A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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castration 67 cGiiicntcr<br />

castration par casseaux, gelding by the clamp<br />

method;<br />

ft testicules converts (decouverts) , covered<br />

(uncovered) operation.<br />

castrer, v. a., (hipp.) to geld, cut, castrate; to<br />

spay.<br />

Catalan, a., Catalan;<br />

methoded la e, (met..) Catalan process.<br />

catalogue, m., catalogue.<br />

cataplasme, m., (med.) poultice.<br />

cataracte, f., (top.) waterfall, eataract; (mach.,<br />

steam) cataract, regulator for single-acting engines;<br />

(fort.) sort of portcullis, herse; (hydr.)<br />

difference 01 level between upstream and down-<br />

stream waters of a bridge.<br />

catfigorie, f., category; (mil.) class (of soldiers,<br />

i. e., with respect to entry into service); class<br />

of horses (officers' remounts, and in oensus of<br />

horses and of mules for mobilisation).<br />

cathetometre, m., (inst.) cathetometer.<br />

cathode, m., (elec.) cathode.<br />

catoptrique, a., (opt.) catoptric.<br />

caustique, a., (chem.) caustic.<br />

eautere, m., cautery; (hipp.) rowel.<br />

cauterisation, f., cauterization.<br />

cautfiriser, v. a., to cauterize, sear.<br />

caution, f., (adm.) bond, security, surety, bail;<br />

personnelle, bondsman.<br />

cautionnement, m., (adm.) sum deposited as<br />

security (in contracts, etc.);<br />

materiel, money or property presented as<br />

security;<br />

personnel, bondsman.<br />

cavalcade, f., cavalcade.<br />

cavalcader, v. n., to go on a cavalcade.<br />

cavale, f., (Mpp.) mare.<br />

cavalerie, f., cavalry;<br />

d' exploration, v. independante;<br />

grosse , heavy cavalry, (Fr. a., cuirassiers);<br />

independante, cavalry of exploration, covers<br />

mobilization and concentration, forms the<br />

outer cavalry screen;<br />

-<br />

legere, light cavalry, (Fr. a., chasseurs and<br />

hussards);<br />

de ligne , cavalry of the line, (Fr.a., dragoons) ;<br />

de reserve, reserve cavalry, to support other<br />

cavalry (ligne, legere), sad to act against broken<br />

infantry;<br />

du service d' exploration, v. independante:<br />

du service de surete, the cavalry of an army<br />

corps, performs security service in immediate<br />

neighborhood of the corps;<br />

de stir etc ? v. du service de surete.<br />

cavalier, m., rider, horseman; staple (as, for telegraph<br />

wire, etc.); (cav.) trooper; (fort.) cavalier;<br />

(r. r.) spoil-bank;<br />

de bois, (man.) dumb-jockey;<br />

-conducteur, (mil.) driver of the train des<br />

Equipages;<br />

-<br />

eleve-brigadier, (Fr. a.) lance-corporal of<br />

spahis;<br />

ele'ie-telegraphiste, (Fr. a.) trooper who takes<br />

a course of telegraphy at Saumur;<br />

espagnol, (man.) sort of dumb jockey;<br />

leyer, light cavalry man;<br />

de manege, trooper charged with care of<br />

horses, etc., in certain military schools;<br />

- de remonte, trooper in a remount establishment;<br />

s rouges, (mil. slang) spahis;<br />

surfaix , (man.) sort of dumb-jockey;<br />

de tranchee, (fort.) trench-cavalier (siege,<br />

attack).<br />

cave, f., cave; cellar;<br />

d canon, (fort.) sort of covered battery (arch<br />

overhead covered by 2 ra or 3m of earth, and<br />

behind rampart), for indirect fire;<br />

d mortier, (fort.) mortar casemate, proposed<br />

by Carnot.<br />

caveau, m. . underground vault.<br />

cavece,a., (hipp.) headed;<br />

de noir, black-headed horse<br />

cave con, m., (man.) cavesson.<br />

