan, 2007)<br />

V = V + V , (2)<br />

m 0<br />

2<br />

2 c<br />

d<br />

V0 = π ( l − 2h)<br />

,<br />

4<br />

(3)<br />

πh 2 2 2<br />

Vc = ( 3r0 + 3r<br />

+ h ) ,<br />

6<br />

(4)<br />

where Vm – pneumatic muscle volume, Vc – spherical area volume, V0 –<br />

cylindrical volume.<br />

As known, a pneumatic artificial muscle is composed of an inner tube of<br />

variable length covered with a multilayer texture. The figure below illustrates<br />

how a wire wound on a flexible tube.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 145<br />

Fig. 2 – Correlation between muscle radius r, muscle length l, angle between<br />

fibers α0 and constant length of the s.<br />

Fig. 2 shows the correlation between the radius of the muscle, its length<br />

and fiber angle. Due to the fact that the length of the fibers is constant, it can be<br />

written the following relations: (Albienz et al., 2005)<br />

l cosα<br />

= ,<br />

(5)<br />

l cosα<br />

From Eq. (6) results<br />

Using Eq. (5)<br />

0 0<br />

r sin α<br />

= . (6)<br />

r sin α<br />

0 0<br />

2 2<br />

1 − cos α 1 − cos α<br />

r = r = r<br />

0 0<br />

sin α 2<br />

0 1 − cos α 0<br />

l cos α 0<br />

cos α =<br />

l<br />

0<br />

.<br />

. (7)<br />

It is defined relative muscle contraction ε as<br />

z<br />

ε =<br />

l0 l0 − l<br />

= .<br />

l0<br />

(8)<br />

Hence contracted muscle length<br />

l = l0<br />

( 1 − ε ) .<br />

With those notations, Eq. (7) becomes<br />

(9)<br />

From Fig. 1 can be written:<br />

r = r<br />

0 2<br />

2 2<br />

1 − (1 − ε) cos α<br />

1 − cos<br />

2 2<br />

d d 0<br />

2<br />

h − = r −<br />

α<br />

0<br />

0<br />

(10)<br />

=<br />

4 4<br />

2<br />

r .<br />

0<br />

(11)<br />

From the above relations results<br />

2 2 2 2<br />

2 1 − (1 − ε) cos α0 2 1 − (1 − ε) cos α0<br />

0 2 0 0<br />

2<br />

1 − cos α0 1 − cos α0<br />

h = r − r = r<br />

− 1.<br />

Eq. (4) becomes<br />

2 2 2 2<br />

2 1 − (1 − ε) cos α ⎛<br />

0 1 − (1 − ε) cos α ⎞<br />

0<br />

V0 = πr ⎜ 0 l<br />

2 0(1 − ε) − 2r0 −1<br />

⎟.<br />

2<br />

1− cos α ⎜ 0 1− cos α ⎟<br />

⎝ 0 ⎠<br />

(12)<br />


146 Ioana Petre et al.<br />

Eq. (5) becomes<br />

⎧ ⎛ ⎞⎫<br />

3 2 2 2 2<br />

πr0 1 − (1 − ε) cos α0 ⎪ 1 − (1 − ε) cos α0<br />

⎪<br />

Vc<br />

= − 1 1 2<br />

3 2 ⎨ + ⎜ ⎟ 2 ⎬ , (14)<br />

1− cos α ⎜<br />

0 1− cos α ⎟<br />

⎪⎩ ⎝ 0 ⎠⎪⎭<br />

where l0 is muscle length at rest, d0 and α0 is the diameter, respectively, the rake<br />

angle of braid fiber in relaxed state.<br />

The following relations based on Eq. (2) express the total volume of the<br />

contracted muscle, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the relative contraction.<br />

Vm ( ε) = V0 ( ε) + 2 Vc ( ε)<br />

(15)<br />

Entering into Eq. (2) the above equations results<br />

2 2 2 2 2<br />

π d ⎡ 0 1 − (1 − ε ) cos α ⎛<br />

0 1 − (1 − ε ) cos α ⎞<br />

0<br />

Vm ( ε ) = ⎢<br />

⎜l 2 0(1 − ε ) − d0<br />

− 1⎟<br />

+<br />

2<br />

4 ⎣ 1− cos α ⎜ 0 1− cos α ⎟<br />

⎝ 0 ⎠<br />

2 2 2 2<br />

2d0 1 − (1 − ε ) cos α ⎛ 0 1 1 − (1 − ε ) cos α ⎞⎤<br />

0<br />

+ − 1<br />

2 ⎜ + 2 ⎟⎥<br />

3 1− cos α0 ⎝ 2 1− cos α0<br />

⎠⎦⎥<br />

(16)<br />

Fig. 3 presents the graphic variation of the contracted muscle volume and<br />

its relative contraction.<br />

Fig. 3 – Vm = f(ε).<br />

The volume of the muscle in relaxed state can be calculated using the<br />

length of each fiber of the membrane and the number of win<strong>din</strong>gs which make<br />

the fiber around the tube.<br />

The relation for calculating a cylinder volume is<br />

Vm = πr h . (17)<br />

With the dependencies shown in Fig. 2, the muscle radius depends on its<br />

length<br />

2 2<br />

2 s − l<br />

r = .<br />

2 2<br />

4π<br />

n<br />

(18)<br />

From Eq. (18) results<br />

2<br />

2 2 2 2<br />

s = 4π<br />

r n + l . (19)<br />

Using Eq. (8) and Eq. (9), Eq. (19) becomes

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 147<br />

2 2<br />

2 2 2 1 − (1 − ε) cos α0<br />

2 2<br />

0 2 0<br />

1− cos α0<br />

s = 4 π n r + l (1 − ε)<br />

. (20)<br />

Let g = thickness of fiber win<strong>din</strong>g, and n = lo/g = number of win<strong>din</strong>gs<br />

made by the fiber around the tube. Eq. (20) becomes<br />

2<br />

2 2<br />

4π<br />

2 1 − (1 − ε) cos α0<br />

2<br />

0 2 0<br />

(1 )<br />

2<br />

g 1− cos α0<br />

s = l r + − ε<br />

. (21)<br />

For a thickness g ranging from 0.5 mm and 1 mm can be plotted<br />

graphically the value of s (Fig. 4). For values of s ranging between 1.18·10 5 and<br />

2.25·10 5 mm, total volume of the muscle varies accor<strong>din</strong>g to graph from Fig.5.<br />

Fig. 4 – s = f(g) Fig. 5 – Vm = f(s)<br />

Considering that the length of each fiber is constant (s = const) and n =<br />

number of win<strong>din</strong>gs made by the fiber around the tube, Eq. (17) becomes:<br />

2 2<br />

π ⎛ s − l ⎞<br />

Vm = ⎜ l<br />

4 2 2 ⎟ .<br />

⎜ π n ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

(22)<br />

1. The paper presented different calculus methods for pneumatic muscle<br />

volume. It has been considered two states of the muscle, accor<strong>din</strong>g to the<br />

compressed air alimented – the relaxed state and the contracted state of the<br />

muscle.<br />

2 It has been plotted the main results - the variation of the contracted<br />

muscle volume and its relative contraction, the value of length fiber for given<br />

ranges of thickness and the value of the total volume depen<strong>din</strong>g on fibers<br />

length.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational<br />

Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European<br />

Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number<br />


148 Ioana Petre et al.<br />


Albienz J., Dillmann R., Kerscher T., Zollner J. M., Dynamic Modelling of Fluidic<br />

Muscles using Quick-Release. Forschungszentrum Informatik, Germany, 2005.<br />

Dragan L., Theoretical and Experimental Aspects Regar<strong>din</strong>g the Geometrical<br />

Parameters of the Pneumatic Muscles. Proc. of the International Conference of<br />

the Carpathian Euro-region Specialists in Industrial Systems, 8th Ed., 12-14<br />

May, North University of Baia Mare, 2010.<br />

Deaconescu T., Deaconescu A., Pneumatic Muscle Actuated Isokinetic Equipment for<br />

the Rehabilitation of Patients with Disabilities of the Bearing Joints. Proc. of the<br />

International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong<br />

Kong, IAENG Hong Kong, 2009.<br />

Hildebrandt A., Sawodny O., Neumann R., Hartmann A., A Flatness Based Design for<br />

Tracking Control of Pneumatic Muscle Actuators. Seventh International<br />

Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics And Vision (ICARCV’O2),<br />

Singapore, 2002.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Un muşchi artificial pneumatic este alcătuit <strong>din</strong>tr-un tub interior de lungimi<br />

variabile, realizat <strong>din</strong>tr-un material elastic, de obicei neopren. Tubul este învelit cu o<br />

Ńesătură formată <strong>din</strong> mai multe straturi, realizată <strong>din</strong> nylon, pentru a-i da rezistenŃă şi<br />

pentru a-l proteja de influenŃele <strong>din</strong> mediul de lucru. Sub acŃiunea aerului comprimat,<br />

muşchiul pneumatic îşi măreşte diametrul şi îşi micşorează lungimea.<br />

Un aspect de interes în studiul comportamentului în funcŃionare a unui muşchi<br />

pneumatic este acela al modului în care evoluează volumul acestuia sub acŃiunea aerului<br />

comprimat. În lucrarea de faŃă se prezintă o modalitate de calcul a volumului muşchiului<br />

pneumatic. Rezultatele obŃinute se referă la variaŃia volumului muşchiului în stare<br />

contractată în raport cu contracŃia relativă a acestuia, variaŃia lungimii unei fibre în<br />

raport cu grosimea acesteia şi variaŃia volumului total al muşchiului pentru diferite lungimi<br />

ale fibrelor.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Received: August 23, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 10, 2011<br />

Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute,<br />

INOE 2000 – IHP, Bucureşti<br />

Abstract. This paper aims at dissemination of experimental research work<br />

conducted at IHP Bucharest, in order to determine the actual performance of<br />

hydrostatic adjustable pumps. To this end laboratory tests were conducted on a<br />

radial piston pump MOOG type, which can automatically vary the flow rate by<br />

adjusting the eccentricity of the stator ring. The paper presents the experimental<br />

modern means used for this purpose, the type of experimental tests, results and<br />

their interpretation.<br />

Key words: hydrostatic adjustable pump, experimental tests.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

On the adjustable hydrostatic pump tests were conducted under static and<br />

dynamic mode (Popescu et al, 2010), (Lepădatu, 2010). Technique used for the<br />

dynamic tests was based on flow measurement by the indirect method, which<br />

consists of measuring the differential pressure across a diaphragm mounted on<br />

the pump discharge pipe. In this way, the two pressure transducers mounted in<br />

the downstream and upstream of the diaphragm measure almost instantaneously<br />

pressures and thus, very fast, is known the flow rate value.<br />

2. Presentation of the Test Stand<br />

Functional schematic diagram of the stand, Fig. 1, contains: radial piston<br />

pump tested PPR, driven by the AC electric motor ME, with power of 37 kW<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: popescu.ihp@fluidas.ro

150 Teodor Costinel Popescu and Ioan Lepădatu<br />

and 1465 rev/min; electropump EP, provi<strong>din</strong>g overcharging of aspiration of the<br />

pump tested; the filter F, for protection to contamination of the aspirated oil;<br />

diaphragm DM and pressure transducers TP1, TP2, which measure the flow<br />

discharged by the pump; transducer TPr for measuring the discharge pressure of<br />

the pump tested, proportional pressure valve SPP with a role in protection and<br />

simulation of the load; throttle DR, for load adjustment at the pump tested; the<br />

electric control hydraulic distributor D which in position "0" allows adjustment<br />

of valve SPP, in position "b" allows the pump discharge, and in position "a"<br />

allows load adjustment by means of throttle DR and calibration of the flow<br />

measuring diaphragm by means of the turbine flowmeter TD.<br />

Fig. 1 – Functional diagram of the test stand for the pump PPR.<br />

The stand also contains a data acquisition system SAD, type NATIONAL<br />

INSTRUMENTS, Bus-Powered M Series Multifunction DAQ for USB - 16-Bit,<br />

up to 400 kS/s, up to 32 Analog Inputs, Isolation, interface between pressure<br />

transducers, type DRUK SYSCOM 18, cod PTX 1400-400, Pn=400 bar, G1/4”<br />

(TP1, TP2, TPr), flow transducer type HYDAC, cod EVS 3100-1PTX 1400-<br />

400, 60l/min (TD), and temperature transducer type DRUK SYSCOM 18, cod<br />

PT 100-50...+400 O C, G1/2” (TT), on the one hand, command for adjustment of<br />

capacity of the pump tested Vc and acquisition of information about capacity<br />

achieved Vr, on the other hand, the command for pressure control of the tested<br />

pump discharge Pc and acquisition of information about the acieved discharge<br />

pressure Pr; a computer system PC, type NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS, cod

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 151<br />

NI PXI-1031 with an installed data acquisition and processing software type NI<br />

LabVIEW; a stabilized voltage source STS; a random function generator GFA.<br />

For accuracy of measurements, noise of the acquired signals was filtered by<br />

means of a “low-passing” filter, with a cutting frequency of 100 Hz<br />

3. Calibration of Flow Measurement Diaphragm<br />

Under dynamic mode flow was measured with the measuring diaphragm<br />

located right on the discharge of the pump DM (acc. Fig. 1). For calibration of<br />

the diaphragm, the flow was measured accurately with a turbine flow meter<br />

"Turboquant". The calibration feature of the diaphragm was raised, namely the<br />

functional dependence of the flow, as measured by the turbine transducer, on<br />

the pressure drop at the diaphragm, measured with the pressure transducers TP1<br />

and TP2. Coor<strong>din</strong>ates of the points on the interpolated calibration feature of the<br />

diaphragm are shown in Tables 1…3.<br />

Table 1<br />

Diaphragm calibration results: 0.000...1.723 bar; 0.000...19.393 l/min<br />

∆P,<br />

0.000 0.260 0.380 0.520 0.740 1.090 1.330 1.723<br />

BAR<br />

Q<br />

l/min<br />

0.000 6.856 8.594 10.633 12.757 15.547 17.228 19.393<br />

Table 2<br />

Diaphragm calibration results: 2.116...6.082 bar; 21.554...36.783 l/min<br />

∆P,<br />

2.116 2.592 3.069 3.597 4.125 4.774 5.423 6.082<br />

BAR<br />

Q<br />

l/min<br />

21.554 23.860 25.936 28.169 30.262 32.252 34.624 36.783<br />

Table 3<br />

Diaphragm calibration results: 6.740...9.012 bar; 38.916...49.987 l/min<br />

∆P,<br />

6.740 7.558 8.435 8.510 9.012<br />

BAR<br />

Q<br />

l/min<br />

38.916 41.495 43.955 44.113 49.987<br />

4. Experimental Measurements under Static Mode<br />

To determine the behavior of the pump under static mode there were<br />

applied control signals Uc within the range 0…10 V, ascen<strong>din</strong>g and descen<strong>din</strong>g,<br />

sinusoidal and ramp-shaped, with frequencies of 1 Hz, 0.7 Hz, 0.35 Hz and 0.1<br />

Hz. All measurements were made at pressure p = 20 bar and oil temperature<br />

Toil= 40 ± 5 0 C.

152 Teodor Costinel Popescu and Ioan Lepădatu<br />

4.1. Response to Ascen<strong>din</strong>g / Descen<strong>din</strong>g Ramp Signal<br />

Measurements were made for control signals with maximum amplitude<br />

(10Vd.c.) and frequencies of 1 Hz, 0.7 Hz, 0.35 Hz and 0.1 Hz. For frequencies<br />

of 1 Hz results are shown in the diagrams of Fig. 2.<br />

Fig. 2 – Variation over time of flow Q, l/min and eccentricity e, mm,<br />

to ramp signal with frequency of 1 Hz.<br />

4.2. Response to Low Frequency Sinusoidal Signal<br />

Measurements were made for control signals with maximum amplitude<br />

(10Vd.c.) and frequencies of 1 Hz, 0.7 Hz, 0.35 Hz and 0.1 Hz. For frequencies<br />

of 0.1 Hz results are shown in the diagrams of Fig. 3.<br />

Fig. 3 –Variation over time of flow Q, l/min and eccentricity e, mm,<br />

to sinusoidal signal with frequency of 0.1 Hz.<br />

4.3. Pump Static Characteristic<br />

Dependency of the prescribed command on the flow achieved by the<br />

pump was determined for ascen<strong>din</strong>g/descen<strong>din</strong>g ramp-shaped control signal and<br />

frequencies between 0.1 Hz and 0.005 Hz. It appears that the hysteresis<br />

decreases with decreasing frequency, a phenomenon explained by the fact that<br />

the quantities progress being slower, on their decreasing variance there is more

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 153<br />

time for the transitional regimes, relaxation of materials (especially in springs),<br />

etc. to diminish their effects. For the frequency of 0.005 Hz the static control<br />

characteristic of the pump is shown in Fig. 4.<br />

Fig. 4 – Pump static characteristic, flow Q, l/min depen<strong>din</strong>g on the prescribed<br />

command, voltage Uc, V, to ramp signal with frequency of 0.005 Hz.<br />

5. Experimental Measurements under Dynamic Mode<br />

5.1. Response to Step Signal of the Flow Discharged by Pump<br />

Determination of the response to step signal was performed to multiple<br />

amplitudes, respectively 100% (10 V), 75% (7.5 V) and 50% (5V) to see how<br />

response times depend on this parameter. At each of amplitudes the system was<br />

excited also with a train of step signals of different frequency, respectively 0.1<br />

Hz, 0.5 Hz and 1 Hz, to see if the response is maintained to frequency change.<br />

Response of the positioning system of the stator ring of the radial piston<br />

adjustable pump to step signals that have values less than 25% and 50% of the<br />

maximum value does not differ essentially, in aspect and performance (over<br />

adjustment, delay time, stabilization time) from the response to the maximum<br />

value signals, of 10Vd.c.<br />

Fig. 5 presents the variation over time of the pump flow to step control<br />

signal, with amplitude of 100% (10V) and frequency of 0.1 Hz. From this test<br />

results: delay time = 116 ms, stabilization time = 193 ms, over adjustment =<br />

zero.<br />

5.2. Response to Sinusoidal Signal of the Flow Discharged by Pump<br />

To determine the response of the pump adjusted flow there were applied<br />

control signals with different values of frequency (0.5 Hz, 6 Hz and 10 Hz) and<br />

amplitude (100%, 75%). Fig.6 presents the response to sinusoidal signal with<br />

amplitude of 100% (10Vd.c.) and frequency of 6 Hz.

