A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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canon 62 capitaine<br />

canon rond, (hipp.) a canon having a soft limp<br />

tendon;<br />

de rupture, a. p. gun;<br />

segmentaire, the Brown segmental wiregun;<br />

semi-automatigue, (r. f. art.) semi-automatic<br />

gun;<br />

de siege, siege gun;<br />

sous-marin, (nav.) submarine gun;<br />

& sphere, muzzle-pivoting gun (spherical<br />

joint);<br />

h tete spherique, v. & sphere;<br />

h tir rapide, r. f. gun;<br />

torpille, torpedo gun;<br />

trou & , (fort. , art. ) gun-pit ;<br />

tube, gun having a lining-tube;<br />

tube etfrette, built-up gun;<br />

de torpilleur, (nav.) torpedo-boat gun;<br />

de 4, etc,, gun firing a 4-kg., etc., projec-<br />

tile;<br />

de 80, etc., an 80mm , etc., gun.<br />

canonnade, f., (art.) cannonade.<br />

canonnage, m., (nav.) the art of practical gunnery.<br />

canonner, v. a., (art.) to batter, cannonade;<br />

en plein bois, to hull a ship.<br />

canonnier, m., (art.) cannoneer, artillery-man,<br />

gunner; (sm. a.) barrel-maker; (hipp., in pi.)<br />

the two upper lumbrical muscles;<br />

conducteur, (art.) driver;<br />

de la piece numide, (mil. slang) hospital attendant,<br />

private of the hospital corps;<br />

sedentaire } . (Fr. art.) cannoneer belonging<br />

to the bataillon de s sedentaires of Lille,<br />

q. v.;<br />

servant, (art.) cannoneer, member of gun<br />

detachment (generally servant simply);<br />

veteran, (nav.) warrant officer or quartermaster<br />

who, after serving 4 years on board<br />

as a canonmer, is sent on board a special ship<br />

to perfect his training; seaman-gunner (XT. S.<br />

volant, (art.) horse artilleryman (obs.).<br />

canonnifcre, f., (nav.) gunboat; (fort.) embrasure<br />

(obs.);<br />

cuirassee, armored gunboat.<br />

canot, m., small boat;<br />

de avirons, boat of (so many) oars;<br />

b, couple, double-banked boat ;<br />

pliable, folding, collapsible boat;<br />

port e ( ) fusee, rocket-boat ;<br />

porte-torpille, spar-torpedo boat;<br />

de sauvetage, lifeboat;<br />

a vapeur, steam launch.<br />

canotage, m., art of managing small boats; (pont.),<br />

boat drill.<br />

canotier, m., boatman.<br />

cantine, f., small box or chest; (mil.) canteen,<br />

post exchange (U. S. A.);<br />

1<br />

d 'ambulance, field-hospital chest (medicines,<br />

surgical instruments, and records);<br />

& bagages, chest for officer's baggage and for<br />

material of the regimental staff;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>patabilite, (Fr. a.) chest for papers.<br />