eavee, f., hollow road.<br />

caver, v. a., to dig holes, to hollow, undermine,<br />

excavate; (fenc?) to uncover, so as to give adversary<br />

a chance to hit.<br />

cavesson, m., (man.) cavesson.<br />

cavillot, m., v. chevillot.<br />

cavin, m., hollow road; defile.<br />

cavite", f., hollow, cavity; hole; (art.) pit, pitting,<br />

in a bronze gun.<br />

ceaux, m., (mil.) abbrevation of faisceaux, used<br />

in <strong>com</strong>mands only.<br />

cfccite, f., blindness;<br />

des couleurs, color-blindness;<br />

lunatique, moon-blindness.<br />

cGder, v. a., to cede, yield, surrender, resign, give<br />

up; give way;<br />

I'avantage du vent, (nav.) to lose the weather<br />

cfedre, m., cedar (wood and tree).<br />

cedule, f., (mil. law) summons of a witness before<br />

a court-martial, signed by judge-advocate.<br />

cetndre, v. a., to surround, <strong>com</strong>pass, en<strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

to put around; to inclose, fence in; (mil.) to<br />

surround a position, an army; - une epee, to buckle on a sword.<br />

ceinture, f., belt, waistband; (r. r.) belt railway;<br />

(nav.) armor belt; (fort.) line or belt of works,<br />

surrounding a place; (pont.) wale or strip on<br />

interior of upper ends of the knees of a pontonboat,<br />

clamp; (art.) rifling band, rotating band<br />

centering band; fillet, ring; - d'appui, (art.) centering-band (sometimes<br />

centering shoulder); --arriere, (art.) rifling-band, rotating band or<br />

ring; --avant, (art.) centering-band (in some projectiles,<br />

centering shoulder) ; - de blindage d, la flottaison, (nav.) watar-line<br />

armor belt;<br />

de centrage, (art.) centering-band;<br />

chemin defer de-<br />

, belt railway; - d expansion, (art.) rotating band; rifling<br />

band; - directrice, (art.) rotating-band;<br />

- de flanelle, waistband of flannel;<br />

- de flottaison, (nav.) water-line armor belt;<br />

-forgante, - - ft, de, forcement, (art.)<br />

forcing, rifling, rotating, band; - de natation, swimming belt;<br />

prolongation de - , (pont.) blocks, blocking<br />

(under rowlocks, U. S. - bridge equipage);<br />

de sauvetage, life-belt, life-preserver;<br />

taquet de -<br />

,<br />

(pont.) cleat supporting prolonga-<br />

tion de-.<br />

celnturer, v. a., (art.) to seat a band on a projectile.<br />

ceinturon, m., (unif.) waistbelt, swordbelt;<br />

allonge de- , belt-strap;<br />

plaque de- , waistbelt plate.<br />

ceieustique, f., (mil.) pedantic term for military<br />

signaling (obs.).<br />

cellule, f., cell; (mil.) prison cell, punishment cell<br />

(solitary confinement);<br />

- <strong>com</strong>posee, (met.) (in the cellular theory of<br />

steel) agglomeration of globuh'tes, group of<br />

simple cells; - de correction, (mil.) solitary confinement (in<br />

the regiments etrangers and bataillons d'Afrique<br />

alone); - de depdt, cell in which a military person may<br />

be temporarily confined; - simple, (mil.) ordinary solitary confinement<br />

(in France); (met.) (in the cellular theory of<br />

steel) a grain of iron surrounded by cementite.<br />

celluloid, m., celluloid.<br />

cellulose, f., (chem.) cellulose.<br />

cement, m., (met.) cementation powder; (hipp.)<br />

cement (of teeth).<br />

cementation, f., (met.) cementation, case-hardening;<br />

four,fourneau, de- , cementation furnace.<br />

c6ment6, a., (of armor plates) face-hardened (e. g.,<br />

Harvey plates).<br />

cementer, v. a., (met.) to cement, to caseharden.

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