A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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camp 60 cancvas<br />

camp, asseoir un , to pitch a camp;<br />

assiette d'un , site ofa camp";<br />

baraque,<br />

de Icraques. hut-camp;<br />

& cheval (sur un cours^ d'eau), camp with a<br />

stream running through it ;<br />

decousu. camp irregularly laid out;<br />

defensif, v. re t -anche;<br />

dresser un to , lay cut a camp;<br />

itablir un , to pitch ;x camp;<br />

d'exercice, camp of in itruction;<br />

fixe, permanent can: r,<br />

garde dit , camp-, qu; rter-guard;<br />

d' instruction, camp >! instruction, of exercise<br />

(to-day in France s.-nonymous with champ<br />

de tir, target-practice caVnp) ;<br />

lever le ,<br />

to strike camp;<br />

line of encampment,<br />

ligne magistrate d'un ,<br />

color-line;<br />

maladie de , camp fever; typhus;<br />

de manoeuvre, camp of exercise, instruction<br />

(almost obs.);<br />

de marche, temporarj camp;<br />

marechal de , major-general (obs.);<br />

marquer un , to lay out a camp;<br />

offensif, the camp of a besieging army;<br />

de passage, passager, temporary camp;<br />

de rassemblement, camp in which troops are<br />

assembled previous to a campaign (<strong>com</strong>mon<br />

in United States in 1861 and in 1898);<br />

retranche, (formerly) any intrenched camp;<br />

a camp under the walls of a fortress and <strong>com</strong>manded<br />

by its guns (Vauban. obs.); (to-day)<br />

a military position, strongly fortified and intrenched,<br />

and supported by' permanent works,<br />

behind which position an army may refit,<br />

recruit, etc. (In other words . a camp retranche<br />

means a place & forts detaches, an equivalent<br />

that is semiofficial in France, though held inaccurate<br />

by some writers. Cther authorities<br />

go so far as to say that the expression camp retranche<br />

should be banished from the military<br />

vocabulary);<br />

de sejour, permanent camp;<br />

service de , camp duties;<br />

de siege, camp of a besieging army, siegecamp;<br />

tendu, tente, de tentes, camp under<br />

canvas, regular camp;<br />

tracer un to , lay out a camp ;<br />

volant, flying, temporary camp.<br />

campagne, f., country; (mil.) campaign, service<br />

in a campaign; series of military operations;<br />

a whole war (rare); (the) field;<br />

annee de , v. s. v. annee;<br />

artillerie de , (art.) field artillery;<br />

avoir, avoir fait, (tant de) , to have so many<br />

years' service;<br />

avoir fait la de, to have served in such and<br />

such a campaign:<br />

battre la , (mil.) to scout; to make incursions<br />

in the enemy's country;<br />

couverture de , soldier's blanket;<br />

de<strong>com</strong>pte des s, estimation of campaigns in<br />

length of service, v. s. v. annee;<br />

demi , (Fr. a.) half-campaign, allowance of<br />

half the time actually served on a man-of-war<br />

(peace), or in ports or seacoast forts (war), v. s.<br />

v. annee;<br />

en in , the field;<br />

entrer en , to take the field;<br />

etre en , to be in the field;<br />

faire , to take the field;<br />

faire une , to serve throwgh or in a cam-<br />

inite d'entree en , ( Fr. adm.) allowance<br />

(of money) paid to an officer joining an army<br />

in the field, or a mobilized body of troops;<br />

mettre en , to put or bring into the field;<br />

se mettre en , to take the field;<br />

ouvrir la contre, to take the field against;<br />

piece de , (art.) field piece;<br />

en rase , in the open field;<br />

tenir la , to hold the country, keep the field;<br />

tenue de , (unif.) field dress; marching order<br />

for the field,<br />

campeciie, m., Campeachy wood, logwood.<br />

eampement, m., (mil.) encampment; (synonym<br />

