A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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oussole 50 brancard boussole topographique, surveyor's compass; h, viseur, compass fitted with a sighting tube. bout, m., end; extremity, tip, nib; butt; & , end to end; de en , from end to end; pour , end for end; d'affut, (art.) trail-plate; Ion , (cord.) hauling part of a warp; le bon , the lower layer of leather composing the heel of a shoe; de cordage, de corde, (cord.) rope's end; de crosse, (art.) trail-plate; de crosse-lunette, (art.) trail-plate and lunette; decommis, (cord.) fag end of a rope; d'essieu, axletree end; faire mordre le , (cord.) to fasten an end down per; de canon, (sm. a.) breech-pin; a clavette, (mach.) collar, collar-pin; de commutateur, (elec.) switch-plug; de contact, (elec.) contact key or plug; bouton coulant, (harn., etc.) sliding button or loop; de culasse, (art.) knob of the cascable; (sm. a.) breech-pin; (r. f. art.) adjusting-ball (Gatline); du cylindre, (sm. a.) lug joining cylinder and bolthead (French, model 1874); ecrou, (sm. a.) firing-pin nut; thumbpiece (nut to which firing-pin is attached in boltguns); d'etai, (cord.) mouse of a stay; farcineux, (hipp.) farcy-bud; de fiche, hinge pin; filete, (sm. a.) threaded (breech) end of a rifle barrel; de fourreau, (sm. a.) bayonet-scabbard tip or button; de manivelle, (mach.) crank-pin; de mire, (art.., sm. a.) front sight; mobile, (harn.) running button; mollete, milled head; en olive, knob, handle; poussoir, firing-button (Maxim machine gun); de reptre, ( Fr. art.) v. s. v. repere; firessort, (elec. etc.) spring-button; de sonnerie, (elec.) bell-push, push-button; de tir, firing-button (Maxim machine gun); de tournevire, (cord.) Turk's head; d, vis, (r. f. art.) screw stud, cascable, cascable button (Gatling, Gardner). boutonner, v. a., to button; (fenc.) to touch, boutonniere, f., buttonhole; (harn.) running- . loop; (unif.) distinctive mark worn on the collar by officers of the territorial army in France; good-conduct badge of military convicts in French army. bouvet, m., (carp.) grooving-plane. bouveter, v. a., (carp.) to tongue and groove, to groove. box, m., loose box (stable). boxe, f., boxing, art of boxing. boxer, v. n., to box. boyau, m., (siege) boyau, zigzag; connecting under a seizing; filete, any threaded end (as, sm. a., of a ramrod); de fourreau, (sm. a.) chape of a scabbard; de'garant, (cord.) fall of a tackle; gros butt end , (of timber); gros du moyeu, hind end of nave; de lance, (sm. a.) shoe or socket of lance; libre, (cord.) a free end of a rope; de madrier, block, skid; de masselotte, (fond.) deadhead; du nez, (hipp.) muzzle; petit du moyeu, fore end of the nave; de pied, (art.) prypole head; & portant, (ball) point-blank. boutant, a., used only with arc. boute, f., water-cask, tub. boute, a., (hipp.) straight-legged; cheval horse whose , legs are straight from knee to coronet. boute-charge, m., (Fr. a.) trumpet call, signal for placing loads on horses or in wagons (train, convoys, and expeditions in Africa; used also by artillery and qavalry and sometimes by infantry in the field). boute, f., (fort, pont., etc.) abutment. boute-en-train, m., (hipp.) stallion turned loose with mares. boute-feu, m.. (art.) linstock (obs.). bouteille, f., bottle; (mach., etc.) any elongated vessel; alimentaire ! (steam) feed apparatus used before invention of Giffard injector; de Leyde, (elec.) Leyden jar; & poudre, (mil. min.) elongated receptacle for charge; en tole, (mil. min.) receptacle for charge, 0.3m in diameter. bouterolle, f.. bushing; snap, snap head of a rivet; riveting set; ward (of alock, key); (sm. a.) escutcheon, bushing, recoil bushing (of a revolver); (sm. a.) fence; (sm. a.) chape of a scabbard; de butee, (art.) prypole bearing (of a de corps deplatine, (sm. a.) fence; de detente, (sm. a.) trigger bushing; d rivet, snap. boute-selle. m., (mil.) boots and saddles (practically obs., Fr. a.) boutisse, f., (mas.) header; (fort.) sod laid headerwise, head-sod. boutoir, m., (/arr.) butteris, buttrice; & guide, butteris used in Charlier system of trench between parallels or places of arms; (mil. min.) small gallery, branch, of a mine; (in gen.) pipe, hose; (hipp.) belly, flank; de communication, de tranchee, (siege) zigzag, trench between parellels, between places of arms. brabant, m., iron strap shoeing. bouton, m., button; stud, lug; knob, handle; (r. /. art.) crank-stud (Hotchkiss); (sm. a.) thumb-piece; threaded end of barrel; (fenc.) button of a foil; d' amorce, (art.) primer-plug (fuse); d'anet } (cord.) any knot limiting motion of ' a loop, slide, etc.; arretoir, (sm. a.) stop; de bielle, (mach.) crank-pin; de bosse, (cord.) knot or crown of a stop- or band; hfourche, forked hold fast; d patte, holdfast, brace, clip. bracelet, m., bracelet, anv ring or circular band (esp. of metal); (sm. a.) band of a sword-' of a bayonet-, scabbard; (art.) loop of a lanyard; - explorateur, (man.) Marey's pneumatic bracelet, for registering gaits by compressed air; pontet, (sm. a.) band and bow of the French infantry rifle (Lebel). bracon, m., strut. brague, f., (nav. and s. c. art.) breeching, breechtackle; de canon, breech-tackle; croc de , breech-tackle hook. braguet, m., (cord.) heel-rope. braguette, f., front opening of trousers; (cord.) heel-rope. brai, m., tar, pitch; rosin; pros, mixture of tar, colophany, and pitch; tar; sec. pitch. braie, f., (fort.) bray, advanced wall projecting from tower over main entrance of fortress (obs.); fausse , (fort.) false bray (obs.). braise, f., (wood) coals. braisine, f., (fond.) molding sand mixed with cow dung. brancard, m., shaft (of a wagon); handbarrow; iron shoe of a drag; (med.) litter, stretcher (for wounded); (art., etc.) side rail (of a caisson, ammunition wagon, etc.); de caisse, wagon-body side bar (in wagons having de hmoniere, q. v.); cheval de , off-wheeler; de limoniere, side rail in prolongation of shafts of certain two-wheelers;