154 Teodor Costinel Popescu and Ioan Lepădatu<br />

Fig. 5 – Response over time of pump flow Q, l/min to step control signal,<br />

with amplitude of 100% (10V) and frequency of 0.1Hz.<br />

Fig. 6 – Response over time of pump flow Q, l/min to sinusoidal control signal,<br />

with amplitude of 100% (10V) and frequency of 6 Hz.<br />

Response of the positioning system to sinusoidal signals of various<br />

frequencies shows that amplitude of the response decreases, and the phase<br />

difference between "control" and "response" increases when the frequency of<br />

control signal decreases. Based on these responses resulted Bode diagram.<br />

5.3. Response in Frequency<br />

To determine the limit frequency at which the pump performs flow<br />

adjustability there was applied a sinusoidal control signal with maximum<br />

amplitude (10Vd.c.) and with ascen<strong>din</strong>g frequency, starting from 0.1 Hz to 20<br />

Hz for 10 sec. The evolution over time of the flow adjusted by the pump<br />

represents the response in frequency of the positioning system developed,<br />

shown in Fig. 7.<br />

It was noted that when increasing the frequency first minimum flow rates<br />

decrease and then the maximum ones; the phenomenon is due to the two springs<br />

of the small pistons (large and small spring), components of the positioning<br />

system of the pump stator ring, which adjusts the amount of eccentricity e, mm.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 155<br />

Fig. 7 – Response in frequency of pump flow Q, l/min to sinusoidal control signal,<br />

with amplitude of 100% (10V) and frequency of 0.1...20 Hz.<br />

5.4. Bode Diagram<br />

Dynamic performance of the radial piston pump, with mechatronic<br />

servomechanism for positioning of the stator ring, is highlighted by: attenuation<br />

of the response amplitude characteristic, depen<strong>din</strong>g on frequency of the control<br />

signal; characteristic of phase shift (delay) of response from command,<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on frequency of the control signal. This two characteristics form the<br />

Bode diagram, shown in Fig. 8. Amplitude and phase shift measurements were<br />

made for eight points of frequency: 0.1 Hz, 0.2 Hz, 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 10<br />

Hz, 20 Hz. From the Bode diagram it results that the amplitude attenuation of 3<br />

dB, i.e. a 30% reduction of the response amplitude, occurs at a frequency of 2.4<br />

Hz of the control signal. At this frequency the phase displacement is 35 0 .<br />

a<br />

b<br />

Fig. 8 – Bode diagram:<br />

attenuation, dB-Frequency, Hz − a; phase displacement, deg- Frequency, Hz − b.<br />

6. Conclusions<br />

1. The article presents a minimal structure of a modern stand, on which<br />

can be carried out tests under static and dynamic mode for volumetric rotary<br />

machines, namely hydrostatic pumps and motors, fixed or adjustable.<br />

2. Performance of this stand has been highlighted by testing a radial<br />

piston pump, MOOG production, with capacity adjustable by means of a<br />

mechatronic system for positioning the stator ring between 0…32 cm 3 / rev.

156 Teodor Costinel Popescu and Ioan Lepădatu<br />

3. The following performance of the pump resulted: a good<br />

proportionality between the control signal Uc, V and the flow displaced at<br />

constant rotational speed, l/min (from static characteristics); delay time = 116<br />

ms, stabilization time = 193 ms, over adjustment = zero (from response to step<br />

signal); attenuation = 30%, phase shift = 35 0 (from Bode diagram).<br />


Lepădatu I., Theoretical and Applied Research on Mechatronic Systems Adjusting the<br />

Flow of Hydraulic Rotary Generators by Eccentricity. Doctoral Thesis,<br />

“Politehnica” University of Bucureşti, 2010.<br />

Popescu T. C., Guşă Ion D. D., Călinoiu C., , Modern Instruments for Analysis of<br />

Hydrostatic Transmissions. P.U.B. Scientific Bulletin, Series D, 72, 4 (2010).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Articolul îşi propune diseminarea unor lucrări de cercetare experimentală,<br />

realizate la IHP Bucureşti, pentru stabilirea performanŃelor reale ale pompelor hidrostatice<br />

reglabile. În acest scop s-au efectuat teste de laborator asupra unei pompe cu<br />

pistoane radiale de tip MOOG, care îşi poate varia automat debitul prin reglarea excentricitaŃii<br />

inelului stator. Lucrarea prezintă mijloacele moderne de experimentare utilizate<br />

în acest scop, tipul încercărilor experimentale, rezultatele obŃinute şi interpretarea lor.<br />

Pe un stand modern, s-a testat o pompă cu pistoane radiale, de tip MOOG, cu<br />

capacitate reglabilă între 0...32 cm 3 /rot. S-a etalonat o diafragmă pentru măsurarea<br />

debitelor, au fost ridicate caracteristicile în regim static şi <strong>din</strong>amic ale pompei. Pentru<br />

acurateŃea măsurătorilor zgomotele au fost filtrate cu un filtru “trece-jos” cu frecvenŃa<br />

de tăiere de 100 Hz. Au rezultat: o bună proporŃionalitate între semnalul de comandă<br />

Uc, V şi debitul refulat la turaŃie constantă, l/min (<strong>din</strong> caracteristicile statice); timpul de<br />

întârziere = 116 ms, timpul de stabilizare = 193 ms, suprareglarea = zero (<strong>din</strong><br />

răspunsul la semnal treaptă); atenuare = 30% , defazaj = 35 0 (<strong>din</strong> diagrama Bode).


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />



Received: June 12, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: July 22, 2011<br />

”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology<br />

Abstract. The equipment used to conduct experimental research enables the<br />

user to change the deformation force, the deformation feed, as well as the speed of<br />

the half-finish fee<strong>din</strong>g roller. Paper describes the results obtained on the<br />

roughness, out-of-roundness and microhardness of the exterior and interior ring<br />

races of bearing 6210, further to changes in the three work parameters. The values<br />

detected were recorded in tables and presented by graphical representations, and<br />

they substantiate our conclusions related to the best work parameter ranges, where<br />

the quality parameter deviations are minimal. The paper also shows the<br />

mathematical processing of the microhardness results recorded for the ring race<br />

surfaces.<br />

Key words: plastic deformation, force, feed, speed, roughness, out-ofroundness,<br />

circularity, microhardness<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Plastic deformation of steels has enjoyed an increasingly widespread<br />

use in most of the industrial facilities around the world. As concerns the bearing<br />

manufacture industry, the method was first used by the 1 GPZ factory in<br />

Moscow and it was applied to cold plastic deformation of ring races of radial<br />

ball bearings. As for the Romanian bearing manufacture industry, this process<br />

was first employed by the company SC RulmenŃi SA of Bârlad, in 2005, further<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: pluteanu@yahoo.com

158 Octavian Pruteanu et al.<br />

to a research contract initiated by the Machine Manufacturing Technology<br />

Department of the Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial<br />

Management of Iaşi, due to the advantages it enjoys, namely:<br />

i) the existence of high precision and high productivity Japanese<br />

manufacturing equipment;<br />

ii) the advantages brought about by the improvement of specific part<br />

operation properties: resistance to wear and tear, improved endurance and<br />

increased profitability.<br />

The research conducted by SC RulmenŃi SA Bârlad consisted of the<br />

setting of the best values of the work parameters (deformation force,<br />

deformation feed, and speed of the half-finish fee<strong>din</strong>g roller), required to<br />

achieve acceptable values for the roughness, circular shape and microhardness<br />

of the bearing ring races manufacturing to cold plastic deformation.<br />

2. Experimental Conditions<br />

The following conditions were created before conducting the<br />

experimental research.<br />

a) material: 100Cr6 – used especially in the manufacture of bearings,<br />

whose mechanical properties are shown in table 1,<br />

b) half-finish: hot rolled rings, whose sizes meet the requirements of the<br />

type 6210 bearing,<br />

c) equipment: special CRF 120 OR equipment for the exterior rings and<br />

CRF 70 IR equipment for the interior rings,<br />

d) tools: special mandrels and rollers for the type of bearing that is<br />

manufactured,<br />

e) measuring and control devices: for roughness: Taylor Hobson<br />

Formtalysurf, series 2, for out-of-roundness: Perthometyer Marsurf CD 120, for<br />

microhardness: Akashi MVK-D<br />

100Cr6 Force 0.2<br />

daN<br />

Table 1<br />

Mechanical properties of 100Cr6 steel<br />

Ultimate Yield Stretch Break<br />

strength<br />

daN<br />

point Rp<br />

0.2<br />

resistan. elonga.<br />

A%<br />

daN/mm 2<br />

Rm<br />

daN/mm 2<br />

Hardness<br />

HB<br />

Rolled<br />

7510…<br />

7550<br />

8900…<br />

8950<br />

82.45…<br />

95.60<br />

97.75…<br />

113.30<br />

3…5 329…345<br />

Annealed 5120 5697 65.20 72.50 7 219<br />

3. Results of the Experimental Research<br />

Table 2 shows the results obtained by the processing of the bearing<br />

6210 rings that is the roughness, out-of-roundness and microhardness of the<br />

races manufacturing to cold plastic deformation. The values of the work<br />

parameters shown in the table were used.

Work parameters Roughness<br />

µm<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 159<br />

Table 2<br />

Experimental results<br />

6210-10 – outer ring<br />

Quality parameters<br />

Circularity<br />

Microhardness, HV<br />

mm h1 h2 h3 h4 h5<br />

P = 17600 daN 0.30 0.16 302 309 297 283 281<br />

A = 34 mm/min 0.10 0.20 302 301 302 301 286<br />

n = 68 rot/min 0.11 0.15 311 303 308 289 265<br />

6210-20 – inner ring<br />

P = 7530 daN 0.34 0.05 283 295 301 303 294<br />

A = 30 mm/min 0.27 0.20 265 270 289 287 281<br />

n = 118 rot/min 0.21 0.07 281 283 276 275 282<br />

Remarks: a) P – deformation force; A – deformation feed; n – rpm of the half-finish<br />

fee<strong>din</strong>g roller; b) The values of each variable parameter were recorded when the values<br />

of the other two parameters were constant.<br />

4. Graphical Representation of Experimental Results<br />

4.1. Influence of the Deformation Force<br />

The maximum forces allowed by the equipment CRF-120 OR – and<br />

CRF-70 IR – were used on the exterior and interior rings of bearing 6210. The<br />

other work parameters were kept constant and their values are shown in Table 2.<br />

Figs. 1 and 2 show the roughness of the ring races, whereas Figs. 3 and<br />

4 show the out-of-roundness of the same rings, and Figs. 5 and 6 are the<br />

representation of the race microhardness variation.<br />

Fig. 1 – Roughness of exterior ring race when the deformation force P=17600 daN.

160 Octavian Pruteanu et al.<br />

4.2. Influence of the Deformation Feed<br />

The experimental results were recorded when the deformation feeds of<br />

the two pieces of equipment used were minimal, and they are shown in Figs. 7<br />

and 8 for race roughness, Figs. 9 and 10 for out-of-roundness and Figs. 11 and<br />

12 for race microhardness.<br />

Fig. 2 – Roughness of interior ring race when the deformation force P=7530 daN.<br />

Fig. 3 – Out-of roundness of exterior ring race when P=17600 daN.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 161<br />

Fig. 4 – Out-of-roundness of interior ring race when P=7530 daN.<br />

Fig. 5 – Microhardness of exterior ring race when the deformation force P=17600 daN.

162 Octavian Pruteanu et al.<br />

Fig. 6 – Microhardness of interior ring race when the deformation force P=7530 daN.<br />

Fig. 7 – Roughness of exterior ring race when the deformation feed A=30 mm/min.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 163<br />

Fig. 8 – Roughness of interior ring race when the deformation feed A=30 mm/min.<br />

Fig. 9 – Out-of roundness of exterior ring race when the<br />

deformation feed A=30 mm/min.

164 Octavian Pruteanu et al.<br />

Fig. 10 – Out-of-roundness of interior ring race when<br />

the deformation feed A=30 mm/min.<br />

Fig. 11 – Microhardness of exterior ring race when the deformation feed A=30 mm/min.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 165<br />

Fig. 12 – Microhardness of interior ring race when the deformation feed A=30 mm/min.<br />

4.3. Influence of the Rotation per Minute of the Part Fee<strong>din</strong>g Roller<br />

The experimental results were recorded for the default rpm of the<br />

fee<strong>din</strong>g rollers of the two pieces of equipment used, and they are shown in Figs.<br />

13 and 14 for surface roughness, Figs. 15 and 16 for out-of-roundness and Fig.<br />

17 and 18 for ring race microhardness.<br />

Fig. 13 – Roughness of outer ring race when the roller rpm n=68 rot/min.

166 Octavian Pruteanu et al.<br />

Fig. 14 – Roughness of inner ring race when the roller rpm n=118 rot/min.<br />

Fig. 15 – Out-of roundness of outer ring race when the roller rpm n=68 rot/min.<br />

5. Conclusions on Quality Parameter Variation<br />

The influence of the technological parameters on the quality parameters<br />

consists of the following processes:<br />

i) the deformation force has a positive influence on the quality<br />

parameters, in the sense that the values of the Ra race roughness meet the<br />

requirements of the plastic deformation stage, i.e. 0.30 µm and 0.31 µm for the<br />

interior ring, respectively, the out-of-roundness has normal values, i.e. within<br />

the 0.16 mm and 0.053 mm range, whereas the microhardness of the upper coldworked<br />

layer of the races is 302 and 283 units, respectively. May therefore<br />

conclude that the values of the deformation force used in this experiment are<br />

adequate.<br />

ii) the values of the deformation feed are thought to meet all the quality<br />

parameter requirements, in the sense that the values of the Ra race roughness is<br />

0.10 µm and 0.27 µm, respectively, the out-of-roundness of both rings is 0.20<br />

mm, whereas the microhardness is 302 and 265 units, respectively.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 167<br />

Fig. 16 – Out-of-roundness of inner ring race when the roller rpm n=118 rot/min.<br />

Fig. 17 – Microhardness of outer ring race when the roller rpm n=68 rot/min.<br />

Fig. 18 – Microhardness of inner ring race when the roller rpm n=118 rot/min.

168 Octavian Pruteanu et al.<br />

iii) the quality parameter values recorded are within the range of the<br />

current technical requirements for the rpm of the fee<strong>din</strong>g roller, i.e. the values of<br />

the Ra roughness is 0.11 µm and 0.21 µm, respectively, the out-of-roundness is<br />

0.15 mm and 0.07 mm, respectively, and the race surface microhardness is 311<br />

and 281 units, respectively.<br />


Leonte P., Pruteanu O., Cărăuşu C., Şerban C., The Effect of Deformation Degree upon<br />

the Form, the Roughness and the Microhardness of Surface Processing by Cold<br />

Plastic Deformation. Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of the 13th International Conference, Modern<br />

Technologies, Quality and Innovation, 21-23 May 2009, p. 371.<br />

Lupescu O., Netezirea suprafeŃelor prin deformare plastică (Plastic Deformation<br />

Surfacing). Technical Info Publishing House, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova,<br />

1999.<br />

Pruteanu O., Cărăuşu C., Tăbăcaru L., Grămescu T., Influence of Deformation Feed on<br />

the Roughness and Shape Precision of Cold Worked Surfaces. International<br />

Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, I, 1, 61, Politehnium Publishing<br />

House (2009).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Echipamentul utilizat pentru cercetările experimentale permite modificarea<br />

valorii forŃei de deformare, a avansului şi a vitezei rolei. Lucrarea descrie rezultatele<br />

obŃinute asupra valorilor rugozităŃii, abaterii de la circularitate şi microdurităii la<br />

exteriorul şi interiorul inelelor de rulment 6210, în funcŃie de variaŃia celor trei<br />

parametri de lucru. Valorile obŃinute au fost prezentate sub formă de tabele şi<br />

reprezentate grafic şi susŃin concluziile noastre privind valorile optime ale domeniilor<br />

de variaŃie ale parametrilor de lucru, în condiŃiile în care abaterile sunt minime. De<br />

asemenea, este prezentat modul de prelucrare matematică a valorilor microdurităŃii<br />

înregistrate pentru suprafeŃele inelelor de rulment.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Received: September 15, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 20, 2011<br />

” Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Abstract. This paper presents the decomposition and the definition of a<br />

technical cost that include supplier cost, subcontracting cost and production cost.<br />

Key words: production programme, cost, project budget.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The companies live in a permanent competition environment and they<br />

are continuously searching the maximum profit from the markets. Because of<br />

that technological and economical concurrence, managing the project budgets or<br />

a product budget, is not only an advantage, but is an obligation if that company<br />

want to survive.<br />

2. The Costs Estimation<br />

Today, we consider that there are three different views of the estimated<br />

cost by type of decision. Indeed, the concern of management who is responsible<br />

for defining the company strategy is mostly the "boundary" or profit realizable<br />

on a given project. It is indeed vital for all businesses to generate profit to be<br />

able to continue to exist. As for the commercial department, which aims to<br />

position the best product over its competition, it seeks to know the best selling<br />

price for its product on that market; this means the product market price.<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: bruno_radulescu@yahoo.com

170 Bruno Rădulescu and Mara Rădulescu<br />

The selling price and the profit area, then form a set defining the<br />

economic constraints of the project requiring a maximum cost of production.<br />

