A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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seringue 572 sous-commissaire seringue, f., syringe; (mil. slang) gun; ft graisse, lubricating syringe. serment, m., oath; pretcr entre Us mains de, to take an oath before (an officer, etc.) to be sworn by (an officer, etc). serpent, m., serpent; (aero.) thick rope (used in balloon maneuvers). serrage, m., (mach.) setting (as of a brake); tightening; & coulisse, slipping adjustment (said of two bands, one slipping on the other, like the chin strap of a forage cap); d, refus, (mach.) setting, tightening "home" (of a screw, nut, etc.). serrer, v. t., (mil.) to close up; unfrein & bloc, (mach.) to brake home all at once; & refus, (mach.) to set "home" a nut, screw, etc. serre-rail(s), m., (r. r.) rail plate. servante, f., (art.) carriage prop (155 C.). service, m., service; duty; ambulant, (adm.) railway-mail service; arme, (mil.) the military service in or for a government, as distinguished from the nonmilitary service; auxiliaire, (mil.) nonmilitary duty (performed by soldiers); en campagne, (mil.) tactical problems in the field (Saumur); de chancellerie, (mil.) (in general staff, etc.) paper work; commande. (mil.) duty covered by orders; & court (long) terme, (mil.) short (long) service; d'ccoute, (mil.) listening service (for air planes calling stations without previous agreement); tre pris par le , (mil.) to be on duty; d' exploitation, (r. r., etc.) operation, service of operation; extreme urgence, (mil.) on a telegram, means that it has precedence over all others. d'honncur, (mil.) the duty performed by troops paraded to receive a king or dignitary; de jour, (nuit), (r. r.) day (night) trains; d'ordre, (mil., etc.) duty of maintaining public order; the troops, police, turned out to maintain order; de sante, (mil.) sanitary service; de surveillance, (mil.) lookout duty; dcs verifications, (art.) ammunition-inspection department. servir, v. n., to be in use. servo-moteur, in., (mach.) servo-motor, sevrage, m., weaning. sevrer, v. t., to wean. shunter, v. t., (elcc.) to shunt. sidi, m., (mil. slang) the Arabs and Berbers of North Africa, siege, m.. seat; social, (com.) main office. sifSLet, m., whistle; en , (in gen., cons.) skew, bevel-wise. signal, m., signal; (artif.) signal (i. e., device of a rocket, flag, caterpillar, star, etc.)-; d'arrlt, (r. r.) stopping signal; aux d'avertissement, warning signals, apparatus to produce same; aux Morse, (mil.sig.) Morse alphabet; par panneaux, (mil.) panel signal; parasite, (wireless) interfering message, or signal; de reconnaissance, (mil.) answering signal, signal of reception (e. g., from a battery to an airplane); de separation, signal made between ciphered messages. signalisation, f., (mil.) signaling, signalizing; par artifices, signaling by rockets, by fireworks; & bras, arm signaling; optique, visual signaling; par fjanneaux, panel signaling. signe, m., sign; du temps, weather indication or sign. silencieux, m., (mach.) muffler, silencer. singe, m., monkey; (mil. slang) canned meat, tinned meat. sinis trO, m., victim of a sinistre. sismographe, m., (inst.) seismograph (also spelled seismographe) . sismomicrophone, m., (mil. min.) long distance listener (device), mine stethoscope. sismote'thoscope, m., (mil.) listening device (ecouteur); mine stethoscope. site, m., site; secteur de , (art.) site angle sector (scale); tambour de , (art.) site angle drum (scale). sitogonomifctre, m., (art.) sitogoniometer (for measuring angles of site). sitomfctre, m., (art.) sitometer (for measuring angles of site). situation, f., situation; (mil.) report; de prise d'armes, (mil.) (return of troops, setting out on a march, a duty) field return. situation-rapport, f., (mil.) return; des cinq jours, ( Fr. a.) five-day return. situer, v. t., to locate. ski, m., ski. skieur, m., ski-runner. soir, m., late afternoon; evening. sol, m.', soil; ferre, hard soil (e. g., surface of a hard road). soldat, m., soldier; petits s, (Fr. a.) "little soldiers" as a term of endearment; de rang, (lit. soldier in the ranks) soldier unable to fight usefully when not under the direct orders of his officers, soldier accustomed to fight in the ranks only, routine soldier. soldat-citoyen, m., (mil.) militia man (in bad sense). soldat-mucisien, m., (mil.) bandsman. solde, f., (com.) balance of accounts; de campagne, ( Fr. nav.) campaign pay. soleil, m., sun; faire le grand , (mil. slang) to have one's horse turn a somersault. solidaire, a., solidary; de, (mach., etc.) integral with. sortie, f., exit, departure; (mach.) outlet, discharge (pipe); les s, (com.) expenses, outgo. souder, v. t., to solder; d I'autogene, to burn on, to solder autogenously. soufllage, m., blowing, blast; d'etincelles, (elec.) blow out (magnetic). souffle, m., wind, breath; & bout de , out of wind, winded. souffler, v. n., (mach.) to blow. soufflet, m., (slang) gore or gusset (let into a coat to increase its girth). soulager, v. t., (mach.) to release, ease (a valve). soulier, m., shoe; bas, low shoe; & lacets, lace shoe. soupape, f., (mach.) valve; d'air additionnel, extra-air valve (auto.); annulaire, annular valve ; de "jampement," (aero.) station valve (admission of air, dirigible moored at a campement) ; de chargement, charging valve; commandee, mechanically controlled valve; & levec variable, variable lift valve; de prise d'air, air inlet valve. sourdine, f., (wireless) damper. sous-coimnlssaire, m., (mil.) member of a sozw commission, q. v.

sous-groupement 573 tablcr sous-groupement, m., (Fr. art.) subgroup (v. groupement). sous-marin, m., (nav.) submarine; coupe-filet, wire-cutting submarine; defensif, coast-defense submarine; offensif, sea-going submarine. sous-produit, m., by-product. sous-quartier, m., (mil.) the terrain held by a company. sous-secteur, m., (mil.) sub-sector, fraction of a secteur, q. v., held by a brigade or a regiment. spnerique, m., (aero.) spherical balloon. spire, f., (elec.) turn (of a winding); dcmi , half turn of a helix, of a spiral. spruce, m., spruce (tree and wood). stabilisateur, m., (aero.) elevator (improper name), stabilizer; (cxpl.) stabilizer (e. g., ether, acetone); fixe, fixed tail plane. stabilisation, f., (art.) waiting situation (bef9re action on either offensive or defensive); (mil.) (state or condition of) passivity, as opposed to combat. stability f., stability; de direction, v. de route; en hauteur, (aero.) vertical stability; latcrale, (aero.) lateral stability; longitudinale, (aero.) longitudinal stability; propre, (aero.) inherent, natural stability; de route, (aero.) directional stability. stand, m., (t. p.) firing point (of a rifle range). station, f., station; d'acrostat, (aero.) (captive) balloon station, (sieges) ; balneaire, watering place, seaside resort, springs; de monte, (hipp.) stand; radiotelegraphiquc, (wireless) wireless station; receptrice, (mil.) receiving station; santtaire, quarantine station; de telegraphic sans fil legere, wireless cart; tcte d'etapes de guerre, (mil, r. r.) railhead; volanie, traveling or mobile station (e. g., of wireless telegraphy). stationnement, m., stopping, standing; point de , (aero.) balloon station. statoscope, m., (aero.) statoscope. statist, m., by-law, rule or regulation of a corporation, of a commercial company. staufter, m., (mach.) compression grease cup. stereo-jumelles, f., pi., stereoscopic field glass. stethoscope, m., (med.) stethoscope; (mil.) (listening device, mining) stethoscope. a air, (mil. min.) air stethoscope; ft can, (mil. min.) water stethoscope (may be a canteen on the ground). stock, m., stock; roulant, (r.r.) rolling stock. Stoppage, m., stopping (of au engine, ship, torpedo, etc.). stopper, v. t., to stop (trains, ships, machinery). strabisme, m., strabismus. strapontin, m., folding seat, camp chair. tabac, m., tobacco; mauvais , (mil. slang) bad business, bad affair, "bad medicine." table, f., table; table (e. g., of logarithms); de chargement, (art.) loading table (155 C. T.R.); pratique de tir, (art.) service range table; de tir & charges constantes, (art.) single charge range table; de tir complete, (art.) ballistic range table (gives ail ballistic elements); de tir d. double (simple) entree, (art.) double (single) entry range table. T. stylographe, m., stylograph. submersible, m., (nav.) submersible boat. subsistance, f., subsistence; prendre en , (mil.) to subsist. sulfatation, f., (elec.) sulphation (of a storage battery). sulfater, v. r., (elec.) to sulphate (storage battery). support, m., support; pivotant, (mach. gun) top carriage (tripod mount); de pointage et d'armement, (art.) aiming and cocking bracket. surboche, m., (slang) a double-dyed boche. surt'paisseur, f., extra thickness. surete, f., an abbreviation of la police de surete; generale, public safety; measures for public safety; personnel responsible for public safety. surface, f., surface; d'appui, (trench art.), (vertical) bearing surface (of a platform, e. g., 240 L. T.); portante, (aero.) bearing surface, wing; de refroidiszement, (mach.) cooling surface (e.g., of a radiator); s verticales, (aero.) keel plane area. 1 sursature, a., supersatured. surveillance, f., (mil., aero.) observation of a sector; point de , (art.) (point on which a batter ie en surveillance, q. v., is laid) point under observation; position de , v. s. v. position. surveillant, m., watchman; militaire, (mil.) military sentry (as at a palace). survol, m., (aero.) flight. watchman; i. e., survoler, v. t., (aero.) to fly over (as a zone). sus-bande, f., (art., mach. gun) cap square; & ckarniere, hinged cap.square; d rotation, rotating cap square. suspension, f., hanging lamp; (aero.) method of suspending the car (balloon and dirigible), suspension; (auto., etc.) springs, spring mounting (of a vehicle); captive, the suspension of a captive balloon; cerclede , hoop; libre, (the suspension of a free balloon) free suspension; en triangle, (aero.) triangular suspension (dirigibles, indeformable). suspensoir, m., (med.) suspensory. suspente, f., (aero.) suspending cords (spherical balloon and dirigible), suspension wire. sustentateur, m., (aero.) the same as planeur, q. v. syntonie, f., (wireless) syntomsrn. syntonisation, f., (wireless) tuning, syntonization; bobine de , tuning coil. syntoniser, v. t., (wireless) to tune, syntonize. systemeD^m., (mil.fam.)systeme de la debrouille, i. e., system whose object is to make the trenches, lines, etc., as comfortable as possible by showing resourcefulness under difficult conditions. tableau, m., dashboard (of a motor car); annonciatcur, (telephone) annunciator; annonciateur & n directions, n-drop annunciator; de concours, (Fr. a.) list of competing candidates for Legion of Honor, etc. ; & n directions, (telephone) an n-line switchboard; monocorde, (telephone) plug switch annunciator; de parafoudres, (telephone) lightning arrester; d reglettes, (telephone) zinc-strip annunciator. tabler, v. n., to count upon.

sous-groupement 573 tablcr<br />

sous-groupement, m., (Fr. art.) subgroup (v.<br />

groupement).<br />

sous-marin, m., (nav.) submarine;<br />

coupe-filet, wire-cutting submarine;<br />

defensif, coast-defense submarine;<br />

offensif, sea-going submarine.<br />

sous-produit, m., by-product.<br />

sous-quartier, m., (mil.) the terrain held by a<br />

<strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

sous-secteur, m., (mil.) sub-sector, fraction of a<br />

secteur, q. v., held by a brigade or a regiment.<br />

spnerique, m., (aero.) spherical balloon.<br />

spire, f., (elec.) turn (of a winding);<br />

dcmi , half turn of a helix, of a spiral.<br />

spruce, m., spruce (tree and wood).<br />

stabilisateur, m., (aero.) elevator (improper<br />

name), stabilizer; (cxpl.) stabilizer (e. g., ether,<br />

acetone);<br />

fixe, fixed tail plane.<br />

stabilisation, f., (art.) waiting situation (bef9re<br />

action on either offensive or defensive); (mil.)<br />

(state or condition of) passivity, as opposed to<br />

<strong>com</strong>bat.<br />

stability f., stability;<br />

de direction, v. de route;<br />

en hauteur, (aero.) vertical stability;<br />

latcrale, (aero.) lateral stability;<br />

longitudinale, (aero.) longitudinal stability;<br />

propre, (aero.) inherent, natural stability;<br />

de route, (aero.) directional stability.<br />

stand, m., (t. p.) firing point (of a rifle range).<br />

station, f., station;<br />

d'acrostat, (aero.) (captive) balloon station,<br />

(sieges) ;<br />

balneaire, watering place, seaside resort,<br />

springs;<br />

de monte, (hipp.) stand;<br />

radiotelegraphiquc, (wireless) wireless station;<br />

receptrice, (mil.) receiving station;<br />

santtaire, quarantine station;<br />

de telegraphic sans fil legere, wireless cart;<br />

tcte d'etapes de guerre, (mil, r. r.) railhead;<br />

volanie, traveling or mobile station (e. g., of<br />

wireless telegraphy).<br />

stationnement, m., stopping, standing;<br />

point de , (aero.) balloon station.<br />

statoscope, m., (aero.) statoscope.<br />

statist, m., by-law, rule or regulation of a corporation,<br />

of a <strong>com</strong>mercial <strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

staufter, m., (mach.) <strong>com</strong>pression grease cup.<br />

stereo-jumelles, f., pi., stereoscopic field glass.<br />

stethoscope, m., (med.) stethoscope; (mil.)<br />

(listening device, mining) stethoscope.<br />

a air, (mil. min.) air stethoscope;<br />

ft can, (mil. min.) water stethoscope (may be<br />

a canteen on the ground).<br />

stock, m., stock;<br />

roulant, (r.r.) rolling stock.<br />

Stoppage, m., stopping (of au engine, ship, torpedo,<br />

etc.).<br />

stopper, v. t., to stop (trains, ships, machinery).<br />

strabisme, m., strabismus.<br />

strapontin, m., folding seat, camp chair.<br />

tabac, m., tobacco;<br />

mauvais , (mil. slang) bad business, bad affair,<br />

"bad medicine."<br />

table, f., table; table (e. g., of logarithms);<br />

de chargement, (art.) loading table (155<br />

C. T.R.);<br />

pratique de tir, (art.) service range table;<br />

de tir & charges constantes, (art.) single charge<br />

range table;<br />

de tir <strong>com</strong>plete, (art.) ballistic range table<br />

(gives ail ballistic elements);<br />

de tir d. double (simple) entree, (art.) double<br />

(single) entry range table.<br />

T.<br />

stylographe, m., stylograph.<br />

submersible, m., (nav.) submersible boat.<br />

subsistance, f., subsistence;<br />

prendre en , (mil.) to subsist.<br />

sulfatation, f., (elec.) sulphation (of a storage<br />

battery).<br />

sulfater, v. r., (elec.) to sulphate (storage battery).<br />

support, m., support;<br />

pivotant, (mach. gun) top carriage (tripod<br />

mount);<br />

de pointage et d'armement, (art.) aiming and<br />

cocking bracket.<br />

surboche, m., (slang) a double-dyed boche.<br />

surt'paisseur, f., extra thickness.<br />

surete, f., an abbreviation of la police de surete;<br />

generale, public safety; measures for public<br />

safety; personnel responsible for public safety.<br />

surface, f., surface;<br />

d'appui, (trench art.), (vertical) bearing surface<br />

(of a platform, e. g., 240 L. T.);<br />

portante, (aero.) bearing surface, wing;<br />

de refroidiszement, (mach.) cooling surface<br />

(e.g., of a radiator);<br />

s verticales, (aero.) keel plane area.<br />

1<br />

sursature,<br />

a., supersatured.<br />

surveillance, f., (mil., aero.) observation of a<br />

sector;<br />

point de , (art.) (point on which a batter ie en<br />

surveillance, q. v., is laid) point under observation;<br />

position de , v. s. v. position.<br />

surveillant, m., watchman;<br />

militaire, (mil.) military<br />

sentry (as at a palace).<br />

survol, m., (aero.) flight.<br />

watchman; i. e.,<br />

survoler, v. t., (aero.) to fly over (as a zone).<br />

sus-bande, f., (art., mach. gun) cap square;<br />

& ckarniere, hinged cap.square;<br />

d rotation, rotating cap square.<br />

suspension, f., hanging lamp; (aero.) method of<br />

suspending the car (balloon and dirigible),<br />

suspension; (auto., etc.) springs, spring mounting<br />

(of a vehicle);<br />

captive, the suspension of a captive balloon;<br />

cerclede , hoop;<br />

libre, (the suspension of a free balloon) free<br />

suspension;<br />

en triangle, (aero.) triangular suspension<br />

(dirigibles, indeformable).<br />

suspensoir, m., (med.) suspensory.<br />

suspente, f., (aero.) suspending cords (spherical<br />

balloon and dirigible), suspension wire.<br />

sustentateur, m., (aero.) the same as planeur,<br />

q. v.<br />

syntonie, f., (wireless) syntomsrn.<br />

syntonisation, f., (wireless) tuning, syntonization;<br />

bobine de , tuning coil.<br />

syntoniser, v. t., (wireless) to tune, syntonize.<br />

systemeD^m., (mil.fam.)systeme de la debrouille,<br />

i. e., system whose object is to make the<br />

trenches, lines, etc., as <strong>com</strong>fortable as possible<br />

by showing resourcefulness under difficult<br />

conditions.<br />

tableau, m., dashboard (of a motor car);<br />

annonciatcur, (telephone) annunciator;<br />

annonciateur & n directions, n-drop annunciator;<br />

de concours, (Fr. a.) list of <strong>com</strong>peting candidates<br />

for Legion of Honor, etc. ;<br />

& n directions, (telephone) an n-line switchboard;<br />

monocorde, (telephone) plug switch annunciator;<br />

de parafoudres, (telephone) lightning arrester;<br />

d reglettes, (telephone) zinc-strip annunciator.<br />

tabler, v. n., to count upon.

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