ancard 51 bravoure brancard mobile, shifting shaft. brancardier, m.. litter-bearer, stretcherbearer; - d' ambulance, (Fr. a.) litter-bearer belonging to field hospital (ambulance),' - d'artillerie, (Fr. a.) litter-bearer furnished by musicians of the artillery school; caporal- , ( Fr. a.) corporal in charge of litterbearer. one per battalion; - defrontiere, (Fr. a.) volunteer litter-bearer, to assist medical service and the French Red Cross; - d'infanterie, (Fr. a.) litter-bearer furnished by musicians and reservists. - regimentaire, regimental litter-bearer; sergent- , ( Fr. a.} sergeant in charge of litterbearers, one to each infantry regiment. branche, f., branch; subdivision of a subject; any part of a thing that may be distinguished as a branch; branch, bough, of a tree; leg (of a tripod, of a compass); (harn.) cheek of a bit; (fan.) part of a horseshoe from mamelle to extremity or heel; (fort.) longest side of a crown work, of a horn work; - d'amorce, (expl.) fuse-wire; fuse lead; - ascendante (- descendente) de la trajectoire, (ball.) ascending (descending) branch of the trajectory; - d'avaloire, (harn.) bearing strap; avoir de la - . (hipp.) to have a long neck and shoulders and good withers; bas de la- , (harn.) lower part of bit-cheek; - d'en bas. lower arm of a knee (boats); - de coquille, (sm. a.) bar of a - sword-guard; coudee de ba'ionnette, (sm. a.) bayonet shank; - de crosse, (sm. a.) rear end (toward butt) of trigger-guard plate; - de devant, (sm. a.) fore end of trigger-guard plate; - d'echelle, side, side rail, of a ladder; - d'epee, (sm. a.) basket-hilt; - d'etrier, (harn.) leg or upright of a - stirrup; defer, (fan.) quarter of a norsehoe; - de fortification, (fort.) v.d'ouvrage de fortification; - de garde d'epee, (sm. a.) bow of a sword hilt; ffrande- , (sm. a., r.f. art.) long branch, main branch, of the hammer spring; haut de la - , (harn.) top part of bit-cheek; - de manivelle, (art.) - elevating-screw arm; mobile, v. grande- ; - de mors, (harn.) branch of a bit; cdlde la- , (harn.) eye of a bit-cheek; - d'ouvrage de fortification, (fort.) crest or part of a work more or less normal to the front, (hence) face, etc.; - de percussion, (sm. a.) percussion spring (e. g., French revolver, model 1892); - petite, (sm. a.), r. f. art.) short branch of a hammer spring; de rebondissement, (sm. a.) rebound spring (revolver); - de riviere, (top.) arm of a river; - de sabre, (sm. a.) bow of a sword hilt; - de sous-garde, (sm. a.) - trigger-guard plate; supMeure d'une courbe, standard or upp upper part of a knee (boats) ; - de support de timon, (art.) pole-yoke branch. brancher, v. a., to tie up to a bough; to hang (as a deserter); to connect (tubes, pipes, etc.); (mil. min.) to cause to break out from (e. g., rametmfrom ecoute, qq. v.). brandebourg,m., (unif.) frogs and loops. brand eviii, m., brandy. brandevinier,m., (mil.) sutler (rare). brandir, v. a., to brandish (a saber); (carp) to stay, strengthen. branle, m., impulse, impetus; path of a pendulum regulator; donner, mettre, le - to set in , motion. branle-bas, - de combat, (nav.) clearing for action; faire le- , to clear the decks for action. branler, v. a. n., (mil.) to waver; give away; (in. gen.) to shake loose, move stir ; - au manche, to shake loose in the handle (tools). branloire, f., rock staff (field forge, etc.). braquer, v. a., to fix a telescope, a field glass, on an object; (art.) to lay, traverse, a gun (not used technically); se- sur le mors, (man.) to bore on the bit. bras, m., arm; brace, tie; handle; link (in many; relations); lever, crank-lever; (top.) arm of a river; (mach.) spoke of a pulley); (sm. a.) carrier-plate; carrier-lever; (hipp.) true arm; (r. f. art.) cocking-cam (Hotchkiss); (art.) leg of a gin; fc - en arriere (avant), (art.) by hand to the rear (front); &- francs, (sm. a.) offhand, from the shoulder &- d'hommes,\>y hand; - d'ancre, anchor arm; - d'avaloire, (harn.) hip-strap; - d'aviron, arm or handle of an oar; - de balance, arm of a balance; - de brancard, shaft; --canon, (art.) gun-arm of the WatMn position finder; - de cheval, (hipp.) horse's arm from shoulder to knee; - de chevre, (art.) leg of a gin; - de courbe, leg of a knee (boats); - directeur, (r.f. art.) action lever; double- , (mach.) arm brace; - excentrique, (much.) excentric rod, side rod; - de force, bolt acting as a brace to keep a door or shutter closed or open; - inutiles, useless hands (e. g., in a siege); - de levier lever arm , ; - de limontere, (art. etc.) single shaft; des machines, (mach.) side rod; - de manivelle, (mach.) crank-lever; - de mer. (top.) inlet, arm of the sea; - mort d'une riviere, (top.) stagnant arm; - de point&ge, (art.) elevating arm (esp. in French naval turrets) ; pompe & - , - hand-pump; de rappel, (mach.) righting-lever, radiusrod, bridle-rod; - de riveire, (top.) arm of a river; - de roue, spoke; --support, (mach., etc.) arm, support; - de traverse, (fort.) inclined postern under a traverse. brasage, m., brazing, operation of brazing; hard soldering. braser, v. a., to solder, hard solder; to braze, braze on. brasque, f., (met.) brask, luting. brasquer, v. a. (met.) to lute. brassage, m., (met.) stirring, rabbling. brassard, m. , (unif.) arm-badge; ( Fr. a.) insignia of officers of the service d'etat-major, and of the men of certain services, e. g., drivers, telegraph operators, etc.; - blanc h croix - rouge, de la convention de Geneve, (med.) Geneva cross, red cross. brasse, f., fathom (1.66"). brasser, v. a., (met.) to stir, to mix, rabble. brasseur, m., (met.) puddler, rabbler (workman); - mecanique, mechanical rabbler, puddler. brassiage, m., fathoming; depth of water (ascertained by fathoming). brassicourt, m., (hipp.) horse bandy-legged by nature. brassieres, f., pi., (mil.) knapsack straps, braces. brasure, f., hard soldering; brazing, brazing on or together; seam, suture. brave, a., brave, gallant; m., brave soldier; -& trois polls, true as steel; vieux- , brave veteran. braver, v. a. to brave , face, defy, danger, an enemy, etc. bravoure, f., bravery, courage.