The project cost has become a design parameter as well as technical<br />

specifications.<br />

We found that the designing phase of a product is 70% from the period<br />

spent from idea to emerge that product, but the influence in the final cost is less<br />

than 10% from the entire cost of the product Fig. 1 (Miller, 1988).<br />

Fig. 1 – Influence of design on manufacturing cost for the Ford vehicles (Miller, 1988).<br />

We notice also, that any advances in the product development means that<br />

the expenses to modify that product from that point are higher Fig. 2. It is<br />

important to manage the product cost earlier as possible in it’s the life cycle.<br />

Fig. 2 – Cost variation progress and their influence on the final cost.<br />

The price offer is more accurate if that price offer is based on the<br />

production criteria or on the complete production programme, allowing to know<br />

with precision all the involved costs and also the tool productivity. The price<br />

offer is becoming a criterion permitting to choose between different production<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 171<br />

For some companies, such as subcontractors in mechanical engineering,<br />

the development of an quotation is very important. We consider that in this area,<br />

only 10% of quotes are converted into firm orders. The quality of the provided<br />

documents, the quotation accuracy and response time are all criteria that<br />

determine the quality of a quotation.<br />

3. Decomposition and Definition of Technical Cost<br />

We can consider the costs based on the ability to affect directly or not a<br />

product or an activity. They include:<br />

a) direct costs: it is, in most cases, disappearing with the production<br />

costs (labor, material, tools, use of tools machines ...);<br />

b) indirect costs: they represent the required expenses to produce, but<br />

cannot be assigned to a specific product (insurance, management ...).<br />

The distribution of indirect costs is a delicate operation. It depends<br />

mainly on the strategic choices made by company management. Therefore, we<br />

will not talk about those costs acquired called structure cost.<br />

In this paper, we take into consideration only the technical costs: supply<br />

cost, subcontracting cost and production cost.<br />

This cost includes expenses dependent only on the chosen solution and<br />

the means of production involved.<br />

3.1. Supply Cost<br />

The supply cost essentially represents the cost of raw materials. We<br />

consider two types of raw materials: the standard material: laminated, …; the<br />

special material: casting, forging, …<br />

Many studies show that the supply cost is a very important part of<br />

technical cost (average 50%) (Boothroyd, 1988). It is therefore important to<br />

determine its cost of obtaining in a realistic and fast manner (Ou-Yang & Lin,<br />

2011).<br />

In the case of a standard material, usually is associated to each type of<br />

raw material a cost per unit of weight and length, allowing to know easily the<br />

direct cost of a standard material.<br />

In the case of a special material, it is difficult to accept to be limited in<br />

the case of a quotation, to estimate an average cost of production using the<br />

average cost per kilo. The company that would sell complex parts will be<br />

underestimated.<br />

3.2. Subcontracting Cost<br />

There are three types of subcontracting cost:<br />

a) Subcontracting the means: some tasks require very specific operation<br />

or equipment that the company does not own, in which case it is necessary to<br />

use the subcontracting.

172 Bruno Rădulescu and Mara Rădulescu<br />

b) Subcontracting the capacity: this is a call to a subcontractor because<br />

the company is overloaded, the company can estimate the outsourcing, or<br />

estimate the subcontracting cost of work as if the operation was conducted in<br />

the company, or may have the effect of reducing the company income.<br />

c) Subcontracting to lower cost per hour: it often happens that the<br />

hourly cost of the company, for certain activities, is higher than that proposed<br />

by some subcontractors, it is still necessary to make a more detailed analysis of<br />

changes in hourly costs in this case, if one considers that the hourly cost Ch<br />

takes into account fixed and variable costs<br />

CV + CF<br />

Ch = , (1)<br />

Np<br />

where: CV – variable charges, CF – fixe charges, Np – number of products.<br />

3.3. Production Cost<br />

It is still important to note that the cost raw materials depends on the<br />

dimensional accuracy and required specifications. Therefore, choosing a method<br />

of obtaining can be done by comparing the cost of processing each of the<br />

manufacturing possibilities.<br />

The manufacturing cost is broken down into:<br />

a) manufacturing preparing cost;<br />

b) machining cost;<br />

c) cutting tools cost.<br />

3.3.1. Manufacturing Preparing Cost. The manufacturing preparing<br />

cost for all operations is concerning the definition of manufacturing strategy,<br />

development and installation and / or implementation of the devices needed to<br />

machining. They are:<br />

a) production programme (Weill, 1993);<br />

b) CNC program (Prudhomme, 1996);<br />

c) the griping devices (Gladel et al., 1992);<br />

d) editing tools;<br />

e) mounting the piece.<br />

All of these costs are very difficult to estimate. Indeed, these operations<br />

represent a human work (physical or mental). Yet the determination of human<br />

time (the costs) is subject to the rigors of the work. Many parameters can<br />

disrupt a normal execution of the operation:<br />

a) staff qualifications;<br />

b) the exact knowledge and respect for the procedure;<br />

c) the influence of the environment;<br />

d) learning;

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 173<br />

e) the monotony …<br />

(Anselmett, 1995) proposed a relation to define the programming time<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on the difficulty of machining the piece<br />

T = 10min+ 8min/phase + 1.5min/tool + 2min/operation (2)<br />

CN<br />

where: TCN – programming time for CNC.<br />

3.3.2. Machining Cost. The machining cost is the cost generated when<br />

the machine is operating. The total time in this case corresponds to the total<br />

time of movement of the approaching tool and speed work, time to release the<br />

tool, automatic tool change when possible. Determining the cost of machining<br />

requires knowledge of hourly Cm machine that can be evaluated as follows. The<br />

simplified model of the machine cost per hour includes:<br />

a) Amortization of the machine and financial expenses<br />

P Pi<br />

A = + , (3)<br />

HN 2H<br />

where: A – amortization, P – toll machine price, H – hours of use per year, N –<br />

duration in years of amortization, i – interest rate.<br />

b) Operating costs<br />

Fr SI<br />

R = + + 0.6eW + 1.6CS<br />

, (4)<br />

H H<br />

where: Fr – repairs and annual maintenance, S – area occupied by the machine, I<br />

– local costs per m 2 per year, W – machine power in kW (used only 60%), e –<br />

cost of kilowatts per hour, CS – salary costs (1.6 CS includes payroll taxes).<br />

We have the hourly cost of the machine<br />

C m<br />

= A + R . (5)<br />

3.3.3. Cutting Tools Cost. The cutting tools cost is the replacement cost<br />

of these tools. This replacement is directly related to wear. We show that the<br />

cutting tools costs and machine use is dependent. Indeed, when the cutting<br />

speed Vc increases, the machining time decreases in the same proportions.<br />

However, the tool wear also increases and the cutting tools cost per unit<br />

increases. To define the optimum, it is necessary to model the law of tool wear.<br />

There are different models in the literature of the law of wear (Pallot, 1988).<br />

The model wearing the simplest and most commonly used is the simplified<br />

Taylor model that can be written as follows<br />

c<br />

n<br />

V T = Cte = α , (6)

174 Bruno Rădulescu and Mara Rădulescu<br />

where: Vc – cutting speed, T – life of the tool, n – Taylor coefficient. The<br />

economic tool life follows the relation<br />

⎛ 1 ⎞ Co<br />

T0<br />

= ⎜ −1<br />

n<br />

⎟ , (7)<br />

⎝ ⎠ C<br />

n<br />

C0<br />

0<br />

m<br />

V αT −<br />

= , (8)<br />

where: T0 – economic tool life, VC0 – economic cutting speed, Co – tools cost,<br />

Cm – hourly cost of the machine.<br />

From the economic tool life is estimated easily the number of<br />

replacements. We determine the replacement cost of a tool taking into<br />

consideration the type of tool (re-sharpened or removable inserts) as follows.<br />

Replacement cost of a re-sharpened tool<br />

C 0 = C + C + C , (9)<br />

OU<br />

where: COU – cost of the tool for lifetime T (between two sharpening),<br />

P<br />

af<br />

c<br />

O C OU = , (10)<br />

na<br />

where: PO – purchase price of the tool, na – number of sharpening means, Caf –<br />

sharpening cost, Cm – hourly cost of the machine.<br />

Caf = taCa , (11)<br />

where: ta – sharpening time, Ca – hourly cost of sharpening.<br />

where: tc – tool change time, Cc – cost of tool change.<br />

Cost of replacing a tool with removable inserts:<br />

CC = tcCm , (12)<br />

C = C + C + C<br />

0 OU f c , (13)<br />

where: COU – cost of the removable inserts, Cf – amortization of fastening<br />

elements , Cc – cost of removable inserts.<br />

C<br />

OU<br />

ZP<br />

= , (14)<br />

a<br />

where: Z – number of teeth, P– purchase price of a insert, a – number of edges<br />

to use.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 175<br />

C f = ZfTf<br />

, (15)<br />

where: f – cost of fasteners for a insert, Tf– life of fasteners (change in number<br />

of edges), a – number of edges to use.<br />

Ccc = Zt pCm , (16)<br />

where: tp – time for a inset changing.<br />

It is important to note that the estimated cost of cutting tools is very<br />

well managed with respect to annual purchases and the cost of sharpening.<br />

However, determining the costs of storage, recycling, regulation and<br />

management of cutting tools is generally unknown. It is in fact indirect costs<br />

such as:<br />

a) the purchase;<br />

b) receipt and control of supplies;<br />

c) the physical storage in the store;<br />

d) preparation of research tools and components;<br />

e) updating the file management of cutting tools.<br />

The estimate of these costs depends heavily on the organization of the<br />

company. To define, it is necessary to survey the various stakeholders:<br />

warehousemen, buyers, ...<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. In this paper, we have demonstrated the importance and complexity of<br />

the estimated cost within the company. Then we identified the different<br />

components of cost.<br />

2. It was noted also that for all quotations, it is necessary to establish a<br />

database or knowledge of technical and economic reliability. Indeed, it is very<br />

important to note that most quotations are made by extrapolation of the past.<br />


*** Manuel de données technologiques en fraisage. CETIM, 1984.<br />

Anselmetti B., Génération automatique de devis pour l’usinage sur MOCN. Revue<br />

d’Automatique et de Productique Appliquée, 8, 1, 81-100 (1995).<br />

Boothroyd G., Estimate Cost at an Early Stage. Annals of CIRP (1988) .<br />

Gladel G., Gourdet D., Tous J.-L., Matériaux pour outils de coupe. Traité Génie<br />

Mécanique, 1992.<br />

Miller F.W., Design for Assembly: Ford’s Better Idea to Improve Products.<br />

Manufacturing System, 1988.

176 Bruno Rădulescu and Mara Rădulescu<br />

Ou-Yang C., Lin T.S., Developing an Integrated Framework for Feature-based Early<br />

Manufacturing Cost Estimation. The International Journal of Advanced<br />

Manufacturing Technology, 13, 9, 618-629 (2011).<br />

Pallot B. Prédétermination des temps d’usinage relatifs aux séries limitées –<br />

Application au tournage numérique. Thèse ENSAM Paris, 20 déc., 1988.<br />

Prudhomme G., Commande numérique des machines-outils. Traité Génie Mécanique,<br />

1996.<br />

Weill R.D., Conception des gammes d’usinage. Traité Génie Mécanique, 7-25, 1993.<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Această lucrare descrie descompunerea unui cost în componentele sale: costul cu<br />

aprovizionarea, costurile cu colaboratorii şi costul de producŃie.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Received: August 22, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 2, 2011<br />

“Transilvania” University, Braşov,<br />

Department of Engineering and Management<br />

Abstract: In a market economy based on competition and risk, business<br />

sector development is a priority. For the Romanian economy, business sector<br />

development, especially skills are an important part of economic restructuring<br />

policy, which positively influence the pace of sustainable economic growth. By<br />

their characteristics: innovation, close ties with the community, high dynamic,<br />

optimal exploitation of local resources, creating jobs, developing small and<br />

medium impact, especially at lower levels, namely the local and regional levels.<br />

Entrepreneurship skills are reflected in fact the result of ideas and projects that<br />

illustrate the determination and attitude of the entrepreneur to identify and use<br />

opportunities that arise at a time. The motivation to create a new business is a<br />

prerequisite for the emergence of entrepreneurial initiative and receptiveness to a<br />

product or service is what brings success.<br />

Key words: responsible entrepreneurship, professional competence,<br />

questionnaires, sample.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The research was NQFHE, that the National Framework of<br />

Qualifications in Higher Education skills fall into three categories:<br />

a) general professional skills − are covered by a range of skills which<br />

will enable further studies exercise professional roles in a wider field of activity,<br />

enabling use of the overall integrated, coherent, dynamic and open knowledge,<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: lucicri72@yahoo.com

178 Luciana-Cristiana Stan and Vladimir Mărăscu-Klein<br />

skills (eg cognitive, actionable, relational and ethical) and other acquisitions (eg<br />

values and attitudes) in a given field.<br />

b) specific skills − those skills are covered by running a specific program<br />

for graduate studies to cope with the demands of a specific profession, allow use<br />

of the overall integrated, coherent, dynamic and open knowledge, skills (eg<br />

cognitive, actionable , relational and ethical) and other acquisitions (eg values<br />

and attitudes) in the exercise of certain professions that<br />

2. Professional Competence in Entrepreneurial Business<br />

2.1. Implementation Methodology<br />

2.1.1. The Starting Point. Qualitative marketing research used a variety<br />

of investigative methods and techniques, mostly psychological. The most<br />

suitable types of qualitative research methods and research techniques are<br />

chosen nondirectiv depth interviews, plus paper and pencil interview focused on<br />

group discussions Focus group This type of survey is a technique based on<br />

interviewing relevant persons, highly qualified, available experience in areas<br />

related to business performance and maintain a high position on the economic<br />

plan. It is a survey based on direct personal interviews, informal, which<br />

involves both complex questions and a free discussion, which provides an<br />

opportunity for the interviewees to express their views.<br />

2.1.2. An Intermediate Result. The questionnaire was applied to a sample<br />

of 14 subjects randomly selected socio-demographic characteristics of which<br />

are outlined below:<br />

i) aged between 22 and 61 years with an average of 44 years;<br />

ii) 28.6% of surveyed have postgraduate (masters, doctorate), 64.3% are<br />

graduates and 7.1% have completed a technical school;<br />

iii) respondents are specializations in the fields of economics,<br />

engineering, socio-human, financial, management, technology, the Romanian<br />

language - respondents are the following professions: economist, engineer,<br />

administrator, school psychologist, librarian, manager, - 64.3% active and<br />

35.7% in the private sector in the state<br />

Presentation skills training in the sample In the sample, were presented<br />

skills, people in the sample will indicate which of these 9 would like to develop<br />

their skills. Thus:<br />

i) Communication skills in their mother tongue: 92.9% of subjects<br />

correctly asserts that speak the language of all respondents said that home and<br />

write correctly in their native language.<br />

ii) Communication skills in a foreign language: 85.7% of respondents<br />

stated that speak foreign languages, while only 14.3% say they do not speak a<br />

foreign language.<br />

iii) The level of competence in using information and communication<br />

technologies, digital technologies (computers, internet, mobile phone etc..): All

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 179<br />

participants declare that they have 100% skills and abilities to use multi-media<br />

technology.<br />

iv) Math Skills : 78.6% of respondents say they are good at math, 14.3%<br />

declared that they have mathematical skills and 7.1% can not determine the<br />

degree of mastery of computer skills.<br />

v) Half of the respondents in the sample can easily solve mathematical<br />

problems or other sciences, 14.3% declared that they have these skills and<br />

35.7% can not appreciate the ease with which exact solves.<br />

vi) Ability to "learn to learn": 92.9% of respondents have the ability to<br />

learn new things and to integrate new knowledge into the old ones already<br />

existing, while 7.1% can not determine the degree of learning some new things.<br />

78.6% of respondents believe they have time and willingness to engage in a<br />

career development activity. 14.3% can not appreciate this and 7.1% did not<br />

have time /availability for this business.<br />

vii) Skills in interpersonal relationships: 92.9% of respondents declared<br />

that they have difficulty in communicating with colleagues working in while<br />