of) camp; the establisnment of a camp; party<br />

sent forward to select a cantonment or bivouac;<br />

camping-party (U. S: A.);<br />

chef, <strong>com</strong>mandant, du , officer or n. c. o. In<br />

<strong>com</strong>mand of a campcment;<br />

couverture de , soldier's blanket;<br />

effets, materiel, de , camp equipage;<br />

service administratif du , (Fr. adm.) department<br />

that furnishes material for shelter and<br />

bedding in camps and cantonments.<br />

camper, v. n., (mil.) to camp, encamp;<br />

en potence, to camp with flanks thrown back.<br />

camper, m., (hipp.) spreading out of the four feet<br />

from the normal and regular base of support<br />

(manner of standing in which the horse does<br />

not keep his feet well under him, but spreads<br />

them out front and rear).<br />

camphre, m., camphor;<br />

poudre, (expl.) camphorated powder.<br />

camphrer, v. a., (expl.) to camphorate.<br />

campylomttre, m., improved curvimeter, instrument<br />

to measure lengths of curves on maps,<br />

camus, a., flat-nosed;<br />

cheval & tete e, (hipp.) hollow-nosed horse.<br />

can, m., edge (as of an armor plate).<br />

canal, m., canal; channel, bed, bed of a river;<br />

groove; conduit, tube, drain; (art.) rear-sight<br />

socket; (fond.) drain-metal;<br />

d'aerage, air-hole, ventilating flue;<br />

d'amorce, (expl.) detonator-hole of a guncotton<br />

disk; (art.) vent channel of percussion<br />

locks (obs.);<br />

d'assechement, drainage-canal;<br />

de baguette, (sm. a.) ramrod groove;<br />

du canon, (sm. a.) barrel groove of the stock;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>munication, (art.) <strong>com</strong>municating<br />

groove or channel of a fuse;<br />

de coulage, (fond.} v. de coulee;<br />

de coulee, (fond.) runner; (less accurately)<br />

gate,ingate;<br />

de derivation, supply channel (ofa mill);<br />

de dessechement, v. d'assechement;<br />

d'ecoulement, channel of a river;<br />

event, (art.) flame passage of a fuse;<br />

de fuite, waste channel for escape of water<br />

after use in a mill;<br />

fusant, (art.) time-train; time-channel, of a<br />

fuse;<br />

de hausse, (art.) rear-sight socket or slot;<br />

longitudinal, (art.) powder channel of a fuse;<br />

de lumiere, (art.) vent;<br />

: de navigation, ship canal;<br />

du percuteur, (sm.a.)seat of the firing-pin or<br />

striker;<br />

- de poulie, channel of a block, pulley;<br />

de la tige, (mach., etc.) piston-hole;<br />

de visee, (art.) aiming slot or hole (Griison<br />

turret, etc.).<br />

caiiali, m., (cons.) sort of roofing tile, convex upward,<br />

used in <strong>com</strong>bination with tegoles, q. v.<br />

canalisation, f., the confinement of a river between<br />

artificial banks ; sewerage ; operation of digging<br />

canals; (steam) connections (generic term);<br />

(elec.) wiring (with specialreference to conduits<br />

or channels).<br />

canaliser, v. a., to inclose a river between artificial<br />

banks; to render navigable (a stream); to<br />

dig canals ; (elec. ) to wire (with specialreferenee<br />

to conduits, etc.).<br />

canapsa, m., tool-bag; (mil.) knapsack (obs.).<br />

canarder, v. a., (mil.) to fire somewhat at random,<br />

from under cover.<br />

canardiere, f., (sm. a.) duck-gun.<br />

eandelaetion, f., (met.) state of being at a white<br />

heat.<br />

candelette, f., (cord.) burton, top-burton; fishtackle.<br />

canevas, m., canvas, sailcloth; (surv., top.) network<br />

of triangles, triangulation, skeleton of<br />

triangles ;<br />

de detail, triangulation that forms the immediate<br />

basis for filling in, whether of details<br />

of surface or of leveling;

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