oussole 50 brancard<br />

boussole topographique, surveyor's <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

h, viseur, <strong>com</strong>pass fitted with a sighting<br />

tube.<br />

bout, m., end; extremity, tip, nib; butt;<br />

& , end to end;<br />

de en , from end to end;<br />

pour , end for end;<br />

d'affut, (art.) trail-plate;<br />

Ion , (cord.) hauling part of a warp;<br />

le bon , the lower layer of leather <strong>com</strong>posing<br />

the heel of a shoe;<br />

de cordage, de corde, (cord.) rope's<br />

end; de crosse, (art.) trail-plate;<br />

de crosse-lunette, (art.) trail-plate and<br />

lunette;<br />

de<strong>com</strong>mis, (cord.) fag end of a rope;<br />

d'essieu, axletree end;<br />

faire mordre le , (cord.) to fasten an end down<br />

per; de canon, (sm. a.) breech-pin;<br />

a clavette, (mach.) collar, collar-pin;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>mutateur, (elec.) switch-plug;<br />

de contact, (elec.) contact key or plug;<br />

bouton coulant, (harn., etc.) sliding button or<br />

loop;<br />

de culasse, (art.) knob of the cascable;<br />

(sm. a.) breech-pin; (r. f. art.) adjusting-ball<br />

(Gatline);<br />

du cylindre, (sm. a.) lug joining cylinder<br />

and bolthead (<strong>French</strong>, model 1874);<br />

ecrou, (sm. a.) firing-pin nut; thumbpiece<br />

(nut to which firing-pin is attached in boltguns);<br />

d'etai, (cord.) mouse of a stay;<br />

farcineux, (hipp.) farcy-bud;<br />

de fiche, hinge pin;<br />

filete, (sm. a.) threaded (breech) end of a rifle<br />

barrel;<br />

de fourreau, (sm. a.) bayonet-scabbard tip<br />

or button;<br />

de manivelle, (mach.) crank-pin;<br />

de mire, (art.., sm. a.) front sight;<br />

mobile, (harn.) running button;<br />

mollete, milled head;<br />

en olive, knob, handle;<br />

poussoir, firing-button (Maxim machine<br />

gun);<br />

de reptre, ( Fr. art.) v. s. v. repere;<br />

firessort, (elec. etc.) spring-button;<br />

de sonnerie, (elec.) bell-push, push-button;<br />

de tir, firing-button (Maxim machine<br />

gun);<br />

de tournevire, (cord.) Turk's head;<br />

d, vis, (r. f. art.) screw stud, cascable, cascable<br />

button (Gatling, Gardner).<br />

boutonner, v. a., to button; (fenc.) to touch,<br />

boutonniere, f., buttonhole; (harn.) running-<br />

. loop; (unif.) distinctive mark worn on the<br />

collar by officers of the territorial army in<br />

France; good-conduct badge of military convicts<br />

in <strong>French</strong> army.<br />

bouvet, m., (carp.) grooving-plane.<br />

bouveter, v. a., (carp.) to tongue and groove, to<br />

groove.<br />

box, m., loose box (stable).<br />

boxe, f., boxing, art of boxing.<br />

boxer, v. n., to box.<br />

boyau, m., (siege) boyau, zigzag; connecting<br />

under a seizing;<br />

filete, any threaded end (as, sm. a., of a<br />

ramrod);<br />

de fourreau, (sm. a.) chape of a scabbard;<br />

de'garant, (cord.) fall of a tackle;<br />

gros butt end , (of timber);<br />

gros du moyeu, hind end of nave;<br />

de lance, (sm. a.) shoe or socket of<br />

lance;<br />

libre, (cord.)<br />

a<br />

free end of a rope;<br />

de madrier, block, skid;<br />

de masselotte, (fond.) deadhead;<br />

du nez, (hipp.) muzzle;<br />

petit du moyeu, fore end of the nave;<br />

de pied, (art.) prypole head;<br />

& portant, (ball) point-blank.<br />

boutant, a., used only with arc.<br />

boute, f., water-cask, tub.<br />

boute, a., (hipp.) straight-legged;<br />

cheval horse whose , legs are straight from<br />

knee to coronet.<br />

boute-charge, m., (Fr. a.) trumpet call, signal<br />

for placing loads on horses or in wagons (train,<br />