7.1% say they face obstacles in communicating effectively with their peers.<br />

viii) Also for a percentage of 92.9% of those polled say they have<br />

teamwork skills while 7.1% can not determine the degree of development of<br />

their teamwork skills.<br />

ix) Spirit of initiative and entrepreneurial skills: half of the respondents<br />

have the skills to start a business, 42.9% can not appreciate the skills of<br />

entrepreneurship, while 7.1% say they know how to start a business.<br />

x) In terms of "openness to innovation", 92.9% of respondents were happy<br />

to experience new things but 7.1% can not appreciate this. 64.3% of persons in<br />

the sample report that they feel the opposite fear of risk taking, 14.3% of<br />

subjects declared that they feel comfortable taking the risk, and finally, 21.4%<br />

of them do not and can appreciate the anxiety experienced in relation to risk<br />

taking. 92.9% of respondents are reluctant to again, while 7.1% say they are<br />

resistant to innovation.<br />

xi) Entrepreneurial skills main-respondents are in engineering and<br />

management fields, so that 60% of respondents engaged in economic<br />

engineering, 20% are employed in the economic, industrial 10% and 10% in<br />

other related fields (Baciu, 2011).<br />

Remark. Developing professional skills. Of the nine skills needed to<br />

develop personal and professional journey, say they would like to improve the<br />

following: the skills of "learning to learn, civic and social networking skills,<br />

communication skills in a foreign language; entrepreneurial skills, skills and use<br />

of digital multi-media technology.<br />

2.2. Necessary Skills and Personal Development Profesionale<br />

The questionnaire aims to identify the degree of development of the<br />

Route 9 skills necessary personal and professional development in key areas in

180 Luciana-Cristiana Stan and Vladimir Mărăscu-Klein<br />

which respondents operate: language communication skills, communication<br />

skills in a foreign language, mathematical skills in science and technology,<br />

digital literacy, the use of multi-media technology, the skills of "learning to<br />

learn", civic and social networking skills, entrepreneurial skills, skills of artistic<br />

and cultural expression<br />

3. Application of Professional Competence<br />

This study is designed on the basis of questionnaires completed by<br />

project participants. Questionnaires were distributed to all participants in the<br />

marketing research aim is to identify the entrepreneurial skills acquired which<br />

brought the project participants. Based on the analysis of all questionnaires<br />

highlight the initial fin<strong>din</strong>gs on participants' learning experiences, learned<br />

entrepreneurial skills, vision and business results immediately perceived in<br />

terms of entrepreneurship. form of tables and graphs:<br />

D e f i n i t i o n 1. The graphic representation in the level of studies<br />

(Table 1, Fig. 1) (Baciu, 2011).<br />

Table 1.<br />

Educational studies<br />

Studies Percent<br />

High School 7.1<br />

Education Technical 64.3<br />

Other Higher 28.6<br />

D e f i n i t i o n 2. Graphical representation depen<strong>din</strong>g on the<br />

specialization (Table 2, Fig. 2) (Baciu, 2011).<br />

Nr.<br />

crt.<br />

Table 2<br />

Specialization<br />

Specialization Percent<br />

1 Economics 28.6<br />

2 Financial 7.1<br />

3 Engineering 14.3<br />

4 Romanian language 7.1<br />

5 Management 7.1<br />

6 Sciences humanities 14.3<br />

7 Tehnology management 7.1<br />

8 Tehnology equipment 7.1

Studies<br />

28,6%<br />

Tehn. Equipm.<br />

7,1<br />

Tehn.<br />

7,1<br />

Scince humanit.<br />

14,3<br />

Man<br />

7,1<br />

Rom.langu<br />

7,1<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 181<br />

Fig. 1 – Representation based on studies.<br />

Specialization<br />

Fig. 2 – Representation on the specialization.<br />

7,1<br />

Econom<br />

28,6<br />

Financ<br />

7,1<br />

Engin.<br />

Remarks. 1. A percentage of 64.5% of respondents are university<br />

graduates. Only 7.1% are technical school graduates<br />

A percentage of 8.6% of respondents have completed other studies.<br />

T h e o r e m 1. Studies.<br />

P r o o f. A percentage of 28.6% of respondents are specialized in the<br />

economic profile which represents a majority<br />

T h e o r e m 2. Field activity.<br />

igh High<br />

school<br />

Education<br />

technical<br />

7,1<br />

%<br />

64,3<br />

%<br />


182 Luciana-Cristiana Stan and Vladimir Mărăscu-Klein<br />

P r o o f. A percentage of 14.3% of respondents are specilize the profile<br />

of engineering to equal the number of respondents specilize the profile of social<br />

and human sciences.<br />

L e m m a 1. Areas that will initiate business.<br />

P r o o f. Specializations: finance, Romanian, management, technology<br />

and equipment technology have equal percentages of 7.1%<br />

Remark. The problems faced by potential women entrepreneurs-<br />

economic dependency and poverty are major problems especially in rural areas.<br />

C o r o l l a r y 1. The motivation to create a new business is a<br />

prerequisite for the emergence of entrepreneurial initiative for rewar<strong>din</strong>g and<br />

successful<br />

4. Conclusions on the Lea<strong>din</strong>g Successful Business Entrepreneurs<br />

1. The results of this report indicates that women are strongly involved in<br />

entrepreneurial activities prior to the start of business (at a rate of 9.88%) while<br />

men have a somewhat higher percentage in developing business in recent years<br />

(16.44%). It was also found that the average age of those involved in<br />

entrepreneurial activities is between 33 and 35 years.<br />

2. However, it notes that people aged between 36 and 50 years are<br />

involved in a much greater extent in previous entrepreneurial start-up business<br />

activities (9.52%). In the case of the recently become entrepreneurs, the highest<br />

proportion is found in people aged between 26 and 40 (18.27%).The results<br />

indicate the importance of the entrepreneur's family presence in one or more<br />

persons to enhance entrepreneurial entrepreneurial activities.<br />

3. A share of 38.45% of the people involved in previous work reported<br />

the presence of an entrepreneurial start-up business in the family, the example<br />

most often given to the father (22.92%). For people newly entrepreneurs,<br />

20.63% of respondents have a family business, father is the family member<br />

most often given as an example (15.17%).<br />

4. More interestingly, the results indicate that respondents consider social<br />

aspects as major factors that motivated the decision to engage in entrepreneurial<br />

activities.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational<br />

Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European<br />

Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number<br />

POSDRU/88/1.5/S/59321.<br />


*** ANIMMC, A Youth Entrepreneurial Training Course. START Program, Bucureşti,<br />

2006.<br />

Baciu F., Role of Women Living in Entrepreneurship. available at: http://www.<br />

g2entrepreneurship.eu/Ro.../antreprenoriat accessed: 2011/03/10, 2011.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 183<br />

Bălăsescu M., Guidelines for Achieving the Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Marketing<br />

Program. Transilvania University, Braşov, 2004.<br />

Brătucu G., Public Service Marketing, Publishing Infomarket, Braşov, 2004.<br />

Drucker P F, System Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Practice and Principles. Ed.<br />

Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1993.<br />

Pascu I.,. Professional Skills and Entrepreneurship. available at: http://www.businessedu.ro;<br />

accessed: 2011/03/02, 2011.<br />

Popescu C.; Brătucu G., Marketing Research. Guideline – Practical. Transylvania<br />

University, Braşov, 1999.<br />

Rugman A., Collinson S., International Business. 4th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2006.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Pentru economia românească, dezvoltarea sectorului antreprenorial, dar, mai<br />

ales, competenŃele profesionale, constituie o componentă importantă a politicii de<br />

restructurare economică, ce influenŃează pozitiv ritmul creşterii economice durabile.<br />

Prin inovaŃie, legături strânse cu comunitatea, <strong>din</strong>amică ridicată, valorificarea optimă a<br />

resurselor locale, crearea de locuri de muncă, intreprinderile mici si mijlocii<br />

influenŃează dezvoltarea, la nivele locale si regionale. IniŃiativele antreprenoriale<br />

reflectate în competenŃe profesionale reprezinta rezultatul unor idei si a unor proiecte ce<br />

ilustrează determinarea şi atitu<strong>din</strong>ea întreprinzătorului faŃă de identificarea şi<br />

valorificarea unor oportunităŃi care apar la un moment dat.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Drives<br />

Received: August 22, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 2, 2011<br />

Abstract. The high costs for energy and the increased necessary of it lead to<br />

hydraulic systems working at a certain power with an optimum efficiency and<br />

consequently minimum energy consumption. The calculus of such systems is<br />

focused on the energy price and not on investment only. The hydraulic systems<br />

with secondary control are not only saving energy but also recovering it. In the<br />

paper two cases of such systems are presented. One can see the Simscape diagram<br />

for one of them and the simulation results for both.<br />

Key words: hydraulic system, secondary control, numeric simulation.<br />

1. General Considerations<br />

The high costs for energy and the increased necessary of energy lead to<br />

hydraulic systems working at a certain power, with an optimum efficiency and<br />

consequently minimum energy consumption. The calculus of such systems is<br />

focused on the energy price and not on investment only.<br />

The most common strategy for controlling hydraulic systems is still<br />

primary control. In addition to the primary controlled systems, constant pressure<br />

systems could be applied. This concept characterizes secondary controlled<br />

systems, where the hydraulic output units are connected to a constant pressure<br />

rail. Displacement control of the secondary units, support direct control of the<br />

output torque or force load (Rydberg 2005).<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: iddtita@yahoo.com

186 Irina TiŃa and Irina Mardare<br />

Using secondary control adaptive hydraulic systems in impressed<br />

pressure circuits one can obtain a substantial growth of efficiency. This control<br />

type uses hydrostatic displacement machine with variable displacement volume<br />

and implies that from a system with impressed pressure one can receive power<br />

using displacement control and not resistance control. The hydrostatic<br />

displacement machines may work both as pump and as motor. Hydraulic energy<br />

obtained when it works as a pump is transferred to other consumers or<br />

accumulated.<br />

Energy recovery is fulfilled when hydraulic machine works as a pump<br />

and the energy is stored in an accumulator (Backé, 2005), (Rydberg 2005).<br />

Using the concept of secondary control it is possible to constitute a fee<strong>din</strong>g<br />

network like the one in electric networks. Using an accumulator as an energy<br />

storing device makes possible to design a system with improved endurance<br />

compared with a similar one without accumulator (Kirka, 2009).<br />

Tasks for the future can be seen in the recognition of possible new<br />

applications that could not be identified so far. (Murrenhoff, 2006).<br />

Simulation of the system is important in order to adjust parameters for<br />

dynamic characteristics improvement. The aim of this paper is to present a<br />

block diagram for Matlab simulation.<br />

2. Simscape Diagram and Simulation Results<br />

In Fig. 2 is presented the Simscape diagram for a hydraulic system with<br />

secondary control and fixed – displacement pump. The input signal represents<br />

the angular velocity of the hydraulic motor. It was considered the signal<br />

presented in Fig.1.<br />

The Simscape diagram has as subsystems the servocylider subsystem and<br />

the load subsystem. It has also some sensors and oscilloscopes for important<br />

parameters.<br />

Fig. 1 – Input signal.<br />

Fig. 3 shows the diagram for the servocylinder subsystem and Fig. 4 the<br />

diagram for the load at the axle of the variable displacement motor. For both<br />

cases the load is a constant.

Fig. 2 – The Simscape diagram for system with fixed - displacement pump.<br />

Signal 1<br />

Signal Builder2<br />

� �� ���<br />

���������<br />

4-Way Directional<br />

Valve<br />

A<br />

� � ���������� �����<br />

S<br />

Proportional and<br />

Servo-Valve Actuator<br />

P<br />

B<br />

T<br />

PS S<br />

PS2S2 Position_Valve<br />

Gas-Charged<br />

Accumulator1<br />

R<br />

C<br />

V<br />

P<br />

Ideal Translational<br />

Motion Sensor<br />

HR2<br />

-C-<br />

Constant<br />

Solver<br />

Configuration<br />

f(x)=0<br />

MTR1<br />

B<br />

S PS<br />

S2PS<br />

A<br />

Flow Meter1<br />

Ideal Angular<br />

Velocity Source<br />

S<br />

PS S<br />

PS2S1<br />

Angular<br />

velocity<br />

R<br />

Position_SP<br />

Hydraulic Fluid<br />

C<br />

� �� ������������������ ����<br />

MRR<br />

S PS<br />

PS2S<br />

PRV<br />

A B<br />

Flow Meter<br />

Flow<br />

Meter2<br />

HR<br />

A<br />

B<br />

A<br />

B<br />

A<br />

C<br />

B<br />

MRR1<br />

A<br />

S<br />

C<br />

W<br />

R<br />

A<br />

Ideal Rotational<br />

Motion Sensor<br />

B<br />

P<br />

Ideal Hydraulic<br />

Pressure Sensor<br />

HR1<br />

PS S<br />

PS-Simulink<br />

Converter1<br />

-C-<br />

Constant1<br />

����<br />

Pump_pressure<br />

��� ��<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 187

188 Irina TiŃa and Irina Mardare<br />

D<br />

MTR3 MTR2<br />

C<br />

A<br />

R<br />

B<br />

Servo-cylinder<br />

R C<br />

M<br />

C<br />

TS<br />

R �<br />

Fig.<br />

��<br />

3<br />

�����<br />

– Subsystem servocylinder. Fig. 4 – Subsystem "load".<br />

��� � ��<br />

In Fig. 5 one can see the position of the spool of the servovalve, the<br />

pressure at the pump outlet, the angular velocity at the motor axle and the flow<br />

rate at the motor inlet for the case of the system with fixed – displacement<br />

pump.<br />

A �� �<br />

P<br />

Winch<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

Fig. 5 – For the system with fixed displacement pump:<br />

a – position of the servovalve; b – pressure at the pump outlet; c – angular velocity of<br />

the hydrostatic machine; d – flow rate at the motor.<br />

For the hydraulic system with secondary control and variable –<br />

displacement pump, was also done the Simscape diagram. The input signal is<br />

presented in Fig. 1. In Fig. 6 one can see the position of the spool of the<br />

servovalve, the pressure at the pump outlet, the angular velocity at the motor<br />

M D<br />

R<br />

C<br />

S PS<br />

S2PS1<br />

MTR<br />

S<br />

R<br />

C<br />

Weight<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 189<br />

axle and the flow rate at the motor inlet for the case of the system with variable<br />

– displacement pump. From the diagram in Fig. 5c, one can see the dynamic<br />

parameters of the system: time constant, error and damping ratio<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

Fig. 6 – For the system with variable – displacement pressure – compensated pump:<br />

a – position of the servovalve; b – pressure at the pump outlet; c – angular<br />

velocity of the hydrostatic machine; d – flow rate at the motor.<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

1. The hydraulic systems with secondary control are not only saving<br />

energy but also recovering it.<br />

2. The study of dynamic behaviour of such systems is possible using the<br />

Matlab/Simscape method. In this paper the Simscape diagram for a hydraulic<br />

system with secondary control and fixed displacement pump is presented.<br />

3. Comparing the two cases, one can see that the angular velocity at the<br />

hydrostatic machine follows the input law. Important differences are to be<br />

noticed regar<strong>din</strong>g the pressure at the pump outlet and the flow rate at the<br />

hydromotor.<br />

Acknowledgements. The present work has been supported from the Grant PNII,<br />

2703/22-111/2008.<br />


Backé W., What Are the Prospects Facing new Ideas in Fluid Power? The Sixth<br />

International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP' 2005),<br />

Hangzou, China, 5-8, 2005, pp. 21-30.

190 Irina TiŃa and Irina Mardare<br />

Kirka A., Investigation of Parameters of Accumulator Transmission of Self Moving<br />

Machine. Engineering for Rural Development, 28-29.05.2009, Jelgava, 2009, pp.<br />

100-104.<br />

Murrenhoff H., Hydraulic Drives in Stationary Applications. 5th International Fluid<br />

Power Conference, Aachen, Germany, 2, 2006, pp. 11-36.<br />

Rydberg K.-E., Hydraulic Accumulators as Key Components in Energy Efficient Mobile<br />

Systems. The Sixth International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and<br />

Control (ICFP' 2005), Hangzou, China, 2005, pp. 178-182.<br />

Mathworks Inc., on line at www.mathworks.com<br />

*** SimHydraulics: http://www.mathworks.com/products/simhydraulics/demos.html<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Sistemele hidraulice cu reglare secundară au avantajul că realizează nu doar<br />

economie de energie ci şi recuperarea acesteia în fazele de frânare. În acest mod se<br />

explică atenŃia de care se bucură atât pentru cercetători cât şi pentru utilizatori. Pentru<br />

analiza comportrii <strong>din</strong>amice, utilizarea mediului Matlab, respectiv metodei Simscape,<br />

este potrivită în cazul sistemelor hidraulice în general şi implicit a celor cu reglare<br />

secundară. În lucrare este prezentată schema funcŃională Simscape pentru un sistem<br />

hidraulic cu reglare secundară şi pompa cu volum geometric constant. Sunt prezentate<br />

rezultatele simulării pentru acest caz ca şi pentru cazul unui sistem hidraulic cu reglare<br />

secundară şi pompă cu volum geometric variabil şi regulator de presiune. Se remarcă în<br />

ambele cazuri obŃinerea unei variaŃii a vitezei unghiulare la axului motorului hidraulic<br />

apropiata de cea impusă. DiferenŃe între cele două cazuri apar în ceea ce priveşte varia-<br />

Ńia debitului trimis către motorul hidraulic şi variaŃia presiunii la ieşirea <strong>din</strong> pompă.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Technical University, Cluj-Napoca,<br />

Department of Machine Tools and Industrial Robots<br />

Received: September 10, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: September 20, 2011<br />

Abstract. When a human-machine-interface gets less priority in a design analysis,<br />

unnecessary hazards may be imposed. Ergonomic and human factors should be<br />

incorporated as a part of this process, so they can show the importance of human machine<br />

interaction. The objective of this paper is to highlight these factors that are able to provide<br />

a platform where this emerging technology part interaction can increase productivity,<br />

quality, satisfaction, safety and health in a workplace. The article contribution is a<br />

theoretical one taking into consideration helpful ideas in a human machine interface<br />

ergonomic design.<br />

Key words: design, ergonomics, human factors, human-machine-interface.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The rational efficient utility of means of production depends on the use of<br />

the most active and most dynamic element which is the human, who participates<br />

with his whole being and consists of physical, psychical and moral complexity.<br />

Therefore, beyond the human activity results, man-machine interaction strongly<br />

manifests. The mutual conditioning between the man-machine interaction is<br />

created by human, technological, physical and psycho-social elements which<br />

interconnect themselves in a common network, lea<strong>din</strong>g them to the same<br />

purpose. The use of machines keeps growing because the work system gets<br />

increasingly based on the socio-technical element and the human-machine<br />

becomes more prevalent in all domains of activity, says (Ispas et al., 1984).<br />

Sometimes humans and machines are equal partners and they should be treated<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: ines_design3@yahoo.com

192 Alexandra Toma and Cornel Ciupan<br />

that way and described as equal terms. The right contradiction idea is that<br />

humans must not be described as they are machines, neither should machines be<br />

described as if they were human, explains (Hollnagel, 2008). The human is a<br />

part of a process system and also can be a part of a larger production system. In<br />

addition of ergonomic activities, human factors benefits get incorporated. The<br />

operator using a machine is, at least one single level of a man-machine system<br />

that can be described. The paper is divided so as to present important ideas<br />

about human machine interaction system, concerning its ergonomic design.<br />

2. Man Machine System<br />

This quote given by (Salvendy, 2008) says: “Although it can refer to any<br />

type of interface device, the term human machine interaction usually refers to a<br />

display, a computer and software that serve as an operator interface for a<br />

controller or a control system. Ergonomics is trying to assemble information on<br />

human capacity and capability in order to use information in equipment<br />

designing and create a larger system. Both, human capacity and capability,<br />

describe man-machine interaction trying to reduce unnecessary stress<br />

concerning demands of the task being performed. A discrete category added to<br />

this fragment will explain that a design analysis will always depend on the bond<br />

between user and machine. Interfaces can be more or less similar to one<br />

another. The way they are designed or redesigned must enable the user to do<br />

reliable operations depen<strong>din</strong>g on elements that he sees, touches, hears, in order<br />

to perform control functions and receive feedback on the actions. Fig. 1 shows<br />

how this category finds its place as a benefit added to a human machine<br />

interaction. The operator can be put in charge as follows:<br />

Fig.1 – Conditions that put an operator in charge.<br />

The display is one of the most important elements that belongs to a<br />

human machine interface and is the first that realizes the actual communication<br />

between machine and user, and from here the operator knows if it is a good or a<br />

wrong one. While he makes an error, an onscreen message can be displayed,<br />

Fig. 2. This message can have no consequence over any of the tasks performed.<br />

Fig. 3 shows the way how an onscreen message display should look like.<br />

Any impact between a machine and an operator will always be for the<br />

first time visual and that is how communication between them becomes<br />

important. Explanations will be shown in Fig. 4. Whenever an interface change

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 193<br />

is performed and there is a change in the command function, mapping the new<br />

interface, the designer should share as few features as possible with the former<br />

one. Operator shows a higher level of performance when the same commands<br />

are linked to the same functions, explains Smith S. E. in (Smith, 2011).<br />

Fig.2 – Error message display.<br />

Fig. 3 – A good display look should highlight.<br />

Fig. 4 – User interface visual communication.

