A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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atiniciit 38 batterie<br />

bailment militaire, (mil.) any building used for<br />

service purposes by the regular establishment;<br />

neutre, neutral vessel;<br />

' d' observation, lookout ship;<br />

parlementaire, cartel vessel;<br />

plongeur, submarine boat;<br />

pour la pose des cables, cable-ship;<br />

a tourelles, turret ship;<br />

de transport pour les troupes, troop ship;<br />

& vapeur, steamship.<br />

baton, m., stick, baton, marshal's baton; (/me.)<br />

singlestick;<br />

lire reduit au bla'nc, to be ruined, in extremities;<br />

sortir d'une place le blanc b, la main, (mil.)<br />

to depart -without arms or baggage;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>mandement, truncheon;<br />

court , (fenc.) sort of half-pike or staff;<br />

d'enseigne, (nav.) flagstaff;<br />

de Jacob, (inst.) Jacob's staff;<br />

de marechal, (mil.) marshal's baton;<br />

& meche, (art.) linstock (obs.);<br />

de mesure, (mus.) baton of band leader;<br />

de pavilion, (nav.) flagstaff;<br />

de soufre, roll of sulphur;<br />

a surfaix, (hipp.) sort of surcingle twitch.<br />

batonnee, -<br />

f., d'eau, throw of a pump.<br />

batonner, v. a., to beat with a stick; to strike<br />

out (a word, a line, etc.).<br />

batonnet, m., short stick; (hipp.) blood stick;<br />

(art.) grooved stick to facilitate explosion of<br />

bursting charge in shells.<br />

battage, m., beating (as in making pise); driving<br />

(of piles); (met.) beating, striking; (powd.)<br />

stamping.<br />

bat ta nt, m., leaf (of a door); bell-clapper; fly (of<br />

a flag); stile (of a window frame); (mach.) movable<br />

or oscillating frame (e. g., in a copying<br />

lathe, touches the model and moves toward<br />

or from work as needed); (nav.) sufficiency of<br />

free-board, <strong>com</strong>mand; (sm. a.) swivel;<br />

de crosse, (sm. a.) stock-, butt-swivel;<br />

& deux s, folding (of doors);<br />

de grenadi&re, (sm. a.) middle band<br />

swivel;<br />

meneau, inner stile (of a window frame);<br />

de noix, outer stile (of a window frame);<br />

de pavilion, fly of a flag;<br />

d'une poulie, pay of a pulley;<br />

de sous-garde, (sm. a.) lower band swivel.<br />

battant, a., at work, going; (nav.) fit'or ready for<br />

battle (of a ship);<br />

mener . (mil.) to pursue a defeated enemy<br />

close and hard;<br />

pluie e, pelting rain;<br />

porte e, swing-door;<br />

tambour -<br />

, (mil.) with drums beating, by beat<br />

of drum;<br />

sortir tambour , (mil.) to march out with<br />

the honors of war;<br />

vaisseau de guerre bien , (nav.) ship in which<br />

the guns are well served.<br />

batte, f.. rammer, beetle; (harn.) peak or bow of<br />

a saddle; knee-puff; (sm. a.) sputcheon (of a<br />

scabbard);<br />

d'armes,. de la cuvette, (sm. a.) sputcheon;<br />

& bourrer, tamper, earth-rammer ;<br />

de selle d la hussarde, (harn.) fore peak of a<br />

hussar saddle.<br />

battellement, m., (cons.) eaves, eaves-course (of<br />

a roof).<br />

batlenient, m., beating, stamping; oscillation;<br />

(art.) balloting of projectile in s. b. guns, indentation<br />

made by balloting in s. b. guns,<br />

(r. r.) long interval of time between departures<br />

of consecutive trains; (in gen.) any interval<br />

of time necessary to the good working of the<br />

line, e. g., interval between arrival of troops<br />

at a station and departure; (fenc.) beat of point<br />

on point;<br />

a'epee, (fenc.) act of striking adversary's<br />

blade, to remove it from the line of the<br />

body;<br />

de tambour, beating of a drum.<br />

batterie, f., (art., fort.) battery (unit of organization;<br />

the guns themselves, the personnel;<br />

work or emplacement); (nav.) ship's battery;<br />

(elec.) battery; (sm. a., r. f. art.) lock; (mil.)<br />

call or signal (drum); drum corps (of a regiment,<br />

etc.), (obs.); (powd.) set of mortars and<br />

pestles (obs.).<br />

I. Battery in respect of functions;<br />

II. Battery in respect of site or of nature<br />

of emplacement; III. Miscellaneous.<br />

I. Battery in respect of functions:<br />

batterie, d'Afrique, (Fr. art.) battery, serving, or<br />

for service, in Africa;<br />

d'approche, (siege) battery of second ar-<br />

tillery position;<br />

d'attague, attacking battery; testing battery,<br />

proving-ground battery;<br />

attelee, horsed battery (field or horse);<br />

de bombardement, battery to deliver highangle<br />

fire, shelling battery (esp. in sieges<br />

against broad targets, e. g., towns, magazines,<br />

storehouses, etc.); (in gen.) any battery<br />

that assists in a bombardment; (s. c.<br />

art.) a battery armed with guns for high-angle<br />

fire;<br />

de br&che, (siege) breaching battery;<br />

de bricole, oblique battery, one delivering an<br />

oblique fire;<br />

s par camarade, batteries uniting their fire on<br />

the same target;<br />

de campagne, field battery;<br />

de cavalerie, horse battery;<br />

s en chapelet, cross-fire batteries;<br />

a cheval, horse battery;<br />

de circonstance, (siege) battery constructed<br />

when and where needed, in the defense of a<br />

fortified position (classed with the reserve<br />

generale, q. v.);<br />

circulaire, (nav.) floating battery (circular);<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat, (Fr. art.) subdivision of a field<br />

battery, on a war footing (horse or mounted)<br />

with respect to marches and <strong>com</strong>bats, consisting<br />

of the first 8 pieces, q. v., that is, 6 guns,<br />

9 caiss9ns, the battery wagon, and the forge;<br />

subdivision of a mountain battery on a war<br />

footing, consisting of the 6 guns, and various<br />

accessory supplies and the necessary personnel:<br />

(see supplement];<br />

a la Congreve, rocket battery;<br />

contre- , (siege) counter-battery, directfire<br />

battery, esp. such a battery established<br />

in the crowning of the covered way;<br />

de corps, battery forming part of the corps<br />

artillery;<br />

s croisees, cross-fire batteries;<br />

de debarquement, (nav.) landing battery;<br />

de demolition, (siege) demolition battery,<br />

whose fire is directed against case-mates,<br />

redoubts, and other masonry constructions;<br />

b, demonter, (siege) battery whose special<br />

business it is to dismount the guns on the work<br />

fired at, counter-battery;<br />

deuxfeme , (siege) extra battery put up when<br />

third parallel masked the premiere batlcrie,<br />

q. v. (obs.);<br />

directe, (siege) battery whose line of fire<br />

is normal to line fired at (synonym of a<br />

demonter) ;<br />

divisionnaire, battery forming part<br />

of the<br />

divisional artillery;<br />

d'echarpe, en echarpe, (siege) battery<br />

whose line of fire is oblique to line fired at ;<br />

de deuxieme echelon, (siege) battery somewhat<br />

in advance of first artillery position;<br />

d'encadrement, name formerly applied to<br />

battery ac<strong>com</strong>panying infantry in its advance<br />

on hostile position;<br />

d' enfilade, enfilading battery (esp. of a<br />

siege);<br />

fixe, battery fixed in position (as distinguished<br />

from mobile), permanent battery<br />

(seacoast, etc.);<br />

flanquante, de flanquement, (fort.) flanking<br />

battery;<br />

flottante, (nav..s. c.) floating battery;<br />

de France,, (Fr. art.) battery serving, or for<br />

service, in France;<br />

defusees, rocket battery;

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