convoys, and expeditions in Africa; used also<br />

by artillery and qavalry and sometimes by<br />

infantry in the field).<br />

boute, f., (fort, pont., etc.) abutment.<br />

boute-en-train, m., (hipp.) stallion turned loose<br />

with mares.<br />

boute-feu, m.. (art.) linstock (obs.).<br />

bouteille, f., bottle; (mach., etc.) any elongated<br />

vessel;<br />

alimentaire<br />

! (steam) feed apparatus used<br />

before invention of Giffard injector;<br />

de Leyde, (elec.) Leyden jar;<br />

& poudre, (mil. min.) elongated receptacle<br />

for charge;<br />

en tole, (mil. min.) receptacle for charge,<br />

0.3m in diameter.<br />

bouterolle, f.. bushing; snap, snap head of a<br />

rivet; riveting set; ward (of alock, key); (sm. a.)<br />

escutcheon, bushing, recoil bushing (of a<br />

revolver); (sm. a.) fence; (sm. a.) chape of a<br />

scabbard;<br />

de butee, (art.) prypole bearing (of a<br />

de corps deplatine, (sm. a.) fence;<br />

de detente, (sm. a.) trigger bushing;<br />

d rivet, snap.<br />

boute-selle. m., (mil.) boots and saddles (practically<br />

obs., Fr. a.)<br />

boutisse, f., (mas.) header; (fort.) sod laid headerwise,<br />

head-sod.<br />

boutoir, m., (/arr.) butteris, buttrice;<br />

& guide, butteris used in Charlier system of<br />

trench between parallels or places of arms;<br />

(mil. min.) small gallery, branch, of a mine;<br />

(in gen.) pipe, hose; (hipp.) belly, flank;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>munication, de tranchee, (siege)<br />

zigzag, trench between parellels, between places<br />

of arms.<br />

brabant, m., iron strap<br />

shoeing.<br />

bouton, m., button; stud, lug; knob, handle;<br />

(r. /. art.) crank-stud (Hotchkiss); (sm. a.)<br />

thumb-piece; threaded end of barrel; (fenc.)<br />

button of a foil;<br />

d' amorce, (art.) primer-plug (fuse);<br />

d'anet<br />

} (cord.) any knot limiting motion of<br />

'<br />

a loop, slide, etc.;<br />

arretoir, (sm. a.) stop;<br />

de bielle, (mach.) crank-pin;<br />

de bosse, (cord.) knot or crown of a stop-<br />

or band;<br />

hfourche, forked hold fast;<br />

d patte, holdfast, brace, clip.<br />

bracelet, m., bracelet, anv ring or circular band<br />

(esp. of metal); (sm. a.) band of a sword-' of a<br />

bayonet-, scabbard; (art.) loop of a lanyard;<br />

-<br />

explorateur, (man.) Marey's pneumatic<br />

bracelet, for registering gaits by <strong>com</strong>pressed<br />

air;<br />

pontet, (sm. a.) band and bow of the <strong>French</strong><br />

infantry rifle (Lebel).<br />

bracon, m., strut.<br />

brague, f., (nav. and s. c. art.) breeching, breechtackle;<br />

de canon, breech-tackle;<br />

croc de , breech-tackle hook.<br />

braguet, m., (cord.) heel-rope.<br />

braguette, f., front opening of trousers; (cord.)<br />

heel-rope.<br />

brai, m., tar, pitch; rosin;<br />

pros, mixture of tar, colophany, and pitch;<br />

tar;<br />

sec. pitch.<br />

braie, f., (fort.) bray, advanced wall projecting<br />

from tower over main entrance of fortress<br />

(obs.);<br />

fausse , (fort.) false bray (obs.).<br />

braise, f., (wood) coals.<br />

braisine, f., (fond.) molding sand mixed with<br />

cow dung.<br />

brancard, m., shaft (of a wagon); handbarrow;<br />

iron shoe of a drag; (med.) litter, stretcher<br />

(for wounded); (art., etc.) side rail (of a caisson,<br />

ammunition wagon, etc.);<br />

de caisse, wagon-body side bar (in wagons<br />

having de hmoniere, q. v.);<br />

cheval de , off-wheeler;<br />

de limoniere, side rail in prolongation of<br />

shafts of certain two-wheelers;

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