194 Alexandra Toma and Cornel Ciupan<br />

When consistency cannot be achieved, for example the cost, a designer<br />

should consider is the next recommendation. The operator may disregard<br />

warning notices and signals because factors like stress and lack of vigilance can<br />

occur. For example, a safety device can be required from operator before he<br />

uses a given function. A good functionalism goal discovers how user behavior<br />

adapts to contains imposed by the domain for example, a machine program<br />

getting available. A good human machine interface design leads to individual<br />

cognition of every specific task centered on man machine interaction.<br />

Applications decision making to complex settings and leads to observing<br />

operators at work and incident studies and assumptions about human decision<br />

making can be formed. In the following chapter the environment shows its<br />

involvement when a human machine interface takes into account the human fit.<br />

3. Environment<br />

The environment from a system point of view is that which provides<br />

inputs to the system and which reacts to outputs from the system. The<br />

environment around the operator or user-crew ensemble however, is not only<br />

the atmosphere and weather, temperature around it or luminosity, but also the<br />

machine working program management system.<br />

Equipment design and environmental comfort and safety become<br />

facilities for human use and ergonomics is the supplement added to these<br />

operation facilities.<br />

a b<br />

Fig.5 – Schematic presentation: a − computer numeric control equipment;<br />

b − working panel.<br />

Human factors are shown in Fig. 6, as being a main incorporated system<br />

design part and the other Fig. 7, highlights what a human computer interaction<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 195<br />

Fig.6 – Human factors.<br />

Fig 7 – Human computer interaction.<br />

When it is about man machine interface function and design the main<br />

purpose is to make its user friendly, increasing market share and operator<br />

satisfaction (Flaspöler et al., 2004).<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The three dimensional sketch shown in the previous chapter represents<br />

a schematic example for a Computer Numeric Control machine where the<br />

working panel is the main important part that draws author attention concerning<br />

its design in order to improve the communication between machine and human.<br />

2. The paper shows how important is the human factor when it is about to<br />

design an interface. In the same time, from the lines above, synthetically results<br />

that the author has the strong desire to improve the ergonomics and the<br />

functionality of machine tools.<br />

3. This study is directed to an equipment with numerical command or a<br />

group of equipments with numerical command, namely on vertical milling<br />

tools. We suggest adapting a panel that is traditionally used for another type of<br />

machine tool, on vertical milling tool.<br />

4. It is pointed out the author concern to correlate the innovating<br />

intentions with the active STAS. It is emphasized the impact on improving the<br />

equipment ergonomics and functionality in the relation man – machine and the<br />

professional environment. It is also underlined the author interest in making a<br />

guide very necessary for the machine tool designers concerning the ergonomics<br />

and functionality.<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was written at the Technical University of Cluj-<br />

Napoca and supported by the project “Doctoral studies in engineering sciences for<br />

developing the knowledge based society - SIDOC” contract no.<br />

POSDRU/88/1.5/S/60078, project co-funded from European Social Fund through<br />

Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources 2007-2013.

196 Alexandra Toma and Cornel Ciupan<br />


Flaspöler E., Hauke A., Reinert D, The Human-machine Interface as an Emerging Risk.<br />

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Sarodnik & Brau<br />

2006), (Schmersal 2005), (Montenegro 1999), (Koller, Beu & Burnmester,<br />

2004).<br />

Hollnagel E., Prolegomenon to Cognitive Task Design. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,<br />

Inc, 2008.<br />

Ispas C., Ionescu I. A., Lazarovici V. A., Andriescu N. T., Machine-Tools Ergonomy.<br />

Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, 1984.<br />

Salvendy G., Human factors and Ergonomics. Ed., by Erick Hollnagel, 2008.<br />

Smith S. E., Wise GEEK, Ed. by O. Wallace, January, (Tutherow & Lipták, 2002),<br />

(Baumann and Lanz, 1998), (Charwat, 1992), Internet address, 2011.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Designul unei interfeŃe om-maşină va fi tot timpul important şi continuu<br />

îmbunătăŃit. Factorii umani trebuie luaŃi în considerare obligatoriu, pentru că omul este<br />

elementul principal, care le raspunde pozitiv sau negativ.<br />

AtenŃia autorilor a fost îndreptată asupra comunicării vizuale <strong>din</strong>tre om şi<br />

maşină, deoarece,acesta este primul si cel mai important lucru, care realizează contactul<br />

<strong>din</strong>tre om şi tehnologie. Pe viitor, dorinŃa autorilor este aceea de a îmbunătăŃi aspectul<br />

unui panou de comandă şi interfaŃa unui soft care aparŃine unei maşini cu comandă<br />

numeric; în speŃa, mărirea dimensiunilor display-ului şi poziŃionarea ergonomică a<br />

butoanelor, Ńinând cont de standardele de proiectare. Scopul acestui articol este de a<br />

ajuta proiectanŃii să respecte dorinŃa operatorului uman.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


Received: August 23, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 30, 2011<br />

”Vasile Alecsandri” University, Bacău,<br />

Engineering Faculty<br />

Abstract. The paper is focused on the functional role of accumulators in<br />

hydraulic secondary control systems. Mathematical models are presented and<br />

the same the simulation results for a gas-charged accumulator using<br />

SimHydraulics tool from programming language Matlab.<br />

Key words: accumulator, secondary control system.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The concept of secondary control of the hydraulic systems working under<br />

impressed pressure entered the current use around 1980. The secondary control<br />

is mostly used where the conventional systems are no longer able to meet the<br />

technical requirements in terms of feedback dynamic, positioning and accurate<br />

control of the speed. The use of these systems is still rather reduced.<br />

2. The Role of the Accumulator in the Secondary Control Systems<br />

2.1. The Working Principle of the Secondary Control<br />

The concept of secondary control working under impressed pressure<br />

supposes the existence of a secondary unit of adjustable capacity which, when<br />

working at a preset pressure, tries to reach the adequate capacity in order to<br />

maintain a constant rotation speed. An adjustment of the capacity under<br />

constant pressure takes place, so that the rotation speed of the motor should<br />

* Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: lili@ub.ro

198 Liliana Topliceanu et al.<br />

remain constant (or approximately constant). This implies at the same time an<br />

adequate adjustment of the hydraulic momentum, so that the mechanical<br />

momentum required by the functional program of the system could be adjusted<br />

The main advantage of these systems is the significant increase in<br />

efficiency. The adjustable and reversible hydrostatic units will take from the<br />

system only the power necessary for overcoming a certain momentum, or they<br />

will supply it with power when they start working as a pump (Kordak, 2003).<br />

The second important advantage is a completely new method of<br />

centralized power supply, similar to the electric systems, supplying several<br />

consumers with different loads from the same network (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig.1 – Hydraulic system with secondary control (Kordak, 2003).<br />

Through some hydraulic connectors, we can link to the main power<br />

supply network as many motors as are necessary for that specific system. There<br />

are no hydraulic resistors on the power supply lines. The pressure within the<br />

system is determined by the loa<strong>din</strong>g conditions of the accumulator.<br />

When the actuators work as a motor, the power is taken from the power<br />

supply network, and when they work as a generator, the power is reintroduced<br />

into the system and it can be used by other motors, it can be stored or can be<br />

used for producing other types of energy such as electric energy. We must<br />

notice that, when the pressure stays quasi-constant, the compression-dilatation<br />

effect of the liquid is eliminated, the system dynamic is much better as<br />

compared to the classical systems and the power efficiency is much higher.<br />

Designing such systems implies: setting the pressure value necessary in<br />

the centralized power source, calculating the range of resistance momentum<br />

which can be overcome by adjusting the displacement of the motors,<br />

determining the influence of transitory conditions on the functional stability of<br />

other consumers connected to the network, necessary number of accumulators.<br />

2.2. Hydraulic Accumulators<br />

The general function of these hydraulic elements is, as their name<br />

suggests, to accumulate the hydraulic energy during the first stage, and then to<br />

introduce it into the system in order to meet the energy demand or to control the

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 199<br />

occurrence/development of certain specific functional phenomena. The<br />

accumulator charge sets the value of the pressure in the classical systems as<br />

well as in the more modern ones, which have secondary control.<br />

Hydraulic accumulators are used for: maintaining a relatively constant<br />

pressure within the system when the pistons of the hydraulic motors change<br />

their position; attenuating the flow pulsation of the pump; attenuating the peak<br />

pressure in the system; compensating for the volume fluctuation of the liquid<br />

when the pressure or the temperature in the system change; compensating the<br />

oil loss, within certain limits; recovering the breaking energy.<br />

From the large range of designed versions, the most frequently used are<br />

the gas-charged ones. They are made up of two distinct volumes, one of them<br />

containing gas under pressure, the second one being filled with the working<br />

liquid in the hydraulic system. Due to the compressibility of the gas in the<br />

accumulator, the container filled with gas has the role of elastic element.<br />

3. Modeling of Gas-Charged Accumulator<br />

The accumulators must have a minimum total volume and a maximum<br />

useful capacity. The useful capacity refers to the volume of the oil output for a<br />

pressure loss ∆p = pmax − pmin. These values, the maximum drive pressure and<br />

the minimum pressure, are given as preset data in choosing or designing of an<br />

accumulator. In the case of the secondary control hydrostatic systems, the<br />

transitory loa<strong>din</strong>g or unloa<strong>din</strong>g modes of the accumulator occur at high speed,<br />

in quick cycles.<br />

3.1. Dimension of the Accumulator<br />

As it was mentioned before, the most frequently used accumulators are<br />

the gas-charged ones. Taking into consideration this type of accumulator, the<br />

version with elastic chamber, its functioning is based on the following wellknown<br />

law<br />

n<br />

iVi<br />

f<br />

n<br />

f<br />

p = p V , (1)<br />

where pi and pf are the initial and the final pressure of the gas; Vi and Vf, the<br />

initial and the final gas volume; n = cp/cv is the polytrophic index; cp/cv - the<br />

specific heat of the gas under constant pressure, and the constant volume<br />

respectively. The value of the index n depends on the type of process, more<br />

exactly on its speed. In general, it is an adiabatic transformation if the process<br />

takes place in less than a minute (Oprean et al., 1982) and it is specific to the<br />

accumulators with membrane and elastic chamber. The accumulator volume<br />

necessary within a hydrostatic system is calculated using the following formula<br />

(Oprean et al., 1982).

200 Liliana Topliceanu et al.<br />

1/ n<br />

⎛ p3<br />

⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

p<br />

V<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

Vx<br />

, (2)<br />

1<br />

1 =<br />

1/ n<br />

⎛ p3<br />

⎞<br />

1−<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

p<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠<br />

where: Vx is the volume to be discharged from the accumulator; p1 is the preload<br />

pressure in the accumulator; p2 is the maximum working pressure of the<br />

installation (for which there is a correspon<strong>din</strong>g volume V2 of compressed gas);<br />

p3 is the minimum pressure in the installation. Setting the pre-load pressure is<br />

important from the point of view of accumulator efficiency in maintaining the<br />

desired value within the system.<br />

In the case of a polytrophic transformation, the optimal value of the preload<br />

pressure can be set using the formula indicated in the specialized literature<br />

( 1−1/<br />

n) 1/<br />

n<br />

2 p3<br />

p = p . (3)<br />

1<br />

If the discharge is an adiabatic one, the equation becomes: p1 = p2 0,291 p3 0,709 . In<br />

the case of a polytrophic process with n=1,25 then the Eq. (3) has the following<br />

content: p1=p2 0,200 p3 0,800 .<br />

The discharge time of the accumulator is an extremely important index,<br />

since it determines the type of process taking place and thus sets the value of the<br />

index n. The total volume of the accumulator Vt is calculated by ad<strong>din</strong>g the<br />

volume filled with gas V1 and the one filled by oil Vu. The volume filled with<br />

gas is usually a multiple value of the oil volume in full charge mode. The rate of<br />

these volumes in the common industrial applications is usually V1/Vu= 3/1.<br />

3.2. Mathematic Model of Accumulator<br />

Simplifying one can say that accumulator absorbs or releases a discharge<br />

Qac when there is a variation of the pressure p within the system. The<br />

mathematic model of accumulator without connecting pipe is given by equation<br />

(Călăraşu, 1999), (Oprean et al., 1982)<br />

Q<br />

ac<br />

V0 dp<br />

= . (4)<br />

E dt<br />

The model of the accumulator with bellows is given by equation of<br />

continuity and adiabatic gas transformation equations<br />

Q<br />

ac<br />

V<br />

= + +<br />

dt E dt E dt<br />

dV 0 dp V d p<br />

,<br />

χ χ<br />

= 1 1 .<br />

pV p V<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 201<br />

Working on the two equations we obtain<br />

Q<br />

ac<br />

⎛ 1/ χ 1/ χ<br />

V1 p1 V1 V1 p ⎞<br />

1 dp<br />

= ⎜ + − ⎟ . (6)<br />

⎜ E 1/ χ E ( χ + 1)/ χ<br />

p np ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

dt<br />

4. Simulation of Gas-Charged Accumulator<br />

The study of accumulator behavior in different operating conditions can<br />

be made using specialized software. One of the most frequently used, because<br />

of its flexibility, is SimHydraulics from Matlab.<br />

Fig. 2 – Accumulator testing circuit.<br />

In Fig. 2 one can see the scheme for functional tests of an accumulator,<br />

using predefine units of Matlab program.<br />

Simulation results are presented in Fig. 3. The accumulator is preloaded<br />

at 0.5MPa. The pressure source is switched at every 3s from 1MPa to 0,5 MPa<br />

but the accumulator performs its function and maintains the pressure and<br />

discharges a correspon<strong>din</strong>g flow. The input signals are presented in Fig. 4.

