A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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canon 62 capitaine canon rond, (hipp.) a canon having a soft limp tendon; de rupture, a. p. gun; segmentaire, the Brown segmental wiregun; semi-automatigue, (r. f. art.) semi-automatic gun; de siege, siege gun; sous-marin, (nav.) submarine gun; & sphere, muzzle-pivoting gun (spherical joint); h tete spherique, v. & sphere; h tir rapide, r. f. gun; torpille, torpedo gun; trou & , (fort. , art. ) gun-pit ; tube, gun having a lining-tube; tube etfrette, built-up gun; de torpilleur, (nav.) torpedo-boat gun; de 4, etc,, gun firing a 4-kg., etc., projec- tile; de 80, etc., an 80mm , etc., gun. canonnade, f., (art.) cannonade. canonnage, m., (nav.) the art of practical gunnery. canonner, v. a., (art.) to batter, cannonade; en plein bois, to hull a ship. canonnier, m., (art.) cannoneer, artillery-man, gunner; (sm. a.) barrel-maker; (hipp., in pi.) the two upper lumbrical muscles; conducteur, (art.) driver; de la piece numide, (mil. slang) hospital attendant, private of the hospital corps; sedentaire } . (Fr. art.) cannoneer belonging to the bataillon de s sedentaires of Lille, q. v.; servant, (art.) cannoneer, member of gun detachment (generally servant simply); veteran, (nav.) warrant officer or quartermaster who, after serving 4 years on board as a canonmer, is sent on board a special ship to perfect his training; seaman-gunner (XT. S. volant, (art.) horse artilleryman (obs.). canonnifcre, f., (nav.) gunboat; (fort.) embrasure (obs.); cuirassee, armored gunboat. canot, m., small boat; de avirons, boat of (so many) oars; b, couple, double-banked boat ; pliable, folding, collapsible boat; port e ( ) fusee, rocket-boat ; porte-torpille, spar-torpedo boat; de sauvetage, lifeboat; a vapeur, steam launch. canotage, m., art of managing small boats; (pont.), boat drill. canotier, m., boatman. cantine, f., small box or chest; (mil.) canteen, post exchange (U. S. A.); 1 d 'ambulance, field-hospital chest (medicines, surgical instruments, and records); & bagages, chest for officer's baggage and for material of the regimental staff; de compatabilite, (Fr. a.) chest for papers. etc. (field bakery); medicale, field medical chest; regimentaire, regimental chest (no longer regulation, Fr. a., though some are still in service); veterinaire, horse-medicine, etc., chest; ft vivres, officers' (field) mess-chest. cantinier, m., (mil.) mess-steward; sutler. cantiniere, f., (Fr. a.) woman (soldier's wife) in charge of canteen (n. e.); vivandiere, (Fr. a.) the same as cantiniere (n. e.). (In addition to canteen duties, these women are required to keep the mess" for n. c. o.'s and men who are not required to live at the company mess.) canton, m., canton; (r. r.) block (hi block system). cantonnement, m., (mil.) cantonment; abri, v. s. v. abri. cantonner, v. a. n., (mil.) to be or stay in cantonments; to put troops into cantonments, to canton. cantonnler, m., road-mender, road-worker. canule, f., nozzle of a syringe; canula. caoutchouc, m., india rubber, caoutchouc; tire (of a bicycle); anti-derapant, (bicycle) pebble-tread tire; creux, single-tube bicycle tire; durci, ebonite; pneumatique, pneumatic tire (bicycle, etc.); sulfure, vulcanite, vulcanized rubber; ti -ingle, bicycle tire with rod inside; vulcanise, vulcanite. caoutchouter, v. a., to cover or treat with indiarubber. cap, m., cape; (nav.) head of a vessel; de maure, (hipp.) horse whose head is much darker than the rest of his body (sometimes spelled more); mettre au large, (nav.) to stand out to sea; de mouton, (cord.) dead-eye; de mouton & corde, (cord.) rope-bound deadeye; de mouton ferre. (cord.) ironbound dead-eye; de pied en , cap-a-pie. capacity, f., generic term for a recipient or vessel; (elec.) capacity; inductrice, (elec.) inductive capacity. caparacon, m., (harn.) caparison. caparaconner, v. a., (harn.) to caparison. cape, f., hooded cloak; de batardeau, (fort.) cover of a batardeau. capeler, v. a., (art.) to slip over (as a jacket over a tube); unfour, to rig a heating furnace about a gun (e. g., one to receive a lining-tube, etc.). capelet, m., (hipp.) capped hock. capiston, m., (mil. slang) captain; becheur, v. capitaine becheur. capitaine, m., (mil., nav.) captain; (fig.) great general. (Except where otherwise indicated, the following terms relate to the French services:) adjudant-major, adjutant (v. adjudant-major); d'armes. (nav.) warrant officer, ranking as adjudant, infantry instructor on board a man of war; becheur, (mil. slang) officer acting as prosecutor of a court-martial; commandant, (cav.) the commanding officer (first captain) of a cavalry troop; (art.) the first captain of a field battery (this designation, though no longer official, is still retained hi cur- rent service) ; en deuxieme, (art., cav.) second captain (rare, (usually en second); - de distributions, captain who superintends the issue of meat, forage, and other stores as furnished by contractors or by responsible agents (comptables); divisionnaire, (inf.) captain commanding a division (two companies); ecuyer, instructor of equitation in a military school; de fregate, (nav.) commander (U. S. N., R.N.); d'habillement, officer hi charge of. and responsible for, all the materiel of a regiment, including arms, commands the section hors rang, q. v.; ingenieur, officer in charge of all technical material in the Paris fire brigade (sapeurspompiers) ; inspecteur d'armes, captain of artillery (one or more to each corps d'armee), permanently " detailed to inspect small arms and ammunition, and to report on same; instructeur, (art., cav.) officer charged with various manege and hippoloKical duties hi a regiment, must have passed through the cavalry school of application; de logement, captain commanding the logement, or party preceding a column on the march, and who reports the expected arrival of the column, etc., to the c. o. of the garrison or place through which the column is to pass;

capitaine 63 carabine capitaine au long cours, in the commercial navy, a master qualified for the foreign trade, i. e., to undertake long voyages; deep-water captain; major, captain who discharges the functions of major, in separate battalions (bataittons formant corps), in squadrons of the tram, and in battalions of foot artillery; d' ordinaire, captain that superintends mess issues; de pavilion, (nav.) flag captain; de piquet, captain commanding a piquet', en premier, (art., cav.) first captain; de recrutement, recruiting officer; de remonte, remount officer; en second, {art., cav.) second captain; de semaine, captain detailed on duty for the week; de la soupe, (mil. slang") officer who has never been under fire; de tir, instructor of small-arm practice and range officer; tresorier, paymaster, officer who has the money responsibility of the regiment, and keeps the records (archives) of the regiment; de vaisseau, (nav.) captain (U. S. N. R. N.); de visile, captain detailed every day to inspect hospitals and prisons. capitainerie, f.. generals,, (mil.) in Spain, the district or department commanded by a captain-general. capital, m., capital; actions, capital stock; obligations, liabilities. capitale, f., capital, metropolis; capital letter; (fort.) capital (either the bisector of a salient or reentrant angle, or the perpendicular at the middle point of the exterior side in a front); de champ de tir, line down the middle of the range, perpendicular to the butt at its middle point; droite, upright capitals, for legends of maps and names of towns; en , (fort.) along the capital; marcher en , (siege) to advance against a salient from both sides of the capital; penchee, inclined capitals for names of villages and small towns, on maps. capitonnage, m., impression or depression made by balloon cords in balloon, capitulant, m., (mil.) German name for rengage, L e., soldier who reenlists. capitulation, f., (mil.) capitulation; German name for reenlistment; par ecrit, written capitulation; verbale, capitulation by word of mouth. capituler, v. n., (mil.) to capitulate. caponnifcre, f., (fort.) caponier; en as de pique, caponier shaped like a pikehead; en capitale, caponier along the capital; casematee, casemated caponier; ^-& del convert (ouvert), covered (open) caponier; coupole, a cupola performing the duty of a caponier; double, double caponier; enterree, sunken caponier; enfer & cheval, horseshoe caponier; to, orcilles de chat (lit. "cat-eared"), a caponier with a projection at each end of its head; en palissades, palisade caponier; pleine, full caponier; & redan, caponier with redan-shaped head; de revers, rear caponier; simple, simple, single caponier; tete de , caponier head, part farthest from center of work. caporal, m., corporal (Fr. a., infantry and engineers, is not counted a n. c. o.); armurier, assistant of the chef armurier; brancardier, corporal in charge of the litterbearers; de chambree, corporal in charge of squad room (property, behavior of men, etc.); caporai-cZairon, corporal of the field music (bugles), charged with the instruction of the buglers; conducteur, corporal in charge of the wagons, teams, etc., of the regiment; de consigne, ranking corporal of a guard, has immediate charge of guardhouse and property; eleve , lance-corporal; eleve-fourrier, corporal who assists the sergentfourrier, q. v. (chasseurs & pied); d'escouade, corporal of a squad, looks after it in barracks, sees that it observes regulations, etc.; fourrier, assistant of the sergent-fourrier, sort of quartermaster-corporal (n. e.); de garde, corporal of the guard; d'infirmerie, corporal responsible for the police, condition of the infirmary, watches convalescents, etc.; moniteur d'escrime, assistant of the fencingmaster; d'ordinaire, mess corporal; de planton aux cuisines, corporal detailed daily to superivise the police and discipline of the kitchen; de pose, corporal of the guard that posts and relieves sentries, instructs them in their duties, etc.; premier ouvrier cordonnier, corporal that acts as foreman in the shoe-shops of the regiment; premier ouvrier tailleur, corporal foreman of the regimental tailor-shop; sapeur, corporal in immediate charge of the sapeurs ouvriers d'art, q. v., of the regiment; secretaire, clerk of the major, treasurer, officier d'habillement, d'armement, etc.; de semaine, assistant of the sergent de semaine, q. v., in all the duties of the service de semaine; tambour, corporal of field music (drums), instructs the drummers. capot, m., cover, hood; de cabestan, drum, head, of a capstan; de canon, (art.) gun-cover; de cheminee, funnel cowl; faire , (nav.) to capsize, overset, turn turtle. capote, f., (unif.) watch-coat, sentry's greatcoat; buffalo C9at (U. S. A.); (med.) hood (of a litter); de faction, de guerite, sentry's watchcoat; buffalo coat (U. S. A.). capsule, f., (sm. a.) cap, capsule, primer; primingcap; percussion-cap (obs.); (expl.) detonator. primer, detonating primer; (mach., etc.) external gauge, ring-gauge, external cylindrical gauge; amorce, (expl.) detonator, detonating primer; & balle, (t. p.) gallery practice cartridge; fulminante, fulminate cap, or primer. capter, v. a., to take. capteur, m., captor. captif, a., captive; m., captive, (and popularly) captive balloon; ballon , captive balloon. captivite, f., captivity. capture, f., (mil.) apprehension of a deserter; (nav.) prize, captured vessel; (mil., law) seizure of contraband goods; prime de , (mil.) bounty or reward for the capture of a deserter. capturer, v. a., to capture, esp. to make a prize, capuchon, m., (unif.) hood; (in gen.) hood; (cord.) whipping. capuchonner, v. n., (man.) to arch the neck (horse). capucine, f., (sm. a.) band, lower band; du centre, middle band; d'en haut, upper band; premiere, lower band. carabine, f., (sm. a.) carbine; de cavalerie, carbine of the French cavalry (except cuirassiers); de cuirassiers, carbine with india-rubber butt plate, of the French cuirassiers;

capitaine 63 carabine<br />

capitaine au long cours, in the <strong>com</strong>mercial navy,<br />

a master qualified for the foreign trade, i. e.,<br />

to undertake long voyages; deep-water captain;<br />

major, captain who discharges the functions<br />

of major, in separate battalions (bataittons<br />

formant corps), in squadrons of the tram, and in<br />

battalions of foot artillery;<br />

d' ordinaire, captain that superintends mess<br />

issues;<br />

de pavilion, (nav.) flag captain;<br />

de piquet, captain <strong>com</strong>manding a piquet',<br />

en premier, (art., cav.) first captain;<br />

de recrutement, recruiting officer;<br />

de remonte, remount officer;<br />

en second, {art., cav.) second captain;<br />

de semaine, captain detailed on duty for the<br />

week;<br />

de la soupe, (mil. slang") officer who has never<br />

been under fire;<br />

de tir, instructor of small-arm practice and<br />

range officer;<br />

tresorier, paymaster,<br />

officer who has the<br />

money responsibility of the regiment, and keeps<br />

the records (archives) of the regiment;<br />

de vaisseau, (nav.) captain (U. S. N. R. N.);<br />

de visile, captain detailed every day to inspect<br />

hospitals and prisons.<br />

capitainerie, f.. generals,, (mil.) in Spain, the<br />

district or department <strong>com</strong>manded by a captain-general.<br />

capital, m., capital;<br />

actions, capital stock;<br />

obligations, liabilities.<br />

capitale, f., capital, metropolis; capital letter;<br />

(fort.) capital (either the bisector of a salient or<br />

reentrant angle, or the perpendicular at the<br />

middle point of the exterior side in a front);<br />

de champ de tir, line down the middle of the<br />

range, perpendicular to the butt at its middle<br />

point;<br />

droite, upright capitals, for legends of maps<br />

and names of towns;<br />

en , (fort.) along the capital;<br />

marcher en , (siege) to advance against a salient<br />

from both sides of the capital;<br />

penchee, inclined capitals for names of villages<br />

and small towns, on maps.<br />

capitonnage, m., impression or depression made<br />

by balloon cords in balloon,<br />

capitulant, m., (mil.) German name for rengage,<br />

L e., soldier who reenlists.<br />

capitulation, f., (mil.) capitulation; German name<br />

for reenlistment;<br />

par ecrit, written capitulation;<br />

verbale, capitulation by word of mouth.<br />

capituler, v. n., (mil.) to capitulate.<br />

caponnifcre, f., (fort.) caponier;<br />

en as de pique, caponier shaped like a pikehead;<br />

en capitale, caponier along the capital;<br />

casematee, casemated caponier;<br />

^-& del convert (ouvert), covered (open) caponier;<br />

coupole, a cupola performing the duty of a<br />

caponier;<br />

double, double caponier;<br />

enterree, sunken caponier;<br />

enfer & cheval, horseshoe caponier;<br />

to, orcilles de chat (lit. "cat-eared"), a caponier<br />

with a projection at each end of its head;<br />

en palissades, palisade caponier;<br />

pleine, full caponier;<br />

& redan, caponier with redan-shaped head;<br />

de revers, rear caponier;<br />

simple, simple, single caponier;<br />

tete de , caponier head, part farthest from<br />

center of work.<br />

caporal, m., corporal (Fr. a., infantry and engineers,<br />

is not counted a n. c. o.);<br />

armurier, assistant of the chef armurier;<br />

brancardier, corporal in charge of the litterbearers;<br />

de chambree, corporal in charge of squad<br />

room (property, behavior of men, etc.);<br />

caporai-cZairon, corporal of the field music (bugles),<br />

charged with the instruction of the buglers;<br />

conducteur, corporal in charge of the wagons,<br />

teams, etc., of the regiment;<br />

de consigne, ranking corporal of a guard, has<br />

immediate charge of guardhouse and property;<br />

eleve , lance-corporal;<br />

eleve-fourrier, corporal who assists the sergentfourrier,<br />

q. v. (chasseurs & pied);<br />

d'escouade, corporal of a squad, looks after<br />

it in barracks, sees that it observes regulations,<br />

etc.;<br />

fourrier, assistant of the sergent-fourrier,<br />

sort of quartermaster-corporal (n. e.);<br />

de garde, corporal of the guard;<br />

d'infirmerie, corporal responsible for the<br />

police, condition of the infirmary, watches<br />

convalescents, etc.;<br />

moniteur d'escrime, assistant of the fencingmaster;<br />

d'ordinaire, mess corporal;<br />

de planton aux cuisines, corporal detailed<br />

daily to superivise the police and discipline of<br />

the kitchen;<br />

de pose, corporal of the guard that posts and<br />

relieves sentries, instructs them in their duties,<br />

etc.;<br />

premier ouvrier cordonnier, corporal that acts<br />

as foreman in the shoe-shops of the regiment;<br />

premier ouvrier tailleur, corporal foreman of<br />

the regimental tailor-shop;<br />

sapeur, corporal in immediate charge of the<br />

sapeurs ouvriers d'art, q. v., of the regiment;<br />

secretaire, clerk of the major, treasurer,<br />

officier d'habillement, d'armement, etc.;<br />

de semaine, assistant of the sergent de semaine,<br />

q. v., in all the duties of the service de semaine;<br />

tambour, corporal of field music (drums),<br />

instructs the drummers.<br />

capot, m., cover, hood;<br />

de cabestan, drum, head, of a capstan;<br />

de canon, (art.) gun-cover;<br />

de cheminee, funnel cowl;<br />

faire , (nav.) to capsize, overset, turn turtle.<br />

capote, f., (unif.) watch-coat, sentry's greatcoat;<br />

buffalo C9at (U. S. A.); (med.) hood (of a litter);<br />

de faction, de guerite, sentry's watchcoat;<br />

buffalo coat (U. S. A.).<br />

capsule, f., (sm. a.) cap, capsule, primer; primingcap;<br />

percussion-cap (obs.); (expl.) detonator.<br />

primer, detonating primer; (mach., etc.) external<br />

gauge, ring-gauge, external cylindrical gauge;<br />

amorce, (expl.) detonator, detonating<br />

primer;<br />

& balle, (t. p.) gallery practice cartridge;<br />

fulminante, fulminate cap, or primer.<br />

capter, v. a., to take.<br />

capteur, m., captor.<br />

captif, a., captive; m., captive, (and popularly)<br />

captive balloon;<br />

ballon , captive balloon.<br />

captivite, f., captivity.<br />

capture, f., (mil.) apprehension of a deserter;<br />

(nav.) prize, captured vessel; (mil., law) seizure<br />

of contraband goods;<br />

prime de , (mil.) bounty or reward for the<br />

capture of a deserter.<br />

capturer, v. a., to capture, esp. to make a prize,<br />

capuchon, m., (unif.) hood; (in gen.) hood; (cord.)<br />

whipping.<br />

capuchonner, v. n., (man.) to arch the neck<br />

(horse).<br />

capucine, f., (sm. a.) band, lower band;<br />

du centre, middle band;<br />

d'en haut, upper band;<br />

premiere, lower band.<br />

carabine, f., (sm. a.) carbine;<br />

de cavalerie, carbine of the <strong>French</strong> cavalry<br />

(except cuirassiers);<br />

de cuirassiers, carbine with india-rubber<br />

butt plate, of the <strong>French</strong> cuirassiers;

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