etc. (field bakery);<br />

medicale, field medical chest;<br />

regimentaire, regimental chest (no longer<br />

regulation, Fr. a., though some are still in<br />

service);<br />

veterinaire, horse-medicine, etc., chest;<br />

ft vivres, officers' (field) mess-chest.<br />

cantinier, m., (mil.) mess-steward; sutler.<br />

cantiniere, f., (Fr. a.) woman (soldier's wife)<br />

in charge of canteen (n. e.);<br />

vivandiere, (Fr. a.) the same as cantiniere<br />

(n. e.).<br />

(In addition to canteen duties, these women<br />

are required to keep the mess" for n. c. o.'s<br />

and men who are not required to live at the<br />

<strong>com</strong>pany mess.)<br />

canton, m., canton; (r. r.) block (hi block system).<br />

cantonnement, m., (mil.) cantonment;<br />

abri, v. s. v. abri.<br />

cantonner, v. a. n., (mil.) to be or stay in cantonments;<br />

to put troops into cantonments, to<br />

canton.<br />

cantonnler, m., road-mender, road-worker.<br />

canule, f., nozzle of a syringe; canula.<br />

caoutchouc, m., india rubber, caoutchouc; tire<br />

(of a bicycle);<br />

anti-derapant, (bicycle) pebble-tread tire;<br />

creux, single-tube bicycle tire;<br />

durci, ebonite;<br />

pneumatique, pneumatic tire (bicycle, etc.);<br />

sulfure, vulcanite, vulcanized rubber;<br />

ti -ingle, bicycle tire with rod inside;<br />

vulcanise, vulcanite.<br />

caoutchouter, v. a., to cover or treat with indiarubber.<br />

cap, m., cape; (nav.) head of a vessel;<br />

de maure, (hipp.) horse whose head is much<br />

darker than the rest of his body (sometimes<br />

spelled more);<br />

mettre au large, (nav.) to stand out to sea;<br />

de mouton, (cord.) dead-eye;<br />

de mouton & corde, (cord.) rope-bound deadeye;<br />

de mouton ferre. (cord.) ironbound dead-eye;<br />

de pied en , cap-a-pie.<br />

capacity, f., generic term for a recipient or vessel;<br />

(elec.) capacity;<br />

inductrice, (elec.) inductive capacity.<br />

caparacon, m., (harn.) caparison.<br />

caparaconner, v. a., (harn.) to caparison.<br />

cape, f., hooded cloak;<br />

de batardeau, (fort.) cover of a batardeau.<br />

capeler, v. a., (art.) to slip over (as a jacket over<br />

a tube);<br />

unfour, to rig a heating furnace about a gun<br />

(e. g., one to receive a lining-tube, etc.).<br />

capelet, m., (hipp.) capped hock.<br />

capiston, m., (mil. slang) captain;<br />

becheur, v. capitaine becheur.<br />

capitaine, m., (mil., nav.) captain; (fig.) great<br />

general.<br />

(Except where otherwise indicated, the following<br />

terms relate to the <strong>French</strong> services:)<br />

adjudant-major, adjutant (v. adjudant-major);<br />

d'armes. (nav.) warrant officer, ranking as<br />

adjudant, infantry instructor on board a man<br />

of war;<br />

becheur, (mil. slang) officer acting as prosecutor<br />

of a court-martial;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mandant, (cav.) the <strong>com</strong>manding officer<br />

(first captain) of a cavalry troop; (art.) the first<br />

captain of a field battery (this designation,<br />

though no longer official, is still retained hi cur-<br />

rent service) ;<br />

en deuxieme, (art., cav.) second captain (rare,<br />

(usually en second);<br />

- de distributions, captain who superintends<br />

the issue of meat, forage, and other stores as<br />

furnished by contractors or by responsible<br />

agents (<strong>com</strong>ptables);<br />

divisionnaire, (inf.) captain <strong>com</strong>manding a<br />

division (two <strong>com</strong>panies);<br />

ecuyer, instructor of equitation in a military<br />

school;<br />

de fregate, (nav.) <strong>com</strong>mander (U. S. N.,<br />

R.N.);<br />

d'habillement, officer hi charge of. and responsible<br />

for, all the materiel of a regiment, including<br />

arms, <strong>com</strong>mands the section hors rang,<br />

q. v.;<br />

ingenieur, officer in charge of all technical<br />

material in the Paris fire brigade (sapeurspompiers)<br />

;<br />

inspecteur d'armes, captain of artillery (one<br />

or more to each corps d'armee), permanently "<br />

detailed to inspect small arms and ammunition,<br />

and to report on same;<br />

instructeur, (art., cav.) officer charged with<br />

various manege and hippoloKical duties hi a regiment,<br />

must have passed through the cavalry<br />

school of application;<br />

de logement, captain <strong>com</strong>manding the logement,<br />

or party preceding a column on the<br />

march, and who reports the expected arrival of<br />

the column, etc., to the c. o. of the garrison or<br />

place through which the column is to pass;

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