202 Liliana Topliceanu et al.<br />

Fig. 3 – Simulation diagrams.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

Fig. 4 – Input signals.<br />

1. Accumulator presence is required in the construction of drive systems<br />

with secondary control in order to stabilize the value of the pressure. The<br />

reaction time of accumulator affects the stability of motion of driven equipment.<br />

2. The type and characteristics of accumulator must be chosen in<br />

accordance with needed parameters of the system.<br />

Acknowledgements. The present work has been supported from the Grant<br />

(CNCSIS) PNII 2703/22-111/2008.<br />


Călăraşu D., Reglarea secundară a sistemelor de acŃionare hidrostatică în regim de<br />

presiune cavsiconstantă. Ed. Media-Tech, Iaşi, 1999.<br />

Marin V., Moscovici R., Teneslav V., Sisteme hidraulice de acŃionare şi reglare<br />

automată. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti, 1981.<br />

Oprean A., Ionescu Fl., Dorin Al., AcŃionări hidraulice Elemente şi sisteme. Ed.<br />

<strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti, 1982.<br />

Kordak R., Hidrostatic Drives with Control of the Secondary Unit. Rexroth Bosh<br />

Group, Vol. 6, 2003.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea realizeză o sinteză privind importanŃa acumulatoarelor în funcŃionarea<br />

sistemelor hidraulice cu reglaj secundar lucrând la presiune cvasi-constantă. Un<br />

exemplu de simulare funcŃională a acumulatorului, importantă mai ales în regimurile<br />

tranzitorii, este de asemenea prezentată.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi“ <strong>din</strong> Iaşi,<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />






BY<br />


Received: July 15, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: August 12, 2011<br />

”Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University of Iaşi,<br />

1 Department of Machine Tools<br />

2 Department of Theoretical Mechanics<br />

Abstract. Processes quality control is very important for organizational<br />

success and maintaining it on market. SPC is a reliable and economical method of<br />

monitoring the evolution of a productive process. In industrial practice are<br />

encountered cases when classical control charts, Shewhart type, are not<br />

recommended. The purpose of this paper is to analyze control charts using in<br />

these cases. Special attention is given to the EWMA and CUSUM charts.<br />

Key words: quality control, control chart, EWMA chart, CUSUM chart.<br />

1. Charts for Infrequent Data<br />

In many practical situations encountered in industry and services,<br />

available data are not on a large scale. There may be instances where a new set<br />

of data is rarely available, only once per cycle. Such cases include batches of<br />

chemicals, large and complex shapes castings, economic indicators monitored<br />

in time. SPC techniques can be successfully applied even in these cases, when<br />

literature does not recommend Shewhart control charts using (Oakland, 2003),<br />

(de Vargas et al., 2004), (Han et al., 2010).<br />

∗ Correspon<strong>din</strong>g author: e-mail: cungurea@yahoo.com

204 Cătălin Ungureanu et al.<br />

1.1. Individual or Run Charts<br />

The simplest control chart for variable is that for individual<br />

measurements. In this case individual data values will be plotted, instead of<br />

sample’s averages. The central line represents the specification central value,<br />

past performance average or target value. Action lines are placed at three<br />

standard deviations from the center line. Warning lines can be traced to two<br />

standard deviations from the center.<br />

Individual or run charts have the advantage of simplicity and show<br />

changes in process alignment and accuracy. The limits of these charts are<br />

related to reduce sensitivity to detect small changes. The literature recommends<br />

the use of these charts, sometimes with different amplitudes diagrams, with<br />

clearly superior benefits in process control to a simple data table.<br />

1.2. The Zone Control Chart and Pre-Control<br />

This is an adaptation of the individual chart. Compared to the action and<br />

warning lines, two lines are placed at one standard error from the average. Each<br />

point marked on the sheet corresponds to a certain score, depen<strong>din</strong>g on the band<br />

in which it falls. A change occurred in the process if the cumulative score<br />

exceeds a certain value between two crossings of the line for average. Another<br />

pre-control chart variant divided into four allowable tolerance zones, two areas<br />

of green plants and two yellow zones, peripheral. Areas outside the<br />

specifications are considered red areas. The initial five consecutive<br />

measurements ensures that the process is under control and demonstrate a<br />

minimum capability CPK = 1.33. Then periodically two units are review, and<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on the areas where it fall the process variability evolution is<br />

concluded.<br />

Pre-control charts are simple and useful in many applications, but still<br />

suffering because of low sensitivity (Oakland, 2003).<br />

1.3. Control Charts with Moving Mean and Moving Range<br />

In practical industrial applications often meet situations where the output<br />

of a process are available at a relatively large time, from technological or<br />

specific economic reasons, related to the high cost of tests necessary to evaluate<br />

the quality characteristics. In these cases, the forming of samples sufficient to<br />

allow the use of conventional control charts is not possible and the process<br />

control can be delays with adverse consequences.<br />

In these situations charts for moving mean and range are recommended.<br />

The emergence of a new data leads to the forming of a new sample by removing<br />

the oldest set of information. This technique has several advantages: every data<br />

represent two points on two different charts, which means different things,<br />

isolated data has not react and less likely override, the effect on the process will<br />

be a calming.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 205<br />

Compared to individual files, moving average charts have a smoothing<br />

effect on the results, so that trends and changes can be seen more easily.<br />

Smoothing effect is greater, the greater the number of sample, but at the same<br />

time, highlighting trends is delayed. Another use of this technique is forecasting<br />

activities.<br />

1.4. Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Charts (EWMA)<br />

Some researchers have developed a type of charts which does not give<br />

equal importance to the newest data. These are EWMA charts, where the<br />

average is calculated with<br />

( 1− ) X −1<br />

λ . (1)<br />

X i = xi<br />

+ λ i<br />

x result, 1<br />

In Eq. (1) i X is the mean after the i X i−<br />

is the previous<br />

average, and λ is the smoothing constant, with values in the interval (0, 1).<br />

Many studies have been conducted to determine the influence of λ size on the<br />

sensitivity of EWMA charts. Most researchers (de Vargas et al., 2004), (Han et<br />

al., 2010), (Shu et al., 2007), (Borror et al., 1998), (Friker et al., 2008),<br />

recommend λ values in the range of 0.05…0.25.<br />

For example it is considered a manufacturing process of an adhesive,<br />

whose tracked quality characteristic is viscosity V[cSt]. Due to the peculiarities<br />

of the process, one can obtain a single value of viscosity on the day. Data for<br />

viscosity and the averages MA calculated with Eq. (1) ( λ =0.2) are presented in<br />

Table 1.<br />

Table 1<br />

Experimentals<br />

days V[cSt] MA days V[cSt] MA days V[cSt] MA<br />

1 59.1 59.82 5 61.8 60.2 9 60.5 59.69<br />

2 60.5 59.96 6 57.5 59.66 10 62.4 60.23<br />

3 54.3 58.63 7 56.2 58.97 11 58.2 59.83<br />

4 63.7 59.8 8 61.6 59.49 12 56.9 59.24<br />

In Fig.1 are presented individual and EWMA control charts. Control lines<br />

are determined with Eqs. (2) (de Vargas et al., 2004),<br />

λ<br />

AL = µ 0 ± 3σ<br />

2 − λ<br />

,<br />

WL = µ ± σ<br />

0 2<br />

CL = µ 0 .<br />

λ<br />

2 − λ<br />

,<br />

From previous experiments µ 0 = 60 and σ = 3.301 are known.<br />


206 Cătălin Ungureanu et al.<br />

Fig.1 – Control charts, 1-individual, 2-EWMA.<br />

2. Charts for Cumulative Data<br />

2.1. Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) Charts<br />

The technique of CUSUM charts was developed in the UK in 1950s and<br />

is one of the most powerful tools available to detect small changes in trends and<br />

data management (Shu et al., 2008). Compared to previous models, these charts<br />

take into account the entire volume of available data.<br />

Table 2<br />

Experimental data<br />

Sample Mean Cusum Sample Mean Cusum<br />

number X [mm] score Sk number X [mm] score Sk<br />

1 22.25 -0.25 11 22.35 -0.85<br />

2 22.55 -0.20 12 22.55 -0.90<br />

3 22.40 -0.30 13 22.40 -1.10<br />

4 22.65 -0.15 14 22.60 -1.10<br />

5 22.70 0.05 15 22.50 -0.90<br />

6 22.55 0.10 16 22.65 -1<br />

7 22.60 0.20 17 22.40 -1.35<br />

8 22.30 0 18 22.15 -1.60<br />

9 22.10 -0.40 19 22.35 -1.75<br />

10 22.20 -0.70 20 22.40 -1.85<br />

For each sample, the quality characteristic mean is determined and is<br />

compared with the target. Cusum score of sample k is then calculated by

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 207<br />

S<br />

k<br />

∑<br />

i=<br />

1<br />

= k<br />

( x − t)<br />

i<br />

. (3)<br />

In Eq. (3) x i is the i sample result and t is the target value.<br />

An example with some machined parts is shown in Table 2. The target<br />

value was 22.50 mm.<br />

The mean control chart is shown in Fig. 2.<br />

Fig. 2 – Mean control chart.<br />

Control limits were calculated using known relationships (Oakland,<br />

2003). Note that samples 5, 9 and 18 required an intervention to bring the<br />

process under control.<br />

Cusum chart is shown in Fig. 3. Sk score values are then represented<br />

graphically, the slope signifying the development process diagram. An upward<br />

slope means that the process is above target, a downward slope means that the<br />

process is below target and a horizontal portion of the development means<br />

exactly the desired value.<br />

The scale ratio is determined by the rapport of the distance between<br />

correspon<strong>din</strong>g samples points on the abscissa and the double means standard<br />

error, determined by Eq. (4) (Oakland, 2003), on the or<strong>din</strong>ate. It is<br />

recommended that this ratio is between 0.8 to 1.5 (Oakland, 2003),<br />

σ<br />

SE = (4)<br />


208 Cătălin Ungureanu et al.<br />

Fig. 3 – Cusum chart.<br />

Fig. 4 – Manhattan chart.<br />

To see if the process is under statistical control compares the slope with<br />

this gradient. A slope excee<strong>din</strong>g the limit means the occurrence of special<br />

causes of process variability. The general appearance of the chart signify<br />

process tend to perform below the target.<br />

2.2. Manhattan Charts<br />

This chart is the particular case of cumulative sheet, showing successive<br />

stages in process evolution. Thus related products with slightly different<br />

features can be separated and can be delivered to customers with varying<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 209<br />

An example is shown in Fig. 4.<br />

Based on mean control and Cusum charts analysis, have been identified<br />

several phases in process evolution (samples 1-3; 4-7; 8-11; 12-16; 17-20). For<br />

each average was determined and represented graphic.<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

1. Using the most suitable type of control charts for the process be kept<br />

under control should be a concern for the quality control department and for the<br />

entire administration.<br />

2. EWMA charts are used when available data about the process arriving<br />

at a relatively high periods of time. It shows the general evolution of the process<br />

and has a calming role, to prevent process override.<br />

3. Cumulative charts highlight the general tendency of the process. They<br />

can be used to separate the different developmental stages of the process.<br />


Borror C. M., Champ C. W., Rigdon S. E., Poisson EWMA Control Chart. Journal of<br />

Quality Technology, 30, 352-361 (1998).<br />

de Vargas V. C., Lopes L. F. D., Souza A. M., Comparative Study of the Performance<br />

of the CUSUM and EWMA Control Charts. Computers & Industrial Engineering,<br />

46, 707–724 (2004).<br />

Friker R. D., Knitt M. C., Hu C. X., Comparing Directionally Sensitive MCUSUM and<br />

MEWMA Procedures with Application to Biosurveillance. Quality Engineering,<br />

20, 478-494 (2008).<br />

Han S. W., Tsui K. L., Ariyajunyab B., Kimb S. B., A Comparison of CUSUM, EWMA,<br />

and Temporal Scan Statistics for Detection of Increases in Poisson Rates. Quality<br />

and Reliability. Engineering International, 26, 279-289 (2010).<br />

Oakland J. S., Statistical Process Control. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 2003.<br />

Shu L., JIang W., Wu S., A One-sided EWMA Control Chart for Monitoring Process<br />

Means. Communications in Statistics—Simulation and Computation, 36, 901-920<br />

(2007).<br />

Shu L. J., Jiang W., Tsui K. L., A Weighted CUSUM Chart for Detecting Patterned<br />

Mean Shifts. Journal of Quality Technology, 40, 194-213 (2008).<br />



II. Fişe de control pentru date rare şi cumulative<br />

(Rezumat)<br />

Cea mai simplă cale de atingere a obiectivelor organizaŃiei <strong>din</strong> domeniul calităŃii<br />

este învăŃarea şi aplicarea de către toŃi salariaŃii a instrumentelor simple de control şi<br />

asigurarea a calităŃii, în special a diferitelor tipuri de fişe de control. Fişele EWMA se

210 Cătălin Ungureanu et al.<br />

folosesc atunci când sunt disponibile relativ puŃine date despre proces. Ele au un efect<br />

de calmare şi împiedică suprareglarea procesului. Fişele CUSUM prezintă ten<strong>din</strong>Ńa<br />

generală de evoluŃie a procesului. O variantă a acestora poate separa diverse stadii de<br />

dezvoltare <strong>din</strong> proces.


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />





BY<br />


“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Drives<br />

Received: May 30, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: June 12, 2011<br />

Abstract. In this paper the emptying process of a reservoir with constant<br />

cross-sectional area through an emptying small orifice will be investigated. Two<br />

types of reservoir will be considered: with constant head and with variable head.<br />

The pressure at the water surface and also the velocity of this surface, as well as<br />

the flow discharge coefficient of the emptying orifice will be considered. The<br />

fundamental equations governing the reservoir emptying process will be<br />

presented (the analytical method). For modeling and simulating the reservoir<br />

emptying process two functional diagrams based on MATLAB/Simscape<br />

computational approach suited to analyze the real physical systems consisting of<br />

real physical functional blocks will be presented (the functional diagrams<br />

method). The functional diagrams allow obtaining the graphical representation of<br />

the level of the liquid from the reservoir during the time of the emptying process<br />

but also the graphical representation of the flow rate of the liquid through the<br />

orifice. Using the measured values of flow rate, the velocity and the Reynolds<br />

number can be calculated. A comparative analysis of the numerical results for the<br />

emptying time for constant head and for variable head reservoirs, obtained with<br />

the analytical and the functional diagram methods will be presented.<br />

Key words: constant cross-sectional area reservoir, emptying time, emptying<br />

orifice, functional diagram, MATLAB.<br />

* e-mail: dzahariea@yahoo.com

212 DănuŃ Zahariea<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Safe operating procedures of the hydraulic systems equipped with<br />

reservoirs must consider, from the point of view of the industrial process<br />

management, two principal conditions: the volume of liquid inside the reservoir<br />

must be high enough for uninterrupted supplying the industrial process<br />

(emptying or consumption phase); the storage capacity of the reservoir must be<br />

high enough for a safety liquid volume storage thus the continuity of the<br />

industrial process being achieved (filling or supplying phase). The liquid<br />

volume inside the reservoir must be known on every moment of the industrial<br />

process, the more that for certain periods of time the two working phases can<br />

take place simultaneously. From this point of view three important elements can<br />

be mentioned: the supplying system, the emptying system and the reservoir.<br />

Reservoirs can have constant or variable cross-sectional area and constant or<br />

variable head. The emptying system can have an emptying orifice or an<br />

emptying pipe. In this paper the emptying process of a constant cross-sectional<br />

reservoir using an emptying orifice placed on the bottom side of the reservoir<br />

will be analysed using two methods: the analytical method, (Bartha, 2004),<br />

(Idelcik, 1984), (Panaitescu & Cacenko, 2001), based on the fundamental<br />

equations governing the emptying process and the functional diagrams method,<br />

(Zahariea, 2010), (Mathworks), based on MATLAB/Simscape computational<br />

approach to analyze the real physical systems.<br />

2. Analytical Method<br />

Let us consider a vertical reservoir with variable cross-sectional<br />

z z ∈ 0,<br />

H where H is the reservoir maximum level, Fig. 1a. The<br />

area Ar ( ) , [ ]<br />

emptying orifice has the section o A , the local head loss coefficient ζ o and the<br />

flow discharge coefficient µ o . The flow through the orifice generates a<br />

contraction phenomenon characterized by the contraction coefficient<br />

ε = Ac Ao<br />

. The liquid volume variation produced during the emptying time dt<br />

by level change from z to z − dz<br />

will be equal with the liquid volume flowing<br />

through the emptying orifice in the same time dt.<br />

Assuming A<br />

2<br />

= πD 4 = ct. (Fig. 1b) and considering the conditions t =<br />

r r<br />

= 0 ⇒ H = Hi<br />

and f H H T t = ⇒ = , where H i and H f are the initial and the<br />

final liquid levels, the emptying time can be expressed by<br />

A<br />

T =<br />

A<br />

Hi<br />

r 1<br />

dz<br />

∫<br />

c H<br />

f<br />

v<br />

( z)<br />

, (1)<br />

where: v( z ) is the liquid velocity through the emptying orifice which will be<br />

obtained starting from the Bernoulli’s equation for incompressible flow between<br />

characteristic sections 1 and 2.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 213<br />

a b<br />

Fig.1 – Reservoir with emptying orifice: characteristics:<br />

a – variable cross-section reservoir, b – constant cross-section reservoir.<br />

Different expressions can be obtained depen<strong>din</strong>g of the reservoir type:<br />

i) for constant head reservoir, the emptying time is<br />

T<br />

c<br />

A<br />

Hi − H<br />

r<br />

f<br />

=<br />

⎡ 2<br />

A<br />

p1 − p<br />

⎛ o ⎞ ⎤<br />

µ 2 1<br />

Hi<br />

o Ao g ⎢ −<br />

+<br />

⎜ ⎥<br />

A<br />

⎟<br />

γ<br />

⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦<br />

ii) for variable head reservoir, the emptying time is<br />

2A<br />

⎛<br />

r<br />

p1 − pa p1 − p ⎞<br />

a<br />

Tv = ⎜ Hi + − H f + ,<br />

2 ⎜<br />

⎟<br />

γ γ ⎟<br />

⎡ ⎛ Ao<br />

⎞ ⎤ ⎝ ⎠<br />

µ o Ao 2g ⎢1 − ⎜ ⎥<br />

A<br />

⎟<br />

⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦<br />

where µ o εφ = is the discharge coefficient, 1 1 φ = + ζo<br />

− the velocity<br />

coefficient, γ = ρg − the specific weight, ρ − the liquid density, p 1 − the<br />

pressure at the liquid surface in the reservoir, p a − the atmospheric pressure.<br />

The emptying time rate is defined by the emptying time of the variable head<br />

reservoir divided by the emptying time of the constant head reservoir<br />

k<br />

T<br />

c<br />

a<br />

;<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

Tv<br />

= (4)<br />


214 DănuŃ Zahariea<br />

In Fig. 2a are presented the comparative results for emptying times of<br />

constant and variable head reservoirs with respect to the percent of reservoir<br />

emptying ( 1 − kH<br />

[%], k H = H f Hi<br />

).<br />

In Fig. 2b the emptying time rate is presented with respect to the same<br />

parameter 1 − kH<br />

[%].<br />

The numerical values of the characteristic parameters are: H i =1 m, the<br />

reservoir section<br />

r<br />

2<br />

r 4<br />

Ao 2<br />

πDo<br />

4<br />

A = πD with the reservoir diameter D r =1 m, the<br />

emptying orifice section = with the emptying orifice diameter D o =<br />

=.01 m, the discharge coefficient of the emptying orifice µ o = 0.7, the pressure<br />

inside the reservoir p 1 = p a .<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 2 – Reservoir with emptying orifice: numerical results:<br />

a – emptying time; b – emptying time rate.<br />

3. Functional Diagrams Method<br />

Based on the MATLAB/Simscape computational techniques, two<br />

functional diagrams for modelling and simulating the emptying process of a<br />

constant cross-sectional reservoir with constant and variable head has been<br />

developed.<br />

In Fig. 3a the functional diagram for constant head reservoir is presented.<br />

There are three subsystems: the level meter, Fig. 3b, the flow meter (Fig. 3c)<br />

and the calculation block which will calculate the velocity and the Reynolds<br />

number starting with the flow value (Fig. 3d).<br />

The condition for simulation stop is defined with the “Check Static<br />

Lower Bound” block which is set to stop the simulation when the liquid level<br />

will be equal with the imposed value f H (for this case H f =0). There are four<br />

“Display” blocks for the final values presentation of the four constant<br />

characteristic parameters: emptying time [s], velocity [m/s], Reynolds number<br />

and flow [m 3 /s].

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 215<br />

a<br />

b c<br />

d<br />

Fig. 3 – Functional diagram for constant head reservoir:<br />

a – diagram, b – level meter subsystem, c – flow meter subsystem,<br />

d – calculation block subsystem.<br />

In Fig. 4 the functional diagram for variable head reservoir is presented.<br />

There are three subsystems, the same like in the previous case: the level meter<br />

(Fig. 3b) the flow meter (Fig. 3c) and the calculation block (Fig. 3d). There are<br />

four “Scope” blocks for the final values presentation of the four variable<br />

characteristic parameters: emptying time [s], velocity [m/s], Reynolds number<br />

and flow [m 3 /s].<br />

In Fig. 5 the numerical results are presented for the emptying process of a<br />

variable head reservoir (for this case H f =0).<br />

A comparative analysis of the numerical results for the emptying time for<br />

constant head and for variable head reservoirs, obtained with the analytical and<br />

the functional diagram methods is presented in Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b. The error

216 DănuŃ Zahariea<br />

f<br />

c<br />

a<br />

c<br />

a<br />

c<br />

rates defined by ε = T −T<br />

T ⋅100<br />

[%] and ε = T − T T ⋅100<br />

[%]<br />

are presented in Fig. 6c and Fig. 6d.<br />

c<br />

Fig. 4 – Functional diagram for variable head reservoir.<br />

v<br />

f<br />

v<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

Fig. 5 – Numerical results with respect to time [s]:<br />

a – level [m], b –flow rate [m 3 /s], c – velocity [m/s], d – Reynolds number.<br />

a<br />

v<br />

a<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 217<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

Fig. 6 – Comparative analysis:<br />

a – emptying time, b – error rate - for constant head reservoir;<br />

c – emptying time, d – error rate - for variable head reservoir.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The analytical method is based on the fundamental relationship for the<br />

emptying time for both reservoirs, with constant head and with variable head.<br />

The emptying time for variable head reservoir is greater than for constant head<br />

reservoir, and this difference is increasing with the percent of emptying. The<br />

emptying time rate is also increasing with the percent of emptying having the<br />

maximum value of 2 for full reservoir emptying.<br />

2. The functional diagrams method is based on the MATLAB/Simscape<br />

development methodology using Simscape functional blocks like: reservoir<br />

with constant head, reservoir with variable head, orifice with constant section,<br />

flow meter, etc. The Simulink blocks are used for data input and for data output<br />

respect to the functional diagram; input and output converters are required.<br />

3. For the functional diagram with constant head reservoir the output data<br />

are constant, so simple “Display” blocks have been used for single value data<br />

display. For the functional diagram with variable head reservoir the output data<br />

are variable, so “Scope” blocks have been used for graphical representation. For<br />

the variable head reservoir, the numerical values of flow, velocity and Reynolds

218 DănuŃ Zahariea<br />

number are decreasing in time, but starting with the same values obtained for<br />

the constant head reservoir.<br />

4. For both functional diagrams with constant head and variable head<br />

reservoir a simulation stop condition has been used. This condition consists in a<br />

comparative test between the actual liquid level and the imposed final liquid<br />

level in the reservoir. When this condition will become true, the simulation will<br />

be stopped and the final simulation time will be displayed.<br />

5. A very good agreement between the numerical results obtained by both<br />

analytical and functional methods has been observed for emptying times, as<br />

well as for error rates:<br />

a<br />

T c and<br />

a<br />

v<br />

T are the emptying times determined using the<br />

f f<br />

analytical method for constant and variable head reservoirs; T c and T v are the<br />

emptying times determined using the functional diagram method. The<br />

maximum error rate is no greater than 0.02% for constant head reservoir and<br />

0.055% for variable head reservoir.<br />


Bartha I., Javgureanu V., Marcoie N., Hidraulică. Ed. Performatica, Iaşi, 2004.<br />

Idelcick I. E., Îndrumător pentru calculul rezistenŃelor hidraulice. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>,<br />

Bucureşti, 1984.<br />

Panaitescu V., Tcacenco V., Bazele mecanicii fluidelor. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti, 2001.<br />

Zahariea D., Simularea sistemelor fzice în MATLAB. Ed. PIM, Iaşi, 2010.<br />

*** Mathworks, Simscape Model and Simulate Multidomain Physical Systems.<br />

www.mathworks.com<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare se analizează procesul de golire al unui rezervor cu secŃiune constantă<br />

printr-un orificiu de golire plasat la baza rezervorului. Sunt considerate două tipuri de<br />

rezervoare: cu sarcină constantă şi cu sarcină variabilă. Sunt prezentate două metode de<br />

analiză: metoda analitică şi metoda diagramelor funcŃionale. În cadrul metodei analitice<br />

se prezintă relaŃiile fundamentale pentru calculul timpului de golire, la determinarea<br />

cărora s-au considerat: presiunea la nivelul liber al lichidului <strong>din</strong> rezervor, viteza de<br />

coborâre a nivelului liber, coeficientul de debit al orificiului de golire. În cadrul metodei<br />

funcŃionale se prezintă două diagrame funcŃionale elaborate în MATLAB/Simscape la<br />

elaborarea cărora s-au utilizat elementele funcŃionale specifice pentru simularea<br />

sistemelor fizice reale. Diagramele funcŃionale permit obŃinerea reprezentărilor grafice<br />

pentru variaŃia cantităŃii de lichid <strong>din</strong> rezervor (şi prin calcul, a poziŃiei nivelului liber al<br />

lichidului), precum şi pentru debitul de lichid care trece prin orificiul de golire (şi prin<br />

calcul, a vitezei de curgere şi a parametrului Reynolds). Se prezintă o analiză<br />

comparativă a rezultatelor obŃinute prin cele două metode de analiză (metoda analitică şi<br />

metoda diagramelor funcŃionale).


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




BY<br />


“Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Drives<br />

Received: May 15, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: June 2, 2011<br />

Abstract. In this paper the emptying process of constant head and variable<br />

head reservoirs with constant cross-sectional area through an emptying pipe will<br />

be investigated. The pressure at the water surface and also the velocity of this<br />

surface, as well as the head loss due to friction along the emptying pipe will be<br />

considered. Two methods will be presented: the analytical method based on the<br />

fundamental equations governing the reservoir emptying process and the<br />

functional diagrams method based on MATLAB/Simscape computational<br />

approach suited to analyze the real physical systems. A comparative analysis of<br />

the numerical results for the emptying time for constant head and for variable<br />

head reservoirs, obtained with the analytical and the functional diagram methods<br />

will be presented.<br />

Key words: constant cross-sectional area reservoir, emptying time, emptying<br />

pipe, functional diagram, MATLAB.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The supplying systems, as well as the emptying systems connected to a<br />

reservoir, are generally composed by network pipes. Let us consider the<br />

simplest case in which the emptying system of a supply reservoir is composed<br />

by a single pipe connected at the right bottom side of the reservoir. The<br />

reservoir emptying time problem can be formulated as follows: if all<br />

geometrical and functional characteristics of the reservoir and the emptying pipe<br />

* e-mail: dzahariea@yahoo.com

220 DănuŃ Zahariea<br />

are known, what is the time for the liquid level to decrease from the initial value<br />

to a final imposed value? Three complementary parameters must be determined:<br />

the flow rate, the velocity and the Reynolds number for the liquid flow through<br />

the emptying pipe.<br />

Two resolution methods can be developed: the analytical method and the<br />

functional diagram method. The analytical method consists in determining the<br />

equation of the emptying time (Bartha, 2004), (Panaitescu & Tcacenko, 2001).<br />

Despite the apparent simplicity of this method, there are two important aspects<br />

to be mentioned: for the variable head reservoir case, the linear loss head<br />

coefficient λ is liquid level dependent, thus the velocity coefficient ϕ will be<br />

liquid level dependent too, (Idelcik, 1984). Considering this observation, the<br />

integrals involved in the emptying time equations for variable head reservoir<br />

can be solved only using numerical methods. The second important aspect<br />

refers to obtaining of the linear loss head coefficient. Three different<br />

relationships will be used for laminar, turbulent and transition fluid flow<br />

regimes. The functional method allows developing functional diagrams used for<br />

complete analyse of the reservoir emptying process (Zahariea, 2010),<br />

(Mathworks). All four parameters will be determined: the liquid level, the flow<br />

rate, the liquid velocity and the Reynolds number.<br />

In this paper, both the analytical and the functional diagram methods for<br />

analysing the emptying process of a reservoir through an emptying pipe will be<br />

presented.<br />

2. Analytical Method<br />

Let us consider a vertical reservoir with constant cross-sectional<br />

2<br />

area Ar = πDr<br />

4 = ct. , ∀ z ∈[<br />

0,<br />

H ] where H is the reservoir maximum level,<br />

Fig. 1. The characteristics of the emptying pipe are: diameter D c ,<br />

2<br />

c = c 4 , length c<br />

section A πD L , local head loss coefficients at the input ζ i and<br />

ζ , linear head loss coefficient λ .<br />

output e<br />

Fig. 1 – Reservoir with emptying pipe: characteristics.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 221<br />

The liquid volume variation produced during the emptying time dt by<br />

level change from z to z − dz<br />

will be equal with the liquid volume flowing<br />

through the emptying pipe in the same time dt.<br />

Using the conditions t = 0 ⇒ H = Hi<br />

and f H H T t = ⇒ = , where H i<br />

and H f are the initial and the final liquid levels, the emptying time T will be<br />

H<br />

i<br />

Ar<br />

1<br />

T = dz<br />

A ∫ , (1)<br />

v z<br />

c H f<br />

where v(z) is the liquid velocity through the emptying orifice which will be<br />

obtained starting from the Bernoulli’s equation for incompressible flow between<br />

characteristic sections 1 and 2.<br />

Different expressions can be obtained depen<strong>din</strong>g of the reservoir type:<br />

i) for constant head reservoir, the emptying time is<br />

T<br />

c<br />

( )<br />

=<br />

φ( H<br />

Ar<br />

) A 2g<br />

Hi − H f<br />

p1 − p<br />

γ<br />

i c a Hi<br />

+<br />

ii) for variable head reservoir, the emptying time is<br />

T<br />

v<br />

H<br />

i Ar dz<br />

= ∫<br />

A 2g<br />

p − p<br />

f φ( z) z +<br />

γ<br />

c H<br />

1 a<br />

where γ = ρg is the specific weight, ρ − the liquid density, p 1 − the pressure<br />

at the liquid surface in the reservoir, p a − the atmospheric pressure, φ − the<br />

velocity coefficient.<br />

The velocity coefficient is defined by<br />

1<br />

φ( z)<br />

=<br />

,<br />

2<br />

⎛ Lc ⎞ ⎛ Ac<br />

⎞<br />

1 + ⎜ λ( z) + ζi + ζ e ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ Dc ⎠ ⎝ Ar<br />

⎠<br />

where linear head loss coefficient is obtained using different expressions,<br />

depen<strong>din</strong>g on the Reynolds number:<br />

λ L = 64 ℜe, ℜe ≤ ℜ eL = 2000 ,<br />

{ ( ) } 2<br />

1<br />

T<br />

1.8 lg 6.9 e e<br />

,<br />

1.11<br />

3.7 c<br />

e eT 4000<br />

D<br />

λ =<br />

− ⋅ ⎡<br />

⎢<br />

ℜ + ∆<br />

⎣<br />

⎤<br />

⎥⎦<br />

ℜ ≥ ℜ = ,<br />

λT − λL<br />

λ = λL<br />

+<br />

ℜe − ℜe<br />

( ℜe− ℜe L ) , ℜ eL < ℜ e < ℜe<br />

T . .<br />

T L<br />

,<br />

;<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />


222 DănuŃ Zahariea<br />

The emptying time rate is defined by the emptying time of the variable<br />

head reservoir divided by the emptying time of the constant head reservoir<br />

k<br />

T<br />

Tv<br />

= .<br />

(6)<br />

T<br />

In Fig. 2a are presented the comparative results for emptying times of<br />

constant and variable head reservoirs with respect to the percent of reservoir<br />

emptying ( − kH<br />

k = H H ). In Fig. 2b the emptying time rate is<br />

1 [%], H f i<br />

presented with respect to the same parameter 1 − kH<br />

[%].<br />

The numerical values of the characteristic parameters are: H i =1 m, the<br />

2<br />

reservoir section Ar = πDr<br />

4 with the reservoir diameter D r =1 m, the<br />

2<br />

emptying pipe section Ac = πDc<br />

4 with the emptying pipe diameter D c =0.01<br />

m, the emptying pipe length L c = 2 m, the local head loss coefficients at the<br />

input ζ i = 0.5 and output ζ e = 1, the pressure inside the reservoir p 1 = p a .<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 2 – Reservoir with emptying pipe: numerical results.<br />

a – emptying time, b – emptying time rate.<br />

3. Functional Diagrams Method<br />

Based on the MATLAB/Simscape computational techniques two<br />

functional diagrams for modelling and simulating the emptying process of a<br />

constant cross-sectional reservoir with constant and variable head has been<br />

developed.<br />

In Fig. 3a the functional diagram for constant head reservoir is presented.<br />

There are three subsystems: the level meter (Fig. 3b) the flow meter (Fig. 3c)<br />

and the calculation block which will calculate the velocity and the Reynolds<br />

number starting with the flow rate value (Fig. 3d).<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 223<br />

The condition for simulation stop is defined with the “Check Static<br />

Lower Bound” block which is set to stop the simulation when the liquid level<br />

will be equal with the imposed value f H (for this case H f =0.0125 m). There<br />

are four “Display” blocks for the final values presentation of the four constant<br />

characteristic parameters: emptying time [s], velocity [m/s], Reynolds number<br />

and flow [m 3 /s].<br />

a<br />

b c<br />

d<br />

Fig. 3 – Functional diagram for constant head reservoir:<br />

a – diagram, b – level meter subsystem, c – flow meter subsystem,<br />

d – calculation block subsystem.<br />

In Fig. 4 the functional diagram for variable head reservoir is presented.<br />

There are three subsystems, the same like in the previous case: the level meter,<br />

(Fig. 3b) the flow meter (Fig. 3c) and the calculation block (Fig. 3d). There are<br />

four “Scope” blocks for presentation of variable characteristic parameters:<br />

emptying time [s], velocity [m/s], Reynolds number and flow [m 3 /s].<br />

In Fig. 5 the numerical results are presented for the emptying process of a<br />

variable head reservoir (for this case Hf =0.0125 m).

224 DănuŃ Zahariea<br />

A comparative analysis of the numerical results for the emptying time for<br />

constant head and for variable head reservoirs, obtained with the analytical and<br />

the functional diagram methods is presented in Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b. The error<br />

f a a<br />

f a a<br />

rates defined by ε = T − T T 100 [%] and ε = T − T T 100 [%] are<br />

c c c c<br />

presented in Fig. 6c and Fig. 6d.<br />

v v v v<br />

Fig. 4 – Functional diagram for variable head reservoir.<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

Fig. 5 – Numerical results with respect to time [s]:<br />

a – level [m], b –flow rate [m 3 /s],<br />

c – velocity [m/s], d – Reynolds number.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), f. 1, 2012 225<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

Fig. 6 – Comparative analysis:<br />

a – emptying time, b – error rate - for constant head reservoir;<br />

c – emptying time, d – error rate - for variable head reservoir.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The analytical method is based on the fundamental relationship for the<br />

emptying time. The linear loss head coefficient will be calculated using three<br />

different relationships depen<strong>din</strong>g of the fluid flow regimes. An iterative<br />

computation block have been developed having the validation condition based<br />

on the Reynolds number criterion. The emptying time for variable head<br />

reservoir is greater than for constant head reservoir, and this difference is<br />

increasing with the percent of emptying. The emptying time rate is also<br />

increasing with the percent of emptying.<br />

2. The functional diagrams method is based on the MATLAB/Simscape<br />

development methodology using Simscape functional blocks for simulate real<br />

physical elements, like: reservoir with constant head, reservoir with variable<br />

head, pipe, flow meter, etc. The Simulink blocks are used for data input and for<br />

data output respect to the functional diagram, when input and output converters<br />

are required.<br />

3. For both functional diagrams with constant head and variable head<br />

reservoir a simulation stop condition has been used. This condition consists in a

226 DănuŃ Zahariea<br />

comparative test between the actual liquid level and the imposed final liquid<br />

level in the reservoir. When this condition will become true, the simulation will<br />

be stopped and the final simulation time will be displayed (this time correspond<br />

with the emptying time).<br />

4. A good agreement between the numerical results obtained by both<br />

analytical and functional methods has been observed for emptying times, as<br />

well as for error rates:<br />

a<br />

T c and<br />

a<br />

v<br />

T are the emptying times from analytical<br />

f f<br />

method for constant and variable head reservoirs; T c and T v are the emptying<br />

times from the functional diagram method for constant and variable head<br />

reservoirs. The maximum error rate is no greater than: 3.35% for constant head<br />

reservoir and 5.5% for variable head reservoir.<br />


*** Mathworks, Simscape Model and Simulate Multidomain Physical Systems.<br />

www.mathworks.com<br />

Bartha I., Javgureanu V., Marcoie N., Hidraulică. Ed. Performatica, Iaşi, 2004<br />

Idelcick I. E., Îndrumător pentru calculul rezistenŃelor hidraulice. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>,<br />

Bucureşti, 1984.<br />

Panaitescu V., Tcacenco V., Bazele mecanicii fluidelor. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti, 2001.<br />

Zahariea D., Simularea sistemelor fzice în MATLAB. Ed. PIM, Iaşi, 2010.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare se analizează procesul de golire al unui rezervor cu secŃiune constantă<br />

printr-o conductă de golire. Sunt considerate două tipuri de rezervoare: cu sarcină<br />

constantă şi cu sarcină variabilă. Sunt prezentate două metode de analiză: metoda<br />

analitică şi metoda diagramelor funcŃionale. În cadrul metodei analitice se prezintă<br />

relaŃiile fundamentale pentru calculul timpului de golire, la determinarea cărora s-au<br />

considerat: presiunea la nivelul liber al lichidului <strong>din</strong> rezervor, viteza de coborâre a<br />

nivelului liber, pierderile locale şi liniare de sarcină de pe condcucta de golire. În cadrul<br />

metodei funcŃionale se prezintă două diagrame funcŃionale elaborate în<br />

MATLAB/Simscape la elaborarea cărora s-au utilizat elementele funcŃionale specifice<br />

pentru simularea sistemelor fizice reale: rezervorul cu sarcină constantă sau variabilă,<br />

conducta de golire, traductorul de debit, etc. Diagramele funcŃionale permit obŃinerea<br />

reprezentărilor grafice pentru variaŃia cantităŃii de lichid <strong>din</strong> rezervor (şi prin calcul, a<br />

poziŃiei nivelului liber al lichidului), precum şi pentru debitul de lichid care trece prin<br />

orificiul de golire (şi prin calcul, a vitezei de curgere şi a parametrului Reynolds).<br />

Pentru cele două tipuri de rezervoare (cu sarcină constantă şi cu sarcină variabilă) se<br />

prezintă o analiză comparativă a rezultatelor obŃinute prin cele două metode de analiză<br />

(metoda analitică şi metoda diagramelor funcŃionale).


Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>Tehnică</strong> „Gheorghe Asachi” <strong>din</strong> Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012<br />

SecŃia<br />




Received: August 15, 2011<br />

Accepted for publication: Sptember 2, 2011<br />

BY<br />


University of Craiova,<br />

Department of Electrotechnics<br />

Abstract. Numerical controls have a great role in increasing the efficiency<br />

of the electric drive of the machine tool, thus in the energy saving. Measurements<br />

were done for two of those (one equiped with numerical control and a converter<br />

for the asynchronous motor of the main drive, and another with no numerical<br />

control and with a converter for the d.c. motors of the main drive). Measurements<br />

were done using a kit which was specialized in aquiring and handling energetic<br />

data. This project presents the diagrams resulted from the measurements in a<br />

comparative study. The monitored parameters were the following: actual values<br />

of voltage and currents during the three phases, the content of harmonics, or the<br />

frequency spectrum for all three phases, the frequency of the fee<strong>din</strong>g voltage,<br />

active and reactive power, energy, and the power factor.<br />

Key words: numerical controls, active and reactive power, energy, converter.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Lately, the technical needs in the area of mechanic processing of materials<br />

have evolved. The increased complexity of the machine and of the workpiece<br />

calls for more qualified and more thorough manpower. These two attributes are<br />

usually dominated by human subjectivism: tiredness, neglection, inattention,<br />

lack of promptitude in critical situations - which make humans imperfect<br />

operators. In time, mankind was prone to discover methods of avoi<strong>din</strong>g<br />

unpleasant situations during the productive process. One of these methods was<br />

automatization, with its top element, numerical control (Minciu & Pre<strong>din</strong>cea,<br />

1985). Numerical controls are mainly necessary for increasing work<br />

* e-mail: popescumincu@yahoo.com

228 Dan Popescu<br />

productivity while maintaining high precision. It is because of this need that<br />

they have continuousy evolved, until human error was eliminated from the<br />

execution of workpieces. As shown in their name,computer assisted numerical<br />

controls(CNC) have as main element a computer, similar to a pc, not very<br />

powerful, but adapted to industrial needs (increased protection for adapting to<br />

the environment and an operating safety suited to demands) .<br />

2. Functioning of CNC Equipped Machine Tools<br />

A CNC system also consists of a peripherics connection unit, an external<br />

memory, an interface between the computer and the machine and a control<br />

panel. All these equipments (system hardware) function accor<strong>din</strong>g to the basic<br />

software. The software is based on Windows NT, which is compatible with the<br />

numerical control software, for starting and operating, of the original<br />

manufacturing equipment. For instance, let’s consider a Sinumerik 840<br />

numerical control made by Siemens, with which a lathe is equipped. The lathe is<br />

placed in a light mechanical processing department and it provides the serial<br />

production of the pieces which are to be produced. The lathe is also equipped<br />

with a tool storage space, thus ensuring low time intervals for the execution of<br />

technological operations. The processing programs are stocked on a memory<br />

card. The command system of the machine consists of:<br />

i) the control panel, which includes the operator panel, the display, the<br />

control panel of the machine, keyboard and mouse;<br />

ii) mains infeed module (MS), which provides energy for the drive<br />

modules, the regenerativ feedback, braking or braking resistance modules;<br />

iii) the numerical control unit (NCU);<br />

iv) the supplies power for the axis modules- it generates continuous<br />

tension for the convertors of the motors;<br />

v) blocks of the feed drive digital system, one for each axis, depen<strong>din</strong>g of<br />

the configuration of the machine tool. They hold tension and frequency PWM<br />

convertors, ensuring high energetic performances.<br />

The input/output modules and the feed drive modules are connected with<br />

a Profibus 12 MBaud base bus (Mărgineanu, 2005).<br />

Numerical controls also have a great role in increasing the efficiency of<br />

the electric drive of the machine tool, thus in the energy saving. First of all, they<br />

assess a machine which is extremely well built. This machine must be precise,<br />

in order to ensure the meeting of processing demands, it must not have friction<br />

or displacement during steering.<br />

The direct consequence is a smaller power needed for the drive. Second<br />

of all, numerical controls allow choosing and respecting an optimal working<br />

condition for the advance and for the splinting, also forcing the static frequency<br />

and tension changers, which also increase their efficiency, to have an economic<br />

energetic state. These were also the conclusions of the measurements that were<br />

done, because the equipment allowed comparison between the same type of<br />

machines, some of them with numerical controls and some without.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012 229<br />

3. Measuring Process- Observations<br />

Measurements were done for the boring machine AFP 160 CNC<br />

(equiped with numerical control and Fanuc converter for the asynchronous<br />

motor of the main drive) and for the the boring machine AFP160 (with no<br />

numerical control and with a converter for the continuos power motor of the<br />

main drive). Measurements were done using a kit (AR-5 network analyser)<br />

which was specialized in aquiring and handling energetic data. We must<br />

mention that the two machines executed the same operation (finishing).<br />

The boring dust resulted from the processing was compared and<br />

dimensions or the chips were found to be similar. This project presents the<br />

diagrams resulted from the measurements in a comparative study. The<br />

monitored parameters were the following: actual values of tensions. In the case<br />

of active powers, in the most charged phase, the energy consumption is three<br />

times higher for non-upgraded machine, and this ratio is also mantained in the<br />

case of reactive powers, disfavouring the non-upgraded machine, currents<br />

during the three phases, the content of the harmonics or the frequency spectrum<br />

for all three phases, the frequency of the fee<strong>din</strong>g tension, active and reactive<br />

power and energy, and the power factor.<br />

Frequency spectrums of the harmonics content of the voltage waves and<br />

the variation of harmonics while monitoring look like in Figs. 1 and 2. We can<br />

see that especially harmonics three and five are almost two times smaller for<br />

machine no 1. This means in the case of non-upgraded machine, the superior<br />

harmonics of the flux and rotoric current (of different orders and sequences)<br />

determin disturbing couples to appear (Ciobanu, 2008). The amplitude of those<br />

couples is independent of the charge, overlapping asincronous couple produced<br />

by the fundamental. If the fee<strong>din</strong>g frecquency is high, their effect is unnoticed.<br />

At small rotation speeds of the asyncronous motors, the swinging couples can<br />

produce an abrupt(or in several steps) movement of the engine rotor.<br />

Fig.1 – Armonics for machine AFP160 CNC. Fig.2 – Armonics for machine AFP160.<br />

Their presence actually limits the minimum speed at which the motor can<br />

be used. There are different ways to reduce the effects of these couples, either<br />

operating on the motor, or on the constructive plan of the convertors (Bizon,

230 Dan Popescu<br />

2008), (Câmpeanu, 2008). At low speeds, although the harmonics content<br />

increases, the effective value of the current decreases with the decreasing of the<br />

speed. All these couples, dued to the superior harmonics, tend to decrease the<br />

maximum torque of the engine, in comparison to network fee<strong>din</strong>g.<br />

Fig. 3 – Active power for AFP 160CNC. Fig. 4 – Active power for AFP160.<br />

Fig. 5 – Reactive power for AFP160CNC. Fig. 6 – Reactive power for AFP160.<br />

This means that a reserve is necessary (variation of 10-15% of the<br />

engine power), in order to handle the effects of the harmonics. In the case of<br />

active powers, in the most charged phase, the power consumption is two times<br />

higher for for non-upgraded machine (Figs. 3 and 4) and this ratio is also<br />

mantained in the case of reactive powers, disfavouring the non-upgraded<br />

machine (Figs. 5 and 6).This thing leads to obvious drastic decrease of the<br />

power factor which can cause additional costs in order to compensate it.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012 231<br />

Variation graphs of the actual values of currents look like in Figs. 7 and<br />

8. During the most charged phase we can notice a significant growth of the<br />

absorbed current, especially when the machine drive breaks and accelerates.<br />

Fig.7 – Current consumption for AFP160CNC. Fig.8 – Current consumption or FP160.<br />

4. Economic Considerations<br />

These benefits are noticeable if we do a basic economic calculation-<br />

determination of the recovery period and the project profitability (Leca, 1997).<br />

Table 1<br />

Calculus of static indicators<br />

Nr. Indicators M.U. Results<br />

1 Economy by introducing CSF kW/hour 1,4<br />

2 Functioning hours hours/year 3840<br />

3 Annual energy economy MWh 5,36<br />

4 The price/ energy lei /MWh 311.98<br />

5 The cost of the energy save/ year lei/year 1677<br />

6 The cost of the installation lei 560 000<br />

From the absorbed active power diagrams we notice a difference of<br />

about 1,4kW in favour of upgraded machine. Considering that the machinery<br />

works in only two shifts, that the owner has proposed a moderate yearly profit,<br />

about 100 000 lei after he spent 560 000 lei on upgra<strong>din</strong>g the machinery, by<br />

carrying the appropriate calculations we obtain the static indicators grouped in<br />

Table 1. Calculus of static indicators (Leca, 1997) shows an acceptable recovery<br />

period, less than five years, which confirms once more the profitability resulted<br />

from the machinery upgrades.<br />

It should be noted that there are no additional maintenance costs<br />

because on one side the machinery is under warranty for a long period of time,<br />

and on the other side modern equipments are higly reliable. It may also be noted<br />

that the owner may not bear all modernization costs.

232 Dan Popescu<br />

The costs can decrease spectacularly by accesing European funds<br />

intended for energy saving.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

1. We can conclude that as numerical controls evolve, they become more<br />

and more accesible to operators and to projecting engineers. Difficulties remain<br />

for software developers, who must find more and more accesible programmes,<br />

thus lowering the costs by reducing the work time, reducing the energetic<br />

consumption (by optimization of feed controls) and reducing expenses with<br />

personnel.<br />

2. The boards of factories in the processing branch can easily decide the<br />

modernization of the existing machine tools, considering both the high<br />

productivity and the small amount of time in which the investment will be<br />

recovered. Accor<strong>din</strong>g to calculations, in all the cases we studied the investment<br />

is easily recuperated, thus attractive. The attractivity increases as there are<br />

numerous European programmes in the energy field, accor<strong>din</strong>g to which the<br />

investor only has to cover part of the investment. All these also contribute to<br />

general economic development, by creating and developing import, assembling<br />

and service firms, and also creating firms with connected activities.<br />

3. The considerable progress in the field of electrical systems with<br />

variable speed made the investment necessary for such systems to be just a<br />

fraction of the total cost of the energy used during their functioning.<br />

4. All these also contribute to general economic development, by<br />

creating and developing import, assembling and service firms, and also creating<br />

firms with connected activities. From all the above, we can conclude the<br />

following advantages of using static converters: precise control of the energetic<br />

process and especially of the system’s speed; very low maintenance; energy<br />

save; smooth start/stop, without blows of controllable acceleration and<br />

deceleration; almost inexistent noise.<br />

Command pulse time modulation inverters, which eliminate the superior<br />

harmonics. (Delesega&Andea, 2002), (Mircea, 1999) have represented an<br />

important step in the establishment of the driving with an asynchronous motor<br />

as a solution for the future. This is why, while the static tension and frequency<br />

converters are being modernized, the balance is towards the driving with an<br />

asynchronous motor against the D.C. one.<br />


*** Convertor valutar. available at: http://www.dobanzi.ro accessed: 2011-06-10.<br />

*** Siemens SINUMERIK 840Di Documentation, 2001.<br />

Bizon N., Convertoare. Ed. Matrix Rom, Bucureşti, 2008.<br />

Câmpeanu A., Maşini electrice. Ed. Universitaria, Craiova, 2008.<br />

Ciobanu L., Sisteme de acŃionări electrice. Ed. Matrix Rom, Bucureşti, 2008.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 1, 2012 233<br />

Delesega I., Andea P., Procese de comutaŃie. Calitatea energiei electrice. Ed.<br />

Orizonturi Universitare, Timişoara, 2002.<br />

Leca A., Principii de management energetic. Ed.<strong>Tehnică</strong>. Bucureşti, 1997.<br />

Mărgineanu I. , Automate programabile. Ed. Albastră, Cluj Napoca, 2005.<br />

Minciu C., Pre<strong>din</strong>cea N., Maşini unelte cu comandă numerică. Ed. <strong>Tehnică</strong>, Bucureşti,<br />

1985.<br />

Mircea I., Sisteme eficiente energetic pentru instalaŃii cu debite reglabile. Ed.<br />

Universitaria, 1999.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

O contribuŃie deosebită o au comenzile numerice în eficientizarea acŃionărilor<br />

electrice a utilajelor, şi deci în economia de energie pe care o aduc. În primul rând, ele<br />

impun un utilaj bine construit <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere mecanic. Acesta trebuie să fie precis,<br />

pentru asigurarea exigenŃelor de prelucrare, să nu aibă frecări şi jocuri mari în ghidaje.<br />

ConsecinŃa directă este o putere necesară pentru acŃionare mai mică. În al doilea rând,<br />

comenzile numerice permit alegerea şi respectarea unui regim optim de avans şi<br />

aşchiere, impunând şi convertizoarelor statice de tensiune şi frecvenŃă, care la rândul lor<br />

au un randament <strong>din</strong> ce în ce mai ridicat, un regim economic <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere<br />

energetic. Acest lucru a reieşit şi <strong>din</strong> măsurătorile făcute, unde graŃie dotării<br />

întreprinderii s-au putut face comparaŃii pe acelaşi tip de maşini, unele fiind<br />

convenŃionale, iar altele fiind proaspăt echipate cu comenzi numerice.<br />

Pentru confirmarea celor de mai sus în ceea ce priveşte economia de energie<br />

pentru utilajele modernizate s-au făcut comparativ mai multe măsurători pe utilaje de<br />

acelaşi tip, încărcate cu aceleaşi repere în vederea prelucrării. S-a urmărit ca regimurile<br />

de aşchiere să fie aceleaşi pentru acurateŃea comparaŃiilor ulterioare.<br />

S-au făcut măsurări pe maşina de alezat şi frezat cu pinolă AFP180 CNC,<br />

echipată cu comandă numerică şi convertizor Fanuc pentru motorul asincron de<br />

acŃionare principală, şi pentru maşina de alezat şi frezat cu pinolă AFP180, fără<br />

comandă numerică, echipat cu convertizor pentru motorul de curent continuu de<br />

acŃionare principală.<br />

Parametrii monitorizaŃi au fost: valorile efective ale tensiunilor şi curenŃilor pe<br />

cele trei faze, conŃinutul în armonici sau spectrul de frecvenŃă al tensiunilor pentru toate<br />

fazele, frecvenŃa tensiunii de alimentare, puterea şi energia activă şi reactivă, precum şi<br />

factorul de putere. Se observă în cazul puterilor active că pe faza cea mai încărcată<br />

consumul este de circa de două ori mai mare la utilajul nemodernizat, iar în cazul<br />

puterilor reactive proporŃia se respectă în defavoarea acelu<strong>iaşi</strong> utilaj. Acest lucru<br />

conduce evident şi la scăderea drastică a factorului de putere ceea ce determină costuri<br />

suplimentare pentru compensarea lui.<br />

Pe faza cea mai încărcată se observă o creştere semnificativă a curentului<br />

absorbit mai ales în momentele de frânare şi accelerare ale platoului utilajului.<br />

Din calculele economice făcute reiese că în toate cazurile studiate investiŃiile se<br />

recuperează rapid, ceea ce face să fie atractivă investiŃia. Atractivitatea constă şi în<br />

existenŃa mai multor programe europene în domeniul energetic în care investitorul vine<br />

numai cu un anumit procent <strong>din</strong> suma investită. Toate acestea contribuie şi la

234 Dan Popescu<br />

dezvoltarea economică generală, prin apariŃia şi activitatea firmelor de import, montaj şi<br />

service în domeniu, dar şi la apariŃia altor firme <strong>din</strong> domenii pe orizontală ale activităŃii.<br />

Se poate trage concluzia <strong>din</strong> cele prezentate că pe măsura evoluŃiei lor,<br />

comenzile numerice devin <strong>din</strong> ce în ce mai accesibile atât operatorilor, cât şi inginerilor<br />

<strong>din</strong> proiectarea uzinală. DificultăŃile se deplasează în zona dezvoltatorilor software care<br />

trebuie să găsească programe <strong>din</strong> ce în ce mai accesibile, reducând astfel costurile prin<br />

reducerea timpului de lucru, reducerea consumurilor energetice prin optimizarea<br />

comenzilor acŃionărilor şi reducerea cheltuielilor de calificare cu